Proceedings of the Senate and Documents Relative to Texas, from which the Injunction of Secrecy Has Been Removed Page: 85 of 119

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of Texas shall sen-d commissioners to thiscapital of the Republic, who.
nake: to its Supreme Government the propositions which they may
prqper,-n the b:asis of the propssitipns brought by the lawyer RoI ac
n'I ,whtich are to serve as subjects for discussion.
3. T'he armistice shall last all'the time necessary for that object; b.t at
reag.nabl:e period shall be allowed for [before] the renewal of hostilies:'
if it should be determinied by either of the parties interested to do so, givig,
previous notice, as is customary in similar cases.
4. The commissioners shall enjoy the same securities granted to thoia
sent by. the department of Yucatan ; and, while coming, staying, and g oi',.
,they shall be protected by the laws and authorities of 'Mexico.
-is eXcellency the Provisional President is well satisfied of the crel
spection which you will display in the use of the powers now confide t-,
yol, w.hich are merited by the general who has led the arms of the s
puit.ic to gather new glories on the fields of Texas.
assure: your ex,cellency of my mqost aiffectionate consideration arnda
"' - . . , TORNELt.
Mr. Thompson to Ir. pshur.-[EXTRACT.]
Mexico, Februar.y 2, $I44.
ja ^. ' s t " ^ - ' ' '- ' ' * '
' e * * *0 - S e
I am informed that the negotiation with Texas for peace is not :oni
b~roken off, but that the armistice has also been suspended. You will.remnember
that, from the beginning of this matter, I expressed the opinioa
fhaat nothing would come of it. It was only:a device on the part of S,aiSt
Anna to relieve him from the difficulty in which he had involved himsnI
bhy his threats and promises of reconquering Texas, which he knows perfectly
well is impossible. There may be other marauding forays, like that
of General Woll, retreating more rapidly than they advanced. But as S
any reghlar and reasonably sufficient force invading the country, the, thing
.is impossible, and will 'not be attempted. They cannot r aise monery t
support such an army two months. My
opinion;is, notwithstanding all their vaporing and gasconade, hat
the most agreeable thing to Santa Anna would be an authoritative interposition
of our Government to put an end to the war, as he would then say
-that we were too strong for theni to contend writh.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Mr. Calhoun to Messrs. Van Zandt and Henderson.
Washington, May 15, 184;.'
: The undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, will thanSt.
Mr. Van Zandt and General Henderson to firnish himi with any infor"mation
that may he in their power in reference to any armistice, or proposed.

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United States. Congress. Senate. Proceedings of the Senate and Documents Relative to Texas, from which the Injunction of Secrecy Has Been Removed, book, 1844; [Washington]. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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