The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 251, Ed. 1, Friday, December 9, 1898 Page: 2 of 12

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'VPSi -St.
Mm$m- ".v-u ...f';. Hdlmtl'S FRttM &OTNINC
M.W.H.-.. ..y...-.-......M. .-.. . ..- -' --" -' - --. .w VWV. . . ....- ... . . ..
DECEMBER 9. 1898.
it- u
atlOitilro tut
gSSC!il SVlll tome tip Later.
'Washington December 8. Tho senate.
Wid ;' short scsi'Jon today aiiil thun ad-
JgutjiW until' Monday cttor making .the
Ncaraecan canal bill liyo unfinished busl-
"ness"tefofo that body. (Mr Mrgui called
up the measure thereupon Mr. Pcttlgrew
wovtd to ailjown. This motion failed .13
syrs iiM2 nays and the bill was pi-ought
JorwatU. Acyeutsunsnt was immediately
taken.- "
During ihe. cession '.Mr. Vest stated his
oeocsKJon te tho hurried manner of pass-
ing wnskn bills in- the senate and gave
notice that ho would 'Insist oa a quorum
being present whan pension b"tll3 wore
bc'eag ncttd UDon.
At Vfco opening cf today's session of the
senato 'it was gelded tho mtlouni-
moat t:day bo until Monday next It
was ala determined to. give ono hour ot
'today's session to tho. consideration ot pen-
sion bills.
In connection with the'cotisidorailan cT
bills pu4ho uensfon calendar Mr. VoSt
01101 said: "I do not want to ho cat)lous
ahoul'lthls' jwhsfca business and do not
wont -t set nij'selt ill) as a .reformer but
this thing ot pissluB n Cot of peustan btllc
Blmply by tho reading of the titles ufid
wWn 51 auorum ot thcsenalo Is uol tuu!1-
cnt ittis Eot -to be stopped."
.UtKtr' further referring to tho uvithoia
by which pension bills nro ivuBel by the
ficwlo Mr. Vest Bald; "Men of tho SJUtn
have Wt hero nml pennFltcd tlicie bills to
b passed havitiff eoma delicacy about cn
ttrSiiK objections to tho course ot pronoil-
ure. Ilecent events buve obllteratcJ tot-
tlonallsm and Ave re onus mora United and
nro one country and ono rensury. Wo o.'Jt
ttitToforo oc-mo hero and object Is this
spoliation and I uso tho wxrd ulvU?liy
tt-lthcut fear of having our motlvs jm-
pucae'd or our AVords misconstrued. Wo
arc payl'iis out in round figures $111000
000 annually for pensions .and Jt li itr
iluty to find cut why It 13 that thirty-three
years after tho ctoA ot the civil war ibis
thine of .pension claims showa so enarmo:l3
a. sum. I Siavo boiirt crlttclEttl bv soma ot
my peonlc because I have not talten a more
dote;an!ned Bland on tfsis qucst.on I want
liowevtr to pay munJflccstly and llberaUy
In pensions. I regard uch payment ns a
fart(J duty but 1 do object to che nossa'io
cf Uicso bills without proper proceeding
end with tho same restrictions tluCarn put
utson otbfr mcaMirea."
Mr. Galllngcr (N. 11.) as chairman ol tno
pension committee agreed with Mr. Vest
in his desire to bavo tho pension bills euro
fully considered. Ho thought a quorum ot
tho senate ought to bo la attendance when
ptrslcn calendars were Considered
Daring the consideration of bills on tho
pen .to ementur Mr. Caffcry (La.)-Introduced
this resolution:
"That it is bo sczia ot tho senato or
tie UnltCl States that the president enter
into negotiations with tho government ot
Great Britain for .tho purposo of" abrogating
or xn'odifyla? tbo Clayton-Bulwor treaty
to far and to the extent that tho sum
jxay btj deemed necessary to preveut the
Urvlted States from owning constructing
controlling or operating ;m luleroueaniu
crinal across the- lsthmu ot Darlan."
Tho antl-scalplDg bill pasucd(ycstBrday by
the house was reedlvciF'and nt the jeqii'cst
ot Mr. Cullom chalrmaP'of tho commit-
tee on interstate commerce wan laid on
the table Instead of bolng referred to tbo
committee. A similar bill hail nlroaiy been
reported by tho somilo comurlttoo oa lnter-
EtalO commerce.
A considerable number of peaslott bills
had beon passed beforo tho senators- one
or two nt a time began to leave the cham-
ber. Finally truo to his wnrnlnc. Mr. Vest
raised tho point ot no nuroum Forty-eight .
bonntors rctpomlcil to their names and con
sideration ot tho pension bills was ro-I under tbo law tho volunteers wore outltlod
rumed. At tho expiration of tho 'time ul-j to tliolr discharge tho moment hostilities
lotted to tho consideration ot the pension
calcn-ar twenty-six bllla hid beon pasosO.
At 1:15 p. in. tho sonnto went Into cx-
tcutivo chh1o. At 2:10 resumed busluea
in open session.-
Mr. Morgan called un the Nlcaracua'
canal bill with a view to making it tho
unfinished basinets. Mr. Morgan's motion
to proceed with tho consideration of tho
Nlcarjgua canal bill was then carried and
after' the hill had been laid before Ihs sen.
ate thus becoming tho unfinished bualnciH
iho itiiati- on motion of Mr. Morgan nd-
Jouwi'd nt 2:t'j p. in. until MonJfar.
wklch tho. volunteers ier mustcreii.ttiita
ervie.- )(
SMivfoltne of AiKjhsau iMrfrcd'Wri amend.
'.ment'at It show Id otboi o
d!ecurtlon as to 'the ' advisability ot ntii-
icnng tue volunteers oik. ueiorocno regular
nrmj "was 'intTcatcA Mr Catitoh finally
Accepted tho Mcltao amendment and ttut
ccelViU the w.Jy shaaow of opposition to
tho bill. A ndmbcr ot amendments were
'adopted upon tho recormnaudattoni of th
appropriations couiraltit'C whlxh received
somo tupplemcirfnl cutlmatei after tho bill
-ns prernre'd- Thi Urgent cf tfiero was n'n
Uim of $3KHI0b0 fdf mi cmewjiiey tund
fOrtho waroiparllilclll atol ?6T8O0D for the
ordnniioo depattment increasing the
mount carried by tho bill to fi9S9S92.
llva cbiifcrnica report uiwn'the bill 'to
rcn'ocr the sureties of consuls vice consuls
nul consular agents liable for damages In
ttiiitn nt InW was ndopttd.
Tbo houso adjourned vovcr until Monday
to glvo the commltued nu opportunity to
work without Intorruptloc'
S.r Wilfred LalirJor premier of Canada!
Lord lIc'Rvholl. Sir Louis Davles and Mr.
Jontcs Winter primJcr of Newfoundland
members ot tha high commission occupied
scats in the gaClery of the house today be-
ing tho guoilts' of Mr ninglay the floor
leader of the majority wno is a member
of tho .commission. They scorned greatly
Interested in the proceedings and proce-
dure. Mr. Dlugley pointed out to them tho
celebrities ot tho houso.
On motion ot Ot)u4Mn Cannon ot tho
apprortitltas committee tho bouse went
Into comnJUeo :0f th-i wbclc immediately
iifter His reading of tho lournaU to eon-
sMcr the urgent deficiency bill for tho
Mipiori or tne military nun iiuvaI usUiblisb-
inents dJiUng tho lx months' bcslnnlnsr
January J iwv.
Mn Upderwood (Dcm. Ala;) lnttwogutcd
Mr. Cannon with a "view lo securing u
statement 4'? "to 'tho disposition to bo made
or tno volunteer unity.
Mr. Cannon said tho treaty of pijaco
might bo ratified In Janunrv 'though It
might not bu latlliej for month. No ono
could tell what wa In front ot us. Wo
must deal with n slttaUoii. Tho voluri-
ttvr nraiy might be mustered out and lljj
place raltoii by tho reaulnr army. That
wh a matter fcr-tao future to decide hut
h'o folt confident that the trusury would
be rich enough and congress wlso .enough
to meet .my emerKencv
Mr. Saycrs fDoin. Texas) Ihe ranking
minority member nt tho nnuronrlatlonu
conaulltce gavo Ms unauallflcd. Indort'c-
lueift to tho bill which ho said did not
affect In nuy way tho lexlnlutlon roganllng
tho volunteer or regular nrmv. It simply
miido uppitoprlaitlons to mnuort tho present
military mid naval establishment.
Tho bill was passcil on tha theory that
tho volunteers would contlntto in tho Ber-
vico until July 1. 1SP!I.
I! they were miwtorod out tho nppro-
prhttonrj would bq covered back Into the
(Mr. UVlngslon (Dcm.. tla.) exercised ths
opinion that tho law under which tho vol-
untocra were muaterwl Into servfeo was
BubJ'.-ttt to double conslruflloa as to the
Umb wien they Khoul'i lie miiatcred out
unit ho bolhneil If tho nrjslilcnt was dis-
posed to ltep thu voiuutesrs In ih'i rtcrUeo
Uiifil th-3 regular arniv had been reor-
ganized the bill aporooriatlng money for
tliMp rx'vri'e-nt would stt'wifthon his hands.
Mr. Mcltea (Oem. Ark) gave notice
that at tho jiroper timo hu would offer nn
amendment doclarlDg that nothing In the
pendrtK bill should construe extend or
modify section 1 of tho act ot April 22
croatlng tho voVuntcer nnny. Ho said he
would not have pros:ed this amendment
had it not been for the president's declara-
tion in his mesisago that ho would1 muster
out the voluntoer nrmji as eooo ns the
regular enlistment was Increased. It whs
unjust to tho volunteers to bold them In
tho service wheu congress hnd given Jdio
solcoun pledge that they should bs ram-
tered out as soon as tho war ended Hn
biKloved it wan tho purposa of Iho president
to hold thu volunteers un'll a largo stand-
ing army was provided tor.
"Thu nrmy on' n poaco footing tkumtiers
but 2GuC0" fcilerposert Mr Camion. "Does
tho gentleman find his stdo ot the housu
stnnd ready to support n bill to Increase
that army lo nteet tho necessities of the
govcrnmont In its present cniorgcncy and
thoso which confrpa.t It?"
"Wo will nieot that question whan it
nrlser" replied Mr. Mcltao. "Wo aro op-
posed to n largo stundlng army and wo nro
opposfi! lo holding tho volutitosra to pcr-
to'rm the fluty of regulars nnd bo used ns a
club to torus us to create a Urge standing
army hot rooiganlzatlon of tho army como
la tho regular way."
Mr. Cox (Dmu. Tonn.) contended that
r :K5S?
run iiousi:.
llric"iit n'clloleiu'j- lllll I'lttxril anil
Wnr Ixmiuh ot ltiil"iit.
