The Citrus Industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas Page: 6
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The authors wish to express their appreciation for the as-
sistance given by Dr. L. C. Corbett and T. Ralph Robinson,
United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.,
in the making of fruit analyses, and to Messrs.. Chas. Volz,
John H. Shary and M. F. Armstrong of Mission and H. Han-
son of Donna for samples of fruit used in illustrations of varie-
ties; to Eltweed Pomeroy, Donna; S. J. Baker, San Benito;
C. M. Greenlee, Donna; A. J. Whiteside, Donna; J. Hickman,
Rio Hondo; E. E. Teeter, McAllen; W. M. Bell, Donna; H. S.
Bonnycastle, Weslaco; A. H. Kalbfleisch, Mrs. F. M. Carter,
W. F. Shaw, Mercedes; E. E. Evans, Mercedes; Mrs. J. C.
Montgomery, Brownsville; T. C. Richardson, Lyford ; and H.
Raymond Mills, Harlingen, for many valuable suggestions on
the various phases of the bulletin; to members of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture for numerous favors and courtesies ex-
tended in the preparation of the bulletin, and to many other
persons throughout the State whose co-operation has contrib-
uted in no small degree to the work at hand. Literature from
both California and Florida has been freely consulted in work-
ing out many problems herein given. Where direct quota-
tions are made, however, credit is given.6
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Del Curto, J. M.; Halstead, E. W. & Halstead, Hal F. The Citrus Industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, periodical, 1925-01-01/1925-02-28; Austin, Texas. ( accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.