Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 20, No. 130, Ed. 1, Wednesday, April 29, 1896 Page: 1 of 8

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A 5
k ffft riff c n
isr w w1 1tel
fioCtfCSg swy
B1XX 0 330
3 tlio fiftli of our
days salo
h day lias proved itsell
In sales man mo j
tirl tlniB wo expeot it
tinue NoVer lias thero
ucli Oil 0X111UH1OII Ul
tlfes and our prices
a nhout half
j 10 dollars in gold
lady uuying ino
amount of Lacos 4r
12 days
h fabrics Lawn
lee Organdies and all
Linen eiieciB inen
Piques Percales
i might say ono floor
devoted to dailies
I Waists road y mado
Bioyole Suits Muslin
till loag distance lines
and Telephone com
r to nearly 7000 subacrlb
Entbe principal cities and
of Tax tit
il Button In the ctmtral
We holds and outer con
I rat location
Bi Cf atrat for ataUona
eetea ana rates ohrged
the Visitlui
html Scotch Lava Patterns
tut lias or wash Dress Goods
M cltv
Iroiu of sivirai
IU maki HElOinS
Received by lortruor
Heaaestlno Action on Hi
raltatea Uspoaltton A It-
Tt Anrll 9B
ling collection were reported
loa ay 3
Uclatosh collector of Ttrown
reports occupation collection
uvaorem xzoeizot de
Hrvy collector of Dickens
TCDOrtB flCflltini Inn nv xnilitfl
Wyilorcm II2U0S
Irftcher collector of Tone
wrls occupation tax J1C0I3
jiii ucllniunts 110179
uiaklbonl collector of Davis
furieo occupation tax 167
MS M8s delinquents 212 60
wullvan collector of Victoria
Kporta occupation tax I513G -
vui acllnauents
Ailair collector of Walker
teArtl AMnnll
CYalArn 1 irri 1i
Itnioi uu
GWAnn oriiincD
r Clbraon tor Arret
aiewnrfa Jlnrtlerer
S Ter Atiril oa iH
ir Cult V 2 J -
KJ ror the PPlohenalon of
lB mUrdeivra n rmmft
I Casj county
T mcmvis iUTTin
JJjf With IteKaril to
Biaiea uxpnaltloi
LlS ha recelvea let
nl0P rllck Walh of
iminnan tf tlie aoutli
Sr8irirUlon at
ValliS i1 a ta con
hn - uta tor con
rctha aubject and would bo
Bias to hear from th pcopla of Texaa
Ki iJhlhSr fucJ a tloa at
tlila time la desirable
from January 1 to Date Ilatlrona
Tnxe ItrrrlTeit
Auatln Tex April M peclal
The ecrcr7 of etate reporta fran
na n receipts from January l
1851 to date as bcfnB U30
Comptroller llnloy a sojourning In
Houston for a few day
Woathcrford Mineral Welu and
Northwestern nallway company today
pttJlh Itrollr laoj tax on
KM3 87 quarterly paaenger eafnlnss
II M Jolmaton of th Homton Post
J aallf at u tlt house today
v D Adair collector of Walker
county la here
DroyJKl M fanw
TOHbSralS2rtl S SfiaU
Si0 U6yJ3tK4
son of T Btliaa bathlnc in a
tank BaturdayKowned hi1
companions belnreB VVju t0 raoua
him vii
reitaloit lallA
I jyoahlniiton D C
Pensions for Texansliave been
Issued for Tcxans aa follow
Original Thomas nobb Walters
Travis county Mexican uar widows
Martha Jones Tyler Smith county
rntrnla for Trxna
Waehlnston D C April M Spec-
ial The list of patents for Texas Is
as follows dutch Ernest W Charle
ton Austin refrigerating apparatus
Israel A Podge lirady convertible
planter Columbus Smallln Wolfe CHyl
riding- saddle William C and J D
IadRltt Dallas plow Herman Synv
mank and E Matthjex alddlngs stir
rup Ephriam It Turner Tort Worth
io Tim ciiAvn oiiAHciN or
Great Indlsnallon rrodnced In Lon-
don by tho Tittw Morrturmi Iat
on Foot In Wasbtuartun o Bart
llmutuonds Life Heutences JKny
be Co iu tun ted
rre tori a April 28 Sentenco of death
has bevn pronounced upon Messrs
Philips Hammond lurrar und lihoues
of the Johaiinttburr reform committee
who recently pleaded cullty of hluu
London April 2STh sentence of
lha membeia of tho reform committee
to death at lVetoili ras pruuuiod a
krual Indlsnatlou In London In veil
informed ULrcles however the sen
tencii has caused little surprise as tho
law of the Truimoal prescribes death
lor high treason una the prisoners
bavins pleaded guilty the Judgo could
only pionounco tne sentence which tne
law provides It has also been Ions un-
derstood that very vcveie etniences
would be- paestrfl In order that the
clemency which President Kiuger Is
certain to exercise mlfiht appear great-
er Jt Is thought probalile that tho
sentence of death will be commuted to
a short term of Imprisonment and a
blk line
Mr Chamberlains secretary Mr Wil-
son waa questioned this evening by a
