A gateway to rare, historical, and primary source materials from or about Texas.
About the Portal Take a Tour DonateIl Messaggiero Italiano was a weekly Italian language newspaper published in San Antonio and Galveston, Texas during the early 1900s.
Based at TCU, the Civil Rights in Black and Brown (CRBB) Oral History Project collects, interprets, and disseminates oral history …
Audio recordings of oral histories conducted by the UNT Libraries Special Collections Department with staff, donors, and artists.
The Daily Courier Light began publication in Corsicana in 1880, covering the dynamic history of Corsicana. Digital access to these …
A private collection of photographs and a Pampa High School Yearbook and Student Directory from the late 19th to mid 20th Century.
The UNT Libraries recently published Through the Lenses of Ray Bankston and Don Shugart, a captivating sample of the extensive collection of prints and negatives held in the Libraries’ Special Collections.
Ray Bankston and Don Shugart were two of the most prolific photographers of American Quarter Horses and horse show events in the South and Southwest during the last four decades of the twentieth century.
Their work is also featured in The Portal to Texas History’s Ray and Joyce Bankston Dalco Photography and Don Shugart Photography Collections.
Hundreds of years of Texas' cultural heritage exist in the physical holdings of communities across the state. The Portal seeks to digitize originals, preserving and presenting online copies for the long-term. Doing so highlights hidden collections, builds statewide connections, and provides access to you, regardless of the time or your location.
Texas History for Teachers provides Texas social studies teachers access to evidence-based historical content and resources for teaching Texas history, with all content mapped to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards.
Find Teaching MaterialsLearners of all ages can use TDNP to stand in the shoes of people from over 180 years ago to the present. Through our newspaper collection, we provide an understanding of the lives of Texans across history and miles.
About the Program"The newspaper digitization project places our library in position to reach out toward the future. By taking a piece of the past and bringing it with us, we are sure to grow and learn, appreciate and respect what was, what is and what will be."
Leslie Whitaker, Claude Public Library
The Portal to Texas History periodically offers mini-grants for its Rescuing Texas History series. Each grant provides up to $1,000 of digitization services to libraries, museums, historical societies, and other groups that house historical materials. All of the materials are scanned at UNT Libraries and hosted on the Portal.
Submit a Project"I collect old Texas photographs. Thanks to the Portal, they can now be viewed by the world."
Brad Willis — T. B. Willis Photograph Collection
Last month, we counted 694,331 uses of items on the Portal by people all over the world. Many were provided by small communities and funded by the generosity of donors like you.
Information for libraries, museums, schools, historical societies, civic groups, and individuals interested in the digital preservation and sharing of cultural heritage materials on this site.
ParticipateYou can support the preservation of small, disappearing, and at-risk communities and provide free access to them for students, educators, and researchers of all ages and abilities.