Palo Pinto County Star. (Palo Pinto, Tex.), Vol. 41, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, June 1, 1917 Page: 1 of 4
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iTABLiaaei jine 22, i»7».
Furniture, Stoves, Pianos, Sewing Machines and Floor Coverings J
Two—Big Stores—2 2—Large Stocks—2 2—Phone—106 or 182 •
We are anxious to have you cal) in person, but if you cannot come, call 106 or 182, and your wants will be J
attended to. Our Motto—“Live and Let Live.” “S. & H.” Green Stamps Given Each Cash •
Purchaser. Either Phone—106 or 182. Mineral Wells, Texas *
•* * - - tJ a.' O 9C®t- ®Cr®rr®'tT®ir®*®*®tt®i*#a#f «*®Cr® '•» ®*®y^-.5®C®*®-.A®i'r®v'-®->®*
Try our Savings Department. Your money
in it is well worth its full face value plus four per
cent interest compounded quarterly.
Send us your deposits by mail. It may be a fact
that they are small, but one dollar entitles you to
a pass book and gives you an interest account.
| Write us.
♦ Strawn, Texas.
i ___ •
Homance and Fiction.
Wlion n very rich naau marries a very
pom- girl. that's roinauce. When a very
rich girl mim'lwi a ver poor man.
that’s fiction.—Gal veston News.
S. J. STUART, President. ED S. BRlfTON. Vice Pres, and
J. S. CROUCH, Vice President. • Chairman of the Board,
W. L. STEPHEN, Cashier.
Moot trouble like u mri and cheer-
fully endure what you can't cure.
An Illusion.
Touch your forehead ’• i t h the fore
Enter. Keep the latter motionless and
slowly rotate your bead uud you will
have an irresistible sensation that it
is the Unger Up that Is moving and
uot the head.
Overcoming evil w, h good Is
the only way to over ,ome it at
all. In our own hear*} and lives
and in tho world the only way to
rrt rifc! of *what is f ;u*ty is to
G' ppl. nt it with something bet-
tt r.
| Cndoavoririt,' In appraise ail pro:,city
at actual cash value, as is arcotding
I to the law.
j A. I'arsons, ninetv two years nil, a
residendof Parker county since 1851,
| died lit Weatherford lie wits a t un
federate veteran
Charles K Inglisfi. editor ,>f the
Bonham Daily Eav8rit<\ has i.eert
elected secretary of the Hoard of
Trade of that city^
I , F. M Sellers, for sixteen years tax
1 assessor of Limestone county, sudden-
i ly expired at Pel-eoti lie had lately
moved from Groesberk
Cliff Emerson, a McKinney Inisi-
| ness man, died suddenly He was a
|. prominent Episcopalian, thirty-second
| degree Mason, Shriner and Elk
| W. M Hickman, who lives at. Mono,
: Johnson countv, moved a small cottage
■ to Il-.e sih' of the old home an 1 wiF re
side there uniiI lie can relmilii.
Among articles sto ■ n from
■ 1 reman.iod by
>|>,‘a 1 s
Mineral Wells Sanitarium
Nature Outdistanced.
Judge—The prisoner clalni3 that he
tooled his horu before he ran over you.
Complainant (touch damaged)—Maybe
he dJ0, your honor, but what good 19
tltaf when a car Is traveling faster than
sound ?— Exchange.
Got It So.
Miss Black—I’m disgusted with my
dressmaker. My new costume doesn't
flt a little bit!
Miss White—Well. J heard you tell
her you wanted- it “awful bad.”—St
Louis Republic.
Specialists on Chronic
and Nervous Diseases.
Most Up to Date Institution in the
IfXAS Tilts
county, cardial si.r,.:
First State hank of Tell, ( u,bites
County caul! ill stock fh' r a SI. fl u. V i peer
chartered iiotb banks have adopt.,*,
the guaranty plan
lurorigh an oversight tic, -,a.,iry oi
l *h'‘ leant patio mm i-t In tl,. • depart
I '’er,! ,,f agriruit ire u i v hot -t| tl,8K
| per annum in the departmental ap
j propriation bill, though the now sal-
j hTy law raised him to $2, Ion
| (.use of |., ][ Tayior, from llexai
j '’"ur.!v convich-d of the killing of
Eugene ilurl.e-.Mn, con-in ,»f Postina-f
J ter (jCuerui Burleson uni given five
I yi'jtrs, w,is r»*u»T'u?ii m>,
the court <>f f*rif:iinn 1 rij
Mrs Hettie Houck, widow of the late,
’ H plain 1* i Houck un.j forty v-ears
a resident, of Sherman, died at tha
city aged eighty - seven years Hei
father, the late Oliver Tune of Nev
York. Iiuilt the Brooklyn hod go
Governor Ferguson grant.- ! a'hirty
days' respite to Juan Marta arid Uo-
(Undo 1 lonado, Mermans to hav-- !,eett
hanged Ht \ u st in May 25 forth,
der of Eugene Smith, a leading Trav-
is county farmer, Over a,year ago
Sherman business men who have
t.eep on an automobile trip through
Gray sup county "tu'e there will be h
he a v v v ir,d of wheat and oa's I^>s-
cottoti than usual has been planted,
but the first seed put m the grouri i
Fifteen million husfiels of wheat it
a conservative estimate of Texas' pro
duction this year, according to .1 X,
Beasley Amarillo, president of ihr
Texas Grain Dealers’ association,
1 but ...... in tin mi a I convention In Gal
VIS', l;
deno.e of G. 11, Ennison of Dallas I to hum
Consultation free.
21 years in
Lumber, Sash, Doors,
Everything in the bulldingline.
A Full Line of Mixed Paints.
It Helps!
There can be no doubt
as to the merit of Cardui,
the woman’s tonic, in
the treatment of many
troubles peculiar to
women. The thousands
Of women who have been
helpediby Cardui in the
past 40 years, is conclu-
sive proof that it is a
good medicine for women
who suffer. It should
help you, toO.
The Woman’s Tonic El
Mrs. N. E. Varner, of
Hixson, Tena., writes:
“1 was passing through
the .. . My back and
sides were terrible, and
my suffering Indescriba-
ble. I canTtell just how
and where 1 hurt, about
all over. I think ... 1
began Cardui, add my
pains srew less and less,
until iwas curejd.
bly strong
64 years of age.
Number of Events Msd« Mention of
In Few Word* and Bo Presented
as to Be e Summery of What Hoe
Ooourred In the Recent Past.
- Snyder has a charity league
P. J. Beyette Is tho city manager of
Bowie has purchased a chemical auto
fire truck
Five more markets have been opened
In Dallas
Ten dipping vats are in operation iD
Dallas county
Morris county, reports an increase
in food crop acreage
The Wills Point Gin comany is a
now $8,0X1 corporation.
Gns Boss, fifty years old. drowned
in a Bulk notir Abilene.
Gorman voted a $10,000 bond issue
to pave the two main streets.
The Midland railway is 'to use tlm
Texas and Pacific, depot at Paris
Iy>a Humble Oil company of Hous
ton. capital stock $40,000. has filed its
Bv 1,039 to 410 the $750,OCX} good
roads bond proposition won in Wicti
ita county
From a trunk in the store at Dallas
of W. F,.iSmith 185 m buffalo nickles
were stolen
Tho Johnson County Agricultural
Fair association will soon lie organ
ized at Cleburno*
flat and wheat yield in tho Nevada
section of Toll in county Is the largest
for several years.
FArt Bond Telephone company of
Rosenborg has tteen chartered f'api
tal stock is $30,1)00.
The first porson .in Sherman to sub-
scribe for a lil>erty bond was Kruil
Benzll. of German descent
O. L. Slaton, was elected presldon
of the Lubbock Chamber*of Commerce
and M- T. Jacobs re-elected'secretary
Republic Bo* Company., line.) ol
Texas, place of businestr HVftiston. has
increased Its capital stock from $25,
OOO^o •50,000. r
Scurry county com mi ssiooer? an
) i.
e ■
s wei'i’
two frying pans, men and women's
hose, a fur bat and a fur mat
A permit to do business in the state
lias been granted to the Worthington
company (Inc ) of Richmond, Va El
Peso Vs Texas headues rters.
Mrs. James R Moore, one of Cam-
eron’s oldest women, is dead Shf
was born In Geneva. Ala.. inl841 and
had resided at Cameron since lsfifi.
To stimulate navy enlistments at
Paducah. W T. Richards, a wealthy
citizen, has offered each boy of tha'
Cottle county city accepted u bonus oi
fifty dollars.
Surrediler of permit to do business
in Texas lias been filed bv the Trinity
Savings Investment Corporation <>: j barred, but curd play
Delaware, which had its state office at j j. ,„„n th„ ;un
Approximately 3,2iV acres of
mucli of which is in corn.
added to I )allas county ’s crop area bv
the completion of Trinity river lev-
ee d strict No. 1
Frank J. Wiel, aged forty-five, res
ident of Waco thirty-three years and
conneeteil with Sanger Bros., died a
New York following a surgical .opera-
tion. Interment was at that city.
George E. Kessler, the city planning
and park expert, is replanning Sher-
man's parks. He says that city ha1
more ground for park purposes thar
mapy places several times her si/e.
In a proclamation Governor Fergu
son urges Texans to observe June 5,
registration day. He declares the or
casinn Will not only be eventful to th«
young men who are required to regis
ter. but “the events transpiring upoi
that day will leave an indellihle im
press upon the history of nations."
Charles L. Sauer, gran-1 scribe >v j
the grand encampment of the Inde j
pendent O rder of ' >dd Fellows, died a'
his home in San Antonio. He hold the!
office since |K9fi
Sunday was observed a! the Metho
'list church at Petty, l.amarcounty,as
“overal-ls and rook aprons day." A
number of men and blue jumpors and
some women plain blouse drosXes and
cook ajirops
E, P Hiplev, president of the Santt
Fe Railway company, was elected thi
head of the Beaumont. Wharf anr
Terminal company. Tho corporation
owns the terminal railroad along thi
water front
A hoys’ home, two stories and base-
ment and fireproof, will 1m» added to
tne Masonic home, three miles cast oi
Fort Worth ti will cost $125,000 and
will be the second fireproof structure
on the campus
First State hank of Munday, Knot
the same pm-io 1 ,the p,,:
There was increase of lo !*’
for the eorre
.....■I' vrnmen' v-i-vs--: ; are
-l Texas, as fi i] i - - w , 1L ,-.i s
ton. 12 to 15.. Mornan. I.a 'in Tex.a-
diStrict 1 25: Li ai v.-^n-r:. 12 to 15 Cor
Arthur. 4; Beaumont, Into 12. T'-xa-
Gilv. 3 to 4 !!•• >n t> ti-a ' ;-t r' -t-
f o r I h e 11 i s! r, c t
v Preston Perry, a negro, wit-? shot in
the .i.a'k a a :.,.Grc .. I
af close range and killed m-at Irving.
Dallas county Ollie Brewer, tenth
er in-law..was arrested. Perry Is al
legetl to have attucked Hnener tfie
previous dtiv.
An order issued bv Br'cadie-- G -n
eral James Packer prohibits 'lie ji-ss
session in quarters <>f soldiers re- the
sale within the line's o' Fort Sam
Houston or <'amp W.’-on of r,:mi-
rating liquor <!•>> tec' am
r- j.
15>x a s
| railroads fo- ;he nine months ending
land, | March 31. lllll. was $2 32",2!G an in
has beer : e"eu se ,. >, i.i pit ivnt ci"n;-iuel w i t n
ns vrar
pci cent
pond i rig i"-' lod of Ftp.
in ev penses.
\\ . T-* Allen, presiden' of the Arncr
lean National bank of Term'., made
the largest individual spot cotton -ah
known on the New Orleans mark'd, ft
was a deal of ! 1.2'X) bales ami $1.50",-
Dili) changed hands ('otton represent
ed holdings of late M < ' I 'mnipler.
former president, of the Choctaw <'ot
ton Oil company of Tend!.
Mrs Ida M AIderdice,wife of State
Senator .1 M A iderd ice ui -d af
the family homo in Waxahachie. Shn
was forty snen years old and suv
toined a stroke of paralysis March 31,
i lingering fifty five Jao, most ,,f thy
i time uneon»c ous. Owing to his w ife’s
! condition Senatoi A -bodice was ex
! cuseri from attendance on the recent
j extra session of the legislature
| Trooper Jeff T.ewm was fatallv sfu.t,
soon dying, and Troopet John 17 Bar-
ret! seriously vv-ounded when vvqh two
other cavairvmen. thev ignored the
challenge of a sentry at Camp Stew-
art, near FI Paso They were in an
automobile, which was hulled riddled.
Sentries are under orders to shoot
when challenges are ignored. Thev
rushed by the guardhouse and guards
on duty fired also.
Approximately 200 liquor license re-
newals are being issued by Coruptr ol
ler Terrell daily. Of the 2.400 liquor
licenses in the state it .is estimated
.bat 2,4iX) of them expire between May
and July 15. Of the 3.248 licensed
saloons in the state 1,744 are liquor
and 1,505 mait dispensers Texas has4
sixty-six wet counties. Harris county
leads with s3" saloons} Bear second,'
with 411; El Paso, witth 248; Galves-'
ton, with &J8; Dallas, with '200; T*i£'
rant, with 186, and Travis, with lOf'
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Son, J. C. Palo Pinto County Star. (Palo Pinto, Tex.), Vol. 41, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, June 1, 1917, newspaper, June 1, 1917; ( accessed December 11, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Boyce Ditto Public Library.