The Aspermont Star (Aspermont, Tex.), Vol. 10, No. 35, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 5, 1908 Page: 3 of 8

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?•*'. ' ¿c-
W. E. Barrow was in from his
ranch Monday.
Bass prescription 3363 relieves
H. Hurst was in from Brszos
Valle y Monday.
Wanted—Fat hogs at Crume
Riddel's market.
A. W. Springer made a business
trip to Stamford this week.
Bass' 3363 is a specific for colds
and lagrippe, guaranteed.
Dr. T. J. McCamant has gone
to Plainview on professional bus-
Bass' Colic and Diarrhoea rem-
edj- hits the spot when others
fail. Try it.
Matt Osb^rn is having a new
residence built in east part of
Get DeWitt's Carbolized Witch
Hazel Salve—it is good for piles.
Sold by Will Marr.
S. L. Pierce and lady passed
through town Tuesday return-
ing from Rule.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
small, safe, sure little liver pills.
Sold by Will Marr.
J. C. Martin, an ex-Stonewall
cijtizen, was down from Jayton
Fresh Oysters and Trout
at Tom's Cafe every Friday and
Saturday. tf
Fred Senter is having his house
painted which will add greatly to
the appearance of same.
Lawson Smith and Tom McLa-
more have purchased the Keen
meat market, and want your
trade in the meat line.
J. H. Hahn, J. J. Craft, J. E.
• Edwards and D. C. Davis were in
from Brazos Valley Monday.
Our pastures are posted. Wood
haulers will be prosecuted as
tresspassers. W. D. Lang.
R. M. Reed left Saturdaj- for
Fort Worth to attend the meet-
ing of the grand lodge of I. O. O.
Will Marr and family have
gone to Fort Worth where Will
goes to attend the meeting of the
grand lodge of Oddfellows.
Woodson Rollins came in from
Brewster-county last Thursday
and will spend a couple of weeks
with friends and relatives in As-
Herbert Johnson and lady, for-
merly Miss Ruth Forrester, were
over from Rotan since last issue
visiting relatives and friends.
While at Jayton last week we
had the pleasure of meeting sev-
eral of old Sfonewall friends.
We regret to lose our citizens,
but our loss is Jay ton's gain.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough
Syrup acts generally yet prompt-
ly on the bowels and allays inflam-
mation at the same time- It is
pleasant to take. Sold by Will
John Patterson's two year old
baby fell from a hack Sunday, the
wheel passing over it's leg be-
tween the knee and ankle, fract-
uring it. Dr. Fullbright dressed
the wound.
Kodol is today the best known
remedy for all disorders of the
stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart
burn, sour stomach and belching
of gas. Sold here by Will Marr.
C. F. McCall the photographer,
will remain uutil about April 1st.
His work has given such satisfac-
tion that the people are anxious
for him to remain a while longer.
Mrs. J. K. Ancleroon is real sick
we are sorry to note.
Monday was Texas Indepen-
dence daj*.
Pat Garrett, the man who,
when he was sheriff, killed "Billie
the Kid,"' was killed Monday.
Judge W. J. Arrington has
moved to his new residence north
of town.
Wanted to buj' fat beeves and
hogs, highest market price paid.
See me at the meat market.
Crume Riddel.
J. H. Hunnicut and Geo. Haw-
kins were down srom Kent coun-
t\* the first of the week trading
with our merchants.
For sale—Cold drink fixtures.
G. Alex. Gray.
Fred Bfackwell went out to
Lingo Friday and assisted Pea-
cock Bros, in opening up their
dry goods.
Cotton pickers should have a
bottle of Bass' Hand Lotion. It
has no superior for chapped
Uncle Jack Strayle is very sick
at the home of G. A. Corder near
Nolan Myers is building a neat
cottage on his place on upper
Salt Fork. Wonder if he has en-
gaged an occupant?
Mrs. J. B. Ford and little son
visited at Rev. A. T. Ford's since
last issue.
One dark coat on road between
Aspermont and Hamlin. Find-
er will please at the Star office.
Mr. John Riha, of Vining, la.,
says "I have been selling DeWitt's
Kidney and Bladder Pills for a-
bout a year and they give better
satisfaction than any pill I ever
sold. I have used them myself
with fine results." Sold by Will
The infant babe of Mr. a"nd
Mrs. Charlie Tucker died last
Friday morning and was buried
in Aspermont cemetery Satur-
day afternoon. The relatives
have our sympathy in the loss of
their little one.
"When a person calls for the
best cough medicine I always re-
commend Hart's Honey and
Horehound, it gives universal sat-
isfaction for the cure of Coughs,
Colds and Croup. It is my best
seller," writes Chas. E. Edwards,
Linden, Wis. 25c, 50c and $1.00
bottles sold by Joe Tanner, Drug-
T. J. Montgomery, who has
been employed by A. W. Spring-
er & Co., has resigned his posi-
tion and returned to his home
near Rotan. Travis made many
friends while here, and they re-
gret very much to see him leave,
but trust fortune may smile on
him wherever he may go.
Just a little Cascasweet is all
j that is necessary to give your
baby when it is cross and pevish.
Cascasweet contains no opiates
nor harmful drugs and is highly
recommended by mothers every-
where. Sold by Will Marr.
The Star man made a business
trip to the city of Jayton, the
coming metropolis of Kent coun-
tv, last week. We found the far-
mers all along the route well up
with their breaking and anxious-
ly awaiting the coming of a good
rain so they can go ahead with
their planting. If we have any-
thing like a seasonable year there
will be a world of stuff raised, as
there is at leart one-third as much
and possibly as much more land
being put into cultivation this
vear as there was last.
The following prices will be
charged for announcements:
For district offices £7.00
For county offices 5.
. For precinct offices .1.00
Terms:—Cash in Advance
For Attorney General:
Col. R. M. Wynnk,
of Fort Worth.
For Representative 104th Dist:
R. M. Rked, Aspermont.
For County Judge,
D. M. Oldham.
Ernkst Hkrring.
For Sheriff and Tax Collector,
W. S. Crowdkr,
B- R. Buchanan,
T. L. Mark.
For County and District Clerk,
R. S. Tillotson.
For County Treasurer:
J. M. V. Bulloch.
Mrs. Etta Hill,
A. M. Fkrguson.
For Tax Assessor,
H. H. Hill.
For Count3r Attorney:
Hugh Metcalfk.
For Public Weigher:
J. W. Carroll
Honor Roll.
C. N. Poore, Asp.,
J. F. Bedwell, "
J. A. Kidd, Oriana
T. J. Corder, "
R. B. Corder, "
W. F. Waldrop, "
W. F. Rash,
Miss Louise Forsman,
El Reno, Okla.
G. W. Bennight, Gatling,
W. B. Terry,
T. H. Tallant, Jpyton,
J. H. Hunnicutt, "
G. L. Billberry, "
G. F. Gilman, Proctor,
T. J. Montgomery, Rotan
Mrs. S. J. Downing,
Alamo, N. M.,
Birthday Party.
Miss Levie Huntsman celebrated
her sixteenth birthday Saturday
night by inviting a host of her
friends in to spend the evening
with her. It is said by those pre-
sent that it was t'neswellest affair
this season, and why shouldn't it
be as Miss Levie only has a birth-
dav every four }rears.
Having purchased the
Owl Cafe 1 nm now
prepared to give my
many friend 1. and cus=
tomers a nice
on short notice. Also
will have in connection
the only first class lee
Cream Parlor, Cold
Drinks and fine Cigars
in West Texas.
To Meet Your Ev'i
With my confíete line of drugstore articles, especially <ivith
of toilet articles, am I in a position to meet your every want, i
Toilet Soaps; Perfumes, Face Powders,
Tooth Powders, Talcum Powders, Tooth
Washes, Tooth Pastes, Toilet Waters,
Face Lotions, Cold Creams, Tooth Brush* s
es, Hand Brushes==Everything in the
Toilet Goods Line
All of my goods are so selected that QUALITY comes first, yet in pr
tically all of my articles and goods no higher price is charged fori
first quality articles than you would be compelled to pay for
quality goods.
We are enjoying a splendid business in toilet goods. We want yc
trade in these goods. We give you the best goods. We give |J e
most courtesy and attention to your wants.
Drugs For
1 received a very liberal share
of your patronage during the year
1907 for which I thank you, and I
• now come asking your farther
y patronage for the NEW YEAR.
Remember my stock is fresh and
clean arid I employ competent
clerks to handle my drugs and
prescriptions. - - - -
Little «loe' The Druggist.
New Barber Shop
I am again in the barber business near the.
post office and prepared to do your work ii
a first-class manner. Call and see m*
Clark Hopkins.
EAST SIDE üí„"gg
Everything kept neat and clean.
Shaving Shampooing and Hair
Cutting done in the Latest Style.
W. NELSON, Prop.
, A Traveling Man's Experience, j
• Mr. AlbertEldrege, represent-!
! ing the Edgar Printing Co.. Par-
i is. 111., says: "I used Hart's Hon-
i ev and Horehound during the
| winter of 1901 and 1902 for a bad
j cold and la grippe. I found it an
j excellent medicine, which effect-
• ed a cure in a short time.1' Our
I readers are invited to call on the
! druggist named below and secure
j a large sample bottle of this ex-
cellent medicine free. 25c, 50c
! and 81.00 bottles. Sold by Joe
¡Tanner, Druggist.
I ! 3303 cures headache, backache
| I
I and quiets restlessness. See your
«■ druggist.
Of Interest To Women.
Mrs. C. B. Mason-Draper of
Strout, 111., in a letter dated Feb. ,
2, 1904, says: "For several years
I have suffered ill health from
stomach trouble, have $aken many
treatments with no srtisfactory
results until I began, taking Re-Go
Tonic Laxative Syrup. I have
taken several bottles of this medi-
cine, which has helped me more
than anything I have ever used."
Re-Go is a medicine of rare excel-
lence for Constipation, Dyspepsia
Indigestion, and Biliousness. 25c,
50c and $1.00 bottles sold by Joe
Tanner Druggist.

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Thomas, S. W. The Aspermont Star (Aspermont, Tex.), Vol. 10, No. 35, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 5, 1908, newspaper, March 5, 1908; Aspermont, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Stonewall County Library.

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