The Mineola Monitor (Mineola, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 12, Ed. 1 Saturday, December 15, 1888 Page: 1 of 8

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%Hjbscription~ price :
$ne (Jtipy, Ona Year $1.50
?ft'e Copy, Six Mouths 75
opj, Four Months 50
iVbern1! l)Usoaiit« to Clibs.
/ A
Advartising Rati)
made known on application.
Attorney - at - Law,
Minkola, Texas.
iherx hid professional services to the
5V)le of Wood and surrounding conn-
s'. Will practice in all the courts of
g State and the Federal court at
U' . 'gIIjB8
k. m. hicks.
mtjfs and Counsellors at-Law
— and —
fecal Estate Office,
Attorneys - at - Law,
Mineola, Texas.
ijfectice in the District and inferior
Mfirts of the State and the Supreme
Sua Federal courts at Tvler.
Attorney - at - Law,
ftflicc in the frenson building.
# ml
it: n. Stafford,
Attorney - at - Law,
feeal Estate Agent,
Mineola, Texas.
^•11 practice in all the courts of the
th Judicial District. Special at-
iqi (liven to collections of all kinds,
ttances promptly made. Will also
sell and rent real estate and in-
HpSato T£nd titles; render and pay
Xeson same.
burgeon Dentists,
Minkola, Texas.
work warranted and satisfaction
—tftjtoed. Plate work a specialty.
Gee over Co-Operative store.
Missouri - Pacific
'Wife Direct Route for all Points in
New Mexico,
California and
•fife Di reet Route for all Points in
"Fife East and North,
Via St. Louis.
TFWo' T rains Daily.
. Juan Palace Hotel Cars are run
ben St, Louis and San Antonio, via
Sua., daily.
' Vain? arrive and depart from the
Union Depot at St. Louis, there-
Jlsurint; passengers direct connec-
™ Time, Superior Accommoda-
B. W. McCullough,
The Hopkins County Echo comes
to our office this week marked x
to which we respond with pleasure.
The Echo is one of the best coun-
try weekly papers in the State.
The man who has a life to pro-
tect and liberty and happiness to
enjoy, holds the highest incentives
to perpetuate a just government.
The declaration of American inde-
pendence places these paramount
A Ch««kjr BurfUr.
Mineola boasts of a local burglar,
who has mord cheek than usual.
Two or three houses have been
burglarised recently, but nothing
of value found by the burglar.
Finally on last Saturday night the
enterprising gentleman entered the
rear window of Cochrane & Henry's
Drug Store, in the rear end of
which house is located the office
of Mr. L. R. Graham, City Tax
to all the other objects for which Collecter, after a fruitless search
our government was instituted,;in drawers and boxes for money he
therefore the growing demand for
Th« Birmingham Blot.
sat down at Mr. Graham's desk
and penned the following note:
Mr. L. R. Graham:
Dear Sir—If you will call at my
office I will land you a little mon-
ey, I have lots of it and I think you
restriction of suffrage by literary,
property or other qualifications, it
seems to us is founded on an er-
roneous principle. The ballot box
should be surrounded by only such
safe-guards as will protect it from | neon it-
fraud. The tax paying qualifica-( Yours truly XXX
tions is the only new one suggested . ., ,. , „
, . , , , , Among the men mentioned for
that seems to be founded on a just, g0vern0r Gf Texas two years hence
principle, that is, that he who hits i the following have bobbed up: J.
not paid the amount assessed W. Throckmorton, R. B. Hubbard,
agaist him for the support of his ( Seth Sheppard, 1. 11.Bonner, Jos.
government should not be entitled ( Maxey"and George Cla^-Greenl
to participate in its councils. i vjue jjanner.
Maj. Breckenridge has alpo been
Tiie anarchists of New York arc mentioned again, and Senator Mc-
Donald's friends have already
hoisted his little lightning rod. It
is too early, gentlemen, to begin
the erection of conductors to catch
arranging for a grand parade and
reception to be tendered Lucy Par-
sons, the wife of A. R. Parsoriis, on
her return from Europe, which is
expected about the 15th to 20th of j the political electricity for that
December. Her friends in Chicago
intended a similar demonstration,
but the chief of police of that city
will not permit it. The following
statement from him is pointed and
"I shall refuse to grant a permit
for any demonstration," said Col.
