The Rambler (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 16, No. 23, Ed. 1 Wednesday, March 25, 1942 Page: 1 of 4

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* <J
I'nHMn-il Weekly l.v St 11<11'i11 s of Trxns Woslevan <
■ ill v-one Yenrs ol' ('out iminus Sci'\ ice
Xiuiibor 2M.
[.S. Fights Sin Letters Start To Chapel Speaker
War Today' Pour In From
i< v.Kenneth Copeland Exes In Army
peaks At Revival
• luted Si a Ios, cannot be-
vkl,«>rfato> nation simply
' . s i ichor and can pro
■ • 'A;n; implements than
: • . luinti'y. declared the
■ 1h ('opeland, pastor of
yua aodist church, Has-
(v at a. i hapcl meeting
■ ;• Polytechnic Methodist
n . emotion with a revi\
• shore. v
Via tile subject "1
Wh-giance", the minister
i hat we must pledge uile-
<>. .'-eeilarn. fidelity, fight, j
t From Sin
;i vidua! and the nation
freedom ironi stii and,
•; with, if. Those who j
adage to sin .* an only be j
:h<- < 'hrjstian faith," tht
itiSarul maintained.
: i/.'jt - tlie need for fideli- |
■.,i, "When a man's word j
■ hi his bond, he has no j
Our battle is against
:,i iples. not flesh and ;
• faith is the most import.
|t; of all. stated the pastor
ft. man's faith is dead, he is |
We 'must have faith in God, j
n our fellow men, and l'aitl:
|it Christian Offensive
!<>•.: ;av hibming Rev. Copeland
.in "Great Christian Offen-
"T:n the church as in war- ;
< are at, a decided disadvan- i
• orijj as we are on the de-
The hope of the ch\rch
;jr. gaining the
uth of the church hold the
of that offensive. Youth is
it Church of tomorrow; it is
church .fli' today," he affirmed,
the Christian army, just as in
miliary army, the United
It" mist look carefully to the
ler, equipment and strategy to
Equipment Shortage
Christian soldier has no
tope of equipment, fpr he goes
fhntt'e clad in the armour of
which is composed of truth,
living, and faith," said Cope-
H,v Ljjm'I »• Kt licliiian
Tho-1- lads front TV, a,".
irnj- to remember th
<r ;ii long last.
A let.!,, r WJI.S just '. .H. .
i ied II M Sni : Ij, w u ,
with the U S. • Transport
which va, v. ntten at • <
t k , \ I. r ■ d the f(i i ,i(ll
«»i th of his life insuran ■ if
'ary to Texas W
"! trust, you won't
in case you do 1 wan
1 thorough.y >rijoy
tlaa e,' lie wrote,
A Captain Soon ?
In the first six months in
lie completed a four y. at
course in army regulations;
of 178 hours with an average gratj •
of !'2, and has been recommended
m th«: War department, for promo
i. hapiain
k now
Walter Lee Morgan
i tola
17 Beauties
Presented In
Revue Friday
vt '
11 OUX'l
nixrn, .senior fi
was i wealed
11 Jhmtj'i for IfJ 12
.•Uie'art. re via; Fri
CPT Students
Head New Club
Members To Keep Em
Fiyir/; Matthis Sponsor
Former Page Talks
In Chapel Friday
'.i is' also walked
ihiough a rcplica of a Txweco
pag ■ entitled "Personalities." They
were presented by David Cat tort on
who acted as master of eere-
;rr:!n"s. The-seniors wi re Jam- Fer-
. a' M. Polly l.ou Foster, and Dor-
a'hy Burlihart: juniors: Mary
Louise Cannon, Jeanne Thompson,
t iain i'-- 'Srownd Ray; sophomores:
' is .die, Doris Sue House-
wr-g'h . Verg:e Sue Wyatt; fresh-
iion: Virginia Howard. Juanita
Bonnie Bess Weldon
ival Queen Dorothy Graner,
Girl Sunshine More land,
Anyone limine information
about any boys in Service who
have attended TWO please relay
it to un. Immediately;
S® '
Football Queen Elizabeth Me-
f'lyea, and , May Queen Atarv
riaekmon were anion!; the favor-
has held every position
it is possible for a, page to hold. He
knows more. Congressmen than
' lion to captaincy. He would like to
; hear from some of the student s and
teaehor.s here. His ofneial address j ed as iP,5au in the House «.»f Itvp-
1 h Fred H. M. Smith. Chaplain, | resentatives.
j Fort Mason, Calif. U. S. Transport j Morgan
| Service, 0-1122-16.
Incidentally if that S3.000 is col-
eoted Mrs. Lonnye Brooks, bursar, ; rjny other boy in America, and has
j Has announced that i-: w: lH-e<>me/:»!l the delightful qualities one ex-
! a Student Loan Fund for thos^rfi- ; pcets from a person who has rub-
dents who would be unaiihy t . at- tied shoulders with folks in high
tend otherwise. I places. In his lecture he told of
Aultman J,eariis ITyinjte i many thing.y'that go on behind the
A. C. Aultman^rrhe class of I scenes in VTashin^ton and related
j '39, was among a new group of j significant' stories of what Con-
Walter Lee Morgan, former page
in the House of .Representative in
Washington, appeared for the sec-
ond yceum number held Friday in 1 ilea.
he .nin.toiium of the Fine Arts i Jane Ferguson played "Smoke
building. He is an Alabaman, who"lets In Your Eyes" (Jerome
K>rn), Marie Plummer sang
"/.'verything I Love" (Cole Por-
t hails from Birmingham, For the
| past. f've years he has been empioy-
A club to stimulate campus in-
terest in the CPTP program and to
eoi respond With the ex-sf udeut.s of
Texas Wesh yan who are now in
the armed forces was or:;ard'/efi
last weeU by f* t,. MattilisJ ground,
inviructor in the CPT. '111(■ organ-
iMtioii which is known as the
"Iv ep : :m Flyi ng" club is s|)on-
• >rcd by Mat tins and has a.s its
aresidel I T. J. .■■■! rt, ad\"finced
. flying student.
Othir officers are Joe Conway.
• v ee-president: V i r g i i Wil'iaras
chairman of advisory board; Mary
Alice Yager, secretary; Martha
Pickard, treasurer; Dorothv Mea-
flov.. . Rambler reporter: 1! m.ic.
Wile e-r; i're.l Prewer. sej'gtarit-
a.t-arms; and Amelia Pacheo; li-
Advisory Board: John Erieson
Robert. Dilbcck and James Horner.
The club is open to anyone *on the
campus who is interested and
meetings are held on Wednesday
afternoons at ." p. m. Several short
tadks on navigation, meterology,
iiid other subjects which pertain
teti, John Luce played Mon Revest,, f yrng wiii be gbv'ti ai the tnecf-
D'Amour" (Rubinoffi. and Walter j jngs.
Lynn sang "A Pretty Girl Is J
Like A Melody." /Irving Berlin.)
The orchestra was conducted by
Mr. W. H. Howard.
A . reception was held at Ann
Waggoner hall following the reviijj.
— O .
TW Ex Helps Sink
Sub Off East Coast
Min tor
He Rev. Copeland pointed out
strategy for the Christian to
"First we must receive
from on high by genuine
stian devotion, and then we go
j the great Christian offensive
f our faith looking toward God.
we shall either succeed or
— o
S. McCulley Attends
feting At NTAC
DeRema Parker McCulley,
>f women, attended the North
section of the State Associa-
|of Deans and Advisors to girls
at N.T.A.C. in Arlington
lay. Subjects discussed were
Mights of the National Con-
on" and "A Resume of Texas
ciation of Deans and Advis-
jMlss Ina Lipscomb of N.T-A.C.
chairman of the meet.
\ . Aviation cadets sent
offensive, And i
i field, Calif, to receive basic
i training. He will learn the arts of
^ formation t ying, night Lying .and
| all that is necessary to give Amer-
| ica an armada ab'.e to avenge th-
| treachery of Pearl Harbor.
Patches Harding writes from Co.
| D., barracks, h-90. Pine Bluff, Ark.,
| "We have been flying for 4 days
and I know more now than I did
with 30 hours CPT." He said to
tell everyone to write him.
Boys Urge 'Write'
Pvt. Charles Linstrum. 57 Ma-
terial, Portland Air Base, Portland,
Oregon, writes that he and Buford
"Snooks" McCau'ey are finishing
their recruit training. He visits Bob
Bedlow to scan the literature con-
tained in Thf* Rambler. He also
asserted that he ran into June
Regal's friend, Joe Whitaker.
"Greet all the Ram boosters and
write" he added.
George Floyd is in the army air
corps taking a mechanics course
at Chanute field, Rantoul, 111.
Volney Gets Furlough
Vo'ney Titus was .given a 14 day
fur'ough recently so that he could
recover from a knee operation. He
Is stationed at Brooks field, San
Dick Wallace is planning to get
into the machinery division in the
navy. - *
Kave King and the bunch from
TWC are at Arkansas, and plan
to show pracle Brabham and
D'Arcv Laseter around if they gft
(Continued on Page Four)
grt ssme/i say and do.
The dj>rrtTtrr"])agc told about the
special school for pages in Wash-
ington, D.^£\ He said he believed
that young Americans shou.d plan
to take government jobs and looks
forward to the day that he will re-
turn to Washington officially.
There will be an important
meeting of the Sakkara social
club for boys Friday at 10 a. m.
in Mr. H. H. Hughes' room—
number 24.
Paul Iturjje, President.
20 Girls Picked As
Spanish Dancers
The South American dancers for
the May Fete were picked by Miss
Mayhelle Tinkle, instructor for the
group, and Mrs. DeRema Parker
McCulley Friday. Rehearsals will
start this week.
j The girls chosen were, Margaret
1 Fricke, Alice Marshall, Edith Rec-
ord. Katherine Willis, Naomi Alex-
ander, Ruth Rose, Billie Pittard,
| Flora Johnson, Virginia H a 1 <•, i street, completed his training
| Laura Jo Rhea, Lynelle Kebelman,
| Georgia Isbell, Katherine Langs-
, ton, Billylu Henderson, Janith
Everett, Elaine Daniel, Josephine
| Earle, Doris Mann, Virginia Lee
i Johnson, and Margoree Phillips.
Mulkey Hall 'Freak' Fire Holds
Entire Campus In Suspense
Second Lieut. Barney L. John-
son, Jr., former student of Texas
Wesley an college, was co-pilot of
the American bomber that destroy-
ed an enenn submarine off the
Eastern coast Saturday. .Johnson
enlisted in the Air Corps in Novem-
ber. 1941.
After graduating from Anion G.
Carter high school in 1937, he at-
tcmped to enlist in the Air Corps,
but was informed that, he would
not be accepted until he had two
years of college.
Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Johnson, .1202 East PPach
I Stockton, Cali., .and received his
commission July 11, 1911. He was
; stationed at. Pendleton. Ore., until
i about six weeks ago when he was
transferred to the East coast.
Lieut. Johnson married the das-
after he received his commission.
J His wife is the former Miss Lillian
I Lee Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and
; Mrs. Henry W. Schmidt, 220 Baur-
1 line stcuet.
"Mulkey's on fire!"
With that cry students and teach-
• rs rushed from adjoining build-
ings toward the boys' dorm Thurs-
day. They were preceded by two
fire trucks and the fire chief's lit-
tle red car.
Miss Maude Pettey, the presi-
dent's secretary, ansewered a
phone call from the Star-Telegram
about the fire. She responded,
"Mulkey on fire? I'll call you
back later," and hastened to the
Mr. F. R. Matthis, government
professor, was standing by Ren-
fro's. Coach Gus Miller streaked
past and Mr. Matthis decided to
see what was going on down to-
ward Mulky so he started streak-
ing too.
T. E. Stafford was in a play re-
hearsal when the wagons careened
in the driveway. He stammered,
"Miss Beckett. Mulky's <on- fire."
With that he started running down
steps and headed north.
Students from Ann, Dan and
Boaz streamed across the campus
in high gear, shouting, "Mulkey's
on flre!"
When the smoke and excitement
cleared it was found that Mulky
was minus a few back steps, but
other than that the hall Is intact.
It started with a small trash fire
at the back of the building.
This semester will close for
most sophomores two years'
of work. In order to foe able to
determine your course «for the
junior and senior years, you
should have made, in the regis-
trar's office, a degree plan
which will show the coursew
completed, in progress, as well
as those lacking for your de-
cree. A copy of such a plan
will be made for you and yrtur
major professor. Do this now
or as soon as possible.
Paul Crouch, Registrar.
■ effl
• m
a m

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Rowland, Norman. The Rambler (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 16, No. 23, Ed. 1 Wednesday, March 25, 1942, newspaper, March 25, 1942; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas Wesleyan University.

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