The Tulia Herald (Tulia, Tex), Vol. 48, No. 4, Ed. 1, Thursday, January 24, 1957 Page: 1

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U S ARMY Saturday released
leased money for construction
of 100 natic wl guard armories
Tulla was not one of them
Last August 24 the day boforc the
Democratic runoff a telegram was
received In Tulla from Sen Price
Daniel In which he said he was
pushing the Tulla project
town topics
NCLE JAY the veteran KGNC
personality through choice
of words rather than intention at
the moment complimented this column
the other morning Perhaps
with tongue in check perhaps half
seriously he referred to our political
observations as coming from one
side of the fence
We suspect he was thinking that
we present only one side of an issue
but well hold him to what he said
not to what he may have been thinking
Anyway we aint mad at fatboy
TOWN TOf ics
OUR AMBITION is to stay on
one side of the fence Wed
as soon be on the wrong side as to
straddle the fence
Editorial columns which are
nothing more than the observations
of the writer must necessarily be
biased presenting primarily the
side of the author The news
columns not the editorial are the
places to present both sides of an
issue In an editorial a writer must
be on one side or the other or remain
on the fence in which case
his time would have been better
spent on the golf course than at a
town topics
EING A WEEKLY paper it is
impossible to carry even one
side of nonlocal news We must
necessarily leave state national and
world news reporting to the dailies
Of course occasionally we are compelled
to go back and pick up some
of this news overlooked by the
Assuming that our readers are
provided with nonSwisher news by
the dailies we then take it from
there offering our observations and
town topics
0 LITTLE interest has been
created by the Duval county
stories now appearing each week in
The Herald Several readers have
been shocked at what has been going
on right under our noses
We might drop the comment in
passing that it was the boss counties
of South Texas such as Duval that
tipped the scales In favor of Price
Daniel in the tight gubernatorial
race last August So consistently
have these counties opposed Yarborough
that he never even made a
bid for their support last summer
He marked them off even before he
began his campaign because he was
oil too familiar with their voting
Some say the election was won in
South Texas Parr came out for
Price Daniel and there were enough
challengeable votes in this area
alone to have negated Daniels lead
Unlike the Lyndon Johnson Coke
Stevenson hassle in Duval county
in which Parr had had a runin with
Stevenson and supported Johnson
for spite he had no occasion to oppose
Yarborough for personal reasons
On the other hand Price
Daniel had been Attorney General
of Texas and was in an excellent
position to have incurred Parrs
wrath had he done anything to cleanup
the Duval mess
In other words Parr feared Yarborough
more than he feared
town topics
OW THAT Yarborough has
announced for the Senate
seat vacated at long last by Price
Daniel it is to be expected that he
will again be pictured by the big
dailies and their satellites as a
multiloser with an insatiable thirst
for public office and recognition not
unlike a precocious upstart They
will picture him as one who is more
or less making himself ridiculous I
by running after people have proved
they dont want him
They will again drum up false j
issues Theyll again label him as
the candidate of labor and perhaps
the Negro Theyll call him a
Theyll slander his reputation and
attack his character because they
fear him They know their charges
arc false But they know also that
they must He and smear in order
to keep him out of office
If they didnt fear his strength
they wouldnt concert their attack
upon him They would ignore him
like they do the minor candidates
They fear a man who can make
the Shivers and Daniel machine pullout
all their stops employing every
trick in the book in order to win
They foar a man who can come
within 30000 votes of the governorship
with mote than lj million
votes cast despite the fact that the
opposition had unlimited financial
resource and almost all the news
pa pore
Thoy know that Yarboroughs
strength has increased each time ho
ran for office not dwindled
Thoy know that Yarborough can
net garner any additional strength
without winning
town topics
HAS entered the
Senate race not at his own
rhoosmg but at the insistence of
A proud and happy Tulia boy took
top honors of the annual Swisher
County Tat Stock show which ended
Thursday night with the Parade of
Champions at which time grand
championships and other awards
were made He was Billy Holcomb
son of County Agent and Mrs Cal
Mn Holeiimb who nhnwcd an Angus
which earlier in the day had won
first place in his class Klnan Burks
Hereford Steer was reserve champion

In addition to the usual awards
voung Holcomb also received the
Kiwanis cub trophy gicn to the
H 1
Senatorial Race Sparks interest
In Poll Taxes As Deadline Hears
About 270 Swisher county poll taxes were paid between
Saturday and Monday but the rate of payment must continue
at an accelerated speed if last years figure is reached Hap
Robert Lee rcnnell and John Henry
Dick both of Tulia have been
charged with car theft and are being
held in Swisher county jail in connection
with the theft of a 1952 model
Chrysler belonging to Henry Kirkland
of Tulia
Tlie car was stolen about 10 oclock
Sunday night A pickup was sent out
by the sheriffs department about
midnight Some time later Wheeler
Knox Happy deputy spotted the
car returning from Amarlllo and
gave chase
When the occupants of the stolen
car discovered they were being chased
they turned off on a dirt road
and later rolled the car three times
Fennell was apprehended but Dick
escaped on foot He was picked up
Monday morning in Sunset addition
McDonald To Observe
John Deere Day Here
Monday will be John DCerc Day in
McDonald Machinery Co local
dealer Invites the public to be its
guest at the days activities Free
doughnuts and coffee will be served
at the implement house between
0am and noon
At 1 30 in the Royal Theatre six
fullcolor movies including the full
length feature Heavens to Betsy
a gay exciting picture that will delight
the oldest as well as the youngest
will be shown
Also to be seen will be the latest
in farm equipment tractors and
implements destined to bring new
leisure hours lower costs and greater
Mr and Mrs Frank Scott of Amarillo
visited her mother Mrs r T
Ervin here Sunday
py residents may pay poll
taxes at the city hall while
Kress may pay at E H Den
ncy Insurance office
Approximately 1150 receipts had
been Issued Monday morning On
Jan 19 1956 poll taxes issued here
totaled 1598 On Jan 19 1957 the
figure was only 879
Total issued by Jran 31 195G was
2832 January 31 is the deadline
Voters have learned that there is
no such thing as an off year in
Texas politics Highlighting the 1957
Texas election calendar will be the
election of a U S Senator on April
2 In addition there will be city
council and school trustee elections
and possibly n bond or beer election
In making his announcement for
the Senatorial race Judge Ralph
Yarborough of Austin said I am
announcing earlier than I planned
because a lot of people told me in
East Texas I must announce before
the first to get Democratic poll taxes
paid and theres not any Democrat
in the race whos been out fighting
for the Democratic Party and if I
didn t get in they were not gonna
pay their poll taxes They told me
that in so many counties the old
true blue real staunch Democrats
are not interested unless somebody
runs whos been out fighting for thr
Democratic Party
James Hart and Congressman at
Large Martin Dies are also candidates
for the vacancy as are State
Sen Searcy Bracewell a Democrat
who supported Eisenhower in 1952
and 1956 and Thad Hutcheson a Republican
Yarborough led them all in
the latest Belden poll with 36 percent
to 33 per cent for Dies The
other candidates polled only about
three per cent each
Mr and Mrs Dale Bradley and
small daughter Rhonda of Amarillo
have recently moved to lulia
from Amanllo and are living at 600
N El Paso He will be associated
with his father in farming
Acgri Research
Officials of the High Plains Sla
tion of the Texas Research Foundation
recently established at Halfway
were present at the regular meeting
of the Kress Agricultural club last
They were Dr C L Lundell director
of the Texas Research
Foundation Dr T C Longnecker
head of the high Plains station Dr
Johnny H Davis associate head of
the High Plains station Dr Johnny
H Davis associate head of the High
Plains station and C II Janeway
field representative of the station
Dr Longnecker explained that the
doundatkm established by a group
of individuals operates an independent
nonprofit agricultural experiment
station for research and education
The headquarters are at Ren
ner near Dallas
High Plains residents particularly
the Plainview Chamber rif om
south showing the grand champion
Wyatte Harman of Happy showed
the grand champion pig a Poland
China Cliff Amnion Chester White
pig wo reserve champion Harmon
was presented the Rotary club trophy
for i how ing the top pig
Dryland Farmers
May Receive Aid
For Blowing Soil
Money is now available in Swish
cr County for dryland chiseling or
other emergency tillage to keep
land from blowing according to Elmer
S Craig office manager of
Swisher County ASC
It will be necessary for the farmer
to come in to the county ASC office
and make application before he he
fins his operation if he expects to
receive payment
ITiis payment is for dryland farming
Rev W Neil Record Baptist mm
ister Is in Wichita Kansas this
week conducting a study course He
will return home the last of this
to find ways and means of increas
ing v cMs iif cotton and gram sor
gh ims th t i rx ing and hasu
BilBy Hoteomh Shows Grosid
Harold latins Southdown iamb
was grand champion of the lamb division
Latta who lives at Kress
won the sheep trophy given by the
Klwnnls club of Tulln
Ihoran Avents Hampshire lamb
was champion of breed as was Stan
lev Youngs fine wool lamb and
TULIA Swisher County TEXAS
Steer Burglars Strike Hilkrest Station
lnhnny Ncx s milk fed lamb
Other awards presented ware
Sheep Ilerttimon award given by
R 1 Dawson sr 1 lloyd and
Stanley Young Kross 2 Charlos
Newman Tulla 3 Eddie Venhaus
Continued On Pago Eight
Damage Heavy
In School Fire
I ire late Monday night inflicted
heavy damage to the old agricultural
building located on the school
campus across the street from the
new high school building
i Tile building was vacated by the
agricultural department last summer
was under contract to sell to Oagley
and Lively Kress ginners It was to
have been moved soon It had been
used for veterans classes
1 he loss was covered by Insurance
Tulia Tire Department received
the alarm about midnight
The blaze was believed to have
started from a gas heater Heaviest
damage was to the north wing where
the fire started Among the area destroyed
was the living quarters of
the late Ezra Jones school caretaker
Smoke damage spread to
most of the building
Top Plains Cotton Authorities
To Address County Mass Meeting
George Pfciffenbetgoi executive vice president of the
Plains Cotton Growers Lcvon Ray Lubbock Experiment
Station and a buyer fiom a cotton mill will be the three fea
ind speakeis at the county
wide meeting of Swisher cot
> i growers scheduled for
Ihursday afternoon Jan 31
at 2 oclock in the Tulia High
> vool auditorium
Purpose of the mi cling is tduca
tional All cotton grov f rs of this
area are confront d with n n < v
problem capable of materially reducing
Income from cotton in th
area if it Isnt solved according to Cowan
merce have sought a branch in this
area of the state for several years
The people of this area are making
the capital investment which includes
a half section of land at
Halfway and the Texas Research
Foundation will operate the station
li te umble to excrnso their right to
vo f in thr coming U S Senatorial elco
m tiuk s thry paid their poll tax by Jan
i P c irod fiom left are Ralph Roberts
ik t ollector W C Tcel Donald Crocker
ji orgr Jf nnings Bill Hill Kelly Jennings
and Javecc president Sam Powell
ed At Kress
crops of this aria and to develop
new cash erops adaptable to this
The first project will concern the
meat pcwuwwknl mm of fertiliser
ami water the beat varieties of
crops for thus section rotation of
Dr longnecker mhI that the two crops and the ute of grasses and
primary purposes of the station are legumes
In connection with new crops he
said that the station mav he testing
