The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 56, July 1952 - April, 1953 Page: 74
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Southwestern Historical Quarterly
BLAIR, ERIC LEE - M.A., August, 1929 [go]
A Study of the Government, Political Organization, and Population
of the Territory that Now Constitutes Grimes County, Texas,
1821-1836. viii+266 pp.
Illustrations: none
Maps: (1) three departments of Texas, 1835; (2) location of land grants of
sixty-four members of Stephen F. Austin's colony who settled in Grimes County.
Tables: none
Contents: Divided in two parts. Part I, Government, Political Organization and
Subdivision, contains political organization, 1821-1836-Washington Municipality
and creation of Montgomery, Grimes, Madison, and Waller counties. Part II, Indian
Population of Grimes County Territory and Biographical Sketches of the Sixty-four
Original Grantees in Grimes County, includes Indian population of Grimes County
and its vicinity- Bidai, Kickapoo, Coushatti, relations between whites and In-
dians, local Indian stories told by pioneer settlers-and biographical sketches of
Robert Armour, Daniel Arnold, Benjamin Babbitt, James Bell, John S. Black,
Marcus D. Black, John Bowman, Samuel Bowman, Alexander Brown, William
Burney, Cyrus Campbell, John C. Connor, James Cox, Hanna Cornaugh, William
FitzGibbons, Samuel Fulton, Claiborne Garrett, heirs of J. Gillett, Franklin Jarvis
Greenwood, Joel Greenwood, Darius Gregg, Jesse Grimes, Jared E. Groce, Leonard
E. Groce, Joshua Hadley, John Harris, Jacob Hays, Francis Holland, William Hol-
land, James Holland, Patrick C. Jack, Isaac Jackson, Timothy Jones, Anthony D.
Kennard, John Landrum, William Laughlin, Thomas McDowell, M. McDowell,
William McGuffin, William McIntire, Margaret McIntire, Daniel B. McMahan,
William Montgomery, James W. Moore, John Moore, Jesse B. McNealy, James W.
Pankey, John Payne, John Peterson, Obediah Pitts, Robert Ray, Andrew Rea,
Ignacius Simms, William Townsend, Daniel Tyler, Allen Vince, Tandy Walker,
Caleb Wallace, James Wallace, Dudley J. White, James Whitesides, John J. White-
sides, Asa Yeamans, and Abraham Zuber. Appendices include list of sixty-four
persons granted land by government of Mexico in what is now Grimes County,
showing amount of land granted and date of patent; muster rolls of Grimes
County Greys which formed Company G, Hood's Texas Brigade; muster rolls of
other companies organized in Grimes County during the Civil War; incomplete
list of Grimes county officials, 1846-1929; list of Texas veterans from Grimes County
vicinity; and correspondence on the origin and importance of the "Wheatless"
movement, 1918.
Published: Early History of Grimes County [Austin] (n.p.), 1930.
T1929/B574. Co. His., E. TEx., CEN. TEx., ANGLO-AMER., POL., IND., BIO.
BLAKE, GERTRUDE BURLESON - M.A., June, 1932 13 ]
The Public Career of General Hugh McLeod. v+122 pp.
Illustrations: General Hugh McLeod.
Maps: none
Tables: Organization of militia of the Republic of Texas in accordance with the
proclamation of his excellency, the President, dated February 15, 1839, and report
of the number of volunteers and draft militia for 1840. Both tables are signed by
Contents: Biography of McLeod including early life, West Point, frontier duty at
Fort Jesup; his first years in Texas, activities in the Texas Revolution, aide to
Thomas J. Rusk in Indian Wars with Kickapoo, Caddo, Cherokee, and Comanche
from 183o to 1840; organization of adjutant general's department and reports;
Santa Fe Expedition; member of the House of Representatives of the Republic
of Texas; practice of law, 1837-1861; service in Mexican War; death in action in
Civil War.
Tz932/B58z. Bxo., MIL., REV., IND., REP., ExPED., MEx. W., C. W.
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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 56, July 1952 - April, 1953, periodical, 1953; Austin, Texas. ( accessed January 18, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.