Waco Daily Examiner. (Waco, Tex), Vol. 18, No. 163, Ed. 1, Thursday, May 14, 1885 Page: 1 of 4

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Waco Daily Examiner.
Brew-tor .ill l (0 1
THE SEASON for light goods is at hand and wo Iiuyc opened and put on sale this week the largest and most complete stock of White Goodsul Wash Dress Goods
cYer shown in this city. Tho bargains that we oiler this week in the following lines are beyond the reach of competition. They consist ot"cut' 'prices in'-
Victoria Lawns
India Lawns
l'crsl.in Lawns
Kj'yptlan Lawns
Linen do India
Linen Lawns
L'crmv India Lawns
Kercw Persian Lawns
ICcrcw ICcyptiau Lawns
Coloied India Mulls
Colored rerlnti Lawns
1'rlnteil Lawns
l'riuteil 1'ersian Mulls
1'riiitctl Persian Lawns
Printed Organdies
Printed Linen Lawns
And the greatest bargains iu.Satteens
ever ollored.
Printed Kgyptian Linen
llaiubtir); Kiubroidery
Mull Knibroiilery
Swisi lCnibroldery
All over Liubroiilerio.i or all kinds
white and colored.
It will be to the interest of purchasers to take advantage of the bargains offered in these
come more than about once in a lifetime. So be early and get a good selection.
lines as the chances for such bargains don't
H i hnvojust received lines of Table Linens Tablo Covers Tow-c-
lto lic-. Napkins Kcd Spreads Lure licit SetK I'inilo Covers
Luce Tidies and Linen Crushes Irom one of (lie lnrcs. jiciiil
.'lc- ol these frntMlv ever liiul In New York. 'I'lie goods liuve
Im i n bought wi below lliclr market vnliie. the benefits of this
hc w ill oiler In flir Hililie this week. Lach ami every lot wo
quote w ill lie shown on our counter and 1. miles should avail
tlu-ui-elvos of this
T3ol& OJi.&&Ljp&&t Sale o
Brin" it with you to our storo this week ami we will show you every lot
r Advertised.
Towel" nixis
i per iloen.
jlrni'lu'il llnrk Towels 31x188 1-3
ifi'tit- each 90 cents per doen.
Id.fiO per iloen.
Towel 31xlfi Hi
-.7'i per iloen.
MIS per iloen.
Ill.imii Damask I owels oTx'.'ll -.'
liM. I.'i cents per doen
Ml Linen Cheeked and Turkov l)ov
Damask Talile Cloths Bordered.
(i.'i cents each.
inch Tin key Iteil 'I'nlile Linen
fast color 37 l-'J cents per yard
Linen III cenls per yard.
A inch Checked Class Toweling ut
' ti een
lit per yard.
17 inch
I ' Tone
Linen Cheeked CJ li
12 1-a cents per yard.
enn l'.eit Quality lloneyeonib lied
dUU Spread- at "J.'t eeuls'eaeh.
; Marseilles
Sp reads nt
9A Damask Tnlile Cloths bordered
nl h.'i cents each.
12-4 K
Damask Table Cloths border-
!!.().' each.
fcvi it ; I
for Infants and Children.
"CutsrU I) so writ adaptM to children Unit
( recommend it aa superior to any praicripUon
kwnru Vi mc " ILi. Auniun M D
1U So. Oxford St UrooUo H. Y.
Tun Gcmca Coju'ast liB fulton Btrts-t K. Y
CutorU cores Colic Constliwtlon
Sour Rtomwh Ilmn-hir-a UruitMIon
Kills Worms ciies sleep ami pruiuotoo in-
ception Without Injurious malic&Uoo.
' YfvJ . .. Ql1Mass
W . fl ir jH
I Ziif& ft-.
C.W. DORR Manager
How all prains rows fcoIa flutcr salt twliA
cniuiiurd&t fortilUirn -vvrrjtliinv r.-iuirinv
uroad etiuif -"ij ..uaum iir aciv u-iut ui
fttfU-r tliau anj other mitlind. AVI n;i;i
ij BOwltikT If rftvtly t-Vfll. A'ot ttffcte t by idtiJ M
htxvllH not thrown Ufwinls. ftmliul for full
.riin(ou tthT or ln)th Fiiln of uroirou. Ittadlly
''fitLvhM to ntiy waoiior cart without injury an.l
"iimlwhinnrtr thej can lolrhtn Intu lilt
ilnir. KouHWtatT. whoat i-cr Jay. fruit otir-
'liiurililiirKrrtluitiuhi'iidrllU-J Only .irrfrrt
J IlrtiitilriiHiiTiuaJt. im-t amirata atirictiltural
..imilmot in the worM. KtiJoiwJ ami lrcom.
mrmiwl ny Anni'imurai coiicvm ana mt-i larxucni
Ui V 8. Fully warraiitul-itrfiftlyBliiii'lo. Do
not lir imi fitful Hi itii nihcr Hen J nt
oiipi for iu'v fri'f illiwtraUKi catalowim wttli
full lufurnutiou anJ tiuu'lmht of tuitlmonlaM.
rritTii st.. nrs aroixns. iowa.
