The Daily Metropolitan (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 37, Ed. 1 Sunday, October 1, 1893 Page: 1 of 4

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■ i
* ' t'
San Francisco Call.
Tbe Chinese and Mexican com-
msreial oomptny an organisation
composed of wealthy Chinese iu tbe
country,baa purchased a traot of 250,-
000 acraa in th« state of Sica'oa, Ma*
xieo, and oo these hnda it is propo-
•ad to settle 6000 of choir country -
Tha land vaa purchased from Her-
rarra brothere at a merely nominal
figure. Tbe Iraot liea back iu the
country about twenty miles from the
.coast line, and it adapted to the
grewth of alraoet everything that baa
roots. Quong Yee Lee, tbe agent of
tbe company, arrivsd in tbi* eity from
New York a few days ago and ia
quartered at No. 710 Sacramento
atieet. He will remtiio here to make
prepation for tba departure of bia
countrymen until October 1, when
be will leave for tbe colony Inude.
When aeon yesterday by a Gull re-
, porter, Quong Yee Lee was highly
elated «ver tbe prospecta of the new
In two or three monfchs at tba moat
be aaid we will have eeveral tbou*aad
Chinese at work ou the colouy. To
each one will be allotted sixty-four
Acres of land and be will be expected
to lay it out and plant it aa soon ae
possible. It is uot a co-optretive
colony aa every member of it will be
expected to pay tor hi*.lauda aa soon
aa tba proftte begin to eome iu.
Tbe oompany will aiao eetabliab
jraTepi*' factories for the manufacture
of boeta and aboee clotbiag brushes,
brooma cigars, and as soon as possible
, will begin canning fruita
Wa have already engaged 5000
Ghiueae who will be sent down to
tbe lauds aa soon m their transpor
tation san be arranged for. The com-
pany wblcb I represent has been
nsgotiating for tbie trat for some time
and several weeks ago arrangements
wsrs completed.
Ws expect to hare ssveral conces-
sions granted us by tba Mexican gov
ernment and we bave received every
aasaraaoa that we will be weloom
Kweong Siog another agent of the
company believes the futura of the
, Chinese in the naw world lies in Me
There we can settle down be exclaim-
ed without fear that we will be abuasd
and killed.
Your, law is always ekanging Ooe
day it is one thing and tbsu it is
ebanged again. Tbe Ohinamaa does
not know what will become of him.
Jn ana court be ie all right; then
another judge don't like him aod he
is sent to prison or bis property is
,taken away from hip. That is why
we go ta Mexioo where they always
bare one king of law. Chinaman,
Mexican or American are all the
«orne there. $
Edinburgh, Sept. 27. —The Right
Bon. W. É. Gladstone arrived here
at 4. 30 p. m. and was net at the
railway station by a reception com-
mittee. Mr. Gladstone looked well
and strong and bowed right anil left
to.tbe people, who cheered him un-
Ul the windows shack. After exebang
¡fag a few words of greeting with
.Ike reception eodarittee ha was eaeor-
rted to Albert hall, where he delivered
When Mr. Gladstone had been in-
troduced ¿o I be reprecentatives of
Midlothian aod waa able' to eoinrr.en-
ce bia speech be beptau in a low firm
voioe. Such waa tbe reapect shown
tbe aged proa ier that no aooner was
it evident that ho had commenced
speaking that a deathlike stillness
fell over tbe audience. Those who
expected to bear tbe great liberal lead*
at open up with ao onslaught upon
the house of lords were considerably
disappointed. In the sail? part of
tbe apseeh hejgave no indication that
it was bia intention to make the long
expected attack upon tbe upper
He began by saying that he
hoped for some Sootoh legislation
before the end of the year which
would be of b enefit to Scotland at
large and the poor oroftera in
particular. The Irish question,
oontinued Mr. Gladstone, barred
progress in that direction and it
was only just to say the lords
were responsible for the fact of
this barrier still remaining. Con-
tinuing, Mr. Gladstone said the
question of home rule for Ireland
was rapidly coining upon them,
and he hoped that should at any
time an occasion arise for solicit-
ing their votes they would be giv-
en in a way uot to undo or dis-
honor the oommanding strength
of the liberals iu Midlothian. He
then read an extraot from a speech
by the Right Hon. Joseph Cham
berlain nine years ago denouncing
the house of lords. Gladstone
said Chamberlain'a description of
the upper house, although great-
ly exaggerated, waa largely true.
He spoke an hour and a half
and at the conclusion of his re-
marks said.* "If the house of lords
were ever the means of (forcing a
dissolution of parliament it might
depend upon it the Irish question
would not be the only question
considered, but their own inde-
pendent and irresponsible resist
anoe would be taken into conside
ration." He added that the na-
tion had given the liberals author
ity and that with the help of the
Almighty they would find means
to reacji the goal. (Tremendous
Dallas, Texas, Sspt. 26 —The friends
ef Edward Gorrell here, where be
used to live, have not lessened their
efforts in his bsbalf. When it was
known tbst Cor ret 1 had not been sen
tensed to bs shot, as wss at first tele-
graphed, tbey wsnt to work to all ap-
psaranoss with more activity. How
tbey have .Unele Sam ia it The
government of the United States is
taking a baad to see tbat Oorrell has
every right and is not unjustly con*
damned. T{ie following Utter from
Judge Seth Sbepard was reoeivsd by
Mr. W. H. Lewis to-day:
Washington, Sspt. 23,1893.—W.
H. Lewis, Esq. Dear Sir: Yonrs and
Records telegram came lest evening
late to my house, whiob ie away out
in tbe edge of the town* I went at
onoe to tbe ssoretary of state's office.
Hs was away, so was the first sssis*
taut and the otbsr wss out ia the
«ity and the office waa elosced I
hunted ap the clerk, however, and
ha hunted up the assistant and had a
telegram seat 4? the eoasal general to
inquire, takf «taps and report. I
callad to-dny to see wbat bad been
done. They hud no news up to noon
to-dny. I fonnd elan tbat Judge
Abbott bad tbis morning made tbe
same request I saw Abbett and found
him warmly interested. I told the
eeoretary of state's office to communi-
cate with Abbott If any news came,
hs tbey can do ao by telegraph bet*
ween tbe office and tbe capítol.
While the name of Correll is familiar
to me. I can net recall tba men. I
can bear nothing of tie ease ontaide
of your telegram, and tbe secretary
of state's office bad never beard of it
before, Truly yours.
Seth Shepard.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
Props. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have
known F.J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him perfect-
ly honorable in all business tran-
sactions and financially able to
carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
West & Tru&x, Wholesale Drug-
gists, Toledo, O. Wald'ng Kin-
nan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug-
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists. Testimo-
nials free.
Washington, I>, C., Sept. 26.—The
opinion prevails to-night that a com
promise ia being effected ou the sil-
ver qaeation which promises snceess,
but tbs details are unknown aa yet.
Wben Senator Stewart was busily
eiignged in his denunciation of tbe
president to-day it was noticed thai
the aeats of nearly all tbs silver se-
nators and some of tbe repeal sena-
tors were vacant. This, in itself was
not surprising, because Stewart has
talked so much and so often that tbs
novelty ef tbe address has passed
Bat when it was observed that Se-
nator Teller was not present and
remained sway for some two or thres
hours, au event wbieh has not hap-
pened during the long debate, speeu
lation wss rife as to it* cause.
It subsequently developed that a
conference was bsing held presuma-
bly for the purpess of discussing
tbe question of compromise, and
this view was corroborated by a
Democratic repeal senator, who stat-
ed that inasmuch as it was morally
oertain tbat unconditional repeal ef
the silver purchase law could uot pass
the senate, it became necessary, in
tbe interest of the Demoeratio party,
to see wbst could bs sccomplisbed
in the way of s satisfactory compro-
mise tbat would prevent, for the pre-
ssnt at least, tbe demonetization of
The prssident, howsver, insists that
ao eompromiss shall be made and
that nothing less than unconditional
rspeal will satisfy him. Bat it seems
tbat politics is plsying quite a part
in tbe metter now, and tba outlook
is that it will rssult in some sort of
compromise that will be acoeptsbls
to both parties and which esn be
passed independently of executive
opposition if it is offered.
Tits Daily Metropolita* can
be found for sale every morning at
the Tonsorial parlors of Mr. J. B
Richard en Elisabeth Street.
Bmbibkbg & I&pimí.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers i«
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions
and Groceries.
fmwcm wines ¿íap
J. L. Putegnat, Proprietor.
Always k"epa in atock, a fall line of drug , cbemlcals and medicines. Paiats, oils, ani
window glass. Surgeous instrumenta and supplies. Druggists aundriea. Full line
Qf One Imported and domestic perfumeries. Toilet articles, combs, brushes, confectio-
nary, etc., etc. Prescriptions carefully compounded, by the proprietor .in person, at
Any hour of the day or night, of the best and freshest materials and according to the
best fomulas. Quantative and qu.&lative analysis carefully made.
[1849. ESTABLISHED '1841.]
[1849. KUTAM.TSinCD, 184 !
General Land Agents of the Frontier
-Will practicc in any of the Federal or State courts of the-
—-—State when specially employed.
f£«li &**<! Tim,# Wl«
Rio Grande Rail Road
Brow n« y Ule at
¡ta m.
6 jo p. ra.
Time Card
,1'oiat Isabel at
S pa
I(1.10 a.m'
9. &.&m. ®. moss.
Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Notions,
etc., etc., etc. .
Elizabeth Street, Brownsville, Texas.
Importers and Dealers in Alcohol
Cipress and Pine Lumber.
OFFICE Mid STORE: Commercial and 8th Streets.
mjífjíjxomos, mexico*
V «I
. Ira

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Smithwick, John P. The Daily Metropolitan (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 37, Ed. 1 Sunday, October 1, 1893, newspaper, October 1, 1893; Brownsville, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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