Pampa Morning Post (Pampa, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 108, Ed. 1 Saturday, February 28, 1931 Page: 5 of 6

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page five
in FlfTl K
Mm. Washmmi Is
Hmlet* ift (Irtotfr
Pumpn Council No. 4077 or the
Security Benefit ussoctnilon met
. , i Thursday hi the homo of Die VleA--
C.ic lvmdred fifty ps/wm-ttend-, prMUtent j^. charier P. Wash-
lhe prasojileel In U>e; 0(M fJ Pl.nucliSi
l it byteriun church auditorium UUring thc business fPs$loi>, a
Willi M)0. women in attendance,
I n.:ntv Earl" closed a highly s|)pecss-
! in! News-pci.-t "harm nit-1 Health
:: iiocl Friday afternoon in the city
ir.ui auditorium. The
tiav wu' ft-r women only,- and a!
icvue cl' lovely lingerie Ifwii Mur-1
Insuae. as wall as a Parisian
Social Calendar
ion •iuj..:., el Mr.i. Lee Tlilt assist-
Th: program follows:
Petite March tie Conceit (Delia-
1 field), and Solitude (Jules Devauxi,
Margaret Berk and Opal Cray.
Wood Nymph's Frolic (Michael
Mr*. Anioni, Francis Thompson.
Dance of the Midgets (Richard
* ' * strong i, Gninldine Mitchell.
Child Sliuly club will meet at the William's trouble (Anonymous),
i. _ . home of Mrs. Raymond Hurrah at Lcla, Mae Bell.
i!IB'oi J'"-!-j;3d o'clock. Mrs. W. ft. Coffee will Playlm; Soldiers (Walter Rolfe),
be Jead"r of the program. I Julie B«'ek.
* * * j P~ny Back (Olivt
The Bible Gleaners class of the I leno Saunders,
rhturday evening by piano pupils L,olnmlttco was appointed to flnanee
ol Mrs. F. P. McSkinimin:'.. Kxpres-, n permanent meeting place.
Refreshments were
about 15 pel-Sons.
Ro Jolly club will til'
Waller Moss.
•I. Willi
nititude to w a r d sex 'declared somerville, at 2:30 n. m
Nancy Earlc. "Th* « due. o early • WooUrow Wilson P.-T. A. will hold
training "U-,J—
iiuik by Miss Virginia uiuMf.-r, |/.a e j pj,.,a Baptist church will hold Uieii | Murch of the Wee Folks (Jessie
added interest to the occa^iOT, regular monthly social in the home Gaynor), Wilma Willis.
"Only hiinmns haven etiBtortpd | Cf Mrs. j p(,WGn Wehrung, !ioa N. | Mother's Precious Girl (Anony-
mous), Julia Marie Bell.
A Dainty Cavotte (Gounod), Eva
jn study meeting at the school at i Marie Howard.
Canoeing Along the Allegheny
(Anthony), Leon Holmes.
The Tom Boy (Anonymous), June
Daddy's Waltr. (Walter Rolfe),
Children should'be told |
truths W their parents, who should 7:30 m. A„ nirin,J(.,,s urgcfl
put the children cn an equal basis [0 bl. present
v.uh themselves. Otherwise the. Tllf> Back 4_u chlb w„, mect .„
children will learn the sarna truths, tlM! .iL.|10l), al 1:;!0 n
in a distorted way from ran As. Eldridiic 4-il club will meet at
a distorted way fronf olAAS.
"take cll all mystery. , ramose; t|,e j,omc 0f j0(, Iva cJlcmons el Pauline McKay.
• i'ihln n to beauty and iflVdHness, a:3o 0.c,„tk> , 'ihe sailing
i.l every phase or llle, including fex. i Order of the Eastern Star will1 ROlfei, Lcuella Saunders.
"In marriage, don t wait fotfTspme, :,(,ld jus regular study club meet- Tla' May Day Dante (M. L. Pres-
' to,provide happiness fcjftou. | (l; u p m jn ^|lp Masonic hull, inn, Margaret Burns.
Marriage is a business. It Is the I * Foust (Gottned). Eva Marie How-
msMtl illirult of all human relation- SATURDAY aid and Francis Thompson.
miom. difficult cf nil human relntion-1 The Lloyd Green Allen chapter Salute to the Color* (Aolhonyi.
.•iiid perlect unclcrNla.Kling. The Cf ure Scolarshlp Society of the Dorothy Tucker.
.'iipremc experience is that oi' south will hold is annual mectinr,! 011(1 at Job's Comforts (Anon.v-
iiH iherliocd. suul baiKiuet it Herrin hold i mous), Marie Tlnsley.
"ChiU'iu on the part of H.woman 1 Amariuu, m C,..h, o'clock. '! Indian War Danco (Helen Del-
* lam i, and Plcnfaiit Dreams iAn-
Eplscopal auxiliary will have a! ihony), Billy Holmes.
ftod ;al« nt M System No. 2 begin-1 Fairy's Gift (Olive Endrcs), Ger-
Idine Yi.nkee.
i; necessary for the liapplfflp. mar-
nage. It is something i^womau
way nevjr Ice, even though years
arc adv.iiiciiig. The 'other woman'| ing at 0 a.m.
inakp.) a speciality of v\ lnvt she tr
doiii'i', whv not the wife'
"A womati must keep nev own
nnpiovi iticnt just ahead of her hus-
band. Khc inn: i rnak" herU-lf in-
icrfsiing. She must b« a' coin pan-
i' n. a playmate. The helpmate is
often pushed aside and the' play-
mate pushed in.
"Self-improvement is an ' invest -
an ni in one's own happiness. The
appearance of a woman personally
is vastly more important (hat the
. appearance of her house."
jor //'cfamhjy
NEA Sender Writov;
Artichokes great the housewife
when she goes a-marketing thise
day;, and at thi.1- season of'the .s'^ar
Uiien ((heit-Z/Tivsh vegetnbls'i are
i aih.M1, scarce they offer a^eTii^htful
two common nirfeties.
th' globe, or French, and ttie Jeru-
salem. > The Jerusalem is^. a. tuber
and very different from the French
urticholO. which is really a flower
WJicn marketing for artichokes,
eheose fresh green globes from
v. hicli a lea1' will pull erfsily. This
iisiuilly indicates excellent quality
and assures t 'nderness and deli-
cacy cf flavor. One artichoke is
generally calculated as a "serving,"
although the globes may be halved
or even quartered if they nre very
large. They should be cooked.whole
and divided just, before serving.
The artichoke bolt cm
(A'socialctl Priss Radio Editor)
NEW YCRK. Ftb. 27. (/Pi- An-
other pre cedent will Ire broken ji:
the four-year-old program of Olive
Palmer and her co-artists next
Wednesday light.
It will be lha second time in as
many weeks that a guest artist will
be on the bill. Before the Will Rog-
crs courtesy appearance February
18, a "no guest artist" policy r..ui
been maintained.
The second pet.son to "brea'i" ihls
l'tilt is to be Vaughn DcLeaUi. back
in the NEC .studios after a series of
programs at W't A.;vi, Clcvehud. Al-
tUough it had been announced slit-
would not return to the network
iroBi'ams until Mnich 15, n change
in plans was necessitated .vlien :l
was decided to put her on w itii tnc
Olive Palmer group on the WUAF
chain at 8:30 p. m. Wecln?s In ■
Miss DeLcath, one of the pioneers
of radio, will take the place of n;ii:'-
uheth Lennox, contralto. Who will
be absent on that date.
An Iht&ioKtfnsr program at 2 80
(,'elcck climaxed visitation day at
Bakjr school Thursday. One hun-
Ei.tiers), Ar-] died forty-six visitors registered.
Miss Clen Snodgrass' pupils were
declared winners of the picture
offered by the Parent-Teacher ns-
soclatlon to thc room having the
largest number of mothers present.
The room cf Miss Clarice Fuller
and Mrs. John CVant was second,
and that of Mks Opal Snodgrass,
The following program was given;
Number from Woodrow Wilson
f Reading, Mrs. .Helen Turner.
Regatta (Walter I Entertainment by the high school
' quartet.
Numbers by the high school band
under the direction of "Pop" Fra-
Play, "Medlcinc Folk," by fifth
grade pupils under the direction of
Miss Edna Unei-rwood.
Flay, "The Making of l!i:> First
Flag," Miss Opal Snodgrass' room.
Rhythm band numbers under the
direction of Miss Martha Wulfman.
Health play by pupils of the fifth
grade under the direction of Mhs
Lccta Brown.
Musical numbers under the direc-
tion of Miss I/ennii Bryant.
Th? following pntront. attended
(,4iapel at Sam Houston schoi'l
Thursday: Mrs. E. Brewer, T. E.
Lucy, Mrs. J. L. Lester, Mrs. J. D.
Pawacn, Mrs Van Bltiine, Mrs. E.
,io. Smith, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. W. L.
p/.jr,ltiii:k, Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Goad,
Mbr. Bess Killough, Miss France::
McCue, Mrs. I<. C. Pedditoril, Miss Orc.oin, and Miss Josephine
'the prouram, presented by pupils
of Horace Mann school, was open-
ed with the Virginia Reel by pupils
or Mivs Loma Groom's room; Ja?-
quclyn Davidson, Pauline Mcintosh,
Sylvia Blaine, Geraldino Smith, Lom
Goad, Mary Elizabeth Beaty, D. A.
Davis, Hart Id Smith, Bobby Ward,
Ben isbell, 1 honias Smith, and
Hoyd Johnson.
A historical guessing gome was
given by the following pupils of Mrs.
1,. C. Peddlccrd's room: Betty Ann
McFoggart, Mary Lynn Schoolfleld,
Dessie Murel Goad, LaVonda John-
scn, Virginia Hallet, Frieda Saun-
ders, Betty Jo Anderson, Shirley
Movley, and Mildred Pearce.
The program wa.^ closed with a
duet, "Ne, Sir," by John Mitchell
and Janie Purvlance, pupils 6f Mlsv
Banner.'; U n furl t; il
Strr.ngi, Dorothy Davis.
Home (Edgar A. Guest)
Caprice—Opus a<;, No. 2 Rudolph
Frlmli, Opal Gray.
Song Without Words i Paolo Con-
to), Margaret Beck.
Dante of the Rosebud.i (Rents)
Marie Tinsley and Mrs. MeSklm-
All Paris, Mo., barber shops have
rcdueed prices to prewnr levels, with
hair tuts lili cents.
M'LEAN, Feb. 27. (Special) —
Baker Ilarklns, federal cotton grad-
er, Henry Wlsrhkaeirtpcr of Wel-
lington nnc', Judge L. Gcugh of
Ainarlllo, will be in McLean Sat-
urday and make addresses hi the
high school auditorium at 2:30
t'clcek. They will be here In the
interest of planting pure cotton seed
this season.
. Room 2
First National Bank Bltlg.
Subject, "Christ Jesus".
Sunday services, 11 a.m.
Sunday school, 9 a.m.
Wediiesilay services, H pr...
1 he reading room is open Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Saturdays
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The public
is cordially Invited to attend tho
services and to use the reading
l lltST BAPTIST C'lll'lU'H
Corner Klngsmlll and West Sts.
The services twice daily have
ceased, but the revival will continue.
In ways lar reaching and signifl-
tant tlv> church membership has
been helped. The prcaohing of Rav.
H. R. Whatlcy has gripped iho
hearts of the audience and new
strength and resolves have come tu
there who have followed him In
these messages.
We expect Sunday to be r.nothtr
great day Elblo school meeting at
0:45 by departments and classes.
Judea, or Pernca during a brief min-
istry there after thc Feast of Tab-
ernacles. These two 'missions, im-
portant on their own account, re-
veal the purpose of Jesus lor His
The pas'.or will preach in tho morn-
ing at 11:00 and 7:30 in the even-
ing. The B. Y. P. U. will meet
.it G.30. We extend an urgent In-
vitation to tho new membeis to be I 7:30 p.m
i re'ent and the many new Mends, |
with whom the church h«>.~ marie j
i intact in this series of meetings, j
It has n-ally been a great revival!
with oiustaiuiihn singing directed by |
Miss Groom and a gootl choir. Thc
Sermon, A lesson from Thyatlra.
The Church Too Lenient," 11 a.m.
Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 p.m.
s< rmon, "The Completion of Sin."
A A. HYDtt. Ministei
City Hall
Sunday school, 0:45 a.m.
, , , i ProachlnE, 11 a.m. Subjbct: "A
specials from time to tin lmve been >„ „ PlTrni,,
elevating in the oxtrt-me. •iuudny pe,;ullal ^ecpl,e,' 0 . , r.Qft _
morning Mr. and Mrs. R. E U.iclin I Yountv Peoples 8oclcty 0.30 p.nv.
and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Price will InL-rmodlate society, 0:30 p.m.
riiig a quartet, and in the evening i ^nlcr roeioty, 0:30 jvu.
the quartet from the Business Men's | ProacWw< i ^ p.m. Subject "0~ut"-
standlng Tragedies".
We extend to all who arc out of
services an earnest invitation to be
with us in cur services.
We believe that if th3 people of
this community will return to the
worship cf God and will again plead
for the old paths that shouts of
victory will be heard.
May we cxpcct you Sunday?
W. V. NEILL, Pastor
Bible class will sing.
Again we bid those without ai
chlirch home welcome, and unite
these without a task for tho i.r:-
viee of Christ io join our ranks.
Jim Mcrgan, representative of th"
National Casket company cf Dallas,
iramactcd business here yesterday.
Mr. Real- of the Dodge Chemical
company of Sun Anionic, wos i
bu.'iness visitor here yesterday.
All services at the °reEbylerian
church are lor you. Come and
war,hip with us Sunday.
Services for the day as follows:
Sunday school at 10
in thc Holy Spirit." It was a di-
vine exultation, shared oy his heav-
enly Father through tho third per-
son of the Trinity. As this sume
Spirit had led Jesus Into thc wilder-
disciples ln y'ears to come, arid are ne8S fCl- his combat with the devil,
harbingers of tho world-glrdlin.i
A contiac1. with the vocal ami in-
which is! strumental trio known as the 3cs-
11 ^ succulent morsel in Hie-heart well sisters hus been signed by t-.'BC
«>r th - flcwer, is available in cans. I and they ;>:c to broadcast each Sitn-
'l his is also used uncooked as a! da.v night e,n WJZ and network and
salad when the flower Is very • on WEAF t.iid stations on Werines-
yoiin" end tender. This spikv top . day night. Their first program is f:et
known as the "choke" must be
pulled before :r:rvnlg.
The choke is often left jn while
cocking but is always removed be-
lure serving. After it is cooked. It
pulls out easily and it keeps .the
nlobe in shape during the cooking
process. If removed before cook-
ing. cut away with a sharp knife
and tie the chcke with a soft cord
to keep lis shape.
^ To prepare for cooking, wash
through several waters and cut
off stem close to leaves. Full off
hard outer leaves and cut' off "top
about 3-4 Inch elown. Let stand
BREAKFAST — Slewed rhu-
barb. ceual, cream, tjiil&d
French toast, syrup, milk, cof-
LUNCHEON — Corn Ruffle,
tewed tomatoes, rye bread,
chocolate sponge pudding, milk,

DINNER -- Chill con carne.
boiled artichokes with'4 hot
mayonnaise, apricot whip,..plain
cakr, milk, eoffoe.
in cold water and vinegar 10 cover.
Use one tablcspcon vinegar to one
'luart water. Let stand one "hour.
Drain and cook hi boiling:, salted
water for 30 to 40 minutc ,.-,Drain
a nd serve as preferred. Cook ar-
tichokes uncovered and do not add
salt, until they arc half ccoked.
The Italians have many delicious
ways oT preparing artichokes. One
delectabji4 mWhod ^ 'io p.irboil
th? flowers and then bako.with a
mixture of cllve oil and • grated
(hrese. Segments of lemon an
K-rved with this dish.
Fat Stock Parade
Today at McLean
M'LEAN, Feb. 27. (Special)—A
parade cl fine animals that, will be
exhibited by 4-H boys ul* AmarlUo
Fat Stotk show will be Rl?eh on
McLean rtrels Saturday afternoon.
Included In the ptiradi) will be
animals from Ihc BAR tp ranch
that wHi be on exhibition nt the
More than 100 convicts ^olrfelnii
en a Callforala road project nre
''pending their spare lime p'flnnlni
for 0:15 u. i: March 1. The ulsters,
Connie, Martha and Vet, specially,:
in southciu and "blues" sen;?-.
Our Gang Bridge club met in the
home of Mrs. J. E. McCall Thurs-
day afternoon at 2:30 oYIock.