At Last Midtllcton Docs Some
Sharp FinJiting and Routs
Riel's Redskins
We are Sole Agents for
Extra Family
Tho.s. Williams & Co.'s
Panther Tobacco.
ICimc-CoIoioiI Stories Aliollt Al-
kIiiiii'h lleimlies to I'litili
r.imiisii r.iiiitiints.
Ituilioails lo Ite Unlit ill Iii t lit
Willi I'.IIKlisli lloliej A Ki'.-
l:i It'll I'ioiii ICushin.
Ainei it ins' ;itt lo I'liince A
London Noli It:iniiiiiii
(.enei'iil I'liteiKii rt-.
II.Mil.lsll fill. lilts.
Ilnmc anil forrlun lllplotiilir)' il
London May PJ. A illpalcli from
St. Petershur'arrived last niht. and
Piiiron l)u Staal iininediatelv I. ail an
interview with l-Iitrl (IraviMe. it is
-iirini-cd that l!iis-ia accepts the eon-
vcutiou. $-.V).00(lIIOO roll INDIA-
ICtirl Kiinberlcy secretary for In-
dia announced in the holi-e of lords
yesterday that a plan had been otli-
ciallv sanctioned involvini' an outlay
ot j'.'." 000000 for ra'lwin sand mil-
itary roads liu-luiliiiK a line lo (Juetia.
for the dcfchie of India.
A CIIN.Stll.l HKt'Al.t..
The cabinet is meditating the re.cn 'i
of Sir Kvelyn lluriiig consul-general
at Cairo as' ho is not in aecoid w itli
the government on tho withdrawal of
the ItrllMi troops from the Soudiiu.
The Sue canal iuter-nationuli.i-tiou
scheme proposal to aiipoiut a
coiiiiiiW-iiiii of the power- for the nr-
veillienco ot the eaual has been slib-
inittett to direct negotiations between
the Liirojieiiu cabiuets. Karl (iran-
ville has instructed the Lugli-h dele
gate to the eaual conlercnce to den
that the I an- ciiinniission hail power
lo decide that ipie-tiou.
Coiidie btepliens bearer ol di-
patches from :-ir Peter Luni-deu to
the government says the l'.ritish
conunis-iou started I'orTirpiil direcll)
alter the Peiijdeli buttle reaching the
Parapauii-us' mountains. A terrille
Miow-storm rendered their progre-s
-low and until) cauip-tollotters were
Iti-t. Tlie defeated Afghans retieated
by another route via Maruchak and
llola Murghab. l'eiijdeh valley is a
mo-t fertile oasis and i a lovly
country with splendid pa-turo land-.
In the spiing tiniu llio ground is lit-
erally carpeted with Mower. It
abounds in game and tho Murghab
river abounds in water-fowl w bile
the hill- are Mocked with gaelle an-
telope wild sheep and pigs. The Af-
ghans were always kind and attentive
lo the wants of the coiiiuiissioii anil
did their utuiu-t to providcthem w illi
food and comforts though the ta-k
was it dilliciill one as the comilri -
uninhiibiled. 'I'he parly saw Iheruln-
of nuineroiis ancient towns When
Stephens left the commission all the
members were in good health and
Suakini May III.- Ono tlioiisaiid
natives who had been hostile have
submitted to I'.rilMi aulhiinty and
liavc been ariueil. It is feared how-
ever that the news that the llrlliMi
forces are to be withdrawn will deler
further submissions a- 11 majority of
tho natives con-iilcr that to ever)
Arab who manil'e-ts friendlines-
towanl the ICnglisli occupation death
is inevitable at tint hands ot ()-mn
Dignia a- soon its tho l.ritisli have re-
l.-A.NAII.l'. u.ni .m:is.
Kill Itiii'i'll i s 11 llrnlilillli;.
Winnipeg Mav 1'.'. A Itatouche
ili-natcli of Mav 1J. via Chirks Cross
ing says: llatoiiclie lias iitueu.aiiii uiu
rebels have lied being driven from
their rille-pits and ambush at the
point ol the bayonet. Tho charge
was gallantly made by the grenadiers.
Kiel sent a messenger to lien. Middle-
ton earl v In the day saying: "If you
iiemi-l in tiring upon hoiies contain-
lug our women and children we will
niHs-aero all pri-oners in our lianiU."
Cell Middleton in reply told him to
gather ids women and children into
one liou-e and it would not in- tired
upon l.-ttei Kiel sent an iiu-wer
thanking Miildleton for bib humane
priuniso to savo the women and chil-
dren but afterwards ju-t as a general
attack was being made lie sent (moth-
er messenger tnjiug lie ilid not like
war but unless the troops retired bis
original intention of massitcreing the
prisoners would be adhered to but
thu ines-eiiger came too late as tho
cliargo had ulrenily comnienceil and in
a few ln'MUtcs tlie rebels were scat-
tered and tho pri-oners worn res-
cued. ITI-MS IiWM'IjIK FltONT.
Clark's Crossing Manitoba May M
News Irom tho trout up to Monday
morning is to the ellect that lighting
had been going on up to that time
liatonclio have been burned except
tho church and school-house. Ceueral
Midillelou would not allow this
lo bo shelled us the priests
women and children arc shclterd hern.
'I'he occupants have been nolilieil
however and these buildings will lie
shelled as tlie enemy takes advantage
ofthe protection they itU'ord. 'I'he
government troops have profited by
their experience at I'isli Creek and
do not unnecessarily expose them-
selves and tho casualties nt lla-
toiiche so far have been con-cipienlly
small compared w llhtho-e on former
occa-ioiis. I'p to Monday morning
their loss hail been: I ; miner Phll-lip-.of
"A" battery and priate I..
Moole of the Toronto Oraliadiers
killed and sixteen men wounded
two of the latter aecidenlidlv. The
steamer N'orthcote bad got down
the rher below Itatouche and an at-
tempt was to bo made ye-terday lo
commiiuicalo witli her. Nothing lias
been heard from the front to-day.
ToltoNio i:ci n.ii.
'I'he news of the capture of It.'il-
ollclie created immense CM-ilemeiit
here nnil the special editions of news-
papers were eagerly bought up.
Cleat regret is cpre. ed at the deatli
of Lieut. Y.C. I' itch who was vert
popular among all classes lie was
the son ol.l. C. Pilch of tlie llrm of
Filch A: Davidson wholesale grocers
and was al-o n partner in the linn.
(ii:n. .Miiiiii.ino.s'.s iii:iiiit.
Ottawa May ia. lit the hou-e this
afternoon lion. Mr. Carron read the
following ollleial disialc!i from den
Itatouche May 11 (ia Chirks
cros-ing May P.'. j Hon. A. P. Carou
Ottawa. Have just made a
general attack and carried tlie
whole settlement. The men be-
haved splendly. The rebels
are in full llight. Am sorry to
say 1 have not irot Kiel. While I was
reroniioilerlng this morning Win.
Ashley one ofthe prisoners galloped
up wiih it Hag of truce and handed
me a letter from Kiel saying:
"If you massacre our fain'Mes I sluit
mas-acre tho prisoners. sent
answer that if lie would lint his
women and children in one place and
let me know where it wa- not a shot
should be tiled on them. I then re-
turned to camp and pu-hcil on my
advance parties who were hcaily
lired upon. 1 pre.-ed on until I saw
nit chance and ordered a general ad-
vance. 'I'he men responded nohl)
and were splendidlv led b) their olli-
cers and Col. Straulieiisie. Tlievdiove
the enemy out ol the rille pil- and
forced their way across the plain .imi
M'ied a hou-e. ' We are now nia-ters
of the place and most of my force
w ill bivouac there.
Kight in the heat of action Mr.
Ashli) came back witli another uii--sivn
from Kiel as follows: "Ctneral.
your prompt auswerlomy note shows
that I wa- right in meiitiuning the
cause of humanity. We will gather
our families in one place and a.- soon
a-it is dune wo will lei you know. I
have etc-
Signed Daviu I.'ii.i."
tin the envelope lie had written
as billows: -' I do not like
war and if joii do mil
retie.il and lelu-c an inlcnicw.
'I'he iiic-tioii remains tlie same con-
cerning tlie prisoners.
Our loss uiu airald is heavy bill
not so heavy as might hu expected.
As et I liiul but live killed ami ten
Miiiiu.i.ToN Major (ieneral.
