Catalog of Abilene Christian University, 2005-2006 Page: 98

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98 Bible, Missions and Ministry

College of Biblical Studies (CBS)


BIBM 430 Education M inistry of the Church ........................................ ...... 3
BIBM 434 Developing Faith in Children ..................................... 3
Seminar in Children and Family ............................................................. 3
Children/Families Ministry Selection Upper Level
FAM 351 or EACH 466; PSYC 392 or SOCI 362 ........................................ ........ 6
T O TA L .................................................................................. .. ...................................... 1 5
*Do not duplicate choices in Major Requirements.
M inim um ....................................................................... 9
M in im um G PA in m ajo r ........................................ ................................................. 2.50
M inim um G PA for graduation ...................................... .. .......................................... 2.25
M inim um advanced hours ........................................................................................................... 33
M in im u m to ta l h o u rs ........................................ ................................................... 128
Courses numbered 0** do not count in minimum hours required for degree.


BIBL 104 Life and Teachings of Jesus (majors) ............................................................ 3
BIBL 105 Acts-Revelation (m ajors) ............. ............. ........................... 3
BIBL 211 M essage of the Old Testam ent .. ............... ................................. 3
BIBL 212 Christianity in Culture ................. ................ 3.............................................. 3
BIBL 420 Introduction to Exegesis ............................................ 3
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric ...................................... 3
Literature ............................................................ 3
COMS 112 Fundamentals of Communication/Religious Emphasis ............................. 3
H istory 100-299 .......................................................... ....... ............. ............................ 3
Courses in two fields: biology, chemistry, geology, physics, AENV 130, NUTR 120 ...... 6
>M ATH 120 ...................................... ...................... ............ 3
EX SC 100 + 3 activities .......................................................................... ................................ 4
UNIV 100 University Sem inar ........................................ 1
TOTAL UNIVERSITY CORE ....... ......................... .............. 41
ENGL 112 Composition and Literature .............................. .... ............. 3
Literature ......................................................................... . 3
Social Sciences/Humanities
BIBM 409 Introduction to Ministerial Counseling ................................................ 3
Choose from: anthropology, economics (also AGRB 261), geography, history,
philosophy, political science, sociology (maximum one course per area) .................. 6
Foreign Language
BGRK 211 Elementary Greek Readings I ............................... ..... ............ 3
BGRK 212 Elementary Greek Readings II .............................. ..... ........... 3
Fine Arts
Choose one: ART 101, MUSM 230, THEA 220 or THEA 250 ........................................ 3
T O TA L B A C O R E ....................................................................................... . ............................. 2 4
Bible Core
Old Testament from: BIBL 451, 452, 453, 454 ........................................ . ........ 6
New Testament from: BIBL 355, 359, 362, 363, 365, 367, 458, 460,
461, 464, 466 ............................ .............. .......... ..... ....... .......... .. 3
BGRK 111 New Testam ent Greek for Beginners I .............................................................. 3
BGRK 112 New Testament Greek for Beginners II ............. ..................... ..... 3
BMIS 346 Introduction to World Evanglization ............................................................. 3
BM IS 420 Teaching Good New s .......................................................... ............................... 3
Church History
BIBH 380 Survey of Church History ....................................... ...... .......... . 3
BIBH 383 Resto ratio n H isto ry ...................................................................... ..................... 3
BIBM 403, 405, 406, 430, 438, 493 (non duplicative) ......................................................... 3
Ministry/Missions Internship
BIBM 391 Introduction to M inistry and M issions ............................................................... 3
BIBM 491 Reflections on M inistry and M issions ................................................................. 3
BIBD 379 The New Testam ent Church ................................................................................. 3
T O T A L ..................................................................... ........... .......... ..................... .............. 3 9
*Do not duplicate choices in Major Requirements.
Mission Requirements
BM IS 101 M issionary Life and W ork ................................................................................... . 3
BM IS 102 M issionary Biographies ......................................................................................... 3
BM IS 245 M issionary A nthro po logy ................................................................................... . 3
B M IS 37 1 W o rld Relig io ns ...................................................................................................... 3
BM IS 421 Fundam entals of Spiritual Nurture ..................................................................... 3
T O T A L ............................................................................................................................................ 1 5


M in im u m .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Minimum GPA in major .... .......................................... 2.50
M inim um GPA for graduation ................................................ ...................... 2.25
M inim um advanced hours ............................ ..................................... ................. 33
M inim um total hours .................................................. ...................................................... 128
Courses numbered 0** do not count in minimum hours required for degree.


