The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 19, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 24, 1883 Page: 1 of 4

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The San Antonio Light.
Vol. I.-No. 19.
San Antonio Texas Tuesday April 24 1883.
Ten Cents a Week
iiiiiigniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiinitiiitiiiiiiiiiin 111111
3 II ttt rr it r . 1
1 Alamo Plaza San
East Commerce Street adjoining Sunset Railroad
P. O. Box 3S Telephone 201.
Consisting of 'Framing Timber Iloxing Fencing Dressed Flooring Siding. Headed Celling
ml Finishing Lumber; uNo ii'fu 11 supply or Doom Hush llllti'K Mouldings Shingles Dressed
nnd Hough Plckots of nil Patterns Plastering L-itli li.irhed Wire Mlxtd Paints Hullduts
Hardware nnd ovorythlng found In u llrst-class lumber yard. Wo nro prepared to lurnlsli
special bills to order at short notice being connected with 0110 of tlio largest mills In llio Calca-
eleii region.
Rough Lumber same price as Rough Texas Pine $25 per M.
San Antonio Lumber Co. A. T. Hensley Manager.
Houston Street noxt to Dr. Hcrff's residence.
All tlio delicacies of. tlio season.
For l'artles.
lmportod wines liquors and cigars always on
hand. 3--9-3m
Funerals Furnished With Every HequUlto
Sncclul attention given to forwarding bodies
to all partsofthoUnlted States. tsm-lpphono
connection. i;niis auoniu-u nay mm nigni.
Lands for Sale !
Hafflblfttos i Digooiifilj
General Land Agents.
Offlco 33 Accqula street. Lands for stock
purposes In quantities to suit purchasers. Also
farming lands and farms of any size Improved
proporty nnd
In tho city of San Antonio on easy terms.
Particular attention given to abstract of
titles. Correspondence solicited 4--l-0m
llo Good Knouch to Note If.
Mr. Park Doe manufacturing Jeweler and
engraver has taken part of tho store at 211
Coinmerco street where ho will enrry on tho
business of u manufacturing and ropulrlng
Jeweler. Dllllcult work und lino engraving 11
specialty. Trade work from all parts of tho
iituto solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.
Park Doe 211 Commoroo street San Antonio.
Fresh drugs and chemicals at City Drugstore
No. d Commerce 6trcot. 2-wk.
Just tlio Thine lor Summer.
Mr. Frank A. Scffol has Just received 11 flno
lot of tho Improved Triumph Coal Oil Stoves
of all sizes BUltnblo fornll purposes. They will
boll roust and heat anything without tho
necessity of 11 llro. Price from 75 cents. Call
and eoo them ut Sertoli's store Alamo street
oppoBito Ucorgo Dullnlg's. 4-12-lm
Great Ilargulns In Houses and Lots.
Hock house and lino lot with (lower garden
nnd grano arbor near Avenue D for $2100.
Two nouses on ono lot on uvonue D for
Nice cottHge on San I'odro avenue fl rooms
Hock houses near Alamo street $1200 $1500
Two nice now houses near Sunset depct
$lMj0und 12'0.
Lots tor sale In all parts of tho city.
208 West Houston street.
Antonio Texas.
To lie Offered Only u Short Time by
Cohan A Koenlghcim.
5 dozen flno wnnl fintunt 1 m r.aM wnwh
(7dbzoii M oilcan fe.l( lints t lZOench worth
lOOmoroof tliosogcnuino Indigo bluo llanncl
suits Just received by express ut $3.50 woith
CO dark casslmero suits at 88.50 worth $11.00.
00 dark caitslinero suite nt $11 UO worth $13.50.
60 dark casslmero suitB at 83.50 worth $..U0.
50 dark casslmero miltmit $1 no wnrsh iv
fiOboys' bluo llanncl sulU at iZ 00 worth $3 50.
100 Pjlrs boys' casslmero kneo pants at SI (JO
l.Vi pairs English cottonado pants at $t
worth is 00.
55 .'.'".'.'"J1" 8llk haudkorchlofs at 50 cents
worth 8100.
