Weekly Index. (Mineral Wells, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 17, Ed. 1 Friday, September 26, 1902 Page: 7 of 8
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Omtf. VMKH,
>lor CrtMl
In ion* Instances we mui exert •
wide influence bj Buying u little an
Possibilities QuWkly «een.
Northern men who were instra-
mental in reclaiming the marsh and
swamp lands of Illinois, Indiana and
Wisconsin by an extensive system of
drainage have been quick to see the
posibilitiee of the low lying regions
of Texas and Louisiana, said Mr. 0. I
H. T. Shaw, of Dixon, 111., at the
Riggs House, Washington, says the
Post of that city.
This southern territory has been
proved of immense possibilities in
the way of rice production, and the
region tributary to Beaumont is now
almost as famous for rice as it Is for
oil The secretary of the treasury,
Mr. Shaw, is interested In a 5MMM1
acre tract in Orange county, Texas,
twp-thirde of which is under cultiva-
tion, and which will produce a crop
of rice this year worth $50,000, in-
dependent of the straw, The straw
will bring enough to pay all the ex-
penses connected with the produc-
tion of the crop.
The extreme limit of oost per acre
of rice is not over $10, and an aver,
age yield of fifteen bags to the acre
will give a profit of $20. This is r
5 per cent return on land worth $40
an acre, though the best of it uow
can be bad for $50.
This money making proposition
he* brought many men from the
northern states to the rice country
of the south, and the present season
will see a great many more going
down there to Invest. The country
is naturally fertile, the climate suits,
aud all that is needed is to turn the
water on the land, which, by the
help of modern machinery,is an easy
The beet guarantee of the future It
the record at the past, and over fifty
thousand people have publicly testi-
fied that Doan’s Kidney Pills have
cured them of numerous kidney Ills,
from common backache to dangerous
diabetes, and all the attendant annoy-
ances and sufferings from urinary fils
orders. They have been cured to
stay cured. Here Is one case:
Samuel J. Taylor, retired carpenter,
residing at 111 South Third St.,
Oochen, lad., says: “On the ttth day
ct August, 1197, I made an affidavit
before Jacob 0. Mann, notary public,
stating my experience with Doan's
Kidney Pills. 1 had suffered for
thirty years, and waa compelled at
times to walk by the aid of crutches,
frequently passed gravel and suffered
excruciatingly. I took every medi-
cine on the market that I heard about
and aome gave me temporary relief,
I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills
and the results 1 gave to the public
In the statement above referred to. At
this time, on the 19th day of July,
1901, 1 make this further statement
that during the five years which have
elapsed I have had no occasion to use
either Doan’s Kidney Pills or any
other medicine for my kidneys. The
cure effected waa a permanent one."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid-
ney medicine which cured Mr. Tay-
lor, will be mailed on application, to
any part of the United States. Ad
dress Foater-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N.
V. For sale by all drugglstB. Price
*0 cents per box.
MiIms Yaera mm CvmmBar, .*4 UUk.
In the article on "Dietetics** in Uto
Encyclopedia Britannloa. which waa
written by Dr T. K. Chambers, an
eminent authority, the Information la
given that Dr. Cheyae, a well known
English physician, spent sixteen years
In the prime of his Ilf* without suffer-
ing or loss of vigor, while he succeeded
in preserving hla health and strength
on a dally allowance of only three
pints of milk and only six ounces of
crackers. Through all thoao years he
also kept up constantly the active
practice of hla laborious profession.
He was a wonder.
OOd OeaepeslUoa..
Here are a few extracts- from com-
positions written by boys In Vtenna:
’Many a man lies down In good
health and gets up dead.”
"In Rome the bones of the martyrs
were collected and torn by beasts.”
"Human beings eeeeed to walk on all
fours, gnd walked on the hindmost.’*
"He sacrificed a rich woman and oth-
er priests.**
"Hannibal stood with one foot ta
Spain, while with the other he beckon-
ed to the troops.’*
"God's punishment followed Imme-
diately after ten years.”
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of Defi-
ance Starch Is fast taking place of all
other brands. Others say they cannot
sell any other starch.
Be sure that you hold up your end
In your earthly duties.
81ckness Is the Interest we pay on
life’s mortgage.
H. A T. C. R R.
One-way settlers rate to California
|25. On cals during September and
October. 8top-overs allowed In Cali-
fornia. Through Pullman sleeping
<ars Houston to San Francisco via
Southern Pacific. Berth rate about half
that charged In standard Pullmans.
Cool and comfortable. For literature,
etc., see A. tJ. Newsuin. D. P. A.; Ivon
Lee, C. P. A.; C. R. Bullock. C. T. A..
171 Main street. Dallas. Tex. Phone 97.
Nothing hurts a chronic Invalid as
much as to tell him that he la looking
PUo's Cure cannot be to highly spokes of
•i< a cough cure—J. W. O'Bhikn, 3-2 Third
Are , N. Minneapolis, Minn., J»n. 6, 1900.
The business Instinct la sometimes
truly wonderful.
ftwsw wsuttc asAPAHit rowpm-
tb« onW h«riulet. and (lira cur* foFftTI n«-«a»P»rr
Price id •nd**c Heutby wall upon receipt of i-rl.-e.
Adolph Orelaa IIP Alamo Plaaa.San Aotonlo.Taaaa.
When a woman Is pleasant to every-
body In the family It Is a sign she
has company.
First Presbyterian Church of Greessboro, Ga.. tad its Pastor aal Elder.
•Mi a tonic tor weak mat
Advertising West Texes.
The South western Publishers' Syn-
dicate, recently organized for the
purpose of extending publications in
western Texas aud Mexico, has add-
ed the Putnam Gazette to its list of
papers, composed of the Strawn
News, Ranger Record and Brazos
Valley Beacon.
The syndicate is now negotiating
for the acquisition of other south-
western publications, wuich will be
brought up to a higher standard than
could be accomplished by individual
effort. The syndicate papers will !>«
devoted to the upbuilding of western
Texas, advertising practical measures
for securing ^omeseekers and inves-
tors for this highly favored seetion
of the country. .
PITS r»na»a-atJy f"ur*a. ft»ftiiwi»rT««iw»»f»i»
Rr.t d.T • of t>r. Kiln*'* S*r»* K**t..r*r.
Sand for FKKR It.ftO trial bottta .ml traaUaa.
la. L U. Xjjam, LU . Ml Arab •*.. I’blladalpbM. fa
Many a broken heart has
caused by undeserved stigmas.
It 1a not Inhospltallty that makes
on* refuse to lntertain a doubt
You never hear any one complain
about "Defiance Starch.” There is
none to equal It In quality aad yuan-
ttty. 16 ounces. 10 cents. Try It mow
and save your money.
la becauea made by an entirely fifwrent
process. Defiance Starch la unlike any
•liver, better and one-thlru more for IS
uanta. _
Our actions are aometimps more of-
fensive than our utterances.
Houston. Taiaa, for trained and reliable de-
tective service.
Sometimes It Is an excellent Idea to
say precious little.
flAHB day was when men of promi-
I nenee hesitated to give their trstl-
monials to proprietary medicine a for
publication. This remains true to-day
of most propietary medicines. But l’e-
runa haa become so justly famous, its
merits are known to so many people of
high and low stations, that no oue hesi-
tates to see his name in print recom-
mending Peruna.
The highest men In our nation have
given Peruna a strong endorsement.
Men representing alt classes and sta-
tions are equally represented.
A dignified representative of the Pres-
byterian church in the person of Rev.
E. G. Smith does not hesitate, to state
publicly that he has used Peruna In his
family and found it cured when other
remedies failed. In this statement the
Rev. Smith is aupported by an elder in
his church.
Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor of the Presby-
terian fhucch.Qf Greenaboro.Ga., writes:
"Having used Peruna In my family for
some time It gives me pleasure to testify
to its true worth.
"My little boy seven years of age had
been suffering for some time with ca-
tarrh of the lower bowels Other rem-
edies had failed, but after taking two
bolt lee of Peruna the trouble almost en-
tirely disappeared. For this speolal
malady 1 consider it well nigh a specific.
out peogle k haa tow or mo usiti. **-—
Rev. B. <T. Smith,
Mr. M. J. Roasman, a prominent mer-
chant of Greensboro, Os., and an alder
in the Presbyterian church of that
place, haa used Peruna, and la a recent
letter to The Peruna Madieiaa Co., of
Colnmbus, Ohio, writes aa follows:
"For a long time 1 waa troubled with
catarrh of the kidneys and tried many
remedies, all of which gave man* relief.
Peruna waa recommended to me by
several friends, and after using a few
bottles I am pleased to say that the long
looked for relief waa found and I mm now
enjoying bettor health than I have for
yean, and can heartily recommend
Peruma to all almtlariy afflicted. It la
certainly a grand madlclaa.,,—M. J.
Catarrh is essentially the same where*
ever located. Peruna cures catarrh
wherever located.---————r
If you do not derive prompt aad anti*-
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, hiving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you hla valuable
advice gratia >
Address Dr. Hartman, President A
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Ohio. _
Prejudices may be wrong, but they
are worth considering.
For forty years Dr. Fowler’s Extract of
Wild Strawberry haa hoen curing aurumer
oomplaint.dyeeotery, diarrhoea, bloody flux,
pain In the stomach, and It hsa navar yet
failed to do everything claimed for It.
You can not convince a woman that
mariage la a failure until she baa
given It a trial.
Miraculous Escapes.
While engaged in taking shells
from a loaded Winchester ahotguu in
a music store on Main street, Temple,
lately, the gun was accidentally dis-
charged while in the hands of Louie
Sang and the contents emptied into
the crowded business street Mrs.
Julia Swindle, with her two small
children, waa seated in a boggy in
front of a business bouse on the op-
posite side of the street and one of
the children, a boy of 7 years, was
struck by the shot and painfully In-
jured, receiving two shot in the face
and two in the side, while the othei
child escaped with a slight wound in
the baed. The mother was uninjured.
Was a Noted Man.
Judge Henry Clay Hicks died at
the home of bis grandson, H. N. Al-
len, in Temple, recently. He was
born in Kentucky in 1824 and came
to Tevas in 1850. Judge Hicks was
* lawyer of wide repute and was for
aome year* located at Galveston. In
1857 he represented Jasper county in
the legislature. During the Civil
war he served in the Confederacy as
a purchasing agent, In 1873 he re-
moved to the Pacific coast, where he
remained for five yean, after which
he located in Florida. Ia that state
the jadge soon became a citizen of
vronsinence, sevviog in both branch
ei» of tb» legislature, and ih othei
ways being repeatedly honored by
his fellow citizens.
A man celebrates
woman seldom does.
his birthday, a
Photographs have no brains, yet they
talk fluently. The same may be also
said of dudea
B(M Visitors* lioarsloas vis tto* Iros
Moantaln Boats
To points in Ohio and Indiana. One
fare for the round trip plus $9.00.
Tickets on sale September tod, 0th,
16th and llrd, good to retarn within
to days from date of sale. Excellent
opportunity -to visit the old folks at
home. Call on or address nearest Iron
Mountain Agent for particulars. H. CL
Townsend, G. P. A T. Agt., St. Louie.
Numbers of Jokes that are enjoyed
to-day were first perpetrated many
years ago.
Um mam who erne
Suits and
WvrMtftl w«l«r*r**f.
MmX u rtvi >*i-4 —• **4
waTtnSa. U*af*rir*4*
■•it. If fMl 4a,Ur 4am■ i
*»•• tkna. md tor MUlaga* u
A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with (
a strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable far J
net have Deflanoe Starch,
sure he le afraid to ha
itaren. yon
eep It until
----... .------j.e Bold. De-
fiance jfetarch to not only bottor than any
ether Cold Water I torch, but contalna It
hla stock of IS oa. packatea are
O'fltl *
A bad man gets credit tor doing a
thing which no other person would
have thought worthy at praise.
The truly honorable man win never
commit * questionable met
eaab# secured by all rotoOrateef
IbS country or smaller cities It
— ear oataiocue la kept tor reference
the--- bush* i for thirty-one raem
and have tore audios customers. If wa
tiX^may Ward 4- Co.
ng, end an extra tatsrehsngrable '
cylinder bore barrel, for field aboot-
Ing, list a at only $42.00. Dealers sail them (or
ic snooting,
trap or auck shooti _
modified choke or cylinder bore barrel, for field sb
(42.00. Dealers sell them
las a. This makes a serviceable all round cun within
reach of everybody’s pocket book, winchester
Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expenatvfi
double barrel guns and are Just as reliable besides.
ft, The Twentieth Oentury
B10,000 profits per erne. Lerg
eat Garden In America. Address
^ R, ff. BARNARD, Houston, Mo.
Apply ts KAgg^w nicngoyp, m 11,
In affairs
thlnge arise.
life many peculiar
Impossible to foreaeo an accident. Not
Impossible to bo prepared tor it. Dr.
Thomas’ Bolectr lc Oil. Monarch over pain.
It Isn’t always the man who lives
the longest who lives the most
Stops the roach and
Works Off the Cold
Laxative Brouto Quinine Tablets. Price 98c.
A woman screams at the sight of n
mouse, but a millinery bill gives her
husband the bock ague.
^e3e: the^refls
famous: a poeltiv
and dm! •> dn
•vicinal Tiers mineral
■that hays mafia Ttoca
va euro tor rheumatic a
| LIBBY Luncheons
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Newton, W. B. Weekly Index. (Mineral Wells, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 17, Ed. 1 Friday, September 26, 1902, newspaper, September 26, 1902; Mineral Wells, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth1039346/m1/7/?q=%22henry%20clay%20hicks%22: accessed September 10, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Boyce Ditto Public Library.