Intercom, Volume 8, Number 4, October 1974 Page: 14 of 16
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The $5,000,000 Gamble that Paid Off!
Tandy Magnetics...Home of Realistic SUPERTAPE!
Tandy Magnetics in Fort Worth,
Texas, U.S.A., began factory opera-
tions in May, 1972-the country's
newest, most technologically state-of-
the-art factory devoted exclusively to
the production of top quality audio
tape. It's the home of our world fa-
mous Realistic Supertape !
It is the $5,000,000 gamble that
answered the question: would Radio
Shack customers buy tape made by
Radio Shack in competition with
BASF, Scotch, TDK, Maxell and
Ampex? Millions of cassettes, car-
tridges and reels later the answer
was loud and clear. Yes! Consumers
sampled, tested, compared and
switched to a brand made in our own
We call the top of our line Super-
tape - because there's no better way
to describe it. To quote the special
message on the back cover of Ra-
dio Shack's 1975 Electronics Cata-
log, "Never before has an iron ox-
ide coating delivered such a high
standard of performance. This new
formula with super linear response
extracts the very best from any re-
corder - without any need for spec-
ial biasing! And our extra care in
calendering and magnetically smooth-
ing Supertape means fewer drop-
outs, higher output, reduced headwear. Then there's Supertape Qual-
ity Control: cartridges are 100%
run-in tested. Cassette housings meet
computer tolerances and the open-
reel version is so good that record-
ing studios use it."
Tandy Magnetics uses as a base
material (film) one of the finest
in the world, DuPont Mylar.
The first step in the production
of Radio Shack's Realistic Supertape
is that of mixing ferric oxide withour own specially formulated "bind-
er" to produce a highly uniform
emulsion for coating the film. The
fine quality of this coating emulsion
greatly enhances the performance of
the tape - gives it wide dynamic
range and improved sensitivity for
full-range frequency response.
The coating emulsion is mixed in
huge tanks. The mixture, after a
careful QC (quality control) check,
(Continued on Next Page)Huge mixing tanks like the one above combine ferric oxide with other chemical ingredients in
our own special formula to give Radio Shack's Supertape the super linear response that extracts
the best from any recorder. It's the coating emulsion that leads to the sound you want to hear!14 INTERCOM for October, 1974
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INTERCOM for October, 1974
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Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack Division. Intercom, Volume 8, Number 4, October 1974, periodical, October 1974; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed February 6, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.