Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 32, No. 1, Ed. 1, Thursday, January 7, 1897 Page: 5 of 8

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pMnj-.ij.?iir 11
TiJe Lady Maccabees inBtalled
Sifters at Music Hall Monday night
Phe New Tear at the age of four;
ays is vory prolific with calamities?
- . : . v.-v.
low at Hempstead early Monday
corning badly damaged inovarug
Establishment of Dr. Urban. .
t rber's "Wayside Inn Peas corn-
pine apple are among the high
1 J J l TTT.l T..nn
AIOxday was lnstauauon .nigni
frith the Germania Lodge of" Odd
PellowB. At the conclusion of' the
istallation ceremonies .an elegant
inch was served for the benefit of
lembers only.
Messrs'. 0. T. Koff and C.L. Wil-
ins were appointed as a committee
if the Knights of Pythias to meet
ho remains of their deceased broth-
.r Knight B. A. Stuckert at Wsl-
iis. Messrs. x. a. uw auu
Stuckert accompanid the committee.
TJndeb favorable monetary condi-
jns there is no reason why the
States should not become
the leading market of the world in
manufactured articles as well aB in
giicultural products.
Several real estate transfers took
place Tuesday of property levied on
by the sheriff for debts and taxes.
Seveaty-Bix acres belonging to King
Sogers waB Bold to satisfy a judg-
ment for 1100 in . favor of the
Dwyer estate. The tract brought
$250 and was bought in by Mr. W.
E Dwyer.
At a meeting of the W. C. T. TJ.
'held Monday it was decided to
ange the day for meeting from
ondayto Tuesday. All who are
interested in organizing a Loyal
Temperance Legion are requested
to attend a meeting at headquarters
Saturday evening January 9th at
3:30. Mrs. Thomas who is at the
bead of the legal department request
: all co-workers io meet with her at
ie residence of Captain Shelby at
f:30 p. in. Thursday.
The funeral of Mr.B. A Stuckert
vno suicied Saturday Dy Banging
himself with a window cord to a
crossbeam in his lumber office at
foakum took place from the resi-
ence of his mother-in-law Mrs. E.
jDrozier at 11 a. m. Monday under
the direction of Brenham Lodge
No. 10 Knights of Pythias. A large
number of sympathizing friends
mingled their tears with those of
the bereaved family around the
grave of their former fellow-townsman.
To the bereaved family and
relatives the Baxnee extends sincere
condolence in their hour of deep
County Court Jurors.
The jury for the January term of
county court which convenes next
Monday week was drawn Tuesday
as follows:
T. Spitzer Henry Stolz Wm.
Zeiss Wm. Krause C. W. Homeyer
B. W. Tarver Henry Quebe Louis
: Korff A.Lindemann F. L. Schilling
Henry Thiel.
OiEcers Installed.
At a meeting of Rebecca Lodge
o. 134 u. u. . neia uesaay
.afternoon the following officers
were elected and installed:
Mrs. H. C. Bees N. G; Mrs. W.
S. Burnett Y. 6; Hiss Mamie
WiebuBcb Secretary; Mrs. Francis
Baumgart Treasurer; Dr. H. O.
.-OrJees Representative to General As
-iiembly; Mrs. W. S. Burnett Alter-
Brenham Encampment L O. O.
x installed officers Tuesday night.
Officerselect of Cartmel Lodge
No. 39 L O. O. T. were installed
"Tuesday night by Past Grand
Master B. S. Sogers.
Marriage Licenses.
Following is a list of marriage li-
censes issued from the county clerk's
. -office for the week ending Jan. 5
Henry Schroeder to Theophielo 0.
Sol Marohall to Sallie Robertion.
Hence Blackburn to Annie Sutton.
J. M. Countryman to Martha E.
Levy Spencer to Clarry WnhaniB.
Ben Dorsey to Hattie Ackorraan.
Waltw Mitchell to Sfedlie Garter.
Wesley Mackey to Alice Halborc
August MakowBky. to Julia
Richard Vinson to Lizzie Harri-
son j.
William Daniels to oieplii&e lit-
res; ' . h
Richard Johnson to Elks Moiley.
John A. Chlumsky ft ElleIiflo.
n XLiJt VUUKHift
V '
Administered "With Suicidal In-
tent Tw o tetters That K-
nlain All Was Tired of
Living and Wanted
To lic.
inother unfortunate tired of the
disappointments and perplexities
the sling and arrows of oulrageous
fortunes involved in life has willing-
ly laid it dowD preferring to fly to
the unknown bourne whence no
traveler returns than to longer en-
dure the ills of life this side the
Last Tuesday evening Mr. Henry
Eingener bade his family good by
telling his wife that he was going
to Houston to settle up some busi-
ness affairs in that city. He left for
Houston on the 4:25 Central train
and that was the last heard of him
till he was found unconscious on his
back gallery at ten minutes to two
o'clock Monday morning. The family
were awakened by his groans and
hurried to his assistance not know-
ing the nature of his attack and be-
lieving that he had been foully dealt
with. His unconscious lorm was
lifted by gentle and willing hands
and placed in bed. Dr. J. R. Wil-
liamson was sent for with all haste.
