Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, Tex), Vol. 1, No. 9, Ed. 1, Friday, July 9, 1920 Page: 7 of 7

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V " I. f '1
Your Home Pays
Are You A Home
' IP
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A Kome is the best investment of your
1 life. It always assures returns. Your
home pays cash dividends in rentals
saved dividends of joy of happiness
and contentment as well; Especially
is this true of a home built of our
Quality Lumber and Building Materials.
Build You a Home
(Copy for That Dprtmot" SuppJitd by Nation
Hudquanen of the Arrxnctn Ltgion)
Rockwell Bros. & Co.
North of Court Hduse on Court Ave.
Phone 177
Mix c!; ' I
j --j.-7-- (. yy;;
I ' I i i" IJ I SI If r
Jri. i St I fc&l i' o SP '
&& Mrtttfm i JiiU f lrttL
iMBpwpway ' I P ' '
ssWsWifWsr1- ' T if! i Iffl1fcv Jfrdk
MPVm j7NWBmJX ''yi jmJ& ??TWj3iM.m mc3sbsVsbsb FAXfna.K' jl TVitfBssl
Texas Oil Drilling and
Producing Company
Drilling Contractors
Main Office:
714 lU-ptiMic Uiiildln?
ChlfURo IIHnylH
Texas Headquarter:
Chamber of Commerce Hide.
Hrcfkfiirltlce Texas
The Texas Studio
s.- Vt- mj
JV) -. .i.y-
Fine Portraiture
s s s
Commercial Work and Kodak
Lemuel Eollcs National Adjutant of the American Legion Conducting a
Staff Meetlnfl of Head of the Different Divisions In the Office of Frank-
lln D'Oller National Commander at National Headquarters In'dlan.
Contractor and Builder
.' PLAN S AND KSTI M A T K S V. LAI) L Y S I' D 31 1 T T K I)
I K.MI'J.OY only tiik HKST workmen ortainahlk.
V. O. Rev 473 Urtrkcnrlifgc. Texas
There's a House That Will Stand
tfat Wear and Tear of. Weather!
It'a 'false economy to put off painting and '
airs destructive wettlwc a' chance to start
atcay. Good paint saves home owners
"iiicjiy dollars.
'Cook's House' Paint is thperfectod result
.of 26yeawj experience; in the manufacture
of paints. It 'contains more pounds of pure.
white lead caWMWtW'-whKjo'lfives ''bedy"
than any other paint marketed today
BVi wkft Cook's HeueePainti
jWttM mt'- Sw o' Cook' ProdiMtVwMt
fMmrMnom fc yor us; Cook'u Pnwkefai
. are th best for every purpose. For stucco
houses we have .Cook's Creeonte made specially
ftw tttet surface and lor rooft uook'a SbniM
"best ft wear ana weeuser." .
Bring your paint and varniak ptoWemrf'
' to us. We wtt) shew you how to sehre taem-wftla
a Ceel: Prost TMMk specially for yew ee4.
v. rr t? : T uLfA
?$'" jp.U. vraiui jLiHaBi-'-u.
NO PATJtlOTK' oiranlzntlon In
tin' hlxtciry f tiie world hns
hull Hiich rctnurkuhlo growth
an th Aiiicrlnin I.eglon.-anil
it I tfoinp forward with n flpeed that
Indlrati'K n Hiciulierfldp of J.OOO.OOO
Iti'foro tin ond of tin- present year.
The firaiid Army of tlw Uopuhllc
founded folhwlnf: tho civil war.
ronehed lt peak In 1IMH). when tho
ro.ster xliowed n imlf tiilllliin meinlKMV.
With .SOO.WK) to dmw from It Is pre
dieted that with the present rittupalKn
for 100 per cent Antorlciihkitii. tho
roster of the Amerlean Legion will be
above tho i.000.0(0 mark by 1021.
