The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 250, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 8, 1898 Page: 1 of 12

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)' "'a.W. VWlE' '.-
fi82i A bWM
j i : a
''M M
'vJlinoHctureJ ey
imm.)V$f . :
.-- .
jSTON IJKuu-"-
XIVTH YEAll-yo. 250. HoisToiTTEXAS. THIJRS DA Y? D ECMlSlM 8. 1893.
is( ...
1 5V''
IvS" ..
rctm x
Caustic Report on the Subject Submit-
ted to the Senate.
n1- v. ."
WXWy .K-tM
w ii i ai' .'i . . .- . .. ..
h .v. --"K...ia; 2!: - ". ."'.. .' ...... .'. ... .ra. . .v. . . .- .t -. iiw"v"; i.ttwrA .;;'-. w. -nv ?
aouBTQM ixmwjI&GBm
. --- . .. i.mratm
ipesl and best
i.W-invVnt' mice
;'il..n;c IICPlI
liway .. -
"'- f. ! . . if
y COrmMiitu
iifeults. Roasted
Br- '
Im . . T
1013 Franklin Avenue.
'fiWtersfofjpilN DEI-RE
SPtOWS 4nJ all kinds of
rard T. Smith
Machinery Repairs
Pattern Work Iron nnd Brass
Castings Cut Gearing
Lathe Work etc.
umton Texas.
" .
compel' . ' thp cluVfnian tu bring suit
ocalic ot-jy Hue found guilty ol ratu cut-
tliiRi' . bo retained. - .
f -
ocneral OliNprvntliin..
-y JbrcnrnUotiB taken by the United State
Imli Street Houston. Texas. .'a?. cotker bureau at 8 p. in' yesterday Wtb
. ;.
Americans po Secured the New. Con
cessions Are Denounced
The Rights of Costa Rica Arc Equal to
Those of Nicaragua.
Cnnncnl iifTliU Conntr- I CVct'ennn'ry
Any l'riM-oc-dliiK- Looking tu it"
Vorfclturc.-ot Com-i-niilon.
ICent Cigar
Fait T " '
Rji" . iL fn itmntm
Iftl' i nmii.J tlmf uowlll sell lo .1 tv).Y tlf fiflV IKHJ?
!TMftft.f k maJe oiilv for the
PfOtpi)sc"ut aivcnlslns the Ci-
Bjirs. '
fcv'M .-
ieri. jc r
fefiiiouston Texas.
can Have a Telephone
B your home for One Ool-
'v'uu lliuillll. in yuur-prntc
S''ofbu;JinL-ssfor One Dollar
iVtmtil Tivpnt-v-flvr. Cfntx n
K.TCI rdhrnp m
meridian Uoiei
Alileno ' !
An-arlilo ... 82
Atlanta SS
CorpUH-ClirlEtl -IS
avenHirt 10
17odK() City 32
1:1 r&p.o .-. ; sii
alvt'?lon .. CO
Ja(konV111e Cb
Knusns City :... 22
'MonplHR -10 -
Montgomery 41
Nashville St j
Now Orleans S'
Kdrlli I'latto IS
Oklahoma 3G
Omnlia 32'
l'akstlno -10
St.Ixmla -!
SL I'l-.ul
. r.; J. E. Later
pOoUltiiati & Co. "
ton Factors
i.'hodsto:; texas.
iJUtiiccj quIcI; cies and prompt r
yoaaeoco ccucitra.
23. ClUlCIv PUUVICE 70 ALt
1WTS Of Tin; AVOllLD.
ra..bplt"d tu Imofile your tcle-
0tWjtajn. Try us. Telephimo 09.
Washington December 7. For Louisiana
Fair! light variable winds
East nnd West Texas and New Mexico-Fair;
Variable winds; southeast winds.
Oklahoma Indian Teritury and Arkausas-
Kaii; varlablo winds
CottiiKC t Vim AlMtync.
Sherman Texas December 7.tast
night at Van Alstyno the Carter cottaRe.
the property ot Mr3. M. h. Leslio and oc-
cupied bj' Wade Hampton was destroyed
ibyuwtoScthor with Its contents. low on
cottagoHlOOO; iE3uranco $700; Mr. "IUmp-
tots loss and insurance rot known. Origin
o flro unkabv'n. -
tSpedil Dijualob Ho Tho 1'oat.)
WVashLnRton. X)ooomb6.- 7.' BvcrylbiliK Is
ready ror a blir nKht oicx Uio NieArafeuan
cariul bill. At a. special Meeting of lii;
Nlenracuati. canal commifteo thlft niorn-
inK it was decided t) roDOrt thai Morgan'
1)111 to tho sen'alc at once ami to pr&scufc
tt for JnlmMHato conSlilaraKCia.
Not discouraged bjr tUecsrooiny outlook
iu the houso. friemls ot 'ti.e'tnieiisilM nrq
ctmblnlnK their fctrces for a .prompt arVl
rlRortfua cajiipaiKU ill the ' senate TUcy
bollevM tfc;y -wilt succceil.'.butiVttli Speaker
Hod bciUR arrayed with tho 'opposition in
ttu 'house they have almost' iU'ipa!irl Of
securinR action by thSt -1i)y durlnc tho'
Drescnt session.
IntervluwBi wtth leiidlni; nicenbiT.$ dur-
lnfi tho Jaslt few- days ImltKtteHhai the
flcJit for favorablo action -in' the houw.-U
As a i-esult of the mcetdnR of the sen-
ate co:nmlttia un N'lcarnRuan canal today
Scmator Morwsn' sayo notice of an amend-
ment to the NicaraEuaii canal bill autnor-
UinK tto immedla'to issuance with a uar-
antee by this Rovernmoat of ?3O0O00O to.
tho rcAMUDtton ot all outsftanillng Btoc!
except that held by tho Rc-vernimeniH ot
NlcarttKua and Oo3ta Bica and tho cancel-
lation of all obligations.
He submitted at the same timo a report
upon tho situation with rcfi?.rmcc lo tho
caral "deallns exclusively with the fact
that thu ffovcrmnerit at Nicaragua graaUd
a concession to coii3li-uct a canal lo an-
llnrn ami llorNcn llitructl.
rjenton Te'xas Deceanbc'r 7. Flro broke
out in n small rent house ot Jlr. V W.
Hughes at i'iiot I'olnt about 9:!I0 last night other company than tho Maritime Canal
consuming tho entire bu.lding and burning company. Ho deals with thin trausuclloa
II. T. Kvnn's corncrlb. and stablo with la seveM tcnlSi ulhoMtB tllu rlgU-a ot
about 30000 bushels of corn and several
tons ot hay; also oco ot his hor-es. Loss the Jlurltimo comply- for tho present and
several hundred dollars; no insurance. tgr au cxtensloi of itu concession for ton
The report urralgtu tho con-
. ... '.'.BTiiiV? "" " "" .' w . k iiimi MLpiJHI'
NO ' 1 I WAR lljW
corrcncy. - . . rmt tox' will
IWIO if fW?r ' Wft t I m wm 1 iff ft f
1 ittpuii. V JfMMl ' fflwm IMPEPlAtlSM!
Wm C : vii I
'mi.. SS. la' V
" T -"V'-VTJBra3!K?
Americans Willing to .Nife'Cliicdsiouf K'MM
rs' - 4- f ! .riRi
'. JVJ$8S
..i '. ajsa&a
on a Number of-Articles.
- .. . .. .. f " 1 'V
tanadians want tneLoerasweilasthe .
4 Higher Grades' Admitted. ;
Will l'rotrit Airulnnt 1IU .VotlnR
CoiiHrri-nninmi Whllr. iv Noliltcr.
W1H taim lie n'elleved'.
Is Congress to Adopt the Spanish Policy of "Manana?"
w-i'iillnddphla Hecord.
Il.-ftlilt-itoc nt SlieriuuiL.
Siicrmnn Texas December 7. This at-
years more.
duct of tho lUpublic of Nicaragua as wfll
Kcrrrivfi m.
WSTVt .'
was discovered to bo on fire. Tha flames
weto controlled before a total loss was at-
tained. Damago to buiJd.iiK nctf couients
?10'JO fuby covere3 by insuranco
ternoon tho rcsidoiee of B. W. P. Uurtoa as that o lho Amerlcun citlzecs Eccuriug
ths now concession In most severe terms!
attributing tho course of Nicaragua lo
jealousy ot Costa Illoa and that of tho
coneoEslonnirics to "obstruct a great Na-
tional policy In selling out to n transcon-
tinental railway company for tho defeat of
a supposed competitor.
"It would bo well fof tho reputation ot j
.lini.. nnrifianncil " thn rnnrl snva "In ilili I
dishonoring governments for their pergonal
advantazo and uFlng their power lo create
College lliillUIns: nt 1'Ilsc.
Celeste Texas December C Ths college
at Pike fcevfin mlies wcat ot here burned
With all Ua contents; loss about 500u
jwlftn Tniflle. Iiurcau Kiivum
wmr the It una o. c.uhv.
.December 7. Tho BmHTn.octn..
ra way determined not to
?yts;case before tho intoratatu
eommfcsiMf hl wulch tno mM.
0ato' railroad is uccuoed of rata
A'h wnsldored lion-
TO tho commerce commission
S'wff t0 be dropped aftnr so
Z J!5tt ione- Witnesses may he
'ifiT' ""woiioa to testify in thi
rnSJnsUlulcd "oral won tha
& ? nen havo l2h- been
W "orts to havo tne nw.w
&'?'' buwau al.o decided
'nir:?..ot oa'"nR
iv''aot llirr.iv ... .... .r'. .i.m. n. nnrtmi! J. II. Boston.
ia milk iim cmusoa "t -. - -.
both banks of tho San Juan river calUuK
attention to the fact that Costa. Hlca 1m3
equal rigihts (slime tho arbitration of 1'ios-
lrfent Cleveland) na the owner o ono .Irank
of tho stream. Attention Is i-alled to tlio
fnot tlut n inakliiR ttiet conceaalon' of right
ot w.iy granteil by Nicaragua no mention
was madu ot Nlurasua's Olaim. reiulerlnl?
It.incAuijbcnt' upon Nlcarnmia to' put the
canal company in possession of the chun-
i!lst ot thu rJvr.
"Hero." the report aays "was iivbjxvwli
of the agreemsnt for w'hleh tho canal com-
pany hud paid $150000 mid which entitles
thu company lo u return ot the money
and lo other- damages. It 'also Imposia
upon tho United States tho duty of com-
pelling the SedrcM duo them It redreas
ha been wouKi't."
It Ib ussertiid. that lu vhw ot tho fact
that Nlcar.itua hud made the conjesslon
it was her duty to obtain a concession from
Ca3ta Hlca. when the elnlmH dt that coun-
try were 'CBtablished; but Instead ot thai It
io pointed out that Nloarflsua made n for-
mal threat to renounce 4L concess'.oaB it
any concession was obtained from Costa
"TihuB" tlio comirt'.ttce concludtj "by
conduct equivalent to main force Nicara
gua n.'ovfjntcd -nrosresrf in tho work on
AH Will Be Relieved When the Army Bill Passes
The First Texas Hay Get Out Sooner.
(Special Dlajratcto to The lot.) .
Washington D. C December 7 The entire' Texas delegation
headed by Governor Saycni and Judge Iiiihain called on tlie secretary of
war today and asked that all the Texas troops be mustered out. They were
informed by Secretary Alger that all Texas troops would undoubtedly be
mustered out as soon as the army re-organization bill passed congress.
He said however that he would today see the president and urge the
mustering out of one regiment of Texas troops at once and intimated strongly
that it would be the First regiment because it was the lirst in service.
W. K. Silmni" .trnlsii".
Fort Worth Toxas December 7. W. K.
Slmms boot and shoo denier ocb ot tho
largest firms in North Taj made a com- jeal0Uy between States if It could' cp..oar
mon law assignment touny lor iud o;ncni thal tllcIr coi:duCt iB not also corrupt.'
of creditors without preferences itaipu j. TJ0 Mnimilteo adduces us n Just flea
CoiiKri-hNiiimi HiiUi!' OiiiMiauh
Ai'iliifC in 'i'vi ro'liliiuw.
(Special Dlflatch lo Tho 1'ost.)
Washlnglon December 7. Jlujor Gen-
eral Jostph Wheeler thu eonimamiur nt
i 1 niifi nr.. Hi. ..pffHi the Fourth army corps hn been in ihis
law .-uul una. (" .m .w .. --- -
ot the company of cxoitUoa that could not. Ecat lu tho houso of representative every
be othemlso than disastrous." ! day tlnce tho beginning of cougrevs but
Tho.ccimnlttso tonU-ndal that tho clr- has not yet participated actively in tho
cuuist'auccs o the concession point to the proceedings of tho house
fact that tho concjiwl-a provides for ci Iteprescntnttvo Dalloy of Texas thp lead-
charter to bo granted to -the Unlttfl States; urof the democratic side has r.ptlilol Oea-
"in Una attitude" tho committee coa-' oral Wheeler thai U hu nttcmpU to exer-
nuimber ot soUilcns to bo assigned to 4ho
K.irritoriB in view of tho favorable rcpoPM
(ttinfeg to tho depirlmont respecting Die
temper of the Ctrbun people towu-d ihu
pranu of tUio Unlf.ed Stalee.
"I . .. - . ...x
Saxe of noston was maS. a.tea. No list o h Bfv roport lh tterIousnC8a ot J eludes "too duUe- and re.nonsioi. uia 0 use any of u.o ncuo u. o -
Nicaragua aro very uiii. n mt ww .." mu n nut i'iu". w.i ..... o. -.-..-. ;"
rU-t to tha dignity of solemn nieuge aw wlicn ucnerai vncuier uccvjh-uu ma m
of creditors or assets aro glvxm. Soma of tho hu gnado jayirg on thlis point
mnk "this 'eit K. S. NeTson. Brooktoii; serious eonuuenu likely to result to the
Mass.; Utz & Duuu nochc3tor. N. Y.; Unlte4 States from the unprecedented unl
unwarrantea action 01 me iato goverameiu
of Nicnnigua and tho cvldes-t puriioso to
.Se!i-i-tiif- liii(c fri'neiilM 11 lllll Pro.
vlilliijv fur ltiortriiiiliillii
( Dispatch to The 1'ost.)
AVatfhlngioit Dct'embi-r 7. Secretary
Long today took (ho nrt Btep toward the
(rcontisaUiH of 11 National naval rcaurvo.
Ho forwarded 'to tho chatrmon ot tho naval
commtttcaK of the nenaia and imuoo ci
draft of a hill "to provido for tho enroll-
inentnnyl orgiinlzatlon of tlio l'Hed StaUa
liaviu riurve."
soVcro':a. rwconslbillties lo
Mill Pip I p
forco our Kovcrnmcnt Into paymjnt of n
largo sum as compensation for tho future
consent of tho Uopubllc ot tlio United States
of Central America to the creation of a
"Sunset Route."
""nnlng through sleeper DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN' SERV-
SCMSlon rte! ICE with direct connections to
il-M " iCIV MIIU . v tU A Root
N-n au nuiiiia luriu aiiu taa.
t timlted" Scmi-Weeklv Vestibule Train Service.
lMuriout TranBeontinnnini Train with comnirtment car dlnlnt' oan and
idSV8- L2Im mld In attDndance. Lighted with PlnUch tu.
Llfl 1. Leave Hpuftto" Kwitound Tuetdtys and Friday at 8:55 p. in.
) L-r-' aao inureaay at :V5 p. m.
. Aattfn ti nour to Ban Frandsto.
Flrtt clua tickU required; No
! 7 Mln St.
Depot Ticket Agtnt.
Oen. Pait. Tkt Agt.
.To the Southeast
and to Mexico
the United
sought in hhe
tion "
M U d'hen set forth thiX C03U1 Hica's In-
terest Ju -the oamil la a great i.i fhpso of
Nicaragua "and It IoIIoa-s that tho action
Bvrv .ihii'H Irt VRiji!ti!nl lo tho tLSJCr-
maritime eanl through -tho San Juaa river ri ht of w ciilm Q Saf.
and iJho Nicaragua required the commit- e fl wnwslXl)n. u NK-araXwi
too to present the ground on which It l"-'. tto concesaion it toi grayed
slsta that this proceeding is without any &M bfen forXe&to1 C03la u.v.4 iM lb0 wjusi
eupport in law. Justice or equity and that rlgU to ajiCrt.cbat it la not forfeited."
It violates tho hitherto cordial relations of u bcU eet 0IA . .til0 u.n:tod Sta.c
tho United Statea with Nicaragua." j u ft plpy (o Ujfl I1)0uro of bmia!nS- tho
Tho rotio-t takes Issue w?th the conlcn- p & ;(uc jnKnco at hath Ca.?U llioi
tion ot Nicaragua that JJVal country owneJ;anJ Nltaras?m and It is cUiaied that tha
I consent of i'M3 country is alto oeeasstry o j
any proceeainH on ins yj.n ji-.uj
looktag to the' "toretture ot th? coaetsslsn j
"iNHoiinguu" die coinmMtee eeierts
Thl j bill In of (ho greatest Importsnei
to np.vnl ml'.ltarv men nil nvi.p llio mm.
lnlssiion us an onicer 01 uio uiiiieu nnuea irv rs ;t nooilriiei mo organi7.atlona of
Slates whojo inlsrvoation la vclunlccr army he forfc ted hla Beat In tho W' ch.tbry are now monbi-rs and permits
...rir ni ih. romm. ! Ihelr eJiiollmcnt (ntho pl-opoicd catabllah-
ie chartering ot tho or3ra- hciia)c 0 d (l Vi fa
(Special Dlf pnlch to Thn l'ott.)
Wasl-Jngum December 7. Reciprocity
tihixsaitens to bo. a rock .upon which the
Atielo-Aincrlfcaui cominlssion" may sidtt.
. There wn a mecllilg to-lay ot tho 'cotn-
mltieehatiig thla question In elinrge nhd
the esult wa In IhorunUiro ot u great
olsnimolutrnful ;tt Hhe lhlilsh and'CMha-
ditli rtprcceulatives.
Tli British nod Canadian Interests nre
anxious that Uio UlngleyJrUt'ca 011 lumber
thall bi reduced una h.ivo inalo demand
lu this effect. Three months ago tho lutu-
Uostoi-S uevoinber i. At a
inft?tiiiE of the Amt-imperlallvm
league today ft Utter wuu rend
ftum ex-Secji'tnrr ot State John
Sherman sayfrg:
"My hope ift that lim seuato
of tho "Uulteil States will TcJeel
the treaty nnd le;io the peeplu
of the iilattis fret) from the
Bhacliles of Spnln nd the dis-
tnvtt (lomltmilou of thp UnlWd
States. I tympatblnnwlth Agnln-
nldo in his ambition to found a
republic In thn Chlun biHi near
the etiuatar'nml hope ho may be-
come tho WnHh!r.toii of a now
nation nbfoiuloly frrs from 5u-j-openn
and American iirfliwuoo."
Jloro than 150 potlttona pro-
(ptflliii; ngalkst nn imporhillstic
iKillcy regnrdliiK Spaing colonies
havo bocil rccplvf.1 and it waa
decided today to begin to present
tho potltlonu to tho iisnnio.
Oc-neral Whooler stated to The 1'ojt ro.-.
all ofrlcori
l of
nnd me
ptly offleora and
rci'iiondcnt teliy that ho had carefully men o: the navul militia all vol un teem
' nt-if im ii'lii .nlL.lnil In ilt ....... .. ...1
the houso at tho samo timo ami wan con- ne iiaviu ucnuemy. who avo uononim
viuocd'that ho violated no law in so doing' '""t1 n9V' wrvlco may bo eurolle
juw-o nw' """""' 4n tho nscrvo In tho rslea nd wtr
vi that all the precedent In I1I1 MA-hy Ule)ll when il.qngrabiy dlcchargo
'International Route"
Cert. Ort -. 0 ' nAirul WDavs.
" Car l.ufaara mi
;. 317 Main Street.
E ForparMetil
fMcnrtr Aen.
1 mjHm&t
All kinds
on th.'a ffiv' list of t'ae volunteer army
. rat nii Dn id at comiresB which until more of the enny Js anusterod mit of
dedicates tho 5in?l and J.a eauceaiJaiury vho crrtcW tho doclaniUion of .pease TJila
liirfdnta to a corponilloa chartered for Ti'llr'za Is oW'fdisd " lrln lu' r.?ogaUIon.
such greit purfOEo." uf hi -dl&tlnjuiKaed wrvlccs and will lea.'
.ttentlon Is then calltwl to th fact that uorrai warier irev v ui juau-
. . ... .. .1 ... hi. .1.1.1 IJI'U lien
lookw into 1110 qucsuua ul .... .... ;" cfls than oneyar and who aervi'd during
ho'd his commlrtlon aril retain hla seat war Willi Hpalii and all ftr-.jpn.t.a of
tho houso at tho samo timo ami was con- the navw acauemy. who havo honorably
...l.n I.AH.. I.t.. .-.. I
or inURtcrotl out of tlio naval service The
menoor lino niuctr oorrmiucnuncii is re.
Wiiilcs'ton Dccambor 7. iiajor dcueral nulred to rtaum( elinrgo of the ontlro
WJieelc-ipKUahly 4im seen his last se-rv'ic roswyo forco enrolled In his Stato and or-
h. the UrTilcd SfL uriny. Ho waa at tho ctt'" 9 " mwtotiw crttpum..
wr dffurtm'cnt -todiy anii had a talk with Aiitl-nMinmtoii )ctmn.
E;tt3tary Alger swrt AJlfufant General Oar- (S'pec'al Dlapatsli to 'Rio jwt)
bin. "It'Jj unuoretood ho will bo rtllevoJ I WpthluKtcn Diceinbcr 7; Congreusman
Worn further active-duty vaMl "There U n Slaynleu tci:Uy jcceJ'a n Potltloo from
reewntace ol wiar 'ioA ihat he wKI t'atnaln nratotally eyery voter in Cll!)lo county
proitwting against trjj annrxion ot mi
Philippines. Uo t-aya ho AinUortumU that
aiWPltT in on tho way frem Comal-countyi
Write us
F.VV. Heitmann & Co.
the coacesjloa Ti.'ovldea for tlio isuballssion
of any dlnputo to arbitration and It it
claimed fctiA uhis provlh'.on aerates to pre-
veuttiuny urWtntry uclon a tho part ct
t!ow an a. ninrfaer of itheoiise during thin
Bejoi. Tho command of lio (lroui.h eorps
it 'HunisYille. Ma- it nciV held Uao.
rarlly hy'tiencrjl Koaifee hut it ta under-
tstood Ot-ntTal laiAUon iil .ie' fba perirA--
Itulifioil of KKIOII.
Tyler Tfxya. Dcetmber 7 IVanl; Bogue-
a' prpworou-i farmor ot Van 55ii'ad( iwunty
wan knocked In tho lican .and irohbejl of
$1000 and tome notes whllo on his way
homo about (Ifkep tulles from Tyler. Hla"
not serious; no arrests ;yci.
Injuries aro
4 -4.
4-44: Ml H M 4444444444-
btr lnteiSs'Us of tho "Northwest (ntoniivd
the "Amcrlcnn commlRsioners that thy
wortld bo' willing to havo wMlCpluCmt
nutlf.l from. Canada free of duty but ob-
incled to further coneeslons The Ameri-
can eommlbilosiora tp.lay tailed to make
tins' pioroultlon r-'gardlnn lmnhor.
Watihlutrton Doauuiber 7.Tlie Anglo-
Anii'ilciin coiitmlsslon lia hueu ohligftJ to
reartiuiigo IIb"diIoiih making them from
9:'M to ii:3o h m.. in order to
Senators I''uirbanks and Knulkucr and Hep-
reooiitallvo Iilnglcy who are membora of
thu commiatlmi to attend to their congres-
sional delleo.
After today's scsirfaii it In btatcd that
t):i) outlook for concluding tlio treaty wnu
fairly good nilliougti it was not yet ccr-
tnlh that aueh a result could in) brought
ubottt. If n. treaty Is mudo the. expecta-
tion la that It will bo concluded boford tho
lioHdnya. The aubjects at present itmicr
tonsldetntiou luclndo tho reciprocity uhd
finhorics on which tho commlsslonora ar
aniiso Riiardol. Tho idea Is owypycfl that
redproclty picscutotho most aerjotw prpb-
leiiti for f.olutlon beforo tho wayiileir
to a treaty. 'Stf.'i L
Stnao-c Flirtonk ho'3 entoiiained. vtus
ilirtinauUIitd nrit;h mcmborB of tlweom-
inUfflou at tho scnato end of the capStol
nnd Jtcprewntative plngley will oituod a
lntlar ronrte.iy nt tho bouse end.
It Is understood that the .ucMion woay
hi ought nrsre Jofln'l W developments ott tl)U.
jrnpfttta-nt wpIpWcUy .mttlemt t'MA )W
bc.n teciircit iieretotoru width Ase.lw.J
M? Allied .iolo tell nS abnUt
Al-.hoUKli tb commission will outhoriin
m uuKimeut UwlllRcnt ohservera of Ita
?rk say that tho American proposition
nrpfcubW :nludpi conocscloaa . on hariei.
live autmoie; iisrloultunal product- and
certain oies aim noralbiy afio some con-i-Lilcui
on coal. -It is undtratflod not W.
SSft" iM on lumber which la the
Item on tt the Oanidlan oificUla 'hay
hew mm disiroUj of securlBB roduc taus.
t tho Bmc. t.'me. .whllo tree Imnbtr dor.
& nrwar 4 bo eoa.nplated by Utoprea-
cut d reotlon ot afTatia yrt tlwro la n ilsr
wtiittca among the Aiufrican o?minlestort-
ttL of duty but not -la dmHVihe..l?v
giaaiu .""". ....n. ...'Mn.tki
.pnsliWitiuK tuo. ""v . ':-" 7!--KrM:Z
I -Dtvelllng upon Nicaragua's courao in tno ieat oiipa comm'indt-r iieal of tusnmtaa
anatttr tho ?fmm'j;-;eoaay:'rir Uv'.a un-
exiimplcd oniMt!on 'la to be dealt with
olhcrwiso tihaa y an xpnVi. an.i dd:er-
mlnta ottitude oa rho part of tho USCtsl
Etatvja ta a. qneal-jon tM carr-Je wlti it n
terlona cinbarru.sment 3r th? near fu'.Urc
W NlcaTauna. U lirtd to 4h? yarformieo (f
her 'agreement yoara will lje and ini.-.y
' Canscju wiit be oncoupwrsd beforo even a
j start -wo he wade towar! tae coa&rpptlon
lot a canal"
thoiesinmarid vt tb eecopd corr. -which U
row undr ordcra to bo 40 Cirta. fivt
I'ouiih corps Is kaowd as n reserve .airpi
rod u-3 to rnt time ft'a reie-i1 110 6rJiw
Vftnk-tnir 10 tu mora-nunt or njri.ialnt.iuli in
i.-m.isr-n iiw. It Is mid Vthii-war. ifaiTi'..
viv. no dhauge fri b'e'en mad io tho
j.iKWia of the tlejMrtmfot teteexim ithew
w.'rnn for Cij as laid dovn In o"r4:r
Jvo 'I7S. p.-fillf'std al the iVt;? of inve 60 jl
wMtft it wyw In process of cxopnllo. fl'ho
only I'kelKii-rt) pfB-'jinua liouUtr in tn
or4er la tn io dlroctlor. of t(Aw;lne ?he
raw" uWm't
hfeb grades the I fcumof.JtJ.Ia wKMf Jff4 .
h5j Canada the" huob advaal&eilwKJftv 1
?3.M2 Pnrfi.sdr ir-waMjib i'tmawim m
tSh.Canaatr'ao-'h.t .expo'ettd;' ond&kl :;
crfJ?loaClreadyit) "1
KoTth'r"praliehVsVtb QWtil&ffik -B!wltw h(L;o.-areiyltfJtCjW 1
c WMGmmmB&gBF-M
Mwmm ipVMi riTlvlliK ' - ' -
s.1. A
. .-h
t). -.sty .. . t..
-y' Z"
a -
ijKi '-' ' "
'!&.. . .
JU' y .:.rfi.i
aVl'.iLSi.i!V.f C.

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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 250, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 8, 1898, newspaper, December 8, 1898; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 18, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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