The Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 291, Ed. 1 Tuesday, March 8, 1904 Page: 4 of 4
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Little Early
Ladies Oxfords
but can give you
good selection
even now. We
veil you a mighty
nice low shoe for
•Crow Bros
The Shoers
!♦»♦♦♦♦ ·♦♦♦♦♦
Once more we are inclined to re-
mark that spiing bac come.
All kind· of feeditufT alfalfa cane
millet seed etc. Sleeper Qrain Co.
Cord wood f. o. b. Waxabachie
$2 .75 per cord. Geo. Patterson
Lancaster Texas. tf
! Mrs. H. D. Timmons is quite ill
! with pneumonia at her home on
I Kaufman street.
For second-hand typewriters and
I supplies see Rlaffer at Stroud's old
■ phone 229. tf
A rare musical treat is in store
for those who attend the opera to be
Kiven at the auditorium March 22.
Mrs. S. K. Fowler will entertain
the M. W. M. club Wednesday af-
ternoon at 3:30 o'clock at her home
on West Main street.
The Fort Worth fat stock show
opened today and several stockmen
went from Waxahachie this morn-
ing to be in attendance.
The opera to be uiven at the audi-
torium March 22 is for the benefit
of the Daughters of the Confeder-
acy convention fund. 91
The Hall-Bearing Densmore is the
best made. A trial will convince
you. Sold on easy terms. See
Rlaffer at Stroud's or old phone 229.
Will or-11 LU JilliUfBL UlUUfJl rt Î 4 p.
m. March 13 1 '.»04 car South Caro-
lina cotton seed C. & I. L. 6733
ι consigned ordernotify R. H. Thomp-
son. T. H. Harrow Agent H. A T.
C. R. R. Co. ill
J. Β. Griggs who lives near
Boyce was here yesterday and said
his niece Miss Annie May Griggs
had arrived from Giles county to
make her home with his family.
The management of the Elks
Minstrels wish to make apology for
the unintentional omission of the
names of Miss Mabel Boyd and Mise
Betti* Duke from the program. They
are verv sorry indeed that it occur-
ed and respectfully ask the young
■ UV< I' O C«» UVItl lilt) UUllOBK'lii
The opera "Pinafore" will be
given at the park auditorium Mareh
22. Tickets for same are now on
sale with J . S. Herring A Co. Hood
A Martin T. J. McDade B. \V.
Fearis and Joe A. Harris. Re-
served seats can be obtained two
days before at Herring'» 91
Hon. W. L. Wood of I'lemma
was in the city yesterday and called
to renew his subscription to the En-
terprise. Several years ago Mr.
Wood represented Ellis county in
the legislature. While in the city
yesterday he said his friends were
urging him to make another race
for the office. Mr. Wood says he is
now an honest tiller of the soil and
has no desire to attain enter politics.
Field Patterson a good farmer of
the Rockett community was here
yesterday and said that last year on
June 15 he planted a patch of King s
early cotton seed and on September
15 just ninety days after the plant-
ing there were from three to five
bolls open on each stalk. He says
he will not only plant King's s«*ed
this year but will try sevoral other
A number of sanitarians of emi-
nence at a recent conference in
New York decided that the moequi-
to could be exterminated. It is not
not likely however that much will
be accomplished in this direction
during the summer of 1ΪΌ4 in Wax»·
hachie. Hence screens will still be
fashionable. Besides there are the
flies. Forrest Λ· Madson will put
up your screens Elm St opposite
City Hall. tf
Cured Consumption.
Mrs. M. W. Evans Charwater
Kan. writes* "My husband lay nick
for three mouths. The doctors said
he had quick consumption. We pro-
cured a bottle of Mallard's Hore-
hound Byrup and it cured him.
That was six years ago and since
then we have always kept a bottle
in the house. We cannot do with-
out it. For coughs and colds it has
no equal." 25c 50c and $1.00. Hold
by Hood A Martin.;
New Maooafer Arrives.
