Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales and Talk
This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society contains popular folklore of Texas and Mexico, including traveling anecdotes, folk ballads, folklore in natural history, as well as information about black and white magic, Western animals, and cattle brands. The index begins on page 259.
Physical Description
261 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Creation Information
Texas Folklore Society 1953.
This book is part of the collection entitled: Texas Folklore Society Publications and was provided by the UNT Press to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 3590 times, with 10 in the last month. More information about this book can be viewed below.
People and organizations associated with either the creation of this book or its content.
Contributing Authors
- Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank), 1888-1964 The Traveling Anecdote
- Bedicheck, Roy Folklore in Natural History
- Hendricks, George D. The Names of Western Wild Animals
- Hendren, Joseph W. Bonny Barbara Allen
- Stephenson, Robert C. The Western Ballad and the Russian Ballada; Signature in Ballad and Story
- Paredes, Americo The Love Tragedy in Texas-Mexican Balladry
- Hurley, Elizabeth Come Buy, Come Buy
- Rissmann, E. J. Folkways on Bear Creek
- Anderson, John Q. Emerson and the Language of the Folk
- Howard, James Tales of Neiman-Marcus
- Sawey, Orlan L. Origins of Uvalde County Cattle Brands
- Cordova, Gabriel Black and White Magic on the Texas-Mexican Border
- Gillis, Everett A. Weather Talk from the Cap Rock
- Miles, Elton R. The Devil in the Big Bend
- Hendricks, Peggy Wham, Jam, Jenny-Mo-Wham
- Smith, Richard Richard's Tales
Southern Methodist University Press
Place of Publication: Dallas, Texas
Provided By
UNT Press
The University of North Texas Press was founded in 1987 and published its first book in 1989. Though it is the newest university press in North Texas, it has quickly become a leading press with the most titles in print (more than 300) and published (15 to 18 each year). The UNT Press is a fully accredited member of the Association of American University Presses. Its books are distributed and marketed nationally and internationally through the Texas A&M University Press Consortium.
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Descriptive information to help identify this book. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Portal.
- Main Title: Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales and Talk
- Added Title: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society, Number 25
- Series Title: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society
This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society contains popular folklore of Texas and Mexico, including traveling anecdotes, folk ballads, folklore in natural history, as well as information about black and white magic, Western animals, and cattle brands. The index begins on page 259.
Physical Description
261 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
"Number XXV."
Library of Congress Subject Headings
University of North Texas Libraries Browse Structure
Item Type
Unique identifying numbers for this book in the Portal or other systems.
- OCLC: 1894021
- UNT Catalog No.: b1384740 | View in Discover
- Library of Congress Control Number: 5312578
- Accession or Local Control No: Publication Number 25
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc38314
- Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales and Talk [e-book], ark:/67531/metadc970072
This book is part of the following collection of related materials.
Texas Folklore Society Publications
This collection of Texas Folklore Society publications contains a miscellany of Texas and Mexican folklore, including stories about folk medicine and ranch remedies, folk songs, legends and other folklore.
Related Items
Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales and Talk (Book)
This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society contains popular folklore of Texas and Mexico, including traveling anecdotes, folk ballads, folklore in natural history, as well as information about black and white magic, Western animals, and cattle brands. The index begins on page 259.
Relationship to this item: (Has Format)
Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales and Talk [e-book], ark:/67531/metadc970072
Digital Files
Dates and time periods associated with this book.
Creation Date
- 1953
Covered Time Period
- The First Texans, before 1519
- European Explorers in Texas, 1519-1689
- Spanish Texas, 1690-1821
- Mexican Texas, 1821-1835
- The Texas Revolution, 1835-1836
- The Republic of Texas, 1836-1846
- Annexation, 1844-1846
- Slavery and Antebellum Texas Culture, 1821-1865
- The Texas Frontier, 1846-1861
- Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1876
- The Cattle Boom, 1865-1890
- New South, Populism, Progressivism, and the Great Depression, 1877-1939
- Into Modern Times, 1939-Present
Coverage Date
Added to The Portal to Texas History
- July 6, 2011, 9:55 a.m.
Description Last Updated
- July 25, 2018, 6:29 p.m.
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Publication Place
Dallas, Texas (Southern Methodist University Press)
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Texas Folklore Society. Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales and Talk, book, 1953; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed February 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Press.