The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 37, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1922 Page: 4 of 8

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!'.'. TWO
a ' 1 ' '
I ' ' - rr.
r:::: Dallas
"HiI! ' DR.R.KTROTTR ' IfcsdJ
The Volstead act first received in America a3 a huge joke
is fast becoming a reality and a "dry" America in very fact
is immediately before us. The removal of legitimate liquor traf-
fic gave rise to the illegitimate but the spee'ly control of the il-
legal manufacture of such beverages by the destruction of the ap-
petite for it seems by no means impossible.
Close upon the publication of the high degree of poisonous-
ness of such beverages comes the announcement cf the unsanitary
conditions under which it is made. It is enough to kill the most
robust thirst. The following is a sample of how this thirst will be
made to die a natural death: '
"Most of the whisky is made from rotten grain blackstrap
l i i . I . i i Ai ..i . I .. " v nii Kntrl rnnrnlr ' mOiaSSCS. KnOllS. CHOPS. (J IC. UU5 fCUOI I I CUUa. V CI IIUU Ut
m the year at 2.oo KwiHs Avenue by rnAs nave heen discovered m and around the stills. Old ice
THE DAlU-t KXPIIKS fCHLISlUXa I 1....JJ -! !Ur 4Wlne rttnn rfa
(Jlt'aiH CUIIS gUlViUH.CU UU tiillO iiiiin. vauo icanciwco luuto
wash boilers and oil barrels are used as cookers and on the in
side are unspeakably filthy as there is no way to clean them. The
nremises are usua v unclean. On one occasion more Hies tnan
could be nut into a gallon bucket were found on a barrel of mash
All kinds of bugs gather over the stinking stuff and finally
drown in the 'spirits.' " '
In the light of such facts who will drink it?
Pallas Texas.
Wm opinion
II. 'Iff Centa-any AOS South Dear-
fcnn Mrrrl lil.fiKO III.
W. II. Vtt Irmipinr 404
flnllillnie tir Knit Aanwi
fcew Tiork. fi. V.
Entered t Post Office at Dallaa
TeiuH aa seconi-ctaAs mutter under
Act or CongreuK March 1879
No subscriptions mailed fo- a pe-
riod 1oh than three-months payment
for aame must be 75 centa.
One Year
Etx Months
Throe Months....
Single Copy
..... .75
... .05
Any erroneous reflection upon the
character stnmllng or reputation of
ny pernon firm or corporation which
may appear In the columns of The
Dallas Kxprews will be gladly cor-
rected upon ita being; brought to the
attention of the publisher.
has never hoisted the while
leather neither has it been dis-
traced by the yellow streak. It
is not afflicted with the flannel
mouth. It is a plain every day
sensible conservative newspa-
per which trims nt sail to catch
the passing breexe; flies no
doubtful flag: It professes
patriotism as broad as onr
country. Its love of even hand'
ed justice covers alt the terri-
' lafy occupied by the human
race. This is pretty high ground
but we live on it and are pros-
ptring. Boys of the press come
up and stand with ns. This
fronnd is holy.
tt is almost certain that Harry
Wills contendev for the World's
championship crown now brld by
Jack DempBoy will be granted a
match soon. With the forfeit up and
the leaders of sport everywhere de-
manding it it is almost certain that
the match will take place.
It is interesting in this particular
to tote the fact that good sports-
manship seems to have been able
to overcome the aevere handicap cf
prejudice. If the match actually
takes place this will have happened.
At first the greatest bar to the
meeting of Wills with the cham-
pion was found in the fact that he
had not qualified by decisions over
lesser contenders. Villa met this by
defeating them. Then came the
dodge behind the bar sinister- -color.
Dempser declared that he would
not fight a Negro ana there the
matter rested until lovers of clean
sport in various parts of the coun-
try became sold to tLe idea that not
to meet ny and all contenders
would nieaa that the ti le was un-
fairly pos-eased. meaning nothing.
Then came the dickerlngs c various
sorts which seem to have culminat-
ed in (he agreement of Deinprv to
fight Wills.
In the event of the contest bur
best wishes of course are with
Wills. But to ub the thing meat
worthy of favorable note will be the
fact that the better quality of good
sportsmanship will made Itself
felt and may bo used as an indica-
tion o deep rooted sen oi fUrr
ness of the Amerie public.
