What Causes Homosexuality and Can It Be Cured? Page: 2 of 3
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There is always a bit of mystery as to why some
adopt a bad habit while others do not. Though for
years some homosexuals in therapy claimed that they
were 'born that way', it has taken the gay rights
movement to promote that notion as "the truth".
It is highly improbable that anyone is 'born
homosexual' any more than one is born a smoker, a
drunk or a church goer. Habits, whether good or bad,
are acquired. Once established, habits are difficult to
dislodge, but usually can be modified or eliminated.
Homosexual habits pose no exception to the rule.
Some habits are so powerful and dominate a
person's life to such a degree that their possessor sees
himself and is regarded by others as an "alcoholic",
"drug-addict" or "homosexual". Alcoholics or drug
addicts will do 'anything' for a drink or a fix, thus
disrupting their lives and the lives of those around
them. When they get 'hungry', laws and the social
good are ignored in favor of feeding their habit. So
with homosexuals - though it is against the law to
have sexual relations in public toilets about two-thirds
of gays have ' 3 4, though sex with the underaged is
bad for the child and illegal, at least a quarter of gays
confess' 3 4 to this anti-social activity.
There are six lines of evidence which suggest that
homosexual habits are learned:
1) in the 1940's, before the gay rights movement,
Kinsey & company asked 1,700 homosexuals why they
thought they had become homosexual. In 1970 the
Kinsey group2 asked 979 gays the same question with
almost identical results. In 19833 the Institute for the
Scientific Investigation of Sexuality asked 3,400
normals why they became heterosexual. The results of
these investigations are summarized in Table 1.
What those who possess a habit theorize about its
cause is not "the whole truth", but is certainly a truth
worth knowing. The overwhelming majority of both
heterosexuals and homosexuals used learning
explanations for their respective sexual habits. Two
homosexuals who invoked the 'born that way' claim3
example its lack of genuine substance: one, at the age
of 4, was seduced by his father's chauffeur; the other,
at age 5, was introduced to homosexuality by his uncle
and one of his uncle's friends (by 7 he had been used
by many men) - were these "born homosexual"?
2) What homosexuals do is so utterly lacking in
any biological sense that neither God nor evolution
could be justly saddled with any responsibility.
Consider that almost all gays are wildly promiscuous5
(averaging perhaps 300 to 500 different partners in aTable 1
Why Adults Thought They Became
- homosexuals (1940's & 1970)
early homo- experience(s) with adults
and/or peers
around homosexuals a lot/homosexual
poor relationship with mother
unusual development (was a sissy,
artistic, not get along with own
gender, tom-boy etc)
poor relationship with father
heterosexual partners were unavailable
social ineptitude
born that way22%
9%-heterosexuals (1983)
I was around heterosexuals a lot
society teaches heterosexuality and I
born that way
my parents' marriage was so good I
wanted to have what they had
I tried it and liked it
childhood heterosexual experiences
with peers
it was the "in thing" in my crowd
I was seduced by a heterosexual adultlifetime' 4). Further, that 98% engage in insertion of the
penis into the anus of others, a practice well calculated
to destroy the recipient's immune system5. About 90%3
engage in oral/anal contact - a completely anti-
biological activity guaranteed to cause and spread
disease after disease. When one adds to these
biologic horrors, urinating on each other 6 7, smearing
feces on each other, whipping and torturing each
other' 3 4 7 ad nausium, the case for "born that way"
becomes ludicrous. Either you have to believe that
biology went berserk in their case - and since not a
single homosexual animal* has ever been discovered,
in their case alone - or we are looking at some very
unfortunate/foolish folk. Those who contend 'no one
in their right mind would do the things gays do unless
they were driven by their biological makeup' need
merely consider alcoholics, pot-heads or any of the
many species of the foolish trapped by their vice.
3) No one has found a single replicable genetic,
hormonal or chemical difference between
heterosexuals and homosexuals8. Many scores of
studies have been performed searching for this
'elusive biological something', and with the exception
of much higher rates of sexually transmitted disease,
homosexuals are no different. While the absence of a
demonstrable biologic difference is not absolute proof
that there is no difference, it is highly suggestive that
'none has been found because none exists'. (Even if
one were to be found, proving that it was not acquired
via the 'strange' sexual practices of homosexuals
and/or that it "caused" the set of homosexual habits
would be a herculean hurdle since no genetic
difference has ever been proven to result in a
particular addiction or habit.)
4) Those who report being reared in non-
religious homes are over four times more apt to adopt
homosexual habits than those reared in devout-to-
moderately-devout Christian, Jewish or Mormon
homes3. Religion is something one learns. Those
exposed to a strong Judeo-Christian influence seldom
take up homosexual activities (2% do). Were we
looking at some sort of 'biologic inevitability',
religious instruction would presumably be as
unimportant as it is in breast budding, development of
pubic hair, menstration etc. and there would not be a
450% differential between those religiously exposed
and those not.
5) About 2% of those who currently declare
themselves heterosexual report that they once
considered themselves homosexual. Since only about39%
12%2% of the general population at any one time claims to
be homosexual (even only about half of bisexuals
report ever to have considered themselves
homosexual), at least a third of those once
homosexually addicted have quit. This is about the
same ratio as exists for alcoholics vs. ex-alcoholics or
drug-addicts vs. ex-drug addicts3. Homosexual habits
are learned and homosexuality can be unlearned.
6) Most gays report that their first sexual
experience was a homosexual one (in the ISIS3 investi-
gation, 96% of heterosexual males and 97% of
heterosexual females reported that their first sexual
experience was heterosexual [4% and 3% respectively
were bi- or homosexual] while 85% of the gays and 29%
of lesbians said that their first sexual experience was
bi- or homosexual). The first experience in any area is
of considerable importance, in sexuality it appears
very important indeed since almost half of those
whose first involvement was homosexual became
habituated. Substances that are mind- or body-
altering have demonstrated the same kind of addictive
potential since 66% of those who try marijuana and 67%
of those who try tobacco become regular users'3.
In3 almost half of those whose first sexual experience
was homosexual became regular practitioners.
Similarly, in the first Kinsey study4, 48% of the boys
with any childhood homosexual experience adopted
homosexual habits. Exposure to drugs or deviant sex is
dangerous - a simple "try" may get you hooked.
What Causes Homosexuality?
Human sexuality appears to be totally learned9.
The first sexual experiences, the age at which they
occur and their circumstances are of considerable,
albeit not deterministic, importance. Factors that
appear to be related to the development of
homosexual habits are:
* any homosexual experience in childhood
* masturbation, especially if started and maintained
early in life (before the teens)
* any adult-child sexual interaction (particularly
with a man)
* any authority figure/caretaker sexual interaction
with a child (5% of homosexuals vs. 0.8% of hetero-
sexuals reported sexual involvements with
elementary or secondary school teachers3)
* a dominant mother
* the lack of a religious home environment
* divorce, both for the children and the adults(especially likely among the multiply divorced.
After a few trips to the heterosexual well many
decide to sample the homsexual pit)
* having a bi- or homosexual parent
* poor sex education. No sex education (which often
means 'media sex education') or sex education of
the Planned Parenthood "how to use bodies to get
pleasure" variety opens the door to homo-
sexuality. Sexual expression ought to be coupled
with informed caring and housed within an
appropriate social setting. Any depersonalized
sex (e.g., group sex, sex with animals, child-child
sex, masturbation with 'dirty books', use of prosti-
tutes) tends toward a homosexual outcome. The
ISIS results3 suggest that physical sexual activity
of any sort ought to be discouraged among
children (under age 13 or 14), and that any
physical sexual activity between teenagers ought
to be non-coital and highly structured toward
mutual informed caring and away from the
simple-minded 'lets have some fun with our
bodies' (see'0 for one such model).
Can Homosexuality Be Cured?
Certainly. About half as many people are ex-gays
as are possessed by the homosexual habit3. Many ex-
homosexuals are involved in homosexuals anonymous
or the host of programs which work to cure
homosexuality". Just like Alcoholics Anonymous not
everyone who attends these programs is cured. As
with alcoholism it is essential that once stopped the
habit never be fed and there are those who regress.
Abandoning homosexual habits, like quitting drinking,
can be done and is done by tens of thousands each
year. Breaking homosexual habits without the
assistance of religious involvement is more
problematic, but even conventional psychotherapy
claims about a 30% cure rate2.
Bad habits, especially sexual ones, are not easily
broken. It is far better that good sexual habits be
established than that bad ones be broken further on
down the road. Those enslaved to bad habits deserve
compassion. They need our help to 'cease and desist',
whether they be alcoholics, drug addicts or
homosexuals. Only a foolish society would tighten the
habit's noose by designating victims of homosexual
preferences as deserving special legal protection. We
don't give special preference to alcoholics - they do a
disservice to themselves and others. Drunkenness
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Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality. What Causes Homosexuality and Can It Be Cured?, pamphlet, 1984; Lincoln, Nebraska. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc276186/m1/2/: accessed January 15, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.