The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 11, 1912 Page: 3 of 4

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" 'v
. 1
•J f 1
Money to Loan
have arranged for western
capital whereby I am enabled
to make loans on Real.Estate
direct to borrowers. Inspec-
tions made by me and loans v.
closed at Mexia without delay.
Satisfactory rates with pre-
payment privileges.
W. M. WHITE, Lawyer
Mexia, Texas
Local and Personal.
Highest oufeii prioe paid for
hides wool and beeswax, at Felz's
grocery store.
L. D. Warren, late of Calvert,
us now holding down the third
trick at the II. & T. C. freight
W. B. Kextdrick has returned
from Duncan, Oklia.
Claude King has returned from
Marlin where he has been work-
ing for several months.
The Eastern Star held an in-
teresting meeting Friday night
and initiated four now members.
Mules t'or Sale by Jackson
Bros. Co.
R. E. llickman, who has been
on the sick liet for several days,
its out again, but looking a little
C. (1. Harvey, late of Corsicana
has aiocepted a position with the
Mexia Drug o., an d with his
family is occupying one of Mrs.
Oorrees cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 31. Giibough
of Tehuacamt have gone to Cal-
ifornia to spend tin* winter-
Mrs. L. K. Philips of Route 4,
has gone to Jacksonville to vi«it
Airs. Dr. Loving and children
have returned to Dallas after
spending the holidays with rel-
atives here.
J. I). Jackson of Corsicana was
in the eit.v Friday on business.
ll. ('. Illiler now has
eluLfft wati'lnunkei; and solicit-
yoitr p-pjjiring of iill kinds, such
as watelies, .jewelry, sewing ma*
chines, .or,typewriters. All work
Gid li. Jordan has returned
from a few days visit to his soil
in Dallas.
Itev. John l . Nelson, presiding
elder of the Corsieana distriet.
held the quarterly eorvfeivnei
here .Monday night in the M. K.
Monday a petition signed by
more than " 0 voters of the Shiloh
prwinet was presented to the
commissioners court asking- for
the creation of a road • distriet
and the ordering of an election
tor good roads. The district is
designated as No. 5 and the elec-
tion will be hold Feb. 17, amount
of bonds to be voted on, $20,tKKI.
Mi-s Josio Farmer has re turn-
«m.I a few days visit in
At a meeting of the school
Ixwurd held late yesterday after-
noon, it was decided as a precau-
tionary measure, to close the
schools for a few days, until the
moningi'tis scare blows over.
The board requests awl urges
that parentis keep their children
at home, for there is more dan-
ger of contracting this disease
on the streets and while meeting
trains, than in any other way.
Disinfectants should also be
freely used around the premises
fund keep things clean.
Friday while G. W. Liatham,
rrurai route on No. 1,
was on duty delivering mail, and
while meeting another team, the
horses hitched to the other wag-
on shied, broke a single tree and
Mr. Latham was thrown from his
cart and painfully hurt by the
tongue of the other wagon strik-
ing him in the side. Tie is laid
up but it is hoped that he will
be out in a few dasy.
Phil Karner has moved his of-
fice to the rear of the new brick
building, next door north of Mad
dox's tailor shop.
J. W. Clark has moved his gro-
cery stock from the Old Katten
si and to the building next dooa*
south of Klotz & Yeldcll's.
\ !; •;
There is a fine boy at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Cosnahan, left/ there Monday
night by the stork.
The Sunday School Institutes
that were to have been held in
this territory during January,
program of which was published
in this paper, have been postpon-
ed on account of the bad weathr.
They will probably be held soime
time in April.
Mrs. C. T. Harris, Jr., arrived
Saturday from Augu-sta. Gd., to
visit relatives and friends. {Lieut.
Harris will be here in a few days
The mercury went down to 9
above zero Sunday morning,
which is the coldest weather we
have had in a year.
MARRIED.— T. H. McKinnou
and Miss Clyde (JMptifrtit Were
Married in Groesbeck Tuesday,
Jan. 2nd. The bride is a daugh-
ter of Mr. and Airs. Will
Olipltant of this city.
Miss Brma Alberta has return-
ed to her home in Galveston af-
ter spending the holidays here as
the guest of Misses Felz.
« . " * ••
Herbert Arvin is homo from
BroWnWortd Visiting his' inot&rf. '
Mrs. Mat,tie Berry has return-
ed to hei^ home in Pittsburg af-
ter a few days visit in our city.
DIED.—Mr. II. P. Mizclle, well
and favorably known in this
county, died suddenly at his liom
in Wiixaliacliie Widne-dsiy.
Wanted, a. middle aged white
woman without children for
housekeeper. Will pay her wage
or give her a good home.—Will
Oliphant, Mexia, Texas, Box 206.
Mrs. Albert Gray and Mrs.
Meredith have returned to Dallas
aft -r a few days visit to relatives
Kirs Lietuteiiant ('has. T. Har-
ris. Coast Artillery, IT. S. A., sta-
tioned nt Augusta, Ga.. and who
has been in Galveston inspecting
the forts there, is in the city to
spend a few days with his par-
ents. Charlie is looking fine,
showing that army life agrees
with him.
Jim Parmes, a negro, who lives
east of Mexia, got the buggy
given away by
Christmas eve.
Jackson Bros.
Josh Cleveland, a colored man
who has been "to the pen in the
past, was caught trying to. get
off with a cloak at Pat Jones'
store late yesterday afternoon.
Constable Milbnrn was phoned
for and had a little set-to with
Josh around in front of Dave
Johnson's place, but the negro
got away and the constable took
a fancy shot at him, but it is not
known if-he hit the mark.
Chas. Alderman is out 'again
after being confined to his bed
for a wVok with'*'spraihHl ankle
All Shoes Reduced
Men's, Women' > and Children
This sale presents an opportunity for you to supply the shoe needs of the whole family at
a big saving—the reductions are radical—the values great—plenty of sizes to fit all feet.
This Sale Commences Saturday January, 13th
Ladies Shoes
$2^95 ior Ladies $4.00 Shoes
$2.65 for Ladies $3.50 Shoes
$2.20 for Ladies $3.00 Shoes
$1.85 for Ladies $2.50 Shoes
$1 ,G5 for Ladies $2.25 Shoes
$1.45 for'Ladies $2.00 Shoes
$1.29 for Ladies $1.75 Shoes
$1.15 for Ladies $1.50 Shoes
Children's Shoes
A!! Children*? Shoes for both boys
and girls, fr^m the iittle toddler to the
big miss—all go in this Clearing Sale
at pricos that spell shoe economy.
Don't delay, come in Saturday or
next week if possible and get the
youngsters new shoes while these low
prices prevail.
Men's Shoes
$4.45 for Men's $6.00 Shoes
$3.85 for Men's $5.00 Shoes
$3.15 for Men's $4.00 Shoes
$2.75 for Men's $3.50 Shoes
$2.45 for Men's $3.00 Shoes
$6.15 for Mens,$7.75 Bootees
$5.15 for Mens$6.50Bootees
$3.85 forMens$5.00 Bootees
^ ^ ^ — g> a rt j fjjAAiiijfri rtv .iiiLiVtLri ffift
• •> V WU • • ' <..•/*&v> -JV 5 Wv V"# IrWIW 'W
All Ladies Coat Suits One Half Price
To those who have deferred buying their Coat Suit or Coat—this will indeed be welcome '
news__just think! Your choice any Coat Suit or Coat in the house now One-Half former <
price—they will go in a hurry—so be on hand and get the first pick—necessary alterations
$8.25 for Ladies $1650 Suits
$10.00 for Ladies $20.00 Suits
$12.50 for Ladies $25.00 Suits
$15 for Ladies $28.50 and $30 Suits
$20 for Ladies 35 and $40 Suits
$9.50 jor Ladies $16.50 Coats
$11.00 for Ladies $18.00 Coats
$1.90 for Children's $3.00 Coats
$2.50 for Children's $4.00 Coats
$3.25 for Children's $5.00 Coats
$9.50 For Men's $15.00 Suits
■ .Y • ,, <«., %" , ( , . 5%' r- Ji r ' y :• ^ j
Every Suits in Stock Included
Gloves Reduced
We offer you your
choice any our Men's
Cloves at prices listed
below during this sale-
all kinds are included—
and the same broad guar-
antee goes with every
pair, just the same as if
you had paid regular
SI.75 Gloves at $1.39
$1.50 Gloves at $1.20
$1.25$Gloves at 95C
$1.00 Gloves at 80c
75c Gloves at 55c
50c Gloves at 39C
In This Sale—None Excepted
Men's $16.50 Suits for $10.75
Men's 17.50 Suits for 12.25
Men's 20.00 Suits for \ 3.75
Men's 22.50 Suits for 14.75
Men's 25.00 Suits for 16.25
$L 75 Blankets
•SJ.t 0 Blankets
*L\5<i Blankets
$•'.50 Blankets
$5.ti0 Bla (Vets
?6.5:) Blanke s
We have just unloaded a car each of
Avery's, Moline's and Kingman's
Latest Improved Farming Tools, all RidiriK Painters with
double drive wheels and Buster Attachments that will do
the work. We invite you to call and inspect them before
you buy. We guarantee satisfaction.
Yours for Business,
Jackson Bros.Co
Groexheck has quarantined
against the world, including the
switch' engine loeated here, that
has been going down there ev-
ery day to do the switching.
Court has taken a recess and the
grand jury has adjourned until
Monday, Jan. 22. *'>•*'
The finishing touehes are be-
ing put on the interior of the new
o|K>ra home and the next move
will be to put in the seat*. All
will be in readiness for the open-
ing night, Jan. 24th, when Naugh
ty Marietta will bo tlw attrac-
tion, and none should mfes it.
Blankets onSale
Below we quote unus-
ual!? tOw prices on outr
stock of Blankets—we've
any kind you could wan^
i-i this assortment from
the pure cotton t > the all
wool—fit price? that make
th^ni big
1 2;> Blankets at 75c
Blankets $1 .OO
Plows, Harrows, Stalk Cutters,
Planters, Cultivators, Sc.
68 Years of
"knowing how"
Into every
one of them.
Backed by an
W. are tke agent* for the incomparable P. A. O. line of implement*,
leader for over two-third* of a century. Call and ■«« ut.
P*t€ P£Q Ps&O.FsfcQ
V. Wolverton Comp'ny
1 Hwiltwrtan for
All Kinds^of^Up-to-Date Fann Machinery
" fc ~

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Houx, N. P. The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 11, 1912, newspaper, January 11, 1912; Mexia, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Gibbs Memorial Library.

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