I such is found to' be the case
It wii: be only a am all sign insig-
nificant as such. But upon such
small signs hae circumstance made
It niw-sary that tfo pin our hope
for bel ter things achieved In - an
c-rderly way. .
Common courtesy Is an essential
of the true gentleman. These who
would he respected must first re-
epect themselves and theii own auJ
this respect nniKt be apparent at all
times and on a'l occasions.
We ofton hoar it said that the
best means of increasing respect for
ovr women bi' other men is to be
found in our own unwavering re-
N'ec: for th?m. It Is true.
Hrw who speak lightly of their
own woin"n In public allow
them to shift for themselves in pub
lic paces who refime to tli their
f ::s nnrt gnnt them . ats in puo-
lii' ii'iPtie.. cannot expect that others
nm be nam made aware if tblr
f!:iim to much respect
Cut vrii(i"ii need 0ur nfuioBt care
TJj - v (n e de our piea.est renpot.
ipect e;ire ana reRrcet
Marcus Garvev has come and gone. Dallas has seen and
heard him yet the sun shines as usual and men and women go
about their daily tasks in their accustomed ways. His coming and
his Dresence were takt-n as a matter of course.
There may have been those among us wno Viewed nis coming
with alarm but the lack ef necessity for such fears is amply prov
en by the lack of interest which the public as a whole showed in
the occasion.
His message Droved less sensational than was expected but
more consisten with those to which we have been accustomed by
speakers for many years. In 'short Garvey's visit to Dallas serv
ed to remove him from the artifically exalted plane to which our
imaginations had raised him and to show him to us more nearly
as he really is a man with the same hope of the eventual pro-
gress of his race to a higher plane of freedom to achieve as have
others of his race which he is capitalizing by clothing its expres-
sion in terms to captivate the imaginations of the more emotional
of the masses.
v At close range he appeals to us as a man actuated probably
by a lofty ideal which he has attempted to bring into actual fact
not taking into account the circumstances which environment and
actual conditions have made it necessary that he should consider.
The response to his pleas made no doubt in good faith have
been so far in excess of his dream that he has found it impossi-
ble to practically and efficiently handle it and his legal and finan-
cial difficulties have been the result. -
It is highly probable that he himself like the child at play
who breaks a small hole in a dam has been engulfed in the flood
which he now finds pouring in upon him and in its presence he is
helpless; overwhelmed and his attempts at his own rescue
seem to some pitiful ; to others worthy of blame.
Garvey in Dallas preached unity and cooperation he told of
the need of practical efforts at progress by the building of fac-
tories and the development of commercial ventures. He expressed
the hope that the effort which he was making would cause the
400000000 Negroes of the world to recognize their kinship and
work together to the end that their progress might be mutually
rapid. So far we followed him agreeably. Bnt he then spoke of
the rahabilitation of Africa without giving even a hint of the how
of the acquisition and we ceased to follow him because we have
been accustomed to basing our agreement with men and issues
upon fact-not fancy. And we have finally concluded that in this
last particular he has erred in preaching to us ; for he holds up to
us and our masses generally the so far unattainable and collects
our funds for a purpose for which he cannot efficiently use them
Heretofore we have hestitated to censure Garvey for what
seemed to U3 the quality of impracticability. But now we feel
that that censure may be justly expressed. His response from
the masses is without doubt gained primarily because of the glo
rious pictures which he paints of an entrancing future Negro
state. But he as a leader with a conscience and a real vision
should be unwilling to lay himself liable to the criticism of dis
honestly and exploitation by claiming that the moneys entrusted
to him by ignorant and imaginative people are being used to fur-
there their ends along lines now impossible.
Steamship lines owned by Negroes are to be desired. A fund
substantial enough to aid the Negro governments in Africa is
worth while. But a government in Africa obtained by force or
any other visionary means is not now a possibility and it .should
nu be so preached.
We were surprised that no mention was made of the steam
ships owned by the Associr f ron and of the factories in operation.
We had expected to hear some reference made to the numerous
charges now being made against Garvey of misuse of fund3 and
an explanation of the cause of such charges; but none was made.
Doubtless he consideTed such references unnecessary. But the
fact that such news had preceeded his visit seemed to us to neces-
sitate some such references. We had hoped that some mention
would have been made of them.
The Garvey movement no doubt is as gigantic as ' we have
been led to believe but our study of it has convinced us that it
has convinced us that it possesses one unfortunate feature which
will eventually defeat it. The government in Africa is the one
to which we refer. It is unnecessary; it is impracticable; it is
We could hope that the great numbers of our people who
have been attracted to the standard of Garveyism might be ef-
ficiently handled to the end that definite financial ventures might
result frorri the contribution of their funds to it. Their co-
oiv ition should be practio'v utilized.
.i America banks shoulvV w established and efficiently man-
aged which should in turn fiimnce reputable and essential indus-
tries. In foreign countries and the outlying islands where Ne-
groes live in great numbers cOittmercial alliances for the market-
ing c their products might be formed thus laying the basis for a
really glorious economic future.
Thus would Garvey s dream more nearly be real'zed; for in
this way Ethiopia would in reality "stretch forth her hands."
i Uv Prof. Edwin Mlms Vanderbllt University.
There is no more important work for civic and religious groups and
organizations than to take every precaution "against the possibility of mob
violence In theis respective communities.. In Borne sections the danger is
always imminent in others probable and in all possible. Experience shows
that in places where the danger seems least imminent such outbreaks have
occurred. It is a fundamental necessity of good government that violence
and lawlessness be prevented. This is not simply a question that involves
the Negro but the entire structure of human society and civilization.
When conditions arise which may lead to lynchings or to riots all
good citizens ought Immediately to awaken to the seriousness of the sit-
uation. In some cages all that is needed is for the representative citizens
to let the officers of the law know what Is expected of them and to bring
such Influence to bear upon the mob as to cool Its passions. Sometimes an
opportune speech or better still a conference of the leaders of both
races can avert the catastrophe. If local authorities and officers do not
act with speed and courage the state authorities should be called upon lm-
with speed and courage the state authorities should be called upon Immediately
If a mob accomplishes Its purpose then it is the duty of the good citi
zens to take aggreB&lve steps to bring the leaders of the mob to trial. They
ought to make a complete study of all the facts leading up to the lynch
ing and not only provide against a possible recurrence of such incidents
but by backing up the legal authorities and even by employing special
council if necessary they ought to do. all in their power to apply the full
But it is not well for a local community to wait till violence is threat
ened. A lynching often occurs when all the best people of the community
are unaware of the danger. Then they realize that something ought to
have been done long ago to make impossible such an occurrence.
How then may mob violence be anticipated T The citizens should
quietly and tactfully put squarely up to the-mayor the chief of police and
the sheriff their duty in case such a situation should arise. They should
let them know that the best sentiment of the community demands the pro
tection of life at any cost. They should go further and demand that spe
cific measures be taken that would meet any emergency. It is well for in-
stancethat jails be provided w!ih adequate water hose a very effective
first step in the dispersal of a mob; that in some cases a machine gun
should be constant effort to buildups strong public sentiment in opposition
should be available and that as a last resort appeal should be promptly
made to the governor of the state for the proper defense of prisoners. All
of these suggestions have been proved to be practical.
But even these measures of precaution are not sufficient. There
sliouldbe constant effort to build up a strong public sentiment in opposition
to mob violence. It Is especially important that in our churches schools
and business Lien's meetings every opportunity be taken to create a healthy
public sentiment that will condemn lynching under all circumstances. The
good citizen should be prompt to take advantage of every occasion on
which this subject may be presented A timely sermon has often awaken
ed an entire congregation to the seriousness of the problem. An effective
talk on the subject before a high school or collge student body might well
be an event in the civic life of the community. Talks before business
men's clubs by men who have convictions have often changed thoughless
and indifferent citizens into men with a determined purpose to oppose any
outbreak of lawless passion. It is especially important that the co-operation
of the newspapers be sought in developing right sentiment on this sub
Only by constant education and patient effort can there be developed
a healthy public sentiment that will make lynchings impossible. The re-
sponsibility for the development of such a sentiment must rest upon every
good citizen and upon every civic and religious organization
a . I - rHll J Kn.iJMibfi. Th frni If
Fev-r. Unit Kxhniiation or Kent I'rua-
t rat ion.
Thin la a dlnoase condition dua to
1 ......... n.n...urn 1 AVPPMsiVH heat.
Jlcat strokea or sunstroke usually oc
curs in persons. wno worn imm
the direct rays of the sun or those
wno work in an atmosphere that U
hot. Anything- that lessens the re-
sistance to external heat emotional
excitement fatigue of body or mind
worry excessive eating. unhygienic
surroundings. Indulgence In alcophollo
drinks and previous attacks all have
a tendency to predispose one to the
disease. The exact name of the dla
case depend upon the character ana
" r ...iinn Run stroke us-
ually occurs in persona on land who
work unaer aireci
Heat atroke or thermlo fever are
. -ii.. nrvii. in casea occur-
Inn during mid-summer In persona who
become Effected while worklnff n
Dl (LCt! nui rApuni. -
iun. but yet close and excessively hot.
such aa Doner rumn
.1.. h..i works foundries sugar re
fineries and kitchens. . .
Heat exhaustion occura under alrollar
symptoms. The majority of cases
where the term ftunitroke is applied
occurs between 2 and 5 p. m. but
heat stroke and heat exhaustion may
occur at nlKht as late as It or 12
o'clock. Sunstroke la probably the moHt
prevalent form of this . disease. The
symptoms may begin suddenly with
dizziness headaches cessaslon of
sweating or difficult breathing or the
patient may fall oua suddenly while
at work. . Insensibility Is usually not
so profound but there ia complaining
of oppression in the cheat there rest-
lessness and sometimes the patient
may die with symptoms of heart fall
It would be well for workmen la all
lines to (durlngg hot aultry weather)
live regular and temperate eat
sleep and work with aa much venti-
lation as possible. We should avoid
alcoholic drinks ovy eating and di-
rect raya of the sun ahould be avoid-
ed aa much aa possible. Care must ba
taken that the akin ia kept clean so
that sweating will be free. .
However all cases of sun stroke or
heat stroke require the attention of
me physician.
Free Tubercular Clinio at the Mor-
gan Trotter Sanitarium on Monday
and Friday afternoon from 1 to S
1U27 1.3 Boll street.
Speaking of "pure Americanism" none are more entitled to be known
as fuy -hearted supporters of that sentiment than the members generally of
our Colored population. During the World War there was no question-
ing the loyalty of a man of black gkln. The American Negro's face was his
badge of patriotism.
The blood of many a black man serving his country with unexcelled
loyalty and devotion is mingled with the soil of France. The Unknown
Soldier at Arlington represents the black American soldier quite as well as
the white American soldier.
Enemy propaganda during the war did not take among the blacks.
however ignorant they were. It was tried in many places populated by
the Negroes and failed. The Negro demonstrated that ho had the Image
of the Stars and Stripes too deeply engraved on his heart
The American Negro has his faults and owns up to them. The his
tory of the race and how it has been treated by the whites shows plainly
enough what is responsible for many of his faults. If there were a larger
supremacy of black blood in the bUck race the race would be the better
for It. Whites of lowest character taking advantage of the ignorance fcnd
helplessness of the race have left their mark upon it to its injury.
The race in America is not a long ways removed from the state of un-
civilizatlon and has come only a little ways from slavery. No other race
has made better uae of whatever chances have been given it. It can point
to thousands of upstanding citizens today with hearts full for the Nation.
If the white race In America had manifested more intelligence iu deal
ing with the so-called race problem the black race would have been helped
to a more responsible place In our Industrial and political life. The black
man has responded quickly to fair and intelligent treatment.
We hear much about "white-supremacy." Are there any indications
that our Colored population la Effing up for anything but fair treatment?
Are there any indications that ? r; e is trying to set up black supremacy?
r-'lzabeth Jrp.rnsl.
Hy Wary White Ovlngton.
Chairman of the Hoard of Director
of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
Chnma mm Brataere."
Dy Edgar H. Webster Published by
Richard O. Badger Boston Mass.
Price J 185 Postpaid.
The day of the consecrated white
teacher who aurrendera ambition to
the call to teach the children of the
hi o fast dlsaoDearlnar. Not be
cause there are not still white teach-
ers who would be willing to make the
surrender but because the Colored
world does not encourage them to do
! "W nnnrerlate Your SDlrit but we
can take care of ourselves and teach
our own children." la the rejoinder to
the white youth or maiden who volun-
teers in the cause of Colored educa-
tion. Thus such a book aa ''Chums
and Brothers" takes on an added In-
terest since It depicts not only an
Interesting personality but a career
that few men are likely to follow In
the future. .
