The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 13, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 17, 1883 Page: 1 of 4

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The San Antonio Light.
Vol. I.-No. 13.
San Antonio Texas Tuesday April 17 1883.
Ten Cents a Week
We Have the
Boots &
Ever Exhibited
i Alamo Plaza San Antonio Texas. 1
7 Wednesday
For two performances only. Kngagement
extraordinary of tho.Colcbratcd South-
ern Humorist and Chnrnctcr Actor
Character sketches lightning changes and
metamorphosis. Over two hours of uniiloyed
dyspepsia-banishing laughter. Popular prices
Admission 75 50 and 35 cents. Matinee prices
SO nnd 25 cents. Souts reserved at ltlsche's
without extra chnrgo. 4-U-St.
Houston Street next to Dr. nerd's residence.
All the dcllcaclos of the season.
French Cdoks-Europcan Plan.
For Parties.
Imported wines liquors and cigars always on
hand. 3-20-3m
To lie Offered Only a Short Time 'by
Cohen & Koeulghuliii
13 dozen still bats at 50 cents each worth
$2.fi0 to 1.00.
25 dozou Alio wool hats at $1.00 each worth
7 dozen Mexican folt hats at $1.50 each worth
lOOmaro of thoso genuine indigo blue ilanncl
Biiltsjust rcoeivod by express at $8.50 worth
50 dark cusslmoru suits at S8..V) worth $11.00.
50 dark casslmcro stilta at $11.00 worth S13.50.
50 dark casslmero suits at $.'1.50 worth $5.00.
50 dark casslmoro suits at $t tu. worth J8 00.
50 boys' bluullannel suits at $200 worth $3 50.
100 pairs boys' cusslmuro kneo pants ut $1 00
worth $1 50.
150 pairs English cottonado pants at $125
worth $2 00.
55 dozen all silk baudkerchiofs ut 50 cents
worth $100.
This weok wo ollor special inducements to
city trade and only ask an Inspection of the
above bargains to convlnco you that you can
buy clothing or anything olso in our line us
cheap of us us in uuy eastern cltv.
aprUtf Cohen & Koenigiikim.
Forruplo and quurd ruplo sliver plutod
waro go to the Trust eo buIo 221 Commerce
street. 4-0-1 m
The lilt Vlre
has left fifty second hand iron and steel Utc
and burglar proof safes In tho cold; thy are
for sale at manufacturers cost at 22f Hast
Houston Btreet Ban Antonio Texas.
A Good Hoarding House
For sale In tine location well f urnlehud and
full of boarders l'rlco $000 cash. Hilton
208 West Houston street. 4-11-tf.
A flrst-rute goutlo saddle pony with easy
gait. Call ut. No. 0 Solcdad strcot front room
up stairs. 4-17-Jt
Holla It j an.
Turnor opera hall tonight.'
Just Iteeelved lit Joske's.
A largo assortment of gonta' boys' and
youths' ready made olothlng. Call and bco
them. U-20-tf
Merchant Tailoring
Cohen Si Kopulghetm koop the finest line of
imported unci domestic goods. They have tho
best outtor and workmen in this elty and their
prices aro the lowest. A lit guaranteed or no
alo and all they ask for is a trial ltcmombor
tho place 800 und ail Main Plaza. up2-tf .
Finest Slock of
o a
o 1
in i
in this City.
Doings and Happenings About Town
What Ye Iteporter Saw and
nns to Say
Tho beginning of tho week ushered in In a
very becoming nnd elgnlllcant manner whHt
will prove to bo a long continuous and sevnro
summer. It soemod us though Vulcan opo'd
his musslvo doors and shot down tho scotching
sparks of his tcrrlblo furnace.
too comes in for a sharo of glory ami could be
sun wendlmr his melancholy thoughts toward
tho "Now Gieeti Wood" or ulong tho "Silver
Hanks" of our winding streamlet.
