[901 N. Sycamore]

One of 667 photographs in the series: Historic Resources Survey of Palestine, Texas: An Inventory for The City of Palestine available on this site.


Photograph of the front and northeast corner of a white, 2 ½-story house located at 901 N. Sycamore in Palestine, Texas. It is a Queen Anne-style house; significant architectural features include the carved wood detailing in the tympanum, the large carved and jigsawn brackets and the squared porch posts.

Physical Description

1 photograph : positive, col. ; 35 mm.

Creation Information

Hardy, Heck, Moore June 1991.


This photograph is part of the collection entitled: Rescuing Texas History, 2006 and was provided by the Palestine Public Library to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 113 times. More information about this photograph can be viewed below.


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Palestine Public Library

Located in Anderson County, the Palestine Public Library provides access to information and various programs for the community's benefit. They received a Rescuing Texas History grant to aid in digitization of select materials, including photos taken during a Historic Resources Study in 1991.

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Photograph of the front and northeast corner of a white, 2 ½-story house located at 901 N. Sycamore in Palestine, Texas. It is a Queen Anne-style house; significant architectural features include the carved wood detailing in the tympanum, the large carved and jigsawn brackets and the squared porch posts.

Physical Description

1 photograph : positive, col. ; 35 mm.


Photograph of 901 N. Sycamore taken from the road. Photo was taken for the Historic Resources Survey of Palestine, Texas 1989-1991. This majestic 2 ½ story residence is noteworthy because it retains its historic character and integrity to a remarkable degree. The house, built about 1905, is a late example of the Queen Anne style, and significant architectural features include the carved wood detailing in the tympanum, the large carved and jigsawn brackets and the squared porch posts. The popularity of the Queen Anne style waned during the early years of the 20th century, and this house is among the last properties in Palestine to feature this type of stylistic ornamentation. This house was originally known as 909 N. Sycamore. George Schmidt and his wife Mattie owned and occupied the house from as early as 1926 until at least 1914, according to city directories. Mr. Schmidt was, during this time, the owner of the George Schmidt Hardware Company, located at 117 W. Main. Earlier he had been a blacksmith for the I&GN Railroad.

Taken from: Historic Resources Survey of Palestine, Texas: An Inventory for The City of Palestine, Volume V, Color Slides, June 1991


Item Type


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This photograph is part of the following collection of related materials.

Rescuing Texas History, 2006

Rescuing Texas History is a project that aims to digitize at-risk photographs, maps, artwork, and more. Funding was provided by the Summerlee Foundation of Dallas.

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Dates and time periods associated with this photograph.

Creation Date

  • June 1991

Covered Time Period

Coverage Date

Added to The Portal to Texas History

  • March 16, 2006, 11:42 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Aug. 7, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Usage Statistics

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Yesterday: 0
Past 30 days: 1
Total Uses: 113


Geographical information about where this photograph originated or about its content.


  • 31.767006, -95.632595

Map Information

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  • map marker Place Name coordinates. (May be approximate.)
  • Repositioning map may be required for optimal printing.

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Hardy, Heck, Moore. [901 N. Sycamore], photograph, June 1991; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth10550/: accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Palestine Public Library.

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