The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 14, 1909 Page: 1 of 8

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A Newspapei:J# Tfti Whole PtoRje OfOlW
■ ■ ""W. ■ gff g " ■.. -.'■ J 1 1 tspfeaes
Plains Of Texas.
■ 7
f JANUARY 14,1909.
•v y'.-Y:^'
' * '
■"1' hwi
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will... have
r ana ipving disposition
has made for her a friend of all
of the hour, other s
•:♦' -
"TfewW*" " r~nT;-
Head Agriculturist and Hortkwl. ^'*^* .
turtstWereln Attendance- were preMnt
-. Much Enthusiasm
Tuesday, of last week by chance
? news reached Crosby ton that a
railroad meeting wouSd be
r ' at' Dickens that evening
companied by Mr. W. D; Petzel
_ to attend, leav-
ing Crosbyton ~aT~afcout IftF
:*Ax~n\r and.arriving at Dickens
We leartied %on our arrival that
It wan it fhrmrrn' meeting and
that the head men of the/various
branches of Agriculture and hor-
ticulture were-to be- thereL They
/were doe *t ®t-£: o'clock nut an
accident with an automobile de-8
about 2: o'clock.
gained much
Information; /
In our rounds about Dickens
City we find a fine people, broad
and progres^ive-~they are great-
ly rejoicing^ at th&r prospects
for the Stamford |.and North-
western, and we hojpe they may
be successful:
ickens wijl
if they can secure a
road—it has the ' territory and
the wom with W iftake
it hum.
We called at the Item office
and find Editor Cobb aj hustler,
he has a nice plant and is doing
bis parti and tften some, to de-
velope Dickens/
hen the party arrived we
ind ftpT«er4). Wadc, 3Ccrctary
ef theCStainford Commercial
Club, with them, and- with his
pushing way of doing things
Mr. Wade had the speakers
strung out in just 8 minutes after
arrival. \
Judge Ferguston delivered the
welcome address and made all
present feel at home, he refered
to this section of the country as
the beston earth, and one though
sparcely settled, cpuld boast of
the: grandest
,fieaven~ Mr. Wade then .jnade
-«^few remarks aftd litated that
therf., were IS people in this
. "nflytv
Jywl'* Vj
Hot-air Merchants and p:
men who had made su
.> After a few of his entertaining)
remarks he - then \intJoduced
Judge ,Ed R. Cone, who '4 head
of the agricultural department of
- Texas. Mr. Cone ijaade i force
ftiF speech onfhe vartoctB branch
es of-agriculture, anplj among
other^things he said: ^
''Tefas has long neglected the
\farmers and stock raisers, bul
now as I ^m at the head of Xg-
^ . riculture L shall see that she gets
■ her fltwn." ^
In speaking of the farmers he
gold* " "
'•fJUA lanftkAn vMiiflf in
must, in order to
Ihlng his I&nd and Jclimate will
produce, and when he does this
he Will ^et his oWn and be his
own. Cotton is sure to miake a
slave of a strictly cotton farmer,
therefore plant everything; Show
crops andTH show you a farmer
-" ■- who is out of deb(TM '
He then recommended the or*
| ^ianization of a Farmer^ Jnsti-
•;*M;<The' Institute was/I
and elected for ife presidehtl.
. G* Crabtree, and R. S. Hollman,
- Secretary.
R. L. Bennett, of A. ^ M.
Uv " VPi'.t'i'Vv -'if
• ■ •',*£, 'f*-* .• ^'* Viffi
>ert oii cotton'in the
Fnited States. £ur. Bennett ,11. .... 1^
V«af int—etlnr ■ well «"Wt UullUliiK m
as jprjsctical talk on cotton.
-Qt, Harftngton,
h Jlanager,', was
IMiiiM I
given a
- chance and made ^ie most in*
i■ ' teresting and iWustrated talk of
{}:£'■ $ the evening, speaking along
: general Klines and, stating that
-i^is part of Texas, must and
In One Day
From Speedv
Come to/ The Prosperous
On the 2njd day of the present
mon^Crosjiiyton received an tn-
crease in her popujation of thirty^
nine peop
are the families:
Mr. F. M. Edwards am
six childreh; Jefferson Edwards
ind family, (teh children; Berry
Ellison and family, "five Children;
Il4r. Cupps and fanlil
These people have all recently
made land purchases here and
are to settle in or near Crosby ton.
