Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894 Page: 13 of 16

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am rAiit imiuu
Mnnsoii Klectcd President for
Kibe Knsulnn Term Hon te to
Get tli Seat Auuunl
irrit at fin Tan tYlJav July 12
lie 4ua autui mce iln and air of
i relets mate nuruuuuuiai
L brvujtht to a ntuiig cloae in the
i mir vmrrtlii na iiieetlliif a k
lie km Mt fief a disappointment to th
iDers on COiuns vi wie Bui
F tr ihiii Iilrfl illl 1A tliu
buns tnee oa uiitrent rallroauv
tit- aa the educational i oat ure were
th mttnwrs and tne oitioUl reports
me l contain several
lied papers periu ituig iu Horticulture
atifTtduica yesterday wai
y smait uu iiu Udubt to thf fact tnat
iJrena lMy uas Vting oelebratea at
9 BOCitri wb paueu io oraer prompi
t o JU oclock Chairman Uoweit nuioj
l oy rtruen n huu uppoiniPU me ioi
injr committee on finance Q OnJer
711 U HUherniU C V WovU
conJ Vic lrestint C 1alkuer was
l td the chair and Hnnounred the
taiB of the netretarys report the flmt
r 01 OUBiuvn
crftary liuifman ubnittted hi report
tie two years Mcginning JUiy is jbu
enuuiK jmy u joi fuiiowui ure
from lt
amount collctfl to Jan 1693 103 Cj
mount esuended to Jan I IMS nt 7
juni on hand January 1 1833 11 K
amount collected to July IS ISM 77 to
amount expended to July 13 1891 63 W
the au committer have es
ned the books and papera of the
etary and And the above report
mis jui p
II II lllllyer
e Hfcrefary aI3o reported that he had
Itrn and answered over 00 lettera
i rnlnr the ROCltv nn tinrttiiltiiM
Frextfl On the request of Hon W
lames or usun me nop culture In
State was tntestlffated and reported
tilnr Mention tvn rvlnrail nn ih
lint of Hon ChHrles Otrtien of Sin
I nil Iacta on Texas tobacco were
I cted
I mention waa made In the report of
I rat Initltutea that wri nitsni
Ithe aerretary on behalf of tho so
the committee of agriculture of the
i irmoitiiuiB iHuawi w upecia iy pro
the law creatine the au rlf nUumi
ttrtmftit of the mate make that he
oi me tominisaioncr ot agriculture
tionorflbl comm lap loner of arrU
ure submitted our report to the
tinr Doarn under this law and It
rimei ko caune iriven The comn
r treasurer and altornej general of
Htate ronstltute this board The
Ions held by your secretary on these
-Von a- ly expressed by him
he Fort Worth Gazette of Jnir L
it the last State fair JM orphans of
uh the horticultural department yuntv passed
tWnk this society shoul l tike Borne
nl notion to commemorate the
ISSltOn Of William Watnn am
ion lit behalf In providing th hortl
ural luxuries to the orphahs
iv m dit iiini i i nvr not in nnv
fi It that thin nt iJ2Al
Eme for anything I hnve don frs it
s on lis hs been a 4Hlht
1C SJ nway reel under
t0ih y a2d t rnmbfrV for
T aid DOS ble and If th l71
riljr I li ipwuiiv to think iur
Idmt for favor and nMi
mr tnn evp bloom il ianJ wrB
1 W nmie It Is kll for tho
1 fixv17K A r
JlhW4 ut1 l aoJ
o i tnolion of Mr Ilovtll th
i motion t Mr Muiwn th cretnr7
von pr tnanit rJr t
ri in J5r7WW
JSi1 mil that th
KS knarlniit refrain from
ii aaJ 41 ir JU ui nr UU
n i1 51 mn Hoitit
- n wv iierrat to tti aoclet
r Howell BtKiVL n i a
Sf i l th Pro
lint the
aepMiiUOM 0f orchard wr
ilL1 of Shrmon arplM on
i uni i Ti trmt grower
lt ii i Ail t0 poko on the
li teld that In nil opinion
AP1ProtMtln the fruit
an hr
J vfr itlleie and andale
JiTi k1 Ir Onderdonk alo
iLlT method of deallns vvlUi
wrttaKii r r - v
TSiI Intuition prolectlnit the
tt 51
j r ifr wnru wb
Vhi71toy everything deatruet
lO llie Vtriulitntu Th mnAlrlflotlr1
V rn destructive elemtnts
ftrWnriJ Tinejaro yet there was a
5W the kl line of that bird
EletV Wwn m order to brlnir the
LJL jt t Uie subject under
ttik ha r wai in executive com-
B D8frnirOered tn nor m n lairiala
icu1 aul wdeavor to have
1 horfe LJ rr r L
juiiunaiw mrougnout rrexas
jland j wui sec onded by Pr A II
o rote to speaK
tlhe by rh He aId lhat u nad n
piWviii viit inc law waa
out uiai it nas the
tt It in lmnl rropoM to how
the fault of th law After
4 It tiCtS nrleulture a ere
a fee thi uw to onect the inrorma
Md t enu The neat leallaturj
Ut P n aepartment from the
IT Jd It III fiIWnltil In Ih
iai f h oommlnloner of
th commlaaloner of
iter of 4 flr e commie
rlctiltyr ine aepartment ot
LiiCV1 a wen a that of c eolocy
aorkTi1 ranoo department
imyrevTJl r tv wouia never
Tarated unu department were
tomsmri11 went Into the election
1r Zl vino f president a
it acica linnn
Ime of - Plfd In nomination the
It 1 Vi lnnAii
uuiiunaiea ur V 1
iiln nominated O OndeMonV
lf1AA Bear t n -
er tkAirtl4 Ii ivirKpatricK
aeraifLWtM tellers and lh tmfiatv
unaonv XTI l icuue1 a rollowa
rdontr Votes nacland 11 vit On
Mcm ti3 t IVarland and
were wit dpwn
n n n i
ev J elected bv pMBni
rTltilnXntref11ri J Vhltaker
w rtnomlnateJ w w viknLii
nj f latea nominated Dr A i naif
OnTJJ eted by a atanjlna Tote
reiorL i l uoin tender
r if thi SliSAr B tUnd an
J member Ii2 P
hJLltliicb Uwi or th Pnn
rtW1HffSln or h rewlutlon
t e nVT lJn roe to tate thM
J irlan li th ia no had no bet
w aocletyfij 5lJtt lhn to It
I th 8 ate tiii m her paper
ihnivj Vv tnourit th -
lMloti ahould S ikJ na apecUJ
made of no paper In
urn aucu a mo
proeeedl of h l e
appearel in Ihe in t11 nav
veeton Dallai aid iifJL Jion tin
K a as pb5brhhAmiff
PUBIliluS ilh
the broeJJi V
trulti aunUon he nomenclature of
fSJ1ea T11 hereafter whateter
SI J10 hl oclety for nay
ment ot premluma hall be paid to the
afUrln nd whatever rema 55
SK rfrlnI Pfnlun hall be tiled to
rhiPliwar lb P of publihlne
the f octet frporta
lhl oclety recoe
SlAue f ni earnet work done
ili luffmani oulr
preient lew
iifl1 d 1 aTMerul appreciation
therefor we tender him a vot of thanks
ii 1olvfd That wo recognise the ea
cellent work done for horticulture by the
Agricultural and Mechanical college par-
ticularly In the atudv nr lnii
gus dlieaaes Injurloui to fruit growing
8 Hesolved That Inasmuch as the
a maie k air anu iMliai exposition
nas fvei been conducted In the Interest
of all the material interest of Texas
and especially of nnrlculture and horti-
culture ne hereby concratulate th
manarement of said fair on their com
p ete success and promise our aid and
co operation in suatalnlnjj and inaklnjt
this enterprise a greater uccss Tn the
Hesohed That we faor a forestry
commission for our State nnd earnestly
uiwii uti4 cnjiiuta uuu rcjrcgiciilll
tlves to tiuh thin maltar at th nf
seulon of our leg lslature In that the
srri nmoer interests ot our state may
be nrtltecteil ami tho tilnnllnr nt fnnat
fruit and nuf bcarlng trees on our treat
u ntimbered belt be furthered thus en-
riching our Btate many hundredfold and
inducing more lavorauit enmauo conai
10 Resolved That we conRrntuate the
People of aco on their cammeiidjblo
enterprise known as the Texas Cotton
iu ace mat we comment ine uroaa
minded liberal and oroiri9mIvB unirli
manifest In the completion and Inauitu
ratlon of the cotton palace Idea that In
our Judgment a successful culmination
of this masnlllcent project v ill great y
ciivvui r U1114 u cuy ine Iii4niuatiur
inr interest of the whole State that
while ve resard cotton as the chief
moiwy prouuci 01 ine state yet ve be
iieve mat any enieroi sa wntcn tends to
cnhiincd its niinufattura will at th
same time ana to tn same extent en-
hance and deveop the cul ure of fruits
and their preparation for market that
we tirtre the mnDers of this society to
place on exhibition there the fruit of
ine garden una orcnaru and unto an
- in rtinri th nnil lOn
After C6natderhl rtlmmi5lnn tint ibi
lutio Beie idopted
a jiiuiiKan on oenati ot tne me-
morial committee HUbmltttxI h TaI
lowlnir renort
wnerenB Mr unane n uiey one ot
the earnest falthfii1 membara of Ihn
Texas Utate Horticultural society was
Mrcciuvii iia wy iruwueu irrtinre va 11
lleuolved That It Is the sincere ex
Sresslon of thlj society that In this
oath we have lost one of our most
earnest sieaaiost woriters in norticu
tural uroareii Mr Kiev was u man
of the purest Wirhest motli es Tne
uananne pium was lniroauceo u
oftpp tottlntr for manv vtara In
fflon and In which It wae Kreat promise
ot superior vaiuc una wjiicn nas ueen
by most of the laadlntr nurserymen in
the United Stages refaredr after
years or tnai as tne nest pium siock
now in use 1 e itici 1111 o imvo iui
talned e creit loaa In Mr nicys death
anil in tjcmetuatlon of his memorv
your committee mocs mil inis memo-
ort anu a cvpy ue urnianxu me icxai
arm ana luncn iur iiuunuaiioii anu
also a like copy be transmitted to the
faintly 01 Jir iey
J uuiiaun
O underdonk
ii IS HUyer
T Ur TTntral annAiiire1 that the cltv
nf luiufiin harl inrmoil Ihe Ollli Coast
ralr and Horticultural society and that
tney mm asKea to pe permutea in suo
mit their premium list to the executive
Tho selection of the next place of
meeting was next taken up
Invitations were read by wire from
Dallas Waco and Howie
D H Watson cordially Invited the
society to meet In llrenham In ISM
J II Haitnou of Urenham read an of
clat Invitation from llrenham from the
city ofilolais i
j 1 nuaaer piacea in nonunm tun
the city of Tyer
lAhn T Tlankin editor of the Ilren
ham Manner seconded the Jnltatlon of
T V Munton of Denlwn spoke in
favor of having- the next fair at Howie
a li Kenton also rpoke for Howie and
argued that North Texas tfhould have
tn next meeting
J M Howell apoke highly of Cren
bam but said it was on top and that
the citizens v ere already educated In
imrilotilture He then seconded the nom
ination of Bowie
C I a inner spoKS in tavor ot aco
on motion of Mr Howell it was de
cided that the two pkrcee tig best in
tne VOie ue Luniiliuru anu ui uiuni
dropped on rlie tlrot ballot
It was required that the city to be
chosen houd receive the majority of
nn mntUrt P J tlltla was Dermltted
to put la nomination the city of Gal-
Vei5rDHaffand and J M Howell were
appointed tellers and the election pro
ceeded as follows
Bowl 11 Urenbanj U Waco U Tyler
fi UaUeston L
While the vote waa being- taken
Colonel TV XI Sloason lnlted tne mem-
bers on their return from Oalyeston
to come byvy of the town of
Howie II nrenham 11 Waco 10
The third ballot resulted In the selec-
tion of Howie by the following vote
ikrol 30 llrenham 18
h l beilton tnaned the society for
lu support and assured them a hearty
we come at Howie
Secretary Huffman stated that the
local committee bavins charge of the
awarding of premluma had sttted that
ihev would meet with him at 5 oclock
to arrange the distributions of the prero
lumi lie thought that aome of the mem
ben Tsnould stay In tho city lament wlUt
ibe local committee and aid him In th
work of arranging the premium Ilel
Siaiested that the work should be done
Svlh esecutlv committee
yMr Howell had a serious objection to
th exeoutlte committee barted
the excirslon lie had decided to
attend rom the iturslon and he thought that
Svse as srsajirwi
VffiYhrhVwoua appoint
if iifolnted conalitea of Secretary
miSVIDr Ragland and a IL Dlaon
fa lrfsuggei ed that the gam com
intruited with the care of the
be of them
kiMiawltli power to dispnie
Wil luVTIi oifeatlon P
motion and adopted
f of
ii form
ilS Vice 1relldent Howill
T lime
At SJ thf aewly led T V Jlun
meJunV 1 ta
ESnto O
K IViimilunson In a most apnronrlat
peech lSLi ctmferred upon him and assured
t had 1o wouW
the meeung th J whflt orlM
to do MS f pr Kagland i vole of
ihccua ti eforS or predmg of
the llT ere alM milted by bo
E HORTICULTURISTS TiirfiftfliSj pr iJmtluou
This however T was aa Mmr
- i rr Hiiih iiri t 7
ia Th u oenaif of hi - I - mac cue npwwn nan enjoyeq
lutioni amend -- fiVl -in 1 touriMv nr th hitm a
TefiLt They c Planer of Ww seated the re-
Texas jn V JArUi tura Society r I1 with a crate of selected fruit
THL Secretary Huffman w particularly
fui i fflWi wtu grate I IKSK lE4jrJ
which It has heLl iii T I Ior n11 n
ample iiSiiVeiin tot tht
premiuias and sJi caTt ic1 11i mi
society uonn the
during the three days meeting he
uiiricii iiit iu niiiuwii iui iiincn
Several of the luecVkuf watrmelona
were en anti uie Riemoera fiixm
selies eamnllnr the dirrerenf ri uita that
noil Deen n loroidaen Deauty during the
iair n n in it wan time io isite mri Mania
re train for AUIn It hb the Intention
to iro as far aa AH In and atav far
the afternoon continuing to Halve ton on
the eeniit tniln where Ihey woull slay
until today The return Is to be by vny
of Hitchcock where the member will
ilt their ex president H M
Tim nnvTii hoii
W It JnbnUe
llrenham Texas July If At his home
In the afiitthak n rort nf th nl A
Ocliirk taut Venlnt Mr Tl InhnVe
an gw anu respecieu vitisen oi mil city
urrauiru ma lasi aier an tuness SH
weeks du ratlin
tlnntoa 11 CtiiiiTliy
Cryon TeTas July 13 James 11 Con
way ot tne nrm ot v uonway
lJran died this mornlntr and was burled
at Thorn oaon Creelt cent t let v at 1 oclock
under the auspices of the Ancient Order
ot uniea worHnicn lie deceased was
it years oia
tV l Iucns
Kenedy Texas July li At 4 oclock
nun luoriuiiu u k iow in waa cai oer ine
town of Kenedy by the death of V b
Lucas manager of the ral road lunch
counter at tins place Air laUcas came
from San Francisco to this place about
a yea ago to take charge of the 1 tall
rood hotel and hud galued the respect
and esteem of nl he met
W lllliuiia tnatMl
Caidjvetl Texas July 12 Marrled
last night Mr urecn U Williams and
Miss laly w Inston These wormy
joung people haw a host of well wisn
eta aioug idea jaannf
llnrlmait lllielm
Urenham July 13 At the residence of
the brides parvnts Air una Mrs Albert
ywihetn ai jy o tlocK lust nignt itev
U laai ner oiriclutaig itr Hu Hart
man aim Mlaa Marguerite Wtlheim were
uiuvu m marriage
Hiiptlat ItVKilutlitns
Clreonvilje ifiin inlv it it ih -
Uapust cnurcn in calud conieruice
pciuuito i u inguiiiaoii luwdtraior pro
tern the following reaoiu llontt uere read
una auoptea
Whereas ihe board of director of the
Uapitat gtntri4 Lonontlon of it Xas tn
cant eeptun of June it kva pivptMea to
6 MIW IIIC l4lITBL4igiUIl OI Callaill BUI 18
menu made bv uur iMiur h j vnvr
son said to be damiging to th gentdal
secreary J ii Larroii mid
Whereas baid leport adapted and pub
ImhtU by Miim boird faheu to show uny
omtriiirii uiwe Diuti iiuvrsuu uainag
uig to said Cat mil and
uhertaj ine om murine ratiit hi
sold boatd against said Andorson was
that he hoi quoted an article from the
JiapUst Vistur to show hat there was
u wlueepread coll for tte board to publish
1 iMumivu aut ieiiiuiK oi lis niiaJiie
which it had nut done which said urtiUe
so quoted cuutoliied erroneous lis urea
ub nor uciiuunru uy uau Anueraon
nd which he was as anxious to hae cor
rected as any member or the board which
oJixiety tvas shown by his rnaklne a nee-
son a 1 stattment of the facts to the board
ajid ask tt that his stld statement so
may be placed In the repoav of the bjard
which was done and
Whereas Damaging and unjust criti-
cisms growing out ot said investigation
hating appeared In several papers against
our pastor therefore
Hesolved 1st That we the First Bap-
tist church at UreenMlle put oiraelvcs
on record as believing that said pro-
ceedings of said beard were unwarranted
by the faou so far as they concerned our
pas cor
Jd That we affirm our unqual-
ified confidence in our pastor and that we
believe he has been aiming only to do hi
duty by haMng all the facts brought be-
fore the denomination and to aid in cer-
tain economical reforms all ot which wo
heart ly Indorse
Resoled d That w congratulate our
pastor and the denomination at large on
the fact that the reforms advocated by
hm hao In some measure been thus
early accomplished
HesoMcd 4th That we believe that
much Rio has been made about nothing
and we here and now challenge the truth
of any statement from whatever source
chat reflects m the least on the honesty
oi our pastor or inai in ine least im
nus tia his matlM
Hesoled Cth That we wish to put our-
selves on record as being In hearty sym-
pathy with our mission woik nnd that
we ftll rm our in uur jviiti
secretarj iirotner J arro as a
lovnl Chlatlan man honest and efficient
and that ne will lu the future as In the
pxst heirtily co operate with him in this
TteaAlved Tth That a ronv of these IT-0-
lutlons be furnished tho Texas llaptlst
Ptandnnl the Texas napnst ana jierHm
The Hrtitston lat and the Dallas News
ror publication
It X Thompson
Moderator pro tern
J II Hargravc Church Clerk
llrcnlium Iteuubllcnns
Urenham Texas July 13 The repub-
lican primary convention of precinct No
1 Washington county convened Thurs-
day at it o clock y in with about WO
H J Moore ex member of the legis-
lature from this county and O W Toung
were put in nomination ior juanec ui ine
peace tre first ballot resulted in a vote
of SI for Moore and 83 for Young wno
was aeciareo tn vhuivd v uiv wmtir
J J Cooker was nominated for coun-
ty commissioner
aruanh urp made bv Ar J It
pvmnn lM lluariea and Wilaon Powell
democratic candidates for justice ot the
JJS Itogers Eq of this city ad
dressed tne convention aa ui ounui v
U Teague In behalf of tho demociats
Mr Huchanan made a populist speech
In wJch he urged them to Join the pop-
ulists scoring both the old parties
A negro named UlouiA made a speech
in which he denounced In no uncertain
terms Tie third party
The following delegates were elected to
the county convention T K Ferguson
U Graves A W Davis 8 Oflnorn Wm
Johnson Wm Seaton J J Hooker It
It Moore Anthony Simmons U Harris
L II Whiting W U Iockstt It J
Moore ueorge Mtitjf raici iC4
I S Johnson M K Marsh F lAtaon
p II Sargcant V osoorn w toyo
Wesley House Joim Lott I W Jones
A Ij PowelL II Gardner J V Jones
lTavlS Walker J P Wtilnlnr J O
r h horfuion Henry Carroll It
F Feldtr Wesfey tfeurry I W Jones
Indnrsemeut for Up me
Drenham Texas July U iAt a meeting
of th Washington county bar held at
the court house yesterday a motion waa
ami caxrW that a cotnmltte b
appointed to draw up resolution indurs
lugtbe candidacy of Hon F C Hume of
Ualieston as associate Justice Of the su-
preme court
lIunM T T TaalT1neptnt1 Btlll 11
uuv uii - - - w
I Kdd were appointed a a oommtttee
The following was reported by the com-
mittee and adopted and signed by all
the members ot th bar present At the
He it resolved by the members of the
Washington county bar that we recognize
tn the person ot Hon V C Hume a man
wtiose great purity ot character intellect-
ual ability and profound knowledge of the
law eminently fits him for the exalted
txislUon of associate Justice of the su
nreme court of Texas and we heartily
ranmiYiend him to th people of Texas
for that position and be it further
- ta Vm thin Vaf
JieKMVru n hwuiwh V T
uihi i ha deletratea from Washloxton
county U the State democratlo
tlOn lO voie lur aim BUgjiv -
c Hume for the position of associate
Other Garnishments Tlun
Brenham Texas July llt Shertff
Teague this morning served four more
writ OI naruu iinin on uie first -national
bank restraining them from paying
Ait t HMO of 111 aral lira itltiewner
drawn -recently tn a lottery These gat
ntsmments were run by Messrs besrey
A Garrett Xcr creditors Itingcner Hros
St uo
Ak AaJ jk jajgifttetMte
Children liny First Unlet lie
reived Serious Accident
to - Yuuntr Man Nntra
GaUeslon Texas July train
a fill ItflAPaw tlae a m I - it I1
nvlr inai vi unit iwiiiiu
ardines In a bot with women and
jut anu a isir sprioK tng or men
left for Dickinson to participate in The
Post s Childrens Day there and Join with
the children from Houston in th jollities
nnu amutemeus mapped out by tne big
hearted Ooat bettor ot The Tot It was
one of the jollies t end merriest crowds
that er leu this city u pleasure bent
and numbered about TiXM men women
nnd children They returned tonight on
special trains oerjoycd with the peits
ura they found kwalting them at Dick-
inson and that th Uoat rMitor is on of
the grandetu chums In the Unton 11
has made himself dear to every little
heart In the Island City
ll i l tiOil A TRAIN
James Odell Jr the l i ear old sort of
Jams Oiltlt was seriously injured at S
o clock this morning while atemptlng to
board an International and Ureal North-
ern train on Twenty seenth street and
avenue a
In company with a loung man of about
the same age he waited for tho excur-
sion traut wnlch was going to Dickinson
to aold a walk to th main depot
Oded corniuilon made the leap tUl right
and attempted to nssat him but In some
way the unfortunate boy lost his hold
and was thronn luto tho trestle work
that spans the low ground at that point
He struck against me heavy llmbti
and recelxed several severe lnJurlo It
was thought that two or three oi hi ribs
were broken and that he was injured In
The injured boy was taken to his home
on Thirty first street and avenue 1 und
alter receiving medical attention Was
resting easy
His companion remained on the train
And went to Dickinson The ttaln was
going at such speed It was impossible
for him to aicht
The tlrst bate of this seasons crop
reached here this morning by express Ma
the Gulf Coloiado and Santa Ke It w
delivered at tho cotton exchange mil the
following memorandum shows It disposi-
We the undersigned c alflcaton com-
mittee hereby certify that we ha exam-
ined one bale of cotton marked CI A
nnd weighing C1T pounds received this
day from into Uuchel Co of Cuero
IeWItt county shipped to Kuhh A
Frauasen e nnd tho b o to be new
cotton of this years cronth nnd classing
good middling of good stioag staple
J O Amee
A Horefeld
IX V Kam merer
Bold to J O Aymes account of A
UorefclJ Co for W cents per pound
s O loung ScQy
Charles Carnct and George Wells ar
resuHl yesterday by Deputy Unuui mates
Marshal William uweais hud a prullmtn
ary hearing belore UntteI btatea Com-
missioner Dart this rurnlng Ihe men
were charged with Inter iring with the
United SUUii malls tteirl wltneeses
were examined whose testlmmy vent to
show that the men were active lu their
eif oris to present the departure of the
7 W Santa To train whth carrta the
llnite1 States mail on the evening of
July 10 and headed a body of strikers for
this purpotve At the uuncluitlon of the
testimony the defendants were bl I In the
aum ot S iOO each for thttr appearance be-
fore the United State district court and
In default of bait were remanded to Jail
Tho body of Grand Commander of the
Ancient and Aice pled Uuottlsti lllte of
Freemasonry 1hlilp Crosby Tutkivr whch
was expected to arrive tlilf morning but
was delnyed ftt Fort Worth by the strike
on the Santa IV is expected to arrive
tonight the train being three hours late
Upon arrival the body will be received
by a committee of Manons and convened
to the Marunla Temple where It will
remain undet Masonic guard until nfter
Kadoih ceremonies which wilt be held
In the tempi at IX o clock tomorrow
night and which be attended by a
large body of prominent Masons fiom
all parts of the country
This morning United States Mar hal
Mtddlebrook arrested John 1uJgh Mar-
tin Shean and C W Davis They are
charged with obstructing the United
B tit o malls
Davis gae bond In the sum of f 00 for
hta ntinpnnnKui with Mike Jordan and
Miles Crowley as sureties The time for
his hearing has not been fixed
Shean also gave bond in the sum of
Captain Talfor thin morning received a
telegram from Governor Hogg as fol-
Captain R 11 Talfor
Kiss all th ohllrcn an 1 babies for
me and express my recrets ut not being
able to attend J H Hogg
Frank Matthews went to Dickinson to
see how the goats would run
The cotton sheds on piers li and IX
are row so far along that an Idea of
their huge area may be bad
The International and Ireat Northern
ran an additional Fpeelal today to Dick-
inson from this city leaving ut 7 tonight
Mm A R Howard wife of Treasurer
Howard of the International and Great
Northern went to Dickinson today hav-
ing In her charge several chlllren
There will be a special trulnload of ex-
cursionist arrive her from New Or-
leans Monday night next The limit of
the etay Is to Saturday July Zl at 7-
a m
t J Price asiUUnl general passenger
agent ot the International and Great
Northern end wife look sixteen children
in a special car from Palestine to the
goat races toda
The horse and furniture dray of Old
Chester struck last night ran off and
tore Into fragments the tamp poet and
mall box at the northwest corner of Mar-
ket and Trsmont streets
Mr Joseph Morrow of the International
and Great Northern says that for the
goat train up to noon there had been
given away tout childrens tickets and
iit adult tickets had been soil
Lightning at about oclock this morn
ing burned out a few telephone fuses
throughout the city A Imuo having a
telephone Is said to be lightning proof
as the wire conducts the e ectrio fluid
away This Is not an ad for the tele-
phone company
bTiukis at tiLisio
Guard Willi mi Dulr Hut Very
Mttle Aeea nl
Galveston Texas July 13 The condi-
tion of affairs 1 much better today Th
uncertainty and excitement ot th past
three days over th strike situation ha
given way to a feeling that the worst
has not only passed here but In other
atrik centers of the Union In sverr
department of th Gulf Cclsrado and
tipeplMp east fjaiiviu ji j wiuvg
improve jieu ai a oi anu ear
they are determined to stand by their
contract with th Santa cornea nv
under all circumstances The carmen
emp oyed in th car shop who yesterday
walked out in a body to consult upon the
situation and afterwards sent word to
tne company tnat tney wouia return to
work dJil aa In a budv todav and
clared tbelr Intentions to stand by the
company la the present emergency Th
firemens brotherhood here has reiterated
Its determination to stick by the com
pany until It is ordered out by the grand
chief and lha any man that strikes
without such orders will be dlimlssed
from the brotherhood which 1 In ac-
cordance with the provisions ot their
com U tut Ion which they emphatically in-
formed General Manager lOuicuM they
proposed to stand by to the itUtr
inere were rumors arouna tnat ine
rltcbmen are con tern Dlatlnir iro4ntr out
but a cojnmttUe Galveston switchmen
called on General Manager Yoakum this
morning and notified him that the rumor
that they wer going to desert tnelr posts
was false that the Galveston switchmen
would -continue to do their duty and work
tor the company as heretofore
They also landed hlra a copy of their
constitution which provides that any
member who shall engage in a strike or
fofaumie any other member to eneas
in one without the constat of the grand
master shall be expelled Tho Tempi
smtcifmcu went out oi tn iui without
such order and are therefor acivjt iiin
to this constitution expelled under the
APTUY TttVOR cuumiumu onstHton of the awucnntjns ilutual
TO KISS AM lHlllii j All trains arrived and departed on time
Ltndav Kith the excetttlon of it CJliI a m
71 I throurh train to Kansas IMtv and hln
Galveston tltitatil Th nAi r Mhlch Iwft tnontr mjiutes lata and
- i I A a -a 11
wiiiiuui iiihi uiinni vi ijr a nui rail
traln i arrived md departed earning the
man vvtiila th KkhIv ltma uiA a 1a
laehment nf tudlf km liarlc th
from all tralita arriving and departing
with Iulmai oars attached Those that
no tMirqwiptii wer mil guarded at
the der M bv thn ttala aa thi ttcnulv
hherlfTa and potke wire deemed aiirclclent
vu ana wiem ame wfiuun in rawUH
around the Union deimt upon the arrUal
and departure of the Santa To traiiis wer
much siisiletr und ict demount rative
thsn on the two frecedliu dsys Mayor
r iy ami oner it iirrnon were wt iiatui
as tisunl aif nctlxe tn aeelni that liviia
ar i order was preeerved and dlrcctng
The depstture ef the 7t3T HjuMon e-
wnirn carriei qui inrce nieepeis
alvvHls the tninl nit nf otil ir
trouble is Intended by the atrlklnc Amer-
ican Ral VAv unlim m n and ihir im
rnthliers U l expected to manifest t lf
wiwn rais irRin nacKi down to th tnlin
depot Torrtht hnwrvf tSo trund
hch asetntdel to itns the depart
ure of this train waa not um- v isn4
or bistemua as the two preceiln nights
In fact hAtl It nol been for th arrival
nf n Hrtra yninn train from ninbinun
a few mlnutce prr to the departure ot
tne i jm ine rrown would nave ueen lo
sUnincsnt The same precautions were
obrrted as marked jetterday evenings
departure of this trains the roue cordon
was there the Sealv Ulfles with bayonets
fixed an 1 readv fir any etntrgenrv p
trolllng Inside the rones while oIUeinen
nnd armed deputy sheriffs runvirfl the
Ilatfcrm of the cars nnd a tuimhar
on the eneire where Hherlff llernan was
vested nnue Major rjy was alert and
trtvlnc close attention to eery detail
No threatening movement of any kind
wss made there was not a iout or Jeer
heard as the train mmed nut nrimtitlv
on time and It was plainly evident that
ine siriKc wss uroKCir so lar as univesion
was concerned
After the depnrture of the train Major
i if waa Brrviiiij i uy in tosi tuprc
sentatlve and rtckml how long lis
tioaul to hod the HpiiIv Idflea In aervlre
He ssld Tin Seulvs will be held to
Suard every Same Fe train urrhlng am
erartlng with 1iii man cars until tho
strikers give positive nnd concluilv cvl
rtence thst thev m loncer propiise to In-
terfere with the operation ot Huiln Ve
trains at thH point Incoming or out-
cumg i ut not propose to ur caught
nipping and will pursue mj ptenent nol-
It until peace and order prevail In his
city among all o assts und hernonn
ruin i anu property are no longer en-
utinervii ny laniess mous
bherirr llernan exf ressed virtually the
Mania ilrni am Mmnr 11 1- aii
tf he contemplated reducing his fore or
deputies he sail I have pledged the
governor to maintain the peat e protect
MTonai ami property rights 111 this com
muntty with the nld of the inunldim
nuthrt1fK nnd nil unt ri mu iui
lance or effort in that directum until
ihn present strike is cimpltely sup
preed 1 youd be ret eant in my duty
TI Ilae io ine gov
emnr If I teilietl tn dil ntlnr iaNa
Bo It Is to be seen them H to be no let
PbJ the major nnt sherln tinllt the
HUlker and their sjmpalhlaer oslllvely
Uctljrj he present strunvle orf
i hlef Lordnn who has been In charge
of the Santa Fe yards mil shone with
a strong posse of polh since the strike
end trslng posllon to nl and csneetaiiv
la this tho cane at nlxht when strlkera
and their smpathla rs under cover of
darkness steal Into the jnrds tamper
with the rnunln r nf mr rr try ti till
engines or on other mischief bent lie has
however with hid tore hvM hu on
an tteii a could be exnecfed with the
e- of irHnri he h m n fn r
Today the yards preenled a livelier
Ppearnnee than ny djy since the
strike began Switching was being done
unler rx survtilUnoe and saveral
trains were made up ant dlspaUhed
on time and but few strikers nnl sim
nathtzrs were seen In the vicinity of
th jardrt
The stHltrs who hnve been averse to
much talking since the strike was de-
cayed on when eeen today were as un-
communicative as usual nnd had but
Utile lo flty and that was evasive it
was evllent that the action of Icb
Jn decM jng the strike off at V 30 had
a dfcltedly depressing effect unon them
and that their hope of nnklnp their
ruvr nrra iv auueen jiu gone glimmer
Onneral Manager Yoakum I beseigcd
with apptloatlons by men for work In
almost every derm rime nt of lh rnmi
but Is ho ding all In vlrlual abeyance
until the resent trouble boa s over
which it Is expeoted to do In th next
fw dava
wiiihu ami titois
Hot ii ml Ir v en ther Hecinlnir
Lnrlthart Texas Julv 11Pillrn ta
StllTeiina for rnhi nnil tia ttAituni tn
j i i nui uy any means reas-
suring For severul days tho weather has
irre ii unnvtiMiiy warm anu sin try in
inwmter almost everj day leglstering
mh kitirr d fill il fHi I a tin
ii - mi ffi urRirm ill l i pgu
If rain does not eoeedi v came th vit
ton crop will be materlely lamsKed
pondlngly depressid
VelaScO TiIB tidv 14 TnlU mln
while not generally needed on crops nor
for stock water In pastures distant from
ruiiiiiuu irwin uenenis late piaiueu cot
ton on sad ptalrle farms ami heps as-
sure the larsear Niitnn iriM u r
corded in Hraxorla couipty
Iioyelsdy Texas July n Tre weather
Is stli dry and hot with no rsln here for
i Mm f i wva i so Kin is are sut
fenne far iiiln A cyoiI Moui nr ntinn
hal ceased growing and Is shedding oft
nimi ii iitts vu H
OotiBalts Texas July 13 Weather ex
ceedingly hot and dry some rain In the
wmieru pari or ine county lately I
help cotton a little but no benefit to
grass potton Is shedding mor ur less
anu n Tvua rain
Kan Diego Texas Juty n Weather
rr uni very warm ii we uonl get ralu
In a few days the cotton crop will be cut
very short In some places th bolls
andsquaie are drying up and falling off
Jacksonville Texas July U Cotton
Crop are dOlnir fine Porn la rut ihnrl
by the dry weather lit this vicinity Rains
hsve been Hi spots and there 1 some
3 routh ww corn win som nun uaaiy iy toe
Madlsonvllle Texas Julw 11 This sec-
tion Is now very much In need of ruin
Crops are beginning to suffer
IJre Laddie to Itnce
Georgetown Texas July 12 -The fol-
lowing circular lettir Is being sent out to
all the lire departments In the Stale
Ihe Georgetown boys promise the vtlt
injr companies a good time
Dear Sirt Th Georgetown fire depart-
ment will have a grand competitive hose
race on Wednesday the 11th day of Jul
for a purse of lift to be dvldd into
two parts first law second iv
lleap notify us at once It your com-
pany will enter Entries close on Mon-
day July IS
Rules Each company shall run J0 yard
to hydrant lay iw feet of hose uncouple
hose attach nozzle and throw water
with tight coupling at nozxle and hyd
rant center of reel to be on starting line
Each company to run on line Twelve
men only allowed to run No man to
tart ahead of leaders on rope Each
company to be allowed but one trial
Even participant In contest must be a
member of company with which he runs
Each company allowed to run with Us
own cart Each person enterin must
with company at etsrttng point
o mor than twenty five feet loose of
allowed around hydrant
No entry fee will be charged any visit-
ing team The contest will take place In
For further Information address
C H Cevsland
L Tt Walters
13 W Martin
Hunt Ashore
Kntiln Pass Texas Julv 12 The nllot
boat Folly wblie returning from Gafre
ton to th Pass with sailors for Ihe Hrlt
leh schooner Kevem ran ashore five mKes
III in v n aesuip wui ant
lies Captain Gormlry woo was on board
cam through with bis men by wagon
Ways will be built at once and the Folly
will be hauled out calked and again
pied Its tier proper tiemeat the rsgtng
The schooner fievern cleared today for
Tampleo eMxlco with 403771 feet of iunv
fcer tosdad by th Consolidated Expert
Lumber company cf Utaumont
l Slsutl jStM fi
Grand Jury llepurt on Hrlhery
Cbitrttcs Overcome b Well
Ilnm rtulhlntin Wants u
nnltrivml rmilnfr frn
Oonrt TeT July II le cream
supper given last right by the Latlien
AH etjcif iy for the benefit or the Methoi
dist church iiroe to b n success
Captain J j Con roe lumber nunufactu
rer of this place has made quite an ex
tensve lmuvvnint on Ms urie c dun
sin by putting lu the attest modern U
er ami separator Mr unloading cotton
fiom wagons
Itr Charles MAdley one or Conroes
enterprising rltlten hat Jut had the ftn
Uhlng touches put on a neat Httl cvi
lege and also ha two mflr in cor of
Mr M J Fultmar a prominent bun
nt na man of thpace is havtnT bu t on
eight rcm t oRag fn the southern iwr
llon of town
The Coiro Literary society Is spesklns
or fixing up the Ats hall fr their club
room ami read t njr parlor In the near fu
lure whlM will be a good place for their
mny visiting friends to spend a rw
There Is but little lumber shipped Irom
ln1 place at presehL
Through the shrewdness of JalUc P
M Herbert a JiO dellvcrj was iirtvenied
on tho 7th The thro prisoner who are
akllUU mechanics put lire In a an and
setting it against the wall of the cage
caused th heavj steel to soften and
with the sptlng of their shorn fr m
which they made a saw cut tno Hue four-
teen Inches Urn when Mr lUbfit found
It out The prUoners aru in fur safe
breaking near yotutgomeri Texas last
calttf Texas Jit y la -Teeter Jay nf
Icrnooa untie dlgninu u well ab ut four
and r half miles north of town on Hap
Hit Ridge a negro named Swiaher vas
in the well and the damp air killed Mm
Mlse Mary Mi London ts Malting her
ltec Mrs Chus WillamBon Hi Hran
this week
Utile Miss Earl Wyeer left yesterday
ror a Khort visit In Houston t the ram
llv or Mr W L liallej n old resident
of this place some six sears tin
A gatnu or ball will be puiyeJ hern at
Ihe eld ball ground this afternoon at
SM between the CftUcit wcon 1 hlne
and String Palrle team An excUmt
game Is expected as both are good teams
XI rs M Matklna returmd hvtne to En
nil twUy ufter nn extended visit to T W
Gatretts family of this place
Mr C H Meredith made a nytng Ult
to Wnco on business lhursdiy
Suite a number of iopie f r m here
lake advantage of the cheap rntes
la Hutv Antonio Saturday
Counties Texas Jnl Dlatrli t eiart
Is engaged on the criminal duikvt w th
one conviction tor the week Dot Martin
two yeurs for tabbing his brother Hill
Ihe grand Jury adjourned yssterday
after a ten darn so t Ion hndlng foil
neven bills In all -eleven for re I on ten and
thirty six for tnladetneanurt Ihe grand
Jury alco returned n written report It
regard to the Jail officers reports ete
the rroit sajs that they have examined
Into the alleged reports of bribery etc
In connection with the court house con-
tract but failed to find evldt nco enough
to irlmlnate ony one elill leaving the
Iniprarhm that tlitro wan something
Tho mectlnrr een luetej by Rev BU
Wl lais in he tabernacle or shot is
drawing good rongregstlonn though thtr
have been fcv converidons yeL Mr WllU
lams I an earnest worker und Interim
lug Excellent music is rendered bv the
thuir tn It the Ira 1ersil i ej Mr J A
Uronn Three service a day aro hehi
Qulntnna Texav July 13 -City Marihal
Cage has received notice from It E
White eherlfr of Travis county to look
nut for Miller Hammond nnd hurtle
tiatltrr lrOih ronvictrd In Llmo county
las June fnr the murder of Thus 1
Dunn and each given ninety nlti wars
These are two of tht eighteen wlm lr he
Jnt at Austin July S nnd Julio rcwnnl in
offered for inch of them dead or nlKc
Nctke Bys tliey tire e milng thH wny
The Pntlt d Himipn tug boat Annie with
a corp of engltuifs passsd her yHtr
day rr ttlascu
Theltlseti of Qulnlana will prcbnbty
meet this week un i nppulnt a commlttte
to wait upon nfllclnls of the Gulf Mi ore
rallroal and fleterian what Inducements
are requisite to mure on extension of
the proposed r wid to this iolnt
Many summer visitor including several
wagon tosda or campers ant enjoying the
brveie and surf hathlntt here nuu
AV 1 1 1 1 H
Wharton Texas July 1JA lively ml
ting scrape took plate last night after
supper out ut th Halton coiortd church
Tom Dickson armed with a raanr nlnslied
General Mumion both negroea In sev-
eral i laces one wound severing the main
facial urhry bled coouly and the
patient cume near djliig from weakiiftnK
r Jhll Phillips frrii ft m olUff
took the wounded man In hand nnd saved
hie Ife by un urllsth surgicul oixrstlon
and was complimented b the older phy-
Hherlff Hush left for Hhiuer on busi-
ness connected wllh the Dickson es-
it Is a coll day for Wharton county
when Constable lleartt rails to fret hi
prisoner HerulJ nn escaped convl f run
Into hi snare yesterday from Colorado
s ss a wn -- TI 14 n t Ui
day Rev ilr Gaddy bgan it protl acted
rHvlvnl service at the llaptUt ihuih Ir
jckhart which is yet In progress aid
onKiurrauie ii terra naiuit ai
ttav J J ratnar of th Christ d ft
church Is holdtnr a successful cumii
fi fisiip mllnii tadag if
II gC ailll w l -- --
lockhrt where large conaregiitliin ot
the nelghborhnod and many from u ills
iniM fauaomiila vairv nlcrhl irt htuir iha
eloquent sermons of Dr Wrlgi t nf Dal
Iff WMU 1 IHIIIIIiia lV va ve
tha meeting
a nfrrn Hntndit lli ilirt W nahlnetfin
died here a few d tys sines from thv ex
cesslv smoking or cigarettes
rvvarlivn Tavai Juv 13 - The arand
Jury for this county adjourned here e-
lrtar auer iiiaiinv ifiiiiiri T uuu ui
nrten of which were for felonies
Mr J R Jrlon left here a few diys
since for New fork anl other Eastern
market to sell cotton for future
mt Joe Huter of liouliyjllf Ky is
proepectlng in Overton
Overton has a gun club organised
HemrhllL Texas July 9 -Our you eg
peoiilo spent a very p 8ait evening
on the 4th at the hospitable bom of Mr
B If otlphint
The Methodist barsonage 1 In course of
cone t ruction and when completed It will
add much to the appearance of the north
end of town
The recent rains hav made our corn
crop afe for another year
if rntv Tuna Julv lLa The first
bale of cotton for this season wss sold
In town today Mrs Robin raised It It
waa sold to liuchel Wagner Co for
cents per pound
The rt prisoners were jtficed In Ihe
new Jail Wednesday by J J Beai th
sheriff being three Mexicans for her
riiallensre In Hotter Ot
Ptirl Texas July U -Fully WOO peo-
ple attended the populist jainp Wjl
nj odar and all had a good time The
crowd was badly divided politically
tit rwntiMta tmlna allahtlv In th lead
barring women and ehfidren T P Clore
of Corsicana mad the tlrst speech It
began nt l a tu end closed at 140 p
n with regrifU Willi Young a boy eot
11 then ainlhllated the domocrallo party
by delivering a composiu speech erwMch
sinaton Kyle Jeffrr and txkltrsa Jer-
ry were the authors lie was loud y
appUudetl and nhe crowd went rill
when Willie ch411nged Roger Q Mills
to answer him and MlU did not com
flues for Goffgnn
atri Pum Tft aa July U According
tna tirtvata teleoram rt oelvrrl tculay
Gaearoolt cfuntr - ate
f9r Jamce AL t --
Worlds Eair
This award wi baMit en an analril tiln
J rJ pwiMr liiulii n
iim it ruuu h heUng pruprtle
lr t l UeiOD Pent AnliUcil Caiuntatrr
II iUMlit laiUltith Tier iV
tln Vrl lllfeHI au
Excelsior Springs Bottling Co
ixciLQiontfniNQ M0
Wi liUfflPOUND
tiwiHiHiImn tvtsMi r
F InnylMHtithSRf
Btilpld aritttiaitih
Mat ruin IniJiii n
Iir rtpeUHlmltsUf4
Iook at It thlirae V Ia j
vouAh tnaiupUof Jlv Salca This
i imiv rum omeuuug ii juu Co not
i like the tea wear that much out plus
Hi enat iif thli ii iHiuHinl u
Call Set nOthtDC bSck It hunt vntlran
proval vv tniltUf ly assert that this
r mv Iliii iT wi rail If r
I iiliirivMi lit u
JUUllltirJ llll Ueliluiare Md
In Io tag vie w Ut aend
A Niuniile tntetepe of eldier
Mm rr rLEMH or nitiTMrrt
Yon have seeu It satertlsed for many I
rum mil jv i ar irieu m i
iotyiu do not t now what an Ideal
Coiupleiton l smaer Is
lias tuany rtfrwiilnattnl H reventicliaf
liiffisun burn ruin wnUMtiipar iifaUisfi
Ma ItnraiilllUaiTHiStdalliiataamiilaal iibla 1
prvieoiiun to ins itr aarins lioiwaattmr
a a miiH Trj t htiii
For saranla addfttaa
Hsririos this rAt sa
Are Just an olJ old remedy
In this new stupe
Doctor have always given
this prescription in water
We have tliem In this shape
simply for their handineM
fttPAKI TAhDtEfl It Ilk sa
trsiu e w Ws hi
iHtwatlut machinery vlrlng a
little iisflaisary fiIif g
T4BULM do tU for YOU
Cansdratlen Dtssjifeii
na Msl Nutrltloa
all M te Klpta Tsbsle
At fVr fS altr KallfM tit
iuMCaVamCtllino htil
Montuomery Ala
Birmingham AUi
Atlanta Ca
Macon Ca
Nahr IMcTnn
Charleston S C
Columbia 3 C
Charlotte NC
Lynchburg Va
Cincinnati O
Indian polls Init
Chicago III
Detroit Mich
Cleveland O
Pltteburg Pa
Uahlnirton D L
And all Point
North and Eait
nt ii alt cillr tnoratu
mlf i tpiriirt sIM train Iron Kiw Of
Till Uit elforfe l fu
L ni 1LI NarileisL rU Mfr
las teai
1110 rUNi0rlM
nil Bm Ii rtort1 1
Oitira ii4 Bfni clU Inw f 0aa
can Irnti Ml to lt -1 Sut
rua klMi starfr HnUtM r t
pllnll u
IHWfllUYiTift tMUAIirEt

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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894, newspaper, July 15, 1894; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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