Hubbard last night. "If Mrs. Par-
sons comes to this city and goes to
her home like any ordinary citizen
she will not be molested, but if she
or any of her friends think they
can parade the streets of Chicago
behind a brass band as they did in
London they will find themselves
greatly mistaken. There has been
enough of this foolishness in times
past and anarchy will never be
| allowed to parade the streets of this
city again as long as I am chief of
The tragedy at Birmingham,
Ala., in which about a dozen l£es
were lost and a number of people
wounded on December 8th, is in
many respects the most sanguinory
encounter between officers and a
mob ever recorded in this country.
R. 11. Hawes, a railroad man, was
suspected of the murder of his
wife and little daughter and ar-
rested. A large mob of enfuriated
citizens collected at the prison
where the sheriff', anticipating an
attempt to lynch the prisoner, had
made preparation to protect him.
In order to repell the mob the
sheriff' and posse were compelled
to fire with Gatling gun and Win-
chesters, several citizens fell mor-
tally wounded during the melee, a
number of whom have since died.
Mr. Throckmorton, the postmaster
of the city, being one of the num-
ber. Unfortunately those who
were present for the purpose of
quieting the rioters were the prin-
cipal sufferers. All the available
militia of the State were called to
Birmingham and stationed round
the jail to protect the prisoners,
now including the sheriff' and posse.
The evidence against Hawes, the
accused, was only circumstantial
though quite strong.
Why is not a farmer as good as a
banker in the eyes of congress ?
One is offered a twenty years loan
at 1 per cent—the other is offered a
blank cut-throat mortgage for him
and his wife to sign and swear to,
and then sweat under the shadow
of it until sweating won't save
place. A forest of the rods will no
doubt reflect the glitter of the sun
beam before mid summer of 1890,
but there will be one that will
tower above the balance like a long
leaf pine above the schaparcll, and
that conductor will direct the pop-
ular current to Attorney-General
Jas. S. Hogg. It is inevitable,
gentlemen, the people have already
decreed it.
Merit Wius.
Wo desire to say to our citizens, that for years
wo liuvc been selling Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Dr. Klug'fl New Life l'llls.
Buckiou's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters,
ami have never handled remldies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal satis-
faction. Wo <lo not hesitate to guarantee them
overytlme, and we stand ready to refund the
purchase price, if satisfactory results do not
follow their use. These remedies have won
their great popularity purely on their merits II.
t. Smith ilc Co. Druggists.
A species of bowel complaint,
known as "winter cholera," ap-
peared in several cities in the
North-west last winter and is like-
ly to be more goneral this season.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is a ccrtain cure
for it. For sale by all druggists.
The leader in Quality of Groceries
"'if .;•&
and low Prices. Highest prices
paid for country produce.
The Champion Steers.
At the Chicago Fat Stock show,
Dot the champion steer on foot,
took no honors in the carcass ring.
He was a Polled Angus, 863 days
old, weighed 1495 pounds, or a
gain of 1 3-4 pounds per day from
birth. Dot furnished 69 per cent,
net meat to gross weight.
The best three-year-old earcass
was a Hereford-grade, 1307 days
old, 1900 pounds gross weight or
1.44 lbs gain per day from birth,
66 per cent, net meat to carcass.
The best two-year-old steer a
Sussex, 1021 days old, 1625 pounds
Important Communication on
the Constitutionality of Art*
4599 of Stock Law. .
weight or 1.52 pounds gain per day
from birtl
the class.
from birth, was considered best in
The following interesting para-
graph is an extract from a letter
written by a Kentuckian to the
Chicago Express and published
December 8th:
"I want the correspondents of
the Express to exchange their
| thoughts freely during the next!
! lour years of oppression and so re
The farmer is not as good in the
eves of congress as is the banker , - , .,
because the farmer is not as good | and amend _our, Pla,tfof,m aB to
in his own eyes as is the banker
The farmer can not expect others
to think more of him or his class
than he thinks of himself or of his
class. * * * —South-West.