as manv as 200 iren < s of o >
cotton authorities Micronaire is a
term to be defined explained and
discussed at this meeting
R B Dawson jr and Virgil Hill
are county directors of the Plains
Cotton Growers the organization
spearheading the attack upon the
micronaire problem
Mr Cicorpi I We ss relurned
home Sunday from a visit to I I
Paso to te lirr mother Mrs M J
MAYOR JOHN BROWN front and center
proclaims Pay Your Poll Tax Week as
members of the Tulia Jaycer gather in
the office of the Swisher County Tax As
sessorCollector to pay their poll tax for
Wrfl The Jaycecs pointed out in opening
their poll tax campaign that maiy people
list in money spent per capita for
agricultural research
Griffiths Super Market Saturday
Huiglars struck twice in lulia Snturduy night
At Hillcrest Service Station the thieves entered the station
by bi caking nn east window on the broezeway Taken were
one new tire one used tire three cartons of cigarettes one
carton of candy and a Philco portable radio
One pop machine was pried open
CLIPPED Heres Elvis by the
Army shorn which leaves the girlies
all forlorn His locks and sideburns
on the floor he aint gonna shake
them curls no more The Army barber
hasnt really got to Elvis Presley
jot Tills Is just a retouch artists
idea of what the lad will look
like with a GI clip Nothing has been
altered but the locks and sideburns
I uncral services for Peter I Bar
blan 7G retired farmer residing
west of Kress were conducted at St
Pauls Lutheran church in Plain
view Saturday afternoon Tlie Rev
L A Wolf pastor officiated Burial
was In Plalnvlcw Memorial Park
Mr Barbian died Thursday night
at the Plainview Hospital and Clinic
He had been in poor health for 10
months and seriously III for several
He was born in Waldren Cor
many April 11 1880 He came to the
United Slates in 1902 and settled at
Abilene In 1922 he and his family
moved from Abilene to Littlefield
and two years later to Tulia They
moved to the present home site five
miles west of Kress in 1928
Barbian and Miss Pauline Bontkc
were married in 1905 at Abilene She
is among the survivors
Barbian was one of the first farmers
on the Plains to raise turkeys on
n commercial scale when the broad
breasted type of turkey was introduced
in the region in the 1930s He
retired from farmingabout 10 years
Besides Mrs Barbian survivors
arc six sons and daughters Louis
Barbian Tulia Tony Barbian
Kress Trnnk Barbian Plainview
Mrs John Berner Kress Mrs Gerald
James Abcrnathy and Mrs
Tdgar Young Kress Also surviving
are 20 grandchildren and eight great
Mr Barbian was a member of
St Paul s Lutheran church
Hornet Cagers
To Dalhart
This Week
Tulia high school cagers will meet
Dalhart there Friday night In conference
The Hornets defeated Dimmllt in
conference play Tuesday night 7018
Dennis Love was high with 21 points
Tulla II also won 6216
The girls game ended in a 7070
disputed tie The winner will be announced
nfler an official ruling The
game ended In a tie One referee
called a 2mlnute overtime while
the other called n 3mlnutc Tulia
would win by 2 points if the 2min
ute overtime holds Ramsey made 27
The Hornets stumped their toes
I riday night losing to the Canyon
High School Eagles 4833 Dennis
love scored 10 points and Jerry
Sturgess 8 This was the third district
game for the locals and their
first defeat in conference play
Tulia girls slipped past Canyon 47
42 Fern Ramsey was high with 25
Tulia reserves also beat Canyon
reserves SO to 13 Duke Jennings
scored 25 points and Caraway 19
In the Turkey tournament held
last weekend Tulia 8th grade girls
I beat Quitaque 3327 Sharon Vise
1 was high with 20 points They then
beat Flomot 2814 to win first place
in the tournament In the Flomot
beans s same castor beans corn game Vise made 10 r points and
sunfloweri and other prospective Cheryl Culwell 11 This gives the
cash crops girls a record of 16 wins and four
Dr Longnecker pointed ou that losses for the season
Texas ranks at the bottom of the The 8th grade boys beat Quitaque
boys 3829 Bobby Howard was high
with 12 points The boys lost to
Dr Davis showed a number of i Turkey 2722 John Loftin making 12
slides showing the work at Kenner points then defeated Flomot 3810
The independent long range re for second place in the tournament
starch program which the High Bobby Howard made 10 points
Continued On Page Fight The 8th grade boys have 12 wins
and another unlocked
A foot print seven inches wide and
11 inches long was discovered near
the entrance A print exactly the
same size was discovered near a
breakin at Childress Friday night
At Griffiths Super Market thieves
gained entrance through a rear window
and left through a west door
near the rear Taken were six to
eight boxes of Remington shells 10
or 12 boxes of shotgun shells 60 in
All three cash registers at the
checking out stands were rifled
The thieves knocked the knob on
the safe but tear gas stopped their
activities at this point A saw had
been used on the knob
City police said that the burglars
were careful to leave no fingerprints
Investigation is continuing
Mrs H S Loftin has returned
home from a three weeks trip with
Mr and Mrs Troy Armstrong of
Bovina to Arkansas and Tennessee
Wayne Bramlctt and a friend of
Lockney were attending to business
in Tulia Monday morning
Boxing Tournament Clicks
over Billy Wllfong by n unanimous
decision In one of the earlier bouts
of the lulln Invitational Boxing
tourney In Hie finals Russell lost
to Richard Castro of Plalnvlcw
Russell and Wllfong represented
the Tulla VrW
Tlie Plainview Kiwanis club won
the high school championship trophy
over Plainview VFW American Legion
20 points to 11 Canyon was
third with eight points
In the semifinals Pat Thomas of
Tulla lost to Manuel Nagar Plain
view Kiwanis who then lost to Jeff
Tucker Tulia VFW in the final bout
of the evening which many termed
the most interesting The boys were
in the G1G5 pound class
Lonnle Bradley Tulla VFW won
overChester Barlow Tulla VFW in
an exhibition match Jim Inman won
over Wayiand Bradley in the other
exhibition match of the evening
In the finals Kenny Bradley Tu
lia dec Chester Barlow Tulia
Billy Laurent Plainview dec Bill
Hardy Tulia Tommy Clower TKO
Paul Liles Tulia Sammy Reedy
Plainview Kiwanis dec Dennis Thomas
Tulla VFW Richard Castro
Plainview dec Jackie Russell Tu
lla Jackie Laurent Plainview dec
Bill Thomas Tulla Wallace Inge
Plainview TKO Phillip Tucker
Tulia Ray Smith Tulia over Sam
mic Yandell Tulia by default Gary
Humphries Canyon TKO Billy Whit
ten Tulia VFW Manuel Gonzales
Plainview dec Wiliford Taylor
Canyon Gene Powers Canyon dec
Royce Teague Plainview Jackie
Continued On Page Eight
New License Tags
On Sale Feb 1
Ralph Roberts Swisher County
tas assessorcollector reports that
1957 automobile license plates have
arrived and will go on sale Feb 1
The new tags are white background
with black letters Swishers
numbers begin with BX4650 Persons
desiring special numbers may file
their requests beginning Feb 1 by
presenting their automobile title
with the fee The tags will be issued
when the particular number comes
Bill Davis Heads
Kress Farmers Union
W 1 Bill Davis was named
president of the Kress local Farmers
Union at an organizational
meeting held Thursday night Warren
D Agncw was elected vice
president and J B Carlisle secre
Richard Alexander state secretary
and head of the Farmers Union Insurance
division was principal
The membership drive is now
Another local has been established
at Claytonville and plans are to organize
one at Happy
Farm Bureau Slates
Thursday Meeting
Swisher County Farm Bureau will
meet on Thursday In the Tulia
School cafeteria for a regufar meeting
Pictures of the National Farm
Bureau Convention trip will be
shown after which games of 42 will
be played followed by a social hour
and one loss for the season while
the 7th grate boys have eight wins
and one loss
Tulla freshmen boys beat Floyda
da 4540 In the Floydada freshman
tourney Grantham scored 1G points
and Stout 13 Lockney then defeated
Tulia 4136 in the next game for
Tulla Buuy Poage scored 11 points
and Grantham 9
1360 Kc 1000 Watts
Sundajs S p m

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Baggarly, Herbert Milton. The Tulia Herald (Tulia, Tex), Vol. 48, No. 4, Ed. 1, Thursday, January 24, 1957, newspaper, January 24, 1957; Tulia, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Swisher County Library.

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