TITLE rule-review

Amended Agency Rule Review Plan

General Land Office

Title 31, Part I

Filed: April 12, 1999

Proposed Rule Review

Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

Title 22, Part I

The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners will review and consider for readoption, revision or repeal Title 22, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 1, Subchapter G (Compliance and Enforcement), Chapter 3, Subchapter G (Compliance and Enforcement), and Chapter 5, Subchapter G (Compliance and Enforcement).

The review and consideration is being conducted in accordance with the General Appropriations Act, Article IX, Rider 167, passed by the 75th Legislature.

An assessment will be made by the agency whether reasons for adopting or readopting these rules continue to exist. This assessment will be continued during the rule review process. Each rule will be reviewed to determine whether it is obsolete, whether the rule reflects current legal and policy considerations, and whether the rule reflects current procedures of the agency. The review of all rules must be completed by August 31, 2001.

Comments of the review may be submitted in writing within 30 days following the publication of this notice in the Texas Register to Cathy L. Hendricks, Executive Director/Secretary, Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, 333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-350, Box 12337, Austin, Texas, 78701-3942. Any proposed changes to these rules as a result of the review will be published in the Proposed Rules Section of the Texas Register and will be open for an additional 30 day public comment period prior to final adoption or repeal by the department.


Cathy L. Hendricks, ASID/IIDA

Executive Director

Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

Filed: April 13, 1999

Adopted Rule Reviews

General Land Office

Title 31, Part I

In accordance with the Appropriations Act, §167, the General Land Office (GLO) adopts without changes its proposed rule review conclusion that the reasons for adopting §§1.11-1.14, relating to Purchase of Excess Acreage, continue to exist and re-adopts without changes §§1.11-1.14, relating to Purchase of Excess Acreage.

The proposed rule review appeared in the February 12, 1999, issue of the Texas Register (24 TexReg 1000).

No comments were received regarding this proposed rule review conclusion and the re-adoption.


Larry R. Soward

Chief Clerk

General Land Office

Filed: April 9, 1999

Texas Department of Human Services

Title 40, Part I

The Texas Department of Human Services adopts without changes Title 40 TAC, Chapter 17 (relating to Tel-assistance Program), and Chapter 18 (relating to Nursing Facilities Administrators) pursuant to the Appropriations Act of 1997, House Bill 1, Article IX, §167.

The proposed review was published in the March 5, 1999, issue of the Texas Register (24 TexReg 1641).

No comments were received regarding the review.


Paul Leche

General Counsel

Texas Department of Human Services

Filed: April 12, 1999

Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

Title 30, Part 1

The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (commission) adopts the review of the rules in 30 TAC Chapters 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 40, concerning Procedural Rules. This review complies with the General Appropriations Act, Article IX, §167, 75th Legislature, 1997. The proposed notice of review was published in the January 1, 1999, issue of the Texas Register (24 TexReg 172).

The commission readopts the following rules: 30 TAC Chapter 1, concerning Purpose of Rules, General Provisions; 30 TAC Chapter 3, concerning Definitions; 30 TAC Chapter 5, concerning Advisory Committees; 30 TAC Chapter 10, concerning Commission Meetings; 30 TAC Chapter 20, concerning Rulemaking; and 30 TAC Chapter 40, concerning Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure, as required by the General Appropriations Act, Article IX, §167. Section 167 requires state agencies to review and consider for readoption rules adopted under the Administrative Procedure Act. The review must include, at a minimum, an assessment that the reason for the rules continues to exist. The commission reviewed the rules in each of these chapters and determined that the reasons for adopting these rules continue to exist. The rules are necessary to establish general commission procedures, as required by Texas Government Code, §2001.044. These rules are also necessary to prescribe certain commission procedural requirements for general agency operations, commission advisory committees, commission meetings, commission rulemaking activities, and alternative dispute resolution.

The commission concurrently adopts amendments to §§;1.5, 3.2, 5.5, and 10.4 in the Proposed Rules section of this issue of the Texas Register . The changes were identified during the course of the commission's review and primarily correct statutory references and make clarifications. In addition, the commission adopts conforming changes in 30 TAC Chapters 305 and 312 in this edition of the Texas Register . The specific changes are noted in the proposed rule preamble for each action.

The comment period for the review closed on February 1, 1999. No comments were received on the proposed notice of review.


Margaret Hoffman

Director, Environmental Law Division

Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

Filed: April 13, 1999