The Grand Army of the Hepubllc
hiiH played an Important part In the
life of the republic. Once or twice
polltlPH threatened lt total disrup-
tion particularly In the year preced-
ing the election of (Sen. John A. I.o-
trnn iih commander In chief. Oenenil
Lopm hiieceeded In Ktemlylnc the boat.
The disaffection grew out of reports
that men Willi bad Civil wnr reeordu
were receiving preferment In appoint-
ment to political ofllcw.
To MuJ. Hcnjumln F. 'StejdictiKon of
Pecntur 111. belongs the honor of
founding the Grand Army of the Ite-
publle. In im) the year following
tho close of the Civil war Major
Stephenson called together a handful
of veterans at Decatur and established
1he flrHt post. Only one charter mem-
ber of the Grand Army still Ik living
Capf. H. A. Smith of Lake City In.
Major Stephenson In council with
some of his comrades drafted a secret
ritual. It wiih a wordy oratorical nf-
falr and was revised In Inter years.
Tho rltunl was so pretentious that It
was hard to find printers who could
set the type hut Major Stephenson
finally rounded up Isaac Coltrln and
Joseph Prior printers who served lin
the Union nrmy and entitled to know
the content of the ritual when they
Joined the Grand Army.
Twelve men constituted tho first
post and the hall In which they met
still Is a hallowed landmark In Pccii
tur. The Grand Army at first wan a
sort of vigilance committee that sought
out persons given to disloyal ut-
terances and soon had them mnrked
for punishment If they did not de-
sist. The men of the Grand Army de-
manded n hundred per cent American-
Ism JMt as the Anierlnm Legion
makes It plain that only one ting Old
Glory will bo tolerated In this land of
ours. On through the years tho Grand
Army has stood for this same prin-
ciple of patriotism hut dentil hns been
n moving Its comrades at a rapid rate
and the ranks have diminished until
now only' a few moro than 100000 re-
main. The American Legion was horn In
France ami It was fitting to have It
so for in Flanders fields repose thou-
sands of American soldiers who dial
that the principles of American free-
dom might live. On Fehrunry lf 1010
twenty American oflleers who had
been usembh)d In Paris to discuss con-
ditions In tho American expeditionary
forces nieU at the Ihter-Allled club and
lhurejalked of Mho fumutlHi of an
nfler-war organlzntlon(..'at would look
to' tho woll-helng of the men of tho
service both on land nnd sea
The decision. wns made at this con-
fefenco to start nn nfter-the-wnr or-
fmnzntou. while the men were yet In
France. Thus Ihey would go hack to
America with' their minds and hearts
entered on protecting the principles
thejf Mil toyn for And they came
heme to' flmJ't.-tfieVKrwet army of
men n American training camps were
ready too. They had not crossed tho
nviif but they were willing to go nnd
were cquelly willing to participate in
uh.v movement tlmt meant R bigger
Htronaer Amerlea.
The twenty men who wet in confer-
ence. February 15 1918 in Paris agreed
at that time to sell a caucus of men
repsesent'njc. every branch of war sery-
iee and .tlie saw assembled. Ir Rarls
March 3i eeeUnHlB for tve dftya.
The men who gathered at that event-'
fill meeting dtd many Important tl.lpgs
Including the selection of u home for
the new patriotic organization They
called It the American Legion mid
under that name It will go down In
the patriotic history of the United
The caucus nlso named a committee
of fifteen to work In the United States
and to plnu for a national meeting
within n year. This committee enme
home and a caucus wus arranged for
at St. LouN May 8.
The St. Louis meeting was n revcln-
(inn. There several hundred men who
had served their country at home nnd
abroad met and forgetting both creed
nnd politics worked to inject the prin-
ciples of Americanism In one great
movement the American Legion. At
this meeting a Joint executive com-
mittee was formed hy men of 34 states
with units In the Legion. This com-
mittee foi inula ted a basis for perma-
nent organization and agreed that ft
.constitutional convention of tho Le-
iplon would he held In Minneapolis In
(November. An organization commit-
tee of live wns appointed to complete
plans for the Minneapolis meeting.
