The Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 225, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 22, 1904 Page: 1 of 4
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ψ V
Remember I have plenty of
Corn Fed Fat TurKeys
Gobblers and Hens
Will have plenty extra Cel-
ery Cranberries and all
the nice Vegetables to be
a (J · · · « · ·
Telephone No. 110 Rogers street
Line of California canned goods is complete and
you are cordially invited to inspect it. This line is
incomparable and our sjuarintee is behind every can.
South Side Grocer. Both Phones
Hverything you need for your ^
Christmas Dinner
here.. =r=r
Christmas Goodies
Lemon and orange peel citron shelled ilmonds SI
stuffed dates and (ks seedless currants raisins «*»
and prunes stuffed olives bottle and bulk olives
bottle and buik sweet jnd sour pickles ill kinds of
nuts candies and fruits fine chocolates etc.. it
R. J. ; Joe : MOORE 3 SON
You take no chance w hen you buy "Club House
or "Monarch' braids of canned κ kIs Take ! »
look it our fancy candies sust m. Schraft s Choc ο- 4
late and other famous brands m ibundanc* . . . '
Y. B. Early Grocery Co t
Northwest Corner Square Phones \ 70 *
The Day May Come
question mav be solved bv an electrically charged ui-
tomatk H»rv»nu maid. Meanwhile we supply the elec-
tric bells motors for running sewing machines and
Ele^ric Lights and *0 lessen the stress of modern
exiMem e ......
Waxahachie Gas and E.lectric
Imm. AAA n. c. ·
ma··» ν
The Store of rutthevs Brothers Wi
Visited Daring the Night
An attempt was made jo burglar
ize the «tore of Matthews Brother
at an early hour his morning am
but for the timely arrival of twi
rnen who .*.<· « m ployed in the ta'iot
Ing depaitn.ent the burglar won ι
have got'en > way with goods to t'n
amount about $75. The tai'cr
who divoy. ed the burglar work
t h»· d"p-. rtmeiâ' on the second fin-»
i of the building. They usually go it
early In the morning and reach theii
department by a stairway on the out
te at the rear of the building. Thii
morning as they were approaching
the stairway they saw a man stari
from (he bai k door and run off ir
the darkness. They followed hlir
«me distance but were not able tc
overtake him and not being armed
they could not take a shot at the
nocturnal visitor. Returning to th»
store they found the back door open
and Just on the inside was a large
tow Hack filled with goods taken
from the «tore A call was made for
a police but as the man had com-
pletely disappeared there was no
possible chance of apprehending
him A reporter for this paper whf
among the first to reach the store
after the attempted burglary He
removed the contents from the sack
and found gOi»ds enough to start a
first class notion store There was
one hat. a pair of gloves two pair*
of pants four suite of underwear
and handkerchiefs and suspenders
by the doasen
The tailors who discovered the
burglar were not close enough to
him to establish his identity but
I they belie· e It was either a yellow
negro or a white man
The officers are still investigat-
ing the matter but as they have no
clew to work on It is doubtful if an
arrest is ever made.
Λ* there were no signs of any
door* of windows having bef-n broken
the burglar is believed to have hid-
den himself in the store lust night
before It «as closed
Vrri'»i«l for Hiding I'min».
Two white boy h were arr> -1 »» < 1 in
!h«* railroad yard» here laM Friday
niKht an<1 were fin··»! veaterdai for
isernrm and taken to ι he county
farm I'he. claim iha! they «ltd no'
•id·· 'ar- but »·τρ in search of
honewi work but twins unable t«i
f·. λ iaw>«r .»nd not having anj » ii
η»·**··· to rorrnburttr their n'ate
nwnta th«»> fui led to make «*x*dana
t ion **t lufactorv to th»· <<>ίι and
lh<*> wer·· Henteticed to do l:me
EnnlN Ν··»ί
IhndI I'rin for lurk·)·».
Toin Heard. » ho 11\ · neai Η«·«
ι rvek biought load 'it fift \ f ι\«
Ulrkc. ■■ I · i> K d:i> d old
th«*ni to local butcher* at * ι «-nt»
!>♦*> [niuiiiI · '··» in 'led Vlr
Heard atxni' |! I ta·1 lit· ralMd
3 tout ritnrn tiirkt*)» ι.· ι ·ίι ι and
-•old tbetu t.··:· ι ·ι »t Ueti. · t 'briH'
tua» at good prln··
I ' Ih*ath of .Mrs. Hilburn.
Mrs. S. R. Hilburn aged aboi
j 70 years died yesterday afternoc
at δ o'clock at her home three mil*
5 southwest of the city. Mrs. Hilbur
had been ill for some time and h«
death did not »ome unexpected I
her family. She was one of th
. earliest settlers of Kills county con
j ing here many years agfo with he
I husband who departed this lit
about eight years ago She was
noble Christian woman and ha
ι been a devoted member of th
. Methodist church a great many years
. She enjoyed a wide acquaintanci
! and was greatly beloved and highl
. f steemed by all who knew her.
The funeral service will be held a
. the home tomorrow morning a
j 10:30 following which the remain
will be brought to the City Cemeter;
for interment by (lie side of he
Besides a large number of rela
! tives and friends Mrs. Hilburn leavei
! three children Sam liiiburn Mrs
• V Η Slielton aud M.- H \ Pierce
j to mourn her death
Turned Over to < onimitte··.
Headers of this paper will remem
ber that several months ago sorti»
■unknown citizen of the l'almer com
! munlty svnt Judge Hawkins lit) con
science money with the request that
he contribute it tc charity or to
gome other worthy cause. The
money has been used as directed
Judge Hawkins has turned the same
over to Col Κ. H Connally treasur-
I er of the charity committee and it
will be expended by the committee in
alleviating the suffering of the poor
of the city during the winter
Christmas at Cotton Mill.
\rrangeirieuts are being made by
! the cotton mill operatives to have
a Christmas tree Monday night in
their church near the mill. A large
tr*>e has b»-en secured and will be
j be placet! in position Monday All
the children will be remembered
and the distribution of presents will
begin at 7 o'clock The tree given
! last >ear by the cotton mill people
; was one of the prettiest in the city
The mill will be < losed Saturday
: to ;;vt* tlx· operatives a hoi Ida ν
Κ tulit» of l'ythia-
Tomght is the r^ifular meeting
nijfht foi the Krii*ht.s of PMhiaa.
V\ 01 k η the thud dfurt* \ll mem-
bers are uri;ed to t>«· pre wilt
I Ε COI.KM VN. <· <·
Wentlier Forecast.
TouiKht and Friday probably rain
< "older Frtd»)
V ·· Ivsdav ma* Τ it. tn η ■>
Γ I) LONOSBRRE. Observer
I'niiiiik. I ··!«·> «· ilotn > iim! I ar
Foley X- Co Chicago originated
{honey anil tar as a throat and lung
I remedy and on account of th·» isreat
j merit and popularity of Foley's honei
and tar many Imitations an* offered
for the Kenulne. Auk for Foley'.*
Honey and rar and refuse any sub-
st it ute off ι ied as άι'λ other prepar-
ation will not give the nain* aatia-
fartion. It in mildly laxative. It con·
nun no opiates and is Ή feet for
• ildrt-n and deli" ale peruana
">old b> H W Fntli
One of the Best Gifts
This is j ^iit thit is ιρι to b ρ e ng to the
peuple ut ill ages irul is · »>ii· «-< the
young. . ...
Taking pictures is a fascinating li\ -ston and
it has its useful side. It gives me t mw in-
sight into nature. It develop^ the irtisttc
sense It provides a sort of pu tonal hist >r\
of ont* s lite. What would vou older people
give now to have had a Camera in your
vouth. and to have pictures ot jII the a*nes
arul faces that were part of the happiest
years of your life?
We carrv the best cam cm made—the East-
• man. .....
Prices $1.00 to $25.00
Herring Drug Co
Ellis CMRty toy Convicted of Murder in
Dallas District Coert.
In the district court at Dallas yes-
terday the jury in the cane of the
state against Holly Vann. a young
white man who was on trial for
the murder of Solomon Aronoff in
the hitter's store at Dallas on the
night of November 2 9. returned a
verdict of guilty of murder in the
first degree and assessed the death
penalty again.' the detmil in:
Holly Vann was
P.! ! πi«· r corn muni: » t'J
:l ι: Ί \V!IS weil An.. 1VII *
of tlit- counts™ »
Vann ma;J a lt
hi-; life sshi· on
Til ί'-·':ι 1>S· ^
he was present
killing Aronoff; that he was compell-
ed to be present by the negro Burrcll
The tesiimon> of Mrs. Aronoff.
however was so clear and convino- :
ing that Vnnn's testimony had no
There are three more men under1
indictment in connection with the
J murder orte white man and two
ι negroes.