Ire'uS'";; A Sl'l' BaHlM 72 Hoi"s With
Enormous Icebergs and
Vast Ice Fields.
'I'he police intervened to s0. I ftOT 111 Tllr inp
cure silence for the orators xt ben I l IN H f" ll.P
astrugglo ensued lietwcen the inob LUU I 111 MIL lULl
and the police for the possession of
llienioniiiiient. the row lasted nearl)
an hour and then the promoter!) of
the meeting unit t
ly couipelled lo i
crowd singing in triumph "liule
Soon alter the mob bad compelled
the speakers lo leave it surged down
in front of the .National Club which
faces Trafalgar npiare and every
per-ou noticed entering or leaving
the club building was mobbed.
The attitude of the crowd j
was so menacing that the club
doors were closed and iiies-eugers
were tiispalclicu lo Muiiauii yant lor
additional police.
At II o'clock this evening the liolers
were still in lull pos-ession of Trafal-
gar -ipiarc and north Kmhcrlaud ave-
nue was also occupied by the mob
which numbered mail) thousand. 'I'he
police by tills lime bad been largely
reinforced and bad charged a number
of limes upon the nioliaud had made
general in re-Is.
''lie lllg
I ill nt .Ycxv Oi leuns
iulll Clllllil- pin up
rim- itiiii.
. rifitsniii i: fit c in i-uris.
Palis May I.'I. -'I he reduced coin
ofthe itarlholdi statue of l.ibei It Kn-
ligliteiiing tlie World was to-dat lor-
until presenled by Ainer'cau n-i-dints
of the cily lo" the municipality
of Paris. 'I'he ceremony of pieseiita-
tiou and acceptance took place
on the site of Hie Maine
the Place des Ltnls I'ni-. The
Hon. Levi P. Morton ex-f nilctl Stales
miiii-lcr on behalf ot Hie American
donors made (he hpeech of preseiila.
Hon and I hat of acceptance was made
b M. Kane president of the muiiici-
pnl council. Mr. Morion said helioped
the gift would hi Ip perpetuate the
friendship between two nations which
Hie changing events of a ceiiiurt had
already strengthened. A liieakfasl
was given by Mr. Morion in honor of
llartholdi. Among the distinguished
giiesln were M. Itris-on president o1'
tlio council of niiiiiMers; M. Flniupict
president of Hie chamber of deputies;
M. tialilore ininiMcr of marine and
M De Lesseps
Delreycenet assured Mr. Morion
that Hie French governiurnt would
niaho ever) eiiori to liaslen the re-
peal of the decree forbidding Hie im-
portation into France of American
pork ami the re-eslablisliment of a
syMeni of inspection.
Premier Ci ison replying to Morton
thanked the American comiuittee for
gift and dwelt on Hie reciprocal
friendship between Franco and
America which he said like the
llartholdi Miituo I'luiiiimiles and not
uiciiiices Hie world.
Keferring to tlie energy of Ameri-
cans in tin- days of secession Krissnn
am : "lint there is no longer a uue
uon oi war in ine luiiire neaci
liberty and juMico between nations
constitute the great rewind which
these two nations going hand in
hand should reap." lie concluded
by expressing r. grel at Mr. Morion's
A I ) lilcal I:iikII1i .lluli
Loudon Mav 13. -A illlllculty or.-
i .ir red lids iilteinoon between it' mob
and tho pollco for the possession of
mo cison ino..iimcui in jriiliiigar
siiune. About 1000') persons a-seiu-bled
on tlie hijuaro to make demon-
btrallou iigainM tho government
budget proposals to inercitse the du
ties on spirits and bier Tho crowd
A Ijcrmmi i: iollltiit.
llerlin May PI. A conference of
merchant- on Hie propo-cd industrial
exhibition wns held yesterday. The
committee leporlett that Heir Von
Uoctliehcr minister of Ihe interior
haii lavorable received Hie deputation
which called upon him in be'ialf of
the scheme and proir'scd (heni the
goxertiu cut's support 'i'he confer-
ence decided to cniip'iue the move-
ment and send circulars to chambers
of commerce both at home and abroad
soliciting their co-operation.
Krtilllclt) -h 'triple Jltirilcr.
Loudon. Ivy. May III. -News lias
just reached here of tlie killing on
lust Sunday at Pineville Ivy. of .losiah
llasMus. Ids daughter ami Thomas
Kapler liv A. .1. .lohlison. Iliiskliis
his little daughter and N'apicr were
letiirniiiL! from church when .lolni-on
attacked them with a pi-tol and killed
tlie three with two shots. ;xo motive
is a igiietl. .lohlison at last accoiuils
had not been arrested and was ilelV
ing the ollicers.