BIBL 104 Life and Teachings of Jesus (majors) ................................... ....... 3
BIBL 105 Acts-Revelation (majors) ........................................ 3
BIBL 211 M essage of the O ld Testam ent ...................................................................... 3
BIBL 212 Christianity in Culture ................................... ......................... 3
BIBL 420 Introduction to Exegesis .... ................ .................................... 3
ENG L 111 Com position and Rhetoric ............................................................................. 3
Lite ratu re .................................... .................... 3
COMS 112 Fundamentals of Communication/Religious Emphasis ................................... 3
History 100-299 .................. ..................... ................ .......... 3
Courses in two fields: biology, chemistry, geology, physics, AENV 130, NUTR 120 ...... 6
> M A T H 12 0 ....................................................................... 3.......................................... . . . . . 3
EX SC 100 + 3 activities ........................................................4.................................................. 4
U N IV 100 U niversity Sem inar ................................................................................................. 1
TO TA L U N IV ERSITY CO RE ........................................ ............................................... 41
ENG L 112 Com position and Literature ........................................................................ 3
Lite ratu re ........................................ 3
Social Sciences/Humanities
BIBM 409 Introduction to Ministerial Counseling .................... 3....... 3
Choose from: anthropology, economics (also AGRB 261), geography, history,
philosophy, political science, sociology (maximum one course per area) .................. 6
Foreign Language
BGRK 211 Elem entary Greek Readings I .. ............... ................................. 3
BGRK 212 Elem entary Greek Readings II .......................................................... 3............3
Fine Arts
Choose one: ART 101, MUSM 230, THEA 220 or THEA 250 ................................ 3
TOTAL BA CORE .............................................. 24
Bible Core
Old Testament from: BIBL 451, 452, 453, 454 ..................... ... ............ 6
New Testament from: BIBL 355, 359, 362, 363, 365, 367, 458, 460,
461, 464, 466 ......................................................... 3
BGRK 111 New Testament Greek for Beginners I ....................................................... 3
BGRK 112 New Testament Greek for Beginners II ........................................ ..... 3
BM IS 346 Introduction to W orld Evanglization .......................................................... 3
BMIS 420 Teaching Good News ............................... ..... ......................... 3
Church History
BIBH 380 Survey of Church History ...... ............... ................................. 3
BIBH 383 Restoration History ......................... ......................... 3
BIBM 403, 405, 406, 430, 438, 493 (non duplicative) ..................................... 3
Ministry/Missions Internship
BIBM 391 Introduction to M inistry and M issions ........................................................ 3
BIBM 491 Reflections on M inistry and M issions .......................................................... 3
BIBD 379 The New Testam ent Church .......................................................................... 3
TO TA L ....................................................................... 39
Youth and Family Ministry
BIBM 340 Foundations of Youth M inistry ................................................................... 3
BIBM 341 Advanced Youth M inistry ............................................................................. 3
BIBM 435 Adolescent Spiritual Form ation ................................................................... 3
BIBM 438 Teaching Ministry ........................................ 3
BIBM 442 Youth and Fam ily M inistry .......................................................................... 3
T O T A L ............................................................................................................................................ 1 5
*Do not duplicate choices in Major Requirements.
M inim um ........................................ 9..................................................9
M inim um GPA in m ajor ................................. .................. 2.50
Minimum GPA for graduation ....................... ....................... .... 2.25
M in im u m ad va nced ho u rs ........................................ ................................................ 33
Minimum total hours .......................................................................... 128
Courses numbered 0"* do not count in minimum hours required for degree.

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Abilene Christian University. Catalog of Abilene Christian University, 2005-2006, book, 2005; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Christian University Library.

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