Breckenridge Weekly Democrat (Breckenridge, Tex.), Ed. 1, Thursday, October 15, 1931 Page: 1 of 4

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Breckenridge Weekly Democrat
MMlHi WllI PlMfKKW 'IIP l!MV (K i 1 1'
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-houl I I i inrii-nt viii.n thpt ' Thi the courtesy of the Hav.
p. mi' U ...I Mutch m'. Khotxld Fathi i ) nn t'n'rrrlmri pitotor of
i in w i 'i i otnnlxrt i i !i . thr hi. i. t Hmrt Oath ll "hurch
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'i m a I i.nki iiillgr . id ni l. HOfSTON Oct II UP' -W fl
if" 1 I'i" "'. Hem .-nor. rhurgul with the ging-
land ciivlng of A Jonea and hln
'I'llKn ' tix nti ha inn f.x- wife h.i. in A gum wji returned
' nl i U.'i i tHKX't tf rvi n to H i-t ii ficMn Da lluin Iowa
. nln en 'hi prt'Vtou i i it. of t-tda lr.n Immlng hu mnocr-ice
J-'l"! ihi.tiionn nr liiin.n.i he i u ri in jail rn.linir i hunt
I we vet limn t miin i. i d .i thtt hii i x'rndvd ovi i thi mitith-
h.lf doll ii rfi mli Mexlro evi r .. nn the
i foup wn itin in tin i Hpm
ItMCi: I.I'IIK mem i. . on Aviguat '
KOI M I.N M-W Mlltlv '
NKW WHlK c' 11 if
t fir nn iJltir it in- i MINNI.K-. I'I..N ()l.
in Chin. . t.p" It v. v. ii. h Mill nt).N.l. ( MI'l(i.N
M uihV in ii" 'r ii- ' I.ANKiMD I'i C t II UjP'
I I Vi OOii i... mil i. ii I "nn i i. ni- of tlu I'in'hri
I iing' mini.. ' n k ilrv .it. plan J in lid
I hi I . in. vv t U' i 1 n v.i' j. uiptitiii to in Mu. I Ihr
in oh ii ni li m'i I. util i Mi .li'ff int. i hilwirn
I' i in. it .ffii i il v'i i" pun i t. i iiith'ut'i niui
in. l '.').' i ii f i ti ' ii ni. ii' I witii . ni I. ink
px inn ' "'
I iinwii. f mi i ' i A i 'Mni! of tin ni'ni-t
Il .r ! ih - hi n'i I 1 1 1 mu. . . 1 mi ii hiim ol n
f.r a ! .'in v -mull it 'fir i .. n. . r i mi i nr- of
Ki'Mn.l. . M"it '' ' 'I in'X'i'k .i vv hnl Mom ( .1
Il il tin pu vv- i ... i i i ip hiiik vv Mi fn-hlv m in . I i I'hi.t
riiv .f th Slit. lyn . 'u. I. rltr t i niiikit ng
-iiivivi I n i "jiint f "in IMu to Tin nun. i oppoinl h- p hi
lftll Ai i i i' in hr fiKuiid tlce .is wionis in p n . i . mil
Ihr mi. v.ii .inuin. ' vv i .nr ifi In. u-r ra m . m
.f ihr ii mv v nui.b . ot j. . I plo i I i i thi w Hh . i i
i. Irn fr nn i' Hoys I l.i in tim.-
I' mn wh. n tin Mlngj wni . vi r
thiown rv Mir Min hu nn l HAND MIDI. I'ltl .-
dtiven I. '! Hiniiea. I.oi.ln .f I'lll.NIs M'.HM'AI'KIl
kunnan ' "" M f lioi'K Ark on II
'I V Vt.i'n uh nrwuptprr
M' iiux.mkii nor put h.i r. i i whit i trh. vr i
IIO(i"v VOll lllh IUU.-r tot. t l h.i i m pi n ni;
KANHASCHY Mo. lift l i'j P pre n . id in I -rn
Ye Ferdinand Iamhrrcht wtn usln ' n Mini Jr. i. n
prrdlng nil right Thro wrni p ma . . .n i u i n t i r
iliubl.of tht h mournfully ad nin v i . .f tjjuu mid
nutted n p ! eo-jrt Hut t1 . H b of Rateiivllir marble Ilea
wm ritiun an eacelVnt ien n hr n In tho nrwupiprr t.'iinrn 0
hr haatened on v.'ir.
It win thr matter f i ' iv. -h ti ik. - w I .ir- for
ages- vulgaiiun call it . . . hs Wlll
iopi Krrdini.n.1 had . k I
of them
And If oive rv . . . I () M lvr ll'tt 1(1
.iniong n hum h of mi I i ) I I v. i. w.i II (U P
turner Tu Igr u know how pa- N'mM . whK'i flovvi fiom a
ticillar thrt .1 r I had pKiultid w.o n ur Wal.l. u lit .t trmrrii
them 1 . -ii-nh" "d . i . ni ' in ' u mi ip iKi hriow
do that uilr- ii rr Minn i w he ni i Ir in' i i in
hurry. i . n wn. i if
JiliIUP T n i If it I ti i i . I xi. i
I-imbrc i w i i i t . . '!' i mini
livo ila i a' 'lit' . i H ' . i
it t someonr I i
1th i'i'- foi 4i t It il
I. u vriino im
Brewer Pleads Guilty To
Indictments Charging
s. nti n. t l iling f.nirl. ti vr ir 1 1
on. nnl. I ..Hi in ''h disiiiit
IiipiIiv afternoon t i 1 K I
I! . w who rntrred pleas
i h lf..i. jiiilc (' O Him-.
i nun i'hIi. tmrnts h uging
I' i-. fir firil rur tri"il by I
I iU. II milin iirnl. r the nf I iw
' ing !ir pllgr to u pi .1
l.ii i f amltv and ptunounre sriv
. i s i'.i ihr defendant niui
w iir i ' trlil by Jm
Ih- Mi tin voting wife
it .1 I ' ' in the courtroom
i ii. I I II imlin give him nr'h-
timr m in p irh of the
arn Hi illnweil thr wn-
(iiir i'i . nrurri ntl)
Hr i i im a two ypar
rnt I Mm.l County thrre
two it i n' n. m In Nolan
mn " two nut imc h ilf
ii i i'i ?ilan unty on
toll i
All ' 'i nti nn a a run
i mr i f 'u lis f i t
Of' i I i : truer h in not hren
I i nunrnl hy Judge Hiimlln
School Children
Ad milled To The j
Fair Free Friday'
Kri . (Mobrr 18. will he
hcM ihilili.-nn day at the Dnllm
Kulr i..i verv school child regard-
I. i m will be admitted free
provl I. 1 that they have a special I
ttcke' 11-ml for the purpose. Ba-
tidva tn. Dillan Trai tion Coiu
puny will gle every - h ol child
u fri. while In Dtltti to and
front tin r.tir groundn n npclal
ridr ..i--n
thr .ffii i ..f the Bui kenrldkd
Ann i i i i iupl) "f tin tirkiti
1). .Ih ' i i.liiuiHion I. thr fair
griiinl-. in I thr ntreet
and i . s in firr for 'In .taking.
