The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 251, Ed. 1, Friday, December 9, 1898 Page: 7 of 12

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Mxnh. SUa
$?- . - I te ''
TiSnAnWal ito.Jip.-
j. (tow York. Tu fc via. .1
IT...J '8.
aiao a.aa
1 A J ots .m
1 4S48 P.aa
CiWon Houston
alls a.aa
iiso p.m
7130 p.m
7ioo a.m
7130 p.m
uiivwiv" --
rJi' Mala He
i ..... !.. CimrriH Streaf Dtsot
g Uim and arrive Oftn minutes earlier
? . ...i ni ( tits n.m
W. t-... nA Chlcafio Ft Mall.
St c .iM Tan. .-
(klarabla Tap.
1 4(v paes
.-.1 .......... F..lft West T.xaat
fe SSSv-rt Ttsnsas City I
It J 7ni Cincinnati foije p.t
1 A all and Oxpreaa." . J
v i"
.j. ....... llr TM
( Cntnu
j 10:45 P.m
1. c:oo
1 0.00
JSolCilT.'.'I Port ft Houston.
B Sin Ant&Arn" Pa. 9103 a.m
. . 1 . .... ;...
i.i't tnhu arrive ana ocpar; irora ui.u.
tW " '" "". .. Mitioitrl. Kansas and Texas
r.fcKvea depot In the Fifth ward th. In-
. C?.I?... Klnrtham. Galveston. Homton
Virion and Columbia Tap. which use th.
iSCnd Great Northern depot on Congress
Jfinm.tlonal and Great Northern depot.
--. . in...... 1. ann mm iriini
... a- .11 -... A tiat ftltv.
wirnttnt furniture auu un u.
lotel Bristol
8 nntlSTON. TBXAB.
HierlcMiPten $3 and $2.50 per Day.
fBS5Vcfff Bdli in "all "Soma." UwUf
ffiSSStoii uninrpMia fcr anr H.ttl
B?i tllUOKISON MALIN. Manacere
W&. rornxrlT of Oapttol Hotei.
W. T. and J. T.
Boylo reassumo tha
manngement of the
Hulchlns House tho
old eetablished ho-
tel. Everything wilt
bo found In flrst-
class condition. All
wn ask Is a trial
untna. .00 Der day.
I Tillman Wlmton; R. S. McCarty .city;
f. It. Rose. 'LlvInBitton; H. C. Mlllor. M. .
'l rr v.r" -n--- urAt tJiKino in.Rat
ffi Miller. n-: H. P. Perkins. ChappoU
SwU.- Alex.- JtcAlpin. Clioppcll HU1; Harry
ISJUouder La Graugo; N. J. TOO ats
lw.ninmfr T. Wilson. Fort Worth; T. b.
Kilt. Plant'crsvillo: Eowland Smith iu
itWnmn. Knvnsnin: Wm. McCready. uou-
il:'.H.'C. WcCleimhan AuBtln; C. C. Fos-
iWi! Georgetown;' Joe Lucas Zange Texas;
BCOjrown iiunuriuu; 1. . .""sr"! f
!cwteaa; n. it. Anaersou "." "-
fmn.Kavnentii' W. . Soman. ThomDSOti:
ifi.ttx lll. I ... T U llattn TlncklOV!
IC-H.' Hooerte Hockley; John B. Aarren.
rt.j!lioCKIy; J 13. uuruitt unaries ya
J'.HSThomnson. Beovllle: Ben P. Wilson
PJo-ut'iIlobort 0. Tabor. W. E. Killner Bry-
Ifaaj.'jAM. Douglas Corslcana; Miss Lillian
fjwicer inaepenaenco; T. u. uuiespio. a
SAiton(o;J. B. Ilacr. Blufttngton 0.; William
aentDetter and wile waco: Air. ann Mm
t'JKrucor Zapp; J. H. Smith and wife
ysntit; v. it wood. u. w. uooKcr inua-
jmcte: J. ll. Wessels. Halstead: Miss Gus-
MeiWrZapp. La Granso; J. B. Chiles bt.
JUulij.H. FTtzgernl Eagle Iako; Joe Ko-
i;BvvoiumDH3; vitiiain Simpson oau
iLinor Mn 11 h'-KOi-oii nn Anrnn n i.nir(.SH.
U.r.. Dl .. . . T .! Dn r.
IfAwulo: Miss Tcnnle Greer Mrs. M. A. Mc-
wv navasota; it. u Bmitn aan Automo;
CidDefl! MI to '.T. Iv'nsUnn1. T.I!uTtV! J. Li.
vi r.1' n nturniKR i;nruniiin inim 1:. i'ii hhi.
vmtj; Eagle Lnko; W. T. McUow Eagle
i:kw. w. Lowls Weimar; Mrs. J. uavern
i ....' ... ."- -.."""-.
;. mieu urenuamj s. s. Clay it. i' t-iay
.IMepeDdeuoo: J. F. Bednor and wife. Nava-
iU; E. B. Norris Saginaw; John Blair
tm'C Parker. Mlss F. Keratlng Dayton;
;'TC..Railey Palestine; A. Knska Pexland;
.fU Sawyer Arkadelphla. Ark; O. Uo-
to El Paso; W. W. Williamson and wire.
atCl in. J. T? nfl.rlnli- Tlnnlimnnf. Tnhn N
iWWwn Wharton; J. G. White Dallas; K.
';"r' Bryan; W. E. Boyle E. W. Kod-
SSl Br.emoaa: " K. McDude. Jr.i Homp-
Sdl Mm. II T. Roystor mother and child.
Wjr Conrooi Dr. G. E. Samuels Nacoa
wi-ui ":.-..'1uKues ujircsion; 0. ft. uui-
EiJl1? Mion am friend. Victoria; II. II.
ij?rm and wife Itoanoko Va.; E. I. Kel-
Juper: C. A. Harris Galveston; A. J.
P. .1" V " " V" ' ".. " 'A F t"."
a... ...7 tulI ucitDa; miss uiity Biueue-
S.J " Ethel Carhan Mrs. Kendal E. F.
mSi.:?' '." "P'S J-. uraugo u. 11.
J.0. Columbia; T. W. Ewlng. Myers
ibrti. i.0IJw nna wp. irrt worth; u. r
KfcJj2'' Calvert: Charles It. Pougllly. wlfa
luliiViTT; uie"l: um - uncssuer uouari
lfflifJcSrB"0Wn; J""3. s- Sharp. Nnsn-
mltb tgl.5itr8' Piiw. Arnold.
OffW lfe- J- " ForKUson Corslcnuu:
l.f'JInran: E. MlttlMI1nt.r nn'wirn Tmn8!
AtRnw and -wife. Miss Lvda Farlss. Old-
TOtH5hsm'th. Hastrop
BltiTou hotel
.- -.wi pure ar.
a "Watp f nm 11
(tot ..... ." ..
aij. .." ar83 p?a
("www. v.ith ai-r?
!aa most ion. i
V.50 to 1.W per day
ntra ;.S9 and COO per day.'
IMS. LAWLon Prop.
& I'MDailaa. H II. Talt. VU
Cu. nHpni-rolt; B. S Sanders
;7m.An.SJ'M Jt Cooley. Pat Doran.
BfcfchVaVwx4 Jlrs. H. Sebworz Sr.;
DWiii lllmo Leo Dudley; Court-
P.'U)hh2Hf.'l hS- BUelley Jl'lsaVAnna
ln.wi.'i J?" fron. . V'lctoria; AV. H.
" rkn1"' ' Williamson. Victoria
Bii'tiyfl'bcajton; J. II. Knost. New
dirwP8..1:.PtuPPi.: J. 7t; U.:Sco(l'
tin"j rrirr.K1t-.8' M)ll A. Vln-
li L? jiJ Tt Wilson and wife New
!& .'Tat.Ty"iNew Orleans; Win-
? '.ala. l
nS&ii JuaBc Jo1111 C. West Waco: It.
ifto' n'Ko: C. It. MoAdain. Dallas;
jfeiP-'n-ell. New York: F. 11 Woodruff
Ii ..' '71"i u. ueaarlcK. Navasota;
;'' Wndorn and wife Bastrop; Mrs. S. J.
Fl p Genevieve' Hayes Galveston;
feS-n T' nox- Miss Etel Hackahy. Old-
CjJti..CJ' B. Potter nnd wife. Navasota;
t!tvfttbori Bryan; S. II Chiles Dallas;
AolUrs Yoakum; J. S. Chapman Den-
wne uaxauacnie;
'. A.-Hcrvev. .-ZAL.
Bi'?. with amaWliiMl
rr ! 1. rr.
Mij 1 nr Si'lr' "ei"Ttt M. L. uyer
ifelim: s!i'Pr'n Eagle Lake! J. U
WvVi? KAW.ilaU j Louisiana; T'
-lfI?-'?! ? W. Skinner. M K.
Bf'sK.l' Bacon. Ueaumsnt; Iu
fT?Hfff. '- Luldarautli. B
T " 1- -p.- ..... A :m -y -. ... -a --l... -.- v. . -.:.--..- - ..-" ..... -.-. -vf. ... ' - . . .... ....! .... . .......... .....-aikia
V - " ! nBHiBaBMaHBBHIllBaB;.attBbBis r. c. iiiiHni.l.m.... 2 : ..i.L.- . . i .. c -
fflsa5iMa!Haa-0L !
'Stcdraan. Jr.. tlt' a. 'v. h7i.7. ;." 1
urt:w;a.B. Kortt Galveston:' D. P. Wheal
BVP001' ?. Sloan DoSSi. TeVaif'i
Ji Herring Houston: R. B AmiiinS. 'nil.
. S!ni .Lee. BlaneheU'BeSuSinVj
. f. . . ..: z
Ilairis county! MS. L a Ib hHJJoS:
William Slmpwn. Sin Anton1"1' lUn"l
nnponTED phom many places.
The Worat Storm of the Winter la
Now nasrintr Snovr la Hcltlna;
Dallas. Tcxaa. DeoejnDcr S. A blizzard
nccompatrkid by snow sleet and rain baa
orovallod over tho northern bait of Texas
today. It Is the vrorat erpell' ot weather
ot the -winter In this scc&tan.
Denlson. Texas. December 8. A snow
Blorm Is niKlnc in this neicttioa and In the
Indian Territory.
SUorwan. Texas December' S. Snow baa
fallen continuously since 12. o'clock today
IttdJcntlons are that ttoe Bamo con'tfltUna
of weather prevallod thnoaighout the river
belt ot North Ttxas
Tyler. Toxuit. December 8. Light suow
foil Jtoro today lollowcd by elect tonight
A blizzard Is expected.
Denton. Texas. December- 8. Snow ha?
ftillcn hero all this afternoon but on hC-
.count to the ground being wanm has mell-
od n.3 It foil. It scents probablo thftt Iho
storm will oonllnuo several hours yet.
Waxahachte. Texas December 8. Snow!
Is falling hero tonight. It began snowing
at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The tempera-
ture &s KetUinR lower as tb'e night grows
GToenYdlle. Texas Deteember 8. Sno'
ibas been fallrai: boro all atternwon but
melts on rcadblne; O10 ground.
Rnllrontl Wratlicr neport.
TeiloKraima received last nUht from
points ulong fh.o San Antonio nud Aransas
Pass railway announced light ruins from
Korcvlllo and WartnK to Flor.ctsvtlle also
from Halletsvillo to Eaglo Lake Flatoala
to LexltiKlton and from Fatlshear to Hous-
ton with cloudy weather at all other
SANDY POINT. Mr. John. Lang hae fin-
&hed grinding and bias shut down his
WINSBC-nO. A bog 18 months old and
weighing 696 sounds was killed by C. li.
COLUMBIA. It Is estimated that 15-
000 worfh of pecans 1ave been sold at thlfl
place this season.
COMMERCE. An aoDllcatlon for a fran-
chise for an electric Hzht plant 1ms been
made to thet olty council.
ROCKPOItT. J. W. Hooocs was elected
mayor and J. B. Farley aldet'oau tor Sec-
ond ward at a special munlclDal election:
only halt the vote was cast.
FRANKLIN. The Southwestern Tele-
graph and Telephone cctmuany has se-
cured right of way through this county
by condemnation proceedings: a long dis-
tance lino will bo constructed.
CALDWELL. The development of tha
plans ot 'the Brazes Valley road aro
watched with imioh interest: if the ex-
tension goes through tills county It will
do much for it and reap a rich rewarJ.
Enjfliind to Mitlce the Island of .In-
xunicw a Second Uibriiltiir.
Kingston Jatnnloa December 7. As part
ot tho schema of converting Kingston har-
bor into a great naval depot ant cxtenslvo
dock yards in view of the construct!?;)
of thia Nicaraguaa canal in tho near fu-
ture the admiiulty authorities have Jttst
completed negotiations for the purehaso of
Greek pond at the western extremity of tho
city Where the proposed dock yard will bo
constructed. It la said th'at the work will
bo commcncetl immcd'laueily. The dock
y&rd it la eatd is to be tho largest and
best .equipped Jn tho Brithsa. dominions.
A naval authority who has been inler-
..i.. thn Kiihlect savs it 1b tho Inten-
.1. . .oir rnmnlca "acoUier Gibraltar
to command the canal and be a IWI
nort Hor the navai auu mii .-.-..- -.
So Anslo-AsrfoiW -snianoe. when by
dSniltwtlng boTh ooins. It holds tha po-
llilcai and comnwrtolal balances of power
In tbo hollow of its tttndg.'
l'int Court of Alipcnl"
Galveston Texas Deccnibfr 8 The fol-
lowing proceeding were had in the court
of civil appeals today:
Afllrmod; G. . Maxsou vs. 1cm II. Jon-
iflnss from mrris; toternallOMl cod
Great Northern' Itallrcud company vs.
.af-iss tmf SSS& ft
Ui" . Sri from Anderson; PuUlclc
WC'raa and remanded: Julius Arndt vs.
r3 Boyd "from AVashlnston.
DlsmUsed by agreement: InsrnaUoaal
ttnd Gft North-ru aiUlrw Company vs.
Mattlo Patterson from Harris.
JiotU to advance er.anftjd and case sot
r December 22: Itebow HtoW vfcho
Stoto ot Texas ex Tel K. .". BKtora irom
iHorrie. . . tM a.ymnA: J. N.
corcra.'vs.rrudamrwer fn
'To Visit tho Old Home.
nnunt of tfia holidays the Missouri.
Knlsw and Texas railway will sell round
&?i wnta to uiln'ts In the Southeast oil
Mborio.d 81. gooa for thirty aayi
tttfflSlI on tho near-
nenVlwngerMaiid Tick Agent of Ihe
Sutl! Kansas and Ta UUwr.
Dallas. Texas.'
via the Missouri Kansas and Texas Rali-
Account of tho holidays rcwal trip tlck-
. Zai tie sold on December 20 and SI
gocf "r ?hlrtf d? from daw ot calo for
repcr iurlber partlculr call on the uear-
nSerpSstVr end Tlckk ARont of th.
DUa. Tnw.
alUIlU llwUBilAV. Alltln
m"n Ai""v"t . t Aicuiosftcn. w
i. f. Mninvnn rrAA4 ai -.
wtWaS of thfp a Rnins
--"'-' "" Humiiianawnww
WWmttfol Grawth f NskWSS Difrl the
Past TwMty-flvi Years.
la the Grand neanlt the Southern
Puclflc Hold a Forcmoat lMnce.
General Notes ot the nail.
fXIwoniy-two or tweaty-thrco years
thero was ono Uno.across the coatlneal tho
Union and tho Central Pacific PcUlo Mall
tinea as well as now wus la Iho carrying
trade between tho Atlantic and Pacific Tie
gross earnings ot tho Union. Piaclflo wor
about JIO.WOO.OOO nd ot the Centiul Pa-
clths about 118000000 or ft total of $23-
000000 for Uunscoatliaental mllixwd traffic
including what llttlo local 'buslntas.had d-
veloped along the lines. Biraiags In tho
last fiscal year of .transoolttlnoatal roads:
Canadian Pujcifla rst.onivofvo
Nontihenn Pacino 23.7(in.fiftn
Union ascitic 16500.000
Atdalsott 40000000
Sottthora raolflc
Great Nocltihern 2a.00.0(K)
flVtal $183300000
Tbo growth seems almost beroud bollof.
says tho Railway World. Hates -haVo fallen
a ten wiws in glguatio proportion btlt
tonnase carried has Increased In mttch
larger iiroportlon. The country lr.versel
Is being built tp and development! wta
Itoutll thti Pliillpplnes and to come with
China and Japan open ah almost boundless
opportunity for expansion of business.
'Die Difference In Itallroad and Com-
mlinntoii Itntc.t Kxplnllied.
In yestorday's railroad department ot Tho
lost tho following lettaii va9 publlhi3d
without comment:
Trially Texas. December C LVs showing
result at unU-iuilnourt commission de
cision wo paid .blik .morning on four-ill class
freight from GUI vestex via iltiterna'tianiil
and Great Northern railroad 66 coins par
luu 'pounds. The lonneir tulo was 37 cents
per 100 araunds being say 73. per coat In
crease. Tho rate on cotton from this point
to Galveston bus been raised S cents and
to Houston 0 conts iper 10O jxjuads net.
Yours 'truly S. IS. Humes & Co
wV promincntiOCflclal ot Uw International
rofcriJng U Uhe foptacolng liaj-w Messrs.
Barara & Co. must 1o mLstakon In their
Ftntenreuits. 1H0 submits tbut the roods
have substituted the rale3 In effect August
1S01 for "thoso enjoined by the recent dor
elslon and quotes both tirlffs on cotton
from Ti-imty to Houston and GalveMon
Hau-s- Galvea-
ton - ton.
Commission ralo ....... .37 cemts 43 cents
Ite'te ot '91 now effective. 40 ecnlt 4S cents
"How Barnes & Co." suid tho official
"could have paid 60 coats wihen our rite
la only 40 ceivts is a mystery to me or how
they oin say the rato on cotton from Trin.
ity ito Galveston has been raised 8 centa
when os a matter ot toca It has only been
inotyjised S cents is a thing 1 can not uu-
deri'taod. To g'lve a better idea of tha
full'aey ot H)he Barnes letter" he luldod.
"let tno -comipjre Uhe dlfferoate by classes.
In tho (freight Ta'teS nrescribed by tho com-
mission and those now charged Under' the
'91 tariff by 'the iralli-cuds. Here are the
class rates from Galveston to Trinity In
11 2 3 4
Commission tariff fi0 47 42 37
Tariff of 1S34 - 49 40 il
"You wrll sea by ithls" he continue.!.
"tMa't Uhe n&llroads .now charge loss on first
nnd second- class freight than -taj. commis-
sion fixed and In tho case of third and
fourth class freight the roads have male
an advaince only of 2 ond 4 cents per 100
poupds. respectively. These betag tho
actual facts 'I -would like to know where
Barnes & Co. fliavo discovered J.hs "75 par
cent increase' they -wrl'to about?"
It Will He Continued na im "Orgii"-
Untlon for tlie- 1'rc.icnt ut Ifiint.