The utmost endeavors of the
physician were inadequate to relieve
the dying man and at 8:30 a. m. he
passed away from the world of
which he was tired and surrendered
the life of which he was weary.
Two two-ounce vials labeled
"Laudnum" bought from a drug
firm in New Orleans told only too
well the cause of death.
Two letters were found on the
dead man's person. One written on
0. Bingener's stationery bears date
of Dec 28 1896 as follows:
Bbehham Tec Deo. 28 1896.
To whom this may concern:
I want to herewith state that no
blame shall be left on my folks or
any one else tor the rash act I have
taken. No one is to blame but my-
self. I am tired of this world and
therefore pasB away.
Signed. H. Bixgexeb.
This letter was written in the
English language and enclosed in
the same envelope with the following
letter to his wife written in German:
Dear wife and Son and all whom
it may concern: I 'have only a few
words to say. I will not speak to
you any more verbally. When you
find these words I will not be alive
any more. I am tired of life and have
been for a long time. Pay my dues
in the Schiller Lodge of the Her-
man Sons and the Order of Maca-
bees for the month of January so
you will be able to collect the poli-
cies. I am out of my senses at
times and am delirious. When 3 ou
find me bury me beside my chil-
dren. Then I will be at peace and
will trouble you no longer. I hope
you will be successful and wish you
much bliss and happiness in this
world. You will find my papers in
a box in the iron safe. The keys to
the safe you will find in my pocket.
I will not be able to tell you any
more verbally. And this is all.
The first letter being dated Dec.
28 the day he left for Houston
would suggest the idea that he in
tended to end his -life several days
prior to the commission of the deed.
How he came to be in New Orleans
where the laudnum was procured is
not known as his family thought
him in Houston.
He arrived in Brenham on the 1:45
Central Monday morning and was
accompanied a portion of the way
home by Messrs. Green Morgan and
Frank Levin who were returning
from Hempstead. They did not
notice anything peculiar in his de-
meanor and ho doubtless swallowed
the fatal drug just before reaching
his residence corner School and
Spencer streets in the northern
part of the city.
The news of the suicide spread
over the city with remarkable rapid
ity and added a final Bhock to the
publio'a nerves already unstrung
with the bad tidings with which
Sunday wan so prolific.
A Buntm reporter called at the
residence of the deceased shortly
after it had been invaded by the
ruthless hand of death. The dead
man reposed beneath the bed clothes
looking as if awaiting to be awaken-
ed by tbo breakfast bell so natuitl
and so 'peaceful did he appear. Sur-
rounding him were his weeping wife
and children and a few sympathetic
neighbors. His wife in a voico
broken by many sobs gave the re'
porter all she knew concerning the
detailB of the sad tragedy all of
which is contained in the above
Mr. Eingener was a member of
the board of aldermen having been
elected in April 1S95 and lacking
about three months of having com-
pleted his term. He was a member
of the Sons of Hermann the Knights
of the Maccabees the National Re-
serve and the Ancient Order of
United Workmen and had life in-
surance policies of $3000 in the
Knights of the Maccabees and
S2.000 in each of the others.
He was born Dec. 15 1S56 and
was tnereiore a lew daj-s past lorty
years of age at the time of his death.
The funeral took place from
the family residence at 11 a. m.
Tuesday and interment at the St.
Jacobia church Cemetery. The fun
eral was under direction of the
Knights of the Maccabees.
Xwo Cottages Belonging to the Dwyer
Estate Laid in Ashes Monday
A fitting finale to the various
sensations which characterized the
day waa the clarion accents of the
fire bell which jarred the frosty
atmosphere at about nine o'clock
Monday night.
The fire originated in one of the
row of cottages on the Bouth Bide of
Sycamore street owned by the
Dwyer estate.
The house was occupied by Yel-
lowstone Kitt and the fire is said
to have started from a gasoline
stove but this report could not be
verified. The ravages of the flames
were augmented by a stiff breeze
from the west and spread to every
portion of the building with in-
credible rapidity. In spite of the
prompt response of the various fire
companies the building was com-
pletely enveloped in a seething
mass of flames before their arrival.
