The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 5, No. 305, Ed. 1, Saturday, December 26, 1885 Page: 1 of 4

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The San Antonio Light.
Bay Yonr Wines ani Lipors
of u ami rt-t chAnc for thoo
Most Etofl oil Mis
Volume V. Number 305.
Only $5 a Year.
V in a Hliowhif; nt irc.out tlic largest iiHsortinetit (if Suits mill
OvprcuatH for (Iciitloiiicn IIh.vh iiiiiI Children. Kino Kilk-I.iiii'il Over-
riiiitH In (Jliiiirlilllii Jtcnver anil Diugoim! ut populnr privet In nil rIzok.
Excellent aoi Elegant Suits from $10.00 to $2000.
To meet tlio ilemntiii wo linil iiiniiiifiiotiucil for iih iwpieSHly n largo
qiiutitlt)' of iJ.I.OU IIojh' SliltH. TIicho l'imiiIh iiio iniulo of material tlmt
will Htniid rmijjli trur iiml wear tiiiniiiiiiK tlio bent ninl tliey ihiijjo In
hI.i'h from II to 17 .vento. Our Hue of Short I'iiiiIh ('IiIIiIicii Suitu
limgCH fiom iJl.Ti to ? 10.(10.
Coo. H Knltoyor Prosldont - Otto Koohlor Soc. and Mnnngor.
Ono Our lTiolHteii'il (SooiIn
new ttt.ylcH vcr.v line.
Ono cur Oliamlier Suit m ninl
Xooltii'N fiom Cnnnl I'npiils
unique mill elegant in (Ii'sIkii
mill llnisli.
One ear l'iue Olieup 1'iirnitiiic
from licHt makem.
Erastus Reed.
Oysters FiaJi
Riverside Cafe Restaurants
Anil A I
Bcholz's Hall Corner of Commerce and Losoya Streets.
Thl9 Establishment 13 now neplcte with Alt tne Novelties lor the
Fnll nncl Winter tjenon
Fall and Winter Silks and Satins
;nn be seen In lllaok and Colored l'laln nnd ISrooaded. Cassimercs (black
and colored) Tricots Diagonals Serues etc. Ciimel Hair nnd Wool Hat-
eena. Velvet and Velveteens In nil colors plain and brocaded. Silk
l'ongees l)-esa l'lalds In single and double widths and
Itsfl'rlmmlnKs to suit all Dress Goods.-!
Gloves Laces and Fancy Goods.
lie Is now showing the largest stock or IChl (lloves Mils r.ncps and Fnncj'Goodt
for Ladles and Children ever brought to our city. In Silk Hosiery "
he has 1111 endless vurlety and cannot be undersold.
Fall and Winter Millinery
All tlie latest Fall and Winter styles nnd makes of RonnctB nnd Hats
Ostrich I 'In men. Tips ltlbbous and Trimmings wilt be found
there. This department Is under first-class artistes
who will please the tastes of all.
Flannels Blankets Linens Cotton Goods
Towellngs Domestic Prints Ginghams Alpacas. Comforters. Canton Flan-
nels and Hosiery. Among the other things which were very extensively
purchased by his agents was the most magnificent stock of Dress
Goods of all kinds ever seen In any dry goods house In Texas.
Kspeclal attention was given to purchasing Fall and Winter
bilks unci can he also glvo the greatest bargains In
Clothing Boots Shoes and Mats
Ilia Block of Full iiml Winter Clot III no- fi tlio
vi'ry Itiriru unit uomiileto Block
Hlioci urn! lloutt. A full lino
AUu n lull stock uf (luntlmieiVa KuniUliinic (Jhh1.
HcnJ forsampli'i.
Main Plaza and Accquia Street
and. Game.
lurgcBt over linmtrht InTuxHg tunic
ol Liuiies' MUttes' Men's Hiitl Hoy' '
of Htctaon rilt tint I HtltT Hats.
ml he will suit evoriiolr
I'ilrlor Sulll. Will lint ii nil
'! hiunim UiirpiU lluim Mtittlnir
OLLA I'ODRIDA. leal tin J Social Events of
tlio Wcok.
Mitt Emma Abbott and Fred. Warde-
Somo Interesting Remarks by the
Prima Donna-Foitivltiet.
On Thursday evrnlnKalarue audience
nas al Turner Hall to hear Miss AbhuU
In ' .Mlgnon." All their exeiliitloiis
were realled. Mist Abbott was nt her
but. Last evening there was mi Iiii
menie home to hear "l.mla 1)1 l.iuu-
luermoor." Chairs u ere at preiiiltiin.
There Is only one mljectlte It tlrRrlie
Miss Abbott's rendition of the Kile
superb. He' ninil scene drlles cilllols i
Moutegrlflo was the "Kdgurdo" al-
though this tenor ha not the artistic
method of Mlehelenn. bis high
notes notably In the last act
are remarkable. This altcruoon the
"lloheuilnn Glr " will be glteu and the
engagement of Mls Abbult will con-
clude with 'Fun"lblseenlng. Would
that she wrre here longer. I he rhnriii-
Ing prima donna hoi etei lng received
an ovation at the coneliulun; or her
wonderful mad scene she wms cum
pelted to appear before the audleme
three times amid n whirlwind of enthu-
siastic apphiune and cries of "bravo."
Owing to thu reiiiest of numerous
friends Mint Abbott has kindly consen-
ted to delight them tu-nlght by singing
the ".Suvviiueu ltlver."
"I thnuld like" observed Miss Abbott
to a l.nnT reporter "to open jour new
opera house here. 1 have been extreme-
ly lucky with all the bouses In which I
have given the Initial performance.
Theatrical managers regard mo as
a " Mascolte." I really think 1
was bom under a luckv planet
A good many aill.-des think so loo.
You can see Ibis Mule mark on my left
hand Well they believe there Is some
especial virtue In It and before going on
the stage singers will beg me lo let
them kiss It. They declare It nlivuvs
brings them success. I am glad you like
my "Mlgnon." Yes I think It is ono of
my best characters. You have no Idea
bow 1 have studied It. 1 am ninny
watching little children and studying
their quaint ways and gestures In older
to make the character as true lo nature
as possible. While 1 was on the cars 1
saw u cute little thing hhe had so mini)
funny and odd wnjs. I watched her
Tory closely and some of her poes
struck my fancy so much I have woven
them lino my "Mlgnon" 1 can con-
scientiously say all my success Is the re-
sult of careful und unremitting luilv.
My mad scene In "l.iiela"tlllera consid-
erably from any other prima donna. I
spent a long lime In an Insane as luiu
to study the vagaries uf poor
deuieuted men and women. 1 owe a
great deal to I'alll: 1 think the Is a
lovable woman; she always takes a great
Interest In me 1 believe the reason I
have that freshness nnd brightness ol
voice It due to the careful teschlngs of
1'arepa Itosa. l'altl and ltosa bad n
great deal to do with my success. There
areonlytwoor three nrilsts 1 can say
In the whole world who can untie their
voice; you understand what I mean?
Supposing I do a trill either a hair note
or whole note trill. the great difficulty s
to give each modulation distinct and ut
the samo time to sing them smoothly
not "sloppily" then gradually to vocal-
ize the trill slower and slower until
the two distinct sounds which compose
it can be heard. This I acquired by
careful study nnd practice. Changing
the subject the charming little diva said:
My Juliet It Is lad. Is wonderfully like
poor Adelaide N'ellson's this Is not sur-
prising when It is considered
how 1 admired her Juliet. 1 went
night nrier night to tee her 1
watched her with undivided attention
noting each pose gesture and facial ex-
pression. I wrote an accurate and min-
ute description of It In a book so that I
should not forget It. You say you think
I deserve the term conscientious. Well
I do not know but 1 can nun re you that
my success has not been acquired with-
out long and patient study. I urn happy
to say I possess a very strong constitu-
tion and a good digestion Ir u other
prima donnas were like me I hey no. i hi
be lucky. 1 eat and drink what 1 please.
Home friends have asked me to sing the
"Suwanee ltlver" to-night und I shall
be pleased to do so. 1 think San
Antealo lovely town. I would not
have come to Texas at all this season If
It had not been that San Antonio was In
It. I always feel as If I wers surrounded
by those who are really friends of mine
and I nu sine I feel us kindly to them as
they do to me"
The above Is not Intended to be pub-
lished as a formal Interview It Is simply
the gist of a desultory conversation
which a l.imir reporter wat favored
with by Miss Abbott.
Fred Warde will be hereon December
28 2'J and 30. Prices will be as usual.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church
are having their Christmas festivities
this afternoon as the latnir goes to
The l'alne Methodist Church will
have their PlirUtitinu nluri..l...a...
Saturday at 3 o'clock.
The little daughter or Mr. ami Mrs.
II. Clary was christened at St. Mary's
Ch ireh at 11 o'clock Thursday latt. Af-
ter the christening the party repaired to
Mr. I'erronl's residence on San Saba
street where the event was appropriate
ly celebrated. A dance at night con-
cluded the fcstlvltle.
Quite n company of friends were as-
sembled on Christmas eve at the resi-
dence of dipt. Juan Cardenas on Mon-
terey street to assist that gentleman
and his family to watch tberUIng of the
Star of lle'hleheui. A pleasant time
was spent by nil and It was early morn-
ing when the company dispersed.
Garronl's Clipper Hall was filled with
a merry crowd of dancers last night.
The FasMon Theatre It having
crowded homes nightly.
A pleasant social party and dance
took place Thursday night at the house
of Ma.-rauo Garcia on Sallnat street.
The Misses l!eiiglaand Tetra Floret
on Obraje street on Thursday night
gave a supper and paity to a few select
The engagement is announced of Mr.
Henry Wahrmund nnd .Miss Metn Nlm-
itz both of Fredericksburg. Mr. Wahr-
mund Is welt nnd fayorablv known In
this city and fait frlendt of whom he
list many are pleased to hear of bis
good fortune In his betrothtl to to
charming a young lady.
.Mr. II K. O'llrlen or the Slock F.x-
change saloon had scarcely put hit root
down town after several weeks of se-
veto illness when he wasieverelycaned.
Mr. O'llrlen bail no chance whatever
listing one hand In a sling nnd feeling
very weak and wat compelled lo tub-
lull to the caning with a good grace He
accepted n beautiful gold-headed cane
from bis partner Mr. William .Meyer
and made a neat speech In response.
Hie thoollng mulch by the Juvenile Club was participated In liy nearly
all the members and a very good score
was iiiiuln by the hova.
Tim linn ri.rl. !". II..I.I...I
the Lutheran Church on Chrlalmns eve
weie laden with many I resents for the
little ones. I he church was crowded
and pt scuted a gay scene.
The ( lirlslmas table set bv the ladles
or the Tilnlly Mclhodl.i F.plscopal
Church on Avenue (' last night was a
great enjoyment to the little ones of the
Sunday-School and the older bends also
seemed lo enjoy Ihemielves.
A very enjoyable Christmas eve dance
was given by Mr. Kmest Castro and
fr'ends at the residence of Mr. Pedro
Chavez 011 South Floret street at 12
oMnek tlu pnny attended tlio mil-
night iiiiiM nt San Fernando Cathedral.
Mr l.uuwlg Mahncke on I lei I n large
number offals frieniU liurrteilly togetlie r
Christmas eve mid dined nnd wined
lliem pmr.iely. Singing nnd laughter
mlrlli and speaking worn the order or
the evening and many toasts were
drank to the health nnd long life of
host Maliacke.
A son or Mr. Ilurd living no .North
Hores street was thrown out of a buggy
on that street jesterday morning ami
seriously Injured.
Mr. James itrady received a handsome
girt or a thoroughbred Gordon teller
pup from hit rriend William Campbell
a stockman or Colleyvllle Kansas. The
dog arrived safely
A On Minns tree wat unloaded of Its
many preients at the German F.van-
gellcal Church corner llurleson and
Chismut streets last night.
tors presented Mr. Jerry Newton the
popular manager nt Ilia olllces In tills
city with a line gold watch as a Christ-
mat pieient.
TheChilstinat Ke entertainment at
he Madison Square Presbyterian
Chinch on Camden street was one of
the moat Jovous and enlertamlag aftalrs
of the kind in tlie illy nnd will he re-
membered by the hnppv little ones who
were all suitably remembered as well as
the oilier members of the organization.
The handsome church was crowded
and presented a very happy scene.
St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral was
besiilllnlly decoralei yesterday for the
Corstmas services and a laige cougre.
gallon asjembletl.
"Lucia 1)1 1.ammermoor" Is accredited
to Verdi by the critic er the Kxprest
tli't morning lly tome oilier remark!
lie made one would think he thought
grand oneia on a parallel with a "leu"
show. "O temoora ! O.Moses."
The Sunset and International railways
abandoned all trains except the mall
Iralnt yesterday to give the railroad
boys their Cfarlstnias holidays.
rrnfetinr.T. K. ISmllli.' Public Scliool
Superintendent wusaccldeutally locked
up In the Kampmann building yester-
day morning for some time. He finally
climbed over a transom and escaped
A company of colored mlnstrelt 10 In
number from Austin gave an entertain-
ment In Krlsch's lialUast night.
A surprise party assembled at Alder-
man Gallagher's residence on San Saba
and lluena Vista street latt night and
visited the residence or Mr. Thomas
Gallagher near by and eurprlsed that
gentleman and his family. Muslo was
proourrd nnd the evening was spent In
dancing. Among the ladles and gentle-
men present were the Mlsies Sarran the
Misses Foster Mils llolln Nellie Ilry-
ant Itena "assey Julia Tcel. Alice
Chirk Stella Foreman Mrs. Gallagher
Mesdamea Massey Mrs. Swalls nnd
Mesirt. Simpson Hole llolln Teel Sar-
ran Caldwell Clark llryant l'lckrens
Foreman Gallagher and Massey Harm-
ing was continued until 1 o'clock
A pleasant Christmas night party as-
sembled nt Ur. Long's residence on
Seventh street last night at the Invita-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Long and their
daughter and son-in-law Mrs. and Ur.
II. T. Drown Dancing occupied the
time of the young people until VI
o'clock Among the ladles and gentle-
men present were tne Misses Tilde Ox-
ford Julia Vogt Pauline Dlttmar Em-
ma nnd llulda Lastree Mrs Lever Cur-
tin llol.ean Matlson. Illssell Mrs. and
the Misses Conrad Annie Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Itrown. Messrs. Itrown
Cummins Fredrick Laitree Conrad
Ilotbwell Jordln Caldwell MorrK Ma-
Gee Seldel Snell Lawrence Young
and James
Silver Coinage.
Waiiiimhov December 'A". The Na-
tional ltepubllcan to-morrow will give
as the result or an exhaustive Inquiry
concerning the future decisions In the
House of Itepresentntlves In regard to
the suspension or sliver coinage a table
showing that I III Democrats and S2 Ite-
publicans are against suspension and
ll'J Democrats and 01 Itepubllcans are In
fnvor or It and the noticeable reature In
connection wltb the matter It the divi-
sion nt the members upon sectional
grounds. The west and south are prac-
tically a unit for coinage while the Fast
and middle States appear to ho moat
solidly In favor of suspension.
Want no Aid From Congress
Iniiianavoih December 21. TfaeKx-
ecutlve Committee or tlio Hendricks
Monument Asioolnllon have been ills
cussing a tuggestlnn In the newspapers
that Congress appropriate $10000 In aid
of the construction of a memorial. The
result or the discussion was the unani-
mous adoption or a resolution Hint no
such appropriation was expected or
asked but that the association should
depend upon voluntary donation! by the
people for the money neceisary.
Crant Monument Fund.
Nkw Yoiik December 21 -The Grant
monument fund hai reached a total of
SUI.72S. Yesterday Mayor Grace tent
the committee a letter from the Chinese
Minister stating Hint Viceroy 11. of
China desired to donate to the fund
$3OC0. To this the Minister added $200.
A Woman Drains Her Two Children
With an Aie and the Hogt'Make a
Meal of One or Them.
Pixels! In the t.tnlit.
Ai stiv. Texts December 21 IW-
woman by the name of F.nnee about a
week ko killed her twn rlilhir.n win.
an axe one or them a hoy and the other
a girl aged li and II yeara respectively.
Yesterday the remains of the murdered
rlilldien were found burled In the yard.
The body ol tfae boy was rooted up by
some hogs nnd were discovered devour-
ing the same. Search Is now being made
for the girl. Tfae woman tohl her
friends and acquaintances Hint elielind
sent the children to some of their rela-
tives at Lampasas. The woman when
last heard of was reported as being In
San Antonio. The oily Is wild with ex-
citement nnd Judge Lynch will ad-
minister on the ease It the perpetrator
of the foul deed Is caught.
The holiday edition or the Liutir gives
tuuch tntlsractlon snd calls for extra
copies are numerous. Send me IKS)
copies moro. I K. D.
SI Paul's Lplscopal church Govern-
mint Hill. Services at 11 a.m. and Bp.
m. seals free. Strangers cordially In-
vlled to attend. Avenue V ctrt pass
the door.
Trinity M II. church; Iter. Charles K.
Glddlngs the newly appointed pastor
will preach at 11 a. m. and 7::i(l p. in.
Sunday school at II p. in. A cordial In-
vltallon Is extended to all
First Presbyterian church corner of
Houston nnd North Floras streets Itcv
J. W. Nell D. D pastor. Services to-
morrow at II a. m and 7:30 p. in. by the
pastor. Sabbath school at IMO a. m.
I'ubllo Invited t'sbera will ifaow
strangers to seats.
Services at the Second llaptlst Church
corner Soutfa Centre and Chestnut
streets to-morrow : Sunday School al 0
n. in.; preaching nt II p. m and also at H
p. in. Subject: Christians compared
to Jewels. All are cordially Invited to
attend. Itev. J. W. Cnrr 1'aetor.
Services at St I'aul'a M. P.. Church
South Center street December 271b A.
I). 1VC.. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 3 p. m. Subject "For-
saking all for Clirlst Jesus" at night 8
p. in. Subject " I he birth or Christ"
by Dr. (I. .1. Starnes. Professor T. M.
Dart or West Texas Conference Semi-
nary will be with us to-morrow. No
one need stay away from service for rear
or being punished with cold or wet
weather. Our church edifice Is now
well warmed on all occasions In case ot
Inclement weather. Mack llenson pns-
tor. 1
The Light's Christmas.
llnrly yesterday morning they bigan
to nrrlve (tlio good tilings wo mean)
which tlio many friends of the Limir re-
membered losend ut on Christmas morn-
ing. The llrst to arrive was the wine
and cake wllfa the compliment! of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Ileltel. nnd the health of
the future young lumber kings nnd klng-
csses were readily timed oil by the stall'.
Following this sumptuous banquet
came Mr. A. Scbulz's compliments ac-
companying n large roast turkey two
plates of salad wines nnd cigars.
The boys were getting warmed up to
their workiiretty well when lo a strong
man bearing a case or champagne
appenred on tlie threshold and
announced that Mr. Ld Steves
Jr. wished the Liiiiit many more
merry Chrlstmases and the boys then
drank to the wealth and prosperity of
the Steves Arms Company.
Following came a note from Hart A
llond accompanied with two foaming
pitchers of egg-nogg and Its) cigars.
These were flanked by "Magnolia" a
tried and 'rue friend presenting a beau-
tiful hanging basket full of Christmas
yule and pretty roses.
The I it Is gratified for the kindly
remoiubrance of all Us friends and wlshet
them many returns or the 23th or De-
cember. Plenty of Steel.
Wamiimiion Deteiuber 21. Mesirt.
ltandall; Hewitt Crlip lllscock and
Phelps and Iteed composing the ord-
nance commission appointed at the last
lesslon or Congress will report lo the
House of ltepresentallves shortly after
the holidays that all the steel needed
for armor-plates either for ships or land
fortifications and all steel ingots needed
for the manufacture of guns for the
navy or coast defenses can be manufac-
tured In this country. The appropria-
tions for the work be made at once.
To Sink a New Shaft.
Wii.KKMuiuiK Pa.December2.'). After
further discussion nnd counsel by the
engineers at Nantlcoke to-day the com-
pany decided to sink a new shaft from
the surface at the point directly above
where Ihe bodies or the burled miners
are supposed to ho. The shaft will he
about l".'i Teel deep nnd will take from
four to live weeks Incomplete with the
most rapid work. The excavation or
the blocked gangway at Ihe foot of the
slope Is being steadily carried on day
and night but It Is n very slow process
and mouths will elnpte before the mine
It cleared. Prayers wero offered this
morning In every clinrcfa through Wy-
oming valley for tfae unfortunate men.
A ChrlitmasTrse on Fire.
Ciiicauo December 23. A large
Christmas tree hearing all kinds of gifts
for the patients and attendants at the
county hospital and lavishly Illumina-
ted with wax candles caught lire to-
night while a hundred or more people
were packed about It. The tree and
content! blazed so furiously that the
clothing of fome 20 persons caught lire.
Over 300 persons were In the chapel
when the accident occurred When the
lire ntarted the email room wat packed
and Santa Claut wat forcing lilt way
through tlie crowd to the tree to distri-
bute the gifts. Suddenly n wreatfa oT
colored poper caught tire from a candle
and almost Instantly tfae entire tree and
contents were a pyramid of flames. The
garments of those nearett to the tree
caught tire and every one rushed to the
door In a panic Ilefbre the room nai
half emptied or the crowd tome one
with a lire extlngulsfaer tubdued the
llamet and drenched the clothing which
caught on tire. Some 40 persons were
Injured but none fatally.
The only cigarette! which do not
tick to the lips are Opi ra Purr.
A Merry Christmas to All
Timrsflay Friday Satnrday ana Sunday December 24 25 26 & 27 f ir i
""' Jiinalluin Allrttiil . Harry Mnrarlhr
Vocnl Gifts by Nnturo Kindly Dostowotl. - Miss CAD BLOSSOM.
Alll-lliiilly AmhlllMiK iiu.l Arllully AiniMHiiir.
Music Murmoring most Merrily Miss RUBY GRANT
If you want .to onjoy n ood Inugh wait nnd soo Our Married Mon.
llrlMiill.r ula.lne mi every rate wtleomu Ihe Juvi nllu arll.U.
In llielrll 11111 n.a-1 Ij Helen. eiillM.1. "NICK-NACKS." llilr.p.hieln Ii. V...
'. Pretl. Iarcja
Silvor NoIob that Donutlfy nnd
A laugh every hair minute In "Our Married Men."
l"k ire r day nu.l hiind ul family's Orlilnnl Skeleli" cnlUhTl.
I il.y . ..r ..II onrlt IIMN rl diiniuy
Thiiolli) I lie I.
Ijirry !
Tho NlKhtlnitnlo that Choorsall
oVCUTI'lii: liun'i rnmt Loin
Tho DashlnK Sorlo-Comic Com
ftiiahln tloaily Rollicking nnd Ito.irlng.
MXTll wi:i:k ANIi.stii.i. runm-riMi
Uuiiiielcr -K in k. alive Vonk. frniu
I'lejililii... t'liHniel.T -l'a.11- In.lil Cork.
I.) Hair) .Maenrth). I It In 1 1 Ju.
Funny I Very Funny!
With Cracoful onso sho'll show hor skill
Here. Ffanki QUINNETTS
l MM AIr in rriiriiiam ever II
r ll.e iiii.llei.iv u piirtleularly nilli'l I
lit I li'e HUM. mile m ili.ul.l.. I r..
I 111"- KtHlnt lleiK-flil r
will iyukIiiiIc Mlth Hie
.MmSiillil... wliu
ii)s iiii)tliluir Inn
M rs 1 1 rlhtiw. w lu kllnlly okhM In I le
.Mrs Ni.rlmi lii in. nue ii irmit ileal i.r iruulile
MIINIlAY. lli:c V Klr.l iipiKii
illinium. I Pinner. JOHN
Aliielleii iiiHl lli. IjiiihIiuIiI.
Wolf & Marx
Wo are Not Selling Old and Shelf-Worn Out-of-Style
Goods but New and Desirable
Articles in Plenty.
Special Importations
Fine Dress -Goods
Silks Salins and Yelvels
Cloaks and Wraps of all kinds.
500 Boys' Suits. Short Pants.
boo Boys' Suits Long Pants.
Overcoats Etc. Etc.
"WOLF &d lsLJtt2C
Corner Commerce and Alamo Sts.
rUJiniep Gardenf
Every Wotlnosday and Saturday Evonlngs and a 8poclnl Froo
Concort Evory Sunday front 4 to I I p. m.
First-Class Bar-Room Restaurant and Billiard-Room Attached
Alamo Street- San Antonio Texas.
.lll'SIMMS Maxaoik
nln i nlcrliilniiieiit the imi...l .l..i.i.
- aliiir Pirriitlim.
I Murv. the'i II u ... ...... 1 1..
with horSongs MINNIE HASSAN
al ll.e linr .. nmiil'.MTUA
Vermont. ll.y -"Tlilrlr-niH well km.wii
"Our Married Men."
i IliU.t rany .illierroiinlry. The
Hur ilni mi ilimeull I rlt k 11.
tmt llni. TnuMwImr Arn. l'll
rr TmcIIiSiniA
l In Kan nf r linker's
I.I di
In Ihe .lull I faintly
Aliulu Howard
'nMun'ieeortlie flniit Iliintiitl.ii Hkeleh Arll.U. lunloltt. f'mne.
UN a..i urrriis jinmi.v i-m iiiemiiV u.iy t Si j
liable lv.i y. "LOVE AND POUTlCswlthWutoi.t.
Jerseys for Ladies Misses Children.
Silk Lisle Thread & Cotton Hosiery.
Kid Gloves Handkerchiefs Fans.

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 5, No. 305, Ed. 1, Saturday, December 26, 1885, newspaper, December 26, 1885; ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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