The San Saba County News. (San Saba, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 21, Ed. 1, Friday, April 8, 1892 Page: 1 of 4

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mas euQil
to all wh
NjlJ5foniedby th county
tsufytbat there orwill be
Jipiereditof San ifgk sAool
l a balance on Ibis yfrs f ujtij
iout JJI6JJ Now the public
bol buildUig needs repairing
ring jjjjition the bats take pos
jion an leave their filth and or
almosE unbearable for the fall
a They Bo ldbe stoppedTqot
1 rpof
> doors and window blinds need
lairing Vpwxistern should bo
iincd and ijK edJiaj thWgfit2
uuiimngi ailis
II liquidate the indebtedness on
1 bailding and by repairing the
jilding with the present surplus
lr town have a good building and
Ireafter sufficient funds to run a
no months free school Wo trust
je board of trustees will take this
fatter under consideration and
> ok after the school district and
ot defer action too long
San Saba town and county have
itnessed decided improvements
Inringthe past year Our town
as Rained new business firms
new business men the population
has increased and all dwell in
peace and harmony nnd hopes of
greater prosperity predominate
The county is blessed with bright
prospects for a successful year
STany new settlers have taken up
their abode with us and are busy
tilling the soil and so far they are
highly pleased with San Saba
county All these things unite to
place San Saba countyon a basis
of prosperity never before known
here Tho next twelve months
will bring new developments and
new enterprises and San Saba
f countys ratesof prosperity will
increase and our county will take
its place where by nature it was
intended to be in the foremost
ranks of weBternconntJBS
A county fair wonld advertise
our trade and industry It
would show the kind and quality
oE farm products Wo could dis-
play our minerals and invite for
eign capilalists to come and see for
themselves and to see our county
just as it is is the finest advertise
ment possible It would bring
money into the county and as itis
now the fairs elsewhere take money
away from the county Besides
the advantages of this local enter
prise and the financial benefits
arising there from it wonld afford
pleasure and pastime and would be
3 place of meeting for old friends
and acquaintances Let uh not
stop until wo get this fair Come
right on and say how much
San Saba is a candidate for the
county conventions this summer
Her advantage ore she has a good
sized hall splendid hotel accom-
modation plenty of water pure air
hospitable citizens near the cen
ter of the county has good roads
leading to it and plenty of Tegeta
bles mel and bacon Therefore
should San Saba be the place for
the summer conventions
Cleveland is in the lead and mov-
ing at a uniformly accelerated
d and Hill is moving with a
ormly retarded motion There
iwsome doubt as to whether
EHilbnaraeiont nkteof the
York delegation will be men
i at the final convention
Fhe textbook bill has again
fallen back into its sleep It was
X Lbrbught npm the House and after
Sa lengthy and excited debate the
rotowaSi taken when counted it
P gasuoMlsiliat 52 in favor of not
passing the bill and 40 in favor of
passing it and thus tho bill died
on its final test
Block li
San Saba News
Courier Journal
Palacios president o Venezuela
narrowly escaped death by the ex
plosion of a dynamite bomb thrown
by some unknown person It was
a bold atte > blow the presi-
dent up rjliexcitement pro
Jf instead of waiting for some
thing to turn up to make things
livelier4n our town tho people
wouldhustle out and turn some
thing up they would fiud that ev
erything would put oa adiffeiintj
Brady Sentinel
And in case that fails we would
suggest they try a brief sketch of
< Ba-
The storm at Santa Anna on the
night of March 31st assumed cy
clonian strength It damaged
property mostly residences to the
extent of about 84000 eleven per-
sons were severly injured undone
The Llano extension is moving
along nicely Trains are running
as far out as the Colorado river
Work has been some what delayed
by material failing to arrive in
time but the work is being push
ed on rapidly
TlTe state democratic executive
committee assembled lost week at
Waco have elected Lampasas as
the place of holding the State Na-
tional convention and Houston
for the State gubernatorial con-
Itis said that the Fort Worth
Gazette opposed Mills and Mills
is now in the Senate The Gazette
also opposes Cleveland may it con-
tinue its good work was the wish
expressed in one of our exchanges
Come 01 with
Dont stop until
fair fund
we get
It Should Be in Every House
it up
Soon nil onr surrounding counties
will have fairs and then it will be
too late for us now is the accepta-
ble time So come right along
It is reported that J Gould and
C P Huntington signed a docu-
ment at El Paso a few days ago
but no one knows what the docu
ment was except the attorneys
We notice in many of our pa-
pers valuable space filled with tre
mendous puffs of political wind
Less politics and more devotion to
home enterprise might be more
Tho annual election of school
trustees will take place on the first
Saturday in June After which
the annual swapping of teachers
will be in order
Collins Armstrong of Fort
Worth are in thepiano and organ
business when you need an instru-
ment write to them for terms
New settlers are rapidly coming
into our county They are well
pleased with the land of their
Who is going to get up that big 1
barbecue Wouldnt it bo funny if
jail the candidates would logue tc
Tu Q Mills has received indorse jgether aud give a big picnic
ents from all
quarters Perhaps f
w men have ever entered tho We have a first class job office
senate liall with such praise in and will do your work at lowest
d orsemeuts and with a warmerrates call on us when you need
welcome than did Mills of the
great State of Texas
Consampllon Cnrcd
J0 old physician
i retiring from prae
trceibavlns had placed in hi bands by
anTEJist India missionary the formnla of i
T smTpW vegetablo remedy fnr the speedy
4 andi Wrroanent core of Consumption
Broncbra Catarrh Asthma and all throat
any stationery
The Worlds fair will take place
in 1893 A question for meditation
is will San Saba county be repre-
aualnnjrlftrrttions also a positive and 1 J B Wilson 371 Clay St Sharmtmrg
g radicalcnrayrPc > > J debility and all Pa nayshe will not bowitliont Dr KinKa
aerv ons coMBamtn after having tested New Discovery for Oonsmnption Coughs
n it s woriderf lVI1a c powern in thousand and CoMs that it cnrcd his wifo who was
ofensi La JSi1 dnty u > make it thrcateued with lnenmoniiafter Tin at
STs ow Act ° aed ack of La Grippe when various other
Xfi < fd a desire to relieve Im remediet ami wver il physicians luiil done
VlwjUhendfreo if charge homo good Bobert Il TrberoiCookst > ort
r dWro it this recipe m claims Dr Kings New Discovery has
socEnglish with full di done hlui mora good than anything ho ov
ngnndnsing Sent by er used for Lung Trouble jfothin like
with stamp naming it Fiee Trial Bol ties at Tom M Grays
Ji ojes 820 Powers ilrng Store Largo bottles f > 0 cents and
8100 5
Ajidthe bill will
next session
We have received Vol 1 No 1
of the The Youths Southland pub
lished at Waco Texas This new
journal proposes to be to the young
folks of tho south what the Youths
Companion is to the north
Our county is on a better basis
of prosperity than ever before
Crops are doing well and stockim
4KTBeKndicatio us are that there
wuubefourjS presidential tickets
oming eJH b pJainsfoi
ThetownofTohowando Ho was
wiped off the face of tho earth
Other towns were also greatly
A fire broke out in New Orleans
Apr 3 and destroyed millions of
dollars worth of property includ-
ing five largo cotton compresses
about 80000 bales of cotton The
cotton loss is estimated at about
There is a young lady in Maine
who has never laughed and who is
unmoved by the most comical pro
ductions Why dont they try her
with a republican platform
An ice factory on a
would do tvell here
rest until
Died Apr 1st the Uniform Text-
book bill
small Ecale
Hill might have made a good
race but his bray gave him away
Coleman refused to incorporate
by a vote of 123 to 100 But Tot
ing does not make a city A city
is a city for a that
Marble Falls is working hard and
earnestly for the speedy erection
of a cotton and woolen factory at
that place May she succeed
When a man so lives that his
conscience and actions are recon <
ciled the world will seem brighter
and more pleasant
Tho special
session will soon
The kickers the kickers
Oh how they do dick
They kick when they are well
And they kick when theyre sick
They kick if you will
And they kick if you wont
They kick if you do
AndiMk > kick ifyou < lilltt
Thej kic if youre up
And they kick if youre do wn
They kick at the country
They kick at the town
They kick at the polished
They kick at the rude
They kick at the wicked
They kick at the good
They kick if youre in
And they kick if youre out
They kick at the weak
And they kick at the stout
They kick all tho night
And they kick all the day
They kick at tho neighbors
Just over the way
They kick at the poor man
Who loses his luck
They kick at the brave one
With git up and pluck
They kick at the wise men
They kick at the fools
They kick at the churches
They kick at the schools
Tis plain that tho best thing
These kickers can do
lis to just kick the bucket
And bid life adieu
Llano Texas
The storm last week did some
damage to property in and about
Santa Anna
McElree3 Wine of Cardul
for sJe by the following merchants in
JNEddins San Saba
Ketchnm Son San Saba
ThosHollis Bend
Mrs K W Daily Cheroiee
S K Hanner Bend
J K Hartley Cherokee
J J Taylor Richland Springs
Fercheron Full Breed
T a 2arge and powerful Perche
j ron fi fs ifUbout 1CJ hands high
Will stand at my stable four
miles aveaf of San Saba town on
Noriksido San Saba river
Tnsnre for S10 J C EAlNEr
JKstray Xotice
Taken op by Kilcy Harkcy living 4
milouwest of San Saba toon and eslrayed
liefbro J W Tboniai J P Precinct No 1
San Saba county Texas on tho 10th of
itarcli 1A02 one bay stallion about three
years old aud bout 13 bands high nn
hranded Appraised by T J Grnutct and
W II Johnson at Eftoen dollars
Witness my official signature and seal
of office at San Saba Texas this 10th day
of March 18 A D JGGAN
Connty Clk San Saba Co
Devoted to the Interests aud Upluilding of San Saba County
Ed News I notice a contribu-
tor to the News signing him-
self Observer giving the locality
and surroundings of what is known
as the Harky school house His
observations and statements were
correct with the exception af a part
of the statement i j regard to the
Grange He said the Grange
was organized at the Harky school
house and met every second Satur
day The Grange was organized
at theJETarkey school house in May
28thjp875 an d meets twice a moitli
ehTdenominations wlienit began
meeting there in a year or two the
fourth and fifths Sundays were oc
cupied regularly by two branches
of Methodist Cumberland presby-
terian and Baptist The Grange
meeting twice a month necessarily
conflicted with the religious meet
ings but never with religious servi-
ces When the time came for re
ligious services the membership of
the Grange was always there and
quite an audience too Some
might ask why go back to the Har
key school house 1st because a
great portion of the membership
had moved from that community
2nd because there were no meeting
of any kind at the Harkey school
house nor has been for seven or
eight years except preaching two or
three times a year 3rd we believ
ed we would be carrying out our
declaration of purposes as we
would be seeking the greatest good
to the greatest number in so doing
So we moved back to the Harkey
school house Nov 11th 1891 since
that time there is two regular ap
pointments for religious services
One appointment fill by Eev Buck
Bomar of the C P church one ap
pointment filled by the Bev Shaw
baptist also a Sunday school orga
nized with the membership of 42
with the efficient J C Kainey sup
erintendent and the efficient James
Gauny secretary as stated by U
server so you preceive the Grange
is still carrying out its declaration
of purposes by observing in essen
tials unity in non essentials liber
ty in all things charity and the de
veloping of a better and higher
manhood and womanhood among
ourselves J F L
Jlarfiy Schoolhonse
Pleasant weather Vegetation
is coming on rapidly The pros
pects for a crcp of small grain is
very flattering The stand of
young corn is excellent The fruit
crop was not destroyed by the cold
spell in March With no disaster
in tho fnture this crop will be
Mr T J Jackson and lady are
here from Waco visiting relatives
Mrs Jackson is a neice of Mrs
Barnett and daughter of Hon Jer-
ry Fleming who wasonce a citi
zen of San Saba county
The writer has just returned
from a trip from up the Colorado
river Found the loss in stoek to
be very grpat some men have lost
at least threefourths of their en
tire stock
The county alliance held a har
monious session last Friday at
Bowser Bend J B Carroll presi-
dent in the chair Trust the wor
thy secretary will give us the full
proceedings in the News
Prof Eager an alliance lecturer
of ability will address the people
throughout San Saba county dur-
ing the month of May
1 notice in your issue of the
25th of March that Old Eusty of
Horse3hoe Bend takes the county
Judgo to task because his children
fails to get the benefit of the pub
lic money Doubtless he failed to
havs them enrolled at the proper
time Some people grumblo at
the officials and find fault with tho
teachers when the fault realy is
with their own dear selves They
fail to do their duty towards their
dear children We should see
that our childrens names are en-
rolled When the teacher is em-
ployed wo should send them to
school every day But our teacher
does not suit neighbor Smith aBd
if we had employed Shultz to
teach for us he would not have
suited neighbor Jones and so it
goes Observed
Llano continues to grow and get
The silver bill is still slumber
ing Eequiescat in peace
Cleveland is slowly bnt surely
coming to the front
< i Announcements
rftnr terms for announcing can
diuies are as follows
DjJtrict Officers 81000
Ctnnty 750
Conmissioners fj00
PEcinct Officers 300
rmscash with the announce-
auihoizcsus to him
Jondidatefor the reelection to tho
WaSgimtyJni at tbo if0Tenllier
Elcoonify >
S L ranJJSl 5sti > au
JOHN McCONNELL authorizesns
to anmunce him as a candidate for tho
office of Il3rrict and Connty Clerk at tho
Novembel Election
WHiESTEP authorizes us to an
nouree him as a candidato for re
election to tho office of Conuty Treasurer
at the NoYanbcr Election
SE IV HUDSON authorizes ns to an
nonnce bin as a candidate for reelcc
lion to the ofice of Sheriff and Tax Col
lector at tho lovembe Election
JOHN FAV R authorizes ca to announce
him as a candidate for the officeof Sher
iff and TaxCollector at the November
FAVEE authorizes ns to announce
him as a tandidate for the office cf
Connty Attorney at tho November Elec-
tion CA JAMISON authorizes us to an
nonnce Ida as a candidate for the office
of County Attorney at the November
BOFFLEMYKE authorizes us
to announce him as a candidate for re
election to tba oQico of Hide and Animal
Inspector at tboxovcniber Election
LINDSEY authorizes us to au
nonnco him as a candidate for reelec
tion to the offico of Tax Assessor at the
November Election
Dealer In
Boots and Shoes
E pairing neatly and promptly
UJ Work Guaranteed
Watchmaker Jewelex
Watcbes Clocki and Jewelry repaired on sboi
noticeaad at reasonable rates
Sodth sidePnblic Square San Saba Tex
SottUiSlderuMioSqnareSAU SABA TEXAa
Keeps airaya on band fresh zneat sanaago etc
Wheelwright BlacksmitIi
W1U d blacksmith work and reoairinj of D >
cbiaery of all kinds at reasonable rates
HorseSIioeinga Specialty
Give mo a liberal Bhare of your patronage and
I guarantee satisfaction
If You Want a
iano or urga
Terms Easy
Prices Low
Instruments of all grades
and Prices
Bargains in 2nd hand
goods always on hand
Agent wanted Generally
Good Looks
Good looks oro more tban skin deep de
pending upon a bealtby condition of all
the vital organs If tbo liver be inactive
yon bave a bilious look if ysor stomach
be disordered you bave a dyspeptio look
and if your kidneys be affected you havo a
pinched look Securo good health and
yonwill have good looks Electric Bit
tcrs is the great alterative and tonic acts
directly on tboso vital organs Cures
pimples blotches boils and giTcs a gosd
complexion Sold at Tom M Grays
Drugstore 60c per bottle < Tt
w s SAsnEcsojf ir d
r I
g n sandeison ild
Sanderson Brothers
Dealers Is
MBaints Oils Yarnislies Toilet Articles Etc
Only tho Forest and Freshest Drugs kept in stock Special attention paid
to Ilio Jobbing Trade
Physicians Prescriptions Careulli Compounded at All Hours Day or Wight
TIV Keep a Select Asssortment of Vine Jewelry at iloilerate Prices
ESTAgcnts for Hawkes Celebrated Spectacles
VS i aie S
Staple and Fancy firo eerier
5 °
Headquarters for Ranch Supplies
We endeavor to keep tbo best and to sell at a legitimate proCt Flour and other
heavy groceries aro handled in car load lots V e also keep a Beat assortment of Queens
waro and glasswaie
Dry Goods Clothing Notions
Boots Shoes Hats Gents Furnishings Etc
Shoo Company
tSTho BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Possible Trices Give me a share of your
patronage and satisfaction is assured
James Dofllcmyre Proprietor
Headquarters for Commercial Travelers and Stock
men and a comfortable place for all
Hero yon will find good meals comfortable beds fine cigars and pnlite attention
Our aim is to keep a full line of iirot class groceries ttclt at a Ityjithuatu profit fur
cash handle country prod nee when it can l o done without loss We solicit a liberal
share of pnblic paronage believing that tto can civo satisfaction
Feed Farm Produce Farm MachiiKMy
Cigars Tobaccos Candies and a General
Line of Groceries
Tom Monk
Tlie Saai Saba News
San Saba Texas
SUBSCRIPTION S150 per year
J Uii 5 GLAiuii
fflimvarcl Glasswarc iul
and Crockery
Mitchel Moline and
Standard Wagons
Buggies Hacks Surrays
Phaetons and Road
McCormick llcapers Mow-
ers and Hinder Twine
Hidden Wire
Corner Hock Building Op-
posite Dofflemyre Hotel
gulf Colorado
The Popular Route
The Direct Rome
The Santa Fe Route
Between all Foints m
And Kansas City St Louis Cbicagr
Kantas Colorado California
and all points in tbo
North East West
Elegant Pullman Falaco Buffet Sleeping
Cars are rnn through every day in the
year from
To Kansas City via Purcell St Lonis
viaFrisco Line ConnectingSt Lonis
and Kansas City Union Depots
with Fast Senice to
Through ticketsBaggage chccksSleeping
Car Berths and all travel information
Furnished on application to any
Santa Fe Agent
II G Thompson G P T A Galves
ton Texas
BF Gaffobd Agent Lometa Texas
kE ° Sui o ° a 3 b
2i sj c = oiSOJi

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The San Saba County News. (San Saba, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 21, Ed. 1, Friday, April 8, 1892, newspaper, April 8, 1892; San Saba, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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