Vann had a bad record in police1
ι ircles and has served a term in the
Texas penitentiary for robbery hav-
ing been convicted in the Dallas j
Frank McCue. the other white man [
under indictment for complicity in
the murder of Aronoff. was also rais-
ed in Ellis county and is a nephew
of ex-Sheriff J. W. McCue. Mr M< -
Cue is very much interested in the'
vminff in α r / ι eu and π' i 11 Ηλ fill hi··
can to help him our of this trouble
As soon as the jury in the Holly
Vann rase had rendered its verdict
the case against Burrell Oates one
of the negroes indicted for the same
crime was called and Judge Muse
sen; the defendant to trial
< ■ ^
Major (jiriffin Turn* Host.
Yesterday afternoon the M W. M
Club was entertained in a most
charming manner by Mrs. Ε. H. Grif-
fin at her home on Oldham avenue
Tli!> is a social organization compas
<*d of a limited number of the nierr\
wives aad maidens- of the cii\ whi
meet occasional^ to discuss over
learning chocolate coffee and other
dainties. the latest fashions and
other questions which pertaitieih 10
ih«- fair sex it is against the rules
ind regulations of the club for the
members to invite gentlemen guesis
m their meetings. but Major Oriffin
who is always equal to ariv emer-
gency. t'Kik matters in his own hands
vesterda) afternoon and Invited t
few of his gentlemen friend» to par-
take .f ihe refreshments which he
Jispensed «i!h a lav ish hand Those
who had the honor of being the
."!· of ι hi big wouled \!a„ >r w· re
VI» Η Γ Mawkin- Μι Κ I' Hud
-ton \1 Κ Ν Baker and tin· l.:gh?
si rib» U het· tht quartet <e uc
companied by Major Griffin reached
his elegant home they were ushered
into the dining room and requested
to take seats at the table which
was beautifully decorated with chry-
santhemums and varied colored
lights. Plates heaped with salad
olives salted peanuts and fruit
cake accompanied with coffee cho-
colate and Scuppernong wine were
placed before the guests It was H
delightful affaii and was greatly en
joyed bv those accepting the Major's
Invitât ion
Is \\..|| rieused.
Hon \Y I Wood. who r< eutly
η >\ed from Trumbull to Atlanta
and bought a good farm write·
to haxe his Knteprise changed to
it new address Mr Wood adds in
lii« letier that he is ν* ·· 11 pleased
Give him
a Suit
of Clothes for a
Christmas present
You can buy him an el-
egant suit for 9.75 one
that ι s worth 12.50 or
15.00. A new Over-
coat would .
ciated—good values at
10.00. 12.50 15.00 to
25.00. Then you might
give him SilK Sus-
penders Hand·
I Kerchief Hosiery
Gloves Mufflers
House Slippers
Hats Bath Robes
Shoes Shirts Col-
lars and Cuffs
Underwear NecK-
wear and a dozen oth-
er articles that the men
Tell«the · Truth Clothiers
of course
m φ** « ** <Μ§* ΉΜ*< Φ&* Φ&Φφ
3 Days tirl Christmas I
Ross Jewelry Co.
And You Haven't :
Selected that handsome brooch. Of < urw you wiU |
t * give ιβ ι tolMn »! v»>ur regard. M»methtng in |
χ " m > latest cregion We ir sh twing the ♦
: Late Egyptian :
Î ΜκΠ. handsomely studied with Jiamonds and
ζ other precious stones. bt*<t suited to the pattern they
ζ adorn. It has b^en nid b] m.tnv pur h tsin^ rr«»m
χ «hit mammoth as^ortrm'it f '«ne hr hes *that you
• (ftÉIt have to gn further than · · to make
i V Hir hoice > >it will <*4\ the sjm.· if v<»u jxtw
* >■! III.
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Ownby, W. A. The Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 225, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 22, 1904, newspaper, December 22, 1904; Waxahachie, Texas. ( accessed September 11, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .