Word, James H.
The Cogdell Burial in Floyd County, Texas
Fox, Anne
The Cogdell Burial in Floyd County, Texas
Doran, Glen H.
Skeletal Material from the Cogdell Burial in Floyd County, Texas
Malina, Robert M.
Skeletal Material from the Cogdell Burial in Floyd County, Texas
Clausen, Carl J.
Magnetic Delineation of Individual Shipwreck Sites: A New Control Technique
Arnold, J. Barto, III
Magnetic Delineation of Individual Shipwreck Sites: A New Control Technique ; Porosity and Refiring Tests on Ceramics from the George C. Davis Site, Texas
Bryant, Vaughn M., Jr.
Pollen as an Indicator of Prehistoric Diets in Coahuila, Mexico ; The Museum Journal XV, 1974: History and Prehistory of the Lubbock Lake Site, Craig C. Black
Hester, Thomas R.
Late Prehistoric Cultural Patterns Along the Lower Rio Grande of Texas
Heartfield, Lorraine
Archeological Investigations of Four Sites in Southwestern Coahuila, Mexico
Founded in 1928 and with a current membership of 1,000, the Texas Archeological Society (TAS) brings together professional and avocational archeologists. TAS promotes scientific archeological exploration and research, the preservation and conservation of archeological materials and sites, and the curation of their associated information.
Publication Title:
Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society
This issue is part of the following collection of related materials.
Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society
One of the oldest continuously published archeological journals in the US, the Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society (BTAS) publishes serious research on prehistory, archeological theory, and history.
Texas Archeological Society.Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society, Volume 46, 1975,
Abilene, Texas.
accessed September 12, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu;
crediting Texas Archeological Society.