.Minister l.cn Xliilltiic.
I.'oii-lantinople Mav Hi. -lien. Lew
Wtdlace Ia-I 'nlted States Minister
to the porte has ollicially lendered
liis farewell to the sulta-i and will
leave Constantinople next Friday.
American residents in Hie TurkiMi
capital have presentedthe (!en. With a
eulogistic address
It Hit) llu f;irliit liiit iiciiii.
Vienna May 13 --.Statin whom it
has generally been believed wa-
killed wilh Cordon in Khartoum i-
ai'cording loslateuicnts contained in
htlers received b) some ol his rela-
tives here still alive and is at pre-eut
a prisoner ot 1)1 Mithdi
llitrriiiillonal l.uw it 'l1. nil In .
London May 13 All Hie morning
paper- devote leading articles to tlie
iutc 'national court-tennis match lie-
twcen Pcttit of America and Lambert
of Lnglaiid They all praise the
prowess of Petlit and express tlie
hope thai Ihe best may will
Mmilitiirsfi I ii it I en it II nit
Cairo May 13. Tlie L'gypthm gov-
ernment considers It ab-iiluloly nee-es-ary
lo hold Ihe piovnci) of Don-
gola and the public here are indig-
neiil over Hie declared intention of
Lnglaiid lo withdraw from the Soudan.
A tlotltei's (' inie anil Sniiide
A lllooilx r.loieinenl 'I'll
lliolhers Killed.
Tlie I'tesiileiil litlei x iex ed lix
Hie .11 oi iiiiins - Appoint-
int'iils-Oilier .Yexvs.
Listen to What We Say :
in 'run !:
A M'rnll-r Ilnllls' llllltlc lllh
New York. Mav 13. - Cant. Lord o
Ike steamer Kritic which arrived here
last night from Leith makes tho fol
low ing reiort:
On May lit h at sea in latitude IS
longitude 17 s 1 mill. west we toiind
a solitl wall of packed ice interrupting
our progress and extending as far as
the eve could reach in a West north-
west ami southeast direction. We nf
once decided to look lor a jmssage to
the southward. This we did un-iie-ces-fiilly
all day. As wo advanced In
the south following Hie outward or
east ward course of the ice which at
times extended away to Ihe west-
southwest gradually coming back lo
the eastward and in some cases even
a- lar back as nnrthea-l the ice-
bergs became exceedingly numerous.
Thev weie from -J0t) to MX l feet in
Come One Come All and Save
Big Money.
1. P. STU1B1S & EO.
Slratlon her brother Slratton wa?
stabbed and Clink was Mint both
Ilinc llrollKis Kllli'il.
Payson N. Y. Mhj 13. - llv the ex-
plosion of a boiler ill Ihe works ofthe
Dunkert slave company yoMorilay
(leorge .lames and Thcodoio Itant.
I ivi.r.i L-1II...I ....1 !.... I It. .!...-.
eght and ill the iliniensioiih ol large ciL.u vuro ll.l(lh . h
ishinds. 'Ihe weather now became I
thicX with fog ami it was with the
iitiuo-t dillicultv that we could thread
our way throuuli them. The man on
the lookout no sooner reported one
on the starboard side than he bad to
repeat ids report with one on the
port-bow light ahead etc. Altera
.struggle of sevenly-two hours we
were able to get clear of Ihe ice. in
all my experience at sea I have never
seen or heard ol such immense ij mtii-
titles ol ice ill that Intitule
XI i' are It) in;- i:ni:liiiiii it) IhyJ
suakini May 13. There i-' a fear-
ful timotliil ol siikness iiniiing the
liiitiMi and F.gyplian Hoops heieaud
Ihe sick bays in all the ships are
crowded with patients. Additional
ho-pilals are being erected on shore.
KliKllsli 'l nrl l. I'lils.
Loudon May 13. At the second
dav of Ihe Chester meeting the race
for the Chester cup was won b Mer
ry Prime Lonsdale second Stone
Clink third. There were seven star-
ters. Ci'iilli'iiinli liroruc In l.'crliltili)
Keriin Mnv 13. Hon. lieorge II
Pendleton Cnited Stales minister to
(iei'iuauy has arrived here.
I.OIIllllll SIlM'llS.
Loudon May 13. Con-tils 911
both money and account: s
.1I.X It I. IV -il.VV s Ml I I.X
Yours Truly
since Saturday morning and was com-1 was very uncivil it largo portion of it
inoiicing for tho third day. lion the 1 1 .imitating ot uti clcmenl iu searcli tor
messenger left an entrenched camp : sport. Tlio polico found theiiueive
imd been formed about a quarter of a unalilo to muiutitl-i order and tlio
mile from field where tho army fitays pre-siiro on tlie spcukers and resolu-
tluring tho nigh'. Tlie tents however j tiou readers couipelled tiieni to mount
aro not pitched anil tho men lio in tlio tlie pedestal of tlie Nelson monument
trenches every tilth man Mandlng but when from this eminence Hie
sentry. Tlie cneiiiv lire into the camp speeches were resumed tboy were
at night and there were some narrow rendered Inaudible to the audience by
csiapes. All the buildings about an uproar among Hie roisterers.
Ilciuirliirc of Consul 1 IV. I.iilti;
.'lit) la. silt III.
S.i i'IhI lo On- Kxiiliiiiit'r
Marlln .May 13. Miss Maude Hat-
He grand-daughter nf .Itidgc lialtle
ol your city has been chosen May-
ipieen anil (;ol. frank Chilton uiar-
slinll ol me Hay lor itio ceieiiratloii .
...I.I..1. 1 1.. ........ n.. II... ir.1. I..l
llllllll IS 11 IIILI.I I II IIIU J. 111 lll-l.
Couimissiouer's court is in session
and lias its attention occupied by road
Col. W. W. Lang will leave for his
ollleial pojf at Hamburg in a few
days. .Mrs Lang anil their two
youngest children Cliasso and Willie
w ill ui company him. 'i'he regrets and
good wishes ol a lio-t ot friends go !
witli them.
A much needed rain is now falling
ii'id the crop are looking well.
Mr. David liarton dr. died very
suddenly last Sunday
Our public schools both white e-iil
colored mo now prospering; llnely.
V. L. Pnt"o Miss Kutli will Mr.
Frank l'ati"o are oil' for Hie exposi-
tion ami will attend the general as-
scmiiiy of the Old .School Pronby-
tuiiau church at Houston on their
Tho Marliu (Jeii club will have a
prio ".hoot free-for-all tluring the
May day celebration.
.1. K .lonos United Stales senator
from Arkansas leaves to-night lor
Waco and will bo the gucM. of .1. W.
Taylor of that city.
I he llit; llrill in Mu orliiios.
New Oiloan May 13. 'I'he first of
the crack companies to appear on the
drill ground to-day was the Chicka-
saw nurds who wort-greeted by the
la. 'go crowd present. Their drill was
alino-t perleii with the exception of
some individual errors and in
slacking aims one stack fell
and during Ihe execution ol one
ol tin) ilouhlc-iulfk onlers two men
slipped and Icll but resumed their
places immediately. Thi'lnniM lasted
lift) -live iiiinutes.'nnd they left the
field tun ill great applause.
They wtuti followed by the Hous-
ton Light ; minis who were given a
much lu-artier reception. Their drill
vviisveiv llnely executed and several
portions ofthe programme were per-
liiimeil with more tinisli end activity
than was done by tlio former com-
pany. Tho only noliceable errors
were Hit- lii-lug of distance and the
individual larilinesN on Ihn part of
several ineniliers in tlio manual and
the slipping and falling of one
man who immediately look bis
position again. They went through
the evolution- ol tlie itriii programme
in lifty iniuul'S and alter being
ilrnw.i up in line before the grami
stand left the ground amid tremen-
dous applause. Tlio laiiesville
(iiiaid- who were lo have drilled
next withdrew.
'I'he pool-: ( 'hirkasaw ( i minis V'.V
Houston Light (iiiards I3; Field
I lie Mrlsi it i:iicls Directors;
SI. Louis May 13. --'I'he annual
election of directors' of the St. Louis
mill San Francisco railway was held
here to-day and elected the following
diieclors: I'M ward F. Winslow .le-
sie Seligniaii Lelauil Stanford W. F.
Piilckley .lay (toiild W. L. Frosl
Horace' Porter C. P. Huntington
ISrbo (jrav Kusset Hugo A. S. Hatch
C. W. Rogers. " r. I lavs. Tlie an-
nual report was read 'and showed
good results for tlio last year. Thu
parly lease in a special train for a
(lip over Hie road this afternoon.
The A mcrirnn Ticket Itroker's asso-
ciation held its animal convention at
the Planters house lo-day with a full
attendance. 'I'he report of tlie e.xccu-
live committee read and approved. A
hiiuiiicl will take place to-morrow
The annual report shows: Cross
cari'higs. -M.liCIi'Jii; operatl-ig ex-
penses .ity.'i3.'i77; Improvements and
taxes :1m1M)1; net earnings -'..'itw.--.'1K:
inteicst charge sinking fund
rental etc. lh-.'CU0.'t; HtirpliiH earn-
ings -s.tisj.oiS.
