Intercom, Volume 9, Number 10, April 1976 Page: 6 of 14
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The Union Bank will occupy the street level floor of the 19-story office tower
which will seive as Tandy Corporation's international headquarters -
including our company, Radio Shack.Charles D. Tandy, chairman of the
board, chief executive officer, and
president of Tandy Corporation, and
Gene E. Engleman, chairman of the
board of Union Bank of Fort Worth,
jointly announced March 12 that
Union Bank has leased space for its
main bank and for a motor bank in
Tandy Center, the multi-block de-
velopment now under way in
downtown Fort Worth.
Union Bank will occupy the street-
level floor of the 19-story office tower
which will serve as Tandy Corpora-
tion's international headquarters.
This tower, featuring reflective glasswindows inset in a concrete frame, is
under construction on the block im-
mediately north of Dillard's Depart-
ment Store. The block is bounded by
Weatherford, First, Throckmorton,
and Taylor streets.
Union Bank, which will move its
operations to Tandy Center early next
year, has leased 30,000 square feet of
space in the office tower, including
mezzanine and lower-level space.
Two television walk-up windows
will be located on the galleria shop-
ping mall which surrounds an ice-
skating rink.
The motor bank. with eight drive-instations, will be built on the block just
north of the 19-story office tower.
Three levels of parking - one below
the motor bank and two above it-will
accommodate a total of 250 au-
The joint announcement was made
at a press conference-reception at the
Fort Worth Club attended by numer-
ous civic leaders as well as officials of
the two firms and representatives of
the news media.
Tandy said that he was delighted to
have Union Bank as the first major
tenant in Tandy Center.
(Co(n tinlern ol >age 10)INTERCOM for April 1976
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Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack Division. Intercom, Volume 9, Number 10, April 1976, periodical, April 1976; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed February 19, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.