The above extract is a sample of
make it as near perfect for the next
race as possible. I would suggest
a thorough discussion of the wo-
man suffrage plank. I think it
should be abolished it it includes
the right to hold office and usurp
authority over man. During the
I the swill with which that political i tour years coining is the best time
1 garbage cart, the Fort Worth South to settle it. I would suggest also a
I West, supplies its eager patrons. I Jjqu°r plank. We must do some-
' . 1; . . , , thing for the cause of temperance
I1 or the information oi that worthie | jn sonie way ; to stop the opposi-
(jflffll'riia. and Ticket Ag't, DallaB, Tex.
who perches on the editorial tripod
of the South-West and his follow-
ers, We will say that the man who
gets money from the government
as above stated must put down
tion of the national prohibition
party that is so befuddling the
minds of some. I think it should
not be totally extinguished from
our midst, but that it should be
well regulated by law. Also that
l $1 in bonds for every 90 cents so I there should be a tobacco plank,
advanced to him, and that farmers ! and maybe an opium plank also,
arc not excluded from its benefits. I B.houltl makc our platform as
Jfrier & LaForce, at their mill
oVPW lhsboro and Hawkins road
rffWViiles from Hawkins, cut the
quality of Heart and Sap
Pifft^Shingles. They keep also a
j®B?at Hawkins and one at Lake
FotkV Address,
Wagner & laforce,
P*ine Mills. Wood Co. Tex.
But T must
P. Lalyek.
l"he dispatches state that in a
suburb of Chicago the anarchists
gave an entertainment, one of the
features of which was a tableau
wherein a representative of the
order trampled upon the stars and
stripes and waved a blood-red ban-
ner. Law was represented as ter-
rorized by a sword held at its
breast. The 10,(XX) anarchists
present cheered the tableau until
they were hoarse. A battery of
eighteen-pound guns, well charged
with grapeshot should have been
turned loose upon the tableau and
the audience. Chicago is evidently
getting a "good ready" for a repe-
tition of the Haymarket explosion.
Nothing can prevent it but prompt
and liberal use of hemp.—Paris
The cities of the-eountry are not
the only abiding places of this
dangerous element, but there are
thousands of them in the rural dis-
tricts and even in Texas. At pres-
ent they are unorganized, but they
The best yearling carcass and
the best carcass in the show was
Rosewood, a Sussex, 576 days old,
1330 pounds weight, 2.42 pounds
gain per day, and cut 69 per cent,
net to gross weight.
The cascass showing greatcst-per
cent, of eatable meat was that of
Chance a Hereford, 963 days, 1440
pounds' 1.55 pounds gain per day,
and netting only 63 per cent, to
gross weight. /
A calf receiving no premium,
there being none offered for calves,
was a ITolstein, 285 days old weigh-
ing 1070 pounds, or 3 3-4,,.pound8
gain per day from birth^Mfid neT63
per cent, to gross weij^lflP
The above extract is taken from
an article in that excellent paper,
the Live Stock Journal, published
at Fort Worth, and serves to show
what can be done in growing im-
proved cattle. A farmer in this
mild climate could grow this class
of stock with profit. Steers of the
class above described are worth
more than Texas ponies and can
be rsised with less exnense.
■ n
Mineola, Dec. 8, 1888.
Ed. Monitor:
As the county judge has ordered
an election to determine whether
hogs, etc., shall be permitted to :
run at large, I desire to say a few-
words. In my opinion the act of
the Legislature itself is unconsti*
tutional. Art. 4599, Revised Stat*
utes, provides that no one but free
holders can vote at this eleotion.
This Article is in plain violation of
the Constitution, Art. 6, Seo, 2,
which declares that "Every male j
person (except those mentioned *
above) who shall have attained the
ago of twenty-one years, and who
shall be a citizen of the United
States, and who shall have resided
in this State one year next preeced- >
ing an election, and the last Bix
months within the district or counr
ty in which he offers to vote, shall
also be deemed a qualified elector,"
etc. I am not aware that the ques-'
tion has been adjudicated by the
Supreme Court, but am satisfied
that if the question ever comes be-
fore them they will hold that the
Legislature has attempted to en-
graft in the law a qualification not
authorized by the Constitution.
Sliiloli's Consumption Cure.
No. 1. This in beyond (mention the
most successful Cough Medicine we
have ever sold, a few closes invariably
cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup,
and Bronchitis while it's wonderful
success in. the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in the history of
medicine, since it's first discovery it
hus been sold on u guarantee, a test
which no other medicine can stand. If
you have a Cough we earnestly ask you
to try it. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and
$1 00. If your lungs are sore, chest or
back lame, use Sliiloh's porous plaster.
Sold by it. T. Smith & Co.
Answer This Question.
No. 2. Why do ho many people we
see around uh'seem to prefer to suiter1
and be made miserable by indigestion,
Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appe-
tite, Coming IJji of the Food, Yellow
Hkin, when for 7o cents we will sell them
Sliiloh's System Vitalizer, guaranteed
t« cure them.—Hold by R. T. Smith ft
C'attio Ilopers of Texas.
The Popular Vot«.
St. Louis, Mo., Dcc. 9.—Theoffi-
cial returns arc now in from all the
just reported,
plurality over
have often been heard to express
sympathy for the lfay Market as-1 states, Colorado
sassins, and they would readily! Cleveland has a
enlist in the ranks of the order if
opportunity offered. Anarchists
are not entitled to the same consid-
eration as men who propagate po-
litical opinions, but on the con-
trary they are criminals and should
be ostracised by the honorable |
men of all political parties.
The cattlo roping contest by the
cowboys is becoming an attractive
feature, of the Texas fair. From
the Live Stock Journal we taketho
following report of the contest at
the Sail Antonio fair.
The cowboys who entered the
contest were J. B. Moore, 8, E.
Lewis, James Cueller, Green Hoi.
leu, Jesse Barton, A. B. Horton,
J. A. Bennett, W. P. Brown, Dick
Johnson and Simins Guerrcra.
Moore roped, threw and tied his
cow in 59 1-2 seconds and won the

Harrison in the country as a whole
of 98,280 in the popular vote as | first prize of $100; Lewis in 1:17 1-4
compared with a plurality in 1881 secured the second prize, #76;
if (12,683 over Blaine.
Fttinalti Complaint*.
Taylor's Sure Chill Cure will be found
of inestimable value in all cases of men-
strual obstruction, either partial or
| total.
In Missouri a citizen is required | A half to a teaspoonfuI of theCuie
to he the bonalide owner of proper- t '«<n every night at bed time will in a
. _ i. , i nliort 1.1 mo not only restore Huh function-
tv a year and pay inxc. on it he- tlonai derangement to a healthy resjeu-
fore his election in order to qualify larity, but will purify and enrich th
thud nvoiding ntrrnt/i aixl (!'•«■-
it* litprt>m and mikhwh
double tho ct.rton.v.yr Orniui
tht-y mil Thin bt nutlful.
WnJnut 4 «rtn of I'Ment
purchaso prl
from our advertised Druggist ii - bottle of 1 > r.
Klns'n Kcw Discovery fo"ConiMim|>tlon. It i«
guaranteed to bring relief In every enso, when
used for nuy ull'eetloii of'l hit ..I, l.ungsor Clii'M,
such ns Consumption, IuIIpiiihiIoii of I.lings,
Dronciiltis, As Whooping Cough, Croup,
etc It I* pleasant a.i«t a:<recahle to taste.
perfect1'- safe, mid < in always ho depended
Trial bottles free at ii. T. Smith A. Co s Drug
him for a scat in the legislature. The
union-labor and Republican candi-
dates, who were elected, bought
some real estate about a week be-
fore the election, and in order to!
place themselves within the re-1
iJeered the i
year back
P« .
blood and vitalize the system.
the rcKiilar doses do not have the desi"- rera failed utterly also to get his
eil effect, then they may be increased m> , .. , , , , ,
as to produce a free evacuation of the cow, and it took .lolliuwn two mill-
ebowels. Sold by It. T. Smith & (' . utes and eight and/^ All' seconds
io-52-i in -v I. t-4L :•
T. , broad and conclusive as possible.
It tlicy have the moncv to put iii> \y0 lujgiit unite the prohibitionists
| and desire to engage in banking jf tlx- proper means are used.
i they can do so. Also that tariff plank
•eh# c,for this time.
• t .P'- /1
A Safe Investment. •I'iws'i* o.
' is one which is guaranteed lo ining you satls-'j lie plain objcct of the leaders
I1,10 r;ty58to r°?rrfn«!,1 ti^r|Svenij;^th' 1^, ,4^1 the, The
next platform to include all who dates of their deeds a year back. | Texas own beautiful farms, nice
are opposed to the two principal | This is forgery ftU#'^se statesmen !f,omf()vtablc. residences and arc out
parties—that is, to collect together '',r(' """ "."" V to represent f j ^ A ,,reat niany of ()Ur
1 ' . f the state in the penitentiary than i 1 ut'"" 'v nmnj ui our
the odds and ends of sociqty and ||10 r,rtj,jtol. Tliev will he less j American farmers till other people's
form an army of political Bashi harmless in the former than in the farms, dwell in other people's
hsizooks which will be called the latter place.—C^rctnvillc Herald, .houses and live on mortgages.
Cueller in 1:18 12 secured the
third, the 850 prize, and Hollen
got the $25 fourth prize in 1:26 1-4.
Horton's time was 1:39 1-5 and he
threw his cow five times before he
could tio her. Barton failed to get*:* V
his cow before lie was ordered out, '
and his unimal broke down tho
fence and had to bu led back by a
jf bystander, who roped her. Guer-
agriculturists of
H.'edn, Treble and Coup*
jar* Ortrnn f' r only $48.OO*
%\ arrair.ed for 7 yonrw. p,,r£
free. On trial In ymir own
home' fore yon bny It, «n« |j
Hot ?atlufnctory I v ill tak#? it
Imck.imyinK freight l f>tn way*,
90 year* cijierii neointhriMi*!-
Iicw. < atalojrn* fre . Ord i nt
otoee. 8. W. ALLZ5XB, Uaycr,
WuUiftot. V. i.
The Princess Maud of Wales is
; clever at making handsome screens
i out of peacock's feathers. She col-
; lects the feathers to be found on the
I grounds in Sandringham, and, after
making the screens, sell them at
fancy bazaars in aid of poor
great mouai,
pentm party.
shiloli's Catarrh itcmcily.
The history Of tlie
party is now being
like the preachers
"wosser and wosscr,
Union Labor j Henderson Times,
•ompilcd and
storin it gets
No.::. Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedy, u
marvelous cure for Catarrh, I)i]itherip.,
! Canker Mouth, and llead-Aehe. With
! each bottle there is an in^eniom Xasai
Injecter for the more successful treat-
j ment of these complaints without ext: a etc. Price,
cliil-1 charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by It. T.
Sniitli A Co. ^
Iteed's (Jliill Cure docs its own talk-
ing, and one trial is sufficient to eon-
— vince the most prejudiced that its lar^e
CseUr. Tavlor's Sure Chill Cure for sale and popularity are not due to any
bad breath, biliousness, constipation Particular modeiof BdvertlsW)r, but are
' • *. \ rltio alone to thtoaiieritH of the medicine.
x-ivts and '>0 cents per | perfect anwk't*) for all malarial
bottle. Sold by It. 'l". Smith & Co.
10-52-1 m '
poisrtnr^cures chills>*|iiickly. For salo
by all dtoggists. . 4:1m
. M
to capture and tie . s steer. Moore
belongs to Live Oak, county, and
the hoys fiom there were hilarious
over the victory of their favorite.
Dick Johnson formerly belonged
to Buffalo Bill's out fit, and it w,«
he who had the fight with ,|3h<>
London police, and wu s<fht to
rfson for six m6nths, but was
pardoned through the intcrtfSssioi]
of the prince of Wales.
It is said that mociiage is a lot-
tery. Maybe so'. But milikc tho
one that iflfronducted in Louisiana,
<hcr^ is nr<&« ncw drawing evei
mouth.—^Sfek County News.
;l '

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The Mineola Monitor (Mineola, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 12, Ed. 1 Saturday, December 15, 1888, newspaper, December 15, 1888; Mineola, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Mineola Memorial Library.

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