Mr. R. A. Thomas the new mana-
ger of the < Oriental drug store lias
arrived from Camerou aud taken
charge of the store. Mr. T. H.
Moore who sold hie interest in the
store to his partner Geo. A. Thom-
as will remain with the store. The
new manager is a graduate in phar-
macy and is an experienced drug
Invaluable for Rheumatism
1 have been suffering for the past
few years with a severe attack of
rheumatism and found that Mal-
lard'· Snow Liniment was the only
thin? that gave me satisfaction aft1
tended to alleviate niv pains. March
24th 1902 John C. Degnan. Kins-
man Ills. Z'tc .~>l)c aud $1.00. Hold
by Hood & Martin.
County Court Dockets.
Following is the setting of the
county court docket· for the preeent
ι term :
Monday March 7 criminal CslH.
Monday. March M non jury civil
i cases.
Monday M arch 21. jurr civil case·.
Thursday March 17 probata mat-
To Care a Cold in one Day
Toft· Laxative Hrotno Qainia·
Tablet· Alt draindati refand the
' moeay If It fail· ta car·. ■. W
j Gt®··'· •tgaatur* >· aa Mat* bas.
www τψτνψψτψψψψψψψψτ»
Seal Sims we· In Italy today.
W. A. Killman of Uoraicana ia in
the city.
Sheriff J. P. Minnfck wai in Waco
today on official buaineaa.
John M. Weekly editor of the
Ennie Local waa in the city laat
Mra. W. R. Kerguaon and little
eon Will B. have returned from h
vieil to Decatnr.
B. Heyer went to Fort Worth last
night where he will spend the re-
mainder of the week.
Mrs. O. W. Marshall who lives
three miles south of town has gone
to Coleman county to visit her son.
Father Long prieat in charge of
the Catholic church at this place
left last night on a trip to Outhrie
Italy Items.
Will Stroud is erecting» residence
on South Main street.
Otis Wilklns came In from hi·
school nt Pluto to spend Sunday at
Miss Lillian Moor· who is teach-
ing at Eyrie came in Friday ening
in time to take lu the entertainment.
Hev. H. A. Boar. president of
Polytechnic College filled the pul-
pit »t the Methodist church Sunday.
Rev. Koaz is recognised as one of
the ablest men In the Methodist
church and he fully sustained his
reputation here
Harry Mitchell has been compelled
to give up his work at Polytechnic
College because of a severe attack
of rheumatism This is very un-
fortunate for Harry is a diligent
student who wastes no time.
The new hotel will be opened in a
few days under the management of
Mrs. Piatt of Fort Worth.
The shelving is being placed in
the large store room that is to be
occupied by Jolesch Ciiaska Dry
Ooods Co.
Jenkins Brothers and the Hatnli·
ton-Stovall Company are putting in
large show windows which will add
much to the appearance of their es-
Oil Friday evening the entertain-
ment givfii under the auspice· <>f
the Ladies Fortnightly Club come
off as per announcement. The en-
tertaiuineat was a presentation of
thedrama"Pygmalion and Galatea."
Prof. W. W. Heathcote of Fort
Worth took the role of Pygmalion
Miss Meador rendered the part of
Ualatea the animated statue with
the grace and ease of a professional.
Miss Works and the Mandolin Club
furnished the music for the occas-
ion. Financially the entertainment
was quite a success. The funds
thus raised will be put to the best
possible use namely to purchase
books for the library of the club. In
fact this is a near approach to a
public library and it is a matter of a
short time onlv when it will grow
into a public library such as all
large up-to date towns have.
(lives Health Vigor and Toue.
Herbine is a boon for sufferers
from aneamia. Hy Its use the blood
is quickly regenerated and the color
becomes normal. 'Ihe drooping
strength is revived. The languor Is
diminished. Health vigor and tone
predominate. New life and happy
activity results. Mrs. Belle it.