This committee wns composed of
Henry D. Llndsley of Texas Bennett
C. Clark of Missouri Franklin D'Oller
of Pennsylvania Dr. Richard Derby of
New York nnd Krlc Fisher Wood of
Pennsylvania. Mr. Llndsley was
chosen chairman of tho committee and
because of that service nnd his sub-
sequent work its chairman of Uie Min-
neapolis convention the tltlo of first
commnndpr of the American Legion
was conferred on him. Mr. Wood wns
named the secretary. One Important
step taken at the St. Louis meeting
was that of nsklug tho congress of
the United States for a charier. This
request-wns Intrusted to Luke Lea
and Thomas W. Miller. The mensure
wns Introduced In both bouses June
27 last year. It passed tho house of
representatives August li" and tho sen-
ate September fi. President Wilson
signed tho charter September 10 com-
pleting the work of graining a charter
thu first ever granted to an organiza-
tion of the nature oi' tho American
Legion. The legislative committee of
the Legion also placed before the con-
gress many other Important legisla-
tive matters Including hills covering
i land grants for former service men
bills dealing with the question of the
deportation of alien slnckers nnd other
matters of Interest to men of the Le-
gion. Important steps taken at the St-
Louis meeting provided nfor the open-
ing of national headquarters In New
York and for the publication of n
weekly periodical that would be of In-
terest to former service men. Plnn3
nlso were mode to have three well-
known men of the legion visit different.
parts of the country to further the In-
terests of tho now organization. The
men chosen were Theodore Roosevelt
Jr. John P. J. Herbert and John W.
Inzer. Theso made tours of the ooun-
tt iiiltiitwth tli.h trm tit r ii eliit nf'i
local posts. When tho American Le-
gion mot In Minneapolis the member-
Hhlll had passed JJie 750000 mark and
It wifs -predicted that the million mark
would ho reached in n few months.
There now. are moro than 8.000 Amer-
ican Legion posts In the United States
Alaska. Culm nnd Hawaii.
Franklin D'Oller of Pennsylvania Is
tho new commander of the American
Legion Illy with qtlier pew jolllcers'
of tho Legion have opened headquar;!
tors oljlccs of the Legion In Indhin-
jipolls. And Indianapolis nnd Indiana
feeling a Joint pride !p the honor paid
the state by the American Legion wel-
comes them. When they came they
heard that Indianapolis was preparing
to erect a memorial to her lighting
sons that will serve not only as a home
fer the American Legion but for ot.t)r
patriotic bodies Including the veterans
of tlti OiHiid " Army of the Republic
sad the Spanlsb-Ainrrlean war..
In Breckenridge?
TpHE best and most substantial citi-
?- zens of a city are the men and-
women who are home owners. You
are a step ahead of your fellow man
when you become a real cititzen of
your city in
East Breckenridge
there are lots that will suit anybody's
and everybody's pocketbook. It is the
best possible future investment that
can be offered for your consideration.
You Cannot Go Wrong
Cities are not built up by the people
who took too long to think but by
people who had the vision and acted
Walker-Caldwell Addition
Business Lots Select Homesites
30x100 50x150
Breckenridge Realty Co.
Special Prices on
Shortenings Vegetole and Purity
Syrups and Jellies
Canned Beans
JBuy Now
Economy Grocery and Meat Market
111 Soutli Baylor Ave. m Rrcckcnridge Texas
Bowen Drug Co.
-The Rexdl Store .
' r'.iK '
M'SitfftjWjV. '
We Appreciate Your Business
Anything in the Drug Line
An American Ad Paya
. rf'Ai' . i f j
".'. -v
igKr f
ssMssssssMssslsMsMMssssiSssMaasSBes . ;... . .. t . .-J. Y J 7 &?

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Baxter, Tom L. Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, Tex), Vol. 1, No. 9, Ed. 1, Friday, July 9, 1920, newspaper, July 9, 1920; ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Breckenridge Public Library.

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