Professor Webster la an Instructor
at Atlanta University. He has held
that position for many years and hae
been the chum and brother of hund-
dreds of youths who have passed
through the university and have had
the good fortune to come under his
influence. Atlanta t'nlverslty haa been
famous fcr many things but for none
more than for the beautiful human
relatione existing between Its white
faculty and Its Colored student body.
Professor Webster has been one of
those to keep this relationship always
fine and high. The whites outside
of the University grounds still sneer
or look plainly Incredulous. It la Im-
possible they say that white teachers'
should expect "niggers" to be like
themselves to be able to study the
same subjects and live the samn high
standard practiced by the teachers
lint the teachers continue In their
way oblivious to oplnnlon from with-
out and their pupils some ef them
In'the early days a little bewildered
themselves at first go ahead in the
way laid out for them accomplishing
the tapka assigned them.
"Chums and Brothers" Is made up
largely of letteia and artlclea address-
ed to the graduate and hla Ilk. The
latter half deals with the war and
describes Des Moines and the Color-
ed Officer. The book has a pleasant
note of optimism. "Kvery Colored man"
Professor Webster says "should have
pasted on a sheet of cardboard and
kept before his mirror the story of
his race's Fifty Years of Freedom."
It Is an enoouraglng atory and the
simple figurea of the growth of pro-
perty of the reduction of illiteracy
of the development of a large pro
fessional and business class In the
midst of these trouDioua times are
good to look upon. Ana with this ma
terial growtn la a no Die spiritual
growth. And one that Atlanta Uni-
versity haa helped to make. "When
II get discouraged and disheartened
at the restrictions that surround us"
a Colored graduate of Atlanta said
to him "I go out and walk around
the Atlanta University campus that
little bit of New England upon the
red clay hills of North Georgia and
I begin to feel enhcartened and en-
couraged." 1 Professor Webster would not let
hla youth think too much or their
own importance. "Would you gain an
Idea of your real Importance in the
affairs of the world? Take a baaln
of water and place It upon the table.
Kit before It and leaning the head
upon the left hand gaze Into ita pla-
cid depths and count one hundred.
Then with the right forefinger rub
the forehead three times back and
forth. Now carefully put thia same
forefinger into the water aa deep as
possible. Count ten aloud. Quickly re-
move the finger and look for tjie hole
In the water. Ita size will Indicate to
you a close approximation to your In-
dispensability In matters pertaining
to this mundane sphere." He councils
modesty yet urges that hla students
keep not only abreast but ahead of the
times. He Illustrates this by the ab-
lltlonists. "It Is rather the fash-
Ion in this day to decry the work of
that little band of agitatora known as
the Abolitionist Party." and the con-
structive work of Lincoln and of Sum-
ner la held up In contrast. This ia
all right but It must be recalled that
Phillips and Oarrison could do no con
structive work. Up to the night when
Wendell Phillips took up the cause of
the slave there waa no position in
the public service of Massachusetts to
which he might not have aspired. Af-
ter that first fatal addresa In which
he took sides on the great aoclal prob-
lem before the country there was
nothing lert for him but to be a pro-
phetic 'voice."
This la what Professor Webster has
to say of sacrifice: "When a man ac-
cepts a lower for a higher oppor-
tunity he mak?s a sacrifice." And
how beautiful II is that thia man
after many year of service In a school
In a southern city; where ostracism
to him and hla family meets him
when he goes off this campus where
there ia no chance for great advance-
ment as there would be In a larger
college feels that he haa aelsed the
higher opportunity. He haa made no
sacrifice. Had he mode a lower choice
then he might have had reason for
regret. As it la he loves his career
and his book shows the gracious
friendly spirit In which he has pur-
sued It.
in MM
1 !;
f i IT fr
i i-'iuid it he nee ry
' f'livei! ;r... ns'1 Uv It or
of -it.
it ' .' f in'hi fx ;r "!'h.
:.- lo -. with-
i 1 '".'(! r:'ur& leaves
'' r- ! We-ct'.A i nr. prove.
That art efficient state law against lynching ejc'sHa in South
Carolina is proved by a case recently disposed of in ths courts of
that state. .
In Anril 1920 Joe Stewart was taken from jail at Laurens
S. C and hanged to a railroad bridge. Stewart ha' I been arrested
following an altercation with some young white men. In a tele-
gram to Gov. Cooper immediately after the lynching tthe Na-
tional Association urged 'hat the Governor use the power of his
office to bring the lynchers to trial and that thj Staj Legal De-
partment proceed agar st Laurens County under the provision of
the State's Constitution which provides for the collection of ex-
emplary '.amage'? of not less than $2000 to be paid to the legal
representatives of t'.ie person lynched.
The widow brought suit in the Commci Fleas Ccart and on
Novemixr 11 1921 Judo Mclver directed the jury ia bring a
verdict for the full amount of $2000. ' '
That such laws may successfully operate in Soutl em states
without iha Ioks of self respect of the- pt&tea is also proven by
this l'lOHicnt. ... ;
Would it not be a step Uvivsvrd real self respect if all Soutnein
Stales loud in their docla.-at'ons' ajj&inst lynching would seek de-
finite relief from it by such la.73. Texas could well afford to try
it. . - - .-v.-.
It is a pitiful commentary upon the American sense or Justice and
our reaped for law that the Negro populations of many of the largest cities
of tae country are compelled to organize demonstrations to call attention
to the lynching evil. A few days ago such a demonstration was planned
for New York City although its entire success was marred by rain and to-
morrow the Negroes of Washington are to parade under the slogan "Lyn-
ching Must Stop" in the hope of winning congressional support for the Dy-
er Antl-lynching Bill nov pending.
This particular meaeure has been assailed violently on the ground that
it is unconstitutional and an Invasion of the police powers of the several
States. But this at least can be said Tor it; that it is an honesf and sin-
cere effort to accomplish what the states have not done namely put an
end to a crying evil and that nothing better has been suggested to at-
tain the desired result. Its general aim is to penaliie the States where
the lynching habit is undeterred either by public opinion' or by the pun-
ishment of the lynchers. And as the Colored people are the principal and
in Mme localities practically are sole victims of the practice upon thorn
is placed the burden of demanding protection.
This is an issue however that ought not to be permitted to become a
racial question. The honor of the Nation its status as a civilized power
and its own material and moral welfare depend upon our ability to com-
mand respect for law and to administer Justice swift nnd Impartial. Lynch
law is not only an appalling wrong to its victims deprived thereby of the
due process of law but it is debasing and demoralizing to the communities
where it is practiced. There Is not lacking in the South where the
greatest number of lynchings have occurred a recognition of the gravity
of the evil and t.e necessity for its abatement. But it is incumbent upon
the Southern States so far as that goes to take some effective measures to
inHure to all men black or white the equal protection of the laws. If the
Dyer bill is not the best way to meet the Issue then it ought not to be left
to the Negroes themselves to find a beUar.'
. . ; : .'" . i Phnvdelphia Public Ledger.'
(By A. N. P.)
llut to see her was to love her
I.ove but her and love forever.
Shades of Cleo wouldn't you like to
be "her" old dears I I never read that
particular passage that 1 don't feel
a little emerald tinge creeping Into
my heart for I never fall to remember
that a woman who could have so much
eternal love showered on her must
have been 100 per cent beautiful by
accident while I have to devote a
number of my spare minutea to be
0 per cent beautiful on purpose.
Mother used to say "Pretty la as
pretty does" and I thought that If one
put on airs enough one accomplished
beauty. I had not learned then that
beautiful and pretty are not synono-
mous. and that being pretty didn't
mean a thing around an Artist's con-
ference. It was a man who gave me
a deflntlon that assisted me In dis-
criminating. Sixteen and shy I watch-
ed a bevy of girls gaily garbed flirt-
ing with every man in the houst who
notice them while mouse that 1
waa I felt myself being consumed
by envy not that I'd look at a boy
there (Nay nay you know how we
are ladles!) but you alwaya hate to
see a massacre. Then up strolled this
man and because I stood in awe of
his serious brown eyes which usually
secmud to look through and beyound
you I think I must have shown my
misery for he smiled suddenly and
sr Id. "You little goose" Don't yen
know nothing so obvious can be long
charming. lieauty la simplicity beau-
ty la art and not imitation. Beauty
la design but not ornate posting. Beau-
ty is charm and not attraction. Beau
ty Is perpetual and not sporadic" Oh
I can't begin to tell you all he said
about beauty. And then he strolled
away as he had come but mother
told me later that he had said to her
'Your d xughter la gro ing Into a
beautiful woman." Complimented?
