The War in Texas; A Review of Facts and Circumstances, showing that this contest is a Crusade Against Mexico, set on foot by Slaveholders, Land Speculators, &c. In Order to Re-Establish, Extend, and Perpetuate the System of Slavery and the Slave Trade. Page: 34 of 64

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avaricious adventure, and unlimited, enduring Liberty and fertilized by the blood of her
oppression. The alarming fact is also clearly numerous martyrs?-Will you permit the
and filly substantiated, that the influence of authors of this gigantic project of national
the SLAVEHOLDING PARTY in the United aggression, interminable slavery, and HeavenStates
is now so completely in the ascendant, daring injustice, to perfect their diabo:ical
and so thoroughly sways the deliberations and schemes throulgh your supineness, or with the
proceedings of our Federal Government, that sanction of your acquiescence ? If they sucit
makes it the passive, if not the active, in- ceed in the accomplishment of their object,
strniment, in extending and permanently where will be your gularantee for the liberty
establishing that horrible system of oppression, w,.ich you, yourselves, e,njoy ? When the
even in regions where it had been destroyed advocates of slt;very sh1ll obtain the balance
by the power of moral virtue and republican of power in this confederation ; when they
principle. shall have corrupted a few more of the aspil'he
period has indeed arrived-THE rants to office among you, and opened an
CRISIS IS AT HAND-when the wise, the illimitable field for the operations of your
vittuous, the patriotic, the philanthropic of heartless land-jobbers and slAve-merchants, (to
this nation, must examine, and reflect, and secure their influence in effecting the unholy
deeply ptmder the momentous subject tiunder purposes of their ambition,) how long will
consideration. Already we see the newspaper you be able t,, resist the encroachments of iheir
press in some of the firee Stales openly a(lvo- tyrannical influence, or prevent them from
cating the system of slavery, with all its outrages usurping and exercising authority over you ?
and abominations.* Individuals occupying in- ARISE IN THE MAJES IY OF MORAL
floential stations in the co,nmunity at large, POWER, and place the seal of condemnation
also countenance and encourage it, and even upon this flagrant violation of national laws,
instigate the vile rabble to oppose, mal-treat, of human rights, and the eternal, immutable
and trample on the necks of those who dare to principles of Justice.
pleadthecause oftheoppressed. At the ensu- I will now present the reader with an extract
ing session of oir national Congress, the great I wfi now presentom the celebrated speecr with of Jan eQitract
battle will probably be fought, that must de- from he celebrated speech of J epr Qixe-T
cide thequestion nowati sue, and perhaps even Ut S M
olhe Senators snetatives of the United States, May 25th,
seal the fate of this Republic. 1he Senators 1835. He takes some very important views of
and Representatives of the people will then be the subject before us, coinciding with, and
called on to sanction the "independence of althe su cort oborating, much of whatis here ad.
Texas," and also to provide for its admission, aIso corroborating, much of what is here ad.
Texas," and aloo provide foits admission, vanced. - Speaking of the constitutional
as a SLAVEHOLDING STATE, into this powers of Congress, relative to the subject of
Union. These measures will positively be slave emancipation, and supposing several
proposed, in case the Mexican Government cases that may be likely to occur, he proceeds
fails to' suppress the insurrection very soon, as follows:and
to recover the actual possession of the as
territory. A few of our most eminent statesmen "I suppose a more portentous case, certainly with.
will resist the proposition with energy and in the bounds of possibility-I would to God I could
zeal; but unless the PUBLIC VOICE be say not within the bounds of probability. You have
raised against the unhallowed proceeding, been, if you are not now, at the very point of a war
rased again t th e unhallow ed proceding. with Mexico-a war, I am sorry to say, so far as
and the sentiments of the people be most un- public rumor is credited, stimulated by provocations
equivocally expressed in the loudest tones of on our part from the very comtmencement of this
disapprobation, they will be unable to with- Administration down to the recent authority given to
stand the influence and power of their General Gaines to invade the Mexican territory. It
antagonists. Arotse then ! and let your voice i8 said that one of the earliest acts of this Adminir.
be hear through our primary bi tration was a proposal made at a time when there
be .eadhroghvo yassembies, ' was already much ill-humour in Mexie o against the
yotur legislative halls, and the columns of United States, that she should cede to the U. States
the periodical press, in every section of your a very large portion of her territory-large enough
country. to constitute nine States equal in extent to Kentucky.
Citizens of the United States !-Sons of the It must be confessed that a device better calculated
Pilgrims, and disciples of Wesley and Penn!- to produce jealousy, suspicion, ill-will, and hatred,
Coadjutors and pupils of Washington, Jeffer- could not have,been contrived. It is further affirmed
Coad..ittors ,, , that this overture, offensive in itself, was made pre.
son, and Franklin !-Advocates of Freedom, cisely at the time when a swarm of colonists from
and the sacred " Rights of Man !"-Will you these United States were covering the Mexican borlonger
shut your eyes, and slumber in apathy, der with land jobbing, and with slaves, introduced in
while the demon of oppression is thus stalking defiance of the Mexican laws, by which slavery had
over the plaiins consecrated to the Genius of been abolished throughout that Republic. The war
,______ ________*______________ now raging in Texas is a Mexican civil war, and a
See two of the isnfluential daily papers in New York war for the re-establishment of slavery where it was
-the Evening Star, and the Courier of slavery
and as a matter of course, they stand forth among the
boldest champions, in advocating and encouraging the It is, indeed, a circumstance eminently fortunate
marauding crusade against Mexico. for us that this monster, Santa. Anna, has been de

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The War in Texas; A Review of Facts and Circumstances, showing that this contest is a Crusade Against Mexico, set on foot by Slaveholders, Land Speculators, &c. In Order to Re-Establish, Extend, and Perpetuate the System of Slavery and the Slave Trade. (Book)

The War in Texas; A Review of Facts and Circumstances, showing that this contest is a Crusade Against Mexico, set on foot by Slaveholders, Land Speculators, &c. In Order to Re-Establish, Extend, and Perpetuate the System of Slavery and the Slave Trade.

Opinion piece describing the history and reasons for the Texas Revolution, including the position that it was intended to support slavery in Texas.

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Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1839. The War in Texas; A Review of Facts and Circumstances, showing that this contest is a Crusade Against Mexico, set on foot by Slaveholders, Land Speculators, &c. In Order to Re-Establish, Extend, and Perpetuate the System of Slavery and the Slave Trade., book, 1837; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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