The Hutchinson County Herald (Stinnett, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 27, Ed. 1 Friday, June 14, 1935 Page: 1 of 12

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We Get Results!
Official Newspaper Of Hutchinson County
VOL. 8—NO. 27
That much interest 1h being
taken in club work was shown at
the meeting of the County Coun-
cil of home demonstration dubs
held June 10 at Stinnett. Each
club gave an excellent report of
work done during May.
Miss Ruby Adams, Gray county
home demonstration agent, and
JPj Miss Dalton Burleson, Carson
county agent, will Judge the cloth-
ing contests to be held at the
curt house at Stinnett June 29.
according to plans made by the
council. All demonstrators and co-
operators must have record, inven-
tory, stories and foundation pal-
terns in Miss Lticlle Chance's of-
fice by neon, June 28.
Mrs. Dan Cambern, Mrs. Major
Lackey and Mrs. L. O. Robinson
were appointed to arrange the
room for the clothing contests.
Miss Iris Li'eb was chosen recre-
ational chairman for the county
council. Mrs. M. S. Dardin was ap-
pointed council pianist.
Float Is Planned
Plans were made to have a
float in the parade at Borger on
July 4, Mrs. Paul A. Bunch, Mrs.
W. M. Bradford and Mrs. Roy
f'.ames were appointed to arrange
the float.
Mrs. Addison, bedroom judge,
will be asked to Judge bedrooms
in Hutchinson county on July 15
if at all possible.
All panltry demonstrators I or
last year and the present will
meet with Mrs. CharleB Crutch-
field on June 20 to hear Grace I
Neely give a talk.
The following program was ar-
W. ranged by the Spring Creek club:
- "Beautiful Texas," sung by the
audience; "O, Texas." a readlnc.
Cleo Jones; "The Three Little
Kittens," quartet, Ernestine Jon-
es, Dorothy, Mary and Loretta
Hardin, accompanied bv Mrs. Har-
din; "Winkie," reading by Edith
White; violin solo. Ruby Brown
accompanied by Mrs. Hardin;
piano solo, Dorothy C.illman;
"Texas. Our Texas." quartet, Mrs.
E. B. Jones, Mrs. W. W. Jones.
Mrs. nob Harlan and Mrs. M. B.
Brown, accompanied by Mrs. liar-
Program Slated
The Carbon Camp and White
Deer clubs will present a program
during July.
The following visitors and
members attended the council
meeting: Mrs. Charles Moore.
Mrs. Jack Warren, and Mrs. L. O.
Robinson, all of Carbon Camp;
Mrs. Raymond Jarvls and Miss
Iris Lieb. Pringle; Mrs. Major
Lackey. Mrs. Opal Jones and Mrs.
P. H. Jameson, Holt; Mrs. A. B.
Miller, Mrs. Dan Cambern and
Mrs. Roy Games, all of Stinnett:
Mrs. Jack Haught, Mrs. Charles
Crutchfiold and Mrs. Tom Inglish.
all of Gulf-Gewhitt; Mrs. Jack R.
Miller, Mrs. Paul A. Bunch, San-
ford; Mrs. W. M. Bradford. Elec-
tric City; Mrs. E. B. Jones. Miss
-Cleo Jones. Miss Ernestine Jones,
^|''Sllss Dorothy Hardin, Mrs. J. L.
(Illlman, Miss Dorothy Gillman.
Mrs. M. B. Growne, Ruby Jewel
Brown, Mrs. C. Wi Kelley, Mrs.
Deo Ferguson, Mrs. W. W. Jones.
Mrs. M. S. Hardin, Mrs. R. L.
Harlan, Betty Ruth White and
Mrs. Joe Bruton, all of Spring
136 Dor Licenses
Issued In Borger
Since January 1
One hundred and thirty-six dog
licenses have been issued at the
city hall since the first of the
year, according to C. Alexander,
city clerk.
A number of dogs without lags
have been taken to the city
The majority of the dogs regis-
tered at the city hall are males.
Among those for which licenses
were bought recently are: Laddie.
Brownie. Rowdy, Pennv. Queen
Brown. Pedro, Buck. Spike, Lula.
Don Bonnie. FIdo, Pooch, Jlm-
inle. Spot, Pat and Got fey.
. 'l V.ivi ,
^Uiujaiiko uivtuKi riwt'M
Pumphrey Receives
VVesl Foinl Offer
A. T. Pumphrey, Jr., son of A.
T. Pumphrey, Sr., of Leedy, Okla.,
and brother of O. R. Pumphrey,
manager of Harris' Food Store,
lias received an appointment to
West Point, according to informa-
tion released by U. S. Representa-
tive Sam Massingale of Cordell.
Young Pumphrey left Tuesday
to take examinations at Fort Sill,
Okla. Tests will last thru Satur-
day. If he passes the examinations
satisfactorily, Pumphrey will
leave for West Point about July
Pumphrey attended high school
at Leedy, Okla., where he main-
tained a straight "A" record thru
four years of work. He was vale-
dictorian of the 1934 graduating
He came to Borger in August
last year to take charge of the
Stansbury Obtains
Judgment Of $500
A judgment has recently been
entered in the district clerk's of-
fico at Stinnett whereby A. E.
IStansbury is to recover $500 from
Traders and General Insurance
company according to a decision
from Judge E. J. Pickens dated
May 27, 1935.
The judgment ordered that a
STARTED final ruling of the Industrial
| Board made Feb. 27, 1935, in the
matter of A. E. Stansbury, em-
ployee, against Drilling and Ex-
ploration company, Inc., employ-
er, and Traders General Insur-
ance company, insurer, be set
Stansbury had claimed he sus-
tained an injury while employed
Explorer To Picture
Exciting Adventures
Of Byrd Expedition
Interest is growing daily in the lecture to be given
by Joe b'oy Hill, voungest member of the Byrd Expedi-
tion II to "Little America" at the South Pol , at 8:15 "nd ^lnk/ "' < 1;lnfls "Mi
Monday night at the Borger high school auditorium. at'^ghr^nirrv^^lKJon
Weird and excitirig details of the adventures of the has ,)ften piannw;
ice party experienced on its expedition to the "bottom of The picnic wi:i be held on the
the world" will be told first-hand by Young Hill who is grounds mar the Holiness church.
Emancipation Day
Burger's colored population is
planning a huge celebration <n
"Emancipation Day," June 19,
under the direction of the colored
A big picnic with barbecued
chicken, beef, home-made pies
H. E. Hoover, of Canadian, was
selected by a group of attorneys Stansbury had claimed he sus- sented thru stories and by the use
to preside when the June term of gained an injury while employed of lantern slides.
the 84th Judicial District Court j|,y (]10 Drilling and Exploration! "Neeka," an Eskimo husky dog
began a live weeks session at company In Gray county Nov. IV, (that went east with the party
Stinnett Monday. '.1934. j which penetrated Marie Bvrd land
At a motion from Walter Da- The case which was first start- will be brought to Borger to ap-
vid, Borger, seconded by W. L. ]e(] jn ;jist court in that county pear on the platform with young
vegetable department of the Har- McConnell, district attorney from had been transferred to Hutchin-1 Hill.
ris Fcod Store. | Panhandle, the body selected H.json county and filed in the 84th | The youthful explorer was the
O. It. Pumphery will go to Fort ^M. Hood as temporary chairman, 'district c urt. j voungest member of the Byrd ex-
Secret ballots were cast, and | Bnnls C. Favor represented the jpedltlon and passed liis 21st birth-
jwith Henry Meyers and Ncrman : plaintiff in the case, and Will It. day at the South Pole. On the trip
I Col fee as tellers the voting was I Saunders was the defendant's at- down, lie wa Admiral Byrd's or-
the son of President and Mrs. J. A. Hill of W. T. S. T. C.
at Canyon.
Experiences in the frozen Ant-p-
arctic country will be vividly pre-
Sill to bring his brother back to I
Borger Monday or Tuesday.
Special Election
Covers Matters
Of Value To City
soon over and the Canadian at-, torney.
torney was chosen to take the !
bench in the absence of Judge E.
IJ. Pickens. Pickens was unavoid-!
ably detained on acccunt off ill-
ness. Ho expects to be on tre
bench again within a few days.