'lids week wo offer special Inducements to
city trade uud only ak an Inspection of tlio
above bargains to convince you that you can
buy clothing or anything else In our lino as
iiii-uiiui us 110 in uuy eastern ciyr
Co 11 UN & KOKNlnilEIM.
To Suit Every Lady's Tto.
Wo have heard a great deal of cointnont
lately In u very fuvornble way notonlyon tho
extent but also on the character oi' the stock
wnien woiison currlos in tho various depart-
ments of his lioimo. N'rinn of tlio rmimrka
however have been more llutterlng than those
bestowed on his lullllnory department. Ho es-
tablished this branch to meet a pressing want
In San Antonio and It has grown to 3 11 en pro-
liortlons that he has found It npnessiirv tn nn.
gage tlio service of ono or tho ilncbt milliners
to take especial charge or that dopurtinent.aud
tho salesladies and trimmers In It. This new
teaturo enables tho ladlos to have their hats
trimmed ucoordlng to their own tasto. and to
mutch tiny suit by ono who has had practical
experience and can guarantee satisfaction.
L'idies can purchase hats and bonucts.trimmod
or untrlmmcd. and those who deslro ran hava
trimming done on shortest notlco for balls wed
dings luucrnls. nlcnlcs. travel etc. Mr.
Wollbou's stock of llowers. feathors. ribbons.
ornaments to. is very extensive and ladles
can sei"ct moir imts unci trimmings without
leaving tlio honso. This Is n featuro which
will bo extcnslvoly appreciated by tho fair
sex. 4-.t-u
Mexican Curiosities
At Gilbert's No. 4 Houston street. 4-21-lm
Furnished Koom for ICent.
For ono or two gentlemen a nicely furnished
room luoiuro ai sail ream uruir store nn
joining nr. .Mongers residence. .
Kurz & KiiIiii'r
Steam Sausago faatorv rocommends Itself to
all epicureans who wish to test lino cervclut
rouat uoiognaanu wicnna sausages. Head
cheese und blood pudding always on hand.
Salesroom 41'.) Houston street next door to
iMuvcncK lanu omoe.
I. O. O. F.
Tickets of admission to ball and supper will
00 reauy mr nciivory on jionuay morning.
Members aro rcnucsted tn call and obtain tick
ets for themselves families and friends trout
me unaersigncu. iiawiiy v.
4-23-31 Chairman Invitation Committee.
A Card.
How to savj money (and drugs) by taking
Turkn-Huselan baths or Steam llitli for your
colds rheumatism dumb uguo and all skin dis
eases can no iounu at a. .ii.ian s
Corner Commerco nnd A lunio streets.
Also Hot nnd Cold Water Uaths at 25 cents
eacu. --tr
Wagner lirothers
Tho popular turners nnd cabinet makers of 220
i.ast 1 imision sinot nave compteteu their new
shop. Tlioy uro now ready to executo uny and
an wors in mr-ir line aim invite meircus
tniuorsand tho nuhllo gcnernllv to give theinu
trial. They will make every effort with their
increased 1 acuities to pieaso cv-rybouy 111
work and prlcos
Cause of l'alluro.
' Wunt of confldenco accounts for half of the
business fHiiurcs or to-day. C. Schasse.
Drelss and L. Orynskt druggists nro not liuhlo
to 11111 tor inn want m conuuonco in nr. nosan'
'ko's Cough and Lung Syrup Tor thoy
nwuv a bottlo feco to all whnaresulforin
Coughs Colds Asthma Consumption and
Buecuonj 01 ma inrout aan jungs.
The "Little Olrl Dressed In Illne" Inter
view the C. U. IV- Marine Man.
Miss Uvu ilrlttou tho editress nnd proprie
tress of tho HUrrleano who recently visited
San Antonio has been In Corpus Chrlstl. Of
course shu gavo the Corpus Chrlstl Caller a
call and tho editor gives tho following account
of the lntorvlow will their marina man :
"Is tho marlno man in t"
That individual drew his hand hastily nut of
the icIIl'Ious reporter's lunch basket nnd with
a guilty blush und mouth full of cranberry tart
turneu to uio.quostioner.
She vim a tnnlden of annarcnth' If! reara of
ago wearing a blue dress and a bowltchlng
smile nnd nrmcd with a diminutive "grip."