Fotir-lltllis of tlie stork ofthe roatl
was represented at tlie meeting. Tho
earnings of the road in tlio itggregato
fill per m"e were larger Hum iu 1M1.
'I lie I'reslitenl l.-cts llm .tliirllions.
Washington May 13. Congression-
al delegates .Inn t). Cain of I 'lab;
Mr. Ino. W. Taylor son of Hie presi-
dent of the Mormon church and Mr.
John W. Camion sou ol o.x-delegale
Cii'iuun who composed the delega-
tion sent by the Mormon church ot
Hie grievances ol Hie Mormons to
nresenl Ihe protest recently adopted
by a mass meeting of Mm nous
against Hie action of the federal olli-
cers called by appointment at the
executive mansion this morning ami
were received by President Cleveland
iu the library. Mr. Cain read Hie ad-
dresH to (he president who remained
Mantling tluring the interview.
The prexlileuf. listened courteously
and attentively to the address anil
upon its conclusion said: "Well
gentlemen so lar as the causes ot the
1'Mmujid'n law are concerned I had
nothing to do with that but of course
it is my duly lo see that if is enforced
as well as all oilier laws. You are
entitled to a lair consideration and to
have tlio law Impartially administered
as you ask and so far as my appoint-
ments which I shall make are con
cerned I will endeavor to give
men of clutracler who
see that the law is
parliidlv administered. I
soon to bo able to get at these
tors Imi I reiiiiri; a little time."
Tin' president's face broke into a
smile as lie concluded : "I wish you
out there could be like the rest of us."
"All we ask" icjoined Mr. Cain.
"is Hull Ihe laws shall be impartially
"You are entitled lo that" said Ihe
prcsideiil "and as far as I am con
cerned I shall see Hint it is so. I will
give these mailers attention as eaily
as possible.'1
Another delegation then enteieil
ami the Mormons saluted the pie-i-t
it-n t and withdrew.
I'ri'slilrnlliit i ttitliiiii.iH
Washington May 13.- Mr. Ceo. V.
N. Liitlirop leceully appointed min-
ister to Kiissia iitalitieit at Hie de-
partment of slate lo-day.
Tho president lo-day appointed Col
tloliu M. Wilson of tli'ti corps of engi
neers to lie commissioner of public
bilildingH and grounds for Hie Dis
trictof Columbia. Col. Wilson re-
t'evoH Col. A. F. liockwell. Tlie ap-
pointment lakes elicit June 1
Tho president appointed Ferdinand
F. Dufais of Now York to bo United
States consul at Havre.
A iliilliii-t lirrll.li Crime
.lliltlllllt'irMlv t'r I'lircltiisril.
Washington May 13. 'i'he Supts.
ot the United .States mints at San
Francisco New Orleans and Philadel-
phia have been authorized to pur-
ehaso mutilated ami unciirreiit Uni-
ted States silver coin of standard Hue-
ness at 7rt could per 1 roy ounce
weight win n presented Iu sunn of 'j.3
i and upwards.
I IU o Sliiecr. Cruiliilcil.
I Chattanooga Teiin. May 13. A
' disastrous lire occurred at Wartrace
I near this city last night. Tlio lire
! broke out in tlie centre of the busi-
ness portion of Hie town und ten
stores witli their contents were burn-
ed. Two por.ious who were sleeping
in a store are missing ami aro sup
.'miiiii.i:ii li.xi.v i:m ox.
Another Mimiltlilt' ArUliiK lillliio
Ant lei tin) or-- llriilliv XioiliO.
(ialveslon May III. This commu-
nity U Mill wrcMling with the may-
oralty question as notwithstanding
tlio fact that two expensive elections
have been held there are people who
continue lo regard the matter us un-
settled. An interview published iu Hie
News this morning with Alderman
miurwooii eiiairniau oi ino committee
ol the whole of tho city council
caused general surprise. Sherwood
sas he did not from the first consider
thnelecti in May I ttli a legal one
a vacancy being a necessary iiuilill-
citlion lo iiutke an election legal
which qualillcatloii Sherwood snvs
did not exist. According to Cha'ir-iii-iii
Sherwood Hie election of Mav
lllh which resulted iu amaorIty 1'oi'
It. L Fulton off-jo over Atkins will
only lio utilized as n mutter of evi-
dence before Hio city council lo ena-
ble them to determine who was elect-
ed on April (itli. This ingenious
idea was not publicly expressed by
any member ofthe city government
prior to tlio election which has just
been held hence the voters were no.
patently ofthe unanimous' impression
that Monday's struggle was both Hunt
and legal.
Ntiirt'liie linli;! Knluhls nl Honor.
St. Louis May i;l. Tho suprcniu
lodge of the Knight's of Honor met
liere to-day. The Crand secretary's
report was subinilted and shows tfint
there was on the lirstof .ianuarv this
year 'J.00 working lodges iu lids
country with a total membership of
l'Jh.Kin. Since then twentv-fivo new-
lodges have lii-en added ami there has
been a net gain of 1''jiii) members
making a present membership of 131-
HW. Dining Hie year 1H.SI twenty as-
sessme'nts were called which vielded
an aggregate of .f'.70ll.Mil aiid the
number of deaths was 110'J. Tlie
supreme treasurer presented a
llnaiicinl state which show that since
the last annual meeting there lias
been received -ji'.'.lllU.fiOti and that the
disbursement lias been -J-JtilPJO
leaving a balaneo in the widows and
orphans benefit fund of$l I.'ii7.j.
After these reports hud been dis-
posed of Delegate Kusscl! asked that
the pail ofthe report of Iho .supremo
dictator which refers to tho conduct
of the ex-supremo treasurer ISrecken-
rldgu be printed and distributed
tliioiigboul tho rank ami tile of tlio
order. Adjourned to -J p. in. tomorrow.
.tlrxiriiii Itiiiiinrkiiuil small f'liiiuut.
City of Mexico May 13. Thu re-
port current here that the govern-
ment wa? meditating tlie levying of
an extraordinary tax and that this
had prodticetl a ruptitro in the cabi-
net is authoritatively denied it is
hoped that the economical policy en-
tered upon will prove successful.
Tho lack of fractional currency is
severely felt and tho shop keepers
have isMicd scrip and lira-s cheeks
lint the government lias been forced
to prohibit Hie practice ami has an-
nounced that Hie coinage ofsin:il
mo toy will begin immediately. Tho
re issue of nickel money at present is
not probable.
Heading Pa. May 13. Mrs. Hiram posed to have perished. Tlie loss is
I'llllllS.. II'SIIIIIM. 111.111 llllllKlDI h Illlll.
near l.lttitiv took her llvo children to
roin -f 30000 to ! 10000.
Coul .-liners villi Mrlku
St. Louis May It. A cotnmitleo of
a null pond and throwing them into
the stream jumped iu herself and was
ilrniviieiL tntrclhor with the two I miners from Staunton. Illinois nrrtv-
youngest clilldi en. 'I'he others weroicdlu Belleville to-day ami induced
resciictl. mo oitie.i is agcil out io
llin Hint; llriiml' llrevvcrk'.
Chit-non. Mav IH'I'lin birire brow. A Hlooil liliieciiit'llt
nrv nf M. Ilrniid Xr I'n.. i-iiiiL'lit tiro I Cnllcttshllr''. Mav 13. Ill Pike
tliis morning and was ibimiiged to tlio county Kentucky on Monday while I
extent of Sim.MiO lielore the llitiurs Mount Clark was trying to elopo vvitlt I
tlie men iu several of the mines iu
the Belleville district who resumed
work several days ago to quit again
A mass-meeting is to lie held and a
strllio is not improbable.
were extinguished.
Mi-- Slratlon lie cucoiililereil
F. l'u II
Cigarette smokers prefer
necatise inev itoisticK lo
I.cinoiil'. Tmnlilu llmlutl
Chicago May 13. i'he Journal's
special from Lcmont Hi. says: All
the striking qitarrymeu at l.aninnt
went to work lo-tlayaud tlio trottblu
is believed to be ended. Only two com-
panies of troops remain hero and they
will probably return home to-morrow.
Wort! ; rower'. Association.
St. Louis May l:). A meeting of the
cotton exchange to-day nearly com-
pleted arrangements for the recciitioti
ami entertainment of tlio National
Wool-grower's association w liltii
meets hero on tho 'J7th Inst. Tho
hall of the cotton exchange was ten-
dered for the use of the convention.
Many imitators hut no equal has
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
ft 1
J !!
llj t
U: 9

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Waco Daily Examiner. (Waco, Tex), Vol. 18, No. 163, Ed. 1, Thursday, May 14, 1885, newspaper, May 14, 1885; Waco, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth114200/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .

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