The futility of saving the burn-
building was at one apparentand all
hands turned their attention to
the adjoining cottage separated
from the first by a distance of some
twenty feet. This building was oc
cupied by Mr. Cass who is
absent at Cameron and his
family were spending the night with
a neighbor. While the fire boys
manned the hose others broke in the
doors and carried the bonsehold ef-
fects into the street. Soon the en
tire roof of the building was in a
blaze and despite the fact that
three hoses were continually spray
ing it from as many different direc-
tions nothing but a charred shell
remained when the fire was finally
gotten under control.
Mr. W. E. Dwyer estimates the
losses on the buildings at beteen
S1500 and $2000 with no insurance.
The occupants of the buildingB also
lost considerable household goods
some by burning and other by rough
handling in moving them from the
C. G. Dement Killed by Joe Tom Robert-
son. A telephone message from Gid-
dings to Deputy Sheriff Robert
Teague Monday announced the
killing of Mr. C. G. Dement by Joe
T. Robertson. Mr. Dement received
several bullets in the melee and
died almost instantly. Farther
particulars were not obtainable.
Both of the men are well-known
in Brenham and are former residents
of Washington county. Mr. Dement
is an uncle of Mrs D. E. Teague
was a gallant soldier in the confed-
erate army and about fifty-five years
of age.
Sheriff Teague left for Giddings
on the first train.
Death bt Hrs. Neideraner.
At noon Monday Mrs. G. Neid-
eraner departed this life at her
home three miles north of the city
after a thort attack of la grippe
which settled on her lungs.
The funeral took place at
Prairie Lea cemetery Wednesday
morning at 10:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Neideraurer was in her 54th
year and has been married 37 years.
She was the mother of two children
Mr. John Neideraurer and Mrs. O.
Dornberger. To the -bereaved hus-
band and children the Baskxb ex-
tends eincera sympathy.
An Unparalleled Record Saturday K.ght
Returning Prosperity Failed to
Eenef t Three of Brenham's
Eusiness Firms.
Between the hours of 9:40 and
11:30 p. m. Saturday night January
2d three assignments aggregating
S3G101.42 were filed with the
county clerk.
Mr. L. F. Giassmuck proprietor
of the Opera House Saloon was the
first to file his papers reaching the
clerk's office at 9:40. By a deed of
trust he conveys to Mr. E. L. Salley
everything connected with his saloon
business for the ben eh t 01 creditors
whose claims aggregate 810491.40
and whose accounts are as follows:
Searcy & Garrett "SioO; Sam Schlen-
ker S450 E. L. Sailer SIjO; Ale
Simon SO. V. Schiller S350; Gid
dings & Giddings S2o0: Mrs. Annie
Fischer $1050; A. O. Grasmuck
SG25: Mrs. Dora Pesch $350; W. A.
Wood & Co.$400; A. -J. Grassmuck
$700; Mrs. Meisner $218; Henry
Harms $S72;Dan C. Williams $330;
Tesa3 brewing companv 8G76.10;
W. J. Lemp brewing company$500;
Wm. H. Lee & Co. S45S.73; E. H.
Chase & Co. $100; Martin Casey
& Co. $118 75; J. J. Douglass Co.
S213.0G;D. Sacks & Son S236.82;
L. & A. Scharff $147.11; S. Gi-at-f
elder & Co $268.05; Brown Har-
mon & Co. $73 85; Phil. D. Meyer
& Son $100; Herman Eros t$81.50;
T. Wright $58: Fritz Bros.
$150; Phil Hollenbock & Co.
S14240; Geo. Schneider & Co.
$95.03; Garrett & Co. $18.50; Great
Western Wine Co. $74. Japhet &
Co. $1G0; J. Lowenstein $30.60;
Mayer Kahn & Freiberg S45;Fried-
man Keiior & Co. $242; Hoch-
stadt Co. $58.65; Ferdinand
Westheimer & Co. S117.75; Impe-
rial Cigar Co. $12.50.
At 10:05 Clerk Seward was called
on by Mr. August Lindemann to file a
bill of sale to his hardware business
including stock and fixtures to Mrs.
E. Pueker to securo an indebtedness
aggregating $11000 divided as fol-
lows: Dae bill for $5700 to Mrs.
Pueker ; Bent due Mrs. Pueker
$200 ; note to the First National
Bank for $3300 on which Mrs.
Pueker is an indorser ; $1800 due
Louisa Hoffmann and Carrie Linde
mann minorsfor which Mrs. Pueker
is security.
At 11:30 C. Eingener filed a deed
of trust to his stock of general mer-
chandise naming Hon. Ben S.
Bogers trustee. The liabilities foot
up $14613.02 and are as follows :
UlasB A: Rogers & Herbst
$500; William'Bingener $627.71;
Fred Emshoff $492.94; Mrs.
Minnie Eingener $1860.29 ; W. F.
Emshoff $6751.21; estate of Dora
Emshoff $1003.03 ; total $11172.18.