On being questioned as to why
Importance of the measures on j J,ldKe Pi«*ens could not be on
which citizens of Borger will be I hand. Judge Hoover in his humor-1
called np' n to vote at the special | ous wa-v' that Pickens had
election on July 1 has been point-
ed out by city officials.
The election has been called for
the purpose of submitting an am-
endment creating a Municipal
Utility Board and the repeal of
Section 121 of the city charter
which created a Board of City De-
velopment, according to Lloyd S. j
McCann, city manager.
"It's very important that the
amendment creating the utility
board passes," the city manager
stated. "Every progressive and up
to-date city should own and con-
trcl its own utility plant. This
proposed amendment will make it
possible for the business men of
the city to regulate the function-
ing of the power plant. Thru a
Municipal Utility Board, it will be
possible to place control of utili-
not been quite well for sever
al !
Many Matters
Are Considered
Bv Commission
.1. It. Walker, Borger
derly. In "Little America." he was
with the tractor division of the ice
Joe Boy Hill has lectured at
Canyon, Amarillo, Pampa. Frion'i.
Groom, Memphis and Hereford.
He has engagements at several
teachers' colleges and at many
towns throughout the state,
j Free tickets are being given to
(all Boy Scouts and Girl Sco;;ts
school i who attend the lecture acconipan-
AI1 pioceeds will go toward pro-
viding funds to care for sick
members of the colored lodges.
7cotball Players
Seek Employment £
Joe Bo\ Hill
Members of the Elks' lodge will
be honored at a program to be
held under the auspices of the
Young People's Organization at.
30 tonight at the high school
The public is invited to attend.
Attention of the Hutchinson No admission will be charged.
County Herald has been called to Entertainment numbers will be
fact that in Amarillo. Lubbock furnished by members of the Bor-
and other points in the Panlian- ger Boys' club and Girls' club.
rile, citizens have made a concert— Boxing and weBtiing matches
ed efforts to aid football players, and either a volleyball or basket-
and in some instances their par- ball game will feature the boys'
erits as well, in helping them to, presentation, under the direction
I secure jobs during the summer of J R. Walker.
and after school hours in order The boys will also sing cowboy
that they may stay in school and songs. Joe Short will play the
play football. guitar and two other boys will
Investigation in Borger has re- sing special trio arrangements,
vealed that a number of football Mike Harding will give accordion
I players desire some form of em-land harmonica numbers, playing
plovment di:ring summer months j both instruments at the same
in order that they may earn time.
weeks and his family "have him , bandmaster, was appointed as ju- ied theil' parents.
« «««+ ■ i Admission is 25 and 40 cents.
under a-rest.
Jury Selected
ivenile officer for Borger for the I
I . .1 1 .U - !
Ij-.—i A\ ... A.*,.. ...1 '
Council Completer
Study Of Scripture
Tumblers Featured
The tumbling club will also
perform. Billy Dodge will be fea-
, next three months, when the com
Sixteen men answered to roll Imlssloners court convened at Stin- Stinnett. Trustees
call and the first twelve were
chosen for grand jury service.
Those selected are: T. I. Har-
bour, foreman. R. L. Christian.
nett Monday
The official body made allow-
ance for an assistant deputy for
the constable In precinct 2. Dale
Lane, of Borger. was appointed to
aid Constable Cal Baird.
The commissioners' court au-
thorized ihe making of duplicate >
warrants to replace those that
wero taken when the depot was
Raymond Jarvis, P. II. Jameson,
E. R. Nunneley, N. J. Hani, L. E.
King, G. E. Dorsey, J. T. Miner,
D. M. Womble, C. E. McKinney
and Dan Burleson.
In charging the grand jury.
Hoover eliminated the usual lee- robbed at Panhandle last week
ture but told his jurymen that lie; Judge Coffee was instructed to
would refer them to the entire advertise for bids on ccnstruct-
panel code of Texas. ion of a bridge across Cottonwood
He urged the riding bailiffs to creek.
make a prompt report after ser-1 A federal contract had been
vicing the sheriff's process on sent to the county commissioners
ties in the hands of our business | those wanted before the grand to sign, whereby they would agree
people and out of politics." I jury. j to let federal prisoners be housed
The repeal of the section which j Court convened at ten o'clock in the jail at Stinnett But his
created a Board of City Develop-i M'nday morning, and was dismis- contract was not executed as the
ment and still provides for a levy
of funds to support this now ob-
solete board is also important to
city progress, McCann declared.
"All statutes that have out-lived
their usefulness should be dis-
carded instead of remaining to
clutter up the statute books and
to encumber the smooth function-
ing of city government."
Copies of the two measures I
have been mailed all voters who!
Elect New Teacher
A study of some of the out-
standing characters in the New
Testament was completed
■ the Christian Council met at the
J. Frank Young of Parker church at Stinnett Monday after-
county was elected to the Stin- noon.
nett school faculty when the trus- Arrangements were made for a
tees met Monday evening. social Friday evening.
Besides Mrs. Burt Brvan. who
Young is football and basket- conducted the studv olh(!,.s pres.
I ball coach and teaches history. ,,nt wen. M,s w R Goodwin.
typing, and Science, \\. H. Good- MrjJ> George Winter. Mrs. B. W. Stevens.
win, school trustee, said. Davis. Mrs. Norman Coffee Mrs. Pierce. Carl Cliamblese and I
The newly-employed teacher | Clarelice Bateg aud Ml.s. A Miles.
has had eight years' experience in j I!o|.Kei
teaching, and holds a college de-
gree. He is unmarried.
There is still one vacancy in
the teaching force for the Stin-
nett school.
Others who have been eploved
for next year are C. L. Sone, Mrs-
Flora Sword, Mr. and Mrs. Pedro'
money to help pay school expens-1
es. Individuals or firms in Borger
who may need the services of high
school boys for either part or full tured in stunts on the mat and
time jobs during the summer are spring board.
urged to consider football boys. j Four numbers are planned by
Names of seven football players | the Girls' club, under the direc-
wlien wh . desire summer employment j tion of Miss Dorothea Martin.
have already been handed to the j Acrobatic stunts will be given
Herald. If there are still others, by several girls, with little Betty
please write to ihe Herald or call Williams calling the numbers. Six
at the office in order that other 12-year old girls will give a fast
names may be added to the list. tap "high hat" number. These
On the list already turned in. pir]s ],ave been practicing hard
the following names are given: 1 for the past week, and hive de-
Lewis Rainires. \\ ilbur Gray Dow veloped into an almost profession-
Lowell Irvin, Leon a) chorus.
"■ A group of girls will sine popu-
lar songs. Eight girls rangfnr
For information
Cham bless, Miles and
sed at twelve until 1:: o p. in. At amount offered for tre care of, ' j '
five o'clock, court ended for the these prisoners was insufficient. ' ar infz '
day in the minds of the county dads. I
regarding from S to 12 years of age will
Raniires, make up a Shirley Temple chorus.
Wr rlrm* n T" ~i R* r> ir ' a" tlie Herald at 1G6. For Gray They will dance and sing "On the
yvurKintii i j anfJ Irvjn caU <he primp Bpaut> Good Ship Lollipop."
Roof Of City Hall ; Shoppe. for Pierce, telephone 9015 The program will be the first of
Fll. For Stevens, call 5 59 a series to be given throughout
the summer by youngsters In the
Tufted Bedspreads ^ r ° rhlb*'
Tre docket was set and
without jury were begun.
City Issues Permits
to warrant their undertaking such j Home Improvements
Four workmen began repairing
the roof of the city hall Thursday
morning, under the direction of .1.
T. McNellis, city inspector.
To prevent water from leaking
thru the building, a coat of as-i
Discussed At Club Bridj?c planned For
tufted bedspread will add Cottonwood Creek
have paid their poll taxes.
citizens are urged to study the
amendment and repeal carefully
before election time. Those desir-
ing to vote for the amendment and
for repeal are warned that 118 ~s'hack' from Lot
must, scratch the word "No on ■
the ballot and let "Yes" remain.
Water Drained From
Happy Hollow Pool
Water was drained from the old
Happy Hollow swimming pool
Wednesday morning by T. O. S.
lohnson and L. 1). Head of the
fire department.
A pump attached to the fire
wag' n was used to remove the
water which had stood t> feet deep
in the old pool since the recent
lains. Since the pool was a drown-
ing-hazard to small children,
Lloyd S. McCann, city manager,
ordered it drained.
Two and one-half hours were
required to pump out th
"ZrrL. s ,„>• ,t,e Reported Bv Women
regular officers' reports and ac- [
counts were passed on. A bill for! Stales of home improvements
a little more than $100 was al- made through knowledge g lined
To Move Buildings lowed « P. Cain, county relief I" club work were told by bed-
g laflniinlstmtor, in receding and room and wardrobe demonstra-
Three permits to move build-' dispensing government comniodi- 10's at the meeting of the < ar-
p<ji iis io in ive ouna j ; bon Camp home demonstration
nam week according! board of equalization,, club held last Wednesday at the
past week, according | . .. ! home of Mrs. C. W Morris.
Mrs. A. L. Griggs told of en-
later ! larging, rearranging and lighting
her wardrobe. In the absence of
! Mrs. Ricks. Mrs. Griggs also told
National °f the improvements made and
ings were issued at the city hall
(Airing the past week, according Tlle board of eqitalizati1 n, |
to Claude Alexander, city clerk, which is made up of the county
On June X Guy Thomas was judge and the four connt> coin-
given a permit to move a 12 by "'iasioners, recessed until a
10, Block 1. | date.
in Isom, to a lot beside the Young
Produce house in Borger. I" recognition of ,f, .
■ Housing Day, on June 15. the! others planned for the model bed- have neglected to obtain licenses |
'or health certificates or to comply
It. E. Beairri was issued a per
mi't on June 12 to move a two-j Farmers' Short ( ourse Commit-. 1 °°m.
room house from Lots 1 and 2 in j tee of A and M College and the jij9S i.ucile Chance, county
block 23 in Borgei to a lease out- Federal Housing Administration h(jmfi demonstration agent, made;
side the city limits. | will on that date start the farm j Rn(1 fjUed a foundation dress pat-
Guy Thomas was given a per- j improvement exhibits to be shown )(
phalt will be applied over the en- | beauty to any bedroom." Mrs. S
tire roof. McNellis said. T. Hashrook told members of the bridge is to be put across Cot-
Repairs will be completed this Gulf-Wewhitt home demonstra- tonwood creek between Stinnett
week-end. tion club at the meeting held l'ast and several of the oil camps—
Friday at the home of Mrs. George Gulf. Steckoll and Amarada.
Lofland. When Ihe commissioners met
"Anyone can make one of these in treir regular monthly session
spreads." Mrs Hasbrook continu- at Stinnett Monday, advertising
ed. "To make one that will wear for bids on the bridge construct-
and stand frequent laundering, it ion was authorized. The work will
is necessary to I: ve strong, firm be begun on this project within
sheeting. Thread that is made es- the next few weeks.
pecially for ihe tufted spreads At a cost of between $5500 and
and the spe i-al needle with the $6500. the much needed bridge is
guaga to regular distance hetweei. to take the place of the concrete
Beauty operators in Borger who 'stitches are also essential. dip crossing that has been main-
tained by the commissioners on
Be sure that no more than
Attention Called
To Beauty Ruling
For Local Shops
with the other requirements cf four threads are taken up in(wMel
this county highway since tre
told the |
be j
mit on June 11 to move a 16 by
30 house with a 16-ft. shed built
on the back from Lot 11, Block
1, Isom, to Lot 28, Block 5, Isom.
ill connection with the short
course, according to W. A. Orth,
farm representative in cooperation
with the committee.
| Reading Stahl's statement pub- "We are going to do the same
water, iiiohed jn the Borger Daily Herald thing with electric rates, if the
I last Sunday where he stated that people get behind our proposi-
Revival Announced 's a foregone conclusion that tion, he added. "We are positive
_. , /-\r f J no money can be made by the pro- that an excess of $60.00 per year
At Church Ul VjOu moters from the operation of a can be saved (n the quantity of
The law suit of Continental
Royalties, Inc.. against .1. M. li-
ber Petroleum, company and
others was brought before Judge posed.
competetlve electric system here." electricity that will be used at the
An old-time revival lmetitii: 'reminds one of the story of a ne- new low rates."
will begin June 18th m '''"Igro who was thrown in jail for get stahl also states that if compe-
Cht'nl- of 'lid accord! to iting drunk. The negro telephoned t it ion comes, his company would
Ptouolnke, pastor. The •btiroli Isl^ls boss asking that his fine be guarantee as low rates to the peo-
locii'.ed on Coolidge Mre paid so he would be released from pie of Borger as anyone and that
hail block off South Main jail. The boss replied, "Why, Ras- it will not be necessary to sign
Mrs. H. E. McMicki 1 assisted (,ls don't. you know that they contracts with a company that
I • i tln's, •vlll se-/e ns evatige- (an't throw you in jail for that?" only pledges adequate service. The
tst. The negro's reply was this: "I purpose of this statement is clear-
services .vlll be Iv' i at S know they can't boss, but I'm iv seen. It Is to keep consumers
clock eve> \ cvenip",. Everyone is talking from the jail right now." from signing pledges with the new j
welcome. i company. He knows that If Insi.f-;"™ •■"tain parties defendants in
flcient support and signed pledges j the case
that his company will net
tern, and told of the advan:;>Rts, tl„In,8elves nf ,he laws and
of having such a pattern. take immediate steps to conl
the eitv ordinance regulating stitch." Mrs. Hashrook
beauty parlors operated within the women. "The sheeting may
Citv limits are warned to inform' dyed in any color one desires. The
to spreads need no ironing, as they
oil boom days, according
At the opening of the ill tin w(lh ,lle statutes,
devotlona 1
on form | are more beautiful with the crin-
kle effect."
Mrs. Griggs gave a devotional Tllp beauty parlor ordinance The resignation of Mrs. Clea
The club members sang passed Sept. IS. 1934 provides Sims from the office of club set-
on the Range." f,the licensing, regulation and; retary was accepted, and Mr-
Visitors who attended were jnsjipftion of beauty parlor- it .Howard Culp was ele ted t< till
Mesdames (' I). Cole, F. I lias dosig;iates that health certify st' s: the vacancy
solfield, J. B. Shaw and
Shaw and W. E.
Adams. Members present were
Mesdames A. L. Griggs. .1 D.
Sterling. L. O. Robertson .hi k
\\ aren. C. W. Morris, 10 M<
Kinney and Miss I.ucile Chance.
Corporatior Seeks
Revised Judgment
art e-se|tial it also provides ,-er- The club women answered loll
tain fees and licenses: and it pro- 'all by telling the most helpful
vide- penalties for violation of the things they have learned about
ordinance. patterns.
i Detailed information coin em-1 Refreshments were s-w-M to
i ing the ordinance may be obtained Mrs. M B. Gregg. Mrs I in Inl--
!lt the office of the city clerk at | lish, Mrs. Charley Crutchfield.,
the city hall.
It has been pointed out that up-
on conviction on charges of violat-
ing the provisions of the ordi-
nanoi . " ~ ' ~'■ l'Jan $25
or more than $200 for each and
every separate offense may be im-
Mrs. Albert Collnsworth,
Gene Robv and the hostess
M rs.
to Judge N'ornian Ct ffee.
There has been much traffic
over tills road, as this crossing
furnishes an outlet from these oil
camps to the • ountyseat and to
The exact location cf the pro-
posed bridge site has not yet been
determined. Coffee said
Cour' Grant? Four
Divorce? This Week
Mrs. Cleo Helton was granted a
divorce from Bon Helton, before
Judge H. K. Hoover In the 84th
district fcourt at Stinnett Monday.
Mrs Helton Is to have the care,
c ustody and education of Ray, a
minor, until further order from
Rehearsal? Started
Foi Y. P. O. Musical the court, according to the judg-
ment, provided that the defen-
Rehearsals for "On the Border
H. B. Hoover in the 84th district The ordinance was drawn up of Mex ..." the colorful musical
court Mcndav. primarily to cor- tor the purpose of protecting pub- rnni"ri> be given June 28 for
reel a judgment rendered Mar. 2. lie health. It was framed and of- the lv ' ! ! of the Young People's
1932, in the 114th district court fered to the city commission for Organization began Thursday
which was in session here at that . approval and enactment by the night
time. I Beauty Parlor Operators' Associa- Miss Man Mc Neill will play the
I 4
Stahl's statements on the
j, C1J contestable facts" ure easily eon-
CaiX Building oolct testable. He fails to realize or
To Pamoa Resident ''ot,r in mind that the electric
It was found that there are tion of Borger
pian" for the presentation. J. R
Walker has arranged all of the
were not parties, i No fires have been reported at nittsi, and Miss Dorothea Martin
i'l ' i iVViw, now romnanv! either plaintiff or defendant, hi I the city fire department for the has wiitten the sc ript
re received by the new company ( ^ past lf, dav« "Th- musical will be brief and
plaintiff asked to withdraw it- light Mis- Martin, who will di-
!announcenient, and a continuant'* Luther T Hunter was In Am- reet the pe- tormance. stated,
Save money on your laundry!
consumers of Borger will Increase
W. L. Dunn of Pampa has their consumption of current by a Only a few more consumers of j was granted. arlllo Wednesday where Parker
r Save monev on your laundry! ; purchased the former Empire cafe large percentage, provided It is electricity are needed by the new W. S. Birge was attorn. - f- t D Manna of College Station was
Rough dry wash. 6c per pound: j building, where the Green Lantern possible to buy the current at company to assure the city of new plaintiff, and Walter David repre- to explain the proof of oomph- R,muh 1: wash ... per pound
wet wash, 3c per pound. Or do (drill was recently housed. fair prices, I.J. Kllllon stated that electric system. Everyone Interest- sented the defendant In the case Bne<
your own laundry cn a New May' M. D. Sanchez of Mt. Dora, N. Stahl's opinion and statements rd in lower electric rates
Dan Colin returned
required by the government wet wash 3c per pound. Or do
ton the 1935 h'g contracts The your own laundry cn a New May
Saturday contract.1- provide that hog grow- Tag washer at only 35 cents per
and statements e,i |„ lower electric rates should
Tag washer at only 35 cents per M.. former owner of the building, were similar on the gas situation ejVe their support of Ihe new
hour Hot and cold water. Helpy- paid *3X1ft In taxes on the prop-.hack In 1932, but drastic reduc- plant by signing pledges for thelnlght from a „
Selfv Laundry (West of Masonic erty at the city hall Wednesday tlonR have been brought to Borger new service at the Kllllon Gas ver, Colorado SprlngR and \\ alsen- pledged reduction of hogs t ic\ ate selt\ La uoi> c r ,,id shonnln- mi It'tfi Tu-<dio
Sail). Mrs. Delhi staten, Manager.; morula*. 'cHUens in gas rates just the same, company. burg, Colo. i to raise for commercial purposes. |Hain Mrs Delia State,, Manager, and shopping in B^rge,
week's visit in Den- ers are to receive a bonus lor a hour Hot and ooid water. Helpy-
dant have riRht and privilege to
visit the child a' a 11 reasonable
A divorre was granted to Dorse
Dilsaver from Ruby Dllsaver
Mrs. Ida Rutherford Dovei was
given her ma,U°n name. Ida Ruth-
erford, when a decree of divorce
whs given her from Calaway Do-
ver In a hearing before Judge
Hoover Tuesday.
II F. Cochron was given a di-
vorce from Ruth Cochran after a
hearing in the court at Stlnuett
Mi and Mis M. H. Bovd. Mra.
E. N. Wilhanks and daughters,
Joyce and Joan, and Mrs. Coleen
Buz bee and daughter. Melvn. of
were v'sitiug friends

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McCann, Lloyd S. The Hutchinson County Herald (Stinnett, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 27, Ed. 1 Friday, June 14, 1935, newspaper, June 14, 1935; Stinnett, Texas. ( accessed April 18, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hutchinson County Library, Borger Branch.

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