Amarillo Daily News (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 28, Ed. 1 Wednesday, December 6, 1911 Page: 1 of 8

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muck fivf crra.
life Term for James B. and !
Fifteen Yeara for
John J.
Mexico Clt . Mm Dec. 5.
-"Che" Qomei whom rebel-
lion at .luarhltan resulted In
a clash between President
Madero and the Governor rf
Oaxnra wnt lvnched this a!t-
rnooa at Rlcon Antonio and
elKlit of Mi partisans met a
similar fate.
Executive! View of Sherman
Law Causes Varying
Good Government Candi-
date Bests Socialist for
Mayo r of City
Washington. I) C. Hoc. 5.
Verata hai made an apptat
to Great Britain to act aa i-
termedlary In an effort to ne-
pottate settlement In the erl-
aia with Russia according to
dbipatrhe Tectived here to-
night from semi-official
sources In Teheran.
or not less than
Los Angel". Cal. lVc f.. -The .
two McNamara brother.. Jan. Kjpopuar ()fficja and Brjde
HBd JOtin J. Monnmra :
Cincinnati the one slim drooieshoul-
derod. sallow-faced with small eyes
and the other with the brond rhe
of a man. felt today the strong hand !
Given Rousing Send-
off at Train
John U. Snider and Mlas Unnic
. M A1 ... .... . ih.r I Hnrdy Heall were married yebterday
of Justice which according .o their
own confessions they had .on:lp jennU pnMor p f 0 Fl:
thought to evade. Christian church officiating at his
Judae Rordwell aentenced James home. 1004 Buchanan street Mr.
. MrNaumar to life imprisonment In laM Mr. Snider amid a ahovvr of
... .... rh. music of a bras br.nd aud thi
;hc Sun iontlu penltcntlnrv vn r
ronfewd to the murder cf Jttinr J. i(lh of eonuratirlatlont l.onrdcd tho
Hagfrty. killed In the explofiou or southbound p0rt Worth Denver
rho I-oh Angelea Tlmea bulldlnr. Octo- City train for a three weeks' sojourn
nthor on ine con. wun incmepiai hi
T llttjll ....
Washlnr ton. D. C Iet . 1. 1're.
Idc-nt Taffa n'ra?e on trusij wa
read In lon i'ranche of cons res
today and whs well received. ; Tho
preldent'a obectlon to the I ot
the Shermnn law wna approvd by
! H. A.w nicl Pin
i I.pi AnrcUs. Cal.. Dec. D.-Girfce
Alexander tie uood governmeni can-
didate for mayor wan re-tdsted ti-
U: :fi oM-TwhelMlns ninjoiit)
ovoi Jc'j HarrHun. the RMlal'st.
Tin- tount In siNenty-rlx of the
Known That He Has Rv
turned to Mexico Bat
Where Unknown
some of the leaders on both sid.'s. j tfcr.v h-indred und thirty preiinct
altPcugh the demwiats Mievci the
first measogo of the chlf cxe-uth.;
nhould have dealt with the tariff.
Democratic leader Underwood de-
clared thct the president U trylnc to
ovenhado the tariff with trut l-
sues. Cnderwood added: "I ml op-
nosed to the repeal of the Siicnun
;ave Alexander 2 7.f and Hnrtlni;iti
lr4t a cf three to one ax
compared to the recent rlmar
Alexander's nianaaera claim th
li-utin .f the entire ruf' K'eii'-
m'iit t!ikt with at leant a l:id of
3".on Early tonlpht the so-talinx
at thilr headauartern pracilcnlly nd-
Nt 1. 110. In
Kort Worth and Dalh.
. I a lkaln llvo fail H .Inhn J. !
persons m.w - weddn(( wa a vpry tti-.
McNamiiru to fifteen eain m tno attcndod onl) by Mr Wr
nie prlHon followlns his conferslon j y Cartwright and John Hlantoti.
of havhe dnixmited the Lletvcllvn outside of the members of the fam-
Iron Works. In I Angeles. In whl.b Ullo. The bride wcra a ; tlfttl
i me ot blue clotn with hot an.i
no lives weer lost. ?)ovcH 0 mnch( Hnd wtM flowers.
Janus II. McXamara retained i'whP the attendants worQ.alrtet ai-
usual composure when sentemo wai tre.
belns panned upon him but John J. The bridegroom ha been chief rf
.w nv iv when his broth- pollrs In Amarlllo for a nun-ber of
. ... i. of tkinff yara. and Is aNo first vlre president
r stated tht he hd no I.. of taklnK.Jf AMOriiUoB of CMvU
llf at the lime no yiaca ne - . d C... M!mhalB. lie 1-
itev tc wreck. h bnllllnrf. .Judv-wr. P5va f.r.d rrr-'".UT t'.c"r.Mt
HAriwi-ll renlvlns to this statement j Texas and In adjolninp stak-H Few
-r n.r rtornndunt. Bald- 'men have done more detectlxe and
I p'ace min er wui k iiuu mu . uvu
'In a simitar leneth of time lie is
"The c I re u m stances are against you
tor anv man who would place six-
teen sticks of dynamito In a jlaiv
where he. a a Printer knew that
saa waa beini; burned atd men wer-t
working mt'st have had no ngard
for human life and must therefore
have been a murderer at he-m and
undeserving of clemency.
John J. M?Namnra fa-ed the tourt
nit .Iwlarcd that be had noBiilng :o
!... a . i a i. .f I : 1
law. but there may be supnle! mt:il;"mMi n r oeii. i
lelslMon to define It I Ihil !: th;'-' anv alstement.
house does not favor the f.-dwi l !n-; "
corporation act.
Speaker Clark said he cmM not ( vini r ntuvtrnw
(IHcubs the messcle until V ha.l
studied It thoroughly.
Republican leader Mann praises
the mersase. when he says: I con-
Many Delegates Present at
National Rivers and
Harbors Congress
C tar ft) Ptcm
l.o Nnjrelea Cal.. Dec. ."i. w il-
ifU aruppled In the final struggle
wlih her opionents under the gool
gvetnment" banner at the ballot box
today and was defeated.
trohtbltlon. the other big issi e in
the rutopRlgn. revulveil siant Mtvn-
tion n the vote rocnlng tonlt'ht and
prolnlll!tl.-s are that the "drv" or-
ka. the deaths having been ridine vr.'nou worn-
. . . t . a rr k. . v-l
en were eminea 10 voie. m v-
ttuce or juiacr wnun me wwuwu
... W I A
were cr .1 wua namg prior to
slder the mcs-are ns perlupa the
strongest utterance the President has
ever made"
The senate heard the :nessate rad
and then adjourned out of resist to
the memories of rcpresentitlves Md
Isrn of Kniwr.s and Latta of Nehru-1
promlnentlv connected with leading
fraternal orders and Uns the ei.teem i
of every one In marillo and aur-
roundine country. Mr. Snider is thu
Aon of Mr. nod Mr. G. XI. Snider of
this cltv and haa lived In and near
Amarlllo the greater part of hiK lif.v
The bride. native of Russellvllle
Kentucky has resided In Amarlllo
and counts
She Is
i i Ha m numtir nf vears
m 1 1 a u-b inrn in ifurp. mill ut-i.
.x.' ...... rnrt. turned awav her friends by the -hundreds
aid with hl brother was soon re- i a young lnd of many ihnrm'ng char-
ind tho r-owdrt iactensiK's nr.i nn w ir m-i
ito all who have known her ciociv
turned to the prison a
James H. VrXamara's conlewlim.
sirltten In his ow n hand and mad J
public today is as follows:
"I James B. McXamara. defendant
In this case against the poor' hav-
ing heretofore entered a plea of glnl-
ty to a charge of. murder doslre to
make this statement of facts: On
the night of September "0. 110 nt
IAS o'clock. 1 placed In the alley of
the Times building a snlt-casi con-
taining K'.xtecn Sticks of fO-per cent
dvnamtie set to explode nt 1 o'clock
the follcwlnn morning.
"It was tlen my Intention (c In-
The young people used their nt-
most endeavors to keep their plan
serret but by a scrap of information
here and a ruspii lous Indication
there the friends nocured something
tangible lending them to belicv that
the weddlnc hnd been solemnised.
This ronclunlon having been reached
the newa spread und when the I rldal
party arrived nt the train all or the
paraphernalia nec'-snnry to make bid.
eous even n wedding dav had been
procured and wa held Ir reallness
for a given slcnal. The signal was
given and "bedlam broke loose."
ed bv committees from the hoi.te
The house me ts acaln tomorrow j
Th .pnate will met Thurad'trind
then pdjournjintll Mondag itV fjuj'
ibe aionoTvS houac?--!
lMuu'MerK of the Confederacy.
Houston. Tex. Dee 5. Prominent '
omet from many cities and towns!
! throughout Texas were on hand thU
morning at the opening of the six-
teenth annual conentlon of th:
Tcxna division of the I'nited Daught.
crs cf the Confederacy. Mrs. . It.
Howard. Stale president occupied
the chclr M the owning ssslon.
wnb-h wna devoted to the exrhane cf
sreetinpa the appointment of com-
ni It tees and the reception of rnnual
reiwrta. The bnslnesa sesslor of the
Catherine will continue vntil Frldav
and will! le liberally Interxpersed
with receptions luncheons and ether
features of aoclal entertainment pre-
pared for the visitor by the several chapters of the organization
Serr'al lu Dlilf New.
Washington. D. C. IVc. 5. -Senators
reiresentxtlves Olplomats and
other perso-is hl-rh In offlcin! life
are here to tike part in the eighth
auni al convention nf the National
nivera and Harbors Congress which
rH nte.t tomorrow for a session of
three davs. At the concluding ses-
sions of the congress the participant
will Include the nine Western Slates"
governors who are mak'na a 'our nt
the Hasten cities. The reprcHcntA-
tlve attendance and the wide rungc
of subjects scheduled for disoisslon
combine to elve promise of one of
the most notable ratherlncs ever ns-
aombled In the history of this coun-
try lu the Interest of werwr.v de-
veloptnent. The eoncress is national in its pur-
one .repreaentlng all sec lieu and
all waterways. Reprcesntatlve Joa-
eph E. Ransdell of Lc-ilsana is the
president of the body and will occupy
the chair for the Pacific Xqrlhsest.
and tei heti M Pparktnsn of Florida.
Pv AncilH PrrM
Mexico City Dec. ft. General Ber
nardo Reyes baa returned to Mexico.
Just wttere he la and at what point
ha crossed the international tona-
dary line la not known general? bt
that he It In Mexican territory 1 the
official statement.
Instead of manifesting alarm at
his eorrlnc. Government official pro-
fess that tt will be a pleasure The
Government believe that It will hat
trouble in effecting the capture of
If caught Reyes will probably have
to stind trial on tee charge of Incit-
ing rebellion.
National Irrigation Congress.
Chicago 111. Dee. K. All of th
vurloua problems pertaining to irrl-
CRtirin. drainaee and forestry are to
be exhaustively discussed by ex-
pert at the nineteenth National Irri-
gation Congress which assembled la
Chicago today for a four day' ea-
slon. The activitiea of the conferees)
originally were tonflned largely to
the Western section of the United
States hut in recent year the scop
of the organization has been fTeatly
broadened. No better evldenco of th
Importance with which the world
now regards the uhje:t of Irriga-
tion could be cited than the fnct that
chatnnrn of tlie cis coti-mliKe on iseventeon foreign countries have
rivers and harbor will 1e another ideer.ed it worth while to havr rep-
r.entaton at the
t-rnnrv nt HiATrr
I tra nf Cnncreiui and officials '1h
of thr lead In waterway and river
mara ct.. rnnaj aw uow 'Kuio(triirri will include the li widenu ; "Ovw
In the rem..! liarrlman. tne ueieai-
ed socialist candidate declares that
frauds were perpetrated by the op
position bet refused to loncede tie-
present cot-gross
ivvtrrl 'i?nr i
With the victorious ticket ulu
councllmen were ehntru .inciuuuiK d
bankers lawyirs. storekeepers
realty brokers. The trouble exue
to develop on account of feeling en
rendered by the MrNamara cae did
not occur. Many women went to the
polls wheeling bnby carriages and
often the father cared for the bsliy
whl!. the mother voted
imt'iotement asso la Ions through-
out the onntty. The speakers will
endeavor to Impress upon the Sixty
(second Congress whose leaders are
demanding economy that there Is a
wldesnrcad sentiment throurhout
auI iho country for a ontinuance of gen-
"'P(' lerous appreciations for improwd
haxge of Federal and State Irriga-
tion and reclamation projects are Id
William Purcer the sivteen-ar
Suiii.bein Corn Sbow Mn.
Atlanta. G'i.. Doc 5. One thou-
ratrl repi-fviitalives s"nt bv boys'
com cl"i's throughout Georgia cam'-
to Atlant todav for the opening of
the great Southern Corn Show. The
homr of rmny uell known families been thrown open for the en-
tert llnrn nt of the boy during their
the bulldlna'nnd frighten the (The bass drum sounded the first
rs. I did not Intend to take tho .burst and this was followed by dee-
Mfo of anv one. 1 slncoiely regret toned Instrument and the In'otPtHi-
that the unfjrtnnato men lost their ;Ung of discordant rattlea of bells
live .and if giving my life would husky shouts and a strain of Here
bring the mback. I would gladly ghe Come the Wride. Reading tlu
If In fact In Plead n rUlilV 'O mur- nmircrmiun v.
der n the first degree.! placed niv
life In the hnnda of the state "
John J McXamara made no state
went accepting his sentence In si-
lence. "Nothing but the gallowa in th.
end." van the predicted outcome to-
alght by Clarence Harrow chief
-ounsel of the defense. "If this trial
hsd proceeded until It reached thu
lury. It would have been hopeless.
Statement by narrow.
Attorney Darrow is out In a leng-
thy statement in -which says-'Fre-m
the fldst. there was never :i
fighting chance to win. There were
score sof witnesses to Identify .lanirs
B. McXamara as botn jrescnt on
the very dav the building was d"-
. stroyed. Overwhelming evidence of
all kinds was against s whlcn none
could have surmounted We rnnM
not even have put the defense on
the stand to deny the facts it the
state had put on Its case Failure t-1
have done this would huve been p
much as It wa etoday.
Sheriff Hammel receive! work to-
night from Pnlted State Prosecutor"r to postpone preparations In-
cident to the removal of tho McNa-
nam brother to the atate peniten-
tiary. Subpoenas have been iltawn
nursling the presence of the broth-
ers before the Federal rran 1 jury
dal party made a hasty run across
the platform to tho train but Just
as the bride mounted the step to
the sle-per. the bridegroom fell Into
the hands of the "Philistines." and
was hurriedly removed several paces
to the rear where he was d'luged
with rice the same bl-lnc poured
Into his hair down his collar and
Into his pockets. Flne.llv breaking
away f'om his jubilant captors Mr
Snider rushed through the aisle an I
was soon locked In the state room
I ..f. frnn hla tftrnwnter
r.'l ...r. . - -
Outside the din continued and
there was b lil cessation nnll
the train nulled out. The organisa-
tion composed largely of Fit's. nt
having vented its energle made lt
way it plown where the seienade
was continued through Polk sPreet.
Mr. and Mrs. smacr win
North Carolina Cuptl-to.
Winston Salem. X C. Ibv ...
Winston Salem is entertaining thl
week the annual convention o' North
Carolina Baptists which begin Us
sessions In Brown Memorial I'uptlst
church todav with an attendance of
more than r.ftn delegate and xis'tors
fiom al! over the State.
old son of Mr A V. Bui-ger. nt "'... in Atlanta. Corn growers of
Vnn Buren street had one cf hU h riroBnKi Mississippi Florida
legs broken Monday afternon whil lnis nd Ali.tinmn are represent
engaged in a game of footnall as a . no exhibition. During the
member of the Amarlllo High school j tmMV win i by wi ll
football team. Th- break I .In: kp ;rv ituml experts and daily
;.tiovc the ankle and Is considered j () ip.trai Mis of iratlcal methods
.inite dangerous examination having of -oi-n crowing Including prepnra-
been made under the x-rr.y vesterday ! pf lnt. 0 ...t.on of seed fc-
afternoon to determine wnat ciaa tniyiu'- .planting and harvesting '
( t trep'ment Is needed. ; - - -
Wants 1Mb Tcim a Mayer.
Newport. R 1. Iec. V . count
of the ballots cat In the city elec
i tlon here today will dctern ine whetb-
'er I' 1. :oyl. who has served (owr
teen terms as mayor of Newport is
to hesd the municipal povetp.nient
dunnt the fifteenth term. In ecus
nuenre of a reform movement that
bus been under way for aome time
Msvor Bovle encountered more oppo-
sition In his randblacy this vein th n
heretofore. Opposing him on IV bal-
lot ver- F P Garrettson. a former
mayor and .1. P. Mahoncy. a membe r
of t'e tosrd of aldermen
Suits for Injunction Over Lifeless Body Discovered in
Payment of City Era- Miserable Room at
ployees Filed ' 1 Fort Worth
home to their friend In the city after1
January 1.
i-'-a' 10 !! taa
San Antonio. Tex.. Dec. V - Fol-
lowing a stormy session of tn city
council over the payment of th. rlty'a
onplycs. suit for Injunctior Is to
be heard in the forty-fifth distne.
court. Temporary writ of InJuMtwi
har been granted by Judge Camp
resiirtining Mavor Callai-han .or hio-
other agent of the city from .mini
out public funds under the renolu-
tion adopted by Ihe cltv ixin 11 Lu
The .viestion of legality in the ps-
I ..... of 1
aj "- s i-s r&isea
ly viiur.t P f
Valllant. Okla.. iw h. A mob
today took a young negro who re-
fused to give his name and hanged
him to a tree. The negro was
charged with attacking tho tsclve-year-old
daughter of lee Saunders
a white man.
Implement Men In Sioux -h1I
Sioux Falls R. I). Dec '.Tho
South Dakota Implement IVal-r' As-
aoriatlon began Its annual eonvenths.
In this city today fcr the conaldera-
tlon of various matter of Interest
and Importance to the trade. Presi-
dent C. J. nach of Hurley called t;-e
gathering to order. In addition to
member from all part of South Da.
kota the attendance include mnv
prominent dealer of Minn o'M nl
Fort Worth. Tex . D" - -I'-lver
to a life of shan to provide for hcr
three destllt'te children. M.mne i )-
tum. a deertd tfe. as found Uea.l
in n ti-tserable Utile toe m. Mondav
night Sam I. '.tens a bartend-r. U
under artiv;. bet denies charges
acsin-t blm in tiiih it is set ti
that he was cruel to tt.e woman
To ldnis ti e Boll Wevvll.
tlanta. ( Ie. S. A confer-
! ot much Interest to Ihe cotton-
urolng Stntea vas begun In Atlatit i
tivlay for the discussion rf thr uuar-
antlne laws covering the slilptM-nt of
"Uton siH'd. seed cotton and rotum
'rem points Invested with the boll
l.we'il to pc.i:ta thiit have not been
It I alleged that a strong odor i.r i attacked ty It IT. x . H.'iii. r.
chloroform cam- from the body at the boll weevil expel I f the Dcp-iN-
tli lime of 'ts d'scoTv and -xam- nicnt of Agriculture at Washington
Ijrncer llearinirs Resume.-.
Wasnlnuton. D. C.. Vc. 5. Th
I'nited Stat" fennte committer
which ha been Investigating charge
of rorruptlor. In the election of fetj-
ator I.orlmer of Illinois resun.ed It
hearln?. In this cly todav. Twelve
weeks have been spent In the Inve-
llgntlon so far and during that time
1.10 wltncsse have been he-ird. lrar-
tlcally all of these witnesses were
rolled bv nttornos for the commit-
tee A larce number are now to be
ea'led by F.lbrldse llanecy. attorney
for Sera tor Lorlmer In an rffort to
brak down the stories previously
told on the rtand Senator lrlmer
will testif after a'l other wltnesae
have been iVard. There seem llttU
likellbencl that the conittilttee will
submit It r'-port to the senate befo
next February.
New Line to AnstrntU.
St lohn. N ' . ivr. f..- Toda
saw the Inauguration of a new steam-
ship aerobe between St. John and.
Vew 7. aim I und Anstraliap porta
Inclndlni: Melbourne. Xnckland and
S)dnev. Two first-class steamship
the W'aiwera and Wakanul. will en-
cage In the service.
Rev W. 1. Cauchran. pa:tor of
the I'.ie Inran Street Methodist
church states that excellent progress
is being mai'e on the new structure
that Ls to rise where the former tab-
ernacle stood the latter having beea
raed Votnlav cf this week
It Is the pi rpos" of Rev. Ciuchran
to push this work to the "nrKevl pos
aible completion. The structure un-
der contemplation by Rev. Cnr.ghran
I to he one of the prettiest in tb
city. Subscription lists will bo nart-
d soon. ' '
Rev. Ctuihran tates that the
growth of the congn-gatlon of which
he has charge Is quite satfactctrv
inatlon by t It c oroner
Minnesota Fruit Growers.
tynneapol'. Minn.. Dec. 5. The
Mipnesota State llortterltural So-
ciety began Its annual meeting in
thl city today with a large and rep-
resentative attendance' of fruit rrow-
era rn-1 horticultural experts In
. n-M.epe feu lth Hie mo-ting whbh
will continue four days there Is be
lnt held an elaborate exhihtion of
choice product of the firm orchard
and garden. The display of spnbs
Is declared to be the ht r-e- seeii
In M!.t'ot:l
and the State eniomologists of North
and South Carolina. Gettrgia. Ala-
bama anJ other states arc mong tlv
participants. The conferene-. will
last two day.
Tho tsraMin's Theatrical Event.
Tf appearance In the near future
of Clue. Klein's play "The l.'on and
tbe Moust " nf the Grand Op r.i
House Is arousing no end of tiiteret.
Without doubt this v.'ll bo lie ope
big event of the season und Indica-
tions are now before the- date l.i m-
nomned. Cist tVe romtmP) will do .1
'.-1 lfMn.-vn
LcM-al Forecast-
tle-nernlly fair Wednesday.
Yesterdav'a temperature:
At 7 a. m. ... 31 Al 7 p. m . . . tt
Maximum . . . .r.1 Minimum ... 3'
HIP Max . . 17 1910 Min . . I
Washington Forecast
Washington. D. C. Dec. 5 --For
West Texas Fair In the west local
rains in tho north ar.d east Wed-nesd-'v
Pair Thi-rsdav.

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Amarillo Daily News (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 28, Ed. 1 Wednesday, December 6, 1911, newspaper, December 6, 1911; Amarillo, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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