At the close of the games, dainty
refreshments were served to one vis-
iter, Miss Florence Ward, and to the
following members: Meydames
Dewey Voyles, J. I. Hull. W. E. Me ■
Lutighlin, Roy Showers, Bert L
Moore, A. B. Covey, F. C. Fisher. W.
A. Webb. W. Wilks, and :he host-
ess. Mrs. Hull was favored for high
The next meeting will be held
March 12 in tile heme of Mrs. W. A.
Chairman cl' tho style show t,
be sponsored by the Pampa Busi-
ness and Professional Women's club
will meet in called session Mcndav
evening at 7:JO o'elock at 'he Mas-
ters eal'e.
The group Includes Mrs. Grace
Biggins Pool, general chairman;
Mrs. Ruby MeConneH, advertising
chairman; Mrs. F. P. MeSklmming,
pre gram chairman; Miss Clara Lee
Ehewmnksr, musid chairman; Mrs.
R. J. Kiser, model chairman.
The style show will bn held nt
A new series of Pacific feature
programs start on WJZ and sta- the La Nora theater March 11
tiens tomorrow afternoon at 3:2.5
p. ni. assisted by two vocalists, a
guitarist and a Spanish orchestra.
Tcm Terrlss, motion picture direc-
tor and traveler will describe the
Spanish and Mexican California of
the eighteenth century.
Whitefish School
Wins Loving Cup
The Edwin Franko Goldman band
Is to be heard on WEAF and sta-
tions at 8 p. m. in place of the
Walter Damrosch orchestra. Del
Staigers, cornctist. will be soloist.
Mark Bellinger is guest speaker
in Ted Husing's sport slants on the
WABC group at, 8 p. m.
DUNCAN, Okln., Feb. 27. </l'i -•-
Floyd Calmer. 10, Comanche farm
hand, was In jail here today ac-
cused of stabbing to death Je.«
Denmnn, 35, his brother-in-lnw.
The nTrny occurred lnle last
night at Comanche.
Assistant County Attorney Arthur
Maririduke sniel Galiriflr claimed
tt|l slabbing followed threats by
Denmnn. The men had been at
edds fcr jcars, Galmcr said.
Denmnn formerly lived at Clilck-
asha. His widow nnel two daugh-
ters survive.
M'LEAN. Feb. 27. (Special)-
Whitefish school won the silver lov-
ing cup awarded by the McLean
Liens club in the second spelling
contest held here recently. McLean
won the trophy last year. To be
ccmc permanent possessor of the
cup a school must win the contest
lor throe consecutive years.
Thc Whitefish school made a
International Sunday School Lesson-
missionary enterprise oi our day.
Christian Hospitality
"And into whatsoever house ye
shall enter". "Hospitality in the
Blast is not merely ti personal ana
social virtue: it Is a center from
which all social virtues radiate, and
it takes precedence cf all other per-
sonal virtues . . . On my landing,
in the East, at Alexandria, I was
invited by an Alexandrian merchant
to be iv guest at his house. When
I called on him, as he welcomed didst reveal
me into a large room on the firs,
floor and brought me coffee tuid
cukes, he said, 'This room is my
hospitality', which was his way oi
saving. 'This is my guest-room, o-
guest-chamber', as the Bible calls
ec now he Joined with Jesus In re-
jolting over the anticipated com-
plete conquest of thc adversary.
• And said I thank thee, O Father,
Lord cf heaven and earth, tnat Thou
didst hide those things." The af-
fairs of the kingdom of heaven, the
tcnehings of salvation, the principles
of the gospel. "From the wise and
undestandinB." "Our Lord rejoices
to plan and will to cxecute, of largo
views and long vision, filled with
the spirit of Christian consecration,
shall go In the name of Jesus Christ
a*- the disciples went in the begin-
ning. and win for him ihs empire
cf China, the empire of Japan and
tho empire cf India, as they won
the empire of Rome. It waits only
fcr the men to do it '—oean George
Boldness in Evangelism
' Christ came to give men life.
These disciples were the first me:i
with whom he came in contact. Did
ho succecd? I say without hesltu-
net that the truth was hidden from tlon thnt he succeeded. And whnr
ntly, but that It was hidden from , he did in these first followers He
------- W|U (|() [n l,..| jf yp Wj,| nn|y
IIim."W. Garrett Herder.
"When Adonirnm Judson was liv-
ing among the Karens, they weiv
I rofoundly Imprcsed by his dally il-
lustration of the Christian graces,
insomuch that they called him 'Jes-
C. H. Irwin. D. D. "And
Uinn unto babes.'
Babes" are the simple, humble
followers of the Lord, trustfully ac-
cepting His word and quietly doing
His will. "Yea, Father for so li.
was well-pleasing in Thy sight"
International Sunday ui.iol lesson, laborers into his harvest.--Luke 10:L'.
lor March 1, 1931. j Time:—The mission of the Seven-
General topic: Jes'is Sending| ty. November, December, A. D. 20.
forth Missionaries. | in the third year of Christ's mln-
Scripturo lesson: Luke lO l-ll, 17, is-try.
;>! 22. I Place:—Peraea, the region cast of
Luke 10:1. Now after these things lmvcr ^XoCuction
the Lord appointed seventy others, | filCK,_, cj- lhe Tw,lve mark.
and sent ihe.n two and t.vo before; C(l thc beginning cf a distinct phase
i ulac.P u «?,r J ir «,n , i i„ of cur Lortl'-s ministry. Mark says
whither He Hnribclf was about to I tlwl app0intocI them "that they
ct m(;' | might be with Him and that He
2. And He sniel unto them, lhe | might send them forth to preach
harvest indeed is plenteous, but the i have authority to east out
laborers nre few; pray ye therefore j demons". Lukn's record of events
the Lord of the harvest., that He, between cur last lessen this reveals
-end forth laborers into his harvest, method and richness of their In-
3. Go jour ways; behold, I send structlon. "With Him" they werj
you fcr th ns lambs in the midst oi cchstnntly being taught, through
wo'.ves. ! Hfs public speech and private con-
4. Carry no purse, no wallet, no 1 vtlsallon, the nature of his King-
slices; and salute mi man on the ^ eloni, His spirit, His purpose. Their
way. i eyes were opened to his true na-
5. And into whatsoever house ye- i ture, thai Ha was llu- Me:e>iah, the
rliall enter, first say, Peace be to Son of God (Luke 0:13-29), They
this house. were, told about his -ipprcachinr
(i. And if a son of peu:c be there ; death and resurrtrticn ii):22i, the
vour peace shall rest upon him but dehinnd'i of true discipleshlp (9:23-
.1 not, il shall turn to you again. 127). Their fault, and failures, am-
7. And in that same house remain, biticn and intolerance, were cor-
eating and drinking such things at,'reeled by word and deed (9:46-5(3).
they give: fcr the laborer is worthy I In fact all that Christ did, while
of His hire. Go not from lious" having its own elirect purpose, wns
it.. And l'roin that time on, during
my stav in thc East, in Egypt.
Arabia, nnd Syria. I found n gucst-
chamber in every house, and u
guest-house in every village. And
that is the normal state of things
Tlilr is the Amen of Lhe SovicurV,1 u- Christ's Man'. Higher than this
reverent meditation on His Fathers] w<' may net aipirc; belter than thl"
plan. American Comu.entnry.
"Go Ye Thercfnre"
"The cue thing fcr Christ's disci
pies to dc Is tr( go, and keep on
gtilng; to preach nnd keep on
lllill Hlv wui u" . l£Ultl->i IU iillVl c
in thc East, wherever the priml- prcachlng; for il they do this He
tive customs have sway."—Henry u,in im «,tth them oven unto the end
Clay Trumbull
to house.
8. And into whatsoever city ye en-
ter. and they receive you, eat such
things as are set before you:
0. And heal the sick that are
therein, and say unto them, The
kingdom of Gcd is come nigh unto
10. But into whatsoever city ye
shall enter, and they receive you
not, go out into the streets thereol
and. say:
11. Even the dust from your city,
that cleaveth to cur feet, we wip i
off against you: nevertheless know
this, that the kingdom of God ).•;
come nigh.
17, Atid thc seventy returned with
joy, saying, Lord, overt the demons
are subject unto us in ;hy name.
21. In that snnic hour he rejoived
in the Ho|y Spirit, and said, I thank
thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, that Tlicu didst hide thisc
things frcm thc. wise and unfler-
; landing, nnd didst reveal tnem un-
! sccre of 877 points. McLean took
second place with 852 points. and ;,0 lJa,3os: yea, Father; for so, it was
LcFors was third with 830. Pern'
Landers of McLean won fhst prlfcc
for highest individual honors In the
well-pleasing in thy sight.
22. All things have been delivcrc
unto me of my Father; and no one
senior division. Seven schools com- kneweth who thc Son is, save the
petcd for prizes. Father: and who thc Fafcner Is, savr
Thc event, was under ihc direc-
tion cf A. A. Tnmpkc. Judges were
ReV. W. A. ErMn, Rev, C. G. Eoff,
and Rev. J. II. Crow. Piof. John
Harding acted as secretary.
Some 10,000 trees of a dozen vari-
eties will be planted in the public
park Of Amarillo during March.
Make up your mind today thnt
you nre going to give your skin a
real chance to get well.
You'vo probably been, like a lot
of other people, convinced that the
only thing to use was an ointment
or salve (some of them are very
good) but In the big majority of
cases these sticky salves simply clog
lhe pores and the condition pri-
marily remains the same.
Go to Fatheree Drug Stores 6."
gold, getting enough to buy tobacco! any other good druggist today and
and .ir,n;o dclicnclcs. get an original bottle of Moono'3
a ® a
Emerald Oil—nn 8.r> cent bottle lasts
1 w?eks,
The very flr|i application will
•jive you relief and a few short
treatments wil thoroughly convince
vou l hut by sticking faithfully to It
for n short while your skin troubles
will be a thing of the past.
Remember lhat Moone's Emerald
Oil Is a clean, powerful, penetrat-
ing Anlisccptic OH that does not
stale, or lenve a greasy residue and
that it. must "feivc complete satis-
faction or your rtioriey cheerfully
refunded, adv.—1
the Son, nnd he to whomsoever the
Son wil let ti to reveal nim.
Golden Text:—Tho haivest lndeee:
Is plenteous, but the laborers arc 1
few; pray ye therefore the Lord of
the hnrvest, thnt ho send forth
I urned to account in preparing these
men for their apostleshio."
Training Through Service
A most vital part of their train-
ing was their own service. In 9:1
Luke tells us of his lending them
out: "lo preach the kingdom ol
God and to heol the sick". On such
u jcurney they would not only do
much good to others, but would be
profoundly impressed with the mag-
nitude of their task, the meaning
of the gospel, and thc reality of
the Lord's communicable power as
they healed the sick and cast out
demons. This kind of service and
training was not confined to the
Twelve. Our lesson this week is
base'd upon n similar mission upon
which he sent seventy tuners. The
Twelve were sent forth into Galilee;
the Seventy were probably ,-;ent int.)
rile Worthy Laborer
-For the laborer is worthy of hv:
hire." Their food was their pay,
they were to have no other wages
than a bare subsistence. Gospel
workers all thc ages nave been
marked by extreme unselfishness,
rejt Icing that they can "spend and
be* spent" in Christ's dear service.
It is not to the credit cf ;he church-
es that, ministers' wages are still,
oil the average, so very low; but It
is greatly tc the credit of the min-
isters that they are willing to work
;'cr these low wages. "Go not from
house to house". Christ evidently
held this injunction to be very im-
portant. and so repeated it. He
sncw what a temptation it would
jo to turn the evangelistic journey
into a "Junket".
Iny Of The Seventy
"And the seventy returned with
Joy." All Christian work should be
reported. For the workers' own
jood, he should take account of
what he has done, thnt he mny bet-
ter it next time. For lhe lnslrnt-
tion of others lie should Iny his
achievements before them, not in
boasting, but that they may know
wluil God can ne'jc.inpllsh through
human weakness. How cnreful wns
Pau, on thc conclusion of his mis-
sionary journeys, to return to Anti-
och and make his report. Tile
Seventy had met with great unex-
pected success, and were full ol jo,.
The Joy Of Jesus
"In that same hour ne rejoiceri
Starting Sunday
girls i
Complete Course, $75
Terms, *5.00 Discount for C'asli
Diplomas Issued
Mrs. Ligon, Prop, and Instructor
Outda C. Lee, Assistant Instruc-
Plionc 1005
Room 12 Smlih Bid*.
We Specialize in Furniture Up-
holstering Repairing, Refinlsh-
i ind atm Decorating.
Modern Equipment Plus 10
Years Experience.
Call IIS
All work Guaranteed—Fr**
paiy&a* ^holster^'co.
409 South Russell Phone IN
Arcs egwtfn-
All kinde of
Bye QlMfl re-
roken Lan*
OMwl HiMtai
Permanent Wave
Season Is Here
ir You want a ,
tlEAT'TIITir, PliltMANteNT?
—one that will last, and at a very
tow price, see the busiest shop in
and give you three free hot oils
with cvdry wnvo. You pret your
2hdlee of an operator or udvanceel
student. Wc have advanced stu-
dents who work under our Instruc-
tors nnd We are responsible for
their work. Call us or conic hi and
watch us work, we Will Kindly ex
Eufcene Permanent Wave
Combination tmrene —
Combination Frederick .
Realistic Wave
piiart Wave jo
Dura dene WaVe S5
Weneh Oil Wave S4
This Is the price comnlete—no ex-
tras. Wc ttivc $2.00 off if a student
does your work. MA VEST \VAVE "sitttPWE
P,,"nP ,0°5«mllh RUfr.
- :"r"
will be with them even uuto the end
of the world. The commission is
universal and perpetual. The 'limit
of space' is the Rlobe uself. The
'limit cf time' i.<: all the time there
Is. Until the end of the world is
reached, thc commission suns, 'Gr,
ye therefore and disciple all no-
tions."—Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D. D.
"When we try to sum up Christ'.*
Influence, all lhe armies that ovtr
marched, nil the parliaments that
ever sat, all the kings lhat eve.
reigned, are abselutely picayune in
their influence cn mankind com-
pared with that of till: one solitary
life."—Rev. Jnmcs A. Francis, D. b.
Ce.mingr Missionary Triumph
"Thci'e is nothing whatever In the
nature of thliiRS to prevent the mis-
ioiiary from being a ureal deal
.ncre useful than the statesman, the
olellcr, nnel lhe merchant nut to-
gether. Europe was not only evan-
icllzeel tut civilized by Christian
mUflonaries, The snmo work tan
lie dene nnaln in Africa nnel Asia
What is needed is that strong men,
of ce-urane and pnti -nee. of wisdom
we cannot be."—David .Tames Bur-
"A friend cf reecgnizod position
among American scholars was, in
his student days, spending nn eve-
ning with that prince oi German
1-rcfesscrs. Dr. Harnack. Their dij -
cus-'icn liad been rhit-fly of the
trustworthiness of tho Gospels, and
die cutcomc was reassuring. Yet,
ns the learned professor said 'Good'
night' to his young guest, he .closed
matter by this earnest 'word;
'But, niter all, the greatest rvidenop
ir. Ihei personal testimony'—the tes-
timcny, lhat is, cf each believer, to
Ills experience of Jesus as Friend
nnel S.iviour."— R:iv. Oluuincc'/ W
Itooin 12
A Lasting
Permanent Wave
If you haven't been here it
will amaze you what a really
fine permanent you can get
nt this low price. Skilled op-
erators adept In nil the hew-
est modes nnel methods cf
hair dress will serve you. We
did 1484 permanent wnves
during l! :t0 and pleased every
Finger wave fiOc
Pacini $1.00
IT&lri'ultlng by
Licensed Operators
Phone 251
Guaranteed Duart, Croquinole, Realistic nnd
Auardene Permanent Wnves with ringlet ends.
9fSS' <^enforln,.H!w. , .only:.A
setli^fe beauty shoppe
Fre> MM*
Open Evenings
PMtrn *!w
Mi's, .hit' Lazarus In
Charjre ol' Hosiery
On Your Hosiery Club
Buy one
Pair Hose
nnd receive
credit for
3 pair
If you are not a member of
our hosiery club, join now.
We will give you a card with
your first purchase.
one pair
Hose free
with every 12 pair yttli
No time Umft
The Pnmpa
Brown&* Shoe Store
123 Worth Cyyffer


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Hinkle, Olin E. Pampa Morning Post (Pampa, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 108, Ed. 1 Saturday, February 28, 1931, newspaper, February 28, 1931; Pampa, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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