[101 W. Spring]

One of 667 photographs in the series: Historic Resources Survey of Palestine, Texas: An Inventory for The City of Palestine available on this site.


Photograph of the southeast corner of "The Gregg-Link Building" located at 101 E. Spring in Palestine, Texas, taken at the intersection of E. Spring and N. Sycamore streets. It is a three-story building with Romanesque Revival-style architectural detailing.

Physical Description

1 photograph : positive, col. ; 35 mm.

Creation Information

Hardy, Heck, Moore June 1991.


This photograph is part of the collection entitled: Rescuing Texas History, 2006 and was provided by the Palestine Public Library to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 286 times. More information about this photograph can be viewed below.


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Palestine Public Library

Located in Anderson County, the Palestine Public Library provides access to information and various programs for the community's benefit. They received a Rescuing Texas History grant to aid in digitization of select materials, including photos taken during a Historic Resources Study in 1991.

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Photograph of the southeast corner of "The Gregg-Link Building" located at 101 E. Spring in Palestine, Texas, taken at the intersection of E. Spring and N. Sycamore streets. It is a three-story building with Romanesque Revival-style architectural detailing.

Physical Description

1 photograph : positive, col. ; 35 mm.


Photograph of 101 E. Spring taken from the road. Photo was taken for the Historic Resources Survey of Palestine, Texas 1989-1991. Photo taken from the southeast corner of the building looking toward the northwest. This 3-story commercial building is in poor condition, although efforts are currently underway to restore the property to its historic appearance. The original parapet and windows have been removed; nonetheless, the building displays outstanding craftsmanship and remains a prominent historic architectural landmark in Palestine’s central business district. Stylistic detailing is suggestive of the Romanesque Revival style, a popular choice for commercial buildings in Palestine during the late 19th century. According to a local historian, this commercial building was built jointly by three civic leaders and businessmen who were among Palestine’s most prominent citizens during the early 20th century: Congressman Alexander W. Gregg, Dr. Edwin W. Link, and Judge John Link. Sanborn maps indicate that the upper floors of the building housed professional offices during the building’s earliest years, while the first floor housed a variety of businesses, including a saddlery, a tin shop, a grocery, and a restaurant.

Taken from: Historic Resources Survey of Palestine, Texas: An Inventory for The City of Palestine, Volume V, Color Slides, June 1991


Item Type


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This photograph is part of the following collection of related materials.

Rescuing Texas History, 2006

Rescuing Texas History is a project that aims to digitize at-risk photographs, maps, artwork, and more. Funding was provided by the Summerlee Foundation of Dallas.

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Dates and time periods associated with this photograph.

Creation Date

  • June 1991

Covered Time Period

Coverage Date

Added to The Portal to Texas History

  • March 16, 2006, 7:56 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • July 10, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

Usage Statistics

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Yesterday: 0
Past 30 days: 0
Total Uses: 286


Geographical information about where this photograph originated or about its content.


  • 31.761838, -95.631241

Map Information

  • map marker Precise coordinates.
  • map marker Place Name coordinates. (May be approximate.)
  • Repositioning map may be required for optimal printing.

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Hardy, Heck, Moore. [101 W. Spring], photograph, June 1991; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth10567/: accessed February 19, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Palestine Public Library.

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