The Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 24, Ed. 1 Monday, May 3, 1909 Page: 1 of 4
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The Waxahachie Daily Light
η Mil 1» Χ** Μ··Μ.η mm *
< Kl» VII \\ II
··· Μ4·»»»ΜΗ * · « »»·······«
Freah Shipment Arrived
Melon Mangueν Swe»*t < ihcrkin* inJ s*» ■ π
Mixed Ph kip* II ymi w int Γι Mrs Ifcvh
and litKKl. phono v<»»»» iifder. ·
• hill Imp fresh Vegetable* ind ♦
Striwberries tomorrow.
HMHHH · · ♦ ·♦♦♦♦♦·♦♦· *»» ♦♦♦♦♦♦·♦♦♦·
»♦»»»♦»>♦»· t«* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ·♦♦»♦»»♦♦♦♦ «»»
Lest You Forget
We would remind you that the
place to recelre fair dealings «
• and get good groceries Is at our ?
* store.
Both Phones. Connally's old stand.
*»♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »«*»»«»*»* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ φ φ φ φφφφφφφφφφ «φφφφφφφφφφ φ « φ φφφφφφφφφφ
I DO IT NOW. What? j
♦ ♦
t Open an account with R. C.Johnston 6s Co J
Wo will do all we can to please you. We try to keep ♦
φ everything to he found in a first-class Grocerv Store t
!! Lumley's Old Stam}.· un .y II
"· * u!' ;*"! !hru«'· »».«. his
φ « φ φφφφφφφφφφ ) Vc;;' - nVn;;!;'" \n4£'À
♦ ¥M TODAY riifa
utner Vegetables ♦ ;
t We respectfully solicit your next month's orders. * ι
φ Phone us your orders for Good Eatables. φ 1
: EmTopTlumlEy : I
φ ♦
φφφφφφφφφφ φ φ φ φφφφφφφφφφφ φφφφφφφφφφ φ φ φ φφφφφφφφφφφ
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Spcial for One WeeR Only ||
ο < > I
(> Ιΐΐ'κΙιπιΙη»! Saturday Mil y 1h( lOmlhiit Saturday May Stli. Oft ·>
]' your Whcnt Flour it will Ink·· to run .you until new wheat In j '
amurcd I η ill κοίηκ to ηιΊΙ voii tlie very ΙιιήΙ Hint Is mad·· and
t'vpry mirk KUHrnnloi'il for ΙΗ·1.7Λ |ηί· ion lit*. Hrnnil· <>f Flour: «>
* ".IrrHoy Cri'iini" "H|iolI<<iw "0«>1ιΙ«·ι> KruH" nnd "Hold Heart."
' Ami will hcII you !Λ» II»·· NtiKur for One Dollar with ovary 100 ·
ll>* pun'hnKPd. Till* will Include all πικΙοηΐΒΐκ opening new ac- ♦
count on lin· flot of tlio month. : : ; : ♦ ι
Both Phones No. 91
< » < ►
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦*«♦♦♦♦♦♦·«· « ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ j
♦*»♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦ »«» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WW
for your Groceries this montli
and see how much you c?n
save. Ask others who trade
with me--they know.
►♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ·♦♦♦♦♦«♦·♦ # « « ♦♦«♦♦♦♦+»♦♦
Plenty to Eat
If you are hungry tele-
phone u»-w« have
plenty to eat
Q'\f" P. p. SMITH Ô CO. NÎT
•♦ΜΦΦΦΗ « « « »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ **« ♦♦♦♦<♦«♦♦♦♦
I ψΙ.ιιη \V||l .Hmvl in· t 1 ' ·*»
'-ν I111 InlK t\ I nrly
Moml i\ Miirninii
Orqenifnl llir ( orporatmn aiul Vt in
Motion thr Municipal Muhtnrrv
Srrvpil lotir \ cars in tltr
Statf Nrnalr
The» mnny Mend* · ti<! acquaintan-
ce* Iti Waxahachie and Kill* county
of ( apt \V Η Oet/enduner will
learn with «Inerre regret that he
tiled mt hU home on \V»v«t franklin
str«M t in this «It> Monday morning
at I 40 o'clock front the ts of
an acute attack of asthma rapt
Octzendaner had been Iti f
health for Hcvi'fHl days and while hi»
condition wax the occasion of some
alarm to his famlh tV»*·y did not ip-
prtBheiid that the end was so η par
Sonic weeks ago Mr. Oetzendanor
was forced ti) remain in liis room
several days but (hiring th·· m«ater
part of tlipast week In· appeared
very much Improved and went for a
number of drives about the eitj lli.s
ast appearance on the streets was
late Frlda> afternoon That ηΐκΐκ
he old disease from which lie suf- !
ΓΑΙ'Τ W II (il·: Γ/.ΙΆΊιΛΝ'ΚΙί
l'ored μιι ΙοΙΙΚ |·ΙΉΗΗ(·ΓΙ|·(Ι I » η · · IΓ with
Increaned nriitciU'HH ιιΙη condition
<l'ew κ I'll < 111 il 11 % «ι ι ru r uni II lu· ριιηη
•il |M'ii(H>rull> h way Monday morn-
Il κ
III till' ili'iilli of ('apt flet/eiidnnor
lu> city ni \\ nxiiInn lili' loaen oiic of
icr niOHt Influential cltΙχ··ηη and
public benefactor». Hi· wan of the
IiIkIicmI typo of Houlhern miMihnod. 1
und win a hunlnenn man of ΙιΙκΙι |
11 >H11 y 11 Ik chrlnt Ian character and ι
ntcRilty endeared hlni Ιο IiIh many
I'l'lendn Hi· wan a friend of
IIiohi' In d 1streMH whether they were
In need or In norrow. lie wan a mem '
lier of St Ptml'H Kplacopal church
and h Ih life w a h beautiful and con-!
ηΙηΙιίιι a h a cliilm Ian.
Λ widow and two children Mra |
Η I'. Hklnifer and It \V. (Itil/.cndan-
er are left to mourn IiIh death. II"
In bIho mirvlved by a number of ι
brolhet'H and alt*)era who t'ealde In
the eaHlern at al en
('apt tlet/.endaner wan born May
I I. is.'tl. In Frederick county Mary-
land He wiih ralaed on the farm
and remained there until he wiih
nineteen yearn old. when he entered
Frederick Academy attending that
liintltutlon two yearn. In ΙΚΓ1Γ1 he
wiih Kent to Dlrklnaon College Car-
llale. l'a . to complete hIκ education
and In IH.'iN graduated In that I tint I -
1 ηtIon wllli the denrée of bachelor
of art* during the nenlor year of
IiIn collegiate couiho he purnued the'
atudy of law which lu· more fully
lUBHlered'ln a law office In Frederick
tllty. ΊΊιUK prepared to enter upon
the practl if IiIh |ii nl'eaMlon he
came to 11 u η ι η ν 111 < · Texan the latter
part of jsr.S rentalned there nix
m ο η I h η and moved to Waxahaehle In
I f)ΓιII. In the latter year lie waa ad-
mitted in the bar at Tyler and prac-
ticed In Wasahachle from is.'ti to
187Π. except during the civil war
( Continu ad on page 3 )
S» * 1 mH ^ V\ i \l
|nr<l No Krtirl ·η lt<
( onstimrr
I'i'Irw Ι'ιγμιΙιμΙ Inhrvmi's ihr linn
I'rnpir Will Have Ιο ( (ΓΙΠ Λ tu!
Heur It ReviMnn Is
I i ρ want
Washington May λ That there
Ικ |ιγηι Icall) no hii|··· for I h·· Γ»Ή»»Γ
of ihi ηΐι limite ronmini·τ In t he
friMhromlnit tariff hilt »ι η ! <· I * ι.
dent Tuft come* f" thi· γ··ιμ·ιι«' Ik the
Convict loll t II il t Im I κ ·<>< il 11 ηκ stronger
about III·· »■·· and hou>>
Senator Aldrlch ami In 11· <i'·1 η ιn
Hit· gradually κ··11iιικ 'heir fon t·* or-
Kantzed fur the paaaaxe of (to tariff
bill In tin· -"iin(·· Indien' on· ιιιν ti·
coining HlroiiKcr tluil they will Ih>
libit· ultimately i<> forci· th<v lilll
IJiroiiKh wlili comparai Ivel * llttl··
rliaiiK·· from tlie langunc ι»*ι·οι·ι·>ι|
by ih·· finance committee Senator
Aid rich professe- confld·-m ·■ if
four weeka more will κ<■·■ ι lie lull
either readj for the alRiiaturo of 11.
president or nearly so II·· docs ι
expect the down» rd revlalun
will Ile aille tu make much of hii im
I in - - i ( m oil the finance commltte
measure The rollference comti.lttei
will play an Important part In Mm
IhhIiIouIiik of the hill hut a f-' if
Hie personnel of that '»>mltl«t\
makes Η clear th» '*
any rBV'e*n 1 ™""' s
α ..pllrtieU bWoV-.tbe bill Roes t.
con t ciit-e . ·"· ιτι"" "
.'· ·« x>l -*vt <" -
et».' t"
^/ioi'w " ° R· tlaud
Bùrvowi· l! ·*''"mguu Pel)(·'.·.«· of
p.»n««> t. nnla and * "f Maine
il nu ΙΛΓ|» wicneimrn rnjin- ■·.
York Oâlzcll of I ' t ■ t) ι ■ h > I \ ι ■ 111. ■ \l'
Call of MiiNHiiohiiKi'ttH imd llill ol'
Connecticut. Til·· democrat* Include
Senator» Daniel of Vlriilnla Mniie>
if MΙκρΙκριΙρρΙ and BnlIcy of Texna
RopiPHAfltaMvtw ("lark of Mlsnurl
I'nderwood of Alabama ami < 1 rl->
if ''ρογκΙη.
Il ni I κ Ιι ι η|ΐ|>ΐ'ΐΐΓ 'liai I lu* demo
ίίιΙη ou I ho committee would com-
tilni· with enough republican* · Ιι ι · r«·
in to force Home of the KehedulcH
lownwnrd hut tin· fact Ik the repub-
lican member* of the committee will
«hap»· tin· bill In conference
Two Injured In ItunnwHy.
Λ li-Htii belonging to H. Davis
who IIvch out a few Milieu from Italy ί
ran away with a wagon loaded with
houxchold kooiIh Saturday evening
In town Λη α result of the runaway .
II. DavIh and hlw wife are badly I
hurt Mm Dnvla Ih ho limlly hurt 1
lllftt alio Ih not expected to live.
llargalnn In the want column
1 I
M|sM<»\ \ \l\ \\ < i|(U I Its
>!··<·€ i UK \\«»iiihh'v >fiH<*lotiar.t
SorjHj nf Italian IV«v!iyt«·! >
lin· Woman - M insiona ? j I Dion of
!)♦· ΙήΙΙηη Ι*Π'Μ|)> f#»r■> will hold Its I
imuiflK mcffliiK In tin· Flr>*t J'roxln
• · t '. 311 rhttj'rh on North ! ν * j
ifriM-f Waxahaehie tin» initial iih···
ηκ to l»o held Τιι«>κιΙ»> evening. Mn
« will ;iii address by I >i Κ Κ Its· j»
\«'i ol Waxa harhie iniisie l>.\ Miss«-sjt
login. Irwin Herring niul Mallov 't
kolo by Mis« Robert* duet by Μι |
tV alter ( row :ind Miss Jennie Sbel 1
on. f
Thene e\«T< ι . will c -Milinvic thru J '
WedtU'HdHv uni "i'lnu ι May
*Vjd et h «h |ay . v.-ning l>t Τ
* flyp.e. pre 1Ί ♦ · 111 ol ΛιιμΙΙιι Col-'
α iiLjUtiitiii wi" ' ««> «rt 1
*y QtiftrU'Ue ; .
iway and Μ te
ί* . ? 1
1 Iu' iflay moitié** Mr. K. A.
Rrown or v-.^h.iiii-. τ... ι...!··
mini of foreign mission board will
I * -11 \ <·■' nil ι m 111Γ ι 'Ms . snln liv MIhi
Marguerite While
Tli11iHtla> afternoon ut ί ί" there
will I»· an address hy I Thornton
\Vlia 1 iiiκ of ι In* Ι'Ίrsi I'i-«>hI>.vt<>rinii
■hurch ol' Dullm Solo l>> MIwh Irwin
>t M ι' ΚI II II < ·>■ Hoiikh by I In· child l'en
Many lut·ί-«>μ(<ηκ impers will be
•cud lij ilhlllng linllcs during tho
lici't Inn
MIhh Tntc u missionary in Κοπή.
λ 111 lie pri'iipnl during · ·>«· meeting
mil will give IiikI nu tIvc lnlkn mi
<nron The public Ik cnrilliillv Invll
mI In nllctid nil iIichc Hcrvlces
Icl ter Ι<· \V 'Γ. llut'kiitT.
Waxnhuchlc Tcxuh.
Dear HIr : Λ gallon saved In $4 or
$.· earned. I.iovoe suves - or :i mil
I η ii h In 10. Ilnw much Ih It worth u
KM I lull 7
Λ gallon saved saves the painting
too; u ml both together coat $< or
|Γι $1 when· labor Ih cheap $."i
where labor In dear
Our η Kent « In Bridgeport Conn.'
Ilubhell ii Wilde Co. tell us: "There'
are a κreat many workliiginen's
Iiousbh here. They iihciI to paint
lead-and-oll and take ten gallons |
We have been Helling I hem ten Kill (
Ions Devon lead-and /.lnc and have'
had In every Instance two gallons
returned." The proportion Ih often
hlKher tliiin that; we have known Ii
tlve 111 tun; but that Ih exceptional ;
TIiIh Ih the explanation: Devoe Ih
Kround by machinery and Ih «round j
line; lead-anil-oll Ih mixed by hand
anil Ihii'I Kround al all.
Your » truly
30 F. W. DKVOR & < Ό. j
j I'. 8.: Waxahuchle Lumber com-j
pany sell our paint
TmOnioiiy In Merger Hull.
I Portland Ore. May TchIIiho ^
1 ny In the government's null lo 111 h -
Holve ihe merger οΓ the I'nlon I'acl- j
He and Southern I'hcIIIc In belli* tu
ken here today. Many subpoenas or
'witnesses anion* whom lire Includ
eil railroad men who previous to thej
merger were In the employ of one j
or the other of the railroads und In
rnl shippers have been nerved
Our line of hair goods I» com-
plete. Wo carry bangs pompadour*
wigs curls chignons roll» puffs I
lialr nets and switches. Leave un
sample* and we will match your
hair. Respectfully Mrs. Dultoti. 26
I Λ \ί II Μ ίΐίο \ I 111 (. 11 \(M>\
') I· r I'imijiIi lliiiiii \V omuti η
iml I·» tin· \« « ( 'oiii1Iiiiii«.c
Tylor. Τ«·\η Ma\ Λ mol»
rok·· Into ilio jail In·»·· Saturday.
• rii ι «m| .Mm dodK'· a iM'Ki o. chai'K
• I with assaulting ami "Tlnuslv in
m ill MIhh \\ him· Harmon near
pro IViday niftln look him to the
pw con rt IrotiH' now 1» ml « · »· < >n-trn<
Ion ami liani'il him to otm <<alf-
oi.l ι nu
W*f· hav·· now on display I ho host
whom moni of high uradi- tniUhmry
m· havo ♦ ■ ν · · ι hart ι ho plotiïMirr to
l ow \V<· Invito your iimpi-i ι ion
drs. Dallon. *6
l:itt\-Ccvt Umicnvcat
I iv e ililtofi η' Μ It's in I Me be* ι ψι tl-
HI·-v m <»lf lot ' te ι th e.
* litt< ι ■ ι 'i ilhPtfn in «-Mill
mil ir γλ iv vf ort m I η mil »t length*·
ΝλΙιιιλΙ ; ί ι ί ι ι -1 r U' ir m 1 'lit ι in I
ilf.ι* is. -h rt ι nit t « ■>· iht len^tM*·
While ι Mill in m ils in I
.h ιw( t . ν n m i tt'uui n Ι'·η :ih«*
Whit» H m k -Kir' η | If \\κ <r"-
rr«uht Itmjih1
Wli lc pi·|'[ ι- 1 ιη«· 1i v. ft w ·ι'ι
('l.istic se imv
5(h (iarnwtit
Matthews Bros.
- "T ■· I l-l h <■ T t il Ih" ι' I ο t Ιι I f ι »
L Slew
They're here-- ill readv
f01 you. livery one of
the correct and best
styles for 1909 are on
display here.
All bright and clenn-
fresh from the maket's
hand. No old ones from
14st year's vintane--so
;lon't worry about tfiai.
because there are η me
but new styles in our
The n?w shapes--every
one that fashion requires
awaits your coming.
Genuine Panamas tou
Straws - 75c lo $3
Panamas $5 and $6
Hanan Oxfords
5.00 to 6.50
Douglas Oxfords
3.00 to 5.00
Eclipse Shirts
1.00 to 2.00
• and
Munroe Bros.
sell a Cigar that you will
recognized as a matchless
This Nator is a mild
sweet smoke. Nator
contains moie good im-
ported leaf than you will
find In 85 per cent of the
Ten Cent Cigars.
The price is 5 cents each.
We carry them in 25s and
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Ownby, W. A. The Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 24, Ed. 1 Monday, May 3, 1909, newspaper, May 3, 1909; Waxahachie, Texas. ( accessed February 18, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .