Fannin County Folks & Facts Page: 238
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vember 22, 1886 and died August 17, 1974 in Dallas, mar-
ried December 29, 1907 Clarence Earl Sebastian.
The grandchildren of John Ellis Lackey and Thaney Cath-
erine Hulsey were: the children of Edward Malone Lackey
were: Verne Lackey Cooper and Aubyn Lackey Chamberlain
Lewellen who live in Honey Grove; the children of Hattie Re-
bekah Lackey Atkinson were: Oliver Hersell Atkinson (born
December 17, 1896, Ladonia and died in action World War I
October 30, 1918); Ima Viola Atkinson Calkins (born Janu-
ary 13, 1899 and died November 29, 1972, a resident of
Childress); and Charles Doyle Atkinson (born April 20, 1906
and died December 24, 1928); the children of Mittie Pearl
Lackey Wicks were: Nodie Ula Wicks Johnson Jaynes (born
April 9, 1904 and died in 1969, Amarillo); Joyce Rhama
Wicks Delaney Kelley of Amarillo; and Thaney Elizabeth
Wicks Long of Childress; the children of Mallie Ethel Lackey
Sebastian, who all live in the Dallas area, are: Alma Fay Se-
bastian Newman, Ferney Lackey Sebastian, Ansel Lee Sebas-
tian, Mary Catherine Sebastian Dodd, Clarence Earl Sebas-
tian, Jr., Buddy Joe Sebastian and Jack Ellis Sebastian.
There are 24 great-grandchildren, five of whom are now
deceased. BY JACK M. CALKINSr
John Ellis Lackey age six with his father Noble Riley Lackey age 28.
Photo made in 1856 in Alabama
Samuel K. Smalley, son of George Washington and Jem-
ima Susan Carden Smalley, married Cynthia B. Crisp Sep-
tember 2, 1888. Samuel's parents had come to Texas from
Tennessee in the early 1880's and reared 14 children.
Samuel and Cynthia had ten children; George married
Anna Collins, Sam married Velma Daniel, Clint married Alice
Ray, Belle Elizabeth married Hugh L. Lackey, Maye married
Wallace Crelia, Hubert, Lucille, Pauline and Kermit.
Belle Elizabeth married Hugh L. Lackey December 28,
1915. Hugh had come to Savage as principal of the school
and the couple devoted themselves to school teaching in a
number of Texas schools.
With the cooperation of her brother H. F., her sister and
brother-in-law Wallace and Maye Smalley Crelia, her cousin,
Mrs. Lynn Flowers and her good friends, Marietta Crelia and
Walter Collins, Mrs. Smalley has been able to record for pos-
terity the names and locations, with maps and other docu-
ments, of those wonderful citizens of the Savage community
who lived there almost a century the years 1870-1957. Also
included in her recordings is an insight into the lives of the
people who made up the community during those years.
From church rolls, school records, drawings and labor union
records Mrs. Lackey has recalled the history of a small com-
munity now completely gone, only the crossroad remains.
238She expresses her pride in her heritage with these words
from Lord MacAulay: "A people which takes no pride in the
noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve
anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote
Hugh Lackey died a few years ago and Mrs. Lackey is in a
nursing home in Brady. Her only daughter, Eugenia Eliza-
beth Ward, lives in Devine. BY TOM HYMER
James Newton Lane was the son of Robert Holmes Lane
and Rebecca McFarland Lane. James married Nancy Daniel
Locke. They had six sons and one daughter. The daughter,
Lily, was a fine artist and was later an art teacher. The six
sons were all color blind. This was discovered when one of
the sons was sent to gather tomatoes and brought in as
many green tomatoes as red ones. The sons were Jone,
James, Charles Trimble, Sam McKee, David C. and George.
Charles Trimble Lane was a direct descendent of Dr. Dan-
iel Rowlett. He was married to Lalla Price on February 22,
1903. They had nine children. The children were John New-
ton, Charles Carlton, Nannie Maye, Rachael Rosecrans, Mar-
tha Kennedy, David Henry, Claire Linda and Mary Joyce. The
youngest child, Leah Betty, died when she was three years
Martha Kennedy Lane was married to Jack Richardson on
March 6, 1937. Their daughter is Jean Rowlett Richardson.
John Andrew Lanius, M.D. was born December 4, 1872 in
Leeville, Wilson County, Tennessee to Philip C. Lanius and
Mary Wallace Lanius. His family originally came from Nor-
mandy, France in about 1704 to Henrico County, Virginia,
settling on land on the north side of the James River at Fenc-
ourt, Virginia. Lanius was born in a log cabin in Leeville, Ten-
nessee and received his education there. In 1894 he came
on horseback from Leeville, Tennessee to Fannin County
where he met Laura Roxie McMurry of Blossom. They were
married in Gober in 1894. From 1894 to 1897 Lanius oper-
ated a grocery store in Gober and taught school. In 1898 he
and Mrs. Lanius went to St. Louis where he attended St.
Louis Medical School from 1898 to 1900. They then went to
Atlanta, Georgia where he graduated in medicine from Geor-
gia Medical College in 1901.
From 1901 to 1905 Dr. Lanius practiced medicine in Sa-
voy; his office being at the old Inzer Drug Store. During this
period of time he attended Tulane Medical School for post-
graduate courses. In 1905 Dr. and Mrs. Lanius bought a
home at 300 West 6th Street in Bonham and his first office
in Bonham was over the Bridge Drug Store on the south side
of the square. Since 1900 he was a member of the Allen
Memorial Hospital staff. Dr. Lanius also served as county
health officer for 20 years during which time the county
home and new county jail were erected.
Laura Roxie McMurry and John Andrew Lanius married in
1894 in the home of Hobby Biggerstaff in Gober. Her home
was in Lamar County. Mrs. Lanius was a faithful wife and
mother and a great helpmate to the doctor. In their home pa-
tient care was first. They both served the people of Fannin
County in a most unselfish way. Midnight rides in a buggy
and early cars, to the river bottom to deliver babies and
house calls to support the sick and dying was routine in
those bygone days. In those times the "bedside manner"
was all the doctor had to offer. Dr. Lanius practiced the art of
medicine in those days as the science of medicine was very
limited. How happy they both would be if they could see
modern medicine and surgery as it is practiced today; he
and the other doctors of Fannin County left an indelible im-
print on the history of the county.
John W. was born in Bonham June 22, 1915 to Laura and
John Andrew Lanius. He graduated from Bonham High
School in 1932, received his pre-med degree from the Uni-
versity of Texas and his medical degree from Baylor Univer-A
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Bonham Public Library. Fannin County Folks & Facts, book, 1977; Bonham, Texas. ( accessed October 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Fannin County Historical Commission.