Kvrt -iIinI rhllil thi' rxprrtu
to g i'i Fair on will
hr g . I ii tn krti if Ml. v wll
ill i. Hu ki in U An . 1 1
ill ' in I nk f.n t ii 'ii All
.iri r ' t I .' I X(r . t II T ikl tllClr
kl.l li. In till I. Ml illOl r
I III .'.I ii Miotic if Ml. Will
' iki . I i.. r Mil offri i I
ii h ' i inn i h hi i Mrkrt or
p.i tn II Vt.l
Schrirciior Is
. xi n fir ih
. i ju-irtl
1 1 ill
Patrolmen Guard Long
Mansion As Governors
Fight For Possession
Stati highway patrolmen in. I i in
iiolirr guarded the capital tod t to
pirnrrvr peace during the iwn .1
test of t .thority between Lmi -i
n s twa governor. ami ' Ll u-
trnunt governor '
The frery tempreil trd hnlt.l
Huey H Long isplalnd tod i hr
r tiled the militia out fi n f.-w
hiniii" berauee hr u.rj tfrulil Ihr
I leutenirt Oove.nor lanl 'i
would try to tie Is the governor i
rn tnnlon Cyr. long pol tint rlvil
took the oath of office governor
Ian! night on ground that I-ong
could nut hr a United Btatea rni-
tor and the chief executive of Ijhi-
ialana at the same time.
"r prepa Ing to file an oii'trr
ault to back up hu
o.tth found Jilmnelf either with it
bigger political Job or with none
for "Governor" declared Cyr by
proclaiming hlmatlf governor ceaa-
r.t to be lieutenant governor. called Alvln O. King pra-
Ident of the aenat. to the rnpital
today to take ovtr the lleutrnun
governor x dutleVrHc claimed Cyr
In "out of It entirely ' bee nine hr
'ot felted hi Job when he took the
oith of governor "
Dallas Convict
Shot To I) call
Following Till
Arthur Earhart 28 Dalian re-!
cently releaaed firm the Ok la
horns penitentiary was shot tn
death at Mllburn near here today J
by Homer Dunhsm night watch-'
Dunham said he found Bsrhart
ami two ewtiiiffhlon 'Jn' s restuu-
rsnt and when he attempted to
Jail them for Investigation tln-y
attacked him.
Ocnhsm ahot Earhart and ths
lutter companion eacaped
Liquor Selling
Case Called In
District Court
("unrg' B. CrwiU went to tnil
in dlotnr" court thi morniiiK on
a chargv of Mile and puminniun I
for purtoae of aala of intoxicnMn j
The indictment Trowrll '
wait teturned during the May-June
term of dUtrlct court.
Attorneya were quoiitlonlng pro.-
nectlvc jurom at the iturnlng es-
nlon. Edison Reported
As licinfi Weaker
UJB Thomaa A- Edition grew in-j
ersaaingly weaker today but h!
phyiictsna think thsrs la no cause I
for Immrdla'e contfhrn.
Thr iigwii inventor baa gone for i
nine d iy without taking any fluii!
and for a period of 130 hourn with-1
out uny food ttxeept aU spoonif 1 '
of atrurd peari
roi km: wii.i. mii -.misito-
Thr tu nr-. world In full cf ' min- i
fltii ' who hold position for which I
thr) ii not fully qualified To
mo i im ituntlon lemplr I'm
vrimiv .I'fi. il hive eitablHhed u
iiiii! ' in v .inMonal guiilnnrr no
thai puhl irhool 'rarhe-j will br
uhli i hi p ih.ii -udrnl
thr ii.t piofir. ion or bunlnrmi
mviiIcn' l-iri;i) Insect Kxlilliit !
"trorKHOLM Od ii. iUR
Storkhoini ht ii o-a Oriental m--i'i'-
than nnv tiiinr city In thr
woi .1 Im' they are ail dead and
pi.-oivid In the Museum of Nat
ii i History Recently a new ud
i 'inn was rafelvrd from the Far
Eait consisting of 6000 upeclmrns
from the Kurile Island. Moie
thnn thirty five books and pami h '
Iri-i havr hern written on lhri
flivs and bugs '
Maiy Harkness dancing with
I 'iik Ruythers arm about her
'I .ought she had never been so
h ippy in her llf Not even thnt
i -hi In the garden a short while
I ago when she and Dirk had first
! known they loved onr anothei Not
tonight at dinnri with all hi i
fi lends gi unpad ihoiit the flown
h mke t I ibli M tiij it. r r p -
ink- i toil' Kveivone f uii.n
them mciiv n I nui. kitr m l
m. t ppr ir i j 1 1 c.i rn yester la. wun h ' .i
I tiled t.n before the plerglns m nei
r "m the first J1 in- ohm ir h i I
Women Seek 345 Acres Of
Rich Yates Pool Of
Pecos County
AUSTIN Oct II iUP The state
mprrnie couit today heard argu-
ments In cases Involving title to
more than 3IA iter en of the hr irt
of the celebrated Yntrs Oil port
in Peers county.
Thr suits are those brought b
Mrs. Ruby Holmes of Del Rio an I
Mrs Addis Miller. Mr. Mill.-
claims rights to 133 ncres of the
oil land Maid t he the moat pro-
ductive In thr world and Mrs.
Holmes rliiims a little over 212
Practically Identical situation
exist In b th caiei Mrs Millrr
ht.ihand originally was given a
state patent to tt 10 acres of ihe
land. Ijitrr the field nrtes were
corrected and p.itrnt Issued for
107 ucrrs. A patent on the re-
mainder win Inter Issued to Irn
fl. Yatm oil millionaire now of
Ban Antonio for whom Yates
field is n'tmed
Bookmaker Says
C a pone licit iiiej
Losses $12001)
CHICAOO C)i f 1 1 U I'i A
racetrack bookm ikn tritifnd to-
day that Al I'nponr placed four or
five beti rvrry day tUiring two
racing ea ns and lo-t on almost
every race.
The witness. Milton Held was
the first railed by the defense In
the gang chefs income tax fraud
trltl p
Held int.niiitcii 4'iporic's tomes
dining thi li"s ti liirf Ncoson nt
fl2i)0i) m. I stld hr l.nt between $H-
iski md l'inis) on the ponios in
ins i
Coleman Woman
Beaten Jit; Man
OOLKMAN. Oct 14. UP Mrs.
VV J Strickland young wife of n
Coleman banker was stiuck on the
head with a large stick early to-
day when her assailant Is beievd
to have entered her home while she
wo alone in on attempt at rob-
bery John le Warren 21 was arrest-
ed at his home soon after the at-
tack and la held in jail. Warrsn
had hern working at the St Ick-
land bakery.
roNruiiiKS ; on'K
High of regret must have come
from the ohm ucterisat ions of the
late Robert R Mantell famed
Hhnkespr.tnan actoi as the ros-
tunn'H in whif i he vlvly por-
trnyrd ttn in wnr no!d at auc'inn
Kinriy in whi h he Intern eted
thr Sh iki'Kpeui ran di.imi of I
Julia ( '.ii sa-- Mihcth Shylork
Kin John and othris were sold
iiiTii-i thr him k
There w.rr IS complete srt of I
io uim In thi folleition t which
sold foi 1IMI1 In iiddi'ion valu .
uhlr Muniill hinl in cumulated in
hu woili' truv.l wrre sold They I
brlongi d to MrH I hn Alexander.
his widow '
asi. Ari'iK.Mi:n. '
AI'ST'N Oit 11 U ! The
iiint of "r m nal AppeaU today uf-1
firmed thr Hrntrn.-r of Tommle Ma-1
lone from Johnson County In six j
ae-. of Tommlr Maloni from I
Suniervllli' I'lunty in three rases j
and John Hiider f om John-ion
oiinty 111 thlrr luel '
rvi owned All theie wrrr rungs in
tht 1 tdji r of her present happiness
But when you were as completely
as idiotic illy blissful as she was
at this moment ou had to do
something aboi t ii and this was
vthit she w mted to ill j ist dance
.lin. e on f. rrver with Ihrks arm
ihout h i hi- duik lean fare cloe
I ' h i h - lip- it net eai mur-
ium uj: t.n I. i ht'i'i while thr
A i h In f t n ! .ni; . i inicl
I I I i i ii 1 wii t ii ngt x of
' ' ' i ' ii n if - f n-ii.uH
i (r
A Paris me s1 Ann rie years ai
-In il.ln I ii . i . i lit i.n. on
French Official Looking For
Solution to The World i
Depression j
PARIS Oil II 'UP' Premu i
Pirm I.ival ss-t.l today he l '
KoinK tn Washington In the hoir
of chri king the world rn m.iiili
rrl-iis In a speech to the Anglo-
American press association an or
ganizatlon of Knglish and Anirn
can correspondents In Pnils he I
"I darr nay because I am natur '
ally optimistic that the gravity of
evrntu will not prevent us from
finding fundamental silutions My
abllltlen are simple like my rhai !
ter but In ordei to serve the
cause of our civilization wi'h
President Hoover my nmbltlon ic
mains vast and my will firm.
Chain her Favors
Closinsr Of MI
Stores Oct. 23
The Chamber of Ownmerci'. .it
the tegular Wednesday luncheon
held at tlie V. M C A . went oh
record as favoring closing of all
business house October 33. in or-
der that employers and employ s
may attend the CiscoBrrckeniidif''
football game here. The game It
to be played on Friday and marks
the official opening of the 1931
district title race as far as Breck-
enridge is concerned
The Chamber members also dis-
cussed the ceremony to mark the
raising of three tings at Buckaroo
Fluid Friday afternoon during the
NortU I'ort Worth-Iinckenrldge
The flags wero donated U the
school. Thoy cover the 1030 and
1030 district titles and the 1030
statu title. The high school band
and pup squad will aid In the cere-
mony. A 15. Sweoney sjicke on the
Hiick-to-Church movomunt now be-
lni conducted by Iireckenrldge
ohurclioe. In which he urged mem-
bers to again become affiliated
with the church of their choice.
Fire Chief Pardee utged the
members to work in conjunct' n
with city officials and other rl'ih-t
In seeking to prevent fires in
He reiterated his statement uf
several days ago that tncendiuiism
caused a fire loss here this ycir
of over $10000 and that fires cf
"undetermined origin" brought the
total of "suspicious fires" to up-
nroxlnwtely $J 1.000.
Fire Fighters
Start Work On
Oklahoma Well
Expert oil fire fighters began to-
day 'tn extinguish the roaring
flnmes in tho Number 2 Gustln
wild gusher In Oklahoma City's
doorstep oil field. i
I-lvo steam from a battery of
boilers was allot under high pros-1
sure into the withering pillar of
fire. A crew of 180 nion worked In
fifteen minute shifts. Thj heat was
so Intense that asbestos clad men
could woik for only brief inter-
vals near the well
i.n'dia.v rini:i' to dii:
Chief Red Wing scion of n long
line of Cherokee Indian chiifs
must die in the eleetrk rhali heir
Nov 10 for killing two-ear-ctd '
ICvangelinr C'avazos I
The Indian who spends his list i
days fashioning trinkets of bend' i
ulgned a confewslon that he utoln I
the child from a house where her
parents were staying last October t
In New Braunfels killed her and
hid her body behind a slgnbon.l
near the railroad tracks. lie m 1 !
"flre-wuter" was to blame The
parents Mr and Mrs. Henry t'
Cavano. and Chief lied Win
were all troupers in a carnival
playing at New BrauuftU at Mi-
1 I ilth Avenue not even nt a mirk-ed-down
sale That dress like ev-
nrything else good that had come to
I her In the years since hei father
had died a suicide and her moth-
er soon after had been the Jupl-
'teis' gift She owed them every
thing even fliik In a way If thr
'younger ntembei of Ruythei and
Ruvther Mr Jup tei s prison il n
toine-. hid not hid to ni ikr -i
r i in visitn to th hou-ir vvith a
-.ntrhel of legal pipn-. when the
ol I gentleman s rheumatism k i
hm indours she and Unit muni
I nevei hove met
1 Tlw ie In. I he. it ni Int. i . ih il
City Tax Rate Set At $2.25
At City Commission Meeting
'llit tit t.i rati' was. t t at .2 "Ji i ihr 1'ii't kt-rn u1li
Cllv ( nlllli'l.HMIMI 111 ICJflll.'T 'SO.SIOI1 TU0mI.I llltlM lUKill
'I in l!Ku tax rati was $2. IS ur sovt'ii crnts lowi'i- tli.n
tin' pivsi'tit rate as cUtblishi-d b the commiiMiot.
Tho sottnijor of the city rate bringa the total uf the cnuf-
t iintl city taxi' to $1.11 the count v lute lw.mjr $I.S(j. (jf
the laltei aiiiotint ?1.I2 i to cover liomlcd mtiehteilnejii.
Althuurli the city tax lato is hijrher than that of the
previovi.s vtar in ivalitv it in lower as valuation's wen
nlashed twent.x .r cent over the 19:J0 mark uf officiaN
decrease in valuation of $1100(1(1(1 ticcurretl (hiiiii-- the
war aicoriluur to the cit secretary.
The ISKH valuations were placed at ?52il(i()(M with lh
MK'.o aIuation $0(100000.
Larjrr (Irowd Hoars McGir S)(iik
Al Mclhodisl Moil's Banquoi On
Relation 01' Church To Business
"I dont ctarc about the
you rr pre icnt in your community.
I d n't care about ym wealth
and I don't care about your repu-
tation the thing Is you can't for-
get (SiNl and prosper. You will
come to the hour when ycu must
turn back to such an institution
as this It doesn't matter what
ou pi iifes. somewhere down the
Venn the hetir will nti Ike when
you will irilue .ur Inability to
tope with the fituptiin and then
u II tut i to the greater power"
Mirk MeOie piomtnent Fort
Worth ntformy made this state-
ment Tuesday night as he con-
cluded his adduss on existing bus-
iness conditions over the nation
made before the first fall banq.iet
of tho Methodist Men's Fellowship
Club held in the basement of the
First Methodist Church
Mini Attend
More than 100 man attended the
banquet. Ulake Johnson was toast-
master for the occasion. Muilc
was furnished during the banquet
by the high school orchestra under
the direction of Jaks Uurkett.
Judge Frank P. Culver of Fort
Worth also was an honor guest
of the club. He spoke briefly.
McUre was Introduced by District
Attriney Ben J. Dean.
McGee In discussing present
day business conditions pleaded
with the men to "carry on work
together not separately cooperate
In the advancement of the bu.-l-ne
is of your community."
"W'e are waiting." he declared
"for the return of n irmal ttms.
That is the general presumption
Hul the timi'H wc uie waiting for
ni.. not nor mil times but n!
normil We mut adjust ourielvei
to pi . vailing conditions."
He urged the crowd to "beware
rf hy-derla" citing several exam-
ples whore excellent banking In-
stitutions were forced to close be-
cause of n hysterical crowd.
Utru-. Thought
"When you break a bank you
bieak your merchants and you
break your selves. The banks are
not broke but th Xysterlal pec pie
can break them. A hyaterlal man
with $28 In a bank can bankrupt
a community. If In a delicate po-
sition have your lenses cooperate
work things out between you" Mc-
Gee said.
in urging the crowd to "work
shoulder to shoulder" McCee de-
clared "We're traveling too fast.
We've forgotten the Creator; we've
forgotten such Institutions as this;
we've forgotten the Son of Qod.
We have been drifting swiftly in
the false belief that we were su-
preme and we're receiving our
punishment now.
'Hu must live a little closer to
nol Wo can't reckon and leave
Him out. If we have no faith in
Him then we have no faith in out
fellowmun and we can't exist un-
ites such conditions . If we fall
the leason will be because we've
forgotten Cod. Cities have team-
ed this nations h"ve been taught
the li non."
Itl.iiii.w lliiuiK
llc'lre also blamed passage of
li'iiuU Io ooinniiiultle fur the liu-
Ineaj slump. He discussed at length
the effect Installment buying had
on the nation He also declared
"theie nre too many public i f-
f ices ' and advocated combining
thr rrunty bf flees of county tnx
cc Hector and assessor and abolition
of the office of county treasurer
Continued on Pago Throo)
wis painful for both the Harkness
children to remember Mary a
hopelem novice and bungler at typ-
ing putting hei superior "advan-
tages" against the experience of
othn girls and losing nut often El
die tr imping about after nff'ce
bovs jobs anl plainly relieved
wh ii he did not get them.
' list of course theie wu 'he t a fi.rnl of a fuend who
in.'v of th. i nil. lien - plight md
T v .1-. the iupitns and thi i
P i i ir nn I- rf nironp who hr
i i i ii that woiid to which Mrs
K 'ori'ii.iip I on )' il Two I
Four Employes Locked In
Vault After Robbery
Three bandlii robbed the bmk of
Karlsboro at Kit Inborn neni )nt
of $2500 and escaped today ifl. i
locking thrc" bank e:riplovc-t imj
one customer In the vault.
The four men were ntMcd
from the vault hy i groenymin
about fifteen minutes after the
bandits had csruped in an auto-
mobile. Younr Will Ask
Charily Clashes
Of Grid Elevens
NKW YORK Oct'. II. U.B Col-
lege and school football teams
have been asked l Owen 1.
Young to play ut least one g tin.
this fall for unemployi d i.-llrf
Young Is chairman of the .. u-
mlttee on mobilization of r.luf
resources of President Moov -.
organization on unemployment ie
Young t onfuied w'th i ill. r
presidents liefoie miking his up-
Jieal He asked tint guns ie
relpts Im expenses of the benefit
games lie devoted to unemploy-
ment relief In ai.y manner the tc
spectlve schools wished.
School Board
To Meet Today
The Hoard of Education will
meet in called seieion at 1 31) p..
tn. today according to iS M. Hol-
land superintendent.
According to Holland as soon as
matters pertaining to insurance
costs ore worked out the budget
for the 1031-32 term will be ffi-
cially adopted.
Attend Parley
The regular meeting of the Ellin
Uidge will be held tonight at the
Uurch Hotel.
Important business matters are
to be presented and membeis weiu
uiged tcday to attend the session
t-W.MII.V I'l'T IN
PERI' Ind. Oct II UP' A f "W
a d 'vie i ed deendes iik in mik
ing clapboards whu h wn on. e
owned by Thomas Lincoln f it in ri
of President Llm oln his turn pi" '
sented to the Miami fount I
torlcal Society must um hin In li"
W Tioutmun
Thomas I. nt iln u- I tn. w
when he d t lo i itmi in
Coles Count Ill'no wh.n he
died In I no I Kln' i neigh-.
bor bonowid the fmw in. I iuh'-l
lected to i. tin ii It
He gave it to his sir who in
tu-n give it to Trnutman
i.osvT i.o.vr.iioit.v iii'.iti)
Remains of a lost herd of Inn;. I
horn cattle fimoits in thi hi-'.iyi
of the Texas mnge lnv. hi . r
found bv L D I! i tlh i .' Mini -I
tola Texas lind tin it hi in- li ii
made him 1 1. h i
In lal2 Jacob I). .a umu ti-j
tire herd of several th usand long-
horns stampeded In a storm nun'
Terllngun Creek They weie nn.r
Th t is not until Ut nlli. n
trailed n neaibv invn to a m
. pening nn 1 found t ieit he ij.
of bones m.l hoin Riitillion Inii
since sul.i muit thun $rKiiji wj:th.
of hoi is ind is now iret;rtiiit ni'
foi i - ilt to irp I'iiih of W il I
Guardsmen Refuse To Take
Injunction Instead Of
Sterling's Order
TYIfKH Oct II " ' l
of Texas enfoicr.l it i r
den. in the hiin. I -.
f rids today despiti i ' '
Injunction which w l
wells of the Brock I... i. i
p n to oper e nn. nti
B Igndler . ter il I .. i
ti rs hid H i lltl mu n v
f nir 'veil nl to b. I .nr
Brock !ee ' wi
found runu ns wide ijm .
nil rompanj hid ohtiln. I
injunction t joining th.
commission trim rnfoi. in
tion orders a Its wells
The wells w.tre able onlv .-
d ice about 160 barrels . r .. I . h
before the troops closed th. m
General Wolters said hi w i i it
enforcing the commission ..i.i in
closing down the wells hut . .m-
foreing the executive ord r of i .ov-
ernor Rons Sterling in srtim. the
tllowable from eivch we. I it hi bni-
rels dallv the same as i! lowed by
the ilhoad commission
Tension wis high as oil men
iw ilted the next move which miy
.1. . le If the Bast Texas field
uncontrolled output brought ehioi
to the oil industry will be operated
conservatively or If the product on
will run wild again. The field h is
been under martial law for the list
two months In an attempt to nub
its production.
Kout Texas Rangers arrived to
day to aid the mllltliimt n In r
Ing thtt no wells despite fnlei il
court orders will violate proiation
Texan Assessed
IVnn In Prison
For Mail Fraud
''alvln H IJiiikr -.1 .r
wi nt to the Allan! i fedi i il
tei liarv today senti m I t..
eir-i fot lining thi mill I.
fi in. I in woi ing five wonn n
'1 lie five "wives' of Ituikc
fied against him in his tml
explulned tliey correspond d
him through a frirnih-hip
of Detroit and acrusi d him
leuli.lng $10 001) In eiinm
He was said to h iv. m i
all five between 19.10 in I M
this year. Burke ofr. nl n
fense but asked meicy c nt. i
his matrimonial uu-kit wi. I
purpose of his first tml I. .l
In a. Texas Insane asylinn
. .
P n
. I
Illness Falal To
Eliasviltc Woman
Mrs. Mai tin Run ibou' I i
ISIlaavlllo imased aw.i ju t
noon today at the M di. nl
Hospital where she hoi hi i
patient since .Septemhi i i'i
Mr Ryan Is connnt. .1 vvi'i
Mid ICunsas Ol Co in I "1 1 n
The bod is being h I I I
Vautinin Funcrnl Horn j i i
funral in i.innrinent
NLHRsK roi'NTI Will
LINCOLN. Neb Of 11
Rf ident of McPhr. -on (
will have no city oi villi i
to pay The lemon i i
Thi i. are no oigim. I . i'i
villages in the entire i mint
Mil'liei-m County i in r
hia.-kii s .i v. i il lain. . .1
s conipii i il of 8(11 in I
in s in.ih Hi lutti .1 iv ' i
om lun.his and stoi k f.
no towni lis i hoik 1 1
seat Ti von n is a fn i. I i
11 pri mn I lie c ountv (
tlon I i 1 1192
t'liy Wruhf counts
submitted thr tax npmi '
Tax Commissicinei V H -1
appended to the loporf i '
nution that he is nm .
distilct clt-'k. reglsin of i i i
county assessor
MW.M.uisit K.vrr.m.n in
nti:i .mlhkli s ( i ss
i0 Pi Kdward A Olrisoh w in
be c illed the Me klr f win. r
He swam threr fnnr"i i ' -dlAtancr
across Marblelu i It
hoi felt he couldn t comr itr
final ii alter- so turne I b o v
I en vr Stolen Auto for Another
t P When thieves at v I U
Snow - automobile thry r i l
jooiher in Its pl c I '
opid however that thr hit
ii il ii li id In en i i

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Campbell, Robert C. Breckenridge Weekly Democrat (Breckenridge, Tex.), Ed. 1, Thursday, October 15, 1931, newspaper, October 15, 1931; Breckenridge, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Breckenridge Public Library.

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