representative of the Associated Tress
ub to Tvhat steps would ba taken by
the British government to save the UXo
of Mr John Hayes Hammond
Mr Wilson refused to make public
the nature of tba steps which would
be taken In Mr Hammonds behalf un-
til Mr Chamberlain had Bam tho Un-
ited State- ambassador Mr Thomas i
Bayard on the subject
Washington April 28 Senators Per-
kins and White were try much sur
rinnfi when Khnwti the Associated
lress cablo announo ng that Hammond
huu been st ntenceui to aeain
When Senator Sftvart who Is a per
sonal friend ofJr Hammond heard
of It ho immeaaieiy set u ww w
prepare o petition In Mr Hammond
behalf which he had circulated among
senators and members of the house
The petition Is addressed to President
Kruger and Is a plea for pardon
ed r riftcn iiisticnEs WHY uiu
II Ia In u Critical Condition nno It
la Penrd hat IIo Cannot
aalnesllle Tex April
YoBterday afternoon about 2 o clock
Ul r llnch candidate for notorial
representatlte from Cooko Denton and
Wise counties fell from a second story
window In the Davenport building and
won seriously It not fatally Injured
He was silting In tho olllce and lom
plalned of feeling badly and got up
and walked to tho front window and
while leaning out of the window fainted
and fell to the ground a distance of
about 23 feet IIo fell on his face nnd
It Is feared he Is Internally injured
Is In a critical condition today and tha
chances ar that he will not surlle
many hours
taniL n r Willi
i niol varied lln of llaht
liero IV ahoirlnaT
ltr at la- I- am Oil
ne ot straw
Wi rU tUa vomprlsaa sprclnl shape- for pr-
18 Main Srivnt Fnrt Worth Texas
LADIES Wo hJve Just received a Hill line of
LUitO I collars for the Shirt Waist
Fatal Fire Yisits Paris
By Night
ii y a uitciMcux Lonaicn is Hits
Ihm Iodticr Dnrnvd to Xeth Two
Mu Mortallr Injured br Fallliiff
Valla Tbs FlraiuenH llarolo
Work IIaWat rroyortr Loatira
Paris Tex April 2 Special Tha
second mittt disastrous lira In Us his-
tory visited Paris this morning About
2 oclock tlamea were netn Issuing fiom
me soutnwest roumn on the second
lloor of J K Bywuttrs large three
MOry building on South Main street
The alarm was given at once and al-
though the fire compiny responded Im-
mediately the flames had spread so
rapidly through tit building that It
oj wrapped in a mass of flames
ureal crovas oi people tnrongcu the
Bt reels and all realized that the entire
business portion of the city was In Im-
minent danger of destruction A high
wind from the iouiheast was prevail-
ing and spaikn and cinders flew hun-
dreds of feet in th air and the waes
of the Are beat mgrlly against tho
live story annex to the Hotel letsrcon
The tierce heat reflected south aualnst
tne umar tioiei ouim ug una to ine
east against tha Bcott Grocer Compaq
ny s building and both buildings wcro
repeatedly In flames but by tho desper-
ate courage of ths ilremun they vers
At 240 the warehouie Df M F Allen
Co was all on Are and the millinery
establishment of Miss Matnrle Qiesham
was burning At 3 ocIocK lire troko
out on the fifth floor of the Peterdon
Hotel annex and works its vay
oteadlly downward and to tha north
Into the main building thf firemen
righting It Inch by Inch At 330 it look-
ed as If tho entire block the rtneat n
tho city was gone The Baum building
whs burning and the root of fhs three
Mory building was In flames Hero the
firemen gained a point of advantage
and heu it
Tha flame in the Connor building
were necked find ror two hours cno
of the greatest lights ever waged
itgalns lliff was fought and the Hie
was under rontitt alter fully 160000
wnth of properly had been destrojed
WM tha gnltant firemen were tak
Ipk a britf rest aftvr Ave hours hard
lighting denie olumes of smoke wero
sttn emerging from tho roof of 1U J
Murphys diug olore and for another
hour the fiiebtys com batted the flames
und ccinqu irCd thim
Hurlcg the lant fire two firemen were
ovenyme by heat and smoke nnd were
drsgged half dead from the building
Tho Are broke out In a room whra
ntneral passenger brRkemen take quar
teis They put John Haulsnmn a tie
inspector to bed there In the oarly part
of tho nlbht in an intoxicated condi-
tion and It la supposed that that he
knocked over a lamp and set the ioom
on fire His charred remains were
taken out of the mini this morning
At 1030 this morning while tha fire
men were throw Inor water on ih i flames
of the ruins of Hotel Peterson the walls
fell crushing and mortally Injuring 8
H Hamsey of this city and Louis
Jtoothche from the Indian Territory
It is Impossible to get the exact leases
In detail to day but they are about as
V1llSll B
It petersontiioie uuiuk nun
uree TO000 Insurance U0W
j jv uyyzjfi uuimiujii in
surance loww noiva y7 M
mortgages consumcu vv
M l Alb n Co wagons and Imple
ments 10000 insured
ClcmeniB eiam v t
000i Insured UOOOO
Bob Cross merchant tailor loss 1700
jrTSTilaH and daughter JUOO
iiilSSrr WM tt lo
unknown 2S00 Insurance
O C Connor aamag to bulldlnir
ffl TDtbaum lo on talMlm
r Siota lo amount
SI Fannie JJorn mMUnery loss
oTcViriiTrielliTontectloner ttMl
ncXmsT tle 1 on hulldlnt
J10W101 Insurant llOW
pails Oas nnd lEleolpo Lhtbt Compa
ifhi rUe Hxpres cnmpsny was
burned out with a loss of several Jiiin
JrVd dollar but rwumrt bulnes Jut
nJross lb strfct at dayllehU
noihni IcaUlni IndtlSt to th perpetrator has devce of
tha crime
it la not
uii for his money but that h
Kkoverlanpade t thehutld
jng on nro i
Krt in restrlnlng th city of Cle
I hum from taking la the l nat of
the crffit aa pr petition ot cltlitm
Unilt Ml rick broukM the ault
The cliv today received the HW0 hook
and ladder truck ordered for the Are
An opening naj found In the jail
today Icadlnjr rum the upper to the
lower cells where the condemned mur-
derer Wiiklns la confined
Several AtldreKKcU Aro lellTered
tiniepre Klectvd
Temple Tex April C8 KSpeclaM
Tho clfthth annual conferen of the
Twas district tC the Oerman Rannel
let 4 Fxnod of North America adjourned
sin die In this city yeaterday after a
fourMfys aeaalon Bon lean were con-
ducted Ton stx different occaelons nt
llev X Zimmerman of Turlington la
prmiileat of tho coneral synod dellv
crlnff he of the addresnee The foN
Jowlnjrmcera were elected for the en
sulnr yiart llev C II Knlkir Clbolo
president Hev V Bauer Cimfort lce
presldent llev J ir llortemann Voll
rncr eeerctary and Kvt Vm DIasberg
Temple treasurer
knocked rnoit this nohu
nnclneer lllden Itffeelrecl rrobnbly
Fntnl lniirlr
WhUesbora Tex April J Spcclal
engineer JJcIden running englno 10
At K T railway was knocked oft
hla engine and probably fatally hurt
about six miles north nt Whiteshoro
th afternoon at 630 oclock It seems
that Belden wm leaning out of his
cab looking at a hot box when loroi
fart of a brldpo whtchhe was croas
ng struck his heod a0 knocked him
to the m ound PhyslclSna sayUelden
will probably die l
Jarfc Miller Tells ths Grand Jary
that tha LrnohraMr Oatltr
of Murder TU Jury Is I uveal I-
Wichita rolls Tex April
Judge ueo U Miller tin opening
the present term of the district court
today delivered a strong and exhaus-
tive charge to tho grand jury Ha
called the attrrtton of that body spe-
cially to the lynching of the bank rob-
bers who ibottd the City National
bank and killed the cashier Frank
Hurhpy on the night of Tebruary 20
He charged that the lynching was
Without Ju at Mention or excuse and
plainly stated that tha men who did
the lynching were guilty of murder
under the law He said criminals had
always been punlnhed by the courts
and Juries of the county and that the
men Kiiieu uorsey would nave ro
celvod their just deserts at Hit hand
uf the law He also passed nevere
strict urs upon the officers tntlnit if
they had don their duty those men
would not hava beent4kv from the
Jail that rtcht and Wichita county
would not have been dlixraced by
molt law The grand Jury is investi-
gating the lynching and a large num-
ber ot witnesses have been supoenaed
Ilorae Toole FrlsM and Hau Affr
Ii Leva of On Teatu llclnff Cul
oa hr lb Cultivator
Banger Tex April 21 Special
Yesterday Zuma Dutler sent his little
brother 8nm a lad about 12 years old
to tho field on a fouffhorse disc cul-
tivator The lines ero fastened around
the boy so that hlsVcd would be
free to handle the levervfj ojn oraa
cause th horse took frtcht ricto a
fence Jerked the mscllJi on the heel
ot tha rcur team cultlntc off their lets
and the boy down In front
of th disc killing- him almost In
stautly Sam was an orplmnr but a
noble Utile boy Ills death occurred
about three miles southwest from
Xo On Was Kill- not Captain
General IVrl and lluuaUold
alrn Or at Sear
Havana April IS Copyrlchted by
the Associated Trefs An explosion bo
llcved to be dynamite or somo other
high explosive occurred in the pala
believed that Boulaman was of tho govirnor gcnerai at jo 0 tnis
morning whtla the correspondent tf
J the Associated lTfs and other news
liiinrD aA5inuo pivns
nnlne Mn ATrTTtd l One
In II m
flreenvllle Tex April 21 fSpeclal
8l Marshal W and fore of po
dno on
itmn raided a
WT1 Saturday night and
rr ted six white men part of whom
Sfmn of th city and o
in aiue up
that aggrrcates
fn the thousand Alter thl was don
m n1 tl
From TKUIlt
Cleourne Tox April temporary SpacIal
paper reprcoentollves were wauinr in
the room for tha Ilrst batch of news
for the day Tho detonation was sharp
and tho building soon tilled with dust
whtla the noise of glass and falling
plaster could b heard on nil sides
Part of th roof of the palac fell in
Th ivnlft lAu occurred in a closet sit
uatrd In a lower story or basement un
der the city nan wnicn part tn
building is converted into a heap of
rubbish The walls were torn great
stones fell end a printer belonging to
the captain generals ome was wound
ed It was at first belleed that tbe
steamboat had exploded but when It
was found to be Inlatt it waa auspected
that th de trucllon waa caused by dy-
namite The rail cause or the dliaster
howevor Is not known Th greatest
excitement preiall here as a result
ot th explosion which naturally is
attributed to tha Insurgents or their
d GBUrtNt April 2S Special
sirs C C Dorms dd at this place
To Leave the Demo-
cratic Party
on J II Xtuaftn Talks llaoU nt
Hotter Hardy A Ills It mot n
41ons Coiumebts from Other
Austin Tnx prll 2S SpecUU
Commissioner Baker1 handed tha Oa
setts reporter today the following
When the reporters called on me
last week for an Interview on the ac-
tion of the sound money Democrats at
Pallas un the Slt Instant X prom lied
them to prepare In full my reusons for
tho conclusions X had reached At that
time I found Myself In such an unfor-
tunate attitude that It seemed to mo
that I could hot do Justtco to myself
without reviewing at length the situa-
tion In pursuance of that promts X
gave the subject some consldcrablo at-
tention but after mora deliberate
thought I havo concluded to abandon
that line for the reason that so much
has already been eA that to add tu
It might do more harm than good
hence It Is that I shall simply stato my
own position
I hata been ft Democrat under any
and all circumstances of political ron
ditlon and have aligned myself with
my party both stain and national at
all times I have toted fur men and
measures when I waa not altogether
sat in Hod wKth cither became tho con-
ditions of the South -were of such a
nature and Its necessities so great that
I was constrained to brlleve thut no
relief could be alstalued for our people
nor could local self government bo se
cured through any other channel than
that of absolute and exclusive united
Kffort nn the nart of all natrlotlc neo-
pie of my section and tat There-
fore It Mni that X subordinated tny tin
dtWdual objections to tho will of the
majority of our parly cam tltuents
This I understand Is Democratic doc-
When the state executive commit t
met here in Austin It occurred lo me
that of all tmes In the history of the
party this was an occasion above any
which the party had ever before en-
countered when the fairness and con
eervatlim on the part of tho commutes
should be exercised to the hlghcKt de
giee During the sitting of the com
mlttee 1 waa not present becauco my
official duties demanded my presence
at my otrirUI deik H it after office
houra 1 exerted myself as much as I
was able to bring about th kind ot
ronnervatlv action Imitated Btlng
however rewarded with a result
which to my mind was the most rad-
ical nnd unprecedented and -which
foreboded a rupture anaj dlslntegrar
Hon from the party of lage numbers
of our best Democrat even to the x
tent of the defeat of the party in tho
November election Seeing tlui condi-
tion and In advance or he meeting of
th sound money conference at lal
veston I made an earnest effort with
some of my free sit vet friends to bring
outrpubllo exptelon from certain In-
fluential gentlemen among that class
of Democrats mblVfh from their com-
manding positions In the party would
serve as a gusrtntee to the sound
monfry Democrats ot Halvaton that
notwtthitandlng the unfair form ot
Knltnt nrfirlh1 bv thf Ststd COtn
mlttee the ballots of the sound money
electors would be counica in ino
convention In my toal in this dlreoi
tlon through unintentional
drnre on my part I Incurred the dl
plcMure atid broke up th personal
confldpnert between rome free silver
friends flhlch has been moat painful
to me personally
Falling In my efforts In that direc-
tion I wrote a letter to a Jesdlng gen
Neman at the Galveston conftrenne In
wtich I lined the following language
I regret that public builness prevents
me from being with you I confidently
expect that the wfadom of your confer-
ence will evolve some plan by which
the party of Jefferson Monroe Jack-
son Cleveland and tfi constitution of
nut- ruth In which ulone local self-
goernmnt can eer be sermred to lha
people may be preserved Tha re
sult of that conference 1 Known of en
tnn I am candid enough to say lhat X
then felt under the conditions existing
at that lime that tt would have been
mi far ths Round money
Democrat who believe that the lusue
Im twitted1 hv the executive tommlttfe
waa of sufficient lmortanro to con-
tend for to at4ncp enter the field with
a full ticket and flshtforthe suprem
aey of their vlefs of ths question
of national finance within the patty
ranks and to b conebided at fh state
convention I Ixlleved that while th
aound money ticket would be defeated
In alt probability that nevertheless
they might secure the put form Which
under the uiftxe and customs of the
party giving to th governor a second
term wrulfl be far more valuable to
the peopl than the election of thfr
ticket but that thrunnlnr of a ticket
JwoulJ rfv strenath foi their side of
the auction at Issue This course would
have been perfectly lesltlmste and In
line with the JiUtory and prtetfoes of
the party In afl the suites lnc the
part wsa first organise ard could
nneslbly meet wtth no purty obteftlon
Thlcourse hbwever wis nt thought
wise or profitable and I had sunponed
It was obandnned until tho call fr th
mettlnK of the sound nioney
ctets at pajmen ine n iftr
Belnr thet the Ineon
sMerate and radical action cf some
the local county commjtlee m Which
the round i noney pemncrsts were Re-
fused the right to vMt the tlrket ro
as to esprer the trps m nlnr
vf sound mooev Demoerats mlvht con-
duce to a split n1 the chairman of
the state occnroltlre having published
a letter In which he stated
ballots which substantially mat the
b 51
r it
t Santa AnnrNem
Th Fort Worth 3astt is the i
only on lof the great Texas
dallies that stands up tor the
right oc the Ptopis in opposi
tion ttothrtnoia standard bonj
issue fleetrlnes of tns ftepuh
Issue would be counted I wrote on tho
17th Inst to a most prominent mem
her of the hOallas meeting in which
after stating In my opinion all Idea of
the nomination of ft ticket ought to bt
abandoned I used the following lan
gusyei Folio Ing tho Idea then sug-
gested by Mr Carlisle to his Kentucky
friend In his recent letter let It be un
dors toed that every ertoit b t o
exerted by our fi lends in cverycounty
In favor of going Into the primaries
and vote the form of the ticket which
tne lianas convention uui an opt tic
Then after going on to explain vhy
this course should be adopted instead
of the one to nominate n ticket I
further said Thla betnjr the situa-
tion as It now looks to me knowlmt
the great Injury which will result to
our state and party It tho Popullatte
party Is encouraged by a victory In
Texas I feel that patriotism demand
at our hands the hltrhest degree ot
conservatism end wisdom even If tt
does suffKt n com prom tne of the pros
pects or the present Ana suci
cess ot our cause Thl waa the prin-
ciple actuated the peerless
statesman UQC Iamar and moved
him to support th celebrated electoral
commission which lost our president
elect but saved ho country from h
bloody war anfl the destruction of our
constitution end withdrew from tho
oppressed southland the frdeial mill
tary with Rherldau at the head ot It
I stale the foregolntf ftts because I
feel that they ere due ta mypelf and
because they servo to show that while
t have been in favor pf obtaining for
the sound money wlnir of our party
with which I am throughly Identified
nil that could he gotten for them In
the party 1 hive not been In Mvor of
gulng out of the -party under the ex
Istlntf etneinctnelra in the etrprt lo accomplish-
that reutt I know it Is
claimed on principle that tin Issue U
too great for any patriotic Democrat
to subontlnste H to the welfare of any
mere patty to which euggistton 1
would cheerfully buvr and aecrpt It
the condition of the political elements
In Texas aiJ th south were In any
senne like those which exist In New
York or ny olhr of the northern
states There In nmny respects It
does not mnks any great difference In
the administration ot local affairs
whether the lepnbllcnn or DnucratlQ
parties are in power Thef liva no
threat or prospect ot defeat fcy a party
which Is oppoied to UtUs to lands In
Individuals and In favor of tho state
onnluir alt railroads and teldgraph
lines and being Kenerally converted
into n great business machine thus
overthrowing all the cherished forme
of Ipcal government under which
every eltlsen 1 guaranteed the largest
iihrtv with th welfare of
all the sople Much however Is not
the situation In Texas and t woulrj
regard tne v ii vm
An inexpressible blight on the
and prosperity of the peopm of
Texas from ishlrh they coul not re
cover In ft generation It mnv be that
the ordenl ot misrule nnd recon-
struction under th heel of which L
learned my first lesson In Democracy
havo made me too reat ft stickler for
the autonomy of my party and local
state government Hut whether that
be true or not I cannot persuade my
Judgment that the present emergency
is sufflclent to Justify m In following
so many of dearest Democrotlu
friend cut of the regular orKftnltatlon
to which we ato Indebted for In peace
and local self government underwlch
n ltt
I of course find no words in myJ
mourn to conociui -I ww
cause they feel more Keenly tne wrongs
done tU PW hy executive com
iiilttee than I do They are patrioilo
and conscientious Democrats and In
my judgment are honestly and earn-
estly endeavoring lo serve th best
Interests of the party In the manner
which seems to them the best I nlf
fef with them only aa to th rmHhods
by wJifa this service should be ren-
1 have nothing more to say X havo
been less Inclined to say anything
than I h ve ever been on any former
occasion ot my llf this must be
appant to all thinking men who will
give throe minutes thought 1n the
superbly unfortunate position In
which I am placed I could not say
less without being subjected to the
charge of fenco rblhuc nid th want ot
political manhood Whatever may b
the adverse ctillclsms upbn me and
whatever effeet It may have upon my
political life In tho future I could not
afford to occupy any doubtful attitude
In a crlsU like this nor breaths the
air of a freeraau without saying this
Jnilfftt nKiin llrnta a StHti nt
AUdt by llutntt Hardy
Autln April 28 Special
In discussing the politics situation In
Texas Judge ncsgan expressed him
self ss follows I nee by th news-
papers that Xlufus Hardy in n spetffh
introduced resolutions In th gold
standard meeting at Core leant fwhlch
wero unanimously adopted Among a
number of false statements contained
In thess reset utIAns X find the follow
lig For further evidence tt such be
nin dfdr tu establish a free stlyer party
we point to the declaration madV
months ago by It V Bland pff Mis-
souri who it now the leader of the
free silver Demoeiacy and It candi-
date for president and Judge Ilcagan
Highest of stll In Lcavcniag Power
Kent Dlmllloe Grass Llnenn Lawns Piques Dnokf
rcrculee etc
Our eeooud iprtng Block la Don in We have all the
newest Idoan In WnshKabrlcs exaot oopleai of ths beet
patterns in French Orandi so neatly pnfeol that at a
short distance it Id almost Impossible to toll them from
the original and the beet part of It is that the ptloe is
lucha llttlo one Better inveetigato
j The Parker LowfDry Goods Co
Agents Bazar Glove Fitting Patterns
of Texas to the effect that the nation
al Democrauo party would split unless
there was a free silver plank In tfc i
platform I hao madv no such stats
ment But If I had what right had
Judgo Hardy to object to it at the
sub leader of a parcel ot political bolt
ers and now hading a bolt from the
Democratic party T He should not at-
tempt to excuse or palliate his treason
against the Democratic party by a
falsa chare a aaiMnjt ma
X Slnale HriMor tlxpresiee
I1U getattmeufs
Crcenvtlle Tex April
ot tho sound money con-
ference at Calls tr Mrrii w Harris
editor of the Herald remarked to th
aasetto reporter today
expect to continue to oppom the
unlimited and Independent uolnsgs ot
wilver at 10 to 1 because I believe that
policy if adopted by this government
alone Would demoralise th L business of
the country and result ti pur sliver
monometallism I believe tho action ot
th Dallas conference Is Ill timed and
not calculated lo advance the causa
of sound money In Texas Dudley Is
the only man authorised tu call a stato
convention of the Democracy of this
state and delegates from tho regular
convention will I believe be seated at
Chicago if free silver delegates from
Texas to the national convention go
over to the tree1 ttiler party sound
many voters ran make their align-
ments state and national
l see no good that can be pocomp
llshcd by abandoning the regular or
gsnlxatlon at this time X da not with
to contribute to Populist supremacy
In Texas X do not regard Dudley an
a fair standard by which to mod sure
tbi brains nnd pstrlotlsmot the dom-
inant faction In Texas iKdltlcc and It
will take a great deal more than the
arbitrary and audacious macblustlons
ot demagogues of he Dudley calibre
to drlyo me away from my party
The rincea nt Which 11 Will paM
Ill lo Muy JO
Corslcena Tx Mrll 8 Special
The fallowing I th list of Judge JUr
Uys appointments to the 10th proximo
On fisturdey afternoon May X he
will spaak at Iarls Tex Monday fter
noou May 4 clarksvJUet Denlson Tues-
day night May Bl Greenville Wednes-
day night May n rort Worth Thurs-
day night May 7f McKInftey Haturdiy
erternoon May fl
Judge Hardy will put In the ronatn
der of the month at various points
over the state a list of which appoint-
ments will bo published aa soon as ar-
ThT Est I wis Today vrm
JIU tli right th riatfsav
nfrAtt Itleh Anrll It TCnaatln
tsrr ir4 been developed lo tha fight
ror supinsoy in tu i euoiuiwj
tomorrow between silver and gold
forces Th tat central commute
will tonight seleot a temporary rtialr c
man Bllver leaders claim a majority
of four on th committee for their can-
didate Hon Thomas K Uarkwotth of
Jackson The opposition do not con-
cede this and hope to elect Alfred J
JJurphy of JJetrolt
Chairman Elliott Stevenson called
the comUte to order at I oolook this
evening for the election of a tamporary
chairman for th convention and j
fred J Murphy was Immediately
ed It is thought Mr Sarkworth may
b selected for permanent chairman
In th convention tomorrow the sil-
ver advocates will make their flfht on
th platform They havo scorned an
overtures looking toward oompromls
and will Insist on a declaration for fre
silver coinage at 18 lo 1
Ditownuu iviiii
Vai Tbn vlth Cramp n till In
th cnlr of Hi Tank
Dejatur Tax April M Special
About 12 oclock ytslerdayiwhlle Itut
Cooper and several other men colored
were swlmmtng In Wsggoners tank
two miles east ot town Cooper while
near th center of tha tank com-
menced cramping and before help
could reach llni was drowned Xt took
Iwo or three h6urs searching befor
the body was recovered The water
tu from 10 to tt feet dup 1
TillioAnn iviiii HKDUAvoniKl
dtlitlnar m llolcinuer I l
Trulra Annal piTaiiuii
McKinney Tex April W Upealal
McKinncy is thronged with onuus
lasto Bndeavorers who havi Wen
pouring in on evry train duilng th
last twcntyfouf hours to attend tha
third annual convention of th DaUa
district leading Endaorers of th
stats ar hor
ww wv nn

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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 20, No. 130, Ed. 1, Wednesday, April 29, 1896, newspaper, April 29, 1896; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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