Ait the imoetlns of tho executive board
of itho Southwestern bureau Just hold in
St. Lou'ls tho following roada were repre-
sented: Santa Fc system Vice President Morton
Proigiht Traffic Manager Biddlo and Gen-
eral Freight Agent Goodwyn.
KOaK island system Vice president
TruOidalo and Freight Traffic Manager
Southern "PaciHo companyVice President
Stubbs Troffio Manager Beln and General
Western A'gant Neimycr.
litlssourl l-Cansos and Texas railway-
Vice President Allen undi Traffic. Manager
Missouri Pacific system GenowJ Freight
Agenit Stith.
ISt. Loufc Southwestern rail way Goaoral
Tratllc Manager Dodge.
St. Louis and Sua Francisco railroad
Vlco President Y'oilcuni and .General
Freight Agent Russell.
Texas and PacCfio rallwaj' General
Freight Agent Sargent. -....
Kaiooas City Pittsburg and Gult railroad
General Freight Agent UgMburno.
Nw York aud Teis Steamship company
Tratflc Manager Donison anJ Assistant
Traffic 'Manager Worileld.
Cromwell Steamship comy-nany Vleo
President Stubbs ot tho Southern Faclftn
Colonel S. w". Fordyce's resignation as
chairman wUs regretfully accepted and
Mr. W. H Truesdalo was elofftod to the
vacant post.
A "Yost number of niattom were consid-ci-od
and tha meotlmg remained In session
tho ontlro day discussing the future op-
erations ot the bureau adjourning at 0 p.
m. after odopllng a resolution to continue
Che awceeM tftitus unftll after iho BUbsc-
nuent conference wlhlch Will be held In
New Ywlc oa January 16 1899. At th.o
corvferonos wanendmepJW io the agrismoat
Will bo subraiJMe.1 and Jvstcd -upon tho pur-
pose being of course to comply fully
tho requirements of the law as defined In
the dSliflaa of iho United Statea supremo
court in the Joint tivtffic casn
Several Line Itecently Ahaorhert ly
thf Hyticm ro I'.irinnlly llutllleil.
Topeka Kan December 8. The direct-
ors of the'Santa Vo Railway company mot
bare today Tho meoling of the stockhold-
nra.wsio hold at noon. Only a few of tha
larc number of stockholders were present
but more than two-Uslrus of tho casital
slock was ropresoauy by proxy. Tho fol-
lo.wink were nrwentr President IS. H.
Ripley Oepernl Manager Hlgglneon as-
siBtanf to the ntcsWefcl VUwr MowIU:
'General Counsel W. E. Hodges; General
Purchasing Agent. It 'Somers Hays C. S.
Gloeti. E. B. Aycr. 0. K. HolUday and
Aldace E. Walker . .
'Ablate R. Walker President iRipley W.
S. Roach and Q. K. Holllday were elecleil
'as members of tho' board of dlicctors
Tbo. formal sBproval 0( h purohsco of
a4wi. v M.m ....- 4.m 1 ii 1 1' a. m IP.aaiiila
'Mr. .WlkM.''-Mf.tha hoafa. wnlA
that .tiift wuNwrtatw-' that4- Urt faMllloa;
01 tnis una to.tne yBinwiii'n"'..-""
lncrt!0 in buslneaq' wMoh . wl be fait.
over.lJieeaUrelltieJr. Walker tM.Ui
tie war had 6ped BTeater. poaalbWKJM
tor tho Weat.and thai Ban ytunciKO will
bo n much Wore import; print to tha
road thai U has crer.bcea.".; . . v t
Tho meeting' todwy; formaMf ratified th
mtroha&o ot tbv foljowln branch lines:
Kansas Oity Tweka' .WU Wostem. Hall;
road cHnjaiay5 Leavenworth.. Northern ana
Soutlmrn roilwnyi' tho SWuHihem Kansas
naMway. company; tho Kow Mexico South-
urn Prtcl'lo rtlw43r;.the Nw Mexican. rail-
way; tho Bio Grande Moxlco and Pacific
railroad; Silver City Demtat and IMolttc
railway; tho "Wlohtta. and Western roll-
road; SK. Josxjph. SU lula and Santa ro
Tho rotlflcaUicm yrtm also made ot tha
leaeo by tbo 'company ot various lines In
Colorado Kansas tvnd California.
.! aniiii a
B. aw O. Altearel tn Hare Made It
Worm for1 Teatna Itoarta.
(SpecJal Dlspatento T Tost;)
Baltimore. Md. December 8. The pro-
posed investigation before tbe interstate
commerce commission whtbh was set an
foot fioveral woeks ago at tho Instance ot
Texas lines has ccano. to nn abrupt termi-
nation. lt la wjjortod horo in tritnfporta-
tlon circles that tbo Baltimore and Ohio
in Its answer tflod with tho tnterstata
commerco commtsslon baa so incriminated
tbo complainants tho Texas Unea that
they aro imublo to oursue the caso' further
wllhotit making tbcuiscl-a liable U crim-
inal prosecution lit tho Federal courts. It
Id understood that the cut rate was partic
ipated la as much by the linos from 3U
Louis -to Texas na by tho Baltimore and
Ohio from Baltimore to St. Louis. Thia
Baltimore and Ohio answer la public prop-
erty tn tho ihauus ot tho 'Interstate coiu-
mcrco commission. '
An Old Claim l'nld.
iNothlag 13 losit 1 a well-rcgtiUt'ed rail-
road offUce. Over fourtoou years ago tho
Sowtlhcrn licitio Railway couiipany had in
Its omploy a certain citlzon ot auroveiwrt
whw died in 18S4. A tan- dliiys 030 tha
widow while looking ovor tihe oftoota ot
her fate- ihualwnd acoldoait'Jlly discovered
oniong ivla aiers an old ldenttllcatton
chock showing a. certtila amount) ot
wages vma due und owing tu dsceascd at
the ittnio of his doa't'h.. Ttho money had
novcr ibeen called lor but at tho same time
it was 'never lost traclc of. Consoqtiontly
wihtvn u letter from Shro"opant yestorday
btoughctho old check to tlhq Southern Pa-
cific oDtlco in ibis city with a rotiuost'tn'at
the inotwy -bo a-oaiiltted' it tho papor was not
ouJsiwcd it ttok Just a'bou't.teu mlnu-;es to
look up tho old claim and have tho oxaot
sum It called Jor nwljed to 'the anxious
widow in Shrovc-port. Fourteen yeui'a tbo
UVmiUfloa.3ion check had beoa iygardc4 a)
so much wuslUs TUPor but "when curlo'iky
at last ipromplod ita presenilation it was
lioraotcd ifarnMhat it called for cent for coat
aud tho amount forwarded by iho first mall.
Hiillrontl 'Notca uml I'ersonnU.
Mr. C W. Hole general freight and
nassenser acent ot tho Kansas City. AVat-
hktca and Quit railway with headquarters
at Lake .Oharles La was among yester-
day's visitors to Houston.
Mr. R. 11. Innos superintendent ot 'Lbs
Sau Autonlo nnd Aransas Pass railway ia
In tho city on business connected with
hU road.
Mr A. A. Van Alslync. treasurer of. the
Galveston Houston and Henderson rail-
road was here from tho Island City yester-
day. Mr. n. S Fife commercial agent' of
ttho Missouri Kansas nnd Texas with
headquarters at Derilson Is in the olty. Ho
la an old Houstonlau and his visit will
therefore bo all the more pleasurable.
Assistant General Freight Agent Weat
ot the Ml3souV Kansas and Toxas re-
turned to the city last night from Galves-
ton. (Mr. Y. H. Whittlesey. Ira-vcHnsr pas-
senger agent ot the Big Four with head-
quarters In Dallas Is among tho late ar-
rivals. Mr. G. Jj. Noble assistant general su-
perintendent of the. International and Groat
Northern was in tho city vMtorday and
returned to Palestine last ovcnlnc.
Mr. I. S Dollutu. traveling auditor of
the International and Great Nnrthorn. waa
here from his Palostino headauarturs yes-
terday. 'Mr. J. W. AIloii geuettU freight agent
of th'a Missouri Kansas and Texas passed
through tho city last night on his way to
Captain A. Da Coota traveling passenger
ngemt. mt ithj Viotoria dlvlsiora of the
Southern Iticiflc. wluh hoadauartors at
Oiioro. Is at tho Lawlor.
Olr. W. C Von V'lecfc. manager of tlie
Sunset rullroad accompanied by his family
oin-1 private secretary left tho city last
night for New Orleans.
Oa account ot ifhc Christmas and. Now
Year's 'holidays tho Houston Bxst and West
Texan rallro3d announces round- trip tlcketo
for ono nnd cno-thlrd fares from all points
on its Hue. Tickets sold' December at 23
26 and 31 limited ito January 8.
.mho Sunset announces .holiday excursions
to '.Mexico on December 20 and 21 at tho
following rates: Vnom San Antonio 10 City
of (Mexico $25; to Celayo $23.85; to Guada-
lajara $30.r.O Tlcltcts igqod to return wltb-
4a thirty days from dato ot sale.
mhn si?Kf. Fa anal itook Island announce
tht commencing on tho 20th lurt. they
wall coiso wil laaireuws" i w y
hn Chlcazo uad Great Wostern. This Im
practically a boycott but its effect U ra-
fljirelod as 'insbju-lfleaiait by 'President Stick-
malm nnlllnucr Kulunlta Ilia Pro-
liriiiiinm for Bnilinrlmllnn.
Waehlngton. December 7 General Lud
instton quartermaster general of tho army
Ihls received a telogram from Major uei
linger. Mho quartermaster at BiYanan In
charge of tho transportation f troops irom
thiitj)oln-t to Cuba as follows: Tho follow-
ing r itho arrangements: "Fin North
Caroliaa on the iMlcblsan; Second Jlllnohr
on tt-o mouurania and the IClst Indiana
und Fourth Virginia on the Mobile. Tmas-
portatiop of four reglmenlal hoidquartors
n'itU division .hospital and lgl corju di-
vided between cba Mlcblxaa and Uoitmanla
DiyiJion awd brlgado headquarters as lis
Mwbllc; Will inspect and report on aer as
a transport Genera Los reports beaI-
quartcrs on the Panama Doubt if you will
Bain KaytSiiing toy sendiag troops from hero
by Tvay of rinvaa op Florida and Whitney.
It will tako Iwth boat to carry ana 1-
meat. Time taken Id loading regiment
unloading aq4 loading at Port TUmpa' and
lurioidrag at Havana will c9 conaiderble
delay. Suzsest Khlpplug of freight which
might delay unloading of transports at Uiv-
nn by Florida ami Whitney TOlnk Ms
would bo cheaper an'clcauo less del-iy taaa
by retunrlns sb'Sps from Havana. Ocnfoil
Lee's onllra. trospJ should be trtiaDOrta
direqt from this point t Jfivano."
O flk loV'V O 3R.'X a
Bean th. ? """ Kind VOII HW AlWJjH l'JH
tMCttt mCffa ItllUassjaajlRSJi
AaVl ii. CaW AaJla " r m laiata --tJ--.fl ' A ' saa'
a& t nttMin CtMftCt
" i
FKtftriEmEN the fairs A mi m
Vrtheir rracaeaMnata the A. M. to.
' Coatei-wea tteycrt "an the al
of the W. aa N W.
GaJrestoa TexaaV December 8. Oearw
B. lioJcea a atatf correapoonent et the;
Chico Record ia here today. Mr. Hodges
Is on his- Aay to Manila to' rellevi Me-
Cutcheon. who' was with Dewey nef'dd
such brilliant' work at tha time ot the
great battle. McOutcfceon Is In falling
health and' wilt roturo horn. Mr. Hodges
is acinic to make abort stop at Ban An-
tonio ami El Paso and' from the latter
place will Ko dtreot to San FrancUco.whera
be will take io utoanwr tor Hone Ktmi.
He Wtll attend tho Attlllcry ball -tonight
as a guest ot uowspaper ft lend?.
The A. M. E. oontoreaee hours war
fixed ait from 9 a m. to lp. m nnd 2:30
xt m. to G:30 p. m. TJje following named
oersona wcro tatnoduoeU to the conference:'
Rev. T. V ilcndereon D:. D. manager
ot Christian Recorder; Rev. O. S. Smith
D. D. aecraUiry Sunday School union;
Itov. Evans Tjnroe. D. D. ot the Tennea-
sco confercnoo; Rov. Q. E. Taylor IX br
from West Texas conference; nor. lit w.
Storks ot West Texas coatorunoe; Rev.
J. W. Rankin. D. D. ot tho Northeast
Tvxms conterenco; Rov- J. H. Smith ot tr.a
Cemtral Texas ooutereucot Itov. C. A.
Harris M. D. ot the Northeast Texas
conterenco: Rov. T. 0. .Denbam D. D.
Presiding elder of Central Texas confer-
once. Tho following aro the conference com-
mittees; On admk&ion and 01 dors: 0. B. Rich-
ardson It. McKcnnn. D. J. Hull
On public wotshlp: M. D. Moods' F.
W. Warron. H. L. Trapp.
To oxamtnc first year's data: J. M.
Gentry A L. AV Wllhlte M. D. Moody.
Sccoad year's elus: J. F. Sunders J
L. Williams. F. W.. Wright.
Third year's closa F. W. Wta. A.
Suowdon E.. W. Rodgers.
Fourth year's clatu- C. H. Hopkins G.
AV. Smith. P. O. Hunt.
On tempcrauce: J. W. Sand-ers.- S J.
Corner. C. II. Hays.
On the uanotky of itlio Sabbath: It M.
MoKcnnn A. H. Crawfonl It. T. L-wU.
On iho talo of tho country: D. J. Hull
C. H. Hopkins O. 'MaiuuM
On ohuroh extension: E. W. Rodgeuu
G. 13. ltlclinrdson. 8. Jl Sanders.
On Sunday School union: M A Dixon.
On education: 11. McKcnna. M. U.
On uiisaloua: L. D. Hondy" J. T. M
To hold conferenteo mnnoy' contingent:
M. M. Moody. .F. W. Warren J. M.
.MU-sIonn.ry money: L D. Hondy G.
W. Anderson.
Endowment: H. B. Souly. P. O. Hunt.
S. J. Walker.
To preach tho missionary sermon: Dr.
EvanB Tyroe
The conference at'C p. ni. adjournod until
7 p. m. A short ailght session was hold
tho only bunlnoss transaotod was the re-
ports from pastors ot the several dl-
tricUv Tlie second day's session opened with re-
ligious eorvlcca conducted by Dr. Tyroe
of tho Tcnnessoo conference. After an
address by Bishop Saultor on the keeping
of tiho Ten Commandiments tho bldhop
look 'tbo chair and tho minutes of the pre-
vious Brecon wero read and adopted The
roDorls from tho districts were reauined.
Tho lotol amount colleoted for.oonferonca
Dumnsc Is $112488
Friday night at 7:50 Dr. o. B. snntn
will 'preach a sermon on' "A Hot Tim In
tbe Old Town Tonight."
Tho matter of putting a bteamer Into tho
trade between Oalvce'tJon Corpus Ohr.etl and
otlhcr coast fcawna wlas widely discussed
hero today.
Mr. 'I. llarwwttz wfho fonmorly Oiad the
b'tcamer Cumberland 4n itho Carpus Chrhtl-
Galvcwtou trade waa ia.sUed what be thought
about tiho sltuatlbn.
''Just as sure us aigiht follows day" cuid
he "Galtstoa will lose AVitihln six months
every 'bit of'tho great itrado alio had in that.
South Toaias country unless a steamer la
putt on to knock out itUat San Antoix.o and
Amiasa.i PUp schedulo of rates. You poo-
plo bero in Galveston bavca't go; an lda
ot What a business there Is to be had down
thoio If you jpj Bitter It. Why when 1 had
the Cumberland dn tho ncrv-ico I got" buil-
ness from Chicago and 'St. Louis for Corpus
Olirlatl. if Uihls cdarftwlee service was proi-
orly developed you could muiko Corpus
Ohrlsti b gateway to Mexico.
"J was in Corpus Chnlatt last week and
made an address to the merchiaiDits They
asked mo If a fcad any propositions to make
bo them. 'I told ithm I bad not but I did
toll itbom tihiat It wm their duty to make
the 3tart and while I waa not authorized
ito speak for Galveston 1 was satisfied this
city would do her part. My boat the
'Cumberland is now in tho hiand ot tha
government 'Haw soon ho will be ra-
tunned to mo I do not know
"I pointed out ito tiho tnerclionts tht
Instead of iwlng subject to Che domination
of tho Intcrbn- cMlea such as San Antonio
they could. If ibhey but availed themselves
of their advantages draw the tirade of the
Interior to them
"Galveston wholesalers imwy be doing a
Wg .business now 1 believe fchcy.are bat
tiiey shouldn't go to sleep end loje what Is
na'tiuroliy theirs. They wltt-havo to get
inito 'the swim and tight for their rights.
"I ibavo seen somftihlng prlnited about
what -tha itradB of Bast T.xa amoanta tu.
I can toll you itiiat the BaatiTexua trido Is
only a snap ot your' Augers compared with
that South Texaa trade Gatveston doesn't
apprcoi&tp the'ioiportanoe of ttoat torritorj'.
l't is the eirpplr wtaillon for a large portion
ot tho (Mexican frontier
Tbo fight between tbe Independent and
regular pilots has setiUed down tc a quiet-
baals. The' indepondento brongh ln t
lAira yesterday and each day go out and
offer tiiolTi Harriets to. any aproacblng
vs el that cornea wlthta hailing dlatancq.
Thero may be a. new legal moye In a fsw
Java a one of thev attorney for tbo
new pilots said he wm Inclined to try for
nn inlunetlon agalawt the members of tbe
Pilots' association! rcalrainiow tietn from
'In .any manner laterferinic with the work
r' thn indenendeiBta.
There has been -no meeting of tha pilot.
rennmusiono.-n cew nce me omer nay.
a renort waa out today that they would
ndavor to have appointed about three
.' dnnutr nilota ' 1
Alfred Abeel master commla-iloner in
the rase pt the Farmera Loan ana Trust
Company agolntt the Houajton aaa Texaa
cVatral Hallway today filed to the. Federal
court nere nis report at tuaaaaa at taa
I Wayo Koithweatarn brMah ..WHW T-J HV V-gMiW. Vt mm. llWMi W' .
-' -"a imu !'- a
IWii.M.5 1 Main .Vaaaaia. AaaAatBr:
S uyrfNQ': '
u vnirc
:: -zmk
tilt im te'.i'i.." K M.'rSeiii'.t'ir.'Wjji'VwVjiiHJ .'!.. -'
AI1I GUNS. fmii(i...i!.uAtMtiiii:iHuwimHt
MOMEMiwmu mfl5nir......U.......... ........
s 1 n. nrsirsA BCDlUn .IB .
1 V. Ln-fX 1 I1CU. DCIirtU.rtf IVt '.
Borle on June SO. Tha raport. Ukea up
tha manner In whloh the paytDeat waa
made which however hasbeen tully cov-
et od by tbo papers; He aaya ho baa tll5
cash on haad and ak' tbe court tor cc-
ORra tor Us disposition. '
Ibero Is now in tbo reglatry of tho court
at New Orleans nearly $300000 to be (lis-
tributed in this case U ia expected that
at tha mat session at court here Judge
Brvant wilt enter ordora and finally dta-
oae ot tha money; There 'are a great
ttnny clalraa for i-ompenaatlon pending
hut.the bulk ot. this vast sum he boea .
aside to satisfy JuMgrcnta In tha. aveot-
that certain suits now pending' should be
decided adversely to the road.
The annual aitttllery bail the swell so-
cial function ot tie aoason. was given here
'tonight tat Harmony-nail
There waa a largo crowd uwaeht not-
withstanding the inclement weather.
O-uUjU from Houston San Antonio ami as
tar north at Denlson were in attendance.
At tha Tromont A. II. Booth. Liverpool.
England; S. G. Pierson Denver; S. Conn
Now Orleans; R. L. Fuller. Brooklyn;
John O Parker Now Orlcana: O. B
Hodigos Chicago Record; L. W. New. Itll-
adelphia; R. B Bner. Houston : E; B.
Wahbunnc. dhicaito; Charlea Parka. Bren-
hamtf R. N. MarHn New York: W. P.
Wooda St. Loula; M. ltoscnhrlra Now
York; E. W. -Redding. Wharton; Henry
S. Dewey O. M. Thomoasn. New York;
Charles Ruibens. Chicago; J. W. Allen
.Dallas; J. L. West.. Houston; J. W. Skip-
per Lovelady: R. P. Soarle Chicago; J.
Maycock. Buffalo; W. R. Beckett aud
wife. Mdwmrdsvlllo. Ill;: J. Stein. Now
York! Gcottto J Davis. Washington: J.
Oluwles Orubbe New York; A V. Fisk
Sun Francisco; A. Nlcoud St. Iiouls; A. H.
LowMtUrsl. Texas; W. W. Hawkins. St.
Ijoula; J C. Werner Atlanta. Ga.; .
lHrsch and wife. Richmond: Talmago M
ronncll. and wMo St. Lou: W JI. West
and'wifo. Now YorkiJj. J. Hebert nud wife.
Beaumont; J. H. Smith and wife. BartUtt;
.!. W. Stanton St. Ivoulst V L. Grlftln.
Dallas. Tho West MlnBtrcl company in-
olmllnB twenty-flvo membor.. ar ulao
stopping mi. tho Tremmit. t
Part of the Crew of a Htrn.ea Vca-
ael Picked Up.
alttmono. Dcocniber 8. Thts johntown
steauuilhlP' lner Vedftmoro f Liverpool
Oaiplaln Rcibert Bartlot't for whose safety
fears were beginning to be trlt as she
waa soveral days ovwdue arrived thia
morning at pier 31 Iaooust point with
forty-five ahjowrecked1 mariners whloh she
had picked up atsea. Twwnty-ftvo others
Wnt dbwn with their ship. The mc'wd
Sccand officer. T. Glbtlngs; sec-
ond engineer. J; W. Orahara; fourth en-
gineer W. Q. Wytrat chief cook C John-
r.tnn! nlilo seaman. Taiaan: flroman A. E.
Tongue: F. Jjemtoskc. J. 'McGowan J
WWe; J Brlgnt 11. Harrow j v-i.
Wi Terry Thomas Ouptd J. Has O. h.1-
11. .-a xvit tl rvoart. O. Feaae. J.
.vvv -a. -. "--- ..i.t. kJ
Manon ana tiwenty-iivo oauuuciuu n-
npma are not obtainable.
Th euppasti lout aro: William Lee.
chief officer; Murray chief euglneeir; Staf-
ford third engineer; 8ltor and twonty-ono
other atamrni firemen and cMtlanwM. Th.
men are t aurvSvors of tlhw Brltlah steam-
ship lndoa:iar. o( Indoo. bound frwr.
Btxfton io Ijondon with a large general
cargo anil 850 ottlo on deck. They were
rescued from the Lorolonlan by the crow
of tho Vcdnraore dwitw a terrible gale In
whlloh eovoral boats were lost or dashed
to pieces against the ship's eldo. After
tho rescue of part ot the crew tho Lon-
dtonlan drifted away In title dTknet.
Ttai XndonHan was a. flno atcel vessel
built at Gasow tn 189. and Rltof"
C532 tons gro3 8ho belonged to the Wil-
ton Furneas Leyland line.
CI7VK. A. Remarhablr Sneeeaafnl Ilmedy
for Dyapepalit Indlite.lon nnd
tHomnoli Trouhlea.
Dr. Watrtb In commenttttg on recent dis-
coveries in medicine said: There Is none
which ia certain to be ao valuablo and far
waching in benefit as Stuart's Dywpepaia
reaching In uenent as otuaj-m iniv'
Tablets the new atomach.remy. I say
Tabieu the new wna "' -"
far-ireacning necauae peopio -""
. . .a. - .. a iiiniinri nnd vtrnVm
ous dlgesition is to every man woman and
M .W"' ""T"rr.r-..'."
1... 1 ... i. B!a.41iic. nnlllt. nf eon-
sumption heart disease Brlght's dlaeaao
.7 . : " . ' . . ...iinn ivkr
intiivPMi.i.ii n limi nv... ...... ..... - -
troubles; why Is this so7 Simply because
cervou. proatranon itver
overy nerve muscle nnd tissue in ow
bodies Is created nnd nouri.hud from the
rut At. if thai food is. by reason of a
wmV stomach compolled to ll tor hours
a sour fermenting mass of half ffigested
food- it. poisons me moon iw uofyvu. i-
tean creates gas which distends the stom-
ach and bowels causing pressure on tbe
heart lungs and other organ and serious-
ly Impeding their action.
He says further the point to direct at-
tention is not the -nerves nor heart ww
lungs nor kidneys but the stomach the
'first caueo ot all the mischief.
The remedy to use for indigestion and
weak Btomache is not some oatltartlc but
a ..remedy which will digest the foodi in-
crease the flow of gastric juice absorb the
gasesani uiuarva vjwiwm. r..
accomplish exaotty thia reault j Id ?"
of stomach trouble because these tablets
are compoeed ot the digestive acids asep:
tic pepsin Goldon Seal add blswutb pleaa-
ant tojtaate and not being a patant medi-
cine can be used by any oca with Prtc
aafety; I.beMera Stuarfa Dysnopsla Tablets
will cure any form of pUa;atlaNM
atomaob trouble except canoe of:tomeii.
Full size packages ot Stuart. Dyspepsia
Tablets are sold by druggists at 60 cents
or hy wail from F. A. "Wart Co.i'Maiv
hail- Mich'. A book on atooiaoh. dlaa
together with thtusaada of : .taatlaaenUU
Will ba sent by addraaslng abaw oreall
on your qrtglat for theaa. .
Koairtb txrt f4aHW "
Ran AMtonto. Taias ttoft'lfrf!
aftenadr' Vcka; WUkaa' aV laVigajJf;
Porflrlo GayeU'froaa ya.Mty'.M;MT
lion of'traaa' try Ua;. WW;f
Bexa;oouaty;n' -Art"5f
naai aavMaWV Cajaaavur t H. aallOH. ftasi
""''"" Tr.Tr322ai.? tu..iK.M'Tr
ia Qaajsa-agJ i2S&f&2PZ$G&
Wahh aatwars J?li. lWW!&
ftp zwiv
U Cot.
if 44f
rt7i .' ... .
. t -t- ?i
' a-iMsl$t'
- Tr'iinT'"'".i -- "i-itJ''t ". - "tj
'.V.sswja aaaai
geamgsl r aaaaal ffraaaaTgi saam ' h
'' .wi'.'.-'-'KVJkvW.?. f.i
-.'.Ci -iJW.V.TjHA'W.'..iJVS ..i
tl ft j rkMM$M$m -I
Alt.raer aaw-. Ta-aai; V
XatTawrMar1ina'sIa;?iiiaaaaia& ' fw
. .. w 3-: Mil. .--JMS ' '
nutin TkM raamanman - a. ueiaaaw. .".-- -. ;
CtaDoraw'wluUaJteraio -atoAaWj
row in PHuaiaas itaivewn saw aa .? mjs .-3
. ." ji:iiuj....r. " -- - j- - -"" -
.. . ... w.--..- ;w
rommlMVkn.r Ir variouai raaanna .bast: anal '-3M .
not' Intertfere-tlrliinwtbBf'' ytoUtfWM
4V '"WW wlw'ww "L .. .rf... t.T. V?
Biaro cuperiatenaeiu oa i-uimio i.amjrwi-KmM
iloa-4oct J. S. Kendall' thia 'saorntng; sui-;M
nouncod that H; L iPiner of Grayaom.caam-vtd
ty Will bo chief clerk In his department;' Jjif
At present Mr.; Fitter la principal in'iai.jjfa
Shcrnianijctty KhoolBl. Though a native t;S
xvcubucKy no was reaici vniviiy iu .i cxiQ
uinl rocnlved'lila last VcBtitiatloii in the law' ..''
department at Vanderbllt unlverttty. For f $
tA Waal flfrMatti Vn.ffl 1n KaWkta '.' ftiV '-rit--S
Vtiv ( iiiwvil ;via. aw Haa wawa wv wr
tngaged In teaching at WiiltowTlght Van
AlstjJio and Sherman in OraysoB. county.
Unsolicited on bis. part the position ot
chief clerk wis' tondorcd Mr. Finer on
November 22 and on December 5 hla formal
aocentance' was. received. Booa'uso of hut
rlpo soholar(h'l'his thorough acquaintajeoa
witn scnooi work aa ms gonorni aanuo-
Istratlvo ability ho will como well.cpilppe4
to his new ncid.ot labor
Mr. S. M. N. Mars the present chlet
vclcrk wait not dn applicant for reappoint
ment ami will rpturn to'scbooi work at tna
end ot "his term.
tAMornoy General craine'a bicntnlal report
now in course of preparation will iihow
iihat. under the' provisions ot the1 net ot
April 29 1893 his dopmflttnwit approved
bonds for rogUtratlon In tho following
amounts :
1897. IMS.
Count' frond $1312U99 $1310202
CWy iboads ..'...'. 7S5.S00 477.709
School Hstrlctbond.. 11000 " 13.230
Total '....-.. .$2079199. $l70tlia
Bonds representing nanounts about- eauil
to the above -'were examined- and turned
dowin. Under the law requ!rin;ihat bonds
suibmltited totho Stiato scOiool board for aala
to the ipeinnuoioiJt sahwal fumd bo" examined
by 'tho latlsorittoy esWaI bonds to the
amount ot $323218 wero favorably passed
upon' in 1S07 lamd bonds to the amount of
$400002 in 1898.
R. E. Schietfer a local meat markatman.
was this ovcnlng found dead near tha
Blaushter.pons.on the Cameron.rsad narth
of the ctty
There was a hols In hla head throogn
which a 32-callber rifle ball had passed
from temple to temple anU nrlllo wo lying
oa tho ground by hla sMe. It is supposed
that Sohleffer dropped ithe. rifle while climb.
lug a fence and waa aocMentally dia-
oharged with tho abovo rcsullat.
C M. T. Townsead entomologist ill th
service of the United Statics hljs been beee
Tor sovorai days taking notes upon tha.
cotton boll weevil and hi3 found that this
pesit has galnod.ia jfooifcold and is spreading
In Hbla ecotllott.
naruitNs wow missino.
ate-turns have neen received at Jha depart- .
ment of etalo for governor and Uautenant
gov'omor 'from all except the following
counties; Bowie Crosby. Dickens Free-
tftone. Jeffowon UlorrU Robenuwn Stone-
wall Travis and Upshur.
A. M. Kenedy member-elect of tha
Twenty-sixth legislature from lalxaestene
county Is In the city..
Hon. E. H. Rognn of Locwtsri is aaa.
1 ""' .'V. "Ci. " . i nBteadba'
d? on a vUH to h). son. who .. adding
jf- s7. wmmr
..Tit Hit a VL U.
----- . .tlon far tha.
i Cotton Belt railroad ef Toxas -was here A AM
today and paMhls rPct8 to the 'railroad .1
- carnmbwion and tbe attorney- general. BM
rZl km railroad ef Toxas waa
lroad ef Toxas .was
lis reaped to the rail
tbe attorney general
1 represented by . Adlo
- . . . . .-
Texas win be repreainted -b)fln'?J 9 ' MM vtrrimtt Oolonol BLaadlfer and s.-j3fB!
General wozeraurart wuiuuv piw..
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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 251, Ed. 1, Friday, December 9, 1898, newspaper, December 9, 1898; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 18, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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