The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 20, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 13, 1889 Page: 1 of 4

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[The Alliance Organ
Jtf* i
1 ribi
n a Eaa^iU. n
nesi ramiiy rapcr
NO. 20.
M. W. JOllNhON.
< o
Johnson A Uprolea.
All business entrusted to
their cart? will be promptly
upended to.
O II m miii* * octupied by Johnaon
A Jenkins ill lohnaoii block.
(I n (i n (I (I O O O O IOHN s JI.nKINk ToM ANKUKWti
11,1V, been making loans in SL AltdrCWti
Collin county for six (0) year# i ATTORNh\S AT LAW,
ami are uow entering on their j McKinney, : s Texas.
seventh. They take this luelli-
<>d of thanking the people for
their liberal patronage, and re
spool fully solicit a con I in nance
of the tiame.
They wish to say that they
are now prepared to
Offlvr over l<. O, lUriiilus'n drug atorw, North-
wMl corner publio auiutr*
fidMeomcu, aold.b
ive Better Terms
o o o
o o o u o
in heretofore, and you will
rays land it to your interest
call ou their attorney,
id procure blanks, lill out
jur own application, and save
>8t of ugent* and managers.
J. 8. Jenkins Las a small
lount of money that lie will
Loan on good personal security.
ice over H. C. Herndon's Drug Store,
Northwest Corner Public Square,
M<^KIMISKY,-«-u-o-o-o-o-o-.o-o -o-TUX AW.
omm over f. d. Newaome a Hod
grocery •tore. Csn be found at oMra
both day Hi d N1UHT.
|H II. L Pearson,®
Dental Surgeon,
Ottice over Ardlnger'a atore. Keal-
dence corner third block north O. B.
i'reabyterlan church. Teeth extrcted
without naln. 38;ly
M. . METZ, M D.
HoiRoopathic Physician and Surgion
Chronic dlaeses nd disc pee of wo-
men iilid children n apcclalty. Allcalla,
day or nltflit ut liiitoulcc will be prompt-
ly lit tended to.
Office tin Miiiirx In Sttil's buildlnir.
Dlt. i'lIEW,
Otter* hie I'rotW.sioiuil eervlce to th
citireh* of
OHloe- t'p Mitir* over Cole nun
WhlteV Store
Behr Bros & Co.,'
Smith's American
Carpenter & ;Smith's a m ORGAN
Sold direct- from Factory,
Semi for analogue price? terms
etc, etc, to
030 Main st Dallas.
J. A. Ts EEL,
And House Oecorator.
o Young and Middle
Aged Men.
Will i. k • hay, corn, oats and
wheat mi twcliaiige for lumber.
July itiih, l«SMfl,
Mrs. Fannie Johnson,
-< ONM I/r-
Dr. Wasserzig,
pnWeii-Known European Specialist,
t(Throe Yean Keaidetice in UttlliiM.)
WAMSEIt/.UG having had practice
experience for the I11M 21 yeiira, will
lertuke no case except he can Unar-
tee a Tore, on nil
Sexual, Nervous and Chronic Diseases,
Itarrh In all it* stage#, Scurvy Mlotch-
jofthe Skin, I'lcerated l.ega, Cancera,
linorf. Skin l i eiiHen of every form,
[eiiniiitlHiii, Sciatica. Clout, I.lvercom-
|!i<. Vuli ii. Dun irr v, I1len, Fits,
I'rliiury and Kidney Trouble*, the
e and har.
net Diseases, Indigestion and Nervous De -
Tape worm extracted In Two Hoiith.
.VI .1 .AM.
A Uturo Curo,
rh> .twfiil fffcot at i' Bly *lw, which brln?
oivanlc wnnnrivwi. ilfntru,I:ik both mind and
body, with nil ltd direful 111*.
Perniaiillv ('iiimmI!
I'alptatloii of the Heart, Timidity, Teem blip r
N«rv,>u« |il«l.nir(jp*. ho much m b# fMrwl, f'nit
tfl-lfllllii'ltk, Intuit Of ldM«A, Ml'lllCHK of Sj.lriln
ti;l>' iIiIhIihi* lo sncul l.lfn nd
llroixlliiK .VUlit <!lioljr.
Maiihikh Mkn. ortluim^nnlorluirnn that hupiijr
llfo. *•> «• of i'nyxlcti; t>*.|>|llly. Kxcilalolliy of
H'h Nith". OritAnlc I *1 >141 ii ii tl<> ii. or nlhrr Irrrjr
ulnrltlw. quH^kii nK^lHtod
No Minkhm* (°kni>. Yoonic |M-i.filr Inning Ihvlr
hi-altli uinl it|>. ti Unit uiiii ; itli tlioM- uiikkillfd
and iinqunUllBrt, rauinnr falnl dlxo'ditrt lo tim
•ifml. throat, iomiv iivki mm anikx, mkumu'l) and
bow*U, StMfdlly UktwS.
I<rl not Falun Modesty dntur ynu f.'oln callinR
at oinit ui.
l.'oiirtiltiuts Kuuiiio Kim Htrmt.
All Private Matters (/tired.
I'riirrpl mideation la rtven to alicorrfapom-
•• o'j. Himii' *ymi>iofiin, and iin .il. inu will
miu' c i"> I) pvfrywhern
I O KKt K IIOt'KS : rrom H n. in. to? p. m
| SUNDAYS, U a. m. to 12 su.; :t to7 p. m
sole Agent for the Celebrated
"Love'' Family Sewing Machine,
which luiK a MUTTON llol.K attach-
ment which make* a Perfect IJiiUoti
Hole hiicIi an made by hand.
Button Hole* worked for 'ificti* pr do/..
"I.OVK" SewiiiK Machine f to, with
all altaehnioulK, cheapoat for eauh.
Two tioora V\'e«t Foote Ilotiae.
«r* \ +
| ALL THK NKWS for ONLY SI.09 a year; 10c par month
sfbhcribk now for thk
|«||MB|#l \J> —Ii will contain rch wr«k a continued
I WCbKL ■ I I Ml itorv by tome eelebriitccl author; Tat-
i i>i Strni'in p:«;icli«<l Ihr prm«iliBK Sunday; Fashion jnd Hau fhold IJeparlmenUj
smelt Hurt I •irni N'rtt*. Happvuiti^i in all part* of the World, and a Uaneral Ucsuma ol all
! ■ 11 untftie and J*'urri|(i) News,
1—11 Mail W WWV ~ Acknowladgad to bathe bast and
[THE DAILl UAZiETTEl most raliabr. pajier in tha Stata.
m 00 per month, or #10.CO a year (Inolndlnc aunday).
Ramliianee* In Money Order*, Ui>ckf on FoK Worth, or Itagislarad LaUars can ba made
1 tha Pubiiahar's rUW. Write lor sample copy to the
Kmeraon, t*reajdent, T.T. Einerroti, Ylce-Prw't, T. H, Emeraon, Caahor.
irst National Bank.
Scientific American
Is the liMiat un>l m>' l popular srienilflr and
maenaniral pt , •-r piihli.hiMl anrt hm Ine lanresl
pirriilailoii of ni.y | n| >r of it* il« ln lhaworia.
Cuily Hjimtiiiifd. Hr«i cia « of WjHxl Kn*ra*^
Heiirt for
nitir. print a yanr. l*onr months''trial, ll.
ItuNN A co., i'riii.iahkhn, 1*1 tlroadway. N.T.
Or MoKlnii«y, Texan.
lapital and Surplus,
s 100,000.
A Edition of Soitntiflo American. W
A araat sneems. Raeh Issno rontalns colored
Ittkoaraphl'' plalasof eountry ami fit r maxlue-
eas or puhl.o bulWInas. Numerous nmrarln*.
and full irtun. and rtf1<>aUon. fortlio •'/
I may na saenr.
| mi if i npi>-
. iiiii lo mi sw
IA i o. who
| PPPKHPi ' iisr.. hadover
4U tears' and l"irn made oTer
li'.iOi applications for Anmrlcan aiirt For.
aid ii ('Stent •. !• "'! for llamlUook. Corraa.
pendauue strictly conlldential.
In eaaa roar mark l* fot raaistcred In tha Pal-
ant nmre, apply I" "CWtTl * '>•. «•«' pri"®*1**
Immadiata protactlon, Vend fur llsndlxwk.
COPVRM.IITA for br^.ks, eharu. mapa.
the., qnlekir procurwl. Addross
MONN * CO., I'nlent WalleUara.
