Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 19, No. 331, Ed. 1, Friday, November 15, 1895 Page: 1 of 8
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t l
Sg awgTOr HT
iint da ln cery lMl8 central
IWbI iiicl raot popular hotel nt tile
f tt MP-
iazihtij hiudquaiitciis
s -
enr Jackets and
Capes Arriving
The timo is drawing near
rTwh n we mint Btopiecelvlug
f winter Wraps Theso lnte
JL t lintlllin
fcirr va 3 nru uciuuuo juh i
jfpntofl your purchases too
llonc if you want a prime
garment aa tlie prolty ones
are going We liavo ascer
tained tnat iue rigui Kinu oi
far garments to bbII in this
date aa well as farther
north Co iih In forenoon
and sicure beat attention
Blanket Safe Friday
Saturday and Monday
iw vimi
Si X
f W HJr v
L 0
I003H IIMMI IlSllin AT MtlM
Hirers 1 tf Meu Are Mentioned llu
the loeriior Will iiol t So
Uup IliU Week
I J Initln l av Vm tl f3rnMfit VW
K buun I rorn MiuneJi eudiuy was
ben toaay In Juue Kenneu a Intel
tut for Juage letuH seat ueprtfseiit
itjtt HooDiiis anu Attorney it vs Hull
of wnuarger arrived late tnU aricr
nooaaod bad an Interview at the Ave
nue hotel tonijit with tne governor
Just beiore his departure Tor In Ives
ton in Judge Hrowns lnieieat The
pntlcmeii deny ilint Cnief Justice
Tstiton tan lulm Hlllfboru ua his
borne fthon Jim county H not In the
i conil supreme Judicial district Tluy
ay that JuJue Tnrlton has to be ft
teiiilent of Tort Worth or he It not
flUlJfted to Sit on the henrh
Tlie poenior Informed the Rentle
nn that he would not make the ap
pointmtnt thia week and would hear
H Rides beforo he announeeil Judee
Hnd i aueiPKxnr
i A little boom bo to peak wan
today at the taprnjfor Judge Clcy
iw oi iainestiiio ecretury ot
Btlte Jfnrf1ll lni 1 ni rnu
---- i vii m uiii uiiti in nJii
tbillhtex dlstilct Judre of Cooke nui
learned lawjtr und he thought that
apiiolntment would be the best
tatt couia be made Aniiwtiint
juenerni Hill from Judge Potters
wln declarrd himiktr ntmiita mt
it In pearth of the gov ei nor to ho
lLm 61m The name of henalor
smith of Denton was mention-
k district who would reriect credit
the court The KOernoi nald that
Ct reC0Xni2frI tha Hunlnn itln A n
no nr the bcMt i irni iut in ioi
Bhi t llarill Visibility that
iKIrea a hav ni n
iimr Jiirainy nun the chief
v Mm tolltloal quentlons
iS f knois that then
lumolenl oltornejii In thf district
r In thf mldille of the road from
iSS liwlnt and who am well
lor a real on the fonrt
JPbjr jam 3 fkeine for 0c
iW wa7 yarn yc a
Mtf Hmbroidered Silk Hand-
WhUe Silk Handker
jegaot Fleeced Jersey Gloves
Extra good Beamleaa Hoie 10c
beenwas Opera House
X vnaaIlon ot the learl
ou siusT sne
i Is Wonder and a terror
S3RT oootb
6CTmretlWe School Hoy
the flood of Anything
uw us
1MA3 LcieBt pnnin i
1 Tl ll 1 n t r ii
mmn ban
3 Lough Every Second
I nn110 inulcal comedv b 1VIU
Sfmuty ot Adont1 Old
Ll In Itltnv nnrirn
m Aftijsssa
LOW LOW are our prices
on shoes and for today and
Saturday wo will make you
the lowest prices you have
yet feen Shoes for 1 wortli
8100 Shoes for 185 worth
S2 A large line of Ladles
Shoes wortli s 350 U
S 450 for 2 Misses and
Uoya School Shoes A moat
completo lino and at tho
lowest price Come we
guaiantee satisfaction and
the lowent priceB Wo will
not only please you in goods
but for evoy 81 purchase
ghe you a chanco in our 75
casli prize
Wo aro more than pleased
with our sale on Comforts
UluuketP Capes and Cloaks
and wh intinuo the sale
for tho Vjnaindor of tho
Corner Fifth ad Houston
laitfi niiMt iskLis
Smi iitonh iilliorlsf i Nrnrlj u
llnir Mlllloii 1hr IVr Ceitt
San Antonio Tex Nov H ipev
lal The county commission today
authorized the lunncf of 1 400 J O
enr fundlnif bonds to redeem the issue
of the San Antonio and Mexican Uulf
rathnj bmdt for Issues of courthouse
bondit and two Issut s of Jull bunds
The nev Issue Is trt bear tntneit at 6
per cent and must lie sold at par
with accrued Interest and a piemlum
or -300 An ltue of S2 009 10 40 year
courthouse bonds bearing Interest at C
per cent was also authotlzed
in ii n sonr dimu rus wmi
Mxiiois iioi r ii
And I Urn M nlf rloiil lUaitppi urrd
Uintvm llutf rurtlivd lorlivo
ltl Wllhuiil Itfsull
Wharton Tex Nov H Special
Mr Hrd of the S uidle district who
has iecentl had Hume disputes with
negroes etr land tnatteis has myste
rlousty dlsappeatcd Oflicers of that
precinct hae searches the county for
two dujs and si far can And no trace
of the missing mun except that it wus
supposed he was somewhere In Colo
ntdo count tiuco then pirtits from
that count snj ISjrd Is not there i
Sheriff Hlch has lelejriiiphed to Colo
lado county IiiuuIiuk as to Ids where- I
abouts The shrilft will tuin out for a
eeirch If no mtUfactory answer Is re-
TitUY w iitit m iiiuiuii in mw on
ni Ms r mom ii
He Ueltmva 1o ua Old lmitlly d
111 Miirrliitic to 3Hn IJnrl
Crtrutcd u Svuaullu
Clncago Nov II When Hamond
Uomiidck Iochelu the Now Orleans
theatrical manager teturned to his ho
tel last night he was surprised to find a
note from Ids wife of five vvteks say-
ing she had unceremoniously disap-
peared Iochelu refused to proceed to
the police station and report his wifes
flight giving It os his reason that she
nnd her cousin had gone to Atlanta
Sergeant Hroderlck told him It was not
a case for police Interference andhe
plated the matter In the hi nd of a
pilvate detective Mrs Poclulu was
formerly llaiel Karl one of the Earl
sisters of aerial performers Iochelu
met her In San Antonio Tes a short
tlmp ago and they were married in New
Orleans five weeks later lie bcl mged
to one of the oldest New Orleans fami-
lies and his marriage to Miss Jart
created a sensation
niitMiij to wli this ciusu
jiiii wiinnn inn iikii
Got Its liiforniitllon In Hegnril o
Open 1 lolHttons of Hie ndiiy
Lnr Iu lor Conlempt
Nashllle Tenn Nov II Criminal
Court Judge Anderson today sent W
F Brook editor of the Dally Herald
published In this city to Jill for con-
tempt of court tn refusing to answer
before the grand Jury questions rela-
ting to allegations made In the paper
that Sunday law a were openly violated
and pool rooms were run openly
Hrookx refused jo tell the aaurce of his
I information
Warships Bound for
or xiu row
ius win taki iuciiiiu ac
tion i mau rtniiB
It u ut ur of IJrrnt Shiuubtrr nutl 111
hitfe untlnue to Come Irom
the luterlur
Constantinople Nov II Copy
righted liM bythessoclated lrets
There Is ery llttlo chanite In the
situation heie this mornlnjf The Ital-
ian lleet Is under orders to make its
way to Palonlca Hay to Join the Urltlsh
lleet of twenty wurshlps already there
French lleet Is expected there shortly
and the rtpresentatUes of the pow-
ers as a tf sult f communications
exchanged with their governments
have had another Informal meeting at
the French embas When the three
squadrons have united and Hlr Phillip
Cunle the Ilrltlsli ambassador up-
turns some decided tips upon the
part of the powers may be antici-
NewB received here toda from the
districts of Van reporla the massacre
of Armenian Christians there The
Kuuls of Van nre nald to be n tucking
the Armenian villages und tho Turkish
ntllclils are reported to be powerless
to maintain order A telegram tecelvcd
here from Slvas nn Tuesday evening
but only made public todn sns inn
pacres of Armenians have been com-
mitted in that elti but adding that
ordr has been restored there The
facts ln the case may b published
It Is rumort d today that Chaklr
Iasha the lurklsh commissioner of
the Armenian reforms Is about to be
recalled in order that he tnuy be ap-
pointed grand izlcr In succession to
llnll Itrtfint the pnsent Incumbent of
that oilier If the rumor wus true this
would seem lo be unother open de
fiance of tre powers foi Chaklr Iashn
is regarded as the chief butcher of tl
binre Ids nppentauce at Utz
roum ns high commissioner the mas-
sacres there have been more bloody
and frequent than ever before and ht
has done nothing to punish the offend
pis In fact he has been charged with
eilinly looking on whll tlie Turkish
nnldlers Hied upon every helpless
Christian thev raught sight of
rvery day brines further details f
the massacres at Irxroum nnd each re-
port makes the stoty of the ci lines
tere more ghastly
Onltxc to additional disquiet ini
nwws jusi roceivea neie irom nlv as
Mr Terrell haa renowed his demand
ttiht the porle protect the mission-
aries and he Is hnMIng the Turkish
government responsible for their lives
There Is no Improvement in th otlictal
aspect of afTalrs In fact if an tiling
this side of the nuestlon Is darker
than ever Theie are rumors of great
activity being dlsplajed among the
IlUck Sea fleet of Hussla and for some
time past movement of troops nn
known to have been taking plaro on
the borders of Russia nearest tn the
district disturbed of Asiatic Turke
in win inn uviimns
i I ii I in The Art I he
III if MulTered
Ones W ho
Constantinople Nov 14 OiHrlal ills
i latches published here from dis
l turbed district state that the Armen-
ians In every cuhb have been the ag-
gressors and attacked the Musselmans
who were obliged to defend themselves
against the feroeit of the Armenians
At Arabklr on October 2d and 27 the
nfllclal report adds the Armenians Net
fire to n mosjue school and bazaar
With bombs nnd massacred a number i
df Mohammedans
The authorities It Is claimed after-
wards dlatovered four bombs whlh
the Armenian Intended to explode In
the local barracka and government of-
On November J still according to the
orTlclnl announcements Uw Aunentuna
of Crzlngheln attacked the govern-
ment offices arracks and other
Ings but weredisperssd by the militia i
Over GO00 revolutionists nie said to
be assembled at Tchoukmerzeii and
Adana preparing to fight the Turkish
mitT mMitoMTt
The Sublime Tcirle ne n VlaicnlcL
venf Order
Washington Nov lit Tho Turkish
legation here received from the sublime
porte the following under yesterdays
His imperial majet the sultan In
his high sentiment of generosity Issues
orders o the effect that of his Mussel
man and Christian subjects who sus-
tained any damage during the recent
riots In certain provinces should be
nourished and nursed at the expense
of the state The viziers of the states
have been so Informed
The army of rtotet of Arabuguto
set tire to a mosque and to the bazaar
The Museirnan part nf the city was
attacked r d Musselmans werr killed
The authorities are searching for the
agitators ann nendarles
A Lam Number uf Sew Oars Ap-
pointed letter
Washington Nov 14 Special
The following fourth class postmasters
were appointed today for Texas Al
lard Erath county J 1L Plnkerton
vice Mrs 1L A Davis resigned Clio
Drown county T E White vice J
Ht Hums resigned Dumonr Dickens
county J T layers vice NuiDle Say-
L ik ate-
IftSV -
ers resigned
count v j v
lNesnall resigned
county W K Wl 1
Saunders resigned
7- J U i1 I
OIidIboh McLennan
Kernedy vice M F
wivmug Htiinri
cox vice w R
Novice Coleman
count j W J rutna n vice J F Camp
rengnea ugiesuy uorveu county lie
Daniel Arrowood v ce W II Iteeves
resigned Parsons Parker county J T
IIckard vice C H Fawks resigned
Itltv Vista Johnson county A J Mene
fee vice Ileseklah Hughes removed
Itoxton Lamar county J M King
Mce T V WoodrufT reslgnedj Trick
ham Coleman county h K lnge vice
M J stftci resigned Victor Frnth
county J Wharton vice 11 II
1ecble resigned
tlrtu lo le turrejur In llnre of U
L cirMSrs
Oatesv Hie Tex N6v II Special
The commissioners court appointed
It T rete Wilson county surveyor
for the unexpired term of C L
Uraves deceased
The MethodUt preachers have all
gone to Temple to tho annual confer-
A cool norther blew up this morning
but moderated and It Is now raining
The Star route carrlejn have discarded
vehicles and are going it horseback on
acqunt of mud
At the last term of the county court
one Cunningham was tried for vfiVotlrg
the local option law ln precinct No 8
Judge Taylor declared the proclama-
tion declaring local option oi on ac-
count of tho omission or the words
Intoxicating drink nnd Cunningham
wns dlKChurged
The commissioners court todav or
dered nn election In precinct No It for
Decembei 7 proximo
J U Walker h been appointed
special Judge to probate the will of
Airs II J liertiand Judge Tnylni be-
ing disqualified
Corj ell count hits received In the
last few drtjs between 11000 nnd JroW
us pament on Its school luuds situated
In Haskell county Many of the pur-
chasers hae paid it
The vote on the courthouse question
was counted by tht court todaj The
courthouse proposition waw defeuted
b 160 majority
Tarmera rejtrt the ground 1ms a
better Reason now then for two win
lurH which means good crops next
ItUIDCM MMItlls mist A
I IIH 11 nvn
To Helj tin Mollier Cirry
on the CiiIhu Wur liliiM
11I In a IM
Mexico City Nov H ContilbutloiiB
by icMldent Spaniards to the fun I for
the Spanish ciUHe Ju Cnba continue
nnd a large amount will be ralsrd No-
tice Is given that leciutu foi the aitny
In Cuba must nppljr at fpunlnh con-
sulates for tiannjioitatlon ns the Tund
being raised Is for other put pone
La in ed ii Dluz Mexican consul at liu
ndo Tex fell In a fainting nt a
terday and had a liemorrhngo of n
serious nature and It Id feated he will
The government will soon Issue twen-
ty tent pieces and call In the quar-
ters in orJet to make the monctui
system purely decimal
Woik on tho International exposition
grounds will begin suon Surveying is
llllltfll 1111 rillClltKICHH
11 llvi
10 11 nt i
t I p
f ftrut llMrtM
ishlngton Njv 14 Fl st Assist-
ant 1oHtmttster Unnul Jones todiiy
decided the Chicago letter tun It is
cases upon the n ports of the epeclitl
agentH and the written defuues of the
caulers togethu with the oiul state
inentH of Hid latter made ut Cliicago
to Huperlutendent Mai hen of the fiee
delivery system The letter to Post-
master Housing was sent toil The
cases ale disposed of us followw
Sixteen unified removed from the
service six suspended for thirty das
two suspended for twenty ibiH thiee
usptrded for llfteen days fourtini
suspended for tin das ttdrty rojs
pended for five das thirty one ls
pended for two dnjs four hu pended
lor one ua rour reprimantied twenty-two
uatlsfHctorlly expUlnM tie
fact represented b the agents two
cases In which delinquencies or ft ver
looked on account of mitigating cir
cum tan res plead b carrltis
These with the repiimands already
administered mako a total of 173 car
tier cams
ill 111 MIT1MHT II VII
For the lurl llie Took In Die Hen
lersou Murder
Hempstead Tex Nov 14 fSpeclal
M Jack President and Walter Ciee
werrt toay held without ball fur the
part they look ln the murder of Jerry
Henderson on the Meckert plantation
at Funnvsldo last week
ill i j 1 on iosTroMJii iuuiclh
orr nt lnlln The Texas Cbaialo
nnd urtlivslem ibatuplou fu
tuutest fvr Honors
Dallas Tex Nov 14 Bpeclal The
big bicycle races which have twice
been postponed by rain have finally
been scheduled for tomorrow There
are seven high class events on the pro-
gram The one enlisting the keenest
Interest Is the hve nil match between
Hdgar Coren of Dallas the Texas
chktnpion and Byrd of St Paul the
northwestern champion They recent-
ly tan a one mile tie race In 3 17 The
weather Is good tonight and the pios
pects are that up further postpone-
ment will be necessary
tiitiW wsrid
wvvs j W iSftSS
Mrs Menn Left Her
Husband to Go With
Till M4N MlltUltlUU unit
AT IAllii
iu iii citniiMiik
Kunti W us Her lliiakninls liar
keeper W bo Wni Made In teste
llie Hotel Iull Ittnor
St Louis Nov 14 Thero Is more
than thu ordinary story of the ad-
venturer of Mrs Caroline Menn nnd
her muider at Ijitedo Tex by Wil-
liam Kuutc or Ollartold aa lie Is
known heie and her lover She was
prupilvtiess of a hotel Iu Kast St
Louis Ills
Thirteen months ago Mrs Menn left
her liUHbatid and eloped with Kunti
taking her stepdaughter s child Clara
richer who whs also murdered Ten
weeks ago lur rightful liuthaud t rel
Menn who continued the manngetnent
of the 1abI St Loul hotel after the
elopement died Some say tho cause
was heart d incuse otheis ascribe It to
whisky which be Is said to have taken
tn exclusive quantities for the pur-
pose of killing himself because of th
conduit nf hU wife
liouls un Haun a friend f Meniis
who was with him when he died said
one of his last acts was tn change his
will leaving juH lusutnnce to thwc
diughteis by his Hist wife Ho also
left his Intetest In the hottl nnd
fanloou to Mrs nher one f the
The Menns bad been mairied nboui
twelve eiiis lit bad three daughters
by Ids list wife Ills second marriage
was not blessed in this way The
couple began to drtrt apart three
eurn mro when Mrs Mmn felt In love
wllh lur hunbnnd s barkeeper
Mtclrtel ollarrtld nged W Slid vta
f jears nf ngo und lur actions caused
a nplll in thu fnndl Hut hei huv
buiid who whs nearl 60 enr of ne
blunud OHutruld moie than atiouu
About n ear and n half ago Mmn
fnued Ollarrold to leave the hotel
The filling iu Hast hi Imts was
stiongly ngalnst OHnrrold nnd he
time to St Lould wbeie Mrs Menu
lived with him most of Die time die
pulng tlie expenses
One da she dlsappeoird attogether
The date wan October H of last yeai
Tlefnre leaving she sold property In
wliti ii tthe nnd her liusbaud wire
Jointly Interested for IIOoO lie nnl
got iuim or tins rumi Mm Fisher
left lontKhl for Iuedo to take charge
of the body She nays she only let
Mrs Menn titke her daughttr so dt h
on a visit
mii was iiisiii or mnu kill
111 HV KlM
lie Mauled Her to iine Willi lllm
Willi llrr lluilmnd Mti
MIDI Ltslug
Willas Tex NOV 14 Special The
woman murdered at Iaredo yester-
day by a man named Kunu was Mrs
Chrlstlun Menu of Ht Umia Hhe
sjient nearly two months In Dallas go
Ing back to St Louis about four weeks
ago to attend the funeral of her hus-
band She returned to this city two
weeks ngo bringing -with her h nix-
year old niece the child found mur-
dered with her yesterdu When she
11 rut came to Dallas Mis Menn regis-
tered as Mrs Hchultx Hhe gave later
as reason ior tins mat ne was afraid
of being killed by a man named Kuutx
w ho derlred her to elope with him
rrom Ht IvjuIb and get w J riled whila
her husband was still alive When she
Mil Dal ns last Thursday she told Mis
MarkH a lady friend that she wa
going to Houston to marry Kuntx
Kuiils lurelgleil HU llrllm to Go to
In redo tti Kill Her
Laredo Tex Nov 14 Snecian
New developments In the tragedy
which i tccurred hen nn Tuesday night
and Wednesday morning are us fol-
This evening at t oclock Chief ct
Police Harthelow with Mr I J Chris-
ten manager of Hotel Hamilton went
to the International and Ireat North-
ern depot and found two vallms a
lunch basket and package containing
two hats one Of straw and another of
sofj felt purchased In Kort Worth
On opening the valises two letters
sbrned WJ1II wpre found and also the
following copy of a titles
f have been requested trt Jay the
following question before you with the
kind request to answer name tiv re
turn mall Urother Theodore Menn
member of the Knights Ami Ladles of
Honor sent 6u on December 12 1891
sn affidavit that Ms policy pajnble to
his wife Caroline Menn of wli mo
whereabouts h U rnorni
ia linbaj v kitisijn aiojm puio
a new uollev w ns
clary to his children Emma VI she r
jutiuir wyer una iiiurieii ueariits
whlch1 request waj promptly granted
v i
41 J iV t 4 A
Tlie Parker Lowo Or Goods Co
Friday Bargains
E VST fflsl
mu -a
ai ii
ni iiKif ir it
Ladfcs heavy Underwear former price
50c Friday price 19c
All colors in Worsted Dress Goods former
price ioc Friday price 5c
31 inch extra heavy Canton Flannel for-
mer price 12 i 2c Friday price 8c
29 inch extra heavy Canton Flannel for
mer price ioc Friday price 7 i 2c
Good Canton Flannel former price 7 1 2C
Friday price 5c
Of Silk and fancy Wool Plaids in waist lengths
scasonabto DroHj Goods plain and anoy in dross
and pkirt lonpUis romnants of Ribbons Embroidery
nnd Lnces oddi anil onda of Hoiiory Underwear etc
AH colors of Cheoso Cloth in stock
The Parker Lowe Dry Goods Co
Reliable Goods nt Lowest Prices
For Holiday Trade
Wo nflir for prompt or later sbipmeat an extonslvo aasortuitnt in
cluJinn Fire Crackers Cnnuon Crackers Bky Kocknts Itoiuan Can
ilen IaperCipj Toy Ilutols Flags Iintcriip etc Prices thnt will get
your buelneri Order early btfore iisnorluieiit in broken
Our W paeu illnmralcil pricn lint free to Dalorn on application
Itrotrjcr Theodore Menn died on
6 UHS and now toiais Hlsler
Oaiiillne wllh tin first original policy
which J made out lit her favor Now
the qufwtlon Is who Is entitled to the
Wnrflt lift hotdri nt ti firiit nr tlm
holdir of the second policy Awaiting
j out tot ly rplyM
Among Iii letters found In three
vnlHnt were two written In Jernuin
signed Willie which nre known to
have been willteu by tun It In Which
he vtieiiks of having seruiQd u pulley
nnd It Is thought that this policy Is the
K Mini L of II jiollcy of MeniiWhlch
went to his wife Caroline Menu Tills
ontlrmH the siiHplelun excluHlvdy ex
plusHid by vour i respondent lusit
night that tlie Icttnc found ln llie
trunk weie written by Kuntx Insteud
of b a Mnu Thtue leheis ute wiltlen
from rialvcston and prove conclusively
that Kunts luvelKled his victim awuy
from hei homo In Port Worth or Dal-
This evening Marko Herald the mn
of the inuidernd wonian nulvel In
this rit Ho vviis uicomtmnietl by
Mrs I ThomiMuin of Fan Antonio
The wunt to the nuuKUe uud I It raid
Identlded the lod of ihe murilercd
woman and child Ho says Kuntx
came to 1oit Worth In August this
jeur and there they ma and Kutilz
also met his mother there
lift not id invsi ii iivmju
llruoh Wnm vrj
iivi r llie
flneli liuttrlnefl
New Voik Nov 14 The Dole
flleaorin exchanire jMnHlotifd vester
dny by the Nntlonfil Lengun of Inn
bull lulm has aroustrl Jntui T f Irnsli
of Cincinnati who HUld today that bo
had setuied mi option tm lol etei
day He sns that Atthur Irwin and
Kuck Hwlng spoke of the exchange
of Latham of tlie Cincinnati rlub for
Do la yesterday nnl IJaIir not nelng
able lo net culled upun him Mr
Urush whs very busy ut the time and
could not decile light nwny but be
tomldcts that ha hell nn option on
the New Yorker He was very muMi
chagrined vvhtn lie found that Dole
had been tradtd to Haltltnore
IlKlltll lOIIisIO sfTION
IIir Klertrfiii Miirben AIo Hrinpa
thlut Wllh the I iilinnn
Washington Nov 14 ltecognltlon
by tongresH of the Cubans as belli-
gerents wan utged In n resolution adop-
ted ut tutlrts session of tho National
Ilrotherhood of Electrical Workers A
number uf changes in the constitution
weie made providing for u tegulur
slundard vvngu scule and an advance
of the Initiation fee
Tonight the delegates and their
friends were entertained ut a banquet
moiumy vwn Aor
llout Ibtiilc He Wns MUlakru as
lo Uelirlnw rn pluHerm
Livingston Ala Nov 14 Senator
John T Morgan In an Interview with
a correspondent of hu Associated
Press In regard to Lord Salisburys
claim that Senator Morgans objection
to wo payment or inu jienring St a
claims Is based on u mlsupprehemlon
of the facts said
I have not reen the dispatch to which
attention Is called but It Is impossible
that I could be mistaken in facts
which stand opposed to demands of
O rent Hrltsln for 1211000 damage for
saixuro of fishing vessels jrrested la
Mr Clevelands llrrt administration
w jauis A TAIK
Leetnrrd ait Hie ftubjecf of IrohlUI
llon h 1bnrp
Thorps HprltiT Tex Nov II Rpe
rial Hon James A Talo of Tennes-
see lectured Monday night In the uni-
versity chapel Iu the Interest of prohib-
ition His lecture was well received
Messrs Hall and Hrack art harvest-
ing their fall crop of Irish potatoes
-widen was raised by Irrigation
No wheat was sown In this section
Allle Harris Head
HfngcoMVTpx N6v IL Special 5
Mr Allle Harris son of J T Harris
died yesterday of pneumonlaaod was
iounvit ciMiminovs iiiocla
Auvember IH Is Hrt Alturt m ii lint
f rlbunkutliiir for unit r
hum Uleialnss
Austin Tex Nov II Special
The gosurnor today issued the follow
lnif Thanksgiving proclamation
It Is becoming that a Clulstiuu peo-
ple should acknowledge with gratltuda
tho bksuliiKs and forbvarance of Al-
mighty Jod and from time to tlmv
unite In thanksgiving In the freedom
from fumlne und pestilence and wnr
In u fruitful season In the rewards ut
labor In shop and Held uud Ju tho
continued enjoyment nf liberty which
have tome to the people of Texas the
past yea rIUi providence Is seen Upon
the Upbuilding of tho state upon th
enlargement of freedom upon the en
Ilghieumcnt nnd progress of the eo
ple upon lnei easing happiness ind
comforts of lioiuei and upon every mor-
al liittueiuu ami eudouvor His bb slang
should be nuked To1 the end there
fore that devout acknowledgment
and prayer muy be offered and eon
forming to Hie proclamation of tlie
President nf tho United Mates I
Charles A Culberson governor uf Tex-
as do hereby sit npsit and appoint
ThurHday the 26th day of the present
month of November ns a day of
thanksgiving and prayer to be ap-
propriately observed In the jsu il
jdaceM of worship with special remem-
brance nf Hie poor nnd destitute
In testimony whereof Z have here
unto set my hand and causid the seal
of state to bo afllxed at Austin this
tho 14 1 h day of November A D IMS
lly the governor
Secretary of 6tate
To Vevnr a Ilntforut UeelarattoM I
Vwmm Coinage of llolh MetaU
Heat lear
or in liana uovernor neons oi ssisavvn
I burled this morning by the KnlghUot HoB WilliamH HInrlohsen uf UVr
wta ami Qtwr Teuns or
Jrio r
Washington Nov II Senator lion
rla the chairman of the executive conu
mlttee uf six appointed at the Wain
Ing ton conference of last August t
organize for the campaign of 189C th
free silver Democrats of the country
has sent a letter to his colleagues
the chief feature of which Is the foi
In the Hgnt of the recent election re
suits there Is In ray estimation no hops
of Democratic success In ISSfl unless
we can succeed la so organising tho
bl metolllo Democrats as to secure lu
the national convention platform an
unmistakable declaration ln favor of
th fife and unlimited coinage of both
silver and gold without regard to that
financial pollens of any country and
therefore It anpoaro to me that we
should leduuble cr efforts to secure f
such organization A J
SfiiatoFi Harris rolleanues
tor Jones of Arkansas rVnator Turpi
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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 19, No. 331, Ed. 1, Friday, November 15, 1895, newspaper, November 15, 1895; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed October 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .