Telegraph and Texas Register (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 10, No. 34, Ed. 1, Wednesday, August 20, 1845 Page: 3 of 4

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'f!y 9 "H1 I
Ji '-Corrected from the Bulletin of August 2 1S45.
Corrected at Jos. Grant's Exchange Office 72 Camp stree'.
American gold - - - aHem
Sovereigns - - - - 8oaR-86
JTwenty franc pieces - 3 Eb a dj b
pa'msh DoubFoons 15 90 o 16 00
-Patriot Do - 15 53 c 15 60
17. States - para per ctprem-
Second Municipality - pays specie
First Municipality - - " pays specie.
-Second Municipality - - - -i par
Third Municpality -. - - 2 o 75 cents
Atchafelaya ; ;
Exchange -; ;
Improverannt .. ; J
Agricultural ;
Planters' ; ;
Port Gibson ; ;
Commercial Rail Road
Union ; ; ;
Lake Washington. ;
Rodney ; ;
Pennsylvania. ;
New York ;
New England ;
Alabama State Bank
SoutK Carolina
North Carolina
Georgia ;
Virginia ; ;
1 nd:ar.a - ; -
Arkansas ; ; ;
Illinois . ; ;
Red Backs
Interest Notes -..'
Honds8 per eU " ?'
Do. lOperct.
10 o 15 eta. ondol
15 o 20 do
25 a 30 do
5 a 7
8 o 10 p cl dis
8 a 10 dis
48 a 50 cts on do!
38 a 40 do do
55 a 60 do do
10 a 12 do do
"3a 4 do do
'25 a 30 do do
50 a 52 do da
U a2J p ct dis
1 a 2 p ct dis
li a 2i p ct dis
4 a 5 p ct dis
1 al p ct dis
I a 2 p ct dis
1J a 2k p cl dis
1 a 2 p ct dis
. 1 a 2J p ct dis
par a :p ct dis
n I p ct dis
; 45 a 50 cents
55 a 60 cents
. 15 a 16 cents
-. . 18 a 19 cents
:'.". 24 a 25 cents
. 26 a 23 cents-
EXCHANGE. & a 9? prein
5f.27 a 5f.30
- a I prem
$a J preru
London 60 Jays
Pans 60 davs -New
York 60 days
Do Sighr
Boston 60 days
Philadelphia "60 days
Do. Sight
Jtaliimore 6U davs
Louisville and St. Louis
Havana short
J a f dis
1 a H'dis-
par a $ dis
1 a 1 dis
par a i dis
Sal dis
3 a 4 dis
NOTICE The copartnership heretofore existing between
R. C. Campbell and Benjamin F. Tankersley in the prac-
tice of their profession is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The unsettled busine s i;rrainingin thr hands of Campbell
& Tankersley will bi attended to Jointly by them.
August 7 1815. FNJ. F. TANKERSLEY.
Aur. 9 3t.
LOST or mislaid ihe conditional certificate tor one-Mum
of a league of land issaed to Thus. D. Allen No. 147- by
the board of Commissioners of Harrbburg county. If not heard
of in sixtv davs I shall apply to' the pioper authorities for a
duplicate." ' JOHN W. BERGIN
au 13 w5 . adm'c estate of T. D. Allen dec.
JJj S50 bags Sal'
6 hhds Wine and Spirits -
' 40 tons Iron assorted pig bar & steel
20 boxes Tin Plans
20 pksjes Hardware
30 bales Dry Goods.
G cas'-s Clothing-
Landing ex bark John Barnes from Liverpool. For sale
at Galvpstou by
MEDICINES 200 ozs Quinine
50 lbs Calomel -
. 10 cases Vials and Bottles - ..
" 100 doz Moffatl's Pills ' -"
20 " San&V Sarsaparilla .
10 " Phoenix Bitters
LIQ.UORS 3000 galls Brandy
r- mo ' Rum
j .. 50 bbls old rectified Whiskey
10 casks Madeira Wine
I : bblsMonongahela Whiskey
A casks Port. Wine . ' A
--u.- yoooxeswiarec
GROCERIES on consignment
" "" 50 kegs and nlf kegs Tobacco
. " 300 sacks Salt
1C For sale low by an? 14 J. P. GROESBEECK.
"I" EATHER 150 sides of Red Oak Tanned and now in
Ji prime order for Mill and Gin Bands .and will 1-e sold
cheap. Apply at this i.ffice or to
ang7w3t C. C. DIBBLE Houston.
LOST My conditional headright certificate for 640'acre.s
of landissued by the board of Land Commissioners of
Ha'rris county Feb. 1st 1839 number not recollected- If not
heard from within 90 days application will be made to the
proper officer for a duplicate. - t
ang 7 w9t W. K. SMITH.
LOST or mislaid' a land warrant for 1920 acres of land is-
sued to Jonathan Thomas father and heir of Evan Tho-
.mas by the War Department and if information is not had
within the time prescribed by law I wilt apply to the proper
authority for a duplicate. N umber and date not recollected.
Father and Heir of Evan Thomas
je 18 w9t By JAMES W. MASON. Au'v in fact-
"JVJOTICE. The undersigned ha vingbeen duly appointed ad-
1M ministrator ofthe estate of Lewis Way dee'd hereby noti-
fies all persons indebted to said eMate to make immediate pay-
ment and those having claims to present them duly authentica-
ted within the time prescribed by law or they will be barred.
jr2vrtJt R. A. HANKS.Adm'r.
