The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 42, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 20, 1884 Page: 1 of 4

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I I 4 ' A*, i v/ v i V. 1 t <
*1 l<*4 H||TMt\ H l t
Oae Yrttjr, - . |.uo
i mk xuttlhii * • •
OMIUN KontHTsoN. Editor A I rop r.
(1.INTON TlloMI*ON, • |*al U«tu r.
VOL. 1. NO. 42.
M d« By
H. H. MTUlikiAMU,
U|i|t«alls Putt UflM.
lilt. TALMAUK OX I'HK HIM ; long every candidate for ottii't*
FIFM>. ; in Ameticu would have to state
He N|icciNfH (Ii«> Iuvrvilii'iitM uf
The !>«•«il'M Punch llowl.
where lie stood on th«' temper
auce question. A large brew-
_ era' association had already
Among the immenseaudience. K'*"eii out a circular to ascer-
.i. li listened to the Itev. I).' tain candidates looked at
itt Talma*.-'* M-miot, in tli«- traffic, and it seems about
looklvn Tabernacle last Sim '•' •; the I^Umni of piofe^.-d
KxOov. John P. St. thiscountr.y should
take sides .hi the question.
The Horrors hikI Uhtull)
truetloDR •fun Anutuuil.
cal Museum.
At- i How Tliry Are NimI* ttnd the
Price* They llrluif.
luy was
take sides on the question. It
lidnte fortlie presidency. The! w,ls a tfreiit aat'o,',"1' M^u'r* n"® good nmnv years back.
:t was taken from Joel, tirst ,w b enl. here wua not . i..— ... . .
kapter. l." th verse: "Awake
John, the prohibitionist's
drunkards, and weej> and
'How do you make kaleido-
Oiie of the most ghastly sights scopes f Come with me and 1
in Munich, says a letter.'is to be will show you," was tin* remark
witnessed ill tin- Anatomical to u Philadelphia Times report-
Miiseiim. on Sehillerstrasse. It er.
consists of the heads of persons The tliiit-faced Oeriiiiui, who
w ho have been in Havana for a enjoys a monopoly in the maim
fact lire of kaleidoscopes, so far
state or local, iliere was not 1 dropped into the museum as this city is concerned, led the
yesterday and paid for my uru w ay to a small shop in a narrow
rient curiosity by the lossot my down town street and conduct
wl ye drinkers of wine.1' suicides plunged. I liree states appetite for the rest of the day. ed his.visitor to a'back room on
"Noah," said the preacher, j j,u<| "'ready spoken. Maim- 'fli** museum contains a good the second floor. At a long
id the worst thing in the. J'ut| :!,U77. j '"any attractions, but these work bench extending the en
IN COM mm:.
I.IUA I'l.lliAMTV.
Iowa had prohibited it, and
ninety counties iu Georgia had
made'the sale of strong drink a
On all sides cries could be e^mes without the slightest sus
heard for the abolishment of j,j,q0„ {hut so remarkable a
the Spectacle is to be seen for a
... „ . . l'°'tld not , very small fee.
the least, there was no j walk ten minutes without temp- '1*110 heads in question
•'"" f y •
>etite cried out
>rld. He built an ark to pro
Set the people against a del-
Ige of water, an\l introduced a
[deluge that the people have
[been trying vainly ever since to
mild an ark against a deluge i Heard lor the a
)f drunkenness. j the evil. 1 hey came fro.,.
Noah drank h the time when, | l,m1,11 '"'ankard who
to say
oor, to
iquor was an innocent bever-o-eu..-j.|K|lt tt8 Voll «Mit* r. Th y are
e. Though fermentation had eased upnetite cried .nil ::'H,,W inclosed iu rows of glass jars
lwa.vs been known it was one 1 °« h°rd, how long before tilled with alcohol. There are
ack of water. In olden tiuu' 'a'ioii being presented to hint, jllwj inside of tin1
bevel - ' w'l° wl'h feeble min.l uud .lis
s are the great draw ing tir«* length of the shop five girls
card. Nothing is said about sat at work. They are creating
them in the guide-books, and , the supply of kaleidoscopes
so the average tourist goes and , which ts destined to meet the
demands of the approaching
"The first young woman,
said the manufacturer, "wrap"
the black paper about the sys-
teiu of glass reflectors which
produce the optical delusion
.buies and Barnum had left the
city, feeling that
Chairman VV. E. Smith, of
the state committee has gone
home to Pittsburg, and Secretu
ry Burn I* ft this evening.
There was little to talk about
in the hotels and public resorts
about elections. Those few
who knew that Cleve-
land's official plurality in t
this city w.'S * were
alone speaking on that particu
$1 A YEAR.
The i'nrs Plunge Through •
Urlilge Into n Stream Pm-
seugerH Hum Md
I'lTKol SM lttAM-ol-TllK VU'TtMS
Drops Pol it Irs to Kvumut1
Writing Books.
have not settled their wagers,
but await the derision of K. llv
& Bliss, book makers, which
will be given after the action of
the state board of canvassers.
thousand years after Christ be these infamous solicitations
ore the process of distillation I removed from my path ;
as discovered. The Christian lht,y man the moth
ra was known for the bad em- er, , °', . that boy vy'lo«
lien. - of its bad w hisky, run.' , vitiated or disguised
n.l gin. The modern drunk breath, instead of rnr"
ras an hundred ft ld worse ing home early could be heard
ban the old drunk of Noah, rattling hw Might key long at
e li vely become imbecile, tei laidnight. I he mother who
hereas tlie drunkard of this | wishes tlmt the scarlet fever of
ay saw whole menageries of11vymity .V'ni'w ag. had carried
ild beasts and full iungles of|'"H' "o when his body
seven in a single row w hich are
made more conspicuous than
the rest, for the reason. 1 sup-
pose, that they
criminals who
ali'l full jtillgles uf
'I lie incl. 11 e1111 has built an
Invisible cauldron of tempta-1
lion. Into it he squeezed juice
fthe forbidden fruit, gathered j
in.l distilled from the harvest
Iclds and orchards. After that
le put iu capsicum and copper i
ts, uud logwood, au.l murder
ind deadly night shade, and
LSRuult ami battery,and poiusii
ind theft, and cochineal, and
poverty and death- and hops,
uto this dry compound, which
leeded to be moistened and li
kuified. lie poured tin* tear* of
nturies ot orphans and wid
its, as well as the blood from
i(M 0 assassinations.
Then the fiend took a shovel
fire which lie nut into the
pea! cauldron till its contents
>egau to rock and boil and
Sputter and hiss, while he
patched with glee as the peo
>le gathered about it with cups
Enid tankards, and dei.iijo|.n>
hud kegs. Then the arch liei.d
lied aloud, 'Ha ! ha ! I am the
diampioii fiend. Who can till
inore coffins and graves and.
lails and iunatie asylums than
? I drove fifty ships on the
jcUs of Newfoundland. 1
Iriuk from a cup made from a
(leached human skull. The
losaic floor 1 walk on is made
S'oni the bones of children
lashed to death by drunken fa-
thers. The sweet music 1 hear
Is the cry of daughters turned
put into the street when their
jrogeiiators return from a ca
rousal. The champion fiend am
home looked at it
she wept *I< ik| :
was Drought
' and said, as
j '1^ this the boy I luive toiled
for till tiie blood started front
my fingers ? Are those swollen
hands the ones that used to lov ,
ingly press my cheek? Can it
i be tiiat this swollen forehead is
the one I used to kiss? i won-
der who struck him that blow j
that runs across it i Wake up,
my son! Can't you hear rue I
ofi. Absolom, iuv son. my son!
Would to God I had died for,
'hoe!' i
No cry was so pitiful as that
of the wife who cursed by an
inebriate husband, lived hi a
i very hell on earth. A sepul ;
elite in the dead of w inter was
ja king's drawing room coin-,
pared to that woman's home, j
The wives of this country were
if the frost ofi
Itese strips of glass,w hen thus
arranged and fastened together,
form the body of the kaleido-
scope. The next girl simply in-
serts the united reflectors into
are souvenirs of the pasteboard cover ami then
attempted some passes the octagonal pasteboard
extraordinarily audacious tiling tube to her neighbor. Number
and therefore became specially three adjusts the brass ring
celebrated. The eyes were all \ which secures the glass disks
closed and the faces expres in the end. Between the disks
donless. 1 looked in vain for , or plates are placed the scraps
any thai bespoke still, by fa | of colored glass, the beads and
rial distortion, the agony of various trinkets which tumble
dread which miisi have inspired about as the kaleidoscope is re
t lie victim a> lie approached i lie vol vol and, when repr. < 1 need by
instrument of his death. Not a the mirror- lining the tube,
few wore mustaches, but none i form themselves into those ever
beards; from which I infer that shifting and fnstastic forms
it is customary to shave the; which are familiar to every
chin before execution. The child. The other young women
TUB TBI IU' ft*.
New York. Nov. IS. Thei
Tribune gives to Cleveland and
iu New
I Hendricks a plurality
i York state of I
eyes of over half the heads had
been cut out.
An examination of the places
where the neck had been sever ]
«d revealed skillful work on the
part of the machine, as a rule.
Some were as neatly cut as any
apple that you halve to divide
with a friend. One head had
evidently belonged to a man
with a short neck, as the ampu-
tation had taken place so close
to the chili as to almost nare oft'
are armed with hammers to
break the colored glass into
fragments that they insert be-
tween the plates,' which are
then made fast by the brass
ring. The kaleidoscope is then
complete. We obtain the col-
ore a glass from the waste
scraps, purchased very cheap
at stained
"With his goods." said the
Chestnut street toy dealer,who
Boston, Nov. in—A special
to the llera.d from Augu«ta,
Maine, say s:
Mr. Blsim regards thv offi-
cial count in .New York as prac-1
ticalljr settlitu the presidential
question. Mi Blaine, it is sta
ted on the best authority,ree.*i\
led this afternoon a telegram
'from New York announcing the
completion of the official can
i vass iu that city, and informing
I hint that the plurality for
; Cleveland iu that state would I
j be I.IM7. The same authoritv
'states that Mr. Blaine accepts
the result very cheerfully, and
j has no regrets growing out of
'his connection with the cam
paign. He made a good light,
and he gracefulh bows to
He believes the Republican j
party will prove true to it
TltK SI N',
oik, Nov
New York, Nov 1 r . -Th«
Sun makes the plurality iu tin
state for Cleveland 1,077.
TllK WOltl.D.
New York, Nov. 1ft.
World gi\ es Cleveland
plurality in New York
gives Cleveland 1
in the state.
Houston, Nov. 14.—A fearful
wreck occurred to the north
bound passenger train of the
llwustoit A; Texas Central road
at 'i o'clock this morning, forty
eight miles from here, near
Hempstead. The train left here
last night behind time. Ten
persons are known to have been
killed ami nine of the bodies r*
covered. Pour cars left the
bridge of Clear creek," falling a
distance of forty feet into twelve
feet of water. Two of th« cars
were loaded with immigrants.
A passenger who escaped, tie
picts it as the most heurtfend
ing scene imuginubie—cars
-The burningat one end and w ater fill
1,107 ing them at the >ther, passen j plosion followed, but all whi«
state, gets screaming f> r water, and far enough away to escape, ex
Toledo, Nov. IU.—A lotul ex-
; plosion occurred at the dyna
mite factory, situated four
miles out of the city this morn-
lug. It is reported that six or
seven men Were killed. The
shock was plainly felt it. town.
Toledo, Nov. ty. - .V large loi
of powder stored iu a sle*d on
Helaware creek, four miles
from the city, exploded at lo
o'clock this uiormug. The re-
port was heard forty miles in
every direction. The windows
of the houses in that quarter of
the city were generally broken.
At the Broadway school, three
miles front the scene, a window
was smashed and tin- scholars'
slates, holding window s up w .*r..
badly broken. Several person-
wording iu the shed, were seen
running ami shouting. Every-
body near, took this as a >ignal
of danger and fled. A terrific w
others drowning in the sauiejcept
«nr. Men, women and children 1 who
an old man called Fro:
had charge of the shed
loft plurality w,,,v '"rushed to death, drowned j He had got some distance wa}
' • laud burned in the name cur. Th* | but was thrown down and hi-
railway company allows that ! hair scorched In the explosion.
Tills 'I"1111 •• (icergin I'.iiiiph lo lite
Front Willi a lteiiu.i*kal>le
A Sat.dersville, tla., dispatch
says: Kifteeii years ago ,\.
.lernigau, of this county, mar
riol Miss Kanuie Thompson,
of the
most beautiful belles <
reigne.l it. Oeorgiiti!
society. For a couple of years |
Mr. and Mrs. ,lernigau were
leaders in social circles, but af '
ter the birth of a daughter the |
mother found herself coinj lete
LililMM im ilfnetni" ' * i 1 . ... . . , , . i ,• * , 1 1 Merman UAtl v an
>«ias. mania, mi ^niud past, and will increase ... 1} paralyzed, and for years her; children, ami a child of
its under surface. A few necks ; furnishes the principal market
waiting to see n nie irosr 1 machine had bungled
death could not be shaken from fating more than
the orange blossom. Oo.l was
waiting, too, ami if the people
failed to wipe out the disgrace
lie would wipe out their nation
as lie did those of Rome and
Babylon. The Protestant and
Roman Catholic churches stood
side by side, and with an impo-
tent look gazed at the evil.
More than a billion 'iollars was
needed every year to support
the yno.000 paupers, the HI ft, 000
criminals, the ito,ooo idiots, and
to bury the 70,00o drunkards.
Let the hearers put on their
spectacles, take si candle and
examine the platform of the
two leading parties, to see
what they were doing. There
were very ragged where tin
knife had struck, as though the
ing more tiiuu one stroke.
The heads of prisoners execut-
ed in Bavaria are (I.lis publicly
preserved, for the warning of
those who are disposed to be
similarly lawless, and the bod
ies are turned over to the medi-
cal students for dissection.
The anatomical collection
contained many other remark
able attractions. There were
shelves loaded down with skulls
and dried heads. The various
for the thin faced German's
wares, "we can undersell the
imported article and give a sti
perior toy. He makes none that
retail for more than 7ft cents.
He can make six gross of them
a day and about twenty gross
of the small ft cent ones'"
"The kaleidoscope is the
most popular optical toy in the
market," said Mr. McAllister, j congress." 'I
the optician. "But very few | ready'by .fun
people know that it lias any
other use than as a mere play-
thing. It has been one of the
most important mechanical in
strength with coming years, lb
expects that in IxHh it will b.
again called back into pow
hilt .Its l.ooK
organs of the body were preserv- struiimiiis to aid designers. In-
ed according to the several deed. Sir David Brewster, the
methods, some specimens be inventor, claimed that all the
iiijijpreserved in alcohol, others useful arts would be improved
dried, pickled, etc. by its more general use. The
The odor was by no means common kaleidoscope is very
, I have kindled more fires,! were resolutions. Oh, yes, res
I In* cause of utoro uj£<>iiv,1 n^anisl Moruionisni,
ollol more juggernauts and which it was safe to attack, as
amne.l more' souls than any 11 was two thousand miles
tiler diabolical agency. Oh! away. But not one resolution
his champion fiend am' J.' against the evi that threatened
Di ui'.keiiness is the curse of j 1° m ke the whole nation one
lis nation, and so long as it
txisis free institutions are iiu- .... . -
erilecl. Drunkenness is notlt- • political corruption, but not
or els.* my imagination simple in its construction, but
those used by artists are gener-
ally more complicated. The
in Provence, R.
is too vivid. There were glass
i tanks tilled with alcohol con-
taining nearly full length sta-
tions of the body, sawed and
split so as to illustrate the
functions of all the myriad or-
gans. Tlier.- were dried bodies
finest are made in Pi
I. They sold at tirst at
now tliev retail foi frJ.ftO.
bestial Salt Lake City. I here intact hung up as skeletons are
were resolutions, too. nguinst usually hung. There were also
all sorts of malformations and
tig subsiding nor at a stand- i against the evil threatening monstrosities presented iii bot-
till. He had seen more drunk to make the whole nation rotten ties and glast retorts. The as-
tness in Brooklyn, New York, j'rom H(,alp to heel. 1 rotection gortment of infants with an cx-
tho last six weeks than any
ro years of his life. More
urn and worse men were being
jttadc now than at any time
mice the erection of the first
According to governmental
Igures sW,ooo,ooo gallons of
Jeer, and gallons of
(vine were made iu 1840. Last
rear those figures had increas-
ed to ftft1,0'•• i,ooo gallons of be«r
ind 25,000,000 gallons of wine.
If all the dead drunkards could
ie resurrected and massed in
was prated to workingmen, but
no protection from alco-
hol to the family, church and
To-day the church of God
held ilie balance of power in
America, and if tlie <"hristiuu
peopk* marched side by side
the evil would soon be over-
thrown. (. od should be ap-
pealed to instead of the politi-
cal parties on election day. and
they should vote reinemhe
k.VTU A<"| s FIIOM
A recent New York dispatch
, . , rememlwring ible Mej histophe|es into the in-
that on t)iM last day they would regions by special per-
be called up to give an account ntit.
ine with the living ones a per themselves. Wasn't it time
on could ride along the ranks '''m to go to the great organ
ill horse after horse fell ex- with its many banks of keys,
and imll out the tremulo stop, Montana has had a great
•Look not upon the wine when j,rnjrj(. fj,,.
tra number of heads, nrins or
legs was especially comprehen-
sive. A series of glass jars
contained heads of individuals
who had evidently met with vi
olent accidental deaths, as their , „,j, 5. . • , , .
.■ra.U.,1 .kull. nh ain-n-Mt I hut I Hul>i. I-.'
fimnc. I. KMitlwimn «i y
In fa.*t, life place wac such a1 Wr,!tarJ ' lwu",r3'! "N"
repository of horrors that I l.ur
ried from it with a feeling that
I had been following some invis
Mr. Blaine leaves for Wash
ton the middle of next week,
re he and his family will
spend the winter. He has leas
ed the "Sargant house," iu Far
ragut square and will shortly
resume his work on the second
volume of "twenty years in
e Volume will be
lieXt f'ol" ptlblica
New York, Nov, 1ft. The
board of canvassers completed
the canvass of the 7I<? election
districts of this city this even
ing. The first election district
of the eighteenth assembly dis
trict, by error.retiirued ft't* votes
to Blaine e|..ctors. Tin* number
should have been Hi. The.-om
mil tee on corrections will recti
fy the error and report in favor
of 82 votes Monday moruiiig.
With that return in the ofHcial
report the vote of the lowest
Democratic elector iu thi< city
is 1!W.Ift7, and fc r the highest
Republican ' lector, Wo.otM, giv
illg the lowe.-I Cleveland el 'ctol
a plurality of t:t,004. The f'ol
lowing are the official and com
plete figures in the assembly
districts named: Seventy as
semblv distiicts: Blaine,
condition has been such that
not only was she unable to move !
i a limb, but her tongue was I
paralyzed so that she could not !
j speak, and she had to be fed on I
'liquid food. A few weeks ago i
j she was given up for dead. The
watchers stood around her bed [
momentarily expecting the ex |
•itJug been ill, while the sufferer
ay almost without a respira
lioll. She seemed at length lo
go lo sleep, and tie* watchers
left the room. During the whole
morning the sufferer, without
the knowledge of her alien
.hints, lay. not as tln-y sup a stupor, but in silent
She threw
says :
The following extract from a ^
letter written by Hugh MeCul ! Cleveland. I.M20; Butier |oc,; St.
loch recently, in regard to the i John. 7k
decision of the Supreme Court; Ninth a ssembly district:
on legal tenders will be read Blaine. I.ftM; Cleveland.
St. John, ISM.
her whole sole iu
to her appeal lotiodtosave Ii.*r j county.
for her daughter's sake. It was j Isaac
the fourth hour of prayer when Massie,
Iter attendants had retired, j ^ ^ she imagined she
'heard t lie words repeated.
"Arise, thy faith has
w hole." Offering up one more
fervent prayer she found that
the power of motion had return-
ed to her, and the conviction
: came to her that Oo.l had in
deed answered her prayer. Oct
I illg up she fell
j the day she
Hastily dressing she opened t|.c
door into the adjoining room,
where she appeard before her
husband and friends as though
risen from the grave. "Fear
not," she said, "Cfod hath re
stored tne to life." Tile whole
company knelt down and
tliauko h; od for w hat had occur
ted I hat afternoon she walked
half a mile to church for the
f oraving, at th
sixteen were wounded. The
passengers sat\ fifteen or twet.
ty were killed aud thirty at
least Wounded: notlt serious
so far as known are ;
K. I*\ Harris, baggage man,
from New Orleans.
Louis C. Cntlozu, traveling
passenger agent tif the Atlanta
Coast line.
L. Leaks, newsboy.
Orcene Lewis, train porter.
Ilamp Thomas, a wood con
\ (lerinan lady ami three
(!|.ildress, of Atlanta.
S. R .NfcMuIlan.expressagent.
Not serious.
Robert Victor.
C. L. Wallace.
«l. <1 John.
15. A. Parland.
John Kdwards.
Mrs. Kd.d, all of Oal veston.
John (flass ac^l W. II Bur
ton, of Houston.
Daniel McKnnis, North Caro
I i int.
J. C. I'oples, Reagan.
A.J. Jackson, Montgomery, i tricat.e.1
(i II. Co. krell, of Reagan.
Austin Kreelick, of Burleson
Massie and William
of (feorgia.
Childress, of Atlanta.
t11 k !>KA! and vvoi nt Et
j were brought here to night.
' Th oiisauds of people were at
ih*1 depot :o witness the arrival
| of the train.
j The KveningJournal tirst got
the news, despite the opposi
. lion Of the company It gives
'the railway company a
ol. tile sub
as strong as on scorching editorial
was married, iject.
JOE 11A UUI N'liToJs VISS150
U'OII r.
Oililiesv i!l<
over th.
Illg Prairie Fire.
laust.'d under him, and day af
;r day the weeks would Hy
ipidly by. Were the coin
mud, "Forward march." to be
iven the tirst tramp of that
it is red,' or the trumpet stop.
the most stubborn
reastiry: ">o
j one can read the debates iu the j elk. i ki>.
: convention by which the Consti i New Nork. Nov. Ift,—Mid
tutiou was formed without per night The official count has
I ceiving how anxious the states jnst beet, completed and at.
men of that day were that Con- nounced. Blaine's plurality in
: gress should not, even by im the counties outside of New
I plication, be clothed with the York is 41,'. ft0; Cleveland's plu
power to make anything but;rality in New York is -Kt.oiM.
gold and silver money; or the j The net plurality for Cleveland
debates in the Senate and House in the state of New York is
when the legal tender acts of j Hkkald.
, , . , ,1**2 were under consideration,! mrn in tiik
•A wake ye drunkards and weep Struct,v.'known since the | without being struck by the'
and howl ye drinkers of wine ('
white man set foot iu the terrl-
reat arm\ would jar the earth. Might (io.f save the church and torv. It originated in the vicin-
Many a'father, besides mak | the nation/' __ ity of a log camin the Bear's
g a will leaving to his sons
s inheritance, often left an nd-
mnnifeMt reluctance with which
LAST niTt'll.
York. Nov Ift. Thena
purpose or praying, at | (,f ullH ,lf jf
ot w Licit -she was not in the least j Barringtoii Oi
fatigued. The incident excites
the whole country, and hun-
dreds have been calling on Iter,
all of whom she assures that
her cure has come from Ood.
their advocates sustained them, I.f 't?'', 'VJ'* "TJ}* 11 *.
even as a war measure in a ■'*[ .,t?
Paw mountains, October 11, and Iffreat financial emergency. The j to",,iL-l/t*>'•• ' 1 Chni*
it was thought at tirst would book is especially interesting . «if'ueimblie
not amount to much. But it and valuable, in vmw of the re-: left his
isable one, bequeathing to
|em in the name of disease
Id n] t etite and death to all
evil habits, his tankards
Id his wine cups, ami took for
Itlte-S to the deed all the
! The tallest tree in California
is 4fto feet high, and the largest
in circumference measures l 4
a I'-
ll! d illg harpies of hell. The
1st army of drunkards was be-
|g daily augmented, and tin*
)itt. rs" to lie found in some
pug stores was :t great abet-
evil. Not knowing that it
fcidd lead to a desire fT r alco- f
, people would keep taking r°r( e.
intll some day an imp would
i) out, when the cork was
raged, and spread, and threat
cited Fort Assiniiiboine. Troops
I were sent out to attack it while
it was yet several miles from
the fort, but they uel'e driven
, , , , back in dismay. Reinforce-
originally contained Hooo acres, ments were sent to tight the
flames, and the soldiers finally
O.-orge Washington's planta
tion on the Potomac River,
south of Washington city.
and Demo-
were closed
hairman B F.
an national
left his room early.
Denver, Nov. 18.—At lo
o'clock this morning as the
train from Oraymont, on the
Colorado Central railroad, was
drawing Into Beaver Brook sta
, the
two rear cars w.-re
Nov. If.- -Con
siderable excitement exists in
the Oainesville i.eighborhood|
in,) steri us ilisappear
citizens, .Foe
last Friday
morning. Barringtoii left his
holm* to chop some wood, taking
his ax ami dinner with him.
Failing to return at night, his
wife became alarmol ami noli
lied thw neighborhood, who
instituted search. They soon
found his dinner-bucket, but
the ax and man were missing. A
vigorous search has been con
tinned up to the present time.
No clue to his whereabouts has
been obtained. The people of
that little town are consider
A spring wagon, containing a
man ami three women, in the
load a hundred yards awa\,
wa* blown into a ditch, but no
one wusseriously hurt. Fences
were leveled in the vicinity ami
I limbs blown from the trees,
i The ruins ignited from the ex
{plosion ami men are lighting
i the tire to keep it from reach-
ing a large lot of pciroleuui
stored near by.
The explosion was in the
Oiant Powder factory of A. J.
A: A Brutnmell, consisting of a
packing house and magazine,
on the corner of a little knoll
on Delaware creek, surrounded
j by a dense thicket of trees.
The workmen iu the packing
house were thawing out a tub,
consisting of twent v six pounds
j of nitao glycerine, and set it too
near the tire. The men threw
it outside and gave the alarm.
An instant after the tub explo-
ded, ihe concussion setting off
the magazine, containing ten
tons of giant powder, known to
the trade as great western pow-
The slack of the building was
thrown down, imprisoning the
men working therein. All ex
themselves speedily,
with no greater injury than
bruises, except R. (limit, who
was badly hurtled all over the
body. Uoing out of the blazing
ruins l.e dashed into the creek
to extinguish his clothing He
was taken to a house near by
and medical aid summoned. He
will probably recover.
A house near by was badly
shattered, another belonging to
Mr. Wilson was wrecked, the
house of refuge, half a mile
away, had a wait on that side
shattered near the top, over Ml
windows were smashed, one
side was blown off an ice hotn "
loo yards away, barns and
fences ueai by were demolish.* !,
telegraph poles were throw.i
down. A panic occurred in tl.
two cities, school houses i
that section .if the city, and :i
that stampede many children
were bruised, but not seriously
The total loss in the powd< r
works and the powder in stock
is about $1 The explo-
sion was felt at Detroit, Mich.,
sixty miles distant.
A killing was
w hie h
recently done
was regar
thrown from the track down a. ably wrought up over the mys
Sever terv surrounding Harrington's
'k* ! Secretary Fressenden and Corn
About 4ft.o<io stockmen are
expected iu St Louis next
week. Australia. Europe and
the Canadas w ill be out in full
succeeded in turning the coins,
of the tire nnd thus saved tin
the early evening and
w.-re in conversation with Wal
ter Blaine.
One cattle comnanv with a njn,, hundred'square miles,
capital of two hundred and fifty w ^
cent decision of
Court which unsettles what ui>. ;.t l-m • i ■ ■
t.. tliut hud h* n r? Z '
garded by tie- best legal minds
of the country as an established
law, and opens wide the door.
for one of the greatest calamities : A'*t* ooncii ei> Cleveland «
that can befall the nation—the, election.
unlimited issue of Oovernment | Assistant Secretnry Hoomis
. notes, no matter how deprecia- said: 'it is all over and we on
fort. But it burned everything the) may be, with the legal ly await the action of the state
up to within fifty yards of the i attributes of coin. The country ' bonrd of canvassers, Wednes
'm *.is.t >< is at sea utmn a question ofsu- day next. But we have made
iireme importance to everybody I a good fight, considering that
in the I nited States, and in the we did not have cue third of the
five foot embankment,
al passengers were painfully
e fatally.
injured, but now
ddeii disappeuranee, and the
buildings. Tin
over is thirty
district burned
miles square
A Stockton, ('al., lady, whil«
visiting in Oaklainl, six weeks
tigo. opened a patent stoppered
soda bottle by striking it with
the palm of the hand. The re
suit was a bruise, a swollen
hand, and at last a black ami
blue arm which the doctors
have laid open to the bone
from wrist to elbow. Beware
of how you bruise your hand.
I fawn, clutch them by the thousand dollars and another 'm,,.-.. -lw,h ^t,,# , '« .
"V1 "."•v:. V r " "'"ll tw" fc'tndrwl tl ,,h,r' "u*.h "
for tl^ liiit ton v.-ar . |„lv„ pl-« in N w V ork that farm.T"
The great army was continn- J \>y ,|0hn B. and Charles V. Far are selling their crops as low as
lly increasing, until before well and others of Chicago. eighteenth per bushel.
Newspapers are sometimes
printed on board sailing vessels
ejnml during a long tedious
discussions w>liich this decision amount of fund* controlled by ; cruise they do much towards re
makes unavoidable,this history the national committee in the j lieving the monotony of the voy-
of i nite.l States notes will le*; Garfield campaign. j age. I'hey are usually filled
exceedingly helpful, lam very The Democratic national with lively tmragraitlis and the
truly yours,
dy paragraphs and tb
committee headquarters were j wonderful yarns that sailors
I deserted, and Senators Uorman,' usually delight in.
latler's family is very much dis
tressed, fearing he has been
foully dealt with.
While Billy Hi!t was riding
a bulky horse the animal stitf
denly reared and fell backward,
falling on Hilt and badlr injur
ing him. Parties near t>y hur
ried to the relief of the injured
man, and by the application of
proper restoratives he soon
gained consciousness.
AN 01'EN •WtTOH.
Vincennes, Nov. 13.—A pas-
senger train on the Ohio and
Mississippi railroad yesterday
ran into an open switch near
here, and the engineer, (i. A.
Fairbanks, was killed. The
switch is sup| osed to have been
left open by tramp*.
in Brooklyn
ol as an act of retributive jus
tice by those who witnessed the
circumstances that led to it.
Tie small boys had a bonfire
and circled around it, enjoying
their juvenile sports. Michiel
Bryne, aged eighteen and the
bully boy of the neighborhood,
came up and began kicking and
cuffing the little fellows, knock-
ing them down and laughing at
their helplessness in his hands.
He got hold of Chauncy St. Mar-
tin, aged thirteen,and beat him
unmercifully. At length Brvno
told St. Martin h * would let him
alone for three cents. The lit-
tle fellow paid the money to his
tormentor, who thereupon de-
manded another cert, in failure
of which he threatened to throw
St. Martin iu the tire. The boy
threw the penny on the grouua,
and walked on cry ing towards
his home, which was a square
away. Bryne followed him,
abusing him all the way to the
doorstep, when St. Martin drew
his pocaet knife and stabbed
Bryne to the heart. He fell, and
before the ls.vs could carry hin
home he diea. Little St. Mar-
tin was arrested, and is more
comfortable in his dungeon cell
than he was when Bidly
was alive, robbing, be^W
threatening to<

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Robertson, Orrin. The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 42, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 20, 1884, newspaper, November 20, 1884; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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