The Daily Gazette. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 86, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 20, 1899 Page: 1 of 4

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Kansas City World and The Daily tla/ette— both will he delivered to you for 35 cents per month.
The Daily Gazette
Vol. 1. No. 86.
PlcKinney, Texas, Satim ay, May 20, i8gy.
1 <m>o Copies.
for your* ' '
pretty citv <■
, was accorded a brief interview
with tin* bride 111 i morning and
1 she told him some interesting
I facts connected with tlii- romai
tie marriage.
She has lived
Danville, III., a
inhabitant*, where she h:
for a long time be,en engaged V
the hotel business, owninga haiu'i-
I some brieU hotel there. Mr. New
some boarded at her hotel abou
fourteen years ago lor quite
1 while, and about three years a<:
the acquaintance was renewed i
the great and hustling city <
Chicago. Since that tint" the
have exchanged many letteis, an
as Mr. Newsome had not bee 1
well for some time, she agreed t
come down and see him, and
rhe marriage of Mr. Jeff New- was then decided that the wed-
They Took Place Yesterday After-
noon at the Residence of Rev.
King'lnterview with Bride.
J .1
We are prepared to help to keep you
keep cool you should Use
some of this city and Mrs. M.
•I. Fonda, of Danville. III., took
I dace at the residence of Dr. K.
0. King, who officiated, at 1! p.
111. yesterday. It was at first de-
cided that the marriage take
ding take place here.
Mrs. Newsome says she lie
been married twice before, and •
looking for her son, dcorgel".
Hall, to arrive today from Dan-
ville, and begin work in a dru_
We deliver it to your door free of charge.
'Phone 77. The festive fly is ver\ bothersome.
lint we guarantee you that we will "swipe them
off the face of the earth" if you will let u> put
you in a nice electric fan or motor. < )ur in< a-
dex'ent lights are moncv savers.
place at l p. 111., but owing to do- store hero. She showe* I the d\
lay the tune was reset for last 1 zkttk man a picture of her liam -
night just before services at the 1 sonic "brown stone front" i
Baptist church, and was so an- Danville. She also owns ^ pro]-
nouueedin yesterday's CiAZKTTK. erty in Chicago, and said it' w;.
However, after the (Jazkttk went the present intention of her an.'
to press, the time and place was , husband to remain here for
again changed, and about six awhile, where she intends eroctji •
o'clock the couple were driven to a three story brick hotel. •-'
the home of Rev. King, who Mrs. Newsome is quite an in-
joined them in the holy bonds of tclligcnt lady, having Massed over
matrimony. A Gazbttk man I the rough and rugged winter-of
2500 Yards
Of Lawns, Organdies and
Dimities. Desirable shades
and styles.
Worth 10 to 15c
To close out the lot they
go at
5c a Yard
As long as they last.
some fil years, and has heard the
roaring waters of the rambling
brook, and the sweet cooing of
the turtle dove the same number
of summers. She says she is as
happy this morning as if she
owned the entire Island of Luzon
and Jeff was the "high mogul"
of the whole thing. Speaking
hei; lov for Sir. Newsome,
she said: "Why, sonic people,
I understand, say Mr. Newsome
married me for my money—be-
j cause I am rich. Such is
not the case. He loves me
just a,s well as if I were only six-
1 tceeii. and I love him better than
j if he were twenty. I have known
J him for fourteen years, and know
| him to be a good, kind man—jn-t
such a man as always makes a
I good husband. I am so happy,
j Why not? I have a good man, and
i we have plenty of money to keep
! us. Young man, I am glad I
came to Texas—and Mr. Newsome
| is glad."
i From what Tin-;
! ed to show us dee*
and lands in Illinois said to b<
worth thousands of dollars. At
I any rate Mrs. Newsome is well
j pleased, and a man only has to
| look at Jeff to tell that Tie is as
; happy as a .1 line bug.
This is herlirst triptothe Lone
j Star state, with which she says
she is greatly pleased. *1 h<* Ga-
i zkttk joins in extending her wel-
come to our city, and best wishes
'to the bride and groom that their
future life together as they jour-
ney along life's pathway may be
1 strewn with the jewels of joy
|ami the garlands of everlasting
JTrs. Martha Ann Fields Passes
Over the River, Ajjed 80 Years.
! could learn
1 "oodles" of
( i AZKTTi: IllilII
Newsome has
•v. She offer-
to property
• -
till Dreeben's Cash Store, w
members of the musical
association to appear in a chorus
at the commencement exercise-
|of the public school, met with
Mrs. J. K. (iibson la.-*t evening
for practice.
Again Tin: Gazi-.ttk is called
upon to chronicle the ilcath of
one of Collin county's old In 11 • I
marks ami pioneers, Mrs. Martha
Ann Fields, n ■ i< t ■ < J; !";■1 ' ,
who died iii t hi - city last night at
the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. Lucy Dulauey, at the ripe
age of S«I years.
Mrs. Fields came to Texas in
1S7, with her husband, locating
#01110 ten miles wot of MeKili-
nev. Her luisbaml, Jesse Fields
was killed during the war by a
horse running away with him.
Mrs. Fields, since that time,has
lived with her children, princi-
pally wit h M is. I hilaiK v.
She has tliree sons, Jim, John
and 15. V. Fields: and live daugh-
ters, Mrs. Liicv Dulancv, Mrs.
I) oc Mill. Mis. Amlv Atkinson,
all of this city, and Mis. Jim
Parker of Mi-noilri, and Mrs. Jen-
nie Barnes of Ardmore, I. T.
Mis. Fields was a devout and
consistent member of the Cuni-
berlaml Presbyterian church for
a long number of years, and Me-
Kinney and Collin county lose,-.
one of it- lust citizens ami purest
women in her deal li.
1'llK dAZKTTK extends comlol-
ence in t hi-. 111<* sad hour of these
good peoples' bereavement. The
funeral service- were conducted
at 1 o'clock this evening from the
residence of her daughter, Mis.
Dulaney, Ucv-. Cocke and Cloyd
conducting same. Interment took
place in the Pecan drove ceme-
tery, a very large crowd attend-
ing tlie burial.
Mrs. Sallie Couch ami Mis,
Annie and Liilic Newman, Sister
Bingham and Ada Wolcott are
attemling the decoration exercise
at Kowlettc todii\.

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The Daily Gazette. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 86, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 20, 1899, newspaper, May 20, 1899; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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