Uinau orvicas Itt Bauauwar. *. 1
| Bujra and aella exchange on the principal citlea In Europe. Flrat claaa pap
tRRcroaa: FrancU Kmcraon.T. T. Kineraon.T. H. Kmeraon, ,tno. ).. Lovejoy
HL Wf Ich.
ufanoa* He
lloura—u a. m. to 4 m
aalw of aattafaction in every __
l|l !• riifundiii. This Miwruutit'
pHntcd on tlio Uittlc-wroppor, and
oarriwl out fm umny jmi*.
For tanri'. illnatraUit Truiilac on tUaaMM
Woiueit iin' iMurtw. with full diniiiona
boiiw-tniMliiK'iitl, ••nd loll cents in alain|i
Addn-as. Worn i. « ;tirtCi s-«Ni Ml'
Aaacx-iAiioV, tiiu Main sim i. il >,;
ia re lulls (ilriiaeil fur the K«<ud
era uf the lieuiorrut.
Where la the proiuiae of my yeara
tHice written on mv broW-
% sorrow a, Miroiiiea and feara
BroUKht w lili ibem all that apeak ol
Ilaught linirera to iadeem Ihoae houia,
iiwiiuorv sweat
Nauittit nntfert
^Btlll. atitltoi
The flow era that bimitued In auuny
Are w Ithered all. antl evil towera
■Rpreuie above har aiai*«r power*.
Ot sorrow and deceit
I look along the <M>luiuned yeara.
And aee life'a riven fame,
it where It fell—amid the jeara
•cornfUl llpa. w hoae moaning aneera,
war hlaa within my eara,
b braak the aleep of pain.
lean but
tn bat own uiy life la vain.
JSflV'Sin SSat aJ
liaaed the measure of t
Only —7_.
Sew Backwards as well
Machine that^will
ik wards ai
as Forward.
The Wonder
the Age!
I iniaaed the measure of tha i
That lulls fanie'a fever in the bralii,
And bida earth's tumuli ceane.
Myaelf? Alaa fur theme no poor.
A theme but rich in fear ;
I ataud a w reck on error'a shore
A apector not within the door,
A houieleaa ahadow evermore —
An exile lingering here,
— Isfkii*.
Appointinenls for ttrollier \>. 1).
to be Kr<*at aickaena here with ly every bone in the
in the next week. Five cases i ing body. It was quite
of nialignaut diptheria were | aible to ideatifty
located this morniiiK ou Bed it was taken to the
Daingerfield, Tex , .tune 7.— street, and as they were iu orders issued for its burial af-
i^uite a siiifrului accident oc ttve different houses they meau | ter a few hours expoauia to the
; cut red in this quiet little city live starting points for the dis gaxe of those who still
to dsv. Rev. J F. Jenkins wit* ease. All this talk about dan searched for aliasing frii
out in his horae lot and was gerofjn epidemic is not exag Only the hardiest caa staad
struck in the head by a stray gerated, as many suppose, but to enter the morgae this
lilie ball, which passed through is founded upou all experience, ing. So overpowering Is
bis bat and the skin of his head "There will be plenty of ty* dreadful stench that under-
but did not penetrats the skull, phoid fever here within a week takers,even after hurriedly par-
He heard no report and no one of daya, in my opinion, forming their task of washing
knews whence it came. The weather is now giving the body and preparing it for
ball, which was found in his l,l tv 10 summer weather, and, burial, returned to the yard
hat, was from a W calibre rilte, i 10 one knows what the next to await the arrival of the nexl
and is supposed to have been may bring forth.'1 | gl##fly Had. A strict order is
shot by some hnnter a long way Dr. R. L. Sibbel of the state now in force that all bodies
off. R^v .lenkina is resting board of health is *u charge of shall be Interred only when it
easily. the sanitary headquarters. becomes impossible to longer
"We are using every pre-! preserve tbsm from absolute
Si. Louis, Mo., June s. A caution known to .science," purification There la no iron-
special to the Republic from said he, thin morning, "to clad rule. In aome inatancea
Arkansas City gives the de avoid the possibility of au it is necessary to inter sonu
tails of a terrible cyclone which epidemic. Our labors here putrid body within a few hours,
swept through that city last have not been confined to any while others can safely be pre-
night. The Methodist and Rap particular chemical, but have served several days. Every
possible opportunity is afford-
Quiet, Light Running and Ad
justable in ail its parts
No one can do him-
self justice
Seeing This Ma-
First Prize and Gold Medal ov-
er all competitors at
the World's Expo-
sition at New
for live years.
Union Manufacturiug Co.
Little Rock, - - - Ark
J* P. Crouch & Co., Agents
McKinney and Fnrmersville,
V tnkt,and, May 21, ik8u.
The followiug is r list of ap-
point nieulH for Bro. L
Wright, state lecture);
Cottonwood Alliance, June
{10, at I p. iu.
Piano Alliance, June 15, ut
?::«> p. 111.
Maxwell Alliance, June 17,
at 1 p. m.
Prairie V iew Alliance, June
17, at 7:Mo p. m.
Lone Kliu Alliance, June IS,
it I p. tu.
Little Creek Alliance, .hint*
IS, at 7:20 a. 111.
St. Paul Alliance, June It), at
I p. m.
Willow Spriugs Alliance,
.lune 11), at 7:.'M> p. m.
Copevilie Alliance, June •.'<),
at. 1 p. in.
I'ieasaut Hill Alliance, June
io, at 7:HD p. tu.
Prairie Grove Alliance, June
21. at 1 p. tu.
Farmersville Alliance, June
21, at 7::tU p. m.
Cedar Alliance, Juue 22, ut
1 p. m.
Hickman Alliance, June 22,
at 7:30 p. m.
Snow Hill Alliance, June 24,
at 1 p. id.
Blue Ridge Alliance, Juno
24, sit 7.:<0 p. m.
White Rock Alliance, June
25, at 1, p. m.
Armstrong Alliunce, Juue 25,
at 7::io p. m.
McKinney Alliance, June 27,
at i p. m.
As I am unacquainted with
the locution of some of the
sub Alliances iu the county,
1 have overlooked them. They
will ^o to the closest place and
hear Bro. Wright, for God
knows we need good lecturers
in litis county from now till
July 17, IH8JI,
The following Alliances will
please go to McKinney ou the
27th: New Hope, Hisbop,
Whites Grove, Bowlby, Hack-
hone and till others invited
Kknt K. Kkhk,
County Secretry.
ed for identification.
Two additional cases of ty-
tist churches untl ten stores ami been cxteuded in various di-
residences were wrecked, while rections. Disinfectants, of
the roof of the Arkansas eleva course, are of the first itnpor-
jj tor in which is located the Mis ant e and they have been used phoid fever are reported this
souri Pacific depot was blown with no sparing hand. 1 morning from Minersdale, tnak-
across the track demolishing a "Prompt cremation of dead ing a total of seven in that
number of loaded freight cars animals, as last as discovered, village alone.
The only lives lost were those is another thing which we
of Kate Walton, aged fifteen (have insisted upon. The itu-
antl Judy Walton, aged nine, mediate erection of water
Mrs. Walton, the mother, was closets throughout the ruins
for workmen was another work
of the greatest sanitary import
aim* ami has been attended to.
They, too, are being disinfect-
ed .'it frequent intervals,"
Trust Bill.
badly injured and also another
daughter named Lizzie Walton,
had a hip dislocated. All cul
■ never out or ordsb.
tf you iloalrc tu piircluus iiaawinK machine,
aak our iiir"-'ii i>£ ymir iilw-" f• r tcrtna and
l>rl<'< s. If >"ii i Hi'oKd fltul "tir niniKt, write
illr rl t'lllluiri .t.ruMt^" J ■ /H Uil'.W II
DHicaao . zu UNION 6QUARE N.V.-.
n.c iMuuliy ('oul Oil Can.
Austin, Tex., June 7. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Morgan and
some others ol" their family
wereatwoik on their farm on
Onion creek, in this county,
yesterday forenoon. Their
two daughters of eleven and
thirteen years of ago were
sent to the house to prepure
dinner. They put the wood in
the fireplace, wheu the young-
er girl poured a good portion of
alialfgal'on can of kerosene
upon the fire to make it burn
better, causing a loud and fa-
tal explosion, throwing the
burning tluid over her entire
body, setting her dress on tire,
At the request of many of
our readers we publish the
followiug deviation of "trusts"
as explained by the late Texas
laws on that subject:
Skotion I.- Be it enacted by
the legislature of the state of
Gen Hastings this morning Texas: That a trust is a com-
bination of capital, skill, or
acts by two or more persous,
linns, corporations, or associa-
tions of persous, or of either
two or more of them for either,
any, or all of the following
said ili « situation is very good
so far as imported. Itodies are
being gradully recovered all
the time, hut. of course not iu
the large numbers of the first
few days. Last night we ar
rested several ghouls that were purposes: Flrst-To create or
wandering amid the wreck ou oarry out restrictions in trade
evil intent during the darkneas Second-To limit or reduce the
production, or increaae or re-
duce tjie price of merchandise
or comuuxU# v* ..JThW-^Cp.
prevent competition in manu-
and they were promptly taken
to the guard house.
"'Miis morning they WQfejoj-
given their choice of imprison
ment or going to work at $2 facture, making, transporta
per day, they promptly chose
the latter. Wo are getting
along very well iu our work,
and there is very little tenden
tion, sale, or purchase of mer-
chandise, produoe, or commodi-
tiea. Fourth—To fix at an any
standard or figure, whereby its
baraiSK ssreral art!*!.* is tl.« I,:y l" ls l« I sai happy prl.e to th. pnblio .hail tela
rtiom iinri nmoifiv iiiirr.i.,,, th* to say, isobs vod. uitv manner aontrolled or es-
room and quickly burning the
child almost to death. The
older girl who rushed to
rescue wns fatally burned,
The flesh on
bodies was almost roasted be
fore their parents, who heart
their screams, could roach
J. P. Cnul & Co., McKinuey
Lumber Dealers Z
f «ny di-nli-r enya he has the W. !>• Dwil!
M« w Ithotit iiami mii,| prion sl.tiiiui-J
bottoiu, put hint down aa a fraud.
There is an "aristocracy' of
intellect as well as of birth or
of money, and highly cultivat-
ed people are apt to be as dis
ilaiuful as every day thinkers
as rich people are of the poor.
Vet lives are made noble, and
the world is made happier,
very often, by simple thinkers,
to whom the refinements of
philosophy are unknown quan-
$1 SHOE mmmm
Bushels of corn wanted in. oxchang
for Lumber. Parties codterrplatjug
building will do well to call befre
C« rih to the Pkv i Hat of
!',< • -t! I '«! vm yoltr liointt ull'i
Jack l i ls printed. Wm wil!
pnttf tfiHtit v «ry ch^'V
ll III .1,
"Exatn'ne W. f„ lh>u«taa hihk*
er j.< ntlrn.en ai d la« Irs."
FOR HALi: nv
Mortuw ii i tk, MtKiiinej, Tea
The Girl who Works,
The girl who works—God
bless her She is brave and ac-
tive. She is not too proud to
earn her own living or asham-
ed to be caught at her daily
task. She is studious and
painstaking and patient. She
smiles at you from benind the
counter or desk, *
There is a memory of her
own sown into each silken
gown. She is like a beautiful
mountaineer already far up the
any manner aontrolled or es
The waifs' mission is doing! tabliahed, any article or com-
a noble work. Miss II. W. uiodity or merchandise, pro-
Hincley and her assistant, Miss duce, or comr ;oe Intended
botli of"their j C« pn«,ltt.Hancook, ar« heroInHB. | for sale, nse, or consumption
>asted ho 1 VVi,,,5,, an hour ufter t,IHlr ttr !in tlll Klfth—To make
fore thm, parent., Who hesrer fivttl h,,r" l!'"y r „at« lato, or eaaoats, or oar-
bureau and were receiving ry out any contract, obligation,
. mi .... ,, children and wee babies that.' or agreement of anv kind nr
them. The young girl lived in . ,, , , . .. , "r kiuu or
- . . had been orphaned by the cru descr ption by which th«w
great agony a few hours and . It . , ; , ., /' ' y wmeu inejr
Lelrtnr one ,11..,I l,«t nlKlit. * . , '"""." u r "hial1hsyebonnd them-
Another child, hut eiKht,,.'"V, -Oo sell, dtopoei of, or
month. Old, „l.o badly her work ,, a.H, .oei>,ted pre., transport any article or eoa.-
burnert, anrt i. not expected lo r""or,Br ll",, m"rmn* modif'. "r article of trade, nss,
recover. The father came to "Wh ,mVH bwen very bnav merchandise, commerce, or
town this morning for caskets from l,w 11,-81 < « nsumption below a common
in which to bury them. 'ami fool we have been alio to standard figure, or by which
At noon Mrs. Kliz ibeth .1 rentier good service," they shall agree in any manner
Bibber, lifty-nine year* of a«e, "Within a f**w minutes we JtHHP Hie price of such ar-
residing on South Flores stivet, had received notification of commodity, or tranapor-
was preparing dinner for her perhaps a loo orphan children, at a fixed or graduated
husband who is a carpenter.The and as the press was kind or by which they ahall
fire was slow ami she poured enough to send out our address- 1,1 *n^ manner establish or
kerosene oil on it with the ustt i es, we w«to within a few hours prico of an article
ai result. She cun explodotl ■ more in receipt of offers from "r or transportation
and covered her in tlnmes from all over thn country to take them or them
head to foot. Two men charge of some of the little am* others to preclude a
asleep in another room heard ones from Cleveland, Indian and unrestricted competi-
the explosion, rushed in and : apolis, AI toon a, Pittsburg, and 11 a,l,on8 themselves or oth-
found her standing iu the door in fact throughout all Pennsyl Hr8atile or transporta-
with the fire curling around vania antl the eitstern states, any 8nch article or com-
ber head They threw heron w.- have received telegrams ,nu,"tv or by which they shall
the bed and extinguished it, from societies and families of- ttKrHe pool, combine, or unite
but she was charred from head fering to take charge of a cer ttn^ ,ntfeBl ^
tain number of children. connection with the sale or
"We received through the ^"^ution of any auch ar-
mayor of New York a mesHuge or conirnotlity that ita
from Leakes and Watts orphan- P"c« *"'«*>t in any manner be
age in New York, offering to H* T ^ B
receive twenty live of the or. KemombeTthatTe is indeed
,,hans. Of course we glatlly tllH wi(w„t and |he h^ppi^t
to foot and died at :i o'clock.
From first to last she riev«<r
screamed or made complaint.
The Flood Disaster
Johnstown, Pa., June 7.
"Are the horrors of the flood to
give way the terrors of a accepted the offer, and indeed n,an, who by constant atteu-
plague?" is the question that we can respond to many more tjol, „f thought, discovers the
.... . .. ,, is now agitating the valley of such kind offers. It is yet im- greatest opportunity ot doing
hill, antl the sight of her should | oonHmaugh. To day opened possible to estimate how many good, ard with ardent and ani
be a fine inspiration for us all. varm ftnd almost, sultry; the children will fall upon our mated resolution breaks
It is an honor to know this
girl—to be worthy of her re-
gard. Her hands may bo
atained by factory greese or
printer's ink, but it ie au hon-
eat band and a helping hand.
It atoya misfortune from many
; it is one shield that pro- j epld„mlc grow
nany a forlorn little fam j,uur
My from th' almshouse and th*
.—St. Louis Christian i
stench that assails one's senses
as he wanders through Job >*
town is almost overpowering.
Sickness, in spite of precau-
tion and the herculean labors
of the sanitary authorities, is
on the increase, and fears of an
hauds, but it will probably run through every opposition that
into the hundreds." be may improve theee oppor-
So far as kuown at this hour tuuities.—Doddrilge.
only eighteen bodies have been *
found this morning. One of
these was a poor remnant of
Sometimes it is a positive
injury to another to reapeet
his prejudices. Bat, if you
that was suddenly muatcroaa them, do aoaageatly
every discovered by a teamster in the M possible. He who
center of the road over which ed how to coaibine
"It is our impression," said wagons hud been passing for and Hrmneaa hoe
Dr. T. L. White, assistant to the past forty eight hoars, j of the gveateet
the state board of health, this ^ Heavy vehicles bad sank deep-1 Be has learaed bow t>
Snbecribe for tke Dmocrat 'morning, "that there Is going ly in the sand and broken near-' aad lo

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Democrat Publishing Company. The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 20, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 13, 1889, newspaper, June 13, 1889; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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