Shirel Middlesbourough Ills.
writes: "I have been troubled with
liver complaint and poor blood and
have found nothing to benefit m<
like Herbine. 1 hope never to be
without It. I have wished that I
had knowu of it in my husband'·
lifetime." fiUc. Sold by Hood A
All the young men and youug la
diea who are taking part in the com
1c opera are reqaeated to meet at th<
hall tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.
The Original.
Foley A Co. Chicago originate
Honey and Tar a· a throat and luni
remedy and on account of tin
great merit and popularity of Fo
ley"· Honey and Tar many imita
tiona are offered for the gennine
Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar an<
refuse any subetitnte offered a* u<
other preparation will give the aanu
satisfaction. It la mildly laxative
II e«nUUna no oetatee and la a a/··
for children and (Mini· person»
Sold by B. W. Faarte.
A New Display
We have just placed in our show cases
at the foot of the stairway a new display
of fine photographs which we believe to
be the best ever ruade by vis and far
ahead of any ever made in Waxahacbie.
We invite your inspection and criticism.
KODOL digests what you eat.
KODOL cleanses purifies strengthen»
——— and sweetens the stomach.
KODOL cures indigestion dyspepsia and
■ all stomach and bowel troubles.
KODOL accelerates the action of the gas-
trie glands and gives tone to the
digestive organs.
KODOL relieves an overworked stomach
——— of all nervous strain gives to
the heart a full free and untrammeled
action nourishes the nervous system and
teeds the brain.
KODOL is the wonderful remedy that is
——— making so many sick people well
and weak people strong by giving to their
bodies all of the nourishment that la con-
tained In the food they eat.
Bottles only 51.00 SUe holding 2% tiroes th· trial
size which sells for 60c.
hwrW only by I. C. D.WITT < CO.. CMCAM.
Sold by Hood <& Martin.
* v-.-L· \G£R SLRVK fc
Mo Thoublcto Answer Question·
ft ψ tuunc*. ^
♦η»»: Μη mm Tmmr am** ^
Oauta τ «va·
solicited by. . . .
Room No. 9 Masonic Temple over
Durham Dry Goods Co.
Oil City Iron Works
Wm. Clarkson Lessee.
Corsicana > Texas
Castings of every description
both Brass and Iron. Full
line of patterns for House
Repairs on Oil Mills Cotton
Gins Engines and Pumps a
Correspondence solicted.
Market price paid for scrap
cast iron Phone 90
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
. . Dr. King's "
New Discovery
Γη /ν»ΧβΓΜΡΤΙΟΧ .j„
Γ ΟΓ I 1)1 fiHH and» ^ 4 ιββ
A Perfect For All Tluoat and j
Cure: I.ung Troubles.
Money back if it fail*. Tnal Bottles free.
Pfeoa. J67 Old rbooe JH
' 110 Wmi Mata »
Our Careful Study
The compounding of pre-
scriptions is an exact
se i e η c e. Competence
pnly comes after careful
study. To get best re-
sults from the medicine
the filling of prescriptions
must te absolutely ac-
Ourconstant study keeps
us up to the times and
your health benefits by
our exact and careful
work. Give us a call
when you have a pre-
scription to be filled. . .
Both Phones - No
Α Λ m m Λ Ο m a aaaa a a a a aa ^ a a a a a
▼ ΡΨ W W V w WW w w w w w w wwwwww w
j If Picking Up \
♦ The Horse Shoe ♦
brings you jrood luck the open- Ζ
ing «>f a Savings Account will «
bring- you better luck and more ♦
of jt. Of ouree vou'll want J
to open your aceount with this Σ
bank. γ
ΙΛ^-%^»-.-. «·· » «'
* |.« t \ WU» · I» »«"> i *'r· * UU Οβ** ψ
intrs Deposits; Compounded ♦
semi-annually. ζ
Act today tomorrow never ♦
comes. ζ
Open Saturday evening· until φ
7:.ίΟ for Havings. J
Western Bank C Trust Co J
Waxahachie Texas J
Cheeves Bros 4 Co
Special for Monday and Tuesday
Ladies and Children's Hose
30 doz misses and boys ribbed hose black 6 to 10.
worth 15c special price per pair—' 10c
40 doz ladies hose worth 12 l-2c sale price 10c
20 doz ladies hose worth 20c special price .15c
Counterpanes on Sale
48 counterpanes worth 1.25 sale price- —
24 counterpanes worth 1.50 on sale.
18 counterpanes good value at 1.75. our price
Big values in table linen 25c 35c 50c 65c 75c
10 doz Turkish bath towels worth 35c special
5 doz bleach Turkish bath towels worth 45c
White Lawn Specials
No. 1—20 pieces white lawn worth 12 l-2c special
price per yard
No. 2—30 pieces white lawn worth
price .
No. 3—40 pieces white lawn worth
Big bargains in cross bar nainsook at
15c special
12 l-2c
20c special
5c & 10c
We have everything new in skirt goods waist goods
and suitings for shirt waist suits. We will be glad to
have vou call and see our new spring goods. . . .
&1 Old Government £>
Java and Mocha Coffee in 3-lb cans 51.00
Breakfast Bell Coffee in 2-lb can^ 70 cts.
Roasted and put up by the New York Coffee
Co. Try it once and you will use ηυ other.
We carry a full line of Fancy Groceries and
our prices are always n^ht. : : : : :
<&Lasswell 4 Caldwell^
North Side Square Both Phones
Fan Rates'#^ Ceiling Fans
Ι.*« ΑΤΙ· 'N
usb fan two
(tfw. «S m Κι H)
IH> ι.ουα· and iimrar» 3 j# i tb
Jpwelr» More K*crlu<Mvelj » Mi C Μι
aed l»r»g SI or» t <» î SU
naropr Shop· !> 7 (B
Mr·! KukM) 4 US ? Ml
Holrl» aod Krttevraai» ♦ SB nul·
H< <! * Count· 4 80 *»
«3 0Π IVr MootH
8 0»-
» ρ *· -
1U "
3 » " "
* M "
1 se ·
S «8 -
F»r ail niftht ■•rvl©· add 91.(Ό tu th* Hoda Fount Rat*
kkhiokm κ ΗΑΓΚ.1
Hitting or ftani Koott:
luamc hû*>m
M m
W inch (*«k Ka»
I* lack I*Mk l>u
U Si
Mae! Ν
Krw Cr'.Unir Km» (or *alr ooe tprvd TU 40 tartine «perd J4.IB Ousdurd «nl»h
III prr or πι ciiri. "M-rond h «ml Celling >»n%. 17 » All Cu* told ·> n« ar· guaranteed for
1.' month» »gnin»t niwhameal and rirrtnral Jrfrrt# Wr *111 rlraa op aaJ ell joer old
► an for 1.0·' 'art·. Hrpair part* fc»pl le *uxk Vour» to pk«M.
• Magnetic Healing
and Osteopathy...
; i· located now \ ermanently at the reaidenoe of
' Mr. J. W. Mariio oor. Elm and Jetferaon at·.
wli.-rf he it now treating a number of patient·
dally by hi· ayat«*m of healing. ; :
We can permanently care all chronic diaaaaea without medicine·
• uch a* lndigeetlon Constipation Pile· Rheumatam Sciatica
8lck and Nervoutt Headache Liver Kidney and Bladder Trouble·
all Kentale Diaeaaea Aathma Goitre etc. We aay we can cure
theae diaeaaea and we mean exactly what we aay. Prof Magruder
ran diagnoae your oaae without asking a question. Couauitation
free. :::::::::
Term·: II 56 iio(li treatment or $é.N per week.
If you ean not call we aollcit yout correspondence.
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Ownby, W. A. The Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 291, Ed. 1 Tuesday, March 8, 1904, newspaper, March 8, 1904; Waxahachie, Texas. ( accessed September 11, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .