El Paso Morning Times (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 33RD YEAR, Ed. 1, Friday, August 15, 1913 Page: 10 of 10

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"t v II TKI I V llinKi
ThereO) Ket SA.S4MI tnnnally at
Hoenn t wiillr Dwelling la
path II - innrd
One hundred anil ten thousand dol-
lar worth of city bonds tfff ordered
bought liy the city mincll at Ha regu-
lar meeting yesterday morning. Sixty
thnuean.l dollars worth srs of the E!
Puso aawar eatenslon and Improve-
ment bond and lha remaining l.'.O.OOO
ara El Paso illy school honda. Both
ara of lha bond aartra No. 4 nt tha
Issue of Juna 4. KOI. Tha bonda will
ba piin haaad with cash from tba sink-
ing fund tnd will ba hald by lha rlly
government aa an investment. Ra-
rantly tha rltjr purchased a.ooo
worth of otbar outssndlng honda
Tha pur'hs of tha bond will maan
a saving of 14.100 par yaar In Interest
aa thay baar i par rant. Thay had
thirty yaara to run. Tha total eAvlns
to tha city hy tha purchase will mean
about 000 Tba dally Intcrea; on
tha total amount nf bonda purrhaaad
by tha rity recently would amount to
about 117
Unaanltiry condition In which part
of tha Mexican population of El ps
ara living In lha aoutharn par; of lha
city were brought In light In lha hesr-
Ing nf Mril an reeldrnia who appeared
before tha council. Their icailmony
waa to lha effect that In eome of the
houaaa ant and lhi people were In -lng
In two or hree room a and that In
each of thaee caaea eh knees nf differ.
ant aorta existed. Kapcrlally rnnom
the young children waa slckncsa prev-
alent they aald.
After tha hearing tha ounrll passed
a raanlutlon ordering the destruction
of about thirty nf the ndnltr aharka
which the health department haa con-
demned aa "unannttary and unfit" for
persons to realda in. The hnueea muat
ba torn lown within the next n.it
Cauar nf High Heath Rate.
City Health officer W. 11. Anderaon
aald that he had Inveatlgated all of
the houses which have been brought
to the council' notice and had found
that their unaanltary condition was
partly the cauae of the extremely high
death rate among the Mexican chil-
dren In the city.
AH' of the houaaa which were con-
demned nre situated along Tenth
atreet. Hidalgo alley and Hnuth Hants
Fe atreet helnw the Franklin canal.
H B. Harding of the El Paan and
Southwestern eyetetn appeared f ir the
El Paao and Nnrtheaatern rmlrnad at
the meeting of the property owners
before the council and stated that hla
company would not oppose the re-
moval of the condemned hulldlnga aa
In neiirly cery raae the nceupanta
were "squatters" .-.n the railroad prop
erty. He tnld of the iinaanltary con-
ditlona existing In the houses and
stated thnt atablr In some caaea were
attached la the living rooms of the
David Sullivan city tax aaaeaaor and
collector reported that the collections
for his department during the week
ending August 12 amounted to $1
Forty Death I .it at Week.
Pnrly deaths occurred during the
week ending August 1 4. according to
City Health Officer W. H. Anderson's
report. The deaths were laSMlfled Aa
follows: Americana 0 Mexicans 21.
Spanish 1 liegrnea 1. There ware
forty births nf the following clari-
fication: Americans IS. Mexicans 21.
Spaniards 3 negroes 1. only six caaea
of contagious dlaeaaea exlai In the city
and they nre aa fnllnwa: Whonplng
cough 3 dlptherla 1 typhnld fever 2.
The health department condemned
eighty-nine pnunda nf meat and slgty-
two pnunda of fruit . nd vegetables.
Fifty-four nuisance notices were
served by the department and forty-
five nuisances were abated. Twenty-
nine complaints were Investigated by
the health offto ra. Six peranna were
Twenty Fire During July.
Fire MHrahal Henry iieynaud re-
ported that during July twenty-three
fir. alarms were registered. There
were twenty fires.
The city sower department laid BOO
feet of twelve Inch pipe In blocks (7
and tl of the Knat Kl Paan addition
during the week ending Auauat 15
according to Hewer t'ommlaalnner J.
W. Hadlock'a report Forty-seven
sewer pipe "Y's" were put In and
twenty-five plugged sewers were
rleaned. The 8heldnn and Kast Kl
Paao aewera were pumped every day.
Eighty flush tsnks were examined hy
tha sewer department.
Reward fur futiiilng Ftmhug.
A reward nf 1400 will lie paid by
the elly to any one who procures the
arreat and conviction of peranna guilty
of arson committed In this city ac-
cording to the provisions of a resolu-
tion passed by the council. Placards
announcing the reward ware ordered
poated In public places and buildings
Police Flnca S 1.32 In July.
Chief of Pnllre I. N. DavtV stated
The Two Republics Life
A krakauer. President
Good Mm Wanted to Sell Policies That Guarantee Protection
8upt of Agent.
WAkUlM-ToV 1) i
I VI I I M. i m i - OA.
t lilt A(o 11 1
BALI I Mold. Mil
Ill I MMT tli II
ST. I .it I- MO.
M V. lolth V
tn hi report for In) police depart-
ment for .Inly that l th amount
of $4 tat war levied of this mm
11.444 In fine Ware collected ard
11 arrved ont In the ritr Jail
police remitted (1.1(0 l( In
doling the months
Resolutions war approved
Ins the const ruction of etdewslk In
front of the following properties:
'lrh H ("arson on North Florence;
W. F Payne on Ange. Wyoming and
North Do fence afreets; Thomas
Thornton on i. Tomllln street and
Jnhn Olann on Texsa atreet.
Vies sled Sewes Coesnnny'a Bond
The etty council sccepted the bond
of the Arthur S. Bent Construction
company for 120.000 for the carrying
out nf the contract for the cnneiruc-
tlnn ..f the alxleen feet deep aewer
fmm Durango atreet through East El
Psa.. to the river.
The ordinance sppmvlng the eon-
trait and bond nf the T.'Xaa Rlthtill-
Ihlc company for the paving of Eaet
Franklin atreet from Kansas to Cemp-
t.eii waa adopted hy the council. It
was the second reading of the ordi-
nance. Petitions (.ranted.
H- D McOreanr and other for a
quit claim deed to lot J to 10 Inclu-
sive and It In 20 Inclusive In block
I (I and all of block 1(7 of Alexand-
er's addition.
Chalmers Auto company to Install
a gaaollne pump and supply tank at
201-207 South "ante Fe street.
J nee Chaves. Ksparxa company
and Crux Alvarca for hawker- per-
mits TVtlllon Referred.
Sanitary Cnmmlttee Mayfleld
Building Improvement company
for sewer extensions tn block 015 nd
At Basaett'a addition J. A. Pickett
for sewer extension to lota 2 4 and
(. block 77 of the Alexander's addi-
tion. Hermnn Prefer far sewer ex-
tension to tot California atreet.
Bulldlny committee I n I- Gon-
sales for a shnde on property at 112(
H Ksnta Fe street. Luis Castro for a
shade on building at 1120 It. Santa Fe
Fire end Police Committee T...n
well'a Auto Truck A Bales company
lor a gasnllne pump and stnrage tank
at 122 flim Franc Iscn street. Property
owners against the rebuilding of the
Greet Western company oil tanks.
Finance Committee A. B. Michel
for remlaslon of a 136 fine paid to the
corporation court because he stated
he was Innocent of the charge of as-
sault for which he waa fined.
lln Company Accept Ordinance.
A communication to the council
from the Kl Paso Gas Electric
company state that the company ac-
cepted the terms of the franchtae or-
dinance regarding the gas company
which waa adopted by the council nnd
atnted that Ihey would comply with
all of the obligations Imposed by the
Mayor C. E Kelly presided at the
council meeting and Aldermen Walter
H Clayton. Chnrlea lavell and Ben
Levy were present-
1 1. 1 . i i ....rib District ('ears.
Dan M. Jnckson. Judge.
Krakauer Zork Moye va. A S.
Valdeaplno suit on note and account
11. 134. 17; filed.
Joseph 8. Townscnd vs. Josephine
Townsend suit for divorce; filed.
County Court.
A. 8. J. Eylsr Judge.
First National bank of El Paso v.
T. C. Lyons suit on note $225; filed.
Justice Conrt.
E B McCllntoek. Judge.
First National hank va. T. 0. Lyon
suit for balance due on promissory
nnte 1107.60; filed.
Caae Setting.
Juatlce McCllntoek' Court
August 12.
3624 Acid Co. vs. Steele.
August 14.
247 Western Omcery Cn. v. Dunn.
3 604 Bayner vs. Jones.
Augiis: 15.
3 52 6 First National bank vs. Genoa.
August 16.
24(6 Held Broa. vs. Eaparai.
August 10.
Devon Mfg. Co. vs Oliver.
August 22.
24(1 Rio Grande Valley Bank and
Trust Co. vs. Launder.
August IS.
347t Syracuse Chilled Plow Co. vs.
August 2(.
3520 Marr va. Rio Grande Mfg. Co.
August IT.
34(2 Mundy vs. Mitchell.
August. 26.
S4M Alderete vs. Alhro.
24(( Alderete vs. Bryant.
August :t.
34(7 Daniels vs. Whits.
Auguat 30.
ShflO Harrington vs. Jones.
September 2.
2807 Carpenlng vs. Martin.
31(1 Lomax vs. Adams.
September 2.
311 1 Merrady va. Harper.
September 4.
X4K Hughes vm Kepeter.
September (.
2614 El Paso Bash and Door Co. vs.
Insurance Company
Seo'y sad Oen'l Mgr.
$74 44 HOI XD
I till
U .1 Ml
Hot Ml
.. i .
(AS S.l
S7 4.a.
. SS6.lt
32 So
40 aa
IK 'I Ml
IK .1 Ml
In the Great Play
turn Jack of
New gpeclajtlee Between Acts.
Seaa St Ryan's I Sc. BOe and SV.
Crawford Theatre
The Coolest Place in
Town. Pictures Change
Slsrlllac If Tvwe.
H. O. Van Haaelln. the court house
Janitor put II new benches along the
walks In front nf the court house Wsd-
nesdsy sfternoon and yestsrday they
were all occupied.
Dr. Kbcrt. Dentist. 21C-2K Mills Bldg.
After Aug 1. Alhambra Dairy Depot lo-
cated 1317 K Mlslourl. Phone 7. Adv.
More AntonvnMlea I Jceiiaed. The
following license tn run automobile
were Issued yesterday from tha coun-
ty clerk's otflce: No. 1( to P. J.
Terry Morgan building five passenger
Ford; No. 1614 to O. A. Chllson 2022
Port Boulevard seven passenger Ste-vins-Duryea.
Try tha new Oa-Apla Bar. Ton gat
tha best. T. F Kalsh. Prop.
Dr. Paget dentist. Rob. A Baa. Bldg.
(..( Inveatmenta.
P H. Evans a one-time cattle dealer
In El Paao who is staying at the Hol-
lenheck hotel in Los Angalee nay that
many realdents of El Paso and other
Texas cities sro making investments In
Los Angeles and the surrounding
country. Mr. Evsns haa bought land in
Southern California.
Join the Caotus Club.
The wellet bar la town. Finest goods
at the Otm.
Cattlesaea en Tear.
Three El Paao cattlemen left El PaSo
yesterday for Hlllsboro. N. M via
Nutt. W T. Tolbert of the firm of D.
P. White A Co. cattle dealera. driving
his automobile with O. M. Wood and
J. E. Oeorge will make the trip
through Cambray the Hall Ranch to
Nutt and Lake Valley and then up Into
Hlllsboro. They probably will be gone
aeveral daya and will spend their time
looking- over cattle conditions In that
Dr. Cameron Dentist 221 Mssa Ave
Dr. Qarrett. tomach Intecttne. In-
ternal diseases. 401 Bobsrts-Banner.
Sllpaer Law Fer Bey.
Ernest Miller was held yesterday af-
ternoon hy Judge Coldwell of the cor-
poration court until hla father could
come to the police station and spank
him to the satisfaction of the police.
The Miller boy and M Aackland were
arrested yeaterday by Policeman Har-
old charged with steeling soda water.
The Sackland boy was allowed to ...
but the Judge decided that a good
spanking would do Miller a world of
Dr. Bronson. Eye. Ear. 211 Mills Bid
Imported Beer on draught at the Oent
East Bad Improvement.
At a meeting of the Bast End Im-
provement league Wednesday evening
Tim Lyons who wss employed by the
league to promote sidewalk improve-
ments In tb. district addressed the
members on the necessity of having
property owners tear down rickety
fences and otherwise keep the front of
their holdings In a sightly condition
as s first more towards Improvsment
The campaign for aldswalks In that
section wss dsflnltely launchsd at this
After Aug. 1 Alhambra Dairy Depot lo-
cated U17 E. Missouri Phone (71 Adv.
Dr. Anna Reum Buckler Bldg.
Dr. Jamleson. Oenlto-UrlDary. Skin
and Rectal diseases (It Mills Bldg.
Kunnrr leader Haaaaarr.
Mosely. s race horse that wa aeen
on the Jusrrs track last winter wa
sold under the hammer yestsrday
morning by Deputy Constable J. W.
Ilrown tn J t Meattman fnr (71. In
the Justice Court with Judge Murphy
presiding Meuttman obtained a Judg-
ment against. "Shorty" Hnnver ald to
be the owner of the horse for fsstf
furnished the animal amounting to
Needing aieeara? See Dr. Hortnn with
FeeUr Co.. Jewelers. Herald Bldg.
I Call Pome roy Phone 1444. Choice livery
i rigs hueks. bagggesa freight trssfr.
Ueut. Ilssnbrrger Now Assistant
Ouartiaasaali i.
First Lieutenant Raymond Bam-
I bergvr. Second csvslry has been sp-
pointed assistant qusrtermaaler at
Fori Bliss snd ordinance officer for
the Kl Paso border patrol district
lis will be sn s let ant tp Quarter-
master Captain A. I". Walls. His du-
ties ss ordinance officer will be lo
supply srnss and ammunition to the
t'nlted Stalea troop in tin district.
Lieutenant Bamberger has been s
ommumler of Troop it. Second cav-
alry which haa been doing border
pslrol from Tslets to Clint during the
past few weeks.
m. of M....o
women auffrr mla
'ably from
.hrunic i unstlpetlon. caualng nervous-
iiens dlsslnees and sallow cempleglos
They will find that Chamberlain'
Tableta Isvarlbly bring relief. These
tablets rs easy to lake snd pleasant
tn . He- t For ssla by ail druggist
New KwHdiwgs st Port Rites Decayed
CnOI Secretary Oar-riane) agsS
A may ( htef. Cas DereAeV
With the purpose of Inspecting the
ground st Fort Ritas snd recommend-
ing what officer' quarters bar rack a
end etahlee and other buildings are
needed st CI Psso's military head-
quarter tn transform It from sn In-
fantry battalion post to s regiments!
csvslry post captain K. W. Hart-
man n nf the United States army
q uarterm aster's norps arrived here
yeeterday. Today he will go over the
military reservation where the pro-
posed new buildings will be erected
snd tomorrow he will return to Wash-
ington lo make his report.
I have no Idea yet how many build-
ings will . he erected st Port Bliss
from ths enlsrgemsat plsns" ststed
Csptsln Hsrtmsnn last night after
hi arrival. "After I have made sn
Inspection of the ground I will re-
turn to Wsshlngton snd when Secre-
tary of War Garrison. Major General
1eonard Wood and Major General
James B. Aleehlre of the quarter-
master's corps return there. In Sep-
tember my report will be presented o
them snd they will decide on what
improvements will be made. So far
the plsns fnr the Port Bliss enlarge
ment hsve not been entirely spprov- 1
ed snd sre still with the quarter)!1
ter s department at waaningtnn.
"I do not know now how much
will be expended In the Port Bliss Im-
provement. This will not be known
until the Secretary of war decides on
what le to be erected- The plan csll
for qaurter for thirty officers In sd-
dltlon to whst sre now erected. They
also nail for new barrack and stables
tn house s full rsglment of cavalry-
men and their mounts. My work will
be to report on the at y lea of build-
ing beat adapted for the use of the
officers and men."
It he been estimated that about
$250000 will he spent by the United
States government In carrying out
the proposed Improvements for Port
Bliss. Thi will cover the coet of
erecting the new officer' quarter
and other building and alao the
building of an Isolation ward and an
addition to the post hospital and the
drilling of two new wells.
The hospital Improvements will
cot approximately t?5000. The well
re being drilled at a cost of (10000
Including the pumping station. The
psrade ground will bo extended to the
One of the new wells has been com-
pleted and the second will be soon.
The addition tn the hospital will add
new wards snd s basement It will
be Isrge enough to accommodstn
thirty or forty more patients than
can be cared for at the present time.
The following marriage license
were Issued yesterday by the county
8tlnon and Dorothy Woodlde.
Ratllff and Adeline F. Carrara.
erra and Alts Oracle Bione.
NIORA-TAYLOR Domlnlck Nigra
and 8uale Taylor.
Escandon snd Ana O. Hernandez.
The following birth were recorded
yeeterday at the city health depart-
ment office:
GARCIA To Mr. snd Mr. Ramon
Garcia 708 Kansas street Augus. 4 s
8CHULI-ER To Mr. snd Mrs. 'Fred
Hchuller. 1004 Missouri August 12 a
OAHAY To Mr. and Mr. Robl-
seno Qarsy (06 St. VrsJn August 7 s
LAEl'Z To Mr. snd Mrs. Antonio
Laeus (14 South Florence August 5 a
The following burial permlta have
been laaued by the city health de-
partment: GUTIERREZ Santo Outierre.
son of Pedro Gutlerreg 1(01 Fifth
street 1 year 11 month August 14.
CASTILLOg Jesus CsstllloS (S
Eighth 2 years August 14. Inter-
ment in County Concordls.
MOPE8TO Tell Modssto Ninth
street six months August 14. Inter-
ment County Concordls.
Yesterdays Realty Transfer.
Anna L Nagle and C. T Nagle to
If. B Ha veils part of lota 20. tl and
22 of block 221 Pranklln Heights ad-
dition; (2100.
Mrs. Nettle M. Van Bppa and
Thomas C. Van Upps to T. H. Rogers
lots 1 2. and 2. block 47 Highland
Park addition. (TtO.
Richard H Thorne manager of the
Evergreen Cemetery company to B.
P Tinr. plot seven feet sis lnchee
by flReen feet of west portion of lot
2I(: $120
Crecenclo Rnlvsl to Csslmlro Psr-
sds. tract if land In town of San 11-
isrlo; (10.
Wslter 8. Hunger snd Mrs. A. M.
Rodger to A. M. Cslnan. lots 11 snd
12 In block 2T of Magoffin' addition;
D. S. "In. v to M. P. Pamaworth
lot I and 10 fractional block 7 Aleg-
ander'i addition; (10.000
Charlee Oraehner and Iola Bme-
llen Graebner to First National bank
parcel of land beginning southeast
corner bt 114 block 14. Anaon
Mill to if (K.OO0
The following pet mils were Issued
yestsrday by ths city building Inspec-
tor TBNBMENT To William Rhela-
helmer. 41( South Campbell tens-
men! hou: ii .ic
El Paao Bldg. Co. block 10. Basset t a
addition to build a brick office;
uows An-haeovragy as Well a.
Kail i nl TTefftr-.elUna
Aasoag the prominent arrival in
the city yesterday wss W. B Barnes
of Tuceoa. Aria traveling freight sad
l.aeeeager agent of the Southern Pa-
cific lines Mr Barnes Is here Is the
interest of lag e(urstPS (feat the S
Schlitz in Brown Bottles
does not have that
disagreeable taste
so often found in beer in light bottles.
We reprint below an extract from an
y opinion rendered by another famous
mmWW BW ..aasssj bbhsw- ssssr
That Made Milwaukee Famous
P. will run to California points start-
ing August 22. The fare for those ex-
cursions will be as low approximately
as tha one-wsy rate. In other words
It will be nearly a (0 per cent reduc-
tion on the regular round-trip fare to
the coast
Mr. Rarnes Is s forrr)er El Pasoan
and haa many friends In the city. He
haa co-operated with the bualneas lrv-
terests of the city for yesr In obtain-
ing reasonable freight and passenger
rates out of the Psss City. .
He Is at present engaged in a plan
to eatabliah a school of archaeology at
the University of Arlsona at Tucson.
It 1 the Idea of those back of the
movement to conduct a complete ex-
ploration of the prehistoric remains
of South Alisons. The plsn is being
sanctioned by A. N. Wilde president
of the University of Arlsona: Senators
Smith and Aahurst and Congressman
Carl Hayden They are co-operating
to secure an appropriation from the
government for this work. Mr. Rarnes
la an authority on ancient history of
this country.
(iniM hmi by rOLlii.
Tea Hos.ee Vleld Bates l rl.rr.
Heterei ripe. He. Kit...
Balds on two alleged opium Joists wer.
msale by the police yesterdsy Pour nes
sod three women all colored were sr-
rested sod serersl pipe sad other para
They srs Romberg's famous La InternactonaL too That means yon get the best
smoke possible With each cash want ad amounting to Mc or mors received at ths
office of the TIMBS or Branch Office Ro. 1 (lobby Hotel McCoy you get three La
lnlai naclonal 10c cigar free.
Times "west ads' gat results they are buslnens pullers Use the TIMES want"
column If you have somsthlsg for sals. If you have a nouns to rwnt or U you want to
buy property el any kind and goa t forgot to ask fur ths free cigars
"Bottles of strong glass should be
selected. They should never be of
colorless glass inasmuch as through
the influence of light the beer will not
only take on a disagreeable odor and
taste but will also become turbid."
Estracl from Dit Malt mnd Burktrtitmng. Published by E.
Leyacr Director of the Brewing Academy in Augsburs.
Tenth Edition Stuttgart. 1900 sage 680.
This is one of the authorities quoted by Dr.
Robert Wahl President of meWahl-Henius
Institute of Fermentofogy to corroborate
his own opinion.
Schlitz is made pure and the Brown Bottle
keeps it pure from the brewery to your glass.
lie Beer
ph. rn. !1. of the opium smoker were
The first rsld wss msde hy Policemsa
t lurk. Simpson Smith and Mebus on a
house in sn alley running off Second
street between Tsys snd Psrk street.
Msxlne Wilson Helen Burton Fred Camp-
bell snd Usr Let sll colored were
found la the piece snd pureed under st
rest on a vagrancy charge. Later In the
corporation court. Judge Coldwell fined
the first three (200 esrb snd Dare Lee (.VI.
The other raid was made by Sergesut
Fletrber sod Policemen Hlmp.on sud
Henderson In a rooming bouse st Third
snd Oregon streets where Tom Evsns
Aaaa Evsns snd John Lines sll colored
were found with opium asd s smoking
Brans wss recognised ss s negro wsoted
In San Antonio for the. aliased hold-up
of s street car conductor. Lsst December
It la ssld be Jumped kls hall. He wss
thought to be Is Rouglss. He and his
wife Anns srs belug held for the Sea
Antoalo aatkoiitlea. Lines was flaed (100
by Judge Coldwell.
.MIsh Jiwophlno Marks Writes In s
strain of OMC I'm !
In her letter todsy Iron San Diego.
Miss Josephine Madelln Mark who
winner of the beauty contest among
the working girls of the city. Is spend-
ing two week In California ss ths
gueet of the Tlmee. write In s vein
Times "Want
Telephones "
" 1 Auto taw
Bert Ramsay & Co.
8oo So. Oregon St
El Paso
beauties snd the richness of Califor-
nia without stint but to her loyal
eyes they serve to recall ths manifold
advantages JS1 Paso and the Rio
Grande valley also enjoy.
After touching on the charm of San
Diego and Coronado and the prosper-
ity thst Irrigation hss brought to the
former she deals at length with the
prosperity that la to follow the com-
pletion of the big dam st Elephant
Butte. She end her letter with these
word :
"The El Paso valley land Is as rich
as any land In California"
Arthur Johnson at BIJou Today.
The above popular Lubln player win
be seen at the BUou In a drama pro-
duced by hlmaelf. "Hla Niece Prom
Ireland." He has excellent support In
this picture ss ususl which mskes
this offering a particular treat
Important to Dyspeptics.
Rear In mind that Chamberlain's
Tableta Improve the appetite
strengthen the digestion snd regulste
the liver and bowels- Just what you
need. Por sale by sll druggleta. Ad-

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El Paso Morning Times (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 33RD YEAR, Ed. 1, Friday, August 15, 1913, newspaper, August 15, 1913; El Paso, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth196544/m1/10/ocr/: accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting University of Texas at El Paso.

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