Wat'hluglon December 8. Tho urgent
deficiency bill to provide for tho tmpport
of the military and navnl cstabllsbmunts
was passed by iho house today practically
without opposition. A fenr had been cx
pressed lhat the rnoasuro might open up a
Prolonged dribato upon the conduct of the
war but tho democratic leader deoldod
lhat ei&h a debate woulil 'properly come
later toon tho regular appropriation bills
or upon tho bill for tho reorganization ot
tho army. Thero vyas not a word ot criticism
of tho war during tho debate
Tho only point .upon vyhlch no Issue was
raised .today was na to whether the bill
providing as it did for the pnsrof. tha voluu-
lecinj uatll July J. 1809 might cot bj con-
mruedns a modlilcatlon o'f tho law under
WOOD'S Coupon
m- 'f8?K!miz2 .wsp;- i
f;. 5iJtvqi- 'tuWdiwaMat nlecs of color'
is ' ponfjt bssu-
Jy patrlotle up (o
r.dito. Subjects
-.WH:'..1MU4v4thU vaar. . tiltSn.ranh
fMriwvrry ua svy .emblfmJ
mmaitM fity .Imyeyout name
Hi'initotnd(dc: hlfai lo" ivo
$.' owrts.ttaaipi'foT:
T H T "T -jJ..':f?lfi - 'iXt. :?."
i'l OrttlMt MeActa ;
W JGBB.Hp y-vjmv' '.r.
tMtWmyCMBuy. V
jl i . r
ceasea. Ho tuipportod tho Mcltao umend
incut as irid Mr. Uland.
Mr. DcArmou'd (Dcm. Mo.) advosatca
tho adaption of the Mcltao nmoadmcut
Tho president ho said could not transfonn
tho voluntccra into unttornnd party men.
It congress in Its wisdom decided other-
wise. Tho wliolo question waa n moro
qulbblo as lo whotlier tho universal tin-
iloraWBJlrix of Iho 300000 men who hud
imitated thdi they should be discharged
when hostilities censed was now to be
trbnudoneu uud iho volmtteers held to do
lillco dttty in different parts of thu world
General dobato ttpou tho bill was then
clostd on Mr. Camion's motion nnd tho bill
was read for amendment under- the ilvu-
tuimiio rule.
Mr. Cannon offered a conunltteo ameivd
ment lor nu emergency fund of $3000000
forjtho wmr depurtmout. Ho tmld It was
ImpDSsIiilllty to forewoe what emorgency
might and probably woild nrlso In the next
six mouths. AM emergency fund of $1-
OeO.OOO was provided for tho navy In tho
bill. Th? Amendment was adopted. '
Mr. Allon (Dun. Miss.) offered an
aiuciVdinent providing that tho money up-
nroprlnled in tSo bill for -the pjyiuent of
tho voltmtcors should not bo available lew
ilivn thivo moivths after tho ratlflcatloa
of a treaty ot peace It was defeated.
On motion of Mr. Canncu bevr.ral com-
mtttco amendmenls were adopted.
Tho nppropritvliwia for tho current ex-
penses 4of the onlnaneo nirvloo wer In-
civascd from jno.OOO to $100000; for tho
imwnifacturo ot motalilo ninmuultlon
luarkuneu'a medals insignia tc from
J200.000 to $400000: for tho purchase and
man Ufa run ru ot ordnatico stores from Stii-
000 to $250000: for' Infantry cavalry and
artillory equipment from $00000 to $130-
t)Q0: nml for thu urknutneturo of nrjns a.t
Watloaaj armoi'le etc.. from $270000 to
$.125000 Tlieao Inorojiies Mr. Caniwn'cx-
nlnlned. had beon recommended by th
iftlet of ordnance
Mr Oannon then accepted tho Mollne
nmondment. Without further (unondment
tho bill waa reported to Iho house and
Tassed without division.
Mr Cannon moved .that when tlioSiouso
adjourn Itl. iintl'. Mocduy next explaining
'thiit tho adjournment would givo tho eoui-
.titlttco on opportunity to work. Tho mo-
tion was agreed to
A' conference report on tho bill relating
In the boi:ds at consul; vlco courulo nnd
fcoiwitlar1 nsonts waa adopted.
At 4:23 o'clock p. w. tho houso adjourned
until Monday
Tko' Alabnuia LctcUlntnro Wlibn to
Unterluln thf I'rmldeut
Wonitgamwy Ala December 8 Both
lioiMes of the lcgimis'luro today niawd thv
.followlnfi reaolutlAn i'nyitln J'resldt Mu-
JBieyto ymtatontonieryt
'Bolva by the wroAte -iihe boue consul
ric'. Tmt Preiidem' MeKlntor. bu nnd h
i Jtby icordtally UviUd la tt'niai or
A gwekl7Hbljr 4 PfJPU of Al.
tjMDA.'to xitd1 Ws visit to'Hwtsonatrj
tW4kt-eiftl;.B4;tc.'b prMtat on De-
cwnbf r I17 tJsp'fltMt ut. or at uch
"""" iwwit'4r( Ivr ronvcuJtiic.J "
Methodist Church 5bnth Wants Only that Which
f Is Rightly Its Due.
(Special Dispatch to Tho Post)
Waahtnirtoni December 8. It wlilba remembered' that durin Jhe lost ses-
sion of Mmjjrcss the Methodl'fst book concern ol Nashville Tcnn ciuducted by
the MetWodtat Eptsconal church South or Itn aconts was granted a war claim of
$288000 ami that a scandal waa created on account at the payment of SIOO.OOO to
an agent oa a coiitaalon for lobbying tbo claim tliTDUgh eucccssfullv Tlio bc-
qmcl to thla scandal and tho ohorgRS mado on the floor of the furcate developed J
in tho Shape of tho following letter from tho .college of bishops ot the Moth- J
odlstohurch' addressed to Vice 1'relderrt Hobart last August and made pub- J
He today: . J
Wewt Nashville. Tcnn.. August 20 189S. My Dear Sir: At a meetlnc of the j
bbthops ot .tho Methodist Kolscopal cbursh. South held In Nashville. Tonn. July J
4 1898 with reference-to the war claim recently granted by the government to J
tho ohuroh they represent the following action was taken by thrtn. ot which
it Is made my duty to clva you s prosldctt ot tha CtB'ito of the Unltsd States
official notlco for rcproftAttitton to that honorable bedy. While referring tho "
JuHlnofiD of our claim. oavment of which has been f.oucht for twcmty-flvo- 2
yeam. wo Irmtst that tho' church can not afford to accept it as a tratulty or on J
condition that rotloct on Its honor. Inasmuch therefore ns rwio senators havo
affirmed on the Jlocr of tho senato that thuy ivero unduly Influenced by state-
moots wWchVero mlsloadlnc on tho part of tho representatives of tho church 2
Htateancnta.- however which did uot.affost tho merits of our claims wo htareby
ghx thin asaUranco: That It tho senate by nfflrmatlvo action declares that
tho passago oLtho bill wus duo to such misleading etuteivrata will tako the
proper steps to haw tho cntlro amount rolurntU to tho government.
2 Robert K. Hargrove
2 Secretary of tho Colloco of D la hop.
Ambassador Mensen's Speech Has Set All
(he Diplomats Agog.
Surgewi General Sternberg lays Part of
the Blame en Secretary Alger.
Purl I'nprr Itcucnl Tliote Portion
AIIuiIIhic o tlie ForelBM PHf
nnd Crltlelsr America.
Kcmnli Xtii-sen Arr Clnaiieit Kst-
Iteiiftlvn I.uaurlP SnrBcjl1"1
Preferrcrt Othcm.
New York December 8. A rtispatca to
tho Urn-aid fiem Rirls aays: Referring to
Sir Edmund J. Monson's speech before thj j
British chamber ot commerce tho biberto
... t . . . . ii
says! "M. Delcasso will certainly not
to charge M. Paul CambJa. who leaves lo-
day to tako poBscaslon ot his nosl in kn
don to aak the Mnraius ot Salisbury It it
WashlnEton. December S. Tbo conduct ot.
tho medical servlco' of tho army was taken
up today by the war investigation cominU-
etan. and Surgeon General Sternberg was
rigidly qpeslloncd about his administratis.
Citizens of Chicago Are Making Threats Against
the Boodlers in the City Hall.
Oh'lcngo December S. It looks vary mu'ch.llko the tflght against the. exten-
sion of street railway franchises may mean serious trouble. iMass mvotings have
been called to jrrotest against tho passage of the street railway franchlso exten-
sion ordinance. Threats of hanging h.tVo 'booa made against bcversd "ging" nl-
dermen. iMayor illarrlson ss1s: 'Ut is not ldlo talk at all and 2 -will .not be surprised to
see aonie hanging dono In tho streets or Chicago. 1 don't mind saying too that
I shull not aeud In a idot oall when it starts."
"What tho 'popular feeling Is may bo gathered from no following advertise-
ment which hus appeared In somo of tho daily papers:
"Wantod Teoi thousand stronf-llmbod fearless men. Atpply at the city
council chamber with ropes on the. night iho aldermen nttompt to pass itho fifty-
year franchise robbery. Como prepared 'to do business."
Jlumora are current of ti plot to destroy the bouse of Alderman Peter BIcwer
In 'tho Tenth -ward of tcr the nuss mootlne ot Friday night In that w-ATd. The po-
Jlco havo heeu warned ot the plot.
Nominally t Jeaat botili Bolltlcal parties aro pledged to the defeat of tho Iy-
imao oncVlnanto as It now e.tauds. Ilopublican Indignation meetings will bo held In
many of 4be .wurds clmultaneeualy with the democratic meetings.
iMcantluio overythlng is being dono iy 'Mir. Harrison and the antl-extensloB
members ot the council to agitate the francliiso question an'd maintain a bitter
fi&it dally and nightly until tho blanket uneasure comes up for pissago In the
ogunolli len who 'are given credit few coal Judgment and deliberate opinions ex-
press itho fen.r tbit it tho railway franchises are passed extending thuTeosc of the
xionyjaules fifty years tho members ot the council voting with the majority. will be
In danger ot peraopal Injury. r-y
Already throat'anlng notices hive been 'received by several alderraetr; aud fears
Iravo been expressed that the crowd present 'wil'l mifko a demonetrs.tlou on the
critical night when the council Is to dicJaTo itself. A prominent West Side al-
derman -who asserts iho Is opposed to tho extension measure sl4 In tho hearing 'of
a large crowd In thn city hall that 50000 persons .would congest the. .vlclnlty'ot
tho pity irll wJien tho ordlnuaces came up for passage.
Badges and 'buttons It Is ai6 will bo circulated tomorrow emblematic ot tho
extension franishlso fight. Among tho devices jjvhiich aro promised Is a minia-
ture bangmttn's rope and a mlnlsture Fedoiu hat sggcstlro ot tho headgear
IMayor Harrison premised to oat should tho extension franohlsos be parsed over
his bead.
iA3 a result of numerous Mucuses every stnspKjcted mombor ot tbo council
will be watched by detectives until tho franchfso fight la over.
IMayor irsnrlson said tonight: "We havo got 'em skinned. Tublic opinion will
iwin as it always does wheu- 'thoroughly aroused"
Tho medical department he said was equip-
ped enly for an army of 23000 men wnon the
war brcke out and from yt-ar to yuir tho
tttlniateS l.o tad suluullted had been matt-
. . . . "' . - .. . .- i.ia.' riniiv rcliirtd bv 111 a pollcv of
is by Ms order that tno hhuh -r cTowm f appwprtattont. As scon as there
in Paris.thtnks himself authoried not onlv j Pvar ho haa pw.
to present tho BrtUsb. foreign mflco..but ratlons IhoUcii tot making nuy Vt
also to direct our foreign policy. JlEd mollcj6 0j chesu made he said. Hid
The Gil Bias aays: ''The menacing tone cqupment dovcl'opod but when he sugKeht-
ot the speech will be noticed. Wo cerululv c t0 secretary Alger tho propriety of mak-
do not wleh to envenom 'the auarrel which ng purchases for this sc-'VIue "tho policy'
Sir Kdm'und Monon appears to seek. Still was to wait." Ho tald thai at onotlmo there
pcrlups wo miay oe permitted to obstfrve Wcro as mnuy as Ii50 contract surgeons m-
that this tone docs not ooincdo with his ployed The arpolntces wero mostly from 30
diplomatic' charge. His ratss.oa Is con- . l0 ycara 0jd witll hospital or actual pro-
aHainrv one. Vcnv well but tne uniisa
amwitoattor Beems to us to outeton uu-
;siaorably tho rishU ho enjoyrt umoag us.
Ho Is the representative of a friendly na-
tion. Wo count upon At. Delcasio's firm-
nosa that tho entire. temBestuous haransua
ot Quoon Victoria's envoy receive tho ouly
sanction it morlts that is to say. tho in
tervention of London so that In the fu-
ture Sir BdmUnd will employ more mcaa-
fesslonal experience but whon pennauoat
camps woro estaollshea in ttiis country no
did not know tney wero to bu permanent. He
eonwuca It wa3 a nilstako not to" havo ap-
pointed contract surgeons Irom those wuo
had oxpciienco in the civil war for their ex-
perience would havo been lnvuluatue. but ho
waa Ignorant at tho outset of tno ptnnanenctf
of tho camps. . .
It had been Impossible for him even to read
the great volumes of reports submitted ow-
5 Wo couUin TL '
cuspcuncra' AM't'SSj
ai . -" ' WOWH
wujto reason or only S3
J-Vp sell cveryth. g!!
M the Clolhit. Vfci
tell B tatcnv!a?a!2ffil
Men's Fine SttiU.Mioj
f -Vr Lvf
will een-h u rVf"S.MR-1
- ' UVCS.i
; Men's ai;i
:$2a45 to;
: iii
.... 1r I fmmii
! i'VII
-nn. m i viw&a
Ured language in lTrnnce. It Id true that ne l0 being overwhelmed with matters re-
Its rolo Is trying to embroil Franco with . cpurlng personal attention. Tbo regimental
America " surgeons ho said wero good bad aud laolf-
The Petit Journal remarks: "While Sir greny Je rtUl no Instance ot dU-
Bdtaund was in this expansive mood hs uBer'euatt0Ymr between
might havo told us what ho thought of the regliiuai'itnl and division hospitals ho Credited
respcutablllty ot a nation whloh. after hav- tho cstalillshmcnt of tho latter to their slic
ing solemnly promised eovorai times iu ccts in two years' cxpeuenco iu too civil war
iraif it I'nrt.iln countuv. cstablishvU Her
self thero without ceremony thus depriv-
ing another nution ot Its Secular rlsrh.a.
which are enhanced by a uisantic under-
taking and also what he thinks of a na-
tion which utter having boasted hypo-
tholleally of Its liberalism and humanltorl-
nnlsm trusts to the right ot migfl't. Ens-
laud In Egypt. America In Uio Philippines.
Thus both receive a treacherous back-handiir."
Tho Temps snvs: "Enclaud preaches thn
policy ot the 'open door' and then wunU to
ehut. it In tho face ot a French school for
the Soudan."
The Dtibats says: "Sir Bdmund Mon-
bon's allusion to tho plu-orlck polity dls-
tutlblng It hints .that whenever Kuglatid
encounters istereats side by side
with her own she declares ebo feels ths
pin prick and generally replies With tho
blow of a bludgeon."
At tho same tlmo tho De.bats disavows
any governmental suonort of tho proposi-
tion to creato French schools at Khar-
toum or Fashoda. "We havo better uso3
for our resources."
The Jour says: "France will ce.ver
forget that these words stilancc from manv
points of vlow wero uttered In Paris by tho
ambassador ot a nowzer with whom wo are
at peace bv a man whese dutv It Is to try
to tMiooUi awuy uitiicuities insueao oi
throwlns oil upon tho fire."
The Patrle aavs: "It Is lmpojslble to
convey a moro commiserative warning In a
more offensive form sir tiamunu .uon-
sxn. ' tho British ambassador dares. In
Paris Itself to threaten us with the wrath
of 1i!b countrymen. This Inneuage recalls
that used by Odr. McKlnlev'3 moutholeefs
last year toward Soaln. Doubtless Sir Ed-
mund 'has been allur'il by tho procedure
of itho new Amerioan diplomacy."
Government will furnish free treatment
and baths to Iho icor nt Hot Spitngs
Sirnlliio.x epidemic' in Bedford Pa
Vcdernl Judgj Scnmai holds Hint fitnto
courts livo no Jurisdiction In bankruptcy
Houso ot Dlshcps ot the Methodist
church South voto to return tho money
voted them by congress if the senato so
Major Carter Harrl"o.i and tho antl-
rallway franchUo cxtcnslonlsts . hnyo
aroused Clileatoans to such a point that
tcodle aldermen aro in danger of their
McCoy and Hhaikcy matched te flbt
In Now York on January 10 next.
The urgency 'deficiency bill passed by
the house without any debate on the war
Senator Vest Introduced a resolution lu
the senate demanding an investigation of
nlliMd corruption in the awarding of
army contracts.
Senator Vest gavo notice that he weuta
oprosa tho passage of penslou bills which
were not letrltlmule.
Cardinal Cllbbnns want3 action taksa In
regard to the Iudlan schools and tho Catb-
ellc church. '
The Pails newjpapcrs state that Fraace
will ask np explanation of Ambassador
Moiikon's speech.
Secretary Chamberlalu In n speech t
Wakctlold plulnly ludlcatcd that the feel-
ing between Franco and lSnglaml is strain-
ed ultnoKt to Hie limit.
A i!ny granted in the Picquart court-
martial. The secret dossier In the Dreyfus case
contains information which could not be
nude public.
rending occupation ot.ltavana by'Araerl
cult troops affairs are in rather chaotlo
The poaco treaty concluded and will be
reedy for signature In a few days.
The Intimation It given out that the
policy of PresldentcKtnliy In to mU the
Surgeon Central BWrabKf iatereaUally
bU'tDfi Strit'ry Alr tor ; shtt-
Tho National Iarm?rs' congress made
several rccomnieudatloiis for nocded legis-
lation which will be sent to congress.
A 'blizzard v Ith fleet and enoy- Is rag-
ing In North Texas.
Further proceedings ot the East Texas
coufrouoe in session at Beaumont.
Heports on SJtato eloomosynary Institu-
tions. Delawuro Indians bavo gono to Mexico
to select a now homo; the white men are
tmwdlng them out ot tho Territory
Charles l)as suicided by injecting mor-
phine Into his veins nt Dolins.
Waco Qrceuvlllo and illiermau wilt be
represented at the State board ot health
meeting at Houston
Whltccnps have ordered negroes to leave
A big party of Missouri lumbermen are
visiting Port Arthur.
Itetlued sugars have beau advanced l-ia.
Ktw Yorlt advanced cpet cotton U. other
luurktts closing uuchauged.
Llveipool cotton futures practically un-
changed Nw York up i) to I) and New Or-
leous T to 10 points.
In slocks -thj market la Inclined to be
buoyant but fluctuations were irregular.
In Chtrago December' wheat is Wl'A
.lower ctrn oate'u. and provisions
:iers. .
Marvelous growth of rsllriads and. rcll
road business during tl.e last quarter
The aiffereuce between the roniutisilon
tariff and tho riles clmtecd on freight
by the fnllroadi li explained by an inter-
national nnd Urtnt Northern oTflelsi.
Tho Banta Fe dlicetois ratify the recent
purcbe of a number of new lines all
cf vblch ore now n part pt Its system.
The Voy of tha eityTs turaed.oTer to the
Tmsjrsvellng men..
The negro Jones who astaulted Justice
.Bovine gets thirteen years In the pcnlUn-
tlary Meeting of the South Texas Medical as.
The flower pared postponed Ull tetUr
on iftctount ot rata
- VJi?.'!" WwiewfalU from a tmtte
Ortcrril a Deadly Insult to n. Cnban
and to the Color" IK- "Wore
'1'nct Averted Trouble.
(Sreclal Cablo Dispatch to The Now "VorU
Herald and Houston Post Copyrighted.
N)S by James Gordon Bennett.)
Havana Dcccmbor S via Key West Fla.
Havana was last night perilously near wit
nessing another of thoso political convul-
At tho outset tho maximum capacity of tha
division hoapltnl was 250 beds out tins ca-
pacity was quickly foitud far Inadequate. Ho
could not recollect whether tho calif sur-
geon of Camp Tnomas hnd reported that tho
sanitation thero was bad. The department
xkw ho said has aiapla evidence that ty-
phoid cases during the war wero larscly mis-
taken for malarial fover until tho eases
reached tho divisional hospitals and that ma-
laria also had Been alsguosed ns typhoid.
General Sternberg's recollection was mat
prior to tho inspection tour which nus made
of tho camps by Secretary Alger Quarter-
master General Ludiugton and himself tha
information In his hands of unsanitary condi
tions at. camp Thomas was lit
said tbat at the tlmo it was practicable to
secure a fairly large number of nurees but
their training took tlmo and he admitted in
wnr times might bo at tho expense ol tho pa-
tltuts. Tho acknowledged the services of vol-
unteer aid associations and said the trained
female nurses wero unsatisfactory though he
hnu received somo reports to the contrary.
AVltuess admitted a real deficiency lu med-
ical Bundles at times. At Santiago the land-
ins was delayed owing to exlRcncies or tut
times and tho railroads fulled to get them
thiongh In tlmo at otlicv points lie contend-
ed however that thero had been very llttlo
lack of medical supplies during tho war trie
Kroat difficulty helni; that surgeons frequent-
ly preferred othee than the "Held supply" and
an unanticipated typhoid fover outbreak had
also considerably taxed the field resources.
Purchases however had been made largely
from hand to mouth due to lack of .storage
facilities aud lack of tlmo for calling tor
There was an animated discussion over a
delay In outflttWg tho John English which
was puichasod May IS. as a hospital ship.
General Sternberg said after her purchase
thero wns a lapse or three weeks during
which timo no work had been done. She sailed
or. tho date of tho battle of Santiago nnd haa
Bho sailed flvo days sooner tho medical sup-
piles at the battleground would have been
ample. Tbo witness refused to say the de-
lay was unnecessary or on whom -tho' rc-
siioiiflblllty should rest.
Surgeon General Sternberg concerning the
relative merits of division and regimental
hespitals. said that while experience had
taught a good deal the theories ot tho do-
rattment us to tho medical administration
wire torn In May.
Aitordtng to the history of the Santiago
movement General Sternberg explained thai
thero bad be an abundanco of modlcal
off'tcrs and bpllcs sent to Santiago and
. J.-u Hubl.0 so far as ho could Judge arose
In their landlnc and distribution. Ho uaio.
vu.iiuuuyuuy nine no couiu ao no more In hit
office than Bond supplies whero he thought
they wero needed and respond promptly tc
requisitions. All this ho declared niost post
tiely had been douo.
ucneral Botvcr Wero
troublco la tho Oalln.S
Eoino talk ot a conkresgioiiil
wuu ..V uiwu in inat'-u
mado by tho .hoin
them said today thuUtiiSil
nmM'Ar .wnnM hn i 1 i".
of North Carolina who .i.
contemplation tome blid'of
u '.;. rri"m3.
ire. Hum .iuiin
rfol. ITn Bm.amli. . '' ..
I hat .a4 r ..l f . '
" jviiuuv 'uiuvunu moDs
raaa Issue ho ahani hj
where the negro must face'eltl
atlon or emigration'. Intlfe'i
nrcsscs rcarot tliat nnr.i
did not deal with tho race'ei
White has prepared no Inrestli
luuons una 'no cxprcsSM.doi
much cart be expected from?;
quiry or intervention.
i:.m; ..::.. t-..v."i". J? any u no
i- v ." ull-ciu-K3 ot nuy or your du-
mentT aD' " 5'Ur K")crlore ' u depart-
.C;S! ..niberg hcltated considerably
SSldn .d; ' certluly net to any apprcci-
slons tho track ot which Is generally tinted J Taddf rnberg
w V.rL i ppryiniiifi at once una
1-1 r i
wiLTc wero ctcnsinnni a nv i.. -! :z
car of lh0 t0PwSS?: hnt'-notnrng1 beyond
with blood.
Cubans nnd Spaniards again found
themselves opposed to each other one
Jubilant at 'the triumph ot his cause tho
rtil.m allttnil A II. 1 lrtlJ11 Ofil f II 1 tl fr llltj A CI ti fit
vi it vi cuiLn nfv tunbvi 11. v.vw. i2t wvwm ui wiuei aver yon
wr.1 vnnnn. tn nnlr knnfls. t.wn ..-irtlf I0f.waJ.F ho wrk of your department?
..':.:':::: : ."r.7." .:"" : '" - ras iuo w. "t .mdouht-
Kiuruu ul vuuu uiuvt utviktuf tuu oibuiu .w --.
commenco tho conflict.
Two or tUrco Cuban
AM 1f f 1lA n...A ..--...... - .
oblllzInrS'l' .u l IS" "W 0"
i officers wero sitting nearly iwuys bo summed in the tWo phrase
In the Cafe inglaterra. Oso ot them woro ting tho troon if if"'.-: "J
Then" said General Beaver "c nro to
i iiidtTj and you tod at all tl ms ihS hcarly
SiJi?iJ.:1J?a will of Uioso over yo'u m
mo worK or yoi
wns tho reply.
...obllizing camps ho " ho twbl 'rouM
ting tho troops remain too lonu- V . ..
tho broad revolutionary campaign hat at . 10""vo to do ono of two things" said
tho sldo of which was tho trf-color the camp underThe rufes1" elrtlUed'nro06
Cubun Inslgna. A Spanish major colonel ot t0urU1r!i"folIiw tno Indl11" wcthod and shift
infantry walked In and going to the Cuban Un nifkorulS which" in&icEed wnfnr1
ordered him to tako off tho Cuban emblem. "a1cna.w? Immunity from typhoid but I
Tho Cuban refused wkorcupor the Span- mTn In th'jIicTd. bCl" fcJlowea tl
lard snatched Uls hat from his head passed stefuberff UnM riflUiU ifor lhe ""P'es General
his worl tbrouEh It. ilunff It on the trround oiiimoniiin viV . m.?.'la0 fPceo rec-
and JurapeM on it. at tho same timo slapping I irrj.ris!0Wr!uv?stl?allns t3" niclhids if the
tho Cuban in tho face. ! ba.Vbt KU? aJ"r2SS "-Rf.'HKS? .?-L' .'
great excitement followed ! ifrionfK.en n1ef.' General aurnbsrg said
parated the Spanish officer. . &voinbsStHSn?.ewlt ra11" "i
who was apparently Intoxicated from tho
a report. Tnm'hin.. ..... ..t
. . . unI..k.... .. 'JVfc ui lt'nuim miren. r ...".-" -
Several men separated tho Spanish officer Pensive luxuries.'
it saiu the iv
requlcltlnna imu.
and other thin-s . halrs
crowd surrounding him aud he was got out
of tbo bulW;tig.
He ran over to his squad of thirty men
drawn up lu line in Central park and ad-
dressed them In an Jnipasslc&ed speech; he
raid that a Spanish officer had been In-
sulted tbst night led that tbo Insult could
only be wiped out with blood. Tha Spanish
officer gave them the order to load arms
and fire on the mass ot people. The soldiers
refuted and laughed in his face.
Tho news spread over tho town ot tho
deadly insult to the Cuban officer ami the
Cubans 'became furious. Armed with re-
volvers they gathered from nil parts
tbrcatcnlEtf doadly revenge Bloodshed
seemed almost inevitable but both Spauttu
and Cuban authorities aclcU with prudcuco
and restraint.- Tho major was arrested for
court martini.
Cur a us Ctii'Utl .D..
Corpus ChrEili Texas December xTh
Urge three-masted whooner Caroline
PranH Ford captain arrived at this port
vwterday from Berwick Lo whh nbom
C0.0it feet of lumber consigned to P-n
3ldbury. i u l0 '" D
Mr. A Q. neynoldi of Bagla Uke haa
boin app.)!ntd it of UeT.'aaM. Pi
ttatlway company at this point vice w A
Poling re.'lnt. unci eatered ueon Wu
the Wetern' district of Texas at ConSi
iTbrlstl bv Judge My orMhS Co-P
couw vtt T :. Wells rca'gucd.
'10 Sa.U thn Wfl. AnnK .
TPnnlni.."". ": -TunJirepi was cettlna
and o w ..'3 f.Ji.urcau3. WWitg chairs
Senate tommUtCuuttoorlnK Hill
ror lliclr ioverniiiii
...uIUKira December .-Tbe senut
(Offlmltteo oa foreign i-elatlons .held a'mc.t-
ng today to consider the bill reported by
tho Hawaiian commission for the govern-
ment of the .Hawaiian Ulands. The bill
was ooIy considered in a very general way
he commits deoldtog to pou3n the all
Ull work upon it fer n week. This deols-
on was reaped .becauso tho full report of
commutes rc prc-ou T Sar ? iet
Ings od explained many esael feali i"
No cpposlttan dAvlnnS-J"V4?ealurc?-
ilat.rMOiutI?? or twtoa ot thqMexl-
Xet Likely UatAStr Coasresatoaal
tnve.tJUom in Be Orderc.
vasblBitoa- Dcwnber 8-rThe' Nortb
and South Carolina irierober of congress
ayiio plnn JiaS' been rnt'mgiritc.i yct"a. to
eongrmiflenal avjieu m Hie rewjut race
- t.'f;-
Washliagton. December (!hk9
IVI03 of Texas sentenced' to''n
Wary for six jvara for SbStli
pardooed by tho president. Ann
wa3 only a boy wliien wiaTlctel'j
low vnitx consumption. .iK?
AwtlnK upon Colonel llccker1?
'mondatlen iwork i'3 now bung:
iVllh tho greatest rapidity oa
t'lned .to be one of the lire
docks lu Cuba to hoilocatsd;
bay from Havana. Asfar'aSTw
Cubans ane to bo employed to It s
W most gratifying imp
be&Wh of -Oho troop3 staikrae4''j(i
.-onto nico is cxnioitea oy.tMl
Uho irar dfiparitmcnt by Uw'.mi
fflr.Vl lldMB
Cardinal Gibbons In beWtijst.1
and 'Uhio archbishODi of the CatWtol
In 'America has 'submitt(iis'i
concresi ask.og that the' oa
oonitract scho'ol system bti't
tAat oonerrss ei;ain go over the.)
Ject of Indiaai education... f0$M
Tine senate ttodav confinneliel
nominiatians: Powell Clajtbo' k'i
to toe amUissador ft) IMexljal
general to be major gesnK
SJonW Trn.fa4 CfMhM AmVjf
Wod.' United States vWtintesiil
Tho stinaJtc la executive';!
ratified the treiitv for the
troo- iter 'th completion tf;
boundary for one year. .TlieTej
ii.t.- .ciMII Bnralaf.l
Wost Superior. Wis...DeosfflljJ
flro department 4i unable to
dook flro which began TUwf-JI
hn. I.nn noL'nA ftWM $?f. IVlllr B
has now reached a't leas'HWJ
tnnf mnm urn n hlllV bUITlW."
dtiiro robullJlng. Oaly onYiMMM
of is four carried into tne
tailing coal yeo.eix.oj.
n..n Trains Br
(Special DUnatehto WB
.Trln riiarl'iu. Ija.. ucceuw"'
ii tdM itiiia iHrnoen'fli'ft '
barn on dhouplquo bajtw la'llfj
.... ...irlcli WSS CB"
r.. nn-BialpJtfrittseversl-B)
and hawwss and oonslderMeJ
hay wtireWeslroyed. Hlfi2f5
at J1000: no insurance w""Jfi$i
not ROOft.l. . -!A
......... ii.p noreH
m-... TinvmheT' .t'Tmi
dence ot Mel Mllt03f a fW-5J
northwestern part cf the tomfi
with the furniture ond the
hold efi'eets were O''"-".
he hnd ibis family awaying""
. . ...I. ltl.'
irintnn. Tiexos. December t-pf.-.m
oy tiro tn:s "'."' riBiast-l
tedar. S1000; a-J iWrZSM
llllu.l Stng:ilr "- tt.aj
narllott. Tcxaa PecemW
Websfor living seven """VTs
h. i.i .1 boras last .W;S
staggers: also says "?&
nihhnriuul havo dloa a.T-
woeks of. tl'" "imn VVK0gir
' .-. ..'j'ij'
And scientific 'realmen 4
Dr. Hathaway & Co.. "'e ' 1
They wish to tinpw '.rr tc
fact ibst all diseases pecuMj
men should only be AUtk
physicians and I "u"Seebll 1
SUCH UlHWt - -..1(7P
or v"jt
' Hi7J
llo8 '?
lm. olmoltl. PllW. XKZT1
eases of women.' CMs
Antonio ;iex-. ""hi-niss.
tending for symptom r
No. 5 for nvnwii. M LMt
i for V-tUrrh M'?du
dbvvo dWvtfiW'.by it
ess a
jtfiJ- '"V
Jk.MuJklMMJM.-. 'jn'a

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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 251, Ed. 1, Friday, December 9, 1898, newspaper, December 9, 1898; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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