Sey I decided that 1 wasn't going
to be kidded even If the method was
Idlrc-t so I decided I would aid nat-
ure a r.'ttle. but I woild avoid those
aid which are obvious ornate and
spoi.-lls. Maybe I dldi.'t succeed
wholi but to quote from the street
I'm easy to look at from head to
feet. And returning to the text aa our
leading ministers are wont to re-
mark I believe we all are willing to
be one of those "loved forever" so
we'll chat It over and fli.J out wheth-
er or not we agree e'oout what aida
are best for beautlylng. filnce I am
occupying a "restrkd district" and
the apace Is full l'n say "until next
week." Yours for beauty.
Justice and human understanding
this in aplte of riots mob outbreaks
labor unrest and other disturbing and
sometimes discouraging condition" ia
the reason this distinguished educa-
tor advances aa good reasons for hla
discousslon of the Negro's Status In
.this country.
The Negro Church - The Negro
Tlusiness League The Preedmen'a Aid
Bureau The American Missionary So-
ciety Progress in Southern Education
and The Inter-Racial Commission are
among the topics discussed.
In the matter of the Negro'a material-
progress for the past fifteen years
In this country Principal Moton points
nut that in 1900 there were 20.000
Negro business enterprise throughout
the country. In 1915 there were more
than 60.000. The banks increased from
two to seventy-two; drug stores from
250 to 696; wholesale dealers 149 to
20 and retail merchants from ap-
proximately 10000 to 26000. In tha
same period the total value of farm
properties Increased 1177404688 to
J492.892.218. ' .
The writer lays considerable stress
on the work of the Inter-Ttactat com
missions In th.j South holding that
they are performing a very great ser-
vice in the cause of human progress.
Conservative Negroe declare that Dr.
Moton has Improved his poslMon as a
leader of the race through the writ-
ing of thli article.
(By A. N. P.)
New City N. Y. June 29. The May
number of Current History contains
an interesting and Instructive article
from the pen of Principal Robert H.
Moton entitled "Status of the Negro
in America. ....
The artlole h.. .......
TA8'! am"nff th Intelligent people
y"""""- " orim istio in tone and
contains a deal of information that
is enl irhtpninv r-t ... .
of the Negro in th' land.
'This country both North and South
n .ran na wining as never before
to get more definite Information re-
garding the N;gro problem and to
know something of the Negro'a own
thoughts regarding this probl m. He
requests for literature on the subject
come to us dally from all the aubject
the civilized world.
The mianii t IVil. ...... i
. ""unum eagerness
for facts In oi-vlous America and In fact
the wholiv civiilved world la thinking
today iv..:r tra vr. in terms of
' By A. N. P.)
LoMon England June 29. Ixindon
la greatly alarmed by th statement of
Ijord Northcllffe. the nottd journalist
that the white race ls-drvr of being
submerged by the large aov'as of tha
dark racss of the world. He affecta
to have discovered that tin darker
races are being fast molded Into a
nnlon that will seek. In the quite near
future the total annihilation of tha
white races.
He calls It an International question.
He uvers that the birth rate mong
the- whitea Ih decreasing to an alarm.
Ing extent. This situation he declares
to be deplorable. Pointing out that the-
more intelligent members of the larker
races are at present busy circulating
stories concerning the ileter '.nation of
the whites and are advising tnelr
brethren that now is the time to. make
ready for the deliver of a blow
that will end whlta domination 3f the
While Lord Northcllffo's alarms are
not seriously regarded hy the official
?!. ?f th8 EmP're the rank and
riles of the people n any places are
giving his theories thoughtful con-
sideration. Wny r also declaring that Nort-
cllffe s pronouncements are the vapor-
Ings of a man who has passed the
prime of hla Intellectual powers. It la
pointed out that there ase well-founded
rumors afloat that he win soon
rellngulah the reins of the manage-
ment of his chain of newspapers aa a
result of 111 health.
lr (By A- N. P.)
Wi. iVInjjton D. (!. June 29. Senator
Hoini. Is continuing his flKbt for tha
withdrawal of American troops from
th island of Haiti 'the doughty Fen-
''n lunno aecle.reH that the
American occupation Is a distinct vio-
lation of a weaker peoples' rights and
I . Rtates government should
....... 1 move sucn willful and pou
ly -situations us has marked Ita occu-
'" tne island up to this date.
t la said thai hi. fluhl . . 1.
one. "" "

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 37, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1922, newspaper, July 1, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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