"Mr. John Baldwin of Wells
prings, Tenhessee. arrived the
th and also Mr. George Morri-
Stx houses here and will
ithr us until spring if notj
permanent. J
All the new comers took sup-j
per the night of the 2nd Wi
Mr. Samspn (Grandpa) Edward®
j friends and relatives of the ne
comers joined them in thesup'
be expected. Theioui iation has
been put in and alt the qiiaryh
and laborers obtainable are x at
work getting out sfone for the
walls. This will no 4oubt be the
when completed, «
be' a drawing
card for -Crosby county and' as
the most pi the stocky is held, or
will be held by lpeal people i|
will undoubtedly Injoy a liberal
patronage arid prove a blessing
in time of ne6d, " ; /
AThrhrtng UttW Clty Jof Which
We Are All Proud-Prosperity
On W( SldM ^
Monday of iast week ye editor
in company with Mr. Julian
Bassett, made a business trip to
Emma iHir beautiful county seat.
> We arrived iri Emma just in
time for dinner and after a good
meal at the Hoteh We proceeded
'around town*. We meCmost trf
the business men and are pleased
to 8ay they are a fine tot of ener*
getic fellows^ and each of them
informed us that thejf are doing
a good bualnetia. We also hat!
the pleasure to meet most of the
county officials and find then* of
the true |West Texas, tyjpe, ever
glad to i^ieet a stranger and ex-
tend hjm a hearty welcome.
5mma is a beautifully^ ^
n, nn a nte* ivtllin^'" p1winft
Mr. Wicks can. well congratu-
late himself upon having secured
the heart and hand of so noble
and charming a lady. Jpr- a , life
-The groom is a young man of
en<^y. integrity aiid character,
deserving of the -helpmeet his
wooing has wonl He is'1ftov<r
With the C B Uve Stock Co., o
Crosbyton, and is recognized as
a business man with a future.
He is a prominent youngv lawyer
and a gentleman of which any
community might feel proud, f
The Review joins their m*J?y
friends -in congratulations .and
our wish is* a long, happy and
proBporoua—journey down . the
iiri^, with an abundance: of
ater andman^. mag-
it homes go to majke her a
vejfy attractive town.
Wr roiinds' wet (had the
ice and'meet Mr. and Mrs. Loy
D Ii|tti«nore,\ the
E< litr^sa, and find them busy and
like moatjothei • newspaper folks
with]the latch-string^ Ranging
" . Mr.-Eittimore is giv-
ing'Emma a good paper-^as good
asthe patronage will justify'and
children; JameS . Ausmus and *nPex to.
pie of Emma, it is a clean, well
printed aiiid ""Well ^edited' news-
paper and We hope for its editor
;-• • — -c ■■ ■:
a great success.
Emma and Crosbyton are twe
of the best towns in this section,
M, 0-f ^ f.'^ to|aud the beople of CiVjttbyt^ tfe
the contract to build some five ' . - „ " ; -- A
proud of Emma, our county seat,
and shall do air we cap to de-
velope her.
'' m, —i —
T "K. J. Matthews, of Mt. Blanco,
was a caller at the Review office
this week and informs us that he
will ship a car of hogs to eastern
to thet-nufnber of thirty-fou*r|marke*8 next week. This soundl
making tbe whole number pres
en# seventy^three. Th^y were
well entertained and a happier
bunch of kinsmen never met.
Grandpa Edwards is one of
Crofebyton'8 first settlers and i hie
says the half has nevef yet- been
told of Crosbyton and Crosby
good, to know the plains country
is taking a hand in 'the ; hog in
•> . . , ■ i um i
F. M. Price, of Floyd COiMJ|I
ship a car of hogs from rlain
view in a few^days. i . t &
An'n.frii ~r„iip.. .,,J
the new comers and wish^f for i-
them all health and fcrosperit*. Hon. UM A. Wicks and Miss
; , ;; ^ : ■ Katherene H. Gunn were united
j j; l l: . in-the holy bonds of wed-lock
Jan. 1st at 8:30 p. m. at the home
The work on the banjk building 0f Mr. andMrs.J. D. Cureathers,
aFfasi as could Man^TTOa,, ReV. WTy of
that city officiating.- The wed-
ding was a quiet one, only a few
of the bride's fiends being
Tnunediately thewedding 'or ">e Mercantile establishment
Mr. and M?t Wteka left for of W. B. Ellison yesterday. \
path of life*
Commercial Or^ani-
zation for Crosby ton
Every Citizen Of jtiusby Coiyty
Urged to Become a Member ^
Of The Organization
latest reportaitis said that more
wo hundred thousand* peo- {
^[Tile J^ave perished in t^ ' - ^
t earthquake since - the- 1
one ih Japan in 170S inr whicfiT,"N^ - {
200,cf00 people lost their liv«^'
three provinces of Cosenza -
'* After interviewing the various ...
business men and residents of [T"e town Messina, in. Sicily,
Was -paraalty. aestroyed^ahd^,
Catania was Inundated. InlTes-"
Crosby ton and-the surrounding
, it Appears desirable
to; form a club for the--develop-
ment of this county and Crosby-
ton. It has therefore been de-
cided to call a meeting for the
organization of a citizens club oh
Tuesday jnight. Januaryv 19th
•n maw jasea better.
every man in Crosby county,
, stock manr farmer,
merchant and professional are
invited. :
This means you!
, : Building S©me^ -
Our fellow townsman, Mr. B.
W- Ellison, was a caller at our
office this evening and stated
at the erection' of three mice
idences had been begun in
byton today?
We have been So busy that we
had not discovered this, but it
goes with saying let ,the good
•work "go on. 4V^e understand
that our lumber yard has sold
'fevffli house paterns since last
Saturdi^r..... \;
Aft wie need is more people to
help do the work and we wilLget
them. - '
! If
dement Block ,Works
\The Cement Block works will
or t|j^r huilding to-
morrow. The manufacture of
various kinds of cement blocks
Will be done here and it is hoped
that in a shprt time fliat there
• v.. : . '': .. L ; ... •... . /, rf. -;:-J v
will be many co^taete buildings
in Crosbyton. "Something new
for Crosbyton each week. " ^
1 j, *> ■ * • . V
Charley Taylor traded his place
Cltyr where they visitl*^
. Dawson, who is a
to. Mrs. Wicks. They are
now at home in Crosbyton.
The bride is the beautiful and
accompli^ed daughter of Mr.
Mrs. S. H. Giinn, of Dickens
U Mrs. S. W. f unchard and Mrs.
Ben White-well honored guests
at the Review office this
t that we
a eommei
She is welt known lanization next Tuesday.
|* -M'"yujjEMBBp'*'911'-1 •'>.vTTFT:
' • '^1
Southern Italy and Sicily Practi-
cally Depopulated by^
A catastrophe which exceeds
" ' J in recent years, for
^rroraiid loss of life and prop-
y took place la ^thern Italy
Sicily Monday. The im-
jit/ >f tiie^ havoc wrougKt,
aw^ilnes&v of the scenes
is iMyo^di humaiS "deacriptjon,
The Italian people are paralyze^
wjtK*. tihe fearfulnese ^ ^f the
dimagtfndone to their already
stricken country and the whole
world is., sflpallpd, From the
i i
and Reggio Di Calabria, compris-
ing jhe department of Calabria,
which forms ^he southwestern
extremity of , toe
<if the bootT" were devested.
sina. hundreds of houses ^have..
fallen and many; persons have -
been killed. However, owing to
the fact that the telegraphic and
-telephonic communications were
almost completely destroyed, it
is impoTsible to-estimate even an
idea of the vast damage done. '1
The fate of entire regioiw with-
in the zone of the earthquake is
unknown, but reports received
indicate that the havoc has been
great and the destruction to life more terrible than
Italy has experienced in many t
years. The uncertainty of the
situatiori for many thousands has
( \
' '[
■ i
sd all Italians with the deep-
est distress,1 for they still have
that fear that the day may come
when that part of the country,
which seems to have been most
blessed by nature will be de-
stroyed: by the blind forces of
that same nature which nearly
nineteen centuries ago over-
whelmed Pompeii and " Hercul-
aneum, 77""
The results show that pie pres-
ent catastrophe embraces a larg-
er erea than tKe earthquake in-
1905. The tidal wave Which fol-
lowed the earthquake shocks on
the eastern coast of Sicily , supk
part of Catania. "It is known
that a numbef of people w^re \ '
killed at that place, but the—L
ing Voters carded everytil,^ % v.AVr_
|ure them and eftused such an\
to Bstima
y hornowing stories of the [f
great holoeaust harve teeen*~toi4
ion that.-it /'y;" "l[
le"^F sdmettrhe - s J
damage and the
by survivors, but most pl them
are too stupified by what they
, ^ '* • ;v
have gone through to tell a con- -
Th^ people seem utterly dazed 4
and panic stricken and in many
gafles Ttis h&rdto do anything for ; J
- ''ffsnerw" -IMIOT «rar . pi; — r.. 1T ■ t "... \ • •• . . w 1' .% ■ ;• , '• i ' : T«. ."v.,.,
this- nart of "jaJMsmust and I in time of neft.1, ' ooot^ty *na«W: bigh out an^belp-y^re .nytteii. •
^ ; '1"'.¥i' ^■'v ':v""• r"^""rTr"STp
F J v - J ' - - " ■'^'A g .r - ' - ^

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White, F. E. The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 14, 1909, newspaper, January 14, 1909; Crosbyton, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Crosby County Public Library.

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