"Yes 'um growiou me mariner mentally
putting her down as a fcmnlo missionary.
"Hero Is my card." said tho fair visitor hand-
ing him n piece of card-board on which was In-
scribed: uraii 1;. uniting-.
Editress and Proprietress
The Whirlwind."
"Very neat card" ojaeulatod tho old Salt.
Looks llks It was printed In Kalamazoo. Anr
chromo go with It 1"
Dinno oxcept myseir replied the lauy.
Then I choose It Have 11 seat" tiolnllnir to
tho tumbling chair.
"Not s'evenlng sin'othor nft. Tables are too
good Tor me"
"Suppose you try this multiplication tuble
lent tint I don't think vnil can sit ilnwn nn
that. Klgurns won't lie like some editors-
want them r" the last two words aMor a panto.
The voting ludv onened 11 little 2x6 nuniuhlct
and handing it to Uio mariner said "Put your
-.My uoar young irienu i say aearaorisodiy
ou want my autograiih and want me to pay
I for tho nrlvlleno of bclnir taken In. Inn
drummer this would be called check. In a pol-
itician it Is unadulterated gall. In editors It Is
Insanity sometimes cropping out under the
name of Jlmcrushcs "
Hut you get tnr Dhotogrnnb." rem ed tho
undaunted whirlwind.
Hlilvor mv larboard I hzuro head what shnl
I do with your photograph. I'vo a locket full
of photographs or maldous mashed on me."
" liOt me see this papror yours. (What's Its
tonnago? Is it copper bottomed und iron
rigged? Let's see something tangible."
" I don't carry tho paper with me" replied
tho young lady " you can Judge of It from its
Then I luuiro It to bo a llvo column imtent
outsider with a stereotyped love story and
three Jokes rrom too London Punch. Hoi any
In mine. Uood evening. Come again "
Tho visitor closed tier rectiouio with a snnn.
Who nro you. anyway." Blio asked as sho
turned to leavo.
" Don t give it away replied tho mariner
hut tarn tho man who struck Hilly Patter
. Delicious and Xutrlcloui Midsummer
Vegetable tor San Autoulani.
When spring comes we Instinctively look for
greens and vegetables and thoy aro generally
obtained In one form or another. Spinach
turnip tops brocoli poko weed and young
beets thinned from tho rows are tho varieties
mostly utilized. Hut all of these soon run to
seed and long bofore midsummer comes It is
impossible to got a supply for tho table. Tho
sun In midsummer In Texas Is schorclitug to
vegotablcs.but a bed of chard koeps Its growth
and will furnish a regular supply for tho table
from April to November. Some botanists class
chard with the common beet only n different
variety but othors more properly regnrd It as
n distinct specie). While beets develop un en
ormous root tho roots in chard aro very small
subdivided as It were and wholly unfit for
food. Chard produces an abundanco of up-
right loaves having very large nnd thick leaf
stnlks. 'I'beso leaves when grown rapidly un-
der our Texan gkio. aro dollelously anil sue-
culcntly tender and furnish an abuud-
ant supplv of greens. Chard Is
well known In Luropo and used extonsivoly
tho soed catalogues giving half a dozon or
more varieties differing In color and tn the
division of their leaves. Dr. Mudd of Soiner-
sett last year received some chard sood from
tho Agricultural dep" tment at Washington.
Not having the tltin and opportunity to at-
tend to It ho save soiuo of the seed to a neigh-
nor to pmut. imoi mucn aueniion was paiu to
Its cultivation but nevertheless It grow splen-
didly. Tho mau bunched some It and brought
It to San Antonio. All but two bunches
which wore bought by a llttlo French woman
for 15 cents on the nlaza. woro duinncd
on the prairie ou the farmer's wuy homo. No-
rjouy in mat section seoniou to Know how to
use It aud it was comcquentl) wasted. Last
Senteiuber a man who uonreelatpd nnd knew
its unallties both In the No thorn States nnd in
Kurope obtnlned sotno Beod from a regular
soousman in can Antonio planted it and win
tnreu it Wlin a si -lit covennff. lie has now i
Hue bed though he thinks the plants ought to
bo farther apart. Last Sunday a Light ropre-
are pulled away train the outsldo of tho plant
tho same ns In gathering rhubarb
leaving thoso In the center to lii-
crenso and continue tho supply. Tho
leaves aro stripped peeled and cut la suitable
lengths nd cooked and served lu exactly the
some way ns usiiaiagras with drawn butter.
It is proper nnd nutritious food and Is an
agreoble chango both in town nnd country.
It is exceedingly proline very little trouble to
raise and can be made tit to bo marketed by
an oxjiurieuceu persuu every uay in me year
The San Antonio Mechanics aud Working
Men's Union Still Flourishes.
Humors beijg provalont that tho San Anlo
nlo Mechanics and Working Men's union was
dissolved the I.IOIIT commissioner called upon
tho Secrelnry.Mr. Charlos Do Votc.and learned
that thero was no truth whatever In tho ru.
mor. This oxcellcnt organization lias now n
mombersblp roll of 115 paid up and benoflt
members comprising representatives of nil
trades. In addition to this thero aro 05 mem-
bers whonro not entitled to boncllts throuirh
arrearage of subscription. Tho union was
never in a hotter or moro prosperous condi-
tion and whllo It works silently It worki well.
Arrangements aro In progress to hold an ar-
tisan luir at which mechanical nnd ttrtistlo
work shall bo exhlbltod nud to establish n
library for the bonollt of Its members.
band and Father.
Airs. Mnmn Austin nr innnirnw. Miuirmri.
writes Postmastor Nowcomb asking if he
knows tho whereabouts of her husband Jnmf a
li AnHn imiis.i..a.. .nii i.
ler husband. Jnmrs
losasa etnnll.low
'Xo heavy mun with largo bluo eyes dark hair Mdeen where the damage is not if more strenuous efforts are nrt "made by the
with and red complexion. Ho was In San Antonio slatef This was an unlucky day sure for our S ate tr have the murderers arrested and p-rn-d
all Inst rhrtitmsi when he vfrnto tohornndeutd PfP'f' .." on ne 32"d of Apnl 'shed Texas will begin to get a bid natn
lie had boon sloV nml was not then noil but
proposod going on to San Francisco. Slnco
that time sho has not heard from lit-" and sho
and her llttlo girl are anxious fn- Information.
She asks that U Mr Austin Is in the city this
message be given to him :
"Pieaso wrlto whether you know anything
or not. It will bo mora satisfactory to me."
Any person able to furnish Information on
this subject should wrlto to Mrs. Austin direct.
Mr. Jesse Hell Itelates is Strange Fact In
Natural History.
Dogs get attachod to ersons cats to
places" said Mr. Jesso Hell to tho LitniT com-
missioner "at least that Is tho rule but this
rulowas strangely violated last week. You
know the Dunbars telephone Dunbar well
they recently removed to tholruow house und
forgot to tnko their cat with them The cat
however soon found out tho new house and
took her proper place In It. In this rui-oltls
evident thnt the rut was attached to tho liai
sons not to thn place "
A man was going the rounds of the retail
stores yesterday hunting for silver coins with
holes in. Deing asked what he wanted with so
many hr replied "I'm going to Mexico."
In all probsmlity this will be his last venture
in the mutilated currency business.
What the Doctor fcnys.
Dr. Uraunnagel informs the Light that
measles have materially decreased in the city.
Stomach complaints arc somewhat prevalent
especially among children being mainly in-
duced by exposure during the cold nights.
The same cause has occassioned other ail-
ments in those who usually perspira lteely by
unduly checking'persptration.
More Labor.
The Light learning frcm Mr. Theodors
lialdus the esteemed District clerk that while
he was in Galveston on Sunday the steamship
Guadelupe arrived from New York having
about 200 German immigrants on board who
had been shinned from llremen. The Immi
grants were 'distributed by the Sunset route in
various cities and some have arrived in San
Why He Dlmnl'SedTliein.
"Why did I dismiss the case against the
gamblers!'' r.s onded. Justice Adams t) the
Light commissioner' interrogation "why be-
cause there was no case against them. The
only evidence against them was a boy whose
veracity is doubtful and there was therefore an
absence of the requisite proof. The parties
who get up these cases should take s:eps to
prove them otherwise they occasion useless
and improfltable trouble.
The Cycloue In Mississippi
Memphis April 23. The Avalanche's
Jackson (Mis'.) special referring to the cyc
lone which wrecked Wesson and Beauregard
yesterday gives the following additional par
ticulars: "Ueauregard one mile north of
Wesson has about 600 inhabitants. It was
entirely swept away. The destruction of life
and property is indiscribable and appalling.
Not a house of any character is left standing.
Large brick buildings were blown down and
frame houses torn to atoms. Trees were
swept away like straws loaded freight cars
lifted from the track and carried 200 yards
and trees and timber from houses scattered
lor miles around. The town could not be
recognized. One gloomy ghastly mass of
destruction marks the spot of what was a
beautiful flourishing little village. 1'he
killed as lar as ascertained are; Melton
Story Dr. lleaton and wife. Captain Lamp-
kin wife and child J. O. Williams Dr.
Luther Jones and entire family of six their
bodies being found 300 yards Irom their resi-
dence and all near each other except one
child not yet found; Miss Georgia Mitchell
Hev. J. Green of Crystal Springs; Mr. Keat-
ing of Wesson; Miss Lula itenton John Ter-
rell. Mr. Laudeler (his wife cannot be found.)
Willie White son oij. W. White and three
netzroes. names unknown. A nartv of several
nejjroes were playing cards in a box car
wiucu Biauuiug iu a ui as uccp as me
car was carried car and all over two-story
houses 200 yards in the woods. The woun
ded are; John Ross mortally and his wife
it is also feared mortally; Morgan Joynerand
Mrs. Westerfleld mortally; Isaac Bloom se-
riously; son of M. Daniels dying; M. Dan-
iels badly hurt; Mr. Trumbull visiting from
lirooitnaven mortauy; onn il.tlloway mor-
tally; his wife had her leg broken; Mr. Wil-
cox telegraph operator both arms broken:
A. J. Ferguson and family ten in number all
featlully injured; Dr Albert G. Pierce wife
and cm let mortally; tienry Clay seriously:
Mr Levison seriously; Charles Aldridge
badly; nurse in Samuel Lawrence's family
from New Orleans mortally; Charles Lane
mortally; K. T. Robertson both eyes out;
Miss Ruth Iliggon mortally both eyes out:
Miss Cato arm broken; Hamilton Moore and
wife badly the former speechless and cannot
live; Misi Jennie Benton mortally: Mrs. Ben-
ton seriously. The Mayor and all his family
are hurt and not a vestiee of their house re
mains; J. F. White and wile are terribly
bruised: L. Dunn and wife mortally found
li a furnace at the vare'yvok 200 yards
from their residence; William Parker wife and
child mortally; Mrs. Peels severely; Mrs.
Polk Ferguson badly. The variety works
were leveled. The property loss in Beaure -
gard is not less than $250000. The same
storm before reaching Beauregard struck the
Tillman depot on Nalchez Sc lackson rail-
i road killing Mr. Baggelt wounding Calvin ' the terrible scene that she had not fully re-
Philips Miss Covington and Mrs. Baggelt. ( covered her consciousness at the inquest to-
- u mps. miss uviuuiuu. mm lurs. uacpeii.
The srm proceedd in a northcasurly uirec
tion destroying a number of houses In Lau
u'ynK "u'nucr nouses in Lau -
un lc on the Yicksburc Meridian railroad.
n:e on the icksburg -Meridian railroad was destroyed at the same hour.
Lnhnr Troubles.
Louisville Ky. April 23. The threat-
ened strike among the cigar makers has been
averted all manufacturers having acceded to
the demands of the men for extra compensa-
tion at the rate of $2 per thousand. The
new schedule goes into effect on May I
when the $3 rebate under the aet of Congress
Dayton Ohio April 23 Four hundred
miners are on a strike at the Coalton mines
Jackson county. Twenty-five mines have
closed and the supply is cut off from that di-
rection. Cause reduction of wages 25 cents
per day
Vienna Austria April 23. Two hun-
dred army bakers tike the place of the strik-
ing city bakers. The strike extends to .other
trades. Men distributing pamphlets inci-
ting workingmen to strike have been arrested.
Chicago April 23 Work has been re-
sumed on the larger buildings now in course
of construction in this city and master ma-
sons assert they now have all the bricklaying
help they require in view of the large arrival
of Canadians the past two days. OlTicers of
(he bricklayers' union assert that they are re-
ceiving a great deal of outside aid and that
contractors will be compelled to accede to
their demands.
Dallas Tex. April 23 Reports from the
Panhandle indicate that the strike of the eow
boys has been a failure the cattle men sup-
plying their places with young men from the
States and giving to each a small start in
stock thereby identifying them with their em-
ployer's interests.
New York April 23. Eight hundred ci-
gar makes and 200 packers and stripers inau-
gurated a strike to-day for increase of wages.
The strike will likely be prolonged for some
time as both sides have expressed a deter
mination not to yield.
Crimes ami Casualties.
Davtille April 23. A house on fire this
morning was extinguished and an unknown
negro was found dead in the building. Blood
was running from wounds and the clothing
saturated with kerosene and set on fire and
oil pourctl on the bedding.
Dallas April 23 Mrs. Bud Fleeting was
thrown from a wagon this morning and fell
with her breast on a sharp pointed stump.
She was impaled and killed almost instantly.
John Handy was passing on the street
where two necroes were fichtini!. and was
struck on the head with a brick and seriously
Houston April 23. About dark last night
a woman called Lottie Bates with a three-year-old
child in her lap was thrown from a
buggy on Fannin street near Congress. The
woman was badly hurt and the child nearly
killed. The horse it seems had cot scared
and was running at the time.
Memphis Tenn. April 23. A special to
the American from Talledaga Ala says : A
heavy storm last night did considerable dam-
age and the north bound train on the East
I enn;ssee valley and Georgia railroad was
thrown down an embankment 'destroying the
engine and seven cars and injuring several
passengers but none seriously.
Detroit April 23. The main buildings of
the Lansing wagon works at Lansing includ-
ing the machinery and a large amount of
work in process ol mnnulacturc were.buroed
yesterday afternoon. The store room with
a large amount of stock ready for shipment
was saveu. loss 230000: tuny insured.
Denver Col. April 23. The snow storm
in the mountains continues unabated. All
trains are delayed and every available snow
plough is in service in hopes to prevent a seri-
ous blockade.
Memphis April 23. The Appeal's Helena
(Ark.) special says: The river is still sta-
tionary 42 feet and 4 inches on the guage.
The heaviest rain storm known for years in
this section visited Helena.on Saturday. Six
inches of rain fell in as many hours. A large
portion of the city is temporarily overflowed
in consequence. A rise Irom the St. Francis
basin is expected to reach Helena to-morrow.
Savannah April 23 A special from
Eastman Georgia says: A cyclone passed
over this tqwn early this morning doing
great damage. The house of John Register
was blown down and two children killed.
Samuel Harris' house was also demolished
and wife and children badly injured.
Lampasas Tex. April 23 Last night
about 1 1 p. m. a most deliberate murder was
committed in that part of the city called the
Santa Fe addition. A man named A. C.
Rich a doctor by profession came to this
county from Georgia several years ago. He
married a Miss Fannie Scott in this city a
year since and moved to Bastrop county.
They returned here about six months ago and
lived near the Santa Fe depot. Last night
while Dr. and Mrs. Rich were asleep with
ine uour uniasicncu parties at present un-
(known entered the room and shot Rich
throujh the head and jerked him out of bed
and fired two more shots into the region of
. his heart killing him instantly. They then
ran away and escaped al' unnoticed except by
one man who saw that there were three in
the nartv. Mrs. Rich was tn ..
coverea ner CDnsriiiiMiMi nt th nnn..i
- j day. Hopes are entertained of the arrest and
punishm nt of the
; punisnm nt ol me murdere s. Citizens are
' verv indltmant and fears nr mi-mln.! .v.
' very indignant and fears are entertained that
altera wnue.

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 19, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 24, 1883, newspaper, April 24, 1883; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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