The fair sex taking advantago of tho early
summer aired their new bonnets bocomlngly
donned the lighter fabrics of the day.nnduiuny
a puro snowbird lovely In tho innocence of
youth and beauty was soen strolling down our
whoro they engaged themselves In vluwlng tho
umny now wures attractive to their wondrous
On Wednesday ufternoon crowds of lovely
dames with tho smull ones and tho babies and
tho nurses Interspersed thronged uboutTruvts
nark somo to listen to tho beautlrul strains of
Professor Hull's excellent band-others to air
their now dresses. Many then witnessed tho
f our San Antonio belles. Organdies sateens
foulards grenadines nnd In fact nil kinds and
sorts. Handsome medium and Indifferent
tastes wcro displayed.
our reporter thronged along with a merry
crowd of ladles slowly wending their way
down Navnrro strcot thotoplu of conversation
carried on relative mostly to
The merry group presently merged Into
Commerco street whoro hesitating a moraout
they canto to n conclusion and walked over to
tho most popular of
tho magnificent establishment of S. Mayer St
of this reputod house. Us light and nlry up-
pearauoo combined with tho beautiful dls-
plays und rich ussortmeut of all kinds of
gives the firm their well. merited standing and
preference amongst tho great majority of tho
ban Antonio ladles.
"Just too protty for anything" woro somo of
the enthusiastic remarks of tho patrons ; while
another merry crowd were nrgulng tho merits
01 and qualities of somo pretty novelty.
It is noteworthy that this house has
and oycry wook proves that It pays to mark
certain lines of goods at smull marglnes there-
by enabling the houso to dispose of
S. Mayor Si Son sell goods cheaply bocauso
It pays to do so aud thoy havo hud particular
facilities in purchasing at extreme low prices
hvorythlng in this popular houso bears a plain
number representing tho price of tho article.
Give this houso atrial call when you will
find that everybody Is
without regard to wealth or station.
Next week 8. Mayor Si Son Will oircr some
und will publish through our columns nn
Open l'rlco List of some of their leading do
partmentB. '
Do not lull to see It; it will bo well worth
of tholr stock is advised boforo making any
purchases ltcinoinbcr their houso S. Mayor
& Son millinery fancy dress and staple goods
corner Commerco and Nuvurro Btrccts.
Utilizing Dead Paupers
Chicago April 16 Various journals here
in discoursing on the methods observed in
burying pauper dead the warden of the
county hospital is made to say that one ChafTe
county undertaker sells 75 per cent of the
bodies to the medical colleges of this and
other cities and tllat his revenue from the
same lias exceeded $6000 annually. It is
also charge-1 by those who have visited the
E otters' field that bodies of dead babies have
een Interred by simply throwing a few
shovelfulls of earth upon them ; and that evi-
dence of this revolting usage is disclosed by
skulls and bones being found in various por-
tions of the field with no earth covering on
Dr. Sterns is the oldest and most sedaet
physician in Grand Rapids. lie was seen
to chase a girl through the streets seize her
by Ihi throat force her into a close carriage
and whirl away with her A scandal perva-
ded the city within a few hours and the doc-
tor helped it along by declining to defend him-
self; but when he came to understand that the
people were beginning to regard him as a ie-
preheniible character he explained that the
girl was a lunatic escaped from her home
and that her abduction was kindly
A Light Ileprcaentatlvo Spends Ills Sab-
bath an the Medina.
'And Grows Sentimental O'er the HeautUs
of the Scenery
A Light representative took a jaunt to the
Medina on Sunday just for a little rusticating
that's all. Fruit and watermelons wild tur-
keys and roasting ears were wanting but the
beautiful spring was bursting forth and here
she was in all her tints and in all her glory.
Grain and cotton are just peeping out of the
ground In the vicinity on the bluffs and so
diminutive do they appear that they hardly
seem worth noticing. To the lover of na-
ture however the roost conspicuous and the
all-absorbing objects are the trees and there
are some magnificent specimens on (he Me-
dina. The true American has a passion for
forest scenery longer sustained and more fully
developed than any other people. Our woods
and rural haunts shaded by trees are dearer
to oar imaginations than the soil itself. And
this affection cannot be called singular for
although flowers delight the eye although
they breathe a perfume over the senses trees
awaken deeper emotions. The untutored In-
dian like the Druid of old stands in awe be-
fore the tree whose wide-spreading branches
have sheltered all his race beyond even the
traditions of their existence. We somehow
bow to a thing hallowed by centuries. Man
instinctively venerates the principle of long-
evity. The "Ancient of Days" is the first
appellation of the Great Spirit of the Universe.
The pecan that flourished years befort our
birth arid will continue long after we
have moldered away calls forth the
feeling with which we regard all things whose
existence is not bounded by our own narrow
limits. In short the love of foliage is in-
vincible in man and no wonder for the music
of the full-pealing organ even the wild voice
of the ocean in its wrath or Its gentler and
more lullinc tones cannot comnare in soul
awaking effect with the wind of the slight
nortner we naa fast aunuay as It sighed and
roared through the trees whose branches
ascending aloft show the sky in checkered
apartments adding to the enchantment ot
sound the beauties of softened and varied
light. The love of the Everlasting comts to
ourhearts with a sweetness and a thrill which
neither all the pomp o( architecture nor the
melody of skillful c irs can awaken in an
equal degree. The luxuriant prodigality of
vegetation its beautiful hues and forms lis
rich and varied perfumes all unite to charm
the senses and the mind and bring us nearer
to the Immortal Love which in hours such as
those spent among the busy haunts of men
only lingers in' us as twilight does on the
darkened brow of a hill. In such moments as
we spent on Sabbath afternoon the finer
chords of our nature are struck and the notes
mingling with our other sensations nourish
them as the dew nourishes the plants of
the field. But the feeling is not
confined to the woods or the rich bottom lands
of the river it is universal. In the little
sickly plants that we see in our citv strolls in
side and outside of windows perhaps a poor
girl confined to the hot streets of the city
whose daily toil or erring life proclaim her
the descendant of Eve we can clearly per-
ceive the inmate longing for Eden a being
in whom neither guilt nor ignorance has
wholly obliterated a sense of the perlection ol
Paradiie. Sentiment of this kind has been
roughly handled by convenience and stern
necessity on the Mediaa. Some of
the largest and finctt trees have
been utilized and only the stumps
remain the dismal. hunprv crv ol
man for dwellings and fuel every stroke of
tiade and barter. A few hours were spent de-
liriously in the prettiest snot in the environs
of the city last Sunday and if any readers of
me uuiit wnose glory 01 romance is not
quite withered If there are some who are
not altogether dull utilitarians add a little to
your pulse-quickening renown by going to
Garza crossing before the old tree3 fall as did
the host of Sennacherib before the breath of
the destroying angel and leave nothing in
nicir piacu uui me monotonous anu irrepres
sible mesquite.
Six Soldiers Drunk 'With 11 Frlen'd and
Then ltob Him.
It now trantplres that tho soldier Kinney
who assaulted und was cut by u colored wo.
man on Saturday was in company with other
soldiers drinking In Hitter s saloon near tho
Sunset dopot ut tho expense of un old I'olau-
dcr who had been 11 soldier. The party wcro
turned out of the house because the proprietor
rotused to serve them with inoro liquor and
wanted to close. Soon nftor they loft loud
cries woro heard and It WR4 found next morn-
ing that tho soldiers had robbed tho l'nlundcr
or ins mouoy amounting It is said to $30.
Does Not Blind Heine Shut nt bat l'ro-
tects the Mulo.
He was known ns " Whisky Hill" "Cock-oyed
Hill" nnd " Preacher UUI." Tho first two names
I could account for for whisky was a " strong
holt" with Hill and one of I1I3 oyos was a llttlo
crooked; but tho "Preacher" part I cannot
oxplaln. This party was u llttlo short man.
seemingly shorter than ho was? us his heal sat
r'ght on his shoulders without uny neck to
speak of. Ho had been all over tho West; was
a trapper stage driver pony oxpross rider
miner und I don't know what else. Ho would
001110 to en inp after flour und supplies borrow
all tho books papers tto ho could Und shout-
dor his gunny sack aud trump back to his lonely
cubln wbeio ho would stay all nlouofnr days
nnd sometimes weokn. Ho was a great render.
One winter when '-npplng In tho Kecky
Mountains he ran ot f everything readable
excepting an old Hlble which by somo strange
cuiiuuy iiuppeiH'U 10 no in IIIO CttOIII. i ins 110
rend through twice. IllllAvns a good-natured
ever to pick n quarrel or havo any trouble with
anyone. Hut ho was not afraid of being shot
as was proved by a rather lauirlinhlo Incident
that occurred In "town." One day Hill bor-
rowed a mulo and went to town (it railroad
sUitlnn) nnd there. In due course became glo-
riously drunk. When It became time for T1I111
togo honin ho sought tho mulo und was trying
to mount the boast. .lust then a man who had
n "grudge to pay olf shot at another man
twice with n revolver tho balls singing very
near Dill's ear tint ho did not seem to notlco
the shooting. One. of tho crowd helped blm to
bo ird bis muli' and bo sailed oir colors flying.
Whether it took a long time forun Idea to work
Itfclf through his muddled brain or whether
tho rlilo homo sharpened his faculties no 0110
knows but tho next day Hill appeared In town
still "full" ns ho had taken 11 supply of tho
"craturo" with hint nnd nf tcr ho had put up
his mulo. he hunted for tho man who had dono
tho shooting. Itolllngtip to him In nil uustcady
way ho began In his peculiar nasal tone with
"ruy look'er Gassy 1 waut tor know who In
h-l-ycr was shooting nt and yer want to bo
keerful. If vnr want In shout nl tun. uhv .1 It
right; ain't uny objections. Hut don't shoot
towards that mulo Haiti for you might hit tho
mill.- ami uu 11111 I lllllio; so 11111111 uon 1 uo it
agio'." and off he went satlsllcil that If them
was any more shooting tho borrowed mulo
wiiiiiu uo rcspccieu
who is 111:?
An Unknown Stranger Dies In the Cfty
Limits and Is Hurled.
One day last weok a thin man apparently
ubout 30 years of ago whoso fueo wus adorned
with a light moustncho and Imperial and who
was shabbily dressed camonrotind section houso
No. 20 where the international crosses tho
Sunset railroad about two miles from tho city
Ho had evidently been drinking nnd us ho was
noisy he was ordered away. Ho said ho "was
going to die for sovou days" und producing a
bottle that wiw apparently whisky Invited tho
men to drink but ut tho same time he said "
don't want to harm any of you boye; I think It
III tho luornlnir bo was Invited hv tlm m.n ti!
have breakfast hut ho only coughed nnd shook
his head. Thinking that ho wus still under tho
lullucnco of bad whlikv thov left him. Itn
subsequently observed to bo In a comatose
state and nt noon bodied.
Intormatlon whs Bent to Justlco Shields who
ouimra uj ijuiii nn inqiioKi upon ino remains.
The messenger was unable to find .lnn.
Adams to maki- any requisition upon him. As
the hands woro busy mi further time could bo
wustod. So a colllti was made tho doceused
put In It and ho "us burled near tho place
Who tho man was. or what eiiiim.1 UU !. 1 1.
none know. Hl4 clothes were searched but all
that could bo found wusu few mutches. He
hud said that ho worked on section 40 and tho
railroad authorities are Inquiring Into the mut-
ter to idcntiry him IT possible Section foro-
mnuof section houso No. 211 can glvo further
Information ns to tho appearance etc. nf the
dcecuscd man to any who may bo seeking n
unplug menu ivuu is iisciy 10 00 iue neau
This Is tho suhstanco of Information tho
IKllIT has received unmi the until.. t it
tulnly does not hccio. crcdituble to a city like
Sun Antonio thut nny man can dlo und bo
uurieu 111 una way wiinoui an oiiicitil investi-
gation. Suoh action should not tin tnlemtml In
uny woll rcgiiluted community as It simply
The Cime Is Heard In the District Court
Tills Morning.
The trial of Mr. W. It. Lylc for 1111 assault
with attempt to kill Mr. a M. Humes tho pres
ent manager of the San Antonio brunch of tho
Galveston News took place In tho District
court this morning. Tho facts of tho cusc uro
thrso:IMr. ftiirncs some tlmo since was enndl.
date for the iilllco of Justlco of the Peace at
him inn. uii-uuuii. nun iir. i.yic who was men
atfuclied to the Evcninir Llirht. wmtn n imm.
graph describing his candidature us a fnrco.
On Septoinbcr;a0 Karnes and I.ylo mot nt
tho DOStofllce. when u imarrel nnsnoil In w.a.
ptctto the pumgruph relorrcd to nnd llarnes
sh uck ai i.yie; men as Lyiosuys under the lm.
P'esslou that llarnes intended 10 dohlni Inhirv.
shot blm. Fortunately the wound wus not
fatat. Tho District Attorney appeared for the
piosecution uiiu .nr. lint uosiing lor tho do-
fenxe. Mr. llnrnes and Otlli-er FiirrU wnrr -.
laiulned. and aftor clfectlve snceehen trmn
rtAith sides tho caso was submitted to tho lurv.
Tho Jury after 11 brief consultation found
Sir. I.yie guilty and lined him ?25and ordered
iiiiu 10 pay me costs or rue prosecution.
I'eter'a I'icnlc.
Onoof tho most enjoyable picnics of tho
season was hud on Sdnday last about llvo
miles south of the city near llradon's ranche.
Arrangements had been made by Indomitable
Potor und tho result wus that several oinnl-
busses loaded with nullo a number of the
el to und bounty (this latter only applies to tho
imrouAi w. 10 neon cany cinuurKing (or the
chosen plaeo of rendezvous. Too " little bird "
who communicated tho result us ono of tho
grandest enjoyments of the scuson added that
i iuer diiibiub is 1110 granuest manager for pic-
nics and deserves nil tho credit for its ex-
cellence. Itenl Kutute Tiiiii.r.r
Hophlo Oswuld to Murla Anna Ailnm. nliv
lot cast ef Sun Antonio river botweeu Austin
Bt -oct und tno Alamo dllcb In consideration
ot $500.
Leonardo Oar.a administrator of tho estnto
or Josofu if. (larza deceased to James E.
Hiker land on tUo Medina nnd Sun Antonio
Lconurdo Uarza to James U. Ilaker.parcel ol
land known us subdivision 7 of tho Joao An.
todio de la (Jnrza two league tract In consider
atiou of $3.:i7 40.
.rEd.w.ln H.TorroIl and Mmy M. Terrell to I
J . Allen city lot being lot No. JO in block No
8 on tho east side of Avenue II In consldera.
tlou of $)00.
Jllllturv Orders.
Under notification from tho Adjutant ficn-
crul of the army tho following promotion I
tho Sixteenth Infantry is announced:
Second Lieutenant Kinrenn Cil uiv
tecnlli infantry to bo First IJoutennnt March
o vico iovu retired which carries him
t ominny H Slxteonth Infantry ptistot Sun
Lieutenant Ciishinun will until furth
ordors report to too- oaiiuandlngolllcerat Fu
ItcorultB John l UiiinDboffund Fred Moellcr.
Pill RtMil ltv tlm riiMriilH.- noin . u .J'
tonlo. Texas nro usslgnod to coinpuny'll Nine
to.-ntli I'lluntry.
lly o dor ot llrlgudler General Augur.
Thomas M. Vincent
Assistant Adjutant (Jenem1.
Crouch the Composer of tho I'nnion
llallad now Old Feeble 1'onr
and Neglected.
Interesting Details In Jtetpeet to Its
Origin and Position In the Must-
cal World
Those who have listened to the beautiful
ballad entitled "Kathleen Mavourneen"
will be sorry to leam that its composer
Frederick Nicholas Crouch is now In Balti- In abject poverty surrounded by
his faithful wife and five children. A gentle-
man who recently visited him at his residence
62 Tarkin street Haltimore staled that when
he called he found an old man fingering the
piano. It was Crouch. His personal ap-
iwansc was inning ui a short compact
ICUre. hit mnmrnl nir
nuick and nrtiv If I.. n I-...I.. .1. V
hair and beard. hl rnmnl..ln
from under rugged brows shine bright 'hazel
eyes. 111s uress consisted of an old soldier
coat dark blue flannel shirt and well worn
not. irouch knew Payne and led the mu-
sic on the night when at Drury Lane theater
Payne's opera of "Clarl the Maid of Milan"
was first nrndurrd. Sir lion n:.l .....
the composer; Payne wrote the words. Uoth
A i ' " " """Kt a"" in mil view 01
Prof. Crouch during the ticrformance. The
ballad nf "llnmf IIm." 1..
Vvas written for this opera but In this the old
.uan is misiaxen it nad been composed
some time previous when Payne was an out-
cast in the streets of Paris.
ProL Crouch lold his visitor how his own
famous IiaII.kI. "KithWn Miniin..r ...0
composed. He said the words had been sent
to him from London by Mrs. Crawford. He
was riding one day along the banks of the
Tamarin west England when the melody
that he sani ihi- hall-. I in I. ....11 :-
the Plymouth assembly rooms Plymouth
I'cvuiiMiirc ana wimin a week it began to
spread. Thus was his offspring begotten and
became a child of the world.
There is one line in this ballad which is the
horror of Englishmen because it is one of the
most severe tests ol the proper use of the let-
ter " h." The Iin4 runs thus :
"Tho horn of the hunter Is henrd o'er thohlll."
This is the veritable bridge of asses espe-
cially for a Cockney and it is a difficult line
for proper use.
The ballad l. imUl l.itrl ..!:.
one ol the national ballads o( Ireland. In
ungianu it nonis a nigh place in ballad music
and it is deservedlv nnnnlur in i
the. world.
Crouch is an Englishman who was born on
July 31 1808 and is consequently in his 75th
year. He is old and feeble and la out of such
employment as he is able to do. A movement
is on foot to aid the old gentleman who has
jfrved in the Confederate army and whose life
is one that entitles him to respect.
Cork April 16. Three gunboats are
cruising olf the port waiting to tntercep: the
vessel from America having a consignment of
infernal machines.
Million Dollar Suit.
PfTTSliURG.Apnl i6.-Mrs. Mary E. Schen-
len brought an action in ejectment against the
city of Pittsburg in the Countycourt to-day to
recover a tract of land used by the city for
wharves and valuedt over $1000000.
Vienna Austria April 16. The Presi-
dent of the Reichstrath received a letter-warning
him that an attempt would be made soon
to destroy the parliament building. That
structure in consequence is now entirely sur-
rounded by mounted police.
Uvlcted Irish Farmers.
Philadelphia April 15. Sixty-nine
evicted farmers from Mayo and Galway ar-
rived in the steamship Indiana. Rev. Ber-
nard S. Kelly of Galway was also a passen-
ger. He had been sent to this country by a
rich bishop to raise money for relief of distress
in his flock.
A Short Wheat Crop.
Milwaukee April 16. S. A. Tallmayer
of the Chamber of Commerce here has col-
lected reports concerning the condition and
outlook of growing crops of winter wheat in
15 of the principal States of the Union.
Many place the damage at about 20 per cent.
or 100000000 bushels short of last year's'
Hank Itobbery.
New Orleans April 16. The watchman
at the Metropolitan bank was seized and
gagged last night the bank vaults blown
open and robbed. The sale on the inside of
the vault was undisturbed. The cashier says
the loss will not exceed $2000. The thieves
entered from an adjoining building cultintr
through the wall. Every bank box in the
vault was broken open and valuables if they
contained any were '.aken. The loss in this
is unknown but it is believed to be great.
Kleetion Case Hoverned.
Jackson April 16.' The Supreme court in
the case of Chalmers vs. Myers Secretary ol
State reversed the decision of Judge Whar-
ton of the Circuit court.and entered judgment
dismissing the petition of Chalmers tor a man-
damus. Iheopini n was delivered by Judge
Campbell. In conclusion he says the Secre-
tary of btate having declared Manning
elected and the Governor having issued him
a cert licaje of elec'ion puts the case beyond
the jutUdiclion of the courts and in such a
shape that Congrtst alone car Interfere

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 13, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 17, 1883, newspaper, April 17, 1883; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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