Class B : BeichardtBecker & Co
$83.23;Central trust company$1165.
18; Moore McKinney & Co. S335.-
38; Marx & Blum $587.80; Galveston
dry goods company S195 56; M. H.
Lancheimer & Sons $653.75; Glaser
Bros. $187.49; W. F. Main & Co.
$9612; Holt PabBt & Leinbaach
$65 93; Jb'eatherbone Corset com-
pany $70: total $3440.84. Grand
total $14613 02.
The Wax to Cube catarrh i'b to
purify the blood and the surest
safest best way to purify the blood
is by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the
One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills are prompt efficient
always reliable easy to take easy to
At San Antonio Wednesday even-
ing Mr. John A. Chlumsky of this
place and Miss Ellen Looff of the
Alamo City were united in mar-
riage. The groom-elect left on the 11
o'clock train Monday night for the
scene of the cerem ony and will re-
turn the last of the week with his
bonny bride and go to housekeep-
ing in the residence on West Sandy
street lately occupied by Mrs. Mat-
tie Pressly which has undergone
elaborate repairs and refittings in
anticipation of its fair mistress who
is soon to take possession of the
The courtship about to be happi-
ly consummated embraces an ac-
quaintance extending over four
years and an engagement eince
November 1895 at which time the
bride-elect paid an extended visit to
friends in the city.
Mr. Chlumsky is a natrre of Bo
hemia Austria and has been a resi
dent of Brenham nine yean. He
holds a responsible position at pres-
ent in the cotton offices of Messrs.
Wm. Axer & Co. Admired for his
many manly traits of character his
excellent business qualifications and
his assiduous attention to the inter
ests of his employer Mr. Chlumsky
has a multitude of friends in the
city who will join the Baxxci in
best wishes for his matrimonial
I venture and in extending a cordial
welcome to himself and wife when
they beoome residents of BranhaiB
The highest
I9iiI...7 T vvn
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
4H.1 tXin SA ' 3KT
Knows tnere
cs good as
You will find one
cacn two ounce
vr .vfc.
pons insiae cacn lour ounce
bag of Blackwell's Durham.
Buy a bag of this cele-
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and how
vsw JBkL.
j t0 Set
H. B. SCHULZ Agent Brenham Teiss.
ftlotice to the Public.
Albert Cohn hanvig conveyed to me as trustee ioir-c
the benefit of creditors Iris entire sto.ckuof Jhrpv
Goods Notions Clothing and Furnishing Gooda-f'
Hats Shoes and Trunks I will proceed .to sell at '
and below cost the entire stock. It must be sold
either in parcels or in bulk at once.
B. LEWIN Trustee.
Heart Shingles Windows Doors
Briok Lime and Cement
Studebaker Wagons
Genuine Glidden Fence Wire
Brenham. Tez&a.
Heart Cypress Shingles-
Vitrified Pipe for Well Curbing
Buckeye Mowers and Sulky Bakes.
Barb Wire Avery Stalk Cutters and
Farm Wagons.
C. 1UNK.W11Z
General insurance Agents
0-Offlccover Graber's Jewelry Store.
Bror "H aan. Tosae
Lnaoh Stand and Short Order
House in connection.
Picmpt and courteous t.stion.
Vmfc. Gold Beer timn on Up.
A 1&U9 01 your pairoawi 11 iwu
MB Al!
laini for other
is none ins
coupon inside
bag.and two cou'
tncm. 8
Billiard and Pool Parlor
Sandy St next door to H A Healy.
Books Newspapers Magazines
etc delivered without extra charge-
A fall line of
Ciiars Tokco ani Sttitaoi.
Polite attention j
yonr patronage
Garrett & Boisrsonv
BIfflH Si UH
Corner Welt and Sandy Street
IBrenham Texas.
fine Liquors Wines ana
Cigars Ice Cold Beer al-
ways on tap. Lunch stand in cwr
nection. Patronage solicited.;
Two Brothers Saloon
(Formerly Casino Saloon)
Corner St. Charles and Quitman StrneC
Finest liquors wines and cigars ir
the city. Restaurant connected. Fisi
ystera and game served to order.
Free soup every day from 10 to 13 &-.
m. Patronage solicited.
4o6 & 4o7 Kiara'a Bonding
EX.ltB.TTX !
' i ;
Chronic Diseased- Vo;n&ae
Children and Surgical X)'i3ses. Sperfa
hospital facilities.
sMJm M
fflBriU fVULAV
.-SffiSBHBET Ito
i ajf
J' -4

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Rankin, John G. Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 32, No. 1, Ed. 1, Thursday, January 7, 1897, newspaper, January 7, 1897; Brenham, Texas. ( accessed April 18, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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