BY virtue of and in obedsence to' a decree ofthe Hon. Pro-
bate Court of Austin county made at the May term there-
of and an order ol sale to me issued thereupon as one ofthe
administrators ofthe estate of George W. Reynolds deceased
I will on Tuesday the 7th day of October next ibatbeing a ju-
dicial sale day bet ween the hours prescribed by laV offer for
sale to thn highest bidder at the Court House door of Austin
countv all the right title and interest which the estate of the
said G VtT. Reynolds .de'cd in and to the following property
Yiz- That tract of land known as the Hermoso Plantation sit-
uated on ahe -west bank ofthe Bfazos rtver below and adjoining
the plantation of Oliver Jones and above and adjoining that of
Dr. R. Peebles about 10 milei above San Felipe and 50 miles
from the city of Houston containing 670acrcs more or less; of
whicn 150 acres is under fence and in cultivationtogether with
all the appurtenances and improvements thereon consisting of
a largo and well finished dwelling- the residence of the late
G. W. Reynolds Corn Mill Cabins Out Houses &c. &c.
This plantation is one ofthe most desirable situations in the
Terms of sale cash with appraisement.
Co-admiuiMrator with
an Felipe Jone 231845. jy2 w3m
NOTICE. The ndersigned having been duly appointed
administrator of (be estate of Joseph Ehlinger deceased
attheJuue termof the Probate Court of Harris county 1845
hereby notifies all persons indebted tosaidcstaic to make imme-
diate payment and those havingclairasto present themdulyau-
thenticated within the time prescribed bv law. or they will be
barred. MARY EHLINGER Adm'x
jy2t6V ByR.A. HANKS. Att'y in fact.
THE undersigned respectfully inlorms his friends and the
Travelling community that jhe above HOTEL is still
open for the reception of boarders and traveller-j. The house
is situated in tin centre and most convenient part of town on
the corner of Washington and La Fayette street. There is
attached good and secure Stables which shall always be sup-
plied with the best of provender and good attentive ostlers.
His table shall be supplied with the best the country affords
and his undivided attention giwen to the comfort of his patrons.
W. B. MERIWETHER Proprietor.
La Grange March 28th 1845. aplG w3m 137
(Conver of Main and Franklin Streets.')
RECEIVED (at ths above well known establishment) di-
rect from "New York a larze and general assortment of
pure and Fresh Drugs Medicines and Patent Medicines.
Having been appointed agenfor Dr. Brandrelh's Pills Di.
Glover's celebrated Agne Pills Dr. Moffat's Lite Pills and
Phoenix Bitters the same may always be had genuine. Also
Swaim's Panacea Houck's Panacea the celebrated Good Sa-
maritan Robb. for Impurities of the Blood Rowand's Tonrc
Mixture (not'improved but genuine) Soda and Seidliiz Pow-
ders Blue Mass Calomel GLuiniue Opium Camphor Rheu-
barb Castor Oil ana in lact all articles in the Drug line as
cheap as the same quality can be had in Texas.
Country Merchants would do well tov call before making
their purchases as Drucs require to be Iresb and who would
save a dime at the nlc of his life ?
-N.B. Physician ' Prescript Ice- iccurately prepared
je 18-w3t
flTST RECEIVED by late arrivals'from iMew Orleans a line
o selection of Dry Goods to which are invited the attention o
town and country purchasers
Consisting of painted lawns and muslins
English French and American prints a large and hand-
somc variety
English and French merino and bombazines
Italian silks for dresses
Mull Swiss jaccmetand book muslins
Linen lawns Irish linens birds eye aod RsreMan diaper
Darnabk table uo
3-4 7 Sand 4-4 domestic
3-4 7-8 and 4 4 brown domestic
Virginia and Lowell Oshaburgs
Linen rauquito netting blue drills Bath cord
De'joinvillc cord blue nankins denines
Constitution twills cotienades
Checks ticking Ladies' while and cokwd cotton hose
Gents mixed and brown cotton half hose kid pic nic
silk and Lisle thread gloves
Linen cambric hass silk pocketand neck handkerchiefs
Taylors 300 yds. Persian thread
Taylors and others 200 yds. Persian thread
Marshalls patent thread pearl and agate shirt buttons met-
al and bone suspender and strap do. patent hooks andeyes and
a splendid assortment of French and English broad cloths and
cassimeres satin vestings drap d'ete white and brown linen
and linen drillings linen bosom shirts &c. &e
Which with thirstock of groceries and liquors hardware
cutlery hats boots and shoes drugs and medicines paints
oils crockery wooden and willow ware wiir be disposed o
advantageously by
apl 16 d&-w-S37
GENERAL DEALERS in all kinds oi plantation and family
supplies and Commission Merchants for the sale of Cot-
ton and other products of this country store Main Street
Houston Texas are prepared to transact business on the most
advantageous teims through their panners
E. J. HART & CO.
Na.35 Common Street New Orte&ns.
They will make liberal advances on Cotton for sale in New
Orleans or .shipirent to otherports.
Orders from Planters or Merchants to be filled here or in
New Orleans will receive s'rict attention. mav 7 tf
TE3E undersigned for man' years a resident citizen of this
countrj has opened in the city of New York a General
Land Agency Office for the sale of Texas Lands end the
transaction generally of such business as the citizens of Texas
may have in the Northern part ofthe United States. He would
call the -ttention of his friends and others in Texas to the fact
that he was born and raised in the Manufacturing Districts of
the s:a'e of New York and has an extensive acquaintance
among that class nf persons who are likely to-purchase Land
in Texas. He intends making his office a desirable place for
all who contemplate emigrating to Texas to visit. He is fur-
nished with Maps of ihe different counties and possesses many
advantages for the prompt sale of uch Lands as may he en-
trusted to him. His terms are liberal and he solicits those
having Land for safe to give him a trial. Communications
addressed to Win W. Swain Esq Houston or the subscriber
71 Cedar Street New York will receive prompt attention.
Gen. Sam. Houston
Hon. T. W. Ward Com. Gen. Land Office.
" M P. Norton.
- " Memuean Hut.t. je25wtf
THOMAS NEWC J.! B Attorney and Counsellor at Law
(District Attorney uf the Fourth Judicial District) will
attend promptly to all bu-ines in the way of his prole-sion
which may be entrusted to him the several counties compo-
sing saiit District.
sms-saii District.
Residence at Victoria.
-jy 9 !y
THE subscribers will carry on theGin making business if
pairing Gins Horse Shoeing and Blacksmilhing in its
various forms at Matthew's Old Stand.
We have obtained the latoM and most improved forms for
Gins known in any part of the South; anu will warrant our
work to perform equal to any. Should a Gin fail to perform
well when started the purchaser by giving us prompt notice
cau set it aside.
N. B. All orders from a distance filled promptly.
San Augustine Feb. 20 1845.
marl2wtf482 JAMES BAILEY Ag't Houston.
East side of Main- Street near the IFAor".
HR. ALLEN would respectfully call the attention of cit-
izens and strangers visiting the city to his Rooms
where by means of thj most perfect apparatus hitherto con-
structed together with the latest improvements in operating
he is enabled to take Daguerreotype Portraits which for
beauty and accuracy of delineation cannot be surpassed.
Mr Allen has recently added to his establishment a new and
powerful Achromatic Camera which enables him to take Por-
traits and Miniatures from the smallest size to the largest.
The unavailing regrets often expressed by those who have
lost relatives or friends that they do not possess their likeness
should induce every person to have ihe portraits of those near
and dear to them taken by this cheap and perfectly accurate
process. Miniatures taken in all kinds of weather with or
without colors.
OCPInstructions given in the Art.
lStrangers and Citizens are invited to call and examine
srJ&imens of this Wonderful Art brought to its highest state
of perfection. je 10 d&wtf
JUST RECEIVED 15 kegs whito lead 20 lbs. superior carbon-
ate ofsoda 30 lbs. best shaving soap 10 gallons cologne. 30 gal.
alcohol. 40 demijohns 10 lbs. manna for sale by
fob 10 d&wtf-428 J. 1). GROESBEECK.
50 bbls sup St Louis Flour.
30 " rectified Whi.-key
24 hlf pipes Dupuy & Ronsse Cognac Braudv
30 sacks Rio and Java Coffee
20 bbls LouiMana brewn Sugar
18 boxes Havana " '
6 " Loaf Sugar
12 ' Imperial and Gunpowder Tea
15 bbls dried Apples
5' " Ale. 5 do Cider.
50 boxes "Chateau Margaux" Claret
12 " sup old Port Yine
3 bbls Malaga Wine
3 " soft shelled Almonds.
18 .11 Havana Segars
10'boxes Wincheslor brown Soap
10 " Sperm Candles
In More and for sale by
rpHE new and'substantial
JL Texian Steam Shin
"Master will run regularly
between Galveston and New
Orleans making two trips
fier month; leaving N. Or-
eans the 1st and 15th and
Galveston the 8th and 22d of
each month.
tegS The McKim is now un
der the Texas flag whiclvsaves to all importers by her five
per clnt. on the amount of their invoices which is an additional
duly on all goods imported in U. S. vessels.
Her accommodations for passengers are of the best order
being all State Roorh.
EFPricc of passage including Hospital ken 20.
For freight or passage apply to
Central Whai f Galveston;
Or to the Merchants of Houston "generallv "
February 28 1845. feb 19 d&wtf 4 9.
This ail vand commodious establishment has been
neatly fitted up for tile accomniodajiun of Boarders
and transient persons.
Ihe undersigned pledges her.Hf that no pain
will be snared to make her guests comfortable. None but hon
est and attentive servants will be employed.
The table will at all limes be supplied with every delicac-y
the market affords.
The management ofthe House being under the immediate
direction ofthe undersigned she flatters herself that shevill
be able to give satialaction to all who kindly favor her with
their patronage.
L large and convenient and will be supplied with the best of
provender ihe coun ry affords. Carriages and Horses at all
lime kept for hire.
Housicn May 12 1845. d&wtf
U1NINE 15!) oz. just received m.d for sale by
sep24 d&wir-4n9 J. IJ. tiKUatibfJiv.
C COMPOUND Chlorine-Tooth wash
J benuttfvins the tcrth for $ae bv J. O
.r rrcbt ivn i and
INES. Claret Malaga Port and Madiera by the cask
dozen or bntile for sale by J D GROESREE( K
(J 1 MINE 30 ozo just received and lor sale low by
fpi.2l d&wif-430 J. D GROESBEECK.
OllDrALS. Uuignolet Alsynth and other Cordials for sale by
THIS article bavins become all-important to the planter." of
Texas will hereafter be kept in large quantities an.l sold
at New Orleans duties added by
feb 4 J. D. GROESnEECK.
ACE GINGER. 500 lbs. Race Ginger lor sale by
SSO 12 d&wtM58 J. D. GROESBEECK.
JOHN H. WALTON is fully empowered as my general
agent to attend to my business during my absence from
the Republic.
' je !8-w3m MOSELY BAKER.
Magazine Street corner of Commoji
WOULD respectfully invite purchasers lo examine their
large and varied stock of DRY GOODS on hand and
now receiving per late arrivals consisting in part ofthe follow-
ing articles and which will be offered at low prices for Cash:
4 4 and 7-S Lowell Negro cottons ; 7-8 twilled dodo; 4-4
7-8 and 34 Patapsco do do; 3-4 Canal mills do do ; Keutucky
dodo; Aldbama Negro Liiii-cys and Kerseys; Kentucky jeans;
and linseys; plaid iinseys; Waterloo plaids; Maryland peniten-
tiary do; Peacedale linseys-; white lowell do; colored do do; Flo-
rida do; Glasgow jeans; Washington plains; do jeans; 4-4 and
7-8 Appleton brown cottons; 4-4 Hope mills do do; 4-4. Granite
dodo; 4-4 Massachusetts do do; 4-4 Oneida do do; 4-4 Passaic
do do; 4-4 Gladding do do; 4 4 Great Falls do do; 7 8 Tremonts
do do; 7-o Springfield do do do; 7-8 Dwight doxlo;d-4 no mark
do do; 4-3 Bay State bleached shininga; 4-4 Pittsfield do do; 4-4
linen fold do do; 7-8 Hamilton doido; G-4 and 12-4 Hamilton
bleached sheetings; 6-4 Wallham brown sheetings; 6-4 Law-
rence do di.; 6-4 Appleton do do; 6 4 Hamilton do do; 6-4 and
10-4 no mark do doj 10-4Peteiboro'bleachedsheelings; bleach-
ed and brown Hamilton Canton flannel; brown doe skin do do;
colored do do; Salisbury flannel; red do; white do; yellow do;
green do; twilled do. Rogers do; gause do; Welch do; Bird's-
eye diaper; huckaback do; Scotcn do; Russia do; cotton do; 0-4
7-8 8-4 and 10 4 Damask linen &c; Irish linen; long lawns;
Britanuias; creas; Plattillas; Jaconet cravats; plaid do; black
silk doblack Italian do; black silk twii-t; black sewing silk;
colored do do; colored border while pocket handkerchiefs; Ve-
rona handkerchiefs; portrait do; blue and light Romal do; biiie
cotton do; cotton flag do; Madras do; children's do: cotton fou
lard do; Britannia do; linen cambric do; pongee silk do; Union
silk do; Turkey red do do; Spittalfield dodo; genuinebandanna
do; black Barcelona do; cotion shawls; Prussian do; Rob Roy
do; wanle do; corded skirls; Victoria do; linen :rash colored
bordered linen napkins and table cloths; biown linen table
cloths; cotton napkins; cotton umbrellas; silk umbrellas; silk do
gingham do; ladies' woollen caps; woollen comforters; railroad
caps a new article; Scotch caps; Kilmarnock do; Caledonia
Coburg Victoria Grecian and Brunswick boots for children
men's cashmere gloves; boys' do do; men's buckskin do; white
and colored berlin do; black silk braid; brown rolls; coat blind-
ing; men's silk undershirts and drawers; men's lambswool do
do; men's merino do do; men's royal ribbed do do; linen bosom
shirts; hickory striped do; twilled stay tape; linen and coiton
tape; linen robbin; quality binding; matlrassdo; worsted centre
table covers; boot laeets; corcet do; paper cambric (for covering
umbrellas;) colored cambric; white jeans; blueand brown jeans:
black tabby velvet;black red green and blue bombazet; black
lasting; Caroline plaids- clambraygainbroon; lojj cabin cotlon-
nade; new style di; York denims; Hamilton do; Chesier do;
jean mixtures; cotton wadding; do hatting; brown and mixed
English half hose; brown and mixed German do; mixed French
do. bluecolton do:grey cotton ho-e(forservants;)ladics'browu
mixed and black cotton hoe; children's white do do; Ladies'
black cashmere ho-e; do worsted do; do Alpaca do; do mode
color do; do white cotton do; do blue do do; woollen socks pound
pins London do; American Jo; solid heads: Black pin1-; need-
les; black lasting coat and vest buttons; black silk twist coat do;
black japan do; silvered suspender and strap do; jet coat and
vest do; thread shirt do; agate do do; bone do do; bone suspend-
er and strap do; do do do for negroes; hooks and eyes; silver
plated do do in boxes; do do on cards- gilt vest and t oat button-;
Turker red yarn; dodo marking cotton; shirtingsiripes; Mcth-
uen bed ticking; power loom do do; Houghton's- do db; Dela-
ware do do: Mantua do do; Sankinek do do; Rochester do do;
Blockley do do; Amoskeig do do; brown Hollands; India rub-
ber suspender? cotton web do; do net do; do fringe;green barge;
York mill bleached cottons;' cotton yarn; wigans; burlaps; linen
Osnaburgs; coat canvass; blue Nankeen; linn mattress check;
Earlston ginghams; black and white dodo; green blue and red
blankets for overcoats; American three-point blankets; French
do do; duffil do do; iose blankets; 10-4 11-4 12-4 and 13 4 En
glish bed do; same size rrench do do; cradle do; white French
cotton d; printed do do do; blue pilot cloth; lion skin do- vest-
ing; imperial quills; corduroy; .Marshall's black and brown lin-
en thread assorted colors do do; blactt and brown do do; assorted
colored skein do; Taylor's and Alexander's Persian do; black
hrtghsh merino; do French do; colored b reneh do; dO'English
do; colored black and figured Alpacas do; plain and figured
Swk! muslin; siriped and cro-s barred do; mull do; book do;
cambric 'do; jaconet do do inserting and edgings; white
and black bobbinet lace; do do Valencia do; Begars' do;
thread do; Swiss curtain muslin- tape striped and cross barred
jaconet; black lace veils; blue and black satinet; steel mixed do;
black do do; ribbed do; Kentucky jeans; printed cassimeres;
blue black and green broadcloaih; drab and bottle green do for
carriage?; drab and botile green damask broadcloth; furniture
dimity; cambric; brown cros- barred brin; white do do 25 yards
each; 3 4 and 7-S apron check-.; 4-4 and 3-4 furniture plaid; bl'k
cambric; silk velvet; and a large assortment of CALICOES
comprising from 150 to 200 different styles bought at the lowest
point of the market.
A large assortment of FRENCH GOODS selected by them
in Paris expressly for the Southern market consisting in part
of the following articles .
French Prints entirely new patcrns French furniture do
blue huff and red; do do do damask do do do; Madras handker-
chiefs new patejn':; Paillaka do do; Neapolitans small figur-
ed; Ladies' parasols a new article; silk umbrellas 26 28 30
and 32 inches; monsseline de laine. new fancy patterns; cashme-
re d'Ecosso a rich and new article; woolen mitts; silk mitts as-
sorted styles; ladies' neck-handkerchiefs; do do cashmere and
mousseline de laine; 7-8 and 3-4 gentleman's fancy cravats; do
do black satin do; gentlemen's fancv and black figured scarfs;
344 4 64 and 8-4 silk shawls; 64 and 3 4 printed cashmere
shawls Scotch; Pekin silks plain black watered and striped;
ladies' kid gloves; gentlemen's do do; do beaver do stitched;
silk handkerchiefs foulards &c a. large assortment; black and
white silk hose; black cashmere; black crape; green and black
barege; poult de soie black plain watered and striped; blue
cotton socks: while cotton hose; gum elastic suspenders a new
article; white cotion wove do; grey cotion hose for ladies and
children; a large assortment of embroideries &c.such as hand-
kerchiefs wrist bands children's caps muslin embroidered
bands whity and black laces insertings edsings. &c ofthe
newest patterns; plaid ginglams; children's silk bjnnets; new
fancy cassimere? for pantaloons; linen cambric handkerchiefs
plain; do do do hemmed; do do do a la Riviere; do do do print-
ed; linen sheeting French; assorted colors merinos; gause and
twilled flannels; cottonnades for pantaloons coiton and worst-
ed anew article; filetgloves; merino blankets assorted widths;
men's whit and colored iinen handkerchiefs; mourning meri-
no shawls; 54 and 64 thibet do; ladies' black silk gloves; men's
do do do; a large assortment of Satin and taffeta ribbons from
Nos. 1 to 12; curtain borderings; 5-8 and 4 4 plain black mous-
selaine de laine; 4 4 and 5-4 plain black cashmere d'Ecosse;
linen tapes assorted from 1 to 12; curtain rings; black linen
thread for Tailors; bronzed & silver thimble; silk buttons for
coats and paletots; plain figured pearl buttons; five hole bone
do; silk twist and bordering;French paten l thread; an assortment
of dressing combs; assorted colors sewin? thread; black silk
fringe; black and white satin; 4 4 5 4 and G-4 woollen shawls.
New Orleans November 8th 1814. dec 25 w6m 471
COFFEE 40 sacks green Havana coffee 5 sacks old Java lo
Sugar 12 boxes brown Havana 10 bbls N. Orleans do
Flour 26 bbls. superfine Flour
Whiskey 10 bbls rectified Whiskey
Brandy 2 pipes Larrandc --ig.iac 3 bbls old peach do
Tobacco 50 Doxes whole ImII and quarter boxes Virgin-
ia Tobacco
White Lead 15 kg extra white lead.
Turpentine 3 bbls.spirii turpentine
Linseed Oil 50 jugs boiled Oil
Quminei0 oz. Frcirli Cluinine.
Calomel 15 lbs English calomel
Candles 15 boxes New Bediord candles
Soap 20 boxes Winehe-uer No I Soap
Sail 150 sao Gro Allutn and blown Salt
Bazgmg 30 pieces Kentucky baasing
Rn-i'. 50 coils mpe Ivcnnu-kvaud Grass
Twi: 100 lbs. balein Twine
Nails5 kegs nails 4 6 8 10 12 and 20 pennys
Steel an excellent assortment cast German and Blister
Brooms 15 dozen straw brooms
Pails8i) painted Pails
Casting3Q0Q lbs. castin'.ovc nsspiders pots &c.
with many articles unennmeraiedjust received per last several
packets and for sale by
apl 16d&w-437 SHACKELFORD SAMPSON & Co.
SUGAR KE I'TLES. 50 cat non Sugar Ke t es. ofas"
sorted tizes just received and for sale by
YE STUFFS; 100 lbs. Logwood
100 lbs Fustic
900 lbs Copperas
600 lbs Alum
yu ins Dlue Vitriol
100 lbs Madder
Jus treceived and for sale by
Who at all times keep on hand Groceries and Dry Goods for
sale. jan8wlf473
SUPERFINE Drawing Paper extra sizes for Surveyors
and Architects for sale bv
FRANCIS R. LUBBOCK Clerk of the District Court o
Harris County is alone authorised to receipt for costs due
J. S. Holman former ClerK of the District Court of said coun
June 20th 1843. July 1 dtf
ALOMEL. 400 lbs. Calomel lust received bv
sep 24 d&wtf-45R J. D. GROESBEECK.
QPICES. Black Pepper Alispicp Ginger Nutmegs Maco Cm
L'namon and OIovps. far snip lie
A HE the most certs' z and effectual remedies that have ever been dis-
covered for the ci re of tj h n .T.R and PEVBH. They aronse tho
torpid energies of the Stomach and Liver and by i; means prevent
those qnici returns and sudden relapses of the chill which so general!'
follow the nso of Quinine Bark etc They are raoro permanent in
their effects than any other Medicine. JTi
Should precede the use of the Ague Medicine where there is an accumn- .
lation of Bile. For sals byBLEVAMS corner of Main andrranklia
streets Houston.
SHACKELFORD SA.MPSON & CO. have just received
from New Orleans the following addition to their stock in
store :
SUGAR i hhds. New Orleans 12 boxes brown Havana
MOLASSES 10 bbls New Orleans. molasses-
WHISKEY 20 rectified whiskey
FLOUR 20 bbls "new" Flour
COFFEE 20 sacks green Havana 12 sacks Rio Coflee
BAGGING 25 pieces Kentucky bagging
ROPE 25 coils Kentucky Rope
TWINE 300 lbs baling Twine;
SOAP 10 boxes Winchester No. 1 Soap;
CANDLES 10 boxes New Bedford Candles;
STARCH 6 boxes Starch;
BROOMS 15 dozen straw Brooms;
PAILS 15 dozen painted Pails; .
TUBS 12 nests Cedar and Northern Pine Tubs;
BRANDY 1 Pipe Cognac Brandy
LEAD 5 kegs bar Lead
POWDER 50 halves and quarter kegs Dupont's FFFG
PERCUSSION CAPS 40 M split and ribb'd Caps;
CASTINGS 3000 lbs Philadelphia castings Ovens Spi-
ders and pots;
Brass and Iron wire sieves coiton cards coflee mills Tobacco
grass and cotton leading lines. Castor oil quinine calomel
rhubarb copperas saleratus cap and letter paper inks Ma-
son's blacking hosiery patent thread spool cotton tapes pins
feather fans bed ticking Kentucky janes coltonades linen
drills ladies and misses slippers French sporting hats silk
euter.fnr and cassimere do; cotton umbrellas &c &.c.
RICE & NICHOLS have just received from New Orleans
and New York a large and complete assortment of Dry
Goods Groceries and Hardware consisting in part as follows:
50 bbls superfine Flour
100 sacks Rio and Havana coffee
30 bbls Whiskey best quality
10 qr. casks Brandy
4 : Holland Gin
50 boxes claret Wine
10 hhds New Orleans Sugar
30 boxes white and brown Havana Sugar
4 casks loaf do
5 boxes sperm candles
10 bbls molasses
10 boxes gun powder and imperial Tea
2 cases do do do in 2 lb caddies
40 boxes Tobacco comprising sdme ofthe most choice
orands as well as cheaper qualities
v 12 b.xes Starch - " -
8 bags Pimento
40 cases hats consisting of fashionable sporting bioad and
medium brim
12 doz. black and white wool hats
75 do palm leaf and Tampico do
20 p-. bageing
20 coils Rope
SO kegs cut nails wrought do
6 tons Swedes Iron assorted
English cast steel American andGermando
2 tons hollow ware consisting of skellets ovens and potsoi
all sizes.
Wagon boxes assorted
Sad irons fire dogs and fire irons.
Chisels and files of every description r
Augers butts and screws drawing knives
4 boxes Collin's Axes 3 kegs Paddleford Le:d
50 bass shot 20 " Powder
100000 split and ribbed percussion caps
Log trace and ox chains Spades shovels and hoes
5 boxes coflee mills 20 best quality steel corn mills
Scythes sickles hand saws steel yards
Iron and brass wire seives ploughs
10 dozen wood buckets 10 kegs white lead
Genis fine cloth frock and dress coats
" ' cloth and casemere pan s
" " satin and silk vests
Together with a full assortment of summer coats vests and
Ladiessadules bridles bridle fillings saddle bags sursin
gles gerths and webbing
12 bales Lowell osnaburgs 7-8 and yard wide
100 piecer bleachedshirtings and sheeting
400 " prints
20pieces Kentucky Jeans
75 " French Muslin
100 " Mosquito netting
I'O " Denims
15 " Ticking
50 " Belzerenes
50 " coltonade
16 " check
15 " Linen Drill
15 "" Alarmer's striped shittings
10 " worsted Gambroon 20 p:
silk handkerchiefs
Silk and worsted Alpaca silks
French merino broad cloth casimeres vestings striped
plaid ami plain Swiss and jaconet muslins; cambrics bishop
lawns gingham Italian cravats ladies and gents gloves of all
descriptions; also mitts. A complete assortment of ladies
bonnets. 15) cases Boots and Shoe consisting of gents fine
calf kip and mud boots boys boots russet brogans mens' and
boys extra size gents fine calf seweB brogans gents kip sew-
ed and peg'd brogans; boys call and kip brogans; youth'j and
children's do do do; gents gainers fine pumps and slippers.
Ladies' calf seal and morocco boots
" gaiters and a variety of slippers
Also an assortment of crockery
Heavy flint and common Tumblers pitchers.
Ewers and Basins bowls plates tweflers muffins
Together with a great variety ofotherarticles too numer-
ous to mention all of which must be sold.
Houston March 3lst 1845.
Houston Texas
INVITE the attention of Planters Country Merchants ana
the inhabitantsof Houston to their extensive assortment of
Dry Goods Groceries Hals Boots and Shoes
Iron. Bagging and Rope Hardware
Cutlery Stationery Crockery
Wood and Willow Ware
Drugs. Medicines
tj-c $;. 4"c
Jan 5 1845. Received by late arrivals. jan 7
FOR whom good wages in cash will be paid and regular
employmen given. Aoply at Harrisburg to
April 14 1845. ap 15dtf A. BRISCOE.
NARRATIVE of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition compri-
sing a description of a Tour through Texas andacross the
great South-western Prairies the Camanche and Caygua Hunt-
ing Grounds with an account of Sufferings from the want of
Food Losses from Hostile Indians and final capture of the
Texans and their March as Prisoners to Ihe city of Mexico ;
with Illustrations and a Map; bv Geo. Wilkins Kendall.
This work is published in two volumes in the best style of
the Harpers and is for sale by Wade & Adams at their store
in Main Street Houston. may 29-tf
THE subscribers have jnt received from iNew Urleans via
Galveston a complete assortment of Groceries Dry Goods
Clothing Boojs Shoes &c consisting in part of the following
articles viz:
30 sacks coffee
50 jugs gin
20 bbls flour
5 bbls sugar
5 crates china and other
20 pieces brown muslin
10 dozbl'k cotton stockings
10 bbls. whiskey
30 sacks salt
' 10 boxes fine tobacco
50 pieces bleached shirting
50 dozen mixed half hose
50 pair negro pants
10 cases boots and shoes
12 blanket coats
lo dozen fine razors.
Also best Havana Segars &c. &c &c. All of which will
be sold low for cash or country produce such as hides cotion
bees-wax tallow butter &c by
dec 11 wtf-469 on Main street.
4 casks "Dupuy" Castillon" and -'Napoleon"
15 casks- "Agde."
100 boxes Clare: Wine
15 " Port Madeira Malaga and Claret
1 cask pure Holland Gin"
1 " Rum
1 " Monongahela Whiskey
x 10 boxes Starch
100 lbs Rappee and Scotch Snuff
For sale at may 13 J. D. GROESBEECK'S.
WHITE LEAD &c- 100 kegs White Lead 50 lbs Chrome
Green 100 gallons Linseed Oil for salebv
July 9 440 J D GROESBEECK.
INGERjust received and for sak-by
T ane!6d&wtf-402
NDIGO; 100 lbs Indigo just received and lor sale bv
jllly : 419 J u iii-vtnc.c.uiv.
THE bounty claim of James Strange for 3-20 acres ofland
for three months services in the army number and date
not recollected. If no information of the above be obtained
within 60 davs. application will be made to the proper anthori-
j ties for a duplicate thereof.
I may 21 492w9i JOS. DUNMAN
THE uudersignedhas resumed the practice of law in fi
city Office on CcngressStreet.
April 30 1844 d&wtl439 ap 29th W. LAWRENCE-
7 RANDY. Castillion Dupuy and Otard brands equal to
s-fany e7er imported for sale by the cask or gallon Dy
Drugs arid Medicines.
T D. GROESBEECK has just received from 3New Jork
J and Europe erery medicine necessary in practice or pre
scnoeu Dy inetacuity. Also a greatBneiyol Jfatent. and.
Vegetable Medicines making his assortment complete. "Merchants-
Planters snd Physicians can supply themselves with the
best Medicines carefully put up cheaper than can be lound else-
where in the republic and ir. many cases at New Orleans pri-
ces. Among his assort mentate
Acids acetic
" sulphuric
" tartaric
arrow root
Peruvian bark
balsam copavia
" fir
blue pill
apl 20 d&tf-43a
Castile soap
castor oil
croton oil
gum aloes
Oil of cloves
quinine - r
. ludthite ilj
spirsts of oitrer
cephalic snuff
Moffattpills:f -
tsrandreth pilly
Herbs of all kinds. Hvceian nills.
Hydriedatepotassa Cook's pills
laudanum Sappington pills
magnesia salt petre
sal eratu.s sal soda &c.
DANIEL D. CULP Notary Public for Harris Co..
WILL attend to the execution and authentication of Deedsj
Mortgages Bonds Powers ol Attorney &c.andthepro'
curing of Patents fiom the Land Office. His Office is on the
first floor City Hotel Buildings. ap 17 dtf
PAINTS &c.50 kegs white lead 5 boxes-chrome green 200
lbs. glue 390 lbs Venetian red 200 lbs Spanish brown for
bv feb 4 J D GROESBEECK. .
WHICH is so accurate and fnll that it answers ahnosi ev-
ery purpose of a digest. It will be found exceedingly
useful to Lawyers Judges and all who are reouired to- reier
frequently to these laws-. For sale for cash by
-. CRUGER-ifcJtfOOicr-
Jnly 29 d&wtt - "-&- - TelegtapKOrnce
To Rent or Lease for a Term of Years.
AVERY desirable plantation on the Brazos. abontrtwentj
miles from the city ol Hou-ion. The objection which tht.
owner has to residing there is that it is too healthy. For terms
and particulars apply at the office of the Telegraph.
September 24th 1844. sep 25 w459f
Merchants' Exchange adjoining ihe Post Office
LAW BOOKS &c for sale al the Telegraph Office.
Colonization Contracts of S. F. Austin and laws relative to
the same. '
Laws ofthe Republic of Texas 1st 2d 3d- 4th 5fh;and 6th
General Laws ofthe Republic of Texas translatedMnto
Spanish by S. P. Andrews Esq. -Evacuation
of Texas-by Gen. Filisola in 1S36. "
Rules ofthe Supreme and District Courts ofthe Republic of
Rules and articles for the governmentof the Armies ofthe
Republic of Texas
Blank Cards suitable for Business and Visitins Cards.
t Fletcher's Latin Grammar.
Alphabetical Index to the Laws of Texas.
RUGS AND MEDICINES. 100 lbs-English and Ameri-
can calomel 200 oz.&ulp. Q.ninine 5 cz Morphine 100 gal-
lons castor oil 95 lbs camphoi for sale b'
MILL SAWS. Rowland's ii;!l Saws lor sale by
feb 17 d&wtf 429 SHACRF.LFORD .SAMPSON & Co-
Bbls. Linseed Oil 4 b.iskets Sweet-Oil 20 kegs White
Lead for sale by feb 22 J. D. GROESBEECK.
OFFATT'S PILLS. ?0 1oz. Moffait's Pills. iut r
ceivedby feb2-d&tf . D GROESBEECK.
YEAST POWDERS. An admirable -ubgtuntefo-Yea3tinma
king Buckwheatandotherbu!turcakt;sreq.i.ringbur afewmin
utes preparation for baking for sale by J
TU3T RECEIVED from New York by ship Star Republic
J 7000 yds. India Bagging
12 hhds. Ponorico
ou Kegs ana qr. Kegs uuponi r t u ut tfowner.rf
100 boxes Clarer
20 boxes Zedro Tobacco.
jue 17 d&wtf495-
PURE juice oi the Grape. A lew gallons just received and
for sale by febj J D GROESBEECK
TUST Received 100 oz. Cninine 50 lbs. Calomel 10 lbs1
O Blue Mass 75 lbs. itlieuDarb 'Z bbls. Casior Oil 90.
Chloride of Lime and for sale by
sepl0d&wtf457 J. D. GROESBEECK
FRESH supply uf Calomel Ouinineand Opium just re
ceived by J. D. GROESBEECK.
v l8dwtf-38.
REM iVAL. JufclN JHACKELFORD.Jr. has removed
to 7 doors below hisformerstand and adjoining the store
ofE. C.Reynolds. i
Houston Octbber 16th 1843. octl7d&wtf-4l
JUST RECEIVED 10 oz. French Quinine 200 Ibs.Salera-
tus 50 gallons best sperm lamp oil for-sale bv
Nov24 nov 25 d&wtf4l7 J. D GROESBEECK.
Just received and for sale by
IV I aue 16 d&wtf-402
rnURPENTINE. 1 bbls. Spirits Turpentine just received
JL by sep24d&wtf469 J. D. GROESBEECK.
Wholesale and Retail Merchants Houston Teras.
Houston Dec. 21th 1844. de 24 d&wt!-47I
sale bv
-100 gallons Linseed Oil just received and for
nov 14 J. D. GROESBEECK.
I AMP OIL. 75 gallons best- Lamp Oil jut received and for
J sale by nov 14 J. D. GUOESBEECK.
CASTOR OIL 4 bbls warranted pure for sale by the hbl
or gallon by feb 4 J D GROESBEECK
C CASTILE SOAP just received and lor sale by '
J oct 4 d&wtf 409 J D GROESBEECK
RIED FIGS. A superior article of Smvrna Ftgs for sale by
AILS. 100 kegs Cut Nails Sj ikes ;.nd Flooring BisTd
just received and for sale by
TARCH a fresh article j ust received and fr sale by
ausrir.d&wtt-4t)ii J U. liKOESHEECK:
Impoiter and Dealer in Drugs Medicines PainlsOils
Dye Stuff's Chemicals Glassware
Perfumery ;.
CORNER of Avenue D. and 23rd street Galveston and
corner of Main and Congresstree's Ho'iston. ' . "
AL SODA 200 lbs Sal Soda for sale by
IOST Myhi!adright certificate for two-thirds of a league
j and one labor augmentation land issued by the Board of
Land Commissioners for the county of Jefferson number and
date not recollected. Also a warrant issued by the Secretary
of War for 610 acres bounty land in consideration of my ser-
vices in the war with Mexico nu nbr and date net recollect-
ed. Notice is hereby given that unless intelligence is received
of said certificates within three jnonths I will apply to the pro-
per officers for duplicates of the papers sojost.
may7w9t DAVID COLE.
ILL practice Law in copartnership in the first Judicial
District comprising the counties ot uatve
reston Brazoria.
Fort Bend Austin and Matagorda and the Supreme Court of
the Republic. Office at San Felipe Austin county .
mar 5 w3m 481
1NE- 300 gallons Mauem Win. just received by
sep 24 d&wtf-459 J. D. GROESBEECK.
Congress Street Houslt n Texas.
rpHE subscriber has received soniemaieriaIs from the United
L States which will enable him to rrake as good and yellow
Soap as can be made and freefron Rosin al 7 cents per pound
by the box ?nd retail 2 pound !ars?t 15 cents Good Tallow
Candles at 15 cents a pound at retaiL
?V Merchant's orders from the country can always be filled
feb 18 dlv
LEAD AMJ JlL. Having made ;a arrama mqnrwiilt
Factory at the North tor L?ad and iinporln hs- Lfi-et
Oil direct the -subscriber can"now sell thenbov. .wca-
ty per cent lower than any house in this city.
Ieb4 J u iJitvr v':A-(iv
f)AA Lbs. CastilejScap 50 lbs. Almond Scac
rC)J and for sale by J D GlVE
TO the room formerly occupied by D. Nie
Torrcy & Brother where se will 'be pleas -his
old customers and asmanvuew ones asmav.:
is rpr-ired
- "' do. tcFWfcvt
' raK 9ci V .--dSiedieine
also keeps -1""
or any of those needful articles called sundries
an assortment of Liquors of all kinds ofas goou
as low prices as can be had in Te:ras.
07-Allhis medicines are recenjjy imported a-
c genuine.
s 1
i5""" 5'.
!faflE " J'i
ibH "
:" his" .-M---!

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Moore, Francis, Jr. Telegraph and Texas Register (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 10, No. 34, Ed. 1, Wednesday, August